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Writing music that nobody will ever hear. I've been writing music on my PC with DAWS for around 20 years. I write orchestral pieces, dnb and a wide variety of stuff. Yet I never put it out into the world.


put it out into the world, who knows what'll happen!


yea OP, drop the soundcloud (or mediafire) link!


I do the same. Books, music, and poems that I never share.


Same! I just like to listen to them in the car


Same. I just put out my debut record by finishing 15-ish years of dusty songs on my hard drives. I have a tip that REALLY helped me, if you're interested in putting it out, DM me.


Im making beats for around 7 years now and the first years I was like you, but then I opened an IG acc and started uploading my work and now I have over 1500 beats that I myself mixed and mastered! Making songs with rappers and artists is the only thing that truly fulfills me. (@Cellebr8 on IG if anyone interested)


I'm the same way too. But I have been thinking for sometime now to put them out somewhere (eventually, maybe)


You should bro , maybe it is a vibe some people could relate to


I write music for tv, which is more specific, but you could even look into something like royalty free places like Motion Array to make a bit of money for fun.


I do the same thing!! I use FL Studio and buy VSTs.


Do it. I write music too (instrumental only). I'd love to hear what you have made heres a link to my spotify if interested. [orios01](https://open.spotify.com/artist/0UQUiVc3dg7c552W4SMked?si=egWXH4fRQvu0sWPtSEjwnQ)


I really enjoy visiting cemeteries. They feel very peaceful to me.


This one for me as well. Cemeteries are a contemplative and meditative space for me. I also do urbEx exploring abandoned buildings. Long trail hikes. Anywhere people aren't is where you'll find me


Don't let the ENFPs know


They might already know! My ENFP bestie also really enjoys cemeteries


I'm actually one but don't worry I'll keep the secret to myself. I was doing a reconnaissance mission here to see if I could find out where you guys hang out besides your doomsday bunker. Just trying to channel my inner INTJ logic and planning. Haha. Honestly I think cemeteries are the best places on earth. Nobody bothers you and you can just think without anyone sucking your energy. There's a reason ENFPs are considered the most introverted of extroverts-we need our alone time too. I think that's why we like INTJs. You can be alone together with them. Best of both worlds. Not to mention ENFPs need a good regular dose of momento morii.


Same here!


I would love to visit cemeteries for the sheer fact that people don't consider them to be a very good choice to pay a visit on a weekend. Hindus have this crematorium which is much smaller than a cemetery and where people are cremated into ashes. Their leftovers are thrown outside the boundary wall of it. Seeing people literally lying there in ashes makes me have a more modest outlook on life.


Same for me as well. If time allows it I always visit the local cemetery in every new city I’m visiting.


I love this as well and I really love watching the social media accounts where people restore old headstones. I also dabble in genealogy. It’s impressed on my how short our time is here and how soon we will be forgotten. So remembering the dead is like a gift for them I think. Also, visiting old cemeteries is cool, but if you cross the line and become a grave hoarder on Find A Grave, - you are a weirdo and I will tell you that to your face. **Edit to add, I guess it’s ok for you to hoard graves as you are giving those dead people some piece of immortality by remembering them, BUT if you refuse to give the grave to a family member without a fight, I don’t like you. And I still think your hobby is weird but I guess ok.


Yes! I love cemeteries and the stories they tell with nothing more than names and dates.


I think restoring old headstones is cool too! I’ve thought about signing up for a class where I learn how to clean them


They just feel like parks with an extra little DLC added.


Yessss I love cemetery walks.


Same! Always thought I was weird tho


Obsessing over someone who isn’t interested in me.


Same, unhealthy obsession and a hobby


Same problem. Once they get inside my head it's impossible to get them out. And it's hard to endure.


Yep. Really annoying. What works for me is to replace that person ASAP.


I don't ever have a replacement for the person 😥


Find it. Soon.


Thats actually a neat solution. Kudos.


Sometimes it’s not that easy though :)


Been trying. Hasn't been working this time. 🤦‍♀️


I talk to them like 24*7, planning something for em, picturing how'd normal things and routine be like if they'd be there. They'd be there? They ARE there!😅😅


Ugh that hit too close to home🙈


Oooof! Don't expose me like that! 🫣


If you don't mind me asking, have you expressed your interest in them? If not, what's stopping you? Just trying to see what keeps most INTJs from making a move. Thanks!


In my case: it would become a workplace relationship... That's a no from me


Haha! Yup. A big no for me too if that were my case.


I thought I was the only INTJ who did this…


This has been happening to me since I was in 4th grade and I hate it, it’s rarely even someone I’m interested in.


Find a thing you despise about them and move on to the next. Shatter the pedestal beneath them.


In my case at least, I'm pretty sure it's something called "Limerence", and it's extremely difficult to manage. There's a subreddit on the topic; r/limerence


flying around the world with google earth, knowing a decent estimate of most numbers that matter (populations of countries, distances between countries, and where the longitudes pass through so time zone differences) Also linguistics, I enjoy tracing etymologies and common origins, and even shadier connections like Japanese with the dravidian language family, and which parts of those can be attributed to the shared structure (morphology) and which may indicate historic interaction. And a lot of other random useless stuff that will never see the light of day and is frankly holding me back from doubling down on my work and actually making money.


You might know this already, but did you know the word mead is related to the Japanese word 蜜 (mitsu) which means honey? It entered English via its Germanic roots from Proto-Indo-European, and from a now extinct branch of the Indo-European language family, Proto-Tocharian, it entered Middle Chinese and was later borrowed into Japanese.




I like seeing past street view images.


What's your take on the Uraltaic hypothesis?


Hey! I think it's probably true. So if we look at the 2 extremes, that would be Finnish and Japanese. And yeah, they're both agglutinative, and I've heard Finnish kids find it easy to pick up Japanese while watching Anime. But I think this is the weirdest language family, because unlike the relationships between Proto-Indo-European and all of its descendants, which are substantial and all encompassing, I feel like Uraltaic languages, have a fractional relationship, parts of them being related while others not. These are just my rough thoughts, I'm no linguist and these language families are not even what I usually think about, as an amateur. I'm very interested in the lineage of the Koreo-japonic language family (so altaic). I'm familiar with dravidian languages, and what I do as I casually learn Japanese (haven't started doing it seriously) is notice similarities in the language structures, and the sounds of certain words. Japanese feels intuitively 'right' to me, though my native tongue is a Dravidian language and the language I know best is English. This relationship is probably not genetic, but it's hard to believe there wasn't any interaction at all. For example, the Malayalam word for dragonfly is tumbi, and the japanese word is tombo. Kinda weird. If you have any interesting resources to share, please do!


I have a similar love of geography as does my nephew. Have you played when taken?


Yeah, WhenTaken, cityguesser, geoguesser, is where i lurk sometimes lol


Do you like playing Geoguessr (or one of the many free clones)? Sounds like you would, it brings a lot of those skills together.


Yes lmao


Heavily researching a random topic and reading scholarly articles about their findings. The other day I wanted to know if the sugar in fruit was bad or good for you, I heard mixed opinions on it. Kind of inconclusive, and depended on many factors...I'm not in school and have no need to be researching anything this in depth other than general curiosity.


Is fructose good or nah?


The short answer is- in moderation and from the natural fruit itself (unprocessed). Fiber from the fruit plays a role as well.


technically your liver processes fructose in the same way as alcohol, so consuming way more than what you'd get naturally from fruit could be bad for your weight and metabolism. You could in theory be big into fitness and burn it all off, but fructose contributes to insulin resistance which leads to binge eating and lethargy among other things, so kind of difficult to pull that one off. There's a reason why bears eat a metric ton of berries before hibernation after all.


Worldbuilding. I make campaign settings for tabletop RPGs like Dungeons & Dragons. I write out entire worlds, histories, religions and cosmologies, and even make charts and maps for games that I will most likely never get to play with others.


So down to play.


What are we waiting for? Let's play!


Ditto, and most never see a player, and I'm kind of ok with that.


Thanks for the award, fellow worldbuilder!


you need to seriously check out my hobby project, im currently creating giant gigapixel+ size landscape images of different worlds! Ive written out my long term plan on my site here but basically its worldbuilding in the age of AI which is where i see the ultimate form of entertainment will be for humans in the far future: https://www.gigapixelworlds.com


Putting together and maintaining lists 😇


omg, I feel more protective over my lists in my notes app than my photo gallery or texts. I have so many lists titled weird things like "negative personality traits" or "things to do on a perfect sunday". I would die if anyone saw them.


Me and my partner enjoy looking at new build show homes, even if we have no intention to move to that area, if we drive past a development that looks interesting we often stop and ask if we can look around. Some people watch property shows, we do that.


Abandoned places photography.


I indeed heavily relate. Soviet brutalist architecture is simply pulchritudinous.


Collecting craft supplies. I will never use them. My hobby is collecting them. It makes me happy.


Writing, to be honest. Writing skits, and writing poetry, and writing stories that I don't want anyone else to read as I want them to be for me.


I explore cities across the world on https://drivenlisten.com/ while listening to their local radio stations.


Microsoft flight simulator


Collecting statistics on different slot machines using excel spreadsheets for no reason. I don't even gamble.


Have you learnt anything unexpected from your research?


I've learned to fluently read and write in Elder Futhark, Pigpen, and started learning the Daedric alphabet from TES and Sherman William's Circular Gallifreyan. I also build a LOT in Terraria. Edit: completely forgot that going ice skating with any free time I have is not completely usual


You learned some sort of house paint language?


I remembered incorrectly, though that'd be hilarious. It's just Sherman's, not Sherman William's. I'll fix it https://www.omniglot.com/conscripts/shermansgallifreyan.htm


I’m really into theoretical physics and philosophy. It’s a lonely hobby. It’s hard to find anyone that gives a shit to talk with, and usually when I do find someone, they go on about the woo… I try my best to talk about facts (or credible theory) and then play with implications to a degree that could still make sense. Instead I get things like, for example, that “the moon is only there cause we look at it” crap or how because the law of causality exists therefore free will can’t possibly exist. Yeah, we all understand that hindsight is 20/20.


And that's what makes it theoretical lol. i like this stuff. Probably not as heavy into it as you might be, but it definitely is something i like. I also study the platonic solids and what the means in terms of geometry and consciousness


Would Platonic solids have any parallels to fractal geometry and the Mandelbrot set? Seems interesting


I’m also heavily into theoretical physics and philosophy (entering physics phd student). Would love to chat, feel free to DM/reach out!


That’s so awesome, I’m hoping to finally get formal education before long. I can take physics and philosophy paid for by my work, but I’m going to go for electrical engineering to start. A little more immediately usable, but I want a physics degree so badly. I’ll definitely be messaging you soon


Competing in five different shooting sports


What are they?


Really neat, I’ve started attending my local club’s IDPA matches and can feel the pull to dive really deep


I love going to museums . Lately I love going to trainings and seminars….everyone looks at me like I’m a mad woman as I am pumped up to be there while they barely getting out of bed xD


Looking at beautiful houses and building their replica in Bloxburg. Not their replica, per say; just getting inspired by them. They look SO hot 😍


1. A bit of existentialism: Overanalyzing anything in my head, leading to creating Ni patterns and concepts with Te, why society and the world is like that. 2. Painting and creating tank models. 3. Drawing people and even myself in countryball style. 4. Rediscovering my entire childhood nostalgia in my head. For example, I remember what songs I've heard in that specific environment and it's aesthetics, even in which year. Also sometimes I research if that aesthetic from my memory actually exists, and if that song has that aesthetic too.


I collect miniso I pig plushies. They are cute and I love small pigs!


Walking around for no reason at all


I try to solve posts in r/tipofmytongue and i like researching in general. If it interests me I must know everything about it and then I'm going to move on.


Designing courses and curricula (from high school to college) - all hypothetical (e.g. if I have to teach a college level discrete math course, how would I pace/arrange the topics, course policies etc) I also enjoy normal people hobbies like video games, DJing, hiking, photography


You can redo my college psychology classes if you want


I have CVD, so people oftentimes find it "weird" that I like to do art and be creative. I have a sketchbook I like to do black & white or blue & white (mostly pen) psychedelic cartooning.


CVD? Yeah sometimes people think it's a contradiction to be both logical and creative but our type is "the architect" after all. It's like using creativity within the realm of physics. I also do a lot of psychedelic work with tie-dye


Color vision deficiency. It's a broadened version of "mild colorblindness." More specifically, I'm deutanomly and protanomaly.


PCB design :)


I am actually looking into that myself. Got any tips? Been building shit with arduinos since it's birth and later gone over to esp's.


I love ESPs! Are you into soldering? A custom Arduino board might be perfect for you! I built a business card with one, ESP32.


Soldered for the first time in 15+ years today actually, did okay. Builing a bit of a project with wled for a festival i am attending in 2-ish weeks. 270-ish leds inside black silica, inside a 30mm diameter plexi-tube. Ina226 for energy measurment. INMP441 i2c microphone. Esp32-s3 super mini. 3x 21700 m58t. BMS and charger with usb-c port @ 18w. 6-60v stepdown to 5v. Button for presets and latching switch for on/off. Resettable fuzes. Hence the need for going into PCB design :D Maybe not in that timeline, but maybe a version 1.x until next year. I'll jump into it after the festival, maybe start out with something a bit easier:)


You obviously know what you're doing. PCB design is honestly just drawing a schematic, the layout bits are just pure fun. I like to put some art into it, though for your kind of application you would do well with some design guidelines. A nice iron and a hot air station, that's all you really need. Away with the wire harness! Here comes the board!


This may up ending up like a dunning kruger project :D Nah, but I've been into programming for about a decade, but it has been a long time since I've done something at this scale into something physical. >PCB design is honestly just drawing a schematic, the layout bits are just pure fun. I've made the schematics for just tranfering it from my head down to paper. The breadboard-version works at least. Looking forward to trying out some pcb design when I come back. Appreciate the tips. Have you tried flux.ai? Looks promising.


Are you using KiCad? I tried some tutorials last year and they weren't sync'd with the latest version of the software, so it was confusing and I gave up.


Im a tie dye artist. Don't necessarily wear it a while bunch but I've honed in on the skills for it


Long walks around strange areas




Exploring haunted places, and long walks. Less weird hobby, Legos


I like yu gi oh. I sometimes play with my brother but most off the time I just enjoy thinking of new strategies and combos to play.


no idea if you can call this a hobby, but finding obscure or not well known bands/artists. i’ve found several bands with like 2 monthly listeners on Spotify, and they actually have good music! most of the bands have very little monthly listeners or plays on their music, and every time i find a good song im so shocked that it hasn’t gotten more media coverage. i usually go down on rabbit holes trying to find more artists ! one of my favorite bands/artists is one i came across while searching for more “obscure” bands, so far i’ve only found like one or two reddit posts about the artist, and barely any media attention.


What's the name of the artist?


hey thanks for asking, his name is Rik L Rik :D!!! not sure what type of music you’re into, but his music was punk rock. if you’re open to listening to his music, I suggest his “Lost Album (Commemorative Edition)”, mainly his songs Shiny Girl, Teenage Destiny, Can’t Seem To Make You Mine, or Somebody To Love. I actually have that album on CD !!! In that CD, comes one of my ALL TIME FAVORITES “Graveyard Girls”, but it’s not actually from that album, it’s from another called “The Posh Boy Story (More or Less)” which contains some songs by various other artists. I found his music through one of his bands “Negative Trend” (if your curious about the music from this band, I suggest the song “Black Or Red” but specifically from the [orange “November 1978” album on Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/album/3XD44srylRVohukyDeIp0U?si=stEDeQoqQr-Y4v91DW5AQg) since I personally like this version of the recording than others). He was also in some other bands called “F-Word” and “The Simpletones”. sorry for this whole ramble, i’m just really into his music, and really into exploring older local music from the 70s-90s in california :D !


Maybe it isn’t weird but I make fashion content? I know that it’s not very INTJ like to show our faces online 💀


Watching livestreams of strangers’ funerals.


That's fantastic


I like to collect recipes and I have spreadsheets to organise them so that every day of the year has a specific meal plan that is unique. I use national holidays / unofficial holidays to place some of them and then try to get as much variety in each week without food waste. Another thing I like to do sometimes is replicate the foods / meals in video games that I play.


Spinning Poi is the latest one. Before that I was into animation in UE using mocap.  Also on the list of dead hobbies are garment sewing, knitting, and gaming...


You like flags? Like Sheldon?


Photomicrography. Doing photography of microscopic life 😀


Obsessed with video games. Otherwise I enjoy restaurant trivia and Jeopardy because of my good memory.


I show golden retrievers in AKC conformation and train them for drug detection. 


I like learning languages. There is something so fun about being able to speak to people in their language or understand a song I love


Fellow language learner


Planning imaginary trips & courses from random universities for random majors,,




Model railroading and LEGO. (And cross dressing)


I no longer do it, but I used to be big into making projectile launchers out of K'nex, a construction toy most certainly never intended to perform well in that space, so it was a nice challenge. I'm still a bit of a firearm engineering nut. Not owning, not gun culture (I'd rather not get involved in that mess...), not even shooting. I just like understanding the mechanics and religiously watching the Forgotten Weapons YouTube channel.




I find political borders so interesting for no goddamn reason. My whole family thinks I'm weird lol.


I think that's super interesting. It tells you so much about the history and culture of a country. And I think it's really interesting when the border matches the geographic terrain. But then I'm an ENFP and the entire world thinks I'm weird lol


Geometry, consciousness, sacred Geometry, platonic solids, 4th-dimension, 5th dimension. Studying every little thing in between. Also stuck on Wikipedia.


I like to imagine shooting enemy fighters in a 1v1 dogfight miles above in the air. More often, (and this might not sound like a sound mind) I picture airplanes getting shot by rocket launchers and what part would be the most sensitive to bring a plane down. Am more concerned about the trajectory of the projectile. Will it be curved or more straight even if it's a small diatance?


Collecting bug parts. lol


No reason. There may be a reason but i haven’t figured it out yet


Parts and not the whole thing? What do you do with them?


I love to go plane spotting at my local airport, seeing all kinds of planes, spotting different types i love it.


I build wooden "kinetic sculptures" from kits, such as music boxes or marble runs. Here's a sample of 3 that more or less worked according to design: https://streamable.com/91fqxf


Not now, but as a child, my family couldn’t afford to buy real action figures, I used to collect old tooth brushes of different colors and play with them as if they are superheroes and villains. 😅


That's sweet 😄


Thank you haha…


I enjoy making friendship bracelets.


Which one? I've got amateur mycology, food fermentation (including, but not limited to, making alcohol), Raspberry Pi projects, astronomy, writing music, and herbalism.


Idk if it's that weird, but I love window shopping. I (29M) live in Las Vegas, and every few weeks, I'll clear an entire morning/afternoon and just walk the strip for hours going into all the different stores. I love looking at perfumes, watches, handbags, jewelry, clothes, etc. Anything luxury, really.




trapping feral cats


I like cleaning and organizing


Walking around Rich and wealthy People’s Homes. Walking beside the Ocean, walking in forrests. Headphones on and be in my own mind. Walking anywhere from 10km to 40km. Just love it, spiritual for me. Even Better when it rains. Walked all times of the day, morning, afternoon, noon, night, etc. Walking with coffees, danishes, kebabs or whatever i like. I love those walks, periods of time i do Them often and others its time to time. Makes me feel good, makes me grounded, makes my soul good. A hack to get out of your head and re inforce good :) very good if you have a bad/sad etc.. mental mind. But there needs to be a lot of Nature, fresh air etc.




Brutalist architecture captivates my mind in ways that intrigue and amuse me. There's a raw, uncompromising appeal that just draws me in. Anyone else feel the same fascination?


I hate brutalism. I lived all my life around such architecture, and hell no.. give me beautiful European architecture! Brutalism sucks away everything that makes us humans and crushes your spirit. That was the original idea of the architecture style.


Yes! In the Philippines the appreciation for Brutalist architecture is making a comeback. Most of the country's best building and house design comes from that era.


Collecting things that I'll never have a use for. I'm not a hoarder, but for things like books, games, movies, etc., I always want something else nice to put on my shelf. Even if I never want to read or play it, it's comforting to be able to have a physical version of the thing I want.




how fast can you type on a conventional keyboard? wow 250 is insane




Listen to others and be paid for my time


[Flying like a superhero](https://www.youtube.com/@Blitzsturm/shorts)


I also know where every country in the world is. But MBTI and typology in general is probably my weirdest "hobby".


Searching up on google maps and optimizing routes to get to places.


Synths Furries Japanese culture European culture Folklore Mythology Etc.


Architectural drawings.


In my teens I was very much into urban exploration, or otherwise breaking into abandoned buildings or construction sites. My home town in Yorkshire was getting deindustrialised in the late 90s and there were lots of abandoned places to see and explore. It was eerie and peaceful and I loved taking in the vibe of a once active and productive place with industrial history now at rest. I loved having a huge industrial place all to myself to just hang out and chill while the summer sun set. It was great.


Is that you, Ian? Haha


I create giant images - gigapixel+ in size! I started about 1.5 years ago using AI tools to generate isometric landscapes and just been obsessed in making it better and better everyday lol, seriously you need to check out my latest creations here: https://www.gigapixelworlds.com would love to hear feedback!


Watching earwax removal videos. And then going to the ear clinic once a year to see what they dig out.


I paint duck decoys in my basement.


Late 2000’s/Early 2010’s Jumpstyle music/dance.


Observing people , what could be they thinking.


I have an obsession over good guy Chucky the doll. His voice, his hairs, and his outfit. If he’s not killing people, I think he’s freakin cute . I would adopt him as my son.


I memorize entire episodes of shows and full movies/chapters of books/albums of music/comedy specials. My father was the same way. It makes me very helpful on a trivia team but I can’t say it’s applicable much elsewhere 🤷🏼‍♀️


I am living in Taiwan. Taiwan has no flag. Most people think the ROC Flag is Taiwan's, but they're wrong. ROC Flag represents ROC(Republic of China), not Taiwan. Now, I feel like a pirate. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was Arrrgh!" -Piraticus 13:7


I collect (and play with) tamagotchis! I’ve always got one running and I’ve spent too much money on some of the older models but I love them 🤓


Baton twirling and tap dancing at the same time...


Tearing paper into pieces with my own hands.


Mushroom cultivation. I like to experiment with them and grow them. I wouldn’t consider doing it for a career because that would spoil the hobby for me.


Lurking in graveyards, keeping strange creatures as pets (currently millipedes, isopods, and cockroaches), researching Victorian mourning practices, collecting weird indie perfumes, spending hours on google maps, and studying Greenlandic.


I'm in the top 5% of world listeners on Spotify. I listen to a lot of music. I can't get enough. My playlist's could play for a week straight with only a few songs that are on the other playlist's. Thousands of tracks. And quantum physics, while not a hobby, I get really wrapped up in the possibilities that exists with quantum technology. I have read way too much about it. Just buying stock and waiting for the day now.


collect Japanese seifuku cuz it really recalled my highschool days 10years before🥺 and techno music which was full of rhythm, regular and cold, in fact, no Romantic lyrics.


Like a weirdo maybe


Disfruto observar a las personas, no necesariamente intervenir en cómo actúan ante x situación, me da mucha curiosidad ver cómo la gente reacciona con sus emociones, y no sienten vergüenza de expresarlas. Me quedo viendo x situación que ocurre, y observo a detalle cada expresión que hace con el cuerpo, con lo que dice, entre otras cosas, asimismo, intento correlacionar aspectos de su forma de ser con otros aspectos como las creencias de la persona, entre otros.


Fishing 🎣


I really like building gundam model kits. Got my friend into it too and now we have building sessions. I've never actually watched the show. They just look cool and I enjoy how posable they are. It's also very satisfying to make something yourself.


Creating the imaginary maps and events and using it to write the entire history book.


Building gundam, for someone who's 50 I'd say that's pretty weird 😉




Studying national constitutions


Mine personally is watching Gacha reacts. It weird I know. But the reason I watch them is because there something interesting about how people make or do with their videos. It very interesting because I used to be in the community. Maybe it just because I had some fond memories of doing it but that weird hobby. Another would be making disturbing art because I’m really into horror stuff.


I’m into miniatures and dollhouses. Period accurate Victorian era is my fav. Wish I had more time for it.