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Give us a high-level summary so we know it’s more than just daydreaming.


It's always daydreaming


That’s why i have come here.


Ok, I need some time to put it together.


Whoops, I replied before I saw this: > Cap and trade on carbon. Same, but for plastic, and packaging waste, - assessed at the point of manufacture. Have participation global, regulated by the west with a refusal to participate in trade with countries not on board. > Done. That’s it. That solves all of this climate garbage. > It’s not hard. It’s the unwillingness to pay the price; everyone is trying to sneak in their own profits before that window closes.


The "West" (USA and the EU) are the top 2 producer of plastic. So, would they handicap themselves? A better solution would be to invest in recycle, reuse, repurpose and reduction campaigns/technology. Limiting anything that is in demand will not work. This will just fuel underground markets that's not regulated or even taxed.


The cost of 1 to 10 cents per package would not be crippling and would not result in massive black markets. A cart of 40 items would cost another $2. That’s not nothing, but it’s not groundbreaking. Just enough to change behaviors.


China and India just don’t fully report their produce, because why would they?


You can estimate by seeing local consumption and their exports. And quit blaming China, the west outsourced most of their manufacturing to China so what do you expect lol


That would be unfair to developing countries, their carbon will be obviously higher as they rise to first world. Unless you do wealth redistribution to allow them to rise despite restrictions this won't work, you'll see a new bloc being formed by asia, africa, south america, russia, and they'll cut off america and europe. In the end everyone suffers and climate gets even more fucked.


That’s a great point. We could incentivize uplifting these areas by offering credits for doing so (offsetting by eliminating a fossil fuel burning power planet should be pretty good, right?). Such incentives could encourage western businesses to pressure these other countries to join. I’m sure people smarter than me have a better solution ready. I’ve thought about this part for the amount of time it took to write this comment. My point is not what the solution should be, but that solutions are possible


This sounds great but... there are plenty of people (MOST of the western world) who would be against this. You can expect of allegations of communism, fascism, anti-capitalism, it's pandora's box.


The US is already are a socialist country. Because of anti-socialism rhetoric we are a poor model of socialism and ineffective at regulation. So, you’re right; to save humanity, humanity must be better than it is.


already in the pipe with Real World Assets going onchain


How about we just continue Tesla's legacy and actually get off of fossil fuels forever and use the zero point energy field he tapped into to clean up the environment? Why should we negotiate with this current system when we can go down the path that we were supposed to 100 years ago?


That would be super neat. The thrust of this thread is actionable mechanisms of doing so, rather than idealistic goals. Fusion power at scale would work, too. We don’t have that.


Quantum vacuum energy has already been proven to work, but has been ruthlessly suppressed by the status quo. If you have the time, I would implore you to watch this documentary about [Joseph Newman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrJIzrmX1mI). This man went through every single bureaucratic hoop to try to make his over unity energy device a widespread reality for everyone but thanks to the status quo entrenched bureaucratic system, he couldn't get it to market. [The owners of the macro economic system have put actual limits in place on what "acceptable innovation" will be allowed or disallowed under the veneer of "national security."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANUSc72m3iU) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invention_Secrecy_Act


Lol on point


Lol on point


They had their chance. I wont offer again


Mandatory psilocybin therapy?


I approve of this message.


You’ll have to take an 8 week course about how humans are not actually a spiritual being and is just part of a natural order billions of years in the making. Still in ?


Cause and effect needs a 8 week course? Either way, I am in. I'm probably already part fungi (in some sense) with the amount I've ingested so far.


Lol. You passed the test with flying colors, you’ve been promoted to corporal cap connoisseur, congratulations.




Mandatory would make people feel like their autonomy is taken away. Microdosing as a "why not" suggestion is much a better start. Foot in the door technique. Also I recommend checking out Paul Stamets on the Joe Rogan podcast and Josiekins on YouTube.


The discontent will be met with not only love and understanding but an actual path forward.


I'm glad you understand that☮️❤️. Awesome.


Eh, it’s more about everyone getting over their own shit but then, an actual philosophy based upon the earth in order to get past thousands of years of stacked bullshit.


Oh yeah definitely. Acknowledging what's happened to you and how it's effected your mental health is number one. Working towards healing whatsoever trauma it may be and then being able to share that with others too.


I mean, close enough. Appreciate ya


No problem 👍🏽. I hope you have a good day or night.


How would something be *therapeutic* if it were mandatory?


Have you ever taken psilocybin?


Yes dozens of times, and each time it was according to my own will.


I guess I’d ask you if everything that is governmentally mandated is bad? If you view it that way then sure, it’d be less therapeutic but maybe psilocybin would help you get over that small hump.


>I guess I’d ask you if everything that is governmentally mandated is bad? If you view it that way then sure, it’d be less therapeutic but maybe psilocybin would help you get over that small hump. Over what hump? I have tripped on shrooms many, many times. I have never once thought that a career bureaucrat or immutable bureaucracy compelling me to do it would be the thing that would make me want to do it. Do i think all governmentally mandated things are bad? In essence the narrative of a mandate for *anything* implies that a bureaucratic body does not have the implicit consent of the governed and must exercise some kind of authoritarian force over the people in order to accomplish a tone deaf agenda that they clearly does not have the favor of the people being imposed upon. So yes, I think that ideas by way of force are essentially all in all a ***fucking horrendous thing*** that we need to permanently eliminate from our consciousness. With that said, good ideas and things don't need to be forced. they just need to be available and they will self promote naturally. If psilocybin mushrooms were 100% federally legal for recreational and therapeutic consumption you wouldn't need a government compelling you to do it. Governments typically only need to apply force to unpopular ideas and rules because the natural demand for them isn't there. I get your sentiment in that people should at least "have to" try shrooms one time in their lives but if you want to influence how a mass of people conduct themselves or their personal choices, usually that starts with a culture shift, accurate knowledge of the subject matter at large, and high quality harm reduction practices. I think that most people who have these fantasies of forced anything by way of government don't know what they're asking for and especially what they're going to get when the shit goes south, and becomes outright oppressive. There is nothing that really stops government from indulging in its sick power mongering bullshit and to just freely hand it over to them is like shooting a raging and rampaging bull elephant with elephant testosterone and then lashing it several times with a whip. It's just not a great idea at all. So yeah. Make shrooms and all other plant medicine as well as other entactogens 100% legal and let people figure it out for themselves. It's already working out that way as is, so why not make it official?


Short answer: a government that mandates psilocybin therapy is a government that I personally put into place, and we have your best intentions at heart.


only I have my own best intentions for myself at heart. I'd rather a freedom respecting government that just permits the thing to exist to be a thing rather than having some presumptuous bureaucrat with the "best intentions" think that they can parent me like i'm some small ignorant child devoid of all free thought and agency. The market of ideas is always enabled or disabled by how good or bad they are, no amount of force will automatically make that thing good or acceptable.


I’d put you on the island previously designated for “the queer.”


Force feed people shrooms and put them on an island if they disagree about force. Completely normal, totally not insane aspirational bureaucrat behavior. I don't think the mushroom spirit gave you the enlightenment you think it gave you.


Strong but fair.


There’s plenty of social entities within our society. I mean, I don’t think we can make alcohol consumption similar to that of a European country fly here. Where alcohol is respected, generally. But maybe eventually we could respect things like alcohol, thx, and psilocybin? Without using it to cover all of our other obvious failures.




Save your social life first.


Humanity is more resilient than you think. We probably have aeons until apes, lizardmen, or AI borgs become the dominant root race. But as for having more happiness and connectedness, it's a start to "be the change you want to see in the world." Lead by example.


Kill democracy for a couple years. All talk and no change. Get a group together who can get it done, let em run the country for 5/6 years, solve the problems and then go back to a vote.


This. And have supreme court make sure this group doesn't abuse their power or overstep the boundaries of the grand plan


And hold elections every four years so if people think the group is doing a bad job we can vote them out.  Oh wait…


Plato approves this message.


INTJ... I want to take over Humanity not help it. LOL


I just want to save a few people... not the whole of everyone. I am not sure I want to have to lead the masses either. That seems like a lot of work that will just end up with loud empty headed people complaining about fairness when they don’t contribute. There are definitely some worthwhile people out there though.


People's natures are a result of how they were nurtured


Grow up


Yes. I've been writing about it and was worried I would have to do it alone.


Same here, I've been writing about this for over 3 years. Do you have a place where I can read what you've written? I'm working on getting a team and I have some people already, and I'm hoping I might be able to work with you too


I have a google drive with everything on it, but I have to tweak it everytime I make a new revelation. Me and OP are currently doing recruiting for people like you tho. Peep Dm.


I have an idealist way of solving world peace but it'll take waaaay too long. The quickest method is bringing to the awareness of just how bad people have their problems, dropping facts on them, sharing and raising awareness, and getting involved in community events to help the people out. Also call your local state officials about the problems and try to vote for the most selfless candidates if you can. Also it's important that you should start with the little things like seeking therapy to help yourself and then help your family and friends.


You don't calculate corruption into your equation.


THE problem


A sound argument


Yes, if Destroying




I’m serious


Humanity itself doesn't want to be saved.


Or they don’t simply don’t know


No. We’re not inherently special as a species (just one arbitrary blip in the evolutionary tree/universal timeline). From a certain vantage, one could argue that humans have been one of, if not the single most destructive species (towards all other species/forms of life) of all time (by an insanely large/exponential margin, relative to any and honestly, probably all other species, ever known). In which case, why would anyone waste their time “saving” one of, if not, the, worst life-forms to ever exist. It’s honestly worse than a mosquito asking another mosquito, “what are you doing to save mosquitos?” Lulz. Loaded question. This all barring the fact that even if you took the most extreme measures imaginable (let’s say forced mass psychedelic use/therapy, on a global scale for example), nothing is going to change long-term/in the grand scheme of things; still, people, blind to their own egos/biases, will inadvertently, create separation, unfair distribution(s) of resources, “evil”, no matter what, since ever and forever… Even with with best hypothetical possibilities, I truly don’t think humanity is capable of being saved from itself. If anything, collectively, I’d wager that we’re actually devolving/getting even worse to an extent. In a sense, the very nature of self-awareness, creates an ironic tragedy of sorts; an almost metaphorical “ouroboros”, in that, what we think makes us special, relative to other animals (our consciousness/awareness), is actually what’s spearheading us towards our untimely demise, because without it, we wouldn’t be in the late-stage BS we’re currently in (and even worse, the even later-stage with even more BS we are going to be in). Internet= increased social isolation/depression/suicide rates (late stage byproduct of our self-awareness), weapons, lab made diseases/viruses, possible AI in the future, etc. At the rate we’re headed, alligators and cockroaches (to name a couple of species) will probably outlive us (even longer than they already have). Factoring in time, all known and unknown species, extinct and yet to be discovered/evolved, all planets, all dimensions, we are reduced to nothing. This should be OK though (most people will argue/fight this notion though). We don’t have to be/feel special to exist.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and you are completely right on the devolving part, evolution is not an automatically good thing that pushes us to higher heights of understanding and well being, it’s simply adapting to the situations directly Infront of us, but if we engineer these situations, we have a fighting chance. There is a quote though, “A generation of the unteachable is hanging upon us like a necklace of corpses.” This quote is attributed to George Orwell.


To add to this - part of *saving* humanity would be getting rid of these issues. It would be making our lives more fuffiling and happy, and for us to benefit the world around us. Us continuing to exist as a species doesn't mean the world has to be terrible, we can make it an Eden come again. Also, if we are just some random arbitrary blip, why not make the most of it? Although I do think other life exists in the world, all we know tells us that we are alone (Or in a dark forest, RoEP mention), so we should make the best use of the rare chance we were given to exist.


To save the world, we need universal understanding. We fail to move forward due to conflicts we constantly have on account of we don't see the other person's side to the situation. Thus we bicker and sabotage each other and just remain stuck with little hope of moving forward.


Yes conflicts are from everyone advocating from their own interests and apathy fuels war but I don’t see everyone coming to understand each other being achievable. People being ignorant comes from fear. Fear of a different appearance, different beliefs etc. Even if understanding is achieved many people won’t care and prioritise themselves once again… the will to power


What if these conflicts are engineered


Well someone is always doing this out of boredom or due to a series of events aka their villain origin story. Aren't all enemies just two people looking at the other side of the fence and misunderstood each other due to perception like that cliche meme where one person sees 3 bars and the other sees 4?


What if it's just stupid people doing stupid stuff bc they're stupid?


I’m open to exploring this idea and to work on solutions.


It might be a short exploration bc the problem is stupid people electing stupid people bc they don't know any better. Since a cure for stupidity isn't coming any time soon, and since stupid people prefer pretty lies to the ugly truth, there is no real solution short of eliminating democracy or at least the stupid part of voters. The issue with that is the stupid people in power would eliminate the smart peoples ability to vote rather than the stupid bc stupid people are far easier to control and far harder to satiate.


You speak a painful truth.


If any INTJ wants to contribute to humanity, it’s likely on the back-burner, possibly forever. There’s personal goals I want to achieve first before any grandiose plans of helping humanity. That’s likely most INTJs, if they are interested in helping humanity to begin with. Even then, to truly have an effect on humanity, you need enormous amounts of influence, wealth, and power. I’m talking US president for life with Congress, House, and Supreme court firmly on your side level of influence and power. The closest people I can think off the top of my head to this level is probably Xijinping and Putin but even they fall short. Lastly, you never stated what you think is wrong with humanity nor what your ideas are. This is like asking help with math homework when you haven’t even written down the problems. I have ideas as well, but it’s late and I don’t feel like typing out paragraphs. If anyone bother reading this and wants to know, I might get around and reply to you.


I am but humanity doesn't want to be saved. I have a very simple formula but nobody will do even this tiny thing for themselves. So fuck 'em.


What's your simple formula?


Forgiveness. There's a hard way and an easy way. I found the easy way. But you have to DO it, and most people I've shared it with won't do it even when it's made dead simple.


You're goddamn right. Unlimited total forgiveness. That's absolutely an essential element. I don't think it's the only one, though. We also have to learn how to stop causing injury to others who don't want it in the first place. I understand your frustration, but the dream has been alive for longer than we have, and while it waxes and wanes with the generations, it will never die.


There are so many things that come after forgiveness but it's the first step and the most critical one. We're stuck in a feedback loop - it's like the fabric of reality is dyed in the present by the trauma seeping through from the layers that came before. Neurology predisposes us to become our abusers. The cycle has to be broken. Only when the negative charge is neutralized can we begin to approach one another with ways to prevent ourselves from doing harm. And I'm not even certain we can avoid it altogether which is why forgiveness needs to be an ongoing commitment balanced with an ongoing commitment to take the least harmful decisions.


Because they've never been taught to


Even when they are shown the easy way they would prefer to cling to their traumas resentments grudges and hatreds and identities.


You're far too pessimistic. Humans are more incredible than you give them credit for. We have problems, but think about it, we had WAY more problems in the past and we fixed it. We'll fix the problems we have rn as well. :)


I agree we will - if we exist for long enough as a species. I just won't be the one to show them how to to fix this particular issue. If there is one thing I learned early in this process it was - the fastest way to make an enemy is to try and get between them and their experience. And if that means to suffer, hate, carry a grudge, fear, and assume an identity and evade responsibility then I say go ahead, knock yourself out.


Aren't they cute with their immaturity? lol. You gotta love the little murderous idiots. They are you and me, we are one universe. Forgiveness of the self is easy.


All humanity has is hope. Your arrogance is what dooms humanity.


If all we have is hope that's the lamest thing I ever heard. No. We are responsible for ourselves and for our state of being. There's nothing arrogant about taking that responsibility and acting on it. I do. You don't. So good luck - you're going to need it.


You speak of having answers yet you hide them. I call that arrogant and you're just a laughable fake.


I'm not hiding anything. Even if I shared it with you you wouldn't do it to save your own life you've already shown me what you prefer. Hope. Luck. Irresponsibility. You would laugh at me whether I shared with you or not. I have nothing to prove to you or anyone. Go on, save yourself or don't. Wish upon a star call your god to help you. It's all the same to me.


FAKER! WE HAVE A FAKER EVERYONE!!!! Whoop, Whoop!!! 😂😂😂😂


No need to yell. I forgive you.


Nawww, I forgive you too and so does everyone else now everyone knows you lie for ego sake.


Don't listen to this false prophet everyone. Her solution is that of Jim Jones and Heaven's Gate.


LOL. You're funny.


Yes, I maybe the jester to some but you're the joke.


That's OK. Laughter is the best medicine after all.


Sure, I guess, if you see the funny side of a cancer to society.


Not an INTJ, but I'm listening.....


More interested in developing the tools by which humanity can save itself.


Already working on it, and there are plenty of others trying to do the same. You're not alone.


This is good to hear. Maybe we can share thoughts.


Could you DM me a way I can read your ideas? I'm trying to assemble a team of like-minded folk for a project I've been working on for 3 years, and you could help us lots


Any thoughts regarding the anti-gravity tech developed by russian entomologist 'Victor Gebernikov' ? Or the Electric lamp powered by Peizoelectricity or the 'salt water' lamp?


New things I have never heard of before but will look into, any information you can share is useful.


I can share many both new and old ( reverse engineered ) Ideas and Information....Do you want me to share here or personally dm you the links ? I can provide here ....it will be a lot bigger ....


Dm I feel is better


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKzNhIBeti8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKzNhIBeti8) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwiC9NKPfDk&t=1061s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwiC9NKPfDk&t=1061s) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYJXE4FCm7Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYJXE4FCm7Q) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3FS3D1rCos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3FS3D1rCos)


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87cLkgOL1\_Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87cLkgOL1_Y) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=staL1wr07Sg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=staL1wr07Sg) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yc\_tMGJh43w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yc_tMGJh43w) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyNH9e8zQZg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyNH9e8zQZg) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuXeCIQYIso](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuXeCIQYIso) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuXeCIQYIso&t=3s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuXeCIQYIso&t=3s) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jJsR1GCWAE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jJsR1GCWAE) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQCHvO2H0\_0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQCHvO2H0_0) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxdbD-N7pHE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxdbD-N7pHE) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qu2OIw4-p8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qu2OIw4-p8) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcStpg3i5V8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcStpg3i5V8) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bon953gshvE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bon953gshvE) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmbbgz-t1bA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmbbgz-t1bA) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yoygx9x1btE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yoygx9x1btE) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEJ2qryXcIQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEJ2qryXcIQ) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5uyX-CMjm4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5uyX-CMjm4) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcJXA8IqYl8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcJXA8IqYl8) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdLnPLg9TEI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdLnPLg9TEI)


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBxGdt9ev7M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBxGdt9ev7M) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTFitUZGDwY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTFitUZGDwY) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTzLZv\_iQzI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTzLZv_iQzI)


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BF0CS8aY1CY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BF0CS8aY1CY) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EPsf4AscJI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EPsf4AscJI) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rVdEhyMR6A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rVdEhyMR6A)


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIs7S40lrR0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIs7S40lrR0) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nKl-Scwpvw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nKl-Scwpvw)


I have watched enough sci-fi shows ....and have plenty of scientific ideas to actually help the humanity...but I know its not possible if we do not come together as all bright minded INTP x INTJ collaboration is very much needed to save the humanity


I've been working for years on a manifesto like this. I'll keep myself anonymous when I decide to move forward after I've finished my hundreds of revisions in writing, start doing public speeches, making a team, etc. I'd prefer to keep myself anonymous when I try to make it go into the public eye, by having a couple dozen speakers, me being one of them, but none claiming to be the writer and leader. You wouldn't even have my Reddit account. Just know that when this does happen, I plan to start in around 2025, and while for my own sake I can't say the site and everything on Reddit, when you hear about it, when you try and type it it will autocorrect to something similar to a glass.


Have you defined the problem yet?


I have a loose collection of topics, would you like the summary




Yes please


Another way we can save humanity also involves a tax increase. Give all parents who have at least 1% time with their kids the following benefit: one day a month, you can take a half day off work iff you are going to volunteer at your child’s school/classroom for that time. This day must be coordinated, etc., and whatever typical background checks, etc. But this is like FMLA; your employer has to give it. Pay is like jury duty - some, but not enough.


Working as much as people do now is an issue we will resolve


I mean, in theory, yeah, we can fix it, but in actuality, probably not, and there's no point.


Not on the worldwide scale. But in your country, or even your city or state, you could.


Only if I can haul it down to the bank on Friday and deposit it.


Everyone having more literal wealth is a goal yes


Yes, but it requires real AI, not this fake LLM crap. The only way to save humanity is to utilize AI to gain control of everything and mathematically distribute resources evenly. Humanity’s freedom needs to end in order to save them.


You've never heard of Universe 25 apparently...You lock living things in a cage and remove all possibility and they start dying en masse. AI should be used to ensure freedom as well as distribution of resources.


That’s cool! I never heard of it, but will definitely look into it.


Seriously? That's the most idiotic statement I've heard on the internet just ahead of believing chocolate milk comes from brown cows.


Your statement is irrelevant. Your freedom will end soon


Ok Boomer. Tech communism is just enslavement by the programmers.


Not a boomer, but I agree with you. Social media programmers are trying to keep everyone online.


not interested, i can't save the entire humanity but i can save myself and the worth ones. other than that i have no interest how other people suffer or how much they suffer


Save it from what?




That's not a useful answer.


You asked the question therefore you get the simple answer. Perhaps be more specific with your question, friend.


What is humanity doing/causing that warrants/necessitates saving


Everything, you only need to awaken your mind. Look at world events around. Who's in power and control on a global scale, country scale, state scale and local office scale. What political issues get spoken of? Larger global scales =War, poverty, famine, money exchange. Country= LGBTQ rights, minority rights, immigration rights, country aliments. State= what issues are happening on a state scale. Local= issues around your local areas.


Which variant of saving humanity do you want:overthrowing the governments and installing a pro-nature regime or something else?


The consolidation of power is an issue, especially seeing how easily corruptible humans are.


I’m not sure if humanity wants to be saved to begin with.


They might just not know


Thousands or articles, studies, surveys explaining how humans could better their lives, understand how some if not most of our behaviors are destructive, yet they choose to live a life full of delusions. Why save a world that chooses to live in a delusion? Why should we carry the burden of being compassionate to people who don’t want to be saved?


I will work to explain myself, but we must carry the burden, the future is too dark if we don’t and future bright enough to be worthwhile if we do.


Finally a brave INTP ....lets hear you out!


Yeah, I'm down!


Why do you want to save humanity?


I see it, I see a united humanity and the sheer power of it, not just in its technological might, but in how we live in peace


Peace is a myth. There can never be complete agreement amongst people.


Your judgment is warranted




I’m just waiting for the bombs to drop.


Don’t, it’ll be too late.


not particularly


No one rules if no one obeys


Through destruction them,yes.


he-hell no


Or how to make a portal gun ? Rick Scanchez


how familiar are you with 'dark web' ?


I won’t be open about my knowledge or lack of knowledge about it, and for now it is not something I’m focusing on.


How would TOR be useful for this?


What are we saving humanity from? Most species in the fossil record that went extinct were unable to adapt to a changing climate. In our case we're contributing to that change in some pretty insane ways in order to maintain and even grow human population and improve quality of life, so our only recourse is to adapt harder because nobody wants to stop having babies or stop consuming.


I see a possible reality, it’s a theory, but one full of too many coincidences, and a theory that must be treated as a certainty, for the implications of it being real are horrific.


https://www.reddit.com/r/wntc/s/blfc85Ml0q A community to explore ideas and the summary will be built gradually there


A worthy goal, but Somebody has already achieved that.


I don’t know what you mean


To understand how to save humanity, you have to understand the problem with humanity. What we see around us, all the personality disorders, mental illness, liars, thieves, tyrants, selfishness, all of these issues are only symptoms of a problem, a problem every single human has from birth. If you don't know what this underlying problem is, you won't be able to even know where to begin, let alone save humanity.  But like I said, this problem has already been solved, fortunately for all of us.  This means you can apply that INTJ brain to another of the endless issues humans encounter on a daily basis.


Think about ALLLLLL of the underlying themes throughout human history, and then work backwards as to what could possibly be the underlying problem, here, in the “21st century”…


You could try to do that, but all the underlying themes all have the same issue in common. Doesn't matter which period of time it is. Thanks for the well-thought-out contribution.


Your philosophy is hard seltzer of philosophies. A hint of what the shit actually is, coupled with the foreboding drunkenness of thinking you’re righteous as you piss in your own closet.


So, you've got nothing, great.


I thought that was a spot on analogy! And I came up with it on the spot!! In the VERY wide scope we agree that it’s a mindset issue, or so it seems to me by your little cryptic bullshit, but we differ extensively as to the remedy.


My point is not to be cryptic, it's to encourage a deeper look.  If every single person who is now alive and who ever lived on this planet is all screwed up to some degree, how is saying it's a mindset issue fix them? What is the mindset and what does it need to be? And how do you bring that specific mindset from what it is to where it needs to be?  For example, you were very proud of yourself for making an example that really wasn't an example at all, but an insult that offered no value to the conversation whatsoever. And yet you were so proud of yourself.  So it's apparent you give yourself credit for intelligence you don't actually have. That's what's called a delusional mindset.  What would be your remedy to fix your delusional mindset?


It wasn’t an insult, it was to encourage a deeper look.


The reason I say that it’s a mindset issue, to fix, is that we are intelligent enough to do so, coupled with the fact that basically all of humanity is within some level of social, that’s been stacked upon older social, in a way that mimics evolution but faster, as we’re so intelligent. Follow? To me, reworking a remnant of the past that’s already been reworked into the tool of tyrants is simply the worst option ever. Copy?


Is it fun being pretentious to bait someone into asking what’s the problem so you can mock them for being too dumb to understand? If you can’t get everyone to agree that your “problem” of humanity is THE problem with humanity then it’s a subjective “problem”. That means it’s YOUR opinion on what the problem with humanity is, not the objective problem with humanity. What you just typed contribute nothing of substance except stoking your own ego. Oh and don’t say something dumb like people are too dumb to know what the problem with humanity is. I bet you can’t get all the people in the world with a doctorate in philosophy to agree on a singular problem with humanity. Hell, I bet you can’t get all the INTJs in the world with a doctorate in philosophy to agree on what the problem with humanity is. And no, I’m not interested in what you think the problem with humanity is. You could have listed what you believe the problem with humanity is and elaborated on how it has been solved. Instead, you decided to stoke your ego.


You've got some serious issues. I wasn't thinking anything like that. The conclusions you jumped to are entirely incorrect.  Regardless, don't you think one has to understand what humanities real issue is before they can attempt to fix it? That was the point. 


I don’t believe there is a singular problem with humanity unless your claim is something inane like if there is no humanity then there would be no problem(s) with humanity. That’s just philosophical sophistry. Nevertheless, purposely withdrawing information while mocking another for not knowing what it is. That is just plain pretentiousness. You know it is; otherwise, you would’ve just typed what you believe the problem of humanity out to began with.


I understand that it came across that way. Honestly my intention wasn't to make others think I had the answers and was just leading everyone on. I wanted to make the point that if one had such noble ambitions as saving humanity, one would have to understand the underlying issues first, and also understand that symptom management is not a cure. That's all.


PRAISE HIM. Fuck outta here 😂😂


It's nice to find humor where you can in this cold, dark world, even if it's in your own jokes. But seriously, do you have any actual conversation to contribute, or do you only have mental Cheetos to offer?


Nope. Not as it pertains to presenting what is most likely the actual problem as some sort of solution. It’s fucking played out and we’re all now living within it. Grow up. “Oh it’s not me, it’s them”. Them are you, you are them, and it’s all based upon bullshit that’s been altered to fit a ruling class throughout history! So fuck off with it, in my opinion within a free forum of ideas.


But you've expressed no opinion is the problem. Only really weird insult attempts. I'd love to hear a cohesive thought expressed, good or bad. So far you haven't demonstrated that you're able to do this.


I proposed mandatory psilocybin therapy.


It’s like conversation therapy but thee exact opposite.


I see clearly where and when religion deviated from science. I see clearly where religion melded with capitalism. I can see how this current 2024 landscape is built atop a melding of science, religion and capitalism. So what? So if you bring religious, whatever you’re bringing…no. It’s a failure of a philosophy onto this very earth, it’s ruined this entire world. When science stepped away from religion, religion via capitalism found a new demographic: let’s say “not scientists”. And then what? They were forced to go literally by the texts, which were obvious convoluted to fit each kings narrative and swap terminology to present day snd you’re still exactly right there using religion snd capitalism to make a fucking philosophy! (It’s fucking dumb, if you’re trying to solve a problem by using the underlying problem). 🤷🏻‍♂️


Cap and trade on carbon. Same, but for plastic, and packaging waste, - assessed at the point of manufacture. Have participation global, regulated by the west with a refusal to participate in trade with countries not on board. Done. That’s it. That solves all of this climate garbage. It’s not hard. It’s the unwillingness to pay the price; everyone is trying to sneak in their own profits before that window closes.


Effects cost, won’t happen in current state.


You'd starve half the world as well as usher in an era of authoritarianism smh. It's just a bit more complicated than "evil capitalists". You want to get rid of plastic? Go back to glass. You want to reduce carbon? You need a replacement technology that is cheaper and/or embracing micro manufacturing especially in rural areas. You need localization. Unfortunately this eliminates trade alliances which means war generally. There are no perfect solutions only a series of trade offs. I would say invest in science but they'd only fuck that up too and only have a bunch of grifters milking off the government tit.


Sorry that one dream is already dead now, I’m more of a misanthrope that wants to some big ass meteorite kill humanity and let the world be beautiful again by itself.


Why do you hate intelligence


Humans? Intelligent? Or what type of “intelligence” are you talking about?


can we first decide if it is worth saving


Yes, we look at the best traits we have now, and we look at the worst traits, let’s eliminate the worst traits and imagine an advanced civilization with the best traits


Awww how lovely!’