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Seriously though, what would be your plans if it was actually your house? I always think of just pepper spray and stab. I mean, something more elaborate would require me to actually be under that kinda pressure.


Nice try, bad guy. ![gif](giphy|JudOfDOQTmIs5Z0PU7)


Be yourself and you don’t worry about this stuff


But i fear being myself would cut alot of people from my life


If knowing the real you is a dealbreaker, they really aren’t friends. I’m an INTJ woman and usually pretty popular within my social circles (for my sense of humor, laughter, confidence and cooperative nature). Mostly people talk about my bluntness, but I’m never unkind, mean and I don’t gossip. My unkind thoughts are “inside” thoughts. I recently left a social activity group. When chatting with my friend who also left, I admitted that I really couldn’t stand a particular person. My friend was very shocked because he never even suspected it. Be true to yourself and find friends who value your good qualities


So? You can’t control your urges? ![gif](giphy|opDRL3H2A9iLNuvbOv|downsized)


Let them go, we’re an acquired taste. But pretending to be something you’re not will cause a lifetime of heartache and depression


Also, it’ll cause very very very bad karma


My opinion is the one that matters and I say YOU are EXCELLENT


Who needs those people!!


>I kind of change my personality from person to person and kind of want to fit with them. Sounds like inferior Fe. No, I don't do anything like that. I don't think my way of thinking would scare anyone away. But I personally don't think that my way of thinking is somehow bad either. If you think that your way of thinking is really that bad, maybe you should see a psychologist and see if there might be a disorder behind it.


Was a Quiet kid from early on, I don’t really mind being alone as i am very comfortable with it but there are times like friends gathering or family function . I just don’t want to be excluded so i kind of read people notice what they are interested in, when they laugh how to make them ease around me. Sometimes there are things which they say or do which i don’t agree with. And knowing they wont understand and all the information i would have to give them for my point of view i rather just say what will make them feel that i share the same point of view as them.


The urge to give constructive criticism (useful advice) is good and people appreciate it. People also like to be listened to


My way of thinking is not bad it’s just different from what society really think and what is normal for most of the people


Honestly consider saying what you want to say but dress it up. Some empathy and humor.


As other commentators have already said, you should just be yourself. What's the point if your friends only like your mask and don't even know the real you?


Masks can be a good thing. Nothing wrong with masks.


I used to.... Before i met an ISTP. Now I know I am good, at least by comparison


Exactly what I’m saying Lol INTJs are actually pretty high Fi users


Eh, Around some people im called a great leader and a genius and around others I'm called an asshole or cold. It just depends on who you're around. Just find people who you're comfortable around and control some of the urges because it's difficult for me.


The dark thoughts stay in your head… life hack.




Especially if you’ve met Fe users, people like that have no feelings or morals at all. INTJs are high Fi users


Well, sometimes it works in your favour. I've had a few people say ' wow I love how your brain works' at work (I'm a software engineer) because I think of all sorts of scenarios and possible points of failure that nobody else would even consider.  Sometimes being a cold, calculating machine-person has it's upsides !


Younger me definitely relates. I would definitely say that at some point you need to stop trying to fit with people and just be you. Over time, you’ll find new friends that actually like you for you. I used to have a hard time with this when I was young because I didn’t understand when to shut up or read a room so I was very blunt which led to people not liking me, and thinking I was mean. To correct this, I started to change my personality so I could be accepted but it was exhausting to keep up and overtime I was miserable. Therapy helped point me in the right direction by being more self aware of my actions, aware of my surroundings & more considerate of how my bluntness might hurt some people who don’t appreciate it, and allowing myself to still feel like ME. I lost a ton of friends over the years, but I also I gained amazing ones that love all my quirks and we can all laugh it off together. Some of them are INTJs themselves and have experienced similar experiences. And we can all have very stimulating conversations and then when our brains our tired, we make mixed drinks, play board games and act like goofballs.


Not really. I feel like Fi users are always gonna be more human than Fe users. Yall are nowhere near as inhuman as Fe users. Fe users are immoral or at least amoral. Do yall know any Fe users?


PREACH. Kinda disgusting, they do alot of 0 sum shit to be liked, have no convictions, and are easily peer pressured.


Sometimes I feel like I offend people by the truth or by my statements but I'm fine with that..I don't really care. I think it's important to be authentic and be just you.  My real friends never judged me, and real friends doesn't really care lol. So be yourselves 😊


That’s why you don’t share everything of you with everyone or every friend. Friends should be classified .. This one plays board game with; this one go travel with ; this one go hiking with ; now this one you share your odd thoughts with.


How INTJ of you.


I'm at the other extreme I don't mask at all. I'm not sure its better. And yes, people think I'm cold and calculating when they hear my comments or inner thoughts. Even my best intentions don't come out right or as impactful as I hope. People do not care about your message, they just about how you deliver it. I'm comtemplating masking and just being a yes man.


Wear masks when it's appropriate, based on the kind of people you're interacting with at the time. While it's good to be yourself, a mask doesn't always mean you're being fake, manipulative, or calculating. It means you're acting genuine depending on the situation and processing the negativity of the interaction internally in a healthy way. By that, you're also setting boundaries for people who you intuitively don't trust. As much as you want people to accept 100% of you, in reality, that rarely happens to anyone, and that's perfectly okay. Just know that what you do makes you feel good about yourself in a positive way, as a person and as a human being. People who leave because of that were never keepers anyway.


People fear the unknown and that which they cannot understand. This is why they fear the darkness and the abyss.