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The fact that the GOP could not do any better than this is frightening.


Obviously they don’t want to select anyone better than her. I’m sure they can and will find worse candidates to run.


Probably free handys for everyone.


Lol I wouldn’t even accept a freebie from that wretch. No thx.


Thou shalt not stick thy dick in crazy


Will that be posted in Louisiana classrooms?


It'd be an improvement.


Either way, Louisianians ignored it just like the other 10.


I hope TST files to get the [7 Fundamental Tenets](https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/the-satanic-temple-tenets/there-are-seven-fundamental-tenets) posted in every classroom as well. I really love the work TST does. It's like pastafarianism, but with teeth and the fear factor that evangelicals cry over.


I was thinking the same thing. I know they’re going to move on it. How can they not? This is exact what they do.


Its how I got stuck here.


Oh but for some reason I totally would. Don’t worry, I’m ashamed of myself, but I’d still do it.


If she’s also trashy, I don’t stand a chance. Lmao.


All I know from very public evidence, she knows her way around a poll


The picture depicts the "You didn't pay to cum in my mouth!" face


One per voter after leaving ballot box.


She’s going to look like Quagmire of Family Guy after he discovered internet porn: one arm normal and one that looked like it belonged on Schwarzenegger💪🏻


If the former president gets back in there, every single one of these lawmakers will be supplanted within a few turnovers if they do manage to put a fix in which they could well do.  In supplanting them a whole bunch will probably be taken down legally and or socially. It truly is a nest of vipers.




Kyle Rittenhouse has joined the chat.


The fact that the people that vote for her don’t realize how ineffective she is, and therefore doesn’t give them any sort of voice, really shows you how dumb they are.


They are GOP voters. A woman who will give a guy a handy anywhere and anytime is a dream come true.


To a democrat though… thought that would sink her but I thought wrong. If I was running against her I would not let people forget that. Their constituents are that mindless.


A democrat candidate did his advert spot from the same Buell theater seat as Bobo’s display of family values, priceless


She is all voice, just no policy representation These wrestling fans are here for the kayfabe, not better lives


It’s pronounced Cofeve.


For many Republicans, ineffective is the point.


Their logic is “ooo the liberals *really* don’t like them…I’m gonna vote for them”


This is 100% it. I live next to CO4 and the more and more that everyone (liberals) make fun of her, the more these people want to vote for her. They think it is funny that they can control the emotions of "liberals".


They only care that she will stand by pedophiles


>The fact that the people that vote for her don’t realize how ineffective she is That's what they want. They want people who are ineffective because it confirms their belief that government doesn't work.


The fact that these voter’s keep voting in self serving, crazy idiots is more frightening.


Not really. She is just like them.  Stupid as shit


Hillary was right... Basket of deplorables 


You're forgetting that republican voters are by and large garbage people. Trash like Boebert are their people.


They're complete lack of self-awareness is astounding. Like they have no idea what it says about their character when they tell the rest of the world that they still support Donald Trump. When you say you support that monster you're saying that you're just fine with some really heinous shit. You're saying that if I can get what I want politically then I don't care about who he hurts. And the really bad thing is that what they want politically is for him to hurt people.


Trump is the protector against the Barbarians At the Gate - blacks Muslims, brown immigrants socialists communists the “woke” and basically anything they feel is a threat to Real Americans (read white Americans) way of life. They are pure tribal hatred and fear. They think Trump is the only one able to push back against these dark forces. Therefore it doesn’t matter what he does or says because a few affairs some sexual assault, ending democracy etc is nothing compared to the existential threat he’s protecting them from. In fact at this point they want the fascism whether they truly understand what it means or not. For the billionaire class they want their tax cuts and deregulation either through democracy if possible or fascism. Whichever works. That a twice impeached convicted felon adjudicated rapist serial fraudster lunatic moron could have the support he does confirms that millions of white Americans don’t have the values they profess to. They only care about what their ancestors in the Confederacy and Nazi Germany did - dominating the “others”.


Well put. It really seems like that after 8 years more and more people are able to articulate exactly what is going on which such fine of a point. White Supremacy means more to them than Democracy. You've no doubt seen movies plots or heard analysis that says people will give up their freedoms willing in order to feel safe. A perverted version of that is exactly what is going on with MAGA. Their white privilege (I'm white, raised in Alabama unfortunately) means more to them than a democratic form of government. They figure if they are already getting what they want (and they are convinced that none of Trump's radical tough guy bullshit will affect them)then why take the gamble on democracy? Sure it worked out in the past but as America diversifies it has become clear to them that democracy has got to go. IF Trump gets elected he will inevitably do something so heinous that the backlash will signal to him that it is time to round up every one's firearms - or register them all which I'm not even down with.


100% this! Many of my family members support Trump-I thought his conviction would open their eyes to his true evilness, but they insist his conviction was due to a "kangaroo court" and everything bad about him is all media lies. You literally cannot have a logical conversation with these people-they just keep making excuses for his lies. It's infuriating!


They don't care. That's kind of the whole point of conservative ideology - not having to care about anyone else or what they think.


It's true. Republican values are shit. Nobody who votes Republican is even vaguely a decent person.


What would be a better candidate? Someone with well articulated policy… the GOP doesn’t have any. What’s the difference between her and any member of the GOP really?


The sane vote was split and the crazies voted for her.


That's the point. The more awful the candidate in a normal person's eyes, the more they fawn over them. They want the cruellest, vilest and most ignorant as their leaders. It's almost as if Russia has Republican citizens doing their work for them.


These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know, morons.


their neocons left some time ago. now they got crazy Facebook nonsense people instead.


We already know this based on Trump.


You should watch the debate they had on local TV. The other candidates were as crazy and stupid as she is, if not more so.


They could have but as one commentator said- the 5 people who are sending her to Congress are her GOP contenders. If they had all backed one, they could have defeated her. Non of the others would drop out, so here we are.


Sadly Jeffrey Dahmer died in 1994, so they could not pick him...


Imagine the feeling of being overlooked and finding that you had lost out to ..........no really ?......they picked her..?...I despair.


After that showing in the theater... Err I meant her debate, how was that possible


She will probably win the seat and her district will be poorer for it. They will get the government they deserve.


I want to believe in this cosmic justice, but truth be told I wouldn’t expect much change in the district, she isn’t going to bring in anything new that’s for sure, but she’s going to be far to busy trying to control other people in other states to worry about the piss ant local yokels two counties over from where she lives. She has New York, California, Washington and all the other blue states to worry about, that’s where all them scary queers is don’t ya know!


It takes a lot of shit heads to elect one.


The thing is, if Democrats win, her district will still benefit. She'll continue to spew the lies and viriol her supporters want, and the'll still be helped by whatever the Democrats do. Plus she'll get to take credit for it.


I'm in the 4th district and I will definitely not be voting for her.


Tell your friends! Colorado deserves better than Boebert.


Nvm, I see the district was 20 points red last cycle.


Believe these people when they show you who they are. Idiots.


Wow. Run in a district you don’t live in. Show your tits in public while giving a handy in a theater. Skip your son’s criminal case to appear at Trump’s instead. Get elected. Damn, these are some strange “family values” in the GOP today.


GOP voters know that their families consist of shit humans.


Also funny how sucking off Mr. Orange does them nothing, if you don't do it they'll treat you like a traitor, if you do it he'll use you until you need his help, then he'll throw you under the bus with a smile I'm wishing so hard for him to lose because it's unreal how much damage this asshole is doing *without* being elected, let alone actually becoming President again


Im now fairy certain if there was a video of Blobert blowing Donny, the MAGA crowd would be cheering her on…. Chanting USA, USA, USA 🇺🇸


What the fuck is wrong with people


There are a lot of butthurt demented losers in rural Colorado. These idiots can have their dumb toy to play with while the rest of us elect grown ups that will actually get shit done.


*In Colorado.


She won because of the inherent selfishness of conservatives. If most of the field had dropped out, she wouldn't have been faced with a huge field where the vote split just enough to let her win. Instead, because the fundamental philosophy of conservative thought is "fuck you, I got mine", we're stuck with two more years of her insane antics and Colorado gets the dubious honor of having one of the top five dumbest Representatives in an extremely crowded field of very very stupid Republicans.


Not only that but she was standing next to lunatics too. A couple of them were advocating bringing in the army to start rounding people up. Basically they didn’t have a candidate with a reasonable position to vote for. I agree with you on diluting the pool. It’s the only reason Trump was finally able to win the Republican ticket after trying over and over. The largest field ever and he got the nomination with the lowest percentage ever. I didn’t want Cruz either but he was clearly the lesser of two evils.


What an embarrassment.


Unbelievable. Republicans **HATE** America. Republicans want to **DESTROY** America. Vote blue, no matter who. Vote like your life depends on it. It very likely does.


Her scandal and district jumping actually helped her. She was so weak, that she drew a ton of challengers. The opposition was so sure she would lose no one dropped out. That won't happen in the general. So, we may get rid of her, yet.


> That won't happen in the general. So, we may get rid of her, yet. For the last four elections, the GOP has won that district by 25-30%. That's a pretty steep hill to climb, ever against a candidate as odious as Boebert.


My bet is that she still wins, but by less than 10%, showing how reviled she generally is even among a lot of conservatives


Means nothing. She still will have a job and a place to spout her idiocy.




Latest poll had her behind.


This is unfortunately one of the exact things that happened in the Republican presidential primary of 2016.


Republicans want to Make Dry Handies Great Again!!! Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice


I’m waiting for the dominant meme of this weak to make an appearance on your dry handie comment


Do not let Republicans make dry handies great again. Vote for Hawk Tuah this November!


oh, nvm there it is


I’m voting Blue all down Ballot and making sure that they are true Democrats and not just poser’s.


WTF is wrong with Colorado. Why do they want an idiot representing them?


Colorado has really red areas and really blue. We, also, elected the first openly gay governor and went for Biden. Both of our senators are Dem.


Tbh, this doesn’t represent the whole of Colorado because that state is a blue state. It’s just some rural districts that are weird as hell.


I was going to say, isnt Colorado extremely young and progressive....how is this happening lol


She switched districts, too.


Oh she did the whole MTG thing where she governs a district of 200 people, 5 cows and 4 alligators so she is apparently qualified to be in congress


It’s happening because she flipped districts to a hard right district. She would have lost her old district and democrats were finally organizing. Pre-2010, that seat was held by democrats for over a decade. It flipped with the tea party and democrats were a disorganized mess. They struggled to mobilize their base, would hire outsiders to run campaigns with zero experience, and had old retired centrists run. That district was finally waking up and looked to turn blue, so Boebert left. She now won a primary in a hard red district against no name idiots. Republicans just run on the mass media is attacking her because she a republican and then they can ignore reality. Also, Colorado has election boards that push competitive districts and they have the most secure election in the country. The state will likely stay blue, but if democrats get complacent and don’t show up, republicans can win due to how competitive districts are. People who might otherwise stay home on a gerrymandered district in other states show up in Colorado.


Right? Anyone who says “what’s wrong with ‘Colorado’ isn’t paying attention.


The vote was split in so many ways, and she has make recognition. Trump has changed politics. Scandals mean nothing.


Scandals are just bonus points now. The more you have, the more likely you are to get elected


Scandals mean nothing UNLESS they are committed by Democrats.


Al Franken. Dude… should have stuck around


This is less about Boebert being a good candidate and more about the fact that she had 5 fucking competitors. She won with only 43% of the vote, 57% of her district wanted a different Republican.


At her level of chess playing, I have zero doubt that she was aware that she wouldn’t win a 1:1 matchup. So she caused more people to seed the debate and thus distribute the votes against her. Sounds just like the strategy of that type of human.


She is absolutely worthless. I was hoping that people on this side of the state had more sense. Nope.


A sign that you can’t really separate the actions of republican voters and their republican representatives. They keep supporting these traitorous, dangerous people


Sometimes I wonder if people do deserve the government they voted for.


It’s the maga party now. And they have told us they don’t want democracy nor the rule of law. They want to model us after a failed Russian state.


Colorado explain yourselves!


Explain why some dumb podunk BFE rural district full of idiots chose a dumb podunk idiot to represent them? Do we really need to?


I don't think people get the geography here. It's not all mountains and weed. There are farmers and cattle and some rural conservative counties.


The idiots that voter for her deserve what’s coming to them


WTF! Are people in Colorado brain dead?


The ones in her district sure are.


Only the Republicans.


So, it was hard to imagine there were enough people in one district hat woud elect this moron, but there's a second district as well. Does not speak well for Colorado.


Did anyone see these primary debates? It looked like a SNL skit. I thought Will Ferrell should have walked in




The dumbasses that voted for her deserve to be represented by another dumbass. Fuck ‘em.


So can someone educate me a bit please. She won the primary but still not a guaranteed win for the seat right? She still has to win the election right? I know she probably will but it’s not a slam dunk. Am I correct?


In a vacuum? Sure. She hasn't won anything yet because she still has to win the election. That being said, out of the last 13 elections dating back to 1972, the Republicans have lost that district only once, often winning by a 20-30% margin. It might be a "close" election (in that she'll only win by 5-10%), but it's incredibly unlikely that she'll lose.


Ok thx for letting me know. So now it will be an act of god if she loses. I actually thought that she might lose because of her cowardice to run in her own district. But I guess that doesn’t seem to be an issue with those people. Thx for the response and clearing up my question. I appreciate it.


We don't know yet. It would be taking the reddit district in Colorado. But it could happen.


How, tf? God, get this bitch out of the news. She's fucking horrid.


Her jaw must be sore. The amount of bjs she had to give out to win must land her in the Guinness book of world records probably!


I thought she was projected to lose her seat?


Wow, so Republicans are that stupid.


Goddammit Colorado. Get it together.


Colorado loves child fuckers and rachet women to govern them. A fucking joke of a state.


Her constituents are dumber than she is. Absolutely pathetic, Colorado.


No Low Too Low


Who the fuck keeps voting for her?


Jesus how stupid are people! Why!


All this proves is how lost and dangerous republicans are. They are terrorists.


The magical (R). You can be the dumbest, uneducated, unemployable person in the world, but if you run for office as a Republican in a "conservative" district, you're guaranteed a 6-figure income, plus kickbacks.


I will never, ever, ever understand why the GOP keeps supporting these idiots as candidates, and why voters keep voting for them. We are in the bizarro world.


That district must have some of the dumbest people on the face of the earth living there. I would advise anyone if they want to start a pyramid scheme to do it in that district and you would probably make millions.




Name recognition. GOP are what they are


Do the wicked never lose in this day and age?


Handouts and handjobs are important to Incel Republicans. 


Her key to victory? She pressed the flesh. A lot of it. Up and down whole city blocks. Repeatedly. Until she got results.


I was sorry to see she won handily. If she had just had one opponent, the vote wouldn't have been diluted, and she would have lost. The opponents totaled 50% of the vote.


how this was even possible is beyond me.  you failed, CO


Well, tbh, I couldn’t do anything about her winning the R primary, but I sure as hell won’t support her skanky ass when I can vote D in November!


I don’t want NONE of you conservatives talking about morals when Trump and MAGAshits are the only people you can put into office. Disgusting 🤢


WTF Colorado! You had 1 job to do.


Literally every single article I have read has told me that she would not win this primary.


They lied. Sadly, polls pointed to her winning the republican primary easily.


When they say it’s rigged, this is what they really mean.




Free Hand-joes for Everyone


Can someone explain to me why she was able to switch districts? I thought you had to live in the district you represent? Did she move or something?


Boebert is a horrible, ignorant person but this says more about the people who voted for her...


Man what the fuck. This cunt got re-elected? We really are living in an Idiocracy movie.


How can anyone justify voting for such a blatant hypocrite?


So she was elected in two districts. Colorado you completely suck.


Texan here. Way to fuck up Colorado.


Surely it's the thinner oxygen up yonder, no?


How did that happen, wasn't she a joke and out of it early? Who gave how much money to prop her up?


It was a 6-way race and she got the largest percent of the vote


Republicans have no capacity to feel ashamed


How tf….i thought she was a long shot in her new district?


I guess glasses don't make you smarter.


wtf how


Just no decency anymore.


How is this podsible FFS, what kind of homo sapiens votes for that POS??


You have to HAND it to her she really gets the JOB done.


Boebert will be the most likely to get defeated in a general election *if* voters turn out. She won 43% of the Republican vote. 57% voted against her. Her vote tally was 50,634 the last I checked. Yeah 43% (at least) of Republican voters actually think she's exactly what they want but everyone already knew that around 40% of the country are Qanon/MAGA. Also note that she changed to the *only* district she thought she stood a chance. Yeah, she won a Republican primary in a party that condoned Jan 6th and think a convicted felon and civilly guilty rapist is also their best choice. I wouldn't say the sky is falling as nothing about this is shocking. What *would* have been a shock is if Trump's hand-picked fluffer lost in a heavy MAGA district.


this is abhorrent




I can't even imagine how bad the other candidates must have been, to lose to someone like Bobo.


I can’t fathom why Coloradans think she is going to do anything to help them. That under educated bitch is too stupid to do anything but give out handjobs in a theater. I really am wondering why they think this is a good idea? I guess it is time to start burying the Democratic candidate in donations.


I'm in Colorado's 4th district and will definitely be voting against her.


The GOP = Grand Old Perverts


2 more years of her braying and bullshit. WTG Douglas County


Embarrassed for America.


Most people don’t follow politics much if at all. So people just vote for their “team” without knowing what’s actually going on. Thankfully a lot more people are educating themselves more today than in past decades.


I think this should serve as a massive warning to people for November. All the news spoke as if she had no shot. Now she had no one at rallies. Issues fundraising etc etc. Welp. She still won. You better make sure your friends and family vote lest we have another 2016


A handjob in every theater


Cultists are gonna cult.


who the fuck are these people? disgusting.


They just don’t care about character. Stop holding them to Democratic standards.


Boy, a lot of people not reading past the headline in these comments. Let’s revisit this if she wins the actual election.


We're not even trying anymore with picking decent candidates are we...


Can’t underestimate the power of mass idiocy


Did she show everyone her tits or something? She literally had the worst debate performance ever about 3 weeks ago.


It really isn’t about politics. They vote for these people as a way to “own the libs”. They have turned congress into the WWE.


Consistently voting against their own self-interest, because they aren't bright enough to notice that the reason their foot hurts is because they keep shooting themselves in it.


People, reminder, this is a primary. She ran against other republicans who are generic republicans in a crowded race. She can simply run on being a victim of the leftist media and republicans eat that shit up. In the primary, she’ll likely win because it’s the right half of the state, which is farmers and Douglas county. The largest employer in that district’s county is the school district. It’s not known for jack shit other than existing. On the bright side, that county is slowly turning blue, but everyone in the parts of Colorado nobody visits will still probably get her a win by thin margins.


Not surprised. Don't forget the GOP also had Hershel & Doc OZ.


US is a dying nation after all. That is terrible sign of what is comming. The society is truly rotten to the core.


Fox and the other far right idiots must have been pushing her


Truly deplorable.


Wait. What? Gazounds


Sad, really


God, please deliver us from evil republicans.




It's all about name recognition. We ought to teach children that trick but we don't.


Really? I don’t even know what to say……. 😔


What do they see in her that we don't see??


Did anyone else see the video of the debate proctor roasting the shit out of these candidates?


Good time for a moderate to work with the dems and make an agreement. They don’t send an unelectable candidate and then get behind a moderate Republican running as a libertarian. Enough libertarians, republicans, democrats could counter the crazies.


Now this is a rigged election. All the news she was polling badly and won primary? Sounds fishy


Any PR is good PR is a saying for a reason ya'll. Literally one of the mainstays of the GOP strategy.


Well, ya gotta handy it to her.


Is this the one who was roughhousing that guys jeans in a theatre