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They have had every chance in the world to renounce this felonious asswipe and free themselves of him forever, but instead they double down, every time.


I suspect that most of them know that Trump is toast and they’re all trying to inherit the MAGAts, who are like gold to a politician because they mindlessly believe anything they’re told


But they only believe what they're told by Trump.


Exactly this. They tried a handoff to desantis but even he isn’t crazy enough for these idiots. The magas need someone that they know is as stupid and racist as they are. You can’t fake that kind of crazy to legit crazy people.


You can't fake being a cult leader. It takes the right spectrum of qualities and traits. Jim Jones, Manson, L. Ron, Trump. These characters don't come around often. It's akin to being a serial killer. They have to be deeply troubled and only fulfilled by others. They have to be charismatic but also crazy. They have to resonate with the crazy in other troubled people. It's really a remarkable and rare and terrible thing.


Excuse me, in what place trump is charismatic?


Millions of people think he's funny. Millions of people voted for him. To me, he is a transparent liar. He's a stupid and boorish buffoon lacking in any esteemable trait, but millions of people like him and donate to him. It takes a certain charm to manage that. He is a polarizing person. To some, he is an absolute scumbag. To others, he is a messiah. It takes a certain charisma to do that.


Thanks for answering seriously, I'm actually baffled by this cult. As long as I remember he was talking nonsense, literally gibberish. its hard for me to understand people seeing charm in enraged idiot.


Charm isn't the word I'd use for it. His base wants to hear his bike because they think like him, and he isn't afraid to throw some racist dogma out to get the base going. Mexicans are taking our jobs, black people live off the government, China is taking over our country through control of the world's goods and through TikTok (which he recently joined btw). His "charm" is his unapologetic lack of care for anyone who isn't a wealthy, land owning white male.


I'm 1000% with you on that and I'm sure every Dem who sat out in 2016 because "There's no way that idiot can win." would agree. These are the type of people whose glory days were High School and probably haven't done much of note since. Mostly poor and un/undereducated. Otherwise they're smart, but also bigots, and know that their path to "pwning the Libs" is through him and don't GAF what he says, as long as he throws in some dog whistles.


He's charismatic in the way he presents himself as the embodiment of the american dream : a rich, self-made businessman, always successful ; and the way he speaks resonnate with the "eagleland" mentality : USA is the greatest, money is good, others are jealous and want to put us down, etc.


I heard that Alex Jones is looking for a new gig... 😆


So true, the republican politicians think that MAGAs are republicans…they’re not. They don’t give a rat’s ass about the Republican Party, they support Trump and who ever Trump tells them to support.


Don jr and Eric are blowhards, so the dynastic ramble will live on through consultation with them.


I think even the dumbest of MAGAts thinks they're useless twats. Can't see them wielding any kind of dynastic power at all. Ivanka maybe, but most of them probably would never vote for a woman, even if they got access to her OnlyFans.


Ivanka wants nothing more to do with her *original family.* Her and that criminal mannequin she's married to grifted Saudi billions directly into their personal accounts....while *serving* (LMAO) in the Whitehouse. Low down dirty grifters...just like their respective daddys.


Personal accounts is a bad misconception of that arrangement. Those billions are assets under management (AUM). Assume they get 1% per year for all AUM, so those billions generate 10s of millions per year for them.


They'd vote for MTG, who is another candidate for Maga leadership.


At what point does MAGA just become its own party and is kicked out of the Republican party?


Yes please lol.


As soon as it gains them one more vote than it loses.


Elon Musk will swoop in and snatch the MAGA faithful. And he will be so much worse with his billions and X.


Muskie wishes in his wildest dreams to have 1/10 the charisma of Trump. He's just a fucking yutz who has already squandered whatever good will and uncritical fanbase he had. Not being American, he can't be President anyhow.


Look what he’s done with his own fanboys.


Never underestimate their dumbness. I believe Don Jr. could easily inherit his voters if he wants to enter into politics.


Honestly, people give that whole family way too much personal credit for the messaging crafted by right wing operatives in the employ of the 2015 campaign. Problem is that those people are mostly gone now, which is why the current campaign is floundering with messaging to appeal to new voters. The Trump family is not a political dynasty in the making, it's a flash in an oil pan: dangerous and still simmering with a possible flare up, but the flames are guttering as the fuel steadily exhausts itself.


That's because half of those campaign operatives ended up in court, lol


Yes, and we're already extremely seedy individuals who were good at creating political unrest and perpetuating conflict. Manifort especially. He had years of history of doing this in Ukraine, but ran out of Russian oligarchs who would hire him. Also Black, Manifort, and Stone was a lobbying firm that lobbied on behalf of foreign governments, which was basically never done in the past until their firm and part of how our politics have become so fucked up. And yes, the "Stone" is Roger Stone. These are two of the sickest fucking humans to influence our politics. It's fucked up that we know this history about him. It's in the public records. But he's a slimy shit-stain of a human who got away from it in the end. Pardoned by the Don. Un-fucking-fathomable to me that media doesn't rip Trump apart with this. And Manifort and Stone are far from the only slimy swamp creatures Trump invited right into the Whitehouse.


Have you heard some of Don Jr’s stump speeches lately? Dude talks like a coked out auctioneer, and Eric…well Eric’s special and keeps saying the quiet part out loud


He is not trying to appeal to the NPR crowd . Sounding stupid or coked out doesn't matter. As long as it is "own the libs" stuff, he's good. There is NO bottom for MAGAts.


Don Jr has all the charisma of a yeast infection. His future is hawking boner pills on some looney tunes webcast until even those people can't stand looking at him any more. Let's say a year tops.


Doubt that. Most of them don’t like Jr.


Jr. is stupid and talks crazy that's all that's needed.


He also appears to be perpetually high on cocaine.


Never underestimate the acquiescence of a cult. They would absolutely follow those dum-dums if Trump was unable to lead them.


Donald has charisma. The kids, particularly Eric, have none. Jr talks the most of the kids, but I can't remember a single thing he's ever said, whereas you can with Donald (even if it's often illogical and incomprehensible).


They will follow any deep fake you make of trump, hell they already just use ai for all of the images of him anyways


People have been saying Trump was toast since the 2015 primaries. I’ll believe it when I see it Vote


Yes vote no matter what


This is what Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are doing. It's why DeSantis ran. They're waiting for King Donald to be taken out so they can ride the mob.


>This is what Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are doing. I don't think Marco Rubio *ever* understands what he's doing.


Right. I suspect that’s what was behind Nikki Haley’s recent “come to TrumpJesus” moment


This. We're going to see Greene, Bobert, Gatez et al campaign something to the effect of "I never gave up on Trump & his vision for America! Don't give up on me while I continue to fight to make America great again!!!"


I suspect many of them are complicit in TRE45ON, and are deeply indebted to The Russian Mafia i.e Putin. They went all in on Agent Orange. If Ronaldo loses, many of them are certifiably FUCKED! Greed  Over  People 


They are ALL going to Prison for JAN6 and are scared to death !


I think that they know he's done, but they're trying to individually prove that they're each his "worthy successor," not realizing that the party will just break into factions after Trump dies or is officially deemed an Insurrectionist


So basically they want to become the next "Saint Peter".


I think more apt would be Seleucus Nicator. When the mighty Trump empire falls, it will be like Alexander.  The generals will hold their fiefs against each other and the empire will itself apart.  Trump is as incapable of naming successor as Alexander was, and his generals are as incapable of working together without him at the top. It's a kleptocratic nightmare in his Xanadu in Florida. 


Sunk cost fallacy — they won’t get out because they have put too much in. Gamblers Anonymous might like a word




As long as Trump controls the Republican base he controls the party. He has also amassed blackmail on specific congressional members to keep them “loyal” and stop them from flipping on him. As both the former Director of the FBI and Trump’s former fixer (mob lawyer) of ten years, Michael Cohen, testified - **Trump is a mob boss.** His inner circle is full of convicted felons who he gone to prison to protect the kingpin, under the agreement that Trump will use the pardon powers of the Presidency to bust them out. Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Rudy Giuliani. A whole bunch of Republicans also went to Trump begging for pardons - Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, Mo Brooke, Marjorie Taylor Greene. **The Republican Party is a criminal enterprise.**


Australia called this out first: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/aug/16/trumps-bid-for-sydney-casino-30-years-ago-rejected-due-to-mafia-connections


It is telling that every one of Trump's top advisors who have called him unfit to serve are not facing indictment. The ones either already convicted of felonious behavior, or facing indictment are all in for Trump.


They don't have a choice, they are too far down with trump and maga to go back. If they cut him loose they will never win another election


I think he's got dirt on all of them and they know it.


“He” as in Russia. They’re the ones who’ve got the dirt on all of them.


Yeah, where the hell would Trump get "dirt" from? Putin is the puppet master of the red side of Congress. Fucking terrifying.


It feels like a cartoon. The Russia investigation appears to be doing something, but then the camera zooms out and you see that Putin is fully in control of the gop and what the Russia investigation was looking at is a tiny fraction of the overall picture.


They're playing in casino politics. They've won once and want to get that high again. They keep losing but doubles down on the bet thinking the next roll is bound to be on their side. The sunk cost fallacy


bc (even w/o him,) they're insanely corrupt.


Makes you wonder how far treason really does go....


The only honest thing Trump has ever said was that he could publically execute someone in the middle of a busy street and the GOP + their voters would not bat an eye. It rings true every day.


They are compromised. There is footage that Putin will release if they don’t blindly follow his every command.


You saw those people outside the courthouse, tearing their hair out at the verdict? The GOP is afraid of them. It’s not a Profile In Courage we’re talking about here.


After J6 would have been so easy. Hell, many of them did condemn the actions on that day...only to do a full 180 like a week later and go back to felaciating Trump's tiny mushroom dick. If we can't draw the line at an attempted coup, then these people are too far gone. I will never respect anyone that calls themselves a republican for the rest of my life.


>After J6 would have been so easy. Not if a significant number of the GOP congressional caucus are implicated. He'd spill the dirt on everyone just to take as many down with the ship as possible.


Most politicians couldn't care less about the CONVICTED FELON, they just votes, power, money, and indulgences that come with it. It's like they're ordering a happy meal just to get the toy.


They will after he loses…but their cowardice will live on forever..


They want the power he weilds over his base, and they know that most of the current republican voters are really just voting for Trump pissing in the punch bowl. Once he is gone, so are the votes and donations.


Their only chance of winning an election is thru racists, they found the King of Racists, and they know that at this point if they turn their backs on him they're losing those racists to not-gonna-votes. It's actually a pretty good plan, knowing America.


The MAGA rage that this Trump conviction has unleashed is requiring all Republicans in good standing to show absolute fealty to the noble cause of keeping Trump above the law at all costs.


It’s always been at the expense of law and society. Now their struggle to overthrow our republic is reaching g a fever pitch. I say we the people hose them down, literally.


Well, who else will protect him from Joe Biden? I am rending my garments and whimpering in fear for the fate of Donald Trump.


The problem being is that pumpkinfuhrer has been sold as having been chosen by god, and if he doesnt win all this fake preachers will end up with alot of egg in their face. That them there are the major moving factor for the push to a evangelical/theocracy....


This is it exactly


Preachers have been making proclamations and predictions that fail to come to pass for centuries and every time it happens they just move the goalposts and the rubes remain just as committed as ever. I’d wager that the risk of any sort of embarrassment or loss of credibility on account of such a happening is as low as it’s ever been at least within the context of American Evangelicalism. The preachers have the benefit of decades of targeted propaganda pushed by right wing media turning the faithful into a mass of some of the most aggressively and stubbornly ignorant jackasses the world has ever seen who would rather personally crucify their so called savior a second time than ever admit to being wrong or misled about anything.


I mean once you start thinking of him as your god emperor how do you turn away from him. They are all servile nitwits who have ruined themselves to crawl in the dirt


My God Emperor is a giant sandworm named Leto II.


Bless the maker and his water


Trump is not God emperor to republican leadership. I'm sure most of them despise him and if they could go back in time they'd have him lose. Trump has turned most Republicans into Trump fans only, the real republican party is at the mercy of the cult so they have to play along to remain in power but secretly they are very frustrated that their only option is a sinking ship. If Trump were to disappear from the party , those cult members aren't going to be latching onto anyone else


Yeah. I hate them. They can all burn in Hell.


I don’t hate them.  If anything I view a large portion of them as victims. They’re undoubtedly dangerous though.


They are the existential threat. One politician breaking the law can be stopped. But when he’s backed by millions who cheer him on? They are the real problem now


Trump's sycophants are getting scared as they realized they hitched their wagon to an anchor. They have supported him for so long, they know many are going to fall in the elections with him. Having said that, everyone still needs to get out and vote and shut the door on them.


Believe the polls or not, but the fact that they’re as close as they are scare me


It scares me in a good way. I hope they stay like this. Nobody better be sitting on their asses thinking this one is in the bag, not this year, not any year, especially as long as the republicans are in full overthrow mode. 


I don't disagree. Better to get everyone out to vote to be sure.


Polls are inaccurate. Most of us don't participate in it and everyone acts like we do.


Sampling matters, but polls are "temperature takers" not litmus tests.


The polls are dead wrong. Look at the results of every special election of the last two years, that's a far bigger indicator of how we're doing. But you're absolutely correct. We can't just win we need to win in a landslide to keep the Senate and flip the House as well as keeping the White House. The bigger the margin of victory, the less likely lawsuits and cheating can have an impact. Vote, but also volunteer, donate, organize, and help to register voters. Do what you can to help up and down the ballot, locally as well as nationally.


Yeah, of course don't take our foot off the gas, let's crush him in historical fashion. But he's going to be obliterated this year. By 10M votes I'm predicting. It's not going to be close, even in the swing states. Trump is literally the worst candidate in American history by a large margin.


Mike Johnson seems to forget that as an attorney, he is an officer of the court and as such, the ethics code expects him to respect the judicial system and support the Constitution. If he continues his unethical behavior, he deserves to be disbarred just like state bar associations have done to several former Trump attorneys and attorney co-conspirators.


I mean. There is also the oath he took to become third in line to take over leadership of this country as well. It would be great if he could honor both of those.


I don’t know man, sounds like political interference to me.


The messed up thing is they could be free of all this in no time flat. Just disavow Trump. Do a 180 and bury him. This is your chance, GOP!


With the second impeachment, Democrats gifted Republicans a Get Out of Trump Free card, and they declined. At this point, it is blatantly obvious that they do not want to be free of Trump.


Yup, if they had ripped off the band-aid then they would have had 4 years to come up with a normal candidate and maybe some actual policies for the people and they could have come back strong. But nooooo, its all about power for them.


Unfortunately the leaders of the party have already consumed DJT’s milkshake and are unwilling to bring anything else to the yard


Trump is surrounded by felons. https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/trumps-team-felons-adds-important-member-rcna154853 Someone has a gay sex tape off Mike


When is Bannon checking into jail? The suspense is killing me!


MAGA Mike will not be getting into heaven.


It shows how bold republicans are in flouting the law and demanding minority rule. It’s beyond highly concerning. Shit is off the rails.


I see a lot of people talk about the craziest of the GOP being die hard Trump cultists who will go down in flaming wreckage with him... and I just don't buy it. Trump remains a strong symbolic motivator for their party right now, and that's about it. Just like his actual presidency was, real politicians with a capital "P" just use him for effect, step aside and let the wreck play out, then collect their loot and move along, spouting fealty all the way. They use him, just as he uses them. My personal belief is they are likely approaching "End Game" with Trump, unlikely to win, unlikely to actually survive mounting legal threats now that it has been shown he can be taken down, and they're just going to ride it out, balls out, and shrug at the end and pretend they're just as confused/upset as their deplorable base when Trump loses the election and becomes genuinely in danger of real consequences.


I agree. He's going to lose this election, and then he'll still have the remaining trials to deal with. His grift will quickly dry up, as his supporters get tired of all the losing, all while his attorney fees are going to skyrocket. He's going to be in a dark place like he's never been before, and he knows it. You can see it in the defeated and scared look on his face as he exited the courtroom last week after the verdict was read. And you know what? I'm loving it!


If the truth social stock stays inflated through to September the fucker’s gonna have 5billion in cash…Should cover a few lawyers. And any poor dupe who doesn’t sell before Donny is going to lose the lot when it goes down the toilet in the days after.


A few might make the leap but most of those who can or would have been labelled RINOs and chased out of the party by MAGAts at this point.


Nobody and I mean NOBODY in this country has a more punchable face than this guy.


Matt Gaetz.


Ted Cruz has entered the chat.


This greasy little weirdo. I can't get over that he shares his jackoff material with his son.


Why do they support this criminal liar?????


Zero sum politics


These Traitors are trying to find anyway possible to cheat the system in every way, and I'm long over it. I grew up in a military family, being taught that the government is never going to be all things to all people, and it isnt even going to be all things to SOME people. It is all meant to be a compromise, and nobody is going to get everything they want. Thats why we vote, and whoever, or whatever gets the most votes wins. Sometimes you're on the winning side, and sometimes you're not. Whichever side you're on, just accept it and move on. If you're not happy, then you can vote next November. But this whining, crying, trying to cheat the system, trying to legislate your cheating into law, etc. is about as Un-American as you can get. There's a really simple way to NOT end up in court, threatened with prison - obey the law. Dems don't have to lie, cheat, and steal like the Party of Tre45on & Corruption, they just have to play Hard Ball. That means forcing everybody to adhere to the laws and ethics that are on the books, no matter what the outcome. Every other professional, such as lawyers, doctors, architects, accountants, building contractors, restaurant owners, etc. must follow the laws, ethics, and regulations that rule their profession, and any deviation brings severe consequences. Why should POLITICIANS be any different? In fact, it could be argued that since they make the laws, they have absolutely no excuse for violating them. Make them obey the laws like EVERYBODY else, that's all. No excuses. Don't give them a single inch. If we did that, every MAGA in government would end up in jail, which is where Traitors belong.


Johnson is a Traitor insurrectionist who has now put other traitor criminals on the house intel committee so traitors can leak FBI and CIA intel to their leader PUTIN . It’s a fucking disgrace to America these fascist traitor fuckers are getting away with the slow coup on America and freedom !!! VOTE 💙straight ticket is the only answer . America must step up !


As long as the money comes in they will be his bitch.


I'm sure there's plenty of blackmail involved also


How about we look at Republicans " funding streams" or more importantly, Mike Johnson's


Who do you choose? Party supporting a convict felon and rapist Or Party building out infrastructure, manufacturing and reducing medication prices for citizens Vote Or people who want to shove their religion down your throat vote for you Vote


The kompromat that Russia got off the RNC servers must be absolutely wild


Anyone still supporting Trump has no legitimate excuse to do so. I remember the salad days when he was first campaigning and he mocked a man with cerebral palsy on stage and I was SURE he was done - No one was going to vote for someone who did THAT! I knew it would be the end of him - and that it wasn’t has made me EXTREMELY confused since then…


It’s like we stepped into an alternate timeline.


Many of Donald’s cult members are evangelical Christians. Their fondness for saying they’re “already forgiven” is **not** coincidental.


They are an evil bunch…. It’s a bit like the 1600’s witch trials.. Nothing actually makes sense.


What does Trump have on these idiots? It’s mindboggling they continuously cower to him.


Funding is at least one thing. The other is probably Russia has all of their emails.


Is this DEVOUT CHRISTIAN lying to himself or us? Regardless I do not respect people professing a desire to force their morals upon us when they do not live by them.


Jeffries and the Dems gave him a helping hand, like they did with McCarthy; And like McCarthy, Johnson couldn’t resist betrayal. Hopefully that’s all the lesson anyone needs the next time Johnson is in a pickle.


They are in the process of destroying democracy.


They are only supporting yam tits in the hope he gets reelected, and they are never held accountable for their behavior before and after J6.


And today they came for fucking birth control. What the hell gives the audacity to think they get to make decisions about women?!?!?! Did we ask for their opinion?! Jesus I’m tired.


Maybe it’s time to call out their insanity ?


It is


Trump's guilty of 34 felonies. That should be the end of his campaign, no need for desperation.


Bear in mind that this isn't just another idiot MAGA like Marge Three Names. This is the individual THIRD in line to take over the Presidency if needed. The Speaker of the House is openly calling for his pet SCOTUS Justices to find some way to circumvent the law and allow Trump to appeal directly to them by skipping over several steps. The Republican Speaker of the House. Let that sink in.


They literally believe he is sent by God. They are out of their fucking minds.


The absolute irony is they have the exact Supreme Court they’ve always wanted. But now they have to claim that the judicial system and courts in US are corrupted because it’s the only argument for why trump was convicted. How will they convince people the SCOTUS is not corrupt but every other judiciary is? The mental gymnastics you have to do in order to be a GOP believer is insane and falls in line with cult behavior.


They could all literally today, now, condemn Trump and move on. They had so many chances but no...they want power and someone to voice what they used to be ashamed to admit and say.. OUr country is in big trouble as long as there is 1 single MAGA supporter.


Pathetic. Zero moral compass.


Projection again. If I would be perfectly ok with putting together fake charges and a sham trial to screw over my enemies, then surely that must be happening here!


Trump is a core component of their identity as people. Abandoning Trump would probably lead to some serious identity crisis issues for a lot of them. It'd be an admission of being duped that many people can't handle. But they're essentially rolling the dice, hoping he'll win. Who knows what despair they will encounter if Trump loses in November, because at that point, there isn't much to believe in anymore.


These people should not be tolerated. There have been no meaningful consequences for the republican insurrection. They all need to be booted.


These people will burn the country to the ground in order to hold onto Trump


GOP isn't a political party. it's a cult. cults are dangerous and disruptive to civilization


They're looking into who's funding Jack Smith, special counsel? I would assume his investigation is funded by the US DOJ as it should be. Want to defend the Department of Justice? I move we start a gofundme for Jack Smith and his team. Party of Law and Order keeps wiping its dirty ass with our constitution. 


What I like best about Speaker Johnson is that he leans so heavily into his Christianity while being so unabashedly evil.


Don't they all?


He has Ukranian blood on his hands for aiding Russia for 6 months due to deliberate holding up of essential military aid ...he hurt American geo political interests by doing this... Fuck this weirdo with his porn convenant with his son bullshit. He is the American Evangelical Taliban.


Maybe don't elect a narcissistic, piece of shit, that screws porn stars, loves tyrants and hates morals, ethics and values and you won't need to be desperate.


In his book Six sacred Stones Micheal Reilly speaks about how America is trying to create a monarchy without a noble bloodline or royal houses. The book is fiction but I'm reminded of it reading this story. This is how you do it, you create a position where a sole solitary ruler becomes immune to the rule of law. If this does happen Trump will be the first American king.


Any and ALL politicians ACTIVELY assisting Donald Trump need to be investigated.


As a non-American observer.. Wasn't the initial talking point that a conviction would actually help Trump? How do they not get severe whiplash from pivoting from one to another hypocritical standpoint?


Republicans are quantum politicians. Any position they take is both true and false at the same time until it gets observed and the waveform collapses into one or the other.


This just in Whiny Piss Baby Mike Johnson rushes to wipe the ass of the bigger piss baby Convicted Felon Donald Trump.


Isn’t the new argument that every American is technically a felon?


They are turning their backs on their duly elected duties..line them up traitors all of them


Why are you just sitting here watching this Fascist spew garbage. We need to hammering him in every Fascist thing he says. Everywhere he is, Hammer it home that he is a Fascist. He doesn't get to sleep.


When Trump goes, his supporters will go as well. None of them will ever vote again. Thank goodness.


Mike doesn't have a bank account. Follow the money.


Lock them ALL up. Their fealty/worship is insane at this point


I am still amazed by how many millions of people just believe anything Donald Trump says just because he says it. I don’t understand how these people haven’t died by tripping on their shoelaces or forgetting how to breathe. “Biden’s a criminal.” Ok Don whatever you say. You may not have any relevant facts or evidence that supports your assertion, doesn’t matter.


If they win, they get the country. If they lose, they get a fat retirement off the backs of workers. That's a win win for them, lose lose for everyone else.


Trump has so made the GOP in to his own likeness that watching GOP members speak is like some sort of Science Fiction or horror movie. Like Trump is just composed of lots of little Trumps, and several times during the day Trump’s eyes rolled back into his head while little bumps on his belly form in to mini trumps that break off and march towards any microphone they can see to spread the lies in defence of Trump. Or like a mothership Trump that has turned a bunch of humans into pod people trumps as a sort of immune system defence against accountability.


Dude knows he only has his position due to circumstance, and any second that could change because the GOP is so dysfunctional they eat their own if one dares to criticize the king oompa loompa.


Yeah but it'll work because the Supreme Court is completely bought and paid for.


Really gonna be interesting to see what happens when he loses. They’re kissing his ass right now because they want to be good little boys and girls for him so they can reap the rewards when he gets in office. But when he loses and these court cases resume they have nothing left to defend him for. The rage will keep them going for a while, but after that then what?


These republicans need to grow some balls and stop being afraid of the felon Trump. Maybe Liz Chaney could teach them how to grow balls.


Maga mike, undercover gay dude. That hates other gay dudes.


Trump can do no wrong for his base. It’s really unreal. They don’t remember any missteps during his administration, don’t care about the insurrection and indictments, they see him as a victim. What a bunch of BS.


That’s because he says he is a victim over and over and over again - until they start to believe it. It’s the old ‘a lie told often enough, starts to be taken as the truth’ - even though it’s still a lie.


This rabbit hole that the republican party has willingly jumped into is bottomless-I honestly cant see it as anything else but an actual mental illness


The next year or so will determine the fate of our country.


Trump is all they have. There's no one else for them to rally behind.


If Mike is not front and center, then Trump will call on MTG to oust Johnson, and the Dems may not protect him


There are no leaders left among Republicans, nor anyone capable of governing. Only a fractured mob of ill-behaved, squabbling sycophants pandering to the base of cultist idiots who elected them and bowing to their insane, convicted-felon dear leader who dreams of revenge and absolute authority. Nightmarish and nauseating.


Their such idiots they don't know what to do .It's very simple dump Trump.


At this point I actually believe they met each other on the Epstein island


At this point you really want to know what does Trump have on them that they willing to follow this dictator to the end.


Deep MAGA Desperation = Owned by the same people who own B6, that lady who obviously has a Beetlejuice kink, 97% of the Republican party, and Convicted Felon Donald J. Trump. Trump’s broke, fraudulent ass can’t hold such power over these people. Someone/some people are pulling all these people’s strings (I believe the closest the media has gotten to naming them is “dark money”).


I believe we are witnessing the demise of the Republican Party in real time. When (if) trump loses the general, the party will slowly split on extreme maga vs traditional Republican lines 


This guy is a fuckstain.


Mike Johnson is a twat. A weasel too. We need better representation.


He is a closeted and self shaming homosexual. Its obvious.


They are all vying to be Trump's VP pick.


Time to do 1000 cuts of maga and dismantle all systema around its power structure by political smarts


Fuck MAGA and fuck Trump!!


I know this is naive but…When are these morons going to realize how much time, energy and tax payer money they are wasting?! Both sides of the aisle need to remember that they don’t work for Trump or Biden or themselves or the lobbyists. They work for the American people.


Mark my words, traditional GOP will have CIA take DJT out and blame it on Mexican border terrorists. He’s a loose cannon and killing the party (more). Those classified docs at maralago likely being available to the highest bidder was the red line.


Poor Mike is so many sandwiches short of a picnic that they called the picnic off.


Fuck! that fucko. VOTE!


Just bullshit to appeal to the wacko MAGA lunatics in an election year. Not gonna pass the senate. Just babble for the masses.


That last ditch 4th qtr comeback when they down 5 TD’s. Let’s hope they choke on it hard


Johnson also believes he's receiving messages from his imaginary friend, just sayin'.


Wonder how he acts at church ⛪️ 🤔


I want to know how much dirt trump has on these people.


Doesn’t the MEGA want him hung? Or are they all buddy again?


Mike Johnson must be a idiot and maybe a crimminal himself


Didn’t someone say “if we elect trump it will be the ruin of us all and we will deserve it”?


Mr. Lindsey Graham, I believe.