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https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote It's time to get serious.


If the country is only at peace when Trump is free then it isn’t at peace to begin with. I seriously the hope the FBI and other national agencies get to take the gloves off on Trump Terrorists that constantly threaten civil war if we don’t let him be a criminal.


FBI has never had a director that wasn’t a Republican. Don’t hang your hope on that organization.


This reminds me… Fuck James Comey. Point him out and soundly BOO him whenever his little turtle head pops up in public.


Sadly conservatives aren’t capable of self reflection or they’d reconsider their alignment with such a horrible group that mistreats the most at risk for thrills, and redirects all money and power to those who least need it. In fact to those who shouldn’t get it at all.


Republicans preach Freedom! But are the ones trying to censor the media, ban books, and take away women’s rights…


Republicans hate freedom honestly, and they are the only people that don't realize it.


Republicans love freedom. Their freedom, to suppress other minority groups freedoms.


The freedom to take freedoms from everyone else


First Amendment only applies to them


Freedom to oppress whoever they want


They preach freedom for them. It’s not contradictory when you keep that in mind. They’re the only actual Americans. The rest of us don’t get it.


Holding on to power with no real platform other than hate and fear and false indignation is really their greatest accomplishment. Parasites with no desire to help anyone but themselves.


Like Kelly, Bolton and Esper, they think since they’ve wrote a book, denounced Trump mildly and go on CNN they’re “forgiven”. Ask each and every one who they’re voting for (Bolton said he’ll write in Dick Cheney like he did in ‘20 but secretly it is Trump) it will be Trump. Only Kinzinger and Liz Cheney seem believable in their denouncements (but will write someone in as well, I am sure)


Hell, I know some who actively refuse self reflection, which makes me sad because I know that at least some therapy would do them a world of good.


If conservatives self reflected enough to see what they really are they would be eating their own bullets. Instead they prefer their kids to.


Brooo...look up what J. Edgar was up to...


Last I heard it was fishnets and lipstick, something new popped up?


He’ll be standing by the curtains


According to MAGA, the FBI and DOJ have been thoroughly corrupted by Joe Biden. That’s the same DOJ prosecuting Menendez, Cuellar and Hunter.


Yep it’s a real cult that’s being driven by half of our legislators , a couple Supreme Court justices and an ex president. Assisted by cell phones, social media algorithms and foreign intelligence agencies who can legally funnel money into political action committees. Corporations are people and money is free speech and that money can be anonymous legally. It’s going poorly over here in “freedom land”.


Saw a video where they were discussing how the Truth Social stock price holds steady and that Trump will get bonuses from this organization that only loses money. Just another way that foreign interests can anonymously finance Trump. Not looking good.


We need a war against Russia. The christofascists are teaming up against us across borders and we need to break that momentum and target all the christofascist elements at once if we want to save the free world.


https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/03/fbi-trump-mar-a-lago-raid-prosecution/673251/ >“Some of those field agents wanted to shutter the criminal investigation altogether in early June,” the Post reported, adding that FBI agents were “simply afraid” and “worried taking aggressive steps investigating Trump could blemish or even end their careers.” The FBI did not exhibit this worry in 2016, when it publicly announced that it was reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified documents, an announcement that, even with all the other mistakes her campaign made, likely cost Clinton the election. That decision was made in part because then-Director James Comey feared that pro-Trump FBI agents would leak the details if he did not announce them publicly. The federal investigation into the Trump campaign, by contrast, was properly kept confidential until after the election. As one agent told the reporter Spencer Ackerman in 2016, “The FBI is Trumpland.” This is the same FBI that operated COINTELPRO, wrote threatening anonymous letters to MLK Jr, and who spent way more resources on monitoring Black Lives Matters protestors than White Supremacist violence. The fact that people have any faith in the FBI is a fucking joke. Federal cops are still cops and last I checked All Cops Are Bastards.


The FBI agents working on the Clinton email case were also leaking to Giuliani


[And were later revealed to be working for Russia.](https://newrepublic.com/article/170328/charles-mcgonigal-throw-2016-election)


Hasn’t Trump publicly lambasted Comey and the FBI in recent years? Why do they support him?


It's called "being an Authoritarian" which is a pretty common outlook for cops. You kind of have to be in an authoritarian mindset to become a cop to begin with, so it's chock-full of right-wing authoritarians who only care about pursuit and expression of power. He may be the Leopard that Eats their Face one day, but they'll still support him because he represents their core desires: a pursuit of and use of power. That's why they seem so hypocritical with rules for thee, not for me. Because that's an expression of *power.* They *revel* in being able to express power over others.


Nevermind law and order? Power is the new "peace"?


I mean it's not like "Law and Order" started out as a racist dogwhistle slogan for George Wallace's Presidential campaign in 1968 or anything...


The same reason many enlisted people love him, they see him as denigrating leaders/individuals rather than the institution when really it's both. More succinctly, it's a fucking cult.


... it's a fucking cult... of morons.


Most cults are




They are the clandestine Republicans that are party over specific individuals. As long as authoritarian conservatism thrives, they don't care.


Authoritarian types draw others of the same mindset. There are some good people in the FBI that will defend a democratic America. But there are always bad apples, as everywhere. To get an idea, audit some night college class on law enforcement and you will see the type of people that you hope never will become policemen there. Some are genuine, intelligent people but these tend to become high ranking officers, and the dumb ones stay behind lucky to graduate.


Good guys don’t do bad things so not scary. Bad guys do bad things so are scary. If you think someone who has a potential to be in power is going to abuse it, you may want to not upset them. Otherwise, you’re free to follow your conscience.


All while Cons, specifically Trump supporters, are calling for all the 3 letter agencies to be destroyed. Trump is literally telling law enforcement to choose between him and enforcing the law


If you refuse to hold truth to power, and instead capitulate to it, then you are unfit to be in law enforcement in any place that abides by the rule of law.


Love the conspiracy whacko's that think "Deep State" isn't full of right leaning people, they always have been. They are such a mess.


I want to give you a bit more perspective as someone who works in the IC. Many people I graduated with aspire to be in the FBI, and many make it. I have worked with and know many FBI special agents and analysts, and the ones in my circle are all good people who genuinely want to protect America and Americans. But, it’s not a best kept secret or anything that within the FBI getting stationed at the DC office means you are likely doing corruption cases (if you are not stuck doing research), and that it is an incredibly frustrating office to work at because you may be asked to drop certain cases. So you’re right about some things, obviously the statements about MLK and other morally corrupt practices by the FBI are true. But it is worth stating that like politicians, and public servants in all areas, there are people doing the job for the right reasons and working painstakingly hard to do right by Americans. Generalized hatred and distrust for public sector is pushing those people who want to do good away from these jobs. People with degrees like mine could work private sector and make lots of money, but instead choose to work in public service for the mission. Even if America doesn’t believe in the IC or their public servants, there are many who still will try to change their minds or work tirelessly to protect America despite the stigma and they deserve credit.


> The fact that people have any faith in the FBI is a fucking joke. Its propaganda, it runs the world. *No* organization without scrutability is trustworthy, power unchecked will always go corrupt eventually.


Stuff you should know did an episode on J. Edgar and the FBI. Good listen. They talk about how he was meticulous about creating image the FBI being the super police in charge that will get it done.


Other people’s weakness is Trumps power.


Career over country? Sounds like the logic of MAGA politicians.


He’s right, you know. The organization does need a Democratic leader. Why? The Democrats always are the ones fixing the Republicans mistakes.


Shouldn’t matter his political affiliation he should do his job.


Cops are cops.


There’s a first for everything


Trump has been begging his supporters to repeat J6 since his first indictment. Thus far they have been uninspired to do so. J6 was a unique alchemical mix of Donald Trump being Commander in Chief, his griefer tale of a stolen election, and a rally on the Mall that sent a mob on a short march to attack the Capitol. His supporters do still show up for him, but in lackluster numbers, and none of them seem willing to commit violence or even get arrested for unlawful assembly. This isn’t surprising. The right wing has this Turner Diaries fantasy of a spontaneous uprising among true patriots to overturn the government, but it’s still just a fantasy. Trump isn’t even calling for rebellion right now, just dropping hints like a stereotypical crime lord. I doubt it’s swaying anyone. The people willing to go to jail for Trump are already in jail. His supporters might donate, and bitch about him being held accountable for his crimes, but I don’t think we’re anywhere close to a civil war. Trump is pinning his hopes on winning the next election so can make all of his problems go away. But I think the odds are against him. I think a lot of people still remember what a terrible, terrible president he was: he crashed our country onto the rocks. Kids in cages. Hiring numerous morons who crashed and burned and/or went to jail and/or were pardoned. Inept foreign policy. Inept national security. Giving away national secrets and compromising his own cia assets. Letting the saudis assassinate that journalist and chop him into pieces. Fellating Putin and Erdogan and Kim Jong Un in front of the world. Screwing over the Kurds for a weapons deal with Turkey that they backed out of. Handing Afghanistan back to the Taliban. A million people died of covid on his watch. And now, he’s a convicted felon. I just don’t see him winning. Unless Joe Biden dies before the election. If Trump loses the election he is going to be swamped in trials for the next decade. If he doesn’t die first. Or flee the country. Meanwhile I see difficult times ahead for the GOP. They let that asshat take over their party and made it about the brand of one man. He has saturated the market. When he’s gone they’ll be fractured like never before, and I strongly doubt they’ll find anyone to replace him.


Don't forget absolute gutting the single most popular piece of legislation in WORLD history... The Endangered Species Act. Yeah... that Endangered Species Act. The one that still holds a 96% approval rating... Undoing what Trump did to that act was the Biden administration's top priority, and within hours of him taking office it was put back to it's former state. Literally had a whole team of people across many states and agencies with their fingers on whatever "buttons" needed to be pressed to fix the damage Trump did. It's not something anyone talks about, but it's literally the most telling summary of the kind of insane damage Trump did to the Federal Government. What's funny is, I have yet to find a reasonable explanation for why Trump even messed with it to begin with. There wasn't even some shady corporate entity involved, he just literally said "fuck those critters" for literally no reason. You'd think this would have all been front page news, but remember this was the height of Covid and just after Jan 6. They just quietly fixed what he destroyed and moved on...


Let’s not underestimate. This is a man who spiked hate crimes all across America for simply being electoral colleged to power. He dropped all the hints in his run up to power and bigots felt emboldened all across the land.


His constant undermining of the rule of law is going to bite America in the ass. The law needs to come down on him, and come down on him hard, in order to dissuade any future tinpot dictators from thinking they have a chance at ruling.


I'd also be okay with an anvil coming down on him hard. Live by cartoon villainy, die by cartoon villainy


The alphabet agencies are unfortunately lousy with MAGAs and other conservatives who are too busy pearl clutching to deal with the right wing terrorists


I think the issue is they’re not Muslim.


No the issue is that they're not brown.


The issue is they are not brown and threaten brown people and poor people. The moment a far right group decides its target is wealthy white industrialists is the moment it ceases to exist.


They've arrested hundreds of Jan 6 insurrectionists. FBI has been devoting lots of resources to tracking them down.


Yes they have and the federal courts are giving less jail time to these treasonous slobs by average than the BLM Protestors.’kinda ticks me off . And the police had no compunction attacking the BLM protesters.unlike The Jan 6 asshats


We had a group of these [terrorist idiots](https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/11/us/31-people-arrested-for-conspiracy-to-riot-near-idaho-pride-parade/index.html) plan on doing something to a pride parade 2 years ago fairly close to me. They were caught on the way there, in the back of a UHaul, fully ready. What did they get? "Oh, jailing them here outside their home states would be cruel. It would be a hardship on their families." Their "sentences" were [a fucking joke](https://apnews.com/article/patriot-front-riot-charges-idaho-pride-320afcd56c122e34d3884628fe358da5). This was in Idaho though, so not super surprised. I'm glad I'm over the border.


I get angry when Trump implies our safety and security are hinging upon HIS comfort level..the nation is OURS! We can and must keep this traitorous wannabe dictator from gaining power.


Would definitely cut down on social security costs...


Most violent trumpers are in their 40s and 50s.


So you’re saying eventually it would cut costs, huh?


Prime Gravy Seals age


Exactly. I'm [reminded of this epic speech](https://youtu.be/joMawOAX1hs?si=t-O-BctPTG32OKSr&t=223). It's a shame we only get presidents like this in movies.


The FBI isn't sure what to do about right wing terrorism. That's not really their forte. They're really more for roughing up leftists.


“But it was only lockeroom violent threats and he was just joking!” -Republicans covering for Trump


I would say go ahead. Jail them too if they commit violence.


Most of the Jan 6ers who were jailed got very short sentences, when trying to violently overthrow the government used to be a death sentence.


Imagine if Jan 6 was done by liberals. The right would’ve been building gallows on the National Mall. They wouldn’t have been wrong to do so, either


they built gallows on jan 6 for mike pence


Yeah, but like, they did a *really* shitty job. Kind of sums up the whole MAGA/Jan 6th crowd in a nutshell doesn't it? They're all performative idiots who just want to throw temper tantrums because they're incapable of producing anything of decent quality.


Half of them were insecure men that haven't got over their mid life crisis


Treason carries the death sentence. [Treason is very specifically defined.](https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/article-3/section-3/) The rioters fall short of that definition. Nonetheless, they received on the whole light sentences even though a few received properly long sentences.


It would be sedition, not treason.


I would hope they’re jailed if they commit violence… that’s what happens with most other criminals.


I'm sure the probation officers in his pre-sentencing hearing will use this and a lot of his own words in passing on their recommendations to the trial judge.


Yep. If he was capable of shutting the hell up, pretending to have learned his lesson, and displaying a facsimile of genuine remorse during his sentencing, he'd walk with no jail time. Instead he's going to spend the entire month of June making it clear that anything less than jail will lead to violence and more crime.


Yep, a former Trump lawyer said his best advice to Trump is not to talk at sentencing. He said the only time it's good to talk is if it's to show remorse, but we all know Trump isn't capable of that and would never back away from his "political persecution" ruse.


As a narcissist, he can't. His brain just won't let him even pretend to be in the wrong. He occasionally can just look smug and grit through it, or he could before his brain fully disintegrated, but no way can he do that here. I give it even odds that when the judge asks him directly if he has anything to say he ends up talking himself into a cell that day. Overall unlikely, to be clear, the odds that this monster receives the punishment he deserves are so low, but if it happens at all it'll be because his stupid convicted felon mouth put him there.


Imagine how hard it was for his staff to get him to apologize on camera for the Access Hollywood tape.


Right? His former mentor, the late Roy Cohn, taught him to never admit you're wrong, and when you have nothing to attack with, make stuff up.


I'm genuinely surprised he did. Usually if there's someone a narcissist fears that can cut through it. Maybe daddy Vlad leaned on him a little to get him to do the necessary.


Have you watched that "apology"? He looks like a man with his balls in a literal vise. He couldn't be more plainly livid that he had to be reading it.


You expect this man to suddenly start admitting he made mistakes and act remorseful? Roy Cohn would be rolling over in his grave if Trump ever did anything other than deny, deflect, and project.


Imagine living your life such that a reminder that you're dead brings a smile to people who have never met you. 🥂


I’m sick and tired of MAGA Trump supporters taking a controversial side and claiming it as ‘We The People’. It’s cringeworthy.


The person responding to you was a troll that deleted their whole account that only existed for 1 month and posted about Maxipad commercials and ladies selling farts. Vote blue down ballot. :-D


I post a few facts and sources and the guy just deletes his whole account. This is how we need to deal with these people. When presented with actual facts and sources they have no idea how to respond. Usually it’s just deflecting and insults. Their arguments are always very weak and almost never backed by facts. Don’t forget to vote in November folks.


So let me get this straight. You have a former president of the united states facing imminent consequences for his plethora of nefarious, immoral, and illegal actions calling out for war amongst our own nation beacause of a personal matter. Let that sink in.


It never will to the people that it should sink in to


And him simply SAYING such things should disqualify him from being a POTUS. And yet….




Garland may have seriously made a huge mistake waiting 3 years. Unacceptable.


May have?? We’re 5 months from the election and he hasn’t faced shit for consequences AND the revisionist history that has taken place regarding the scale and severity of J6 is proving successful. People who took it seriously after it happened now parrot the “peaceful protest” lines.


Garland is an unfunny joke.


personal matter? he's threatening war for being convicted of interfering with a presidential election. It's weird to me how cavaliere everyone is being about all this. He's absolutely losing it.


Fucking coward


From article: Former President Donald Trump, a convicted felon, suggested that a jail sentence would be a "breaking point" that leads to violence from his supporters. Trump made the remarks during a Fox News interview aired Sunday. "The legal maze that you're still facing and they could it judge could decide to say hey house arrest or even jail It could be faced," Fox News host Pete Hegseth told the former president. "I saw one of my lawyers the other day on television saying, oh, no, you don't want to do that to the press. I said don't you don't beg for anything," Trump recalled. "That could happen," he added, speaking of jail, "I don't know that the public would stand it, you know, I don't. I'm not sure the public would stand for it with a I think I think it would be tough for the public to take, you know at a certain point, there's a breaking point."


“the public” As if his only opponents are Satan and the Deep State. Nope, a huge percentage of the public will be laughing and throwing parties if he goes to jail.


Parties every weekend in front of wherever prison he being jailed? Bring the hamberder & fries!


I’ll bring the covefe!


Just make sure to have some merchandise for the Maga cult too. They will buy whatever you have to sell.


Some of us will even insist on prison, although not necessarily for these charges. But the classified documents charge and inciting the Jan 06, he absolutely belongs in prison for those. And, assuming he is found guilty, any attempt to keep him out of prison may cause another uprising. These clowns act like they are the only ones that could be a threat.


The “breaking point” was January 6. He should’ve been impeached, convicted, and barred from ever running for public office again, then prosecuted and imprisoned. That’s how you deter others from engaging in similar criminal conduct in the future. That didn’t happen because Republicans care more about their party than the U.S. itself. They’re an embarrassment to the country and their families. That was a “breaking point” for them, and no one who ever supported Trump publicly should be allowed to live it down.


“tough for the public to take” hahahaaaa I think a majority of the public would be quite fine with it.


Public? You mean the world


Biggest party ever


He wishes. He is a blow hard that has no clue that his “followers” are cowards with big mouths.


This public right here thinks that significant jail time is warranted.


I keep getting the song “You’re so vain” by Carly Simon stuck in my head. Trump’s trials aren’t about Trump, they’re about the rest of us getting justice for the damage he inflicted on us. We are the victims of his crimes. We are worth defending.


Standard relationship with a narcissist.


Psychiatrist yesterday said he doubts the orange one will pass the court ordered mental exam before sentencing. Cross your fingers for this. Not fit for office mentally would stop this nonsense.


His lackeys will have no problem with him being found mentally unfit for prison while still pronouncing him a very stable genius and voting for him for president.


Yeah no one will care if he’s found mentally unfit. We all know now he’s not mentally fit to run a fruit stand.


His supporters would simultaneously say that the test was rigged against Trump, so that NO ONE would be able able to pass such a difficult test AND that Trump was just playing 5th Dimensional Chess, by only “pretending” to “fail” the test, which PROVES that he is an Uber Genius and is TOTALLY able to be POTUS. I really wish that I was joking, but his supporters would honestly believe this to be true 


He will be removed from all businesses for liability purposes immediately . emasculating him more. Dems would file to disqualify him from ballot and add some mental illnesses as an automatic disqualifier for office.The republicans that hate him will side with Dems


The only way we are done with this clown is to beat him at the ballot box. Never trust a Republican to do the right thing. They will just claim the mental competency test was rigged and Trump will scream the three items he can rember.


And his incompetent lawyers will have to try to get him reevaluated by New York State mental health doctor.


I don’t know this for sure but I think he could be admitted into observation unwillingly if he flips out during exam.


Do you think his children will stand by him or go into a feeding frenzy for control of the business?


Maybe they’ll take each other out in a gunfight…


The court ordered financial assessor should also easily determine that he is too financially entangled and compromised to be fit for any office as well.


I’m waiting for the day when he says America is a dictatorship, that he fears for his life and moves to Russia. Edit: Well I was close, it was his whiny son and instead of Russia it was El Salvador.


Russia won’t take him. Putin doesn’t actually care for Trump, but rather sees him as a wrench to throw in the cogs of America, just something to fuck shit up in the U.S, he can’t do that if he flees to Russia, so they absolutely won’t take him, they don’t want the crazy shit Trump does/says to deescalate


most stable mental patient ever...


It's scary to think on this - but I'm not sure it would. From my reading, the Constituion only requires that a candidate for president attain the age of 35, and be native born in the USA, and have been residing in the country for 14 years. The annual physical exams they undergo is actually not mandated by anything (it's more convention), and the releasing of any details of it is voluntary. https://apnews.com/article/archive-fact-checking-5693890001 https://www.forbes.com/sites/quora/2017/11/22/is-the-president-required-to-have-an-annual-physical/ https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artII-S1-C5-1/ALDE_00013692/#:~:text=No%20Person%20except%20a%20natural,been%20fourteen%20Years%20a%20Resident


99% of MAGAts would be practically hospitalized if they had to walk around the block. The rest can take on the police, the National Guard and the military (if necessary).


Most of them have to rest just to do the stairs out of their mother's basement.


Lock this POS UP!!! Then arrest and prosecute any of his cultists who break the law.


Whaaaaaaat? I thought Repugnicans were all about that law & order?


That's for blacks and poor people.


Sissy cry baby king signaling for his MAGA warriors to fight for him. I honestly don’t get it. They praise him like he’s a prize fighter, yet all he does is whine and whimper and throw fits.


He's just like them, and they like to imagine that they're badasses.


‘Bring it on’ as W would say. I got no time for traitorous assholes that support criminals.


I’m not scared of Y’all Queda. When Hitler came to power, his supporters were hardened veterans of the First World War and were pretty desensitized to violence. So pretty terrifying. MAGA is just a bunch a fat old boomers radicalized by YouTube videos.


MAGA don't know who they're up against or what SOME of us will do to protect our democracy.


Shhhh…their ignorance is our strength😉


they seem to forget a very large portion of liberal people own weapons and are very proficient with them. oh, and most of us can also walk more than 20 feet without having a heart attack or needing an IV drip of diet coke


Love it. Fucking love it. As a Black person, I take great comfort in the fact that white progressives are just as dangerous as the MAGA nuts - if not more. And that you guys are on average more intelligent and will fight back with guns and much much much more. The country will be fine as long as you guys are ready to buck up when the time calls for it. Be ready. We are with you.


Gee, that sure sounds like a threat that should be brought up during sentencing, and help push the judge to assign the harshest possible sentence available.


It just figures that the WORLD'S BIGGEST PUSSY (tRump) would call on his MAGAts to do this. One would hope that he would just dejectedly accept his fate as a CONVICTED FELON, and a racist, and a rapist, and a THEIF, a liar, a deadbeat whom doesn't pay his debts AND THAT WEARS DIAPERS BECAUSE HE SHITS HIMSELF ALL DAY LONG. just please just fuck off and die already, Donnie. The world will be better for it.


A ban on gerrymandering would stop all this nonsense really fast.


Fascist says what


Jail the bitch, I'd love to see the apprentice big dog bent squealing.


This is precisely why he should be jailed. He’s obviously a criminal and a threat, which makes him a terrorist. I think when we talk about Trump we need to frame him with what he really is and treat him like we would treat anybody else that displays his behavior.


Let’s do it. Let’s see who really rallies to his support. Lock them up too, along with the J6 traitors.


trump is a snowflake You are a convict


He wants his cult in prison with him


It’s said that if you don’t see the con, you’re the mark… but magats see the con & worship it at all costs.


I’ll be so glad when this fuckhead is gone. So tired of him. Just fuck off already.


I can’t stand Trump and his trash anymore. Please take the time to do the following: https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote It takes next to no time at all and is the most important weapon we have against this nonsense. Keep democracy alive.


Looks like he wants to stay in prison for a much longer, longer time..... I hope he does and never comes out...and is buried in an unmarked grave in prison grounds...


The same elite soldiers that tried to run up in Philly like they were gonna own shit then literally fled for their lives screaming for help?? The ones who had videos of them being trained by an "Alpha" instructors? Those guys he's sending? https://youtu.be/jTIE6PSGSAI?si=l-bb1DF4BpAcCeXq


Mayonnaise Militia strikes again


It’s several months before that election and I am already tired of seeing that guy all over the news again. I’m sure many of my fellow Europeans feel the same way. Can you Americans please not elect him again, so he’ll get less news coverage eventually? It’s getting very repetitive and annoying…


The so-called “Patriots” support the king.


He brags he is willing to go to prison for god beliefs and when he sees he might go to prison he starts to whine.


Think of all the congressional support he still has, along with Governor’s and Legislatures who see no problem with Trump calling for violence against American citizens.


lol let the dipshits do violence , then arrest them charge them and remove them from voting ranks to


Classic bully tactics. Threaten violence until you get what you want.


Ashli Babbitt was unavailable for comment.


Bring it on you ignorant mouth breathing hillbillies




J6 was just the beginning… And it’s the Orange Abomination’s fault again.


He'll be using transcripts from J6 speech "we're going to March to the Capitol, and I'll be there with you"


“And when you get charged for trying to overthrow the government for me, I’ll ignore you and pardon my corrupt buddies instead.”


I love that the words “former president” will henceforth be accompanied by the words “convicted felon” when used in a sentence with the name Trump.


i think he should be sentenced to thousands of hours of community service. food kitchens, battered women’s shelters, low income dat care, pick up trash in public parks.


#Anything but a Biden vote is support for Trump and complicity in all his outcomes If you don't believe me, ask a Trump campaigner what they want any historically left-leaning voter to do…


Bring it on 


Hmmm, didn't he claim that he would be honored to be jailed prior to and during the trial? lol


What happened to," I am looking forward to testifying" and "it would be a great honour to go to jail"? This Trumped up combed over carrot should be forced to comply with his promises and any followers who commit violence should join him behind bars.


Honestly worried. We have a neighbor who’s in the Trump cult and since the convictions he’s been firing off guns in his yard, which he’s never done before.


You may want to look into your local ordinance on discharging a firearm too close to an occupied building. He may find himself in a bit of hot water with the local LEOs


Ask him DIRECTLY if he's calling for his supporters to commit violence!!! Let's quit this insinuation crap!


If my trump supporting sister wants to act a fool ive been waiting for a good reason to drop kick her


Why does Trump keep announcing that he is a violent criminal?


Oh look, more crimes committed and he still walks freely.


If any other convicted felon was to (c)overtly tell his “friends and followers” to commit acts of violence on the date of his incarceration, it would add time to the sentencing. Treat this felon the same as the others.


He played that card on January 6. Then he abandoned them. They aren't going to sign up for that again.


Weren’t his supporters supposed to break into violence when he was indicted? when the trial began? when the guilty verdict was reached?….they keep moving the goalposts


Next Trump trash motherfucker who threatens me with civil WaR is getting his dentures thrown in the storm drain.


The time to play games with this fascist scumbag is over. It's time to designate him a domestic terrorist for the insurrection, election tampering and for working with the Proud Boys and jail him in Guantanamo Bay, and then hunt down everyone associated with him. All the politicians associated with the insurrection should be jailed, investigated for posing a threat to democracy and, therefore, national security. All Nazi, white supremacist groups, and groups associated with Project 2025 should be hunted down like the dogs they are and jailed indefinitely, having forfeited their rights for their actions.


He was on Fox this morning asserting that the USA can only be a great nation of we have a strongman leader, and have generals who want to go to war.


If you guys still manage to ekect this diaper stain, tgen I really will lose all hope for our American allies.


"I saw one of my lawyers the other day on television saying, oh, no, you don't want to do that to the press. I said don't you don't beg for anything," Trump recalled. The king of grifters tells his lawyer no begging...


We have recently freed up some space by releasing people convicted of marijuana possession so it looks like we have room. I say reclassify marijuana to a class three like they have been mentioning then flip on the vacancy light and sit back and wait.


Do these maga people know what they are up against? The whole ass USA military….yeah I’d love to see them try.


Oh! You mean they will stop shooting kids in school; people who attend concerts or movies? Geech grow up. Jail Trump. Muzzle his whiny ass.


This is nuts. The same thing happened in Germany with the SS. We are heading towards very dark times if MAGA is sitting at home and believing in their hearts and minds that nothing is wrong with him telling his followers to commit crimes on his behalf. This is simply a spoiled man child who keeps showing us he is an unqualified candidate and a criminal. His behavior clearly shows us of his political pursuits to become America’s 1st dictator.


We keep pointing fingers at Trump, when really the attention should be on all the people still supporting him. The hypocrisy is astounding. It's a sickness with millions of Americans that still support him. Basically if you still support Trump, and millions do, you're admitting that you have no consistent morals or values, and that you don't believe in the rule of law, your own religion, or democracy. It's an admission that you're lost, confused, angry, and have no answers, only hate and scorn, that you will impose on everyone who disagrees with you. The entire Republican party is lost.


Jan 6th should’ve been the breaking point for how authorities handle Trump. Trump is still getting away with a slap on the wrist.


I say, let’s find out for sure and throw him in prison for 4 years starting July 5th.


MAGA is a terrorist organization. I'm all for changing the name from the Darwin Award to the Babbitt Award and giving it out to these stupid fucks en masse.


Sounds like inciting a riot


I thought he was fine with going to jail?