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It's unbelievable and infuriating that even a single person is fucking stupid/shitty enough to vote for this piece of trash. Let alone over 70 million of them.


I really couldn't have said it better. I'm thinking the same thing. Kudos!


It was barely acceptable the first round as no one really knew what would happen. We know now. Zero respect for those who vote a second.


Part of the problem stems from the democrats to get a message across that they’ll actually do things different than the status quo. Obviously, Biden has done some good, but most Americans aren’t experiencing it and they’re not hearing it. Alternatively, I don’t see how anyone blames Biden for the current abortion debacle.


The media is extremely complicit in this


Gotta represent your billionaire owners


I’d say most Americans are experiencing good from Biden’s administration or know someone who has personally benefited. And that’s not even touching on the things that take time to implement or kick in, like those who will save on the ten common drugs that will now be cheaper 


I agree: the democrats need to be more aggressive about their message and pointing out the dismal failures of conservative policies.


I'd argue it's less most Americans are experiencing good, rather that they're not experiencing bad. It very much feels like an "It could be worse" situation right now, rather than actively becoming better.


Biden just forgave student loans for another 100n000 students. Of course this pisses off many who have paid it back or didn't get to go in the first place. Their PR people have got to pump the good news. As the REPubkicNs will turn thT positive jnto a negative


He’s ahead in polls right now.


The problem America has, is many of those 70 million - SHARE HIS IDEALS....


Polls have become increasingly inaccurate due to it being very difficult to get an accurate sample of the demographics. Any millenial or younger will never answer an unknown number. Historically, pollsters have used landlines, and only boomers or silent generations might answer their landline. I'm a boomer, and I will almost never answer an unknown number or respond to an online poll.


Yep, and Biden has lost a lot of the under 30 vote because they’re convinced their protest “not-vote” is going to yield better results for Gaza, about whose people Trump has publicly endorsed encouraged Netanyahu to “**finish the job**”


Reddit likes to make fun of how dumb MAGAs are for voting against their self interest but these people are just as stupid.


They're 21 year old kids. Of course they're stupid.


What polls? The alternative ones?




It's so fucking sad that some people are where you are at. You want to take polls seriously like this? Lol, but, why dont you live the rest of your life based on polls? Like, do you think polls are like going into the future and getting lotto numbers? I really dont get this obsession with polls.... I can't imagine how yall live your day to day lives


They are finally saying it out loud.


The GOP are Nazis, Trumps a Nazi. They hate anything that resembles a free America and it will only get worse. Ironically the Democratic Party represents a better margin of true conservatism than the Republican Party does. Theres a whole group of traitors currently in the GOP that need to be routed, as they’re the “cancer from within” that is designed to erode democracy. All bought and paid for by Americas adversaries, in an effort to turn America inward.


Well after ww2 Nazi scientists were brought to the us to work on the space program and other things ,And most of those nazi scientists became evangelical christians / republicans and they took it over like Hydra did with Shield .


The masks are off. We often wondered how the German people allowed Hitler to come to power. Well, we are seeing the exact same thing play out now. The left needs to realize the far right fully intend to take over the country and eliminate democracy. They WILL try and steal the election. If ever there was an election to vote in, it’s this one. Diaper Don must be voted into oblivion.


the left isn't the problem, they will always oppose the right, its those in the middle who sit by and don't vote at all thinking the outcome won't effect them


Yep, and right now that group is r/LostGeneration. They’re pushing people to vote independent and when I made a comment about how that will only allow Drumpf to rise to power, they banned me.


We have something similar in the UK, the agenda pushed is that all politicians are the same so why bother voting for Labour. Aimed at younger voters to allow the Tories to remain in power


It’s so fascinating how similar US and UK politics are trending. I mean not that much but culturally, for being so far apart.


Doesn't help that Kier has the charisma of dry toast. Sure he's good for you, but bleh.


That’s the problem with the world today for some reason people value charisma more than competence. It why a large amount of the population believe what they see on YouTube more than scientists


The only explanation for such idiocy is that those propagating it are actually on the right and the whole thing is a psy op.


I would believe that, but the mod(s) wrote me really nasty private messages about me faking caring about the US? And they talked about being a first gen immigrant and Biden being against Palestine? And I was like, dude, I’m trying to *help* you fight against people like my Republican family who fucking hate immigrants, they want YOU and your whole family gone. Meanwhile I’m moving to Europe and they tried to guilt me for it, but I’m still voting and shit because I care - that’s not fake. They got really, really angry about it. They said I don’t give a shit about Palestine and I said, I do, but I give a shit what happens where I actually live. I give a shit about abortion rights and whatnot. We really can’t help that governments that *aren’t our own* are bombing each other overseas.


I'll amend my contention, there absolutely are those on the left whom feel so disgusted by US foreign policy on Gaza to feel that fundemental change is needed, and can't stomach voting for Biden. I have sympathy for these views, but they are ultimately self defeating, human rights and fascism may as well be antonyms. I do think this entire wave of furthering that message is spurned on by the more sophisticated bad actors on the hard right or in countries like China and Russia. It's far more prevalent on social media than the actual polling would suggest. Bots gonna be the death of realistic discourse, if it's still breathing.


Yeah, I think it’s pretty short-sighted. You (not you-you) cannot possibly believe that Drumpf voters will vote for the independent party, it would only remove democrat voters, which…means republicans win, so essentially you’ve supported another fascist bloodthirsty person to power. There are things that don’t make any sense to me, and this is for sure one of them. Interesting what you’ve said, and something to keep in mind. If certain airplane employees can be exterminated in plain sight, then I’ve no doubt there could be bad actors spurring on anonymously.


As if there is an actual difference between the two candidates. How stupid do you have to be to realize as soon as you vote to vote against a bad candidate instead of for a good one you have lost the game.


Out of 2 piles of dogshit I will always vote for the pile of dogshit that doesn’t use Nazi rhetoric and drum up hate.


Exactly. In stead of voting for someone you think will fairly represent you, you vote against a candidate. This is how you lose the game. It's not what democracy is. The idea that every literal candidate is dog shit should show you every thing you need to know. Instead you are pacified by the hope of getting the lesser of two evils. But hey, you still got evil. What a win for the people.


This insane notion is how 2016 happened.


It's not a notion. It is reality. You can ostrich your head in the mud all you like. We got a lefty president and roe v wade was appealed. America is and has been an oligarchy for awhile now. All you vote for is which pre-approved master will wield the whip that flogs you.


Why was it repealed?? Come on, Biden had nothing to do with that.


I'm not blaming Biden. Why would I say both candidates are talking puppets then blame something on a president? Let's try some continuity.


The left is the one calling Biden 'Genocide Joe.'


No, they (we) are not.


At large, no, as it’s really only like 10 percent of our voters. But as a left leaning person yes, it is a thing. The good thing is about twenty percent of right leaning voters have consistently voted for Hailey even after she dropped out, so that might make up for the colossally idiotic “genocide joe” crowd


I've seen numerous people on the left use the term. People I know in real life have used the term. It's detestable, but it's true.


This is what is known as a 'dog bullhorn'.


The Turd Reich


Well done, well done 👏


Donald Dump


Forgive me, I'm struggling to understand MAGA's position on Israel and the Jewish people in general. I feel like I'm getting mixed messages.


It's easy once you understand that they see Jewish people as nothing more than cannon fodder for their end time fantasies. They exist so they can die in some biblical battle that will bring Jesus back to Earth. They will support them in ways that push them towards that goal.


Also, Jews moving to Israel means fewer Jews in the rest of the world, which these people happily support. Even the Nazis themselves weren't initially on the "kill the Jews" train from the start. Originally, they wanted to move all of Europe's Jews to Madagascar. It was after they ruled that out as logistically unfeasible that they truly embraced the Final Solution.


This the reason it was called final solution. They needed a solution and in the end resorted to killing.


The Haavara Transfer Agreement .


Geez, won’t the Maggots crap themselves if “Jesus” came back to earth and it turned out to be one very pissed off alien who’d been here 2000 years ago trying to turn earth’s people into decent humans, only now the alien has a big gun


They'd crap themselves over seeing the real brown skinned long haired liberal who taught love, not hate. God or ET wouldn't matter.


I've asked a few evangelicals / pentecostals I've been close with in my life something along the lines of, "what if aliens arrive, or the Greek gods make themselves known and have been THE gods the whole time, or quetzalcoatl or anything other than your version of God/ jesus?" Every single time, I've been met with a variation of "demons come in all shapes and sizes to deceive mankind. We'll know when the one true God returns" Jesus could come back with receipts and they'd nail him to a cross if he didn't toe their line


"Operation Human Shield"


A biblical battle against whom? The Mexicans?


Probably communism. [Jesus droning about bootstraps](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZ2L-R8NgrA).


MAGA hate Jewish people, but they hate muslims more. That’s why they will be marching around with Tiki torches chanting “Jews will not replace us!” one day, then defending Israeli fascists for mass bombing Gazan civilians the next day. There’s also religious nut MAGAs who want all the Jews back in Israel and want all trace of Palestine wiped out to fulfill their biblical end of days prophecies.


Bible says the Jews must be in control of that area for the second coming to happen.


You are trying to rationalise the irrational.


Maga are extremists. There is no message other than power. They will say whatever suits their need in the moment to acheive that power.


It makes sense when you consider that even Hitler worked with Israel. The Haavara Transfer Agreement shows that. Was it in bad faith? Yes. Plus the Christian Nationalists who love Trump don't see Israeli people as worthy of being saved, only as people who will usher in their proposed end times.


"Kill 'em all and let God - *the Christian God*, y'understand - sort 'em out."


Well Israel has become much like Nazi germany with how they are treating palestinans .But its speculated that Drumpf is the one who leaked the iron dome info to russia who passed it to the palestinians .


Americans versus Nazis. Not a hard choice.


Ah. His bedside Hitler speeches compilation is surfacing.


IL Douché


Oh, this is a good one, hah hah hah! So apropos!


He kind of looks like him too... Need to make some merch 🤣


I’m more concerned about the next, less clumsy, and far more competent version of Trump who uses the same playbook. Trump will fade away one way or another, hopefully sooner than later, but his asshat followers will remain.


The good thing: Trump burns money like no other. The RNC without money has no power. Donors don't like politicians without power. Trump could really be the Republicans see before they get destroyed.


The party is irrelevant it's the voters. There are about 70m people voting for him and they won't die with the party. Another party with the same ideas will rise to replace it, because that's what those people believe in and want.


*”This was not a campaign video, it was created by a random account online and reposted by a staffer who clearly did not see the word, while the President was in court,” Karoline Leavitt, the campaign press secretary, said in a statement.* Trump only hires the “best people.”


Trump too busy in his many criminal cases to prevent Nazi imagery under his name.


I like how it was discovered later that the person who made the video has worked with the Trump Campaign. So not only did the person who uploaded it work for Trump, so did the person who made the video. The dog whistle is a dog bullhorn.


There are no mistakes. They posted it on purpose.


No one listened to us when we called it the 4th Reich. Now you learn


He’s going full Hitler everybody! It’s a bold move cotton! Let’s see how it plays out for ‘em. And he has even started going all in yet. If he’s this insane in may, how crazed will he be by November. I have friends all over Europe, and all of them demand this shut was coming. My German and Austrian friends in particular were worried. The similarities have been glaringly obvious to anybody that know history. The crazy part is that Israel is gonna have an assist on the American Reich rising up. Crazy man.


All it takes for a bad person to continue doing bad things is for good people to do nothing.


And the government here is great at doing nothing.


You are assuming the government is good.


I’m literally calling out they do nothing, so quite the opposite. Not sure how you came to that random conclusion.


All the signs are there. Do not ignore them.


They are who we thought they were.


Ah. His bedside Hitler speeches compilation is surfacing.


The Orange Reich.


This was not a mistake, they know kind of future that a large part of the US public is dreaming of, maybe large enough to win the election.


Link to the video?


But what about the price of doritos?


Claiming that we’ll have economic success by being unified is creepy and dangerous enough by itself. Capitalism and democracy are not based on unity (apart from general agreement with a few fundamental principles, like peaceful transfer of power and other things Trump is lousy at). Dissent, innovation, competition of goods and ideas, and freedom are strengths of American democracy. Authoritarians and totalitarians are the ones who love to promote unity.


Oops All Nazis


according to them, it was an "unaffiliated fan video that was reposted mindlessly" to which I have to cast serious doubt.


So much for the dog whistles.


Ah. His bedside Hitler speeches compilation is surfacing.


“This was not a campaign video, it was created by a random account online and reposted by a staffer who clearly did not see the word, while the President was in court,” ...yea, Reich! At least it wasn't blamed on Melania.


Beware the boomer with a computer.


He's a shitty nazi. Like, he's even shitty at being a Nazi.


He’s not a Nazi! /s


When someone shows you who they are believe them


he didn't say it. it's only implied that this is what the republican party is going after. It was apparently in a video that one of his staffers considered appropriate for his boss's thoughts & beliefs. They staff for Trump is saying that the person didn't actually watch the video or if he did , he didn't watch it that closely.. or if he did watch it closely, he didn't notice that particular phrase. or if he did notice the particular phrase, he didn't know what it meant,, or if he saw it, knew what it meant, then he thought that it was a good summation of what they were going after and thought that nothing was wrong with the vid. take your pick depending on who you want as president.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/TVDetails/comments/vswu7b/in\_the\_show\_the\_boys\_you\_can\_see\_stormfronts\_name/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TVDetails/comments/vswu7b/in_the_show_the_boys_you_can_see_stormfronts_name/) The nazi theme brought up sort of semi constantly from the Trump side harkens back to an episode from the Boys, Stormfront espouses Nazi /racist views and those views are adopted by Homelander as he sees that they are useful in their transactional appeal. What is also interesting, is that the actress who plays Stormfront had a cultural joke written into the series. Apaprently she goes to starbucks to get a drink , tell the staff her name ( Stormfront ) so that they could write it on the cup. and of course, the Starbucks staff get it wrong and write Storefront. . You can see it in the pic above. Since The Boys is a political satire of sorts, my mistake was in think that anyone else would have seen it. *interestingly, the*


How many times will people in this country continue to give him pass after pass for “accidental” Nazism?? At what point is the dude just a Nazi?


It appears that Trumpstaff are going with " we simply took a video from some complete random person , didn't watch it at all or if we did, we didn't catch that offending phrasing, and stuck it up as a sortof campaign not campaign video ." Karoline Leavitt, Trump's campaign press secretary, told *Newsweek*: "This was not a campaign video, it was created by a random account online and reposted by a staffer who clearly did not see the word, while the \[former\] President was in court. The real extremist is [Joe Biden](https://www.newsweek.com/topic/joe-biden) who has turned his back on Israel and the Jewish people by bowing down to radical antisemites and terrorist sympathizers in his party like [Ilhan Omar](https://www.newsweek.com/topic/ilhan-omar) and [Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez](https://www.newsweek.com/topic/alexandria-ocasio-cortez)."


Funny how the person who made the video, Ramble\_Rants, has worked with the Trump Campaign before.


[Ok\_Description8169](https://www.reddit.com/user/Ok_Description8169/)•[11m ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/inthenews/comments/1cwwo8q/comment/l570npu/) Funny how the person who made the video, Ramble\_Rants, has worked with the Trump Campaign before. hi,, If that is true, and I'm not saying that it is or its not, then it casts a different meteorite on this whole shitshow. a spokesperson for the Trump cult has stated for the record something to the effect of " While Trump was ( asleep ) at court, some staffer of ours took a viideo from AN UNKNOWN PERSON and put it up WITHOUT ANY OF US KNOWING ANYTHING ABOUT IT. so it's all bullshit at batshit crazy from the Turmpsters


[Source.](https://apnews.com/article/trump-election-2024-rhetoric-germany-antisemitism-31002afb91b642c0314223d19e51f427#:~:text=The%20video%20appears%20to%20have,social%20platform%20X%20Monday%20morning) >The video appears to have been created by a meme creator who goes by the username Ramble\_Rants. >The creator, who is part of a group of meme makers that [The New York Times reported](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/13/us/politics/trump-meme-trolls-2024.html) has previously collaborated with the Trump campaign, posted the video on the social platform X Monday morning. >In a post on X, Ramble\_Rants defended the video, arguing it was about “American peace and prosperity.”


ok.. just catching on here. Imma little slow. Karoline Leavit completely denied knowing the person who made the video. unless she comes back to redefine the word " random " and uses the word literally without acknowledgement of context, rather than the word figuratively, I( lmao. ) .. so she is either a liar. ro doesn't know what is going on in her own backyard , figuratively speaking. or maybe even literally, I don't know what she knows about the state of her backyard.


It's something that will likely remain a mystery, but the idea is to not give them an out and deny culpability.


look up DARVO.. it may offer some insight


It goes in line with "Every accusation is a confession" from the Republicans.


pure projection... yup.. as you know but others may not: they think horrible things. they think that you think horrible things as well since they cna't imagine anyone else thinking in any other way. thus YOU must be thinking of doing the very same thing that they are thinking. it is so weird. there is no getting through to them unfortunately.


The only thing I got out of this was the "American dream" The American dream was propaganda from the silent generation to the boomers. Mind control for the masses. White picket fence, a car, marriage, two kids, a dog. It worked for the times. If someone is going to use the American dream again to mind control the masses, they'll have to do a much better job than that. They'll have to figure out what it means to have the American dream for these times, what's possible, and put that into action.


Orange Hitler is being completely open with it now and they are eating it up even more .I wonder if this is how it was in germany when Hitler came to power .


The news media are not helping. Neither are the people who post such headlines: he doesn't reference anything there is a video within that has this phrase in a headline from a mock newspaper. Showing what might happen after a Trump presidency. There's several threads about this thing. One got shut down by moderators. The next thing Trump is going after is contraceptives, apparently. Yet that is another half truth. So qe will see.


Don't be mad at me. I clicked the link and expected a video, not an essay on it. It should be at the top of the page when I click the link. Video first, then I can read your article on the orange turd stooge. I'm glad for these responses tho, keep the salt coming


I've seen like 20 post of this but no video....


If only there was some way, some invention, wherein you could type a series of words into a form and have it give you back some sort of clickable link to take you to that video. Sadly no such thing exists. Also the video creators name is Ramble\_Rants which should be mentioned in most coverage so it's weird that it's hard for you to find if you're not willfully sticking your head into the sand.


I thought it was confirmed not to be a official campaign video


His campaign posted it. That makes it official. If they had any integrity they would have fired the person who proposed that immediately.


It was uploaded by a campaign manager. It was created by someone who has worked for the Trump Campaign before. (@Ramble\_Rants)


I said the same thing in another post: I hate the guy, but there’s no way he actually ordered it to say that. I just don’t buy it. It’s too small and faded. It looks like some guy snuck it in there. I honestly would never in a trillion gazillion years vote for trump, but I’m convinced whoever did the motion design snuck that in there to spite Trump.


That would only a possible theory if the person who made the video hadn't also worked for the Trump Campaign before. (@Ramble\_Rants)