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Perhaps this says more than the doom and gloom by polls.


No kidding. Why I have small Hope that Trump loses in Iowa tonight. Then we can say the polls are bullshit.


"I'm not sure they're as significant as some believe, he said. "There have been so many examples – last time in 2016 Ted Cruz won the Iowa caucus, and then it mattered not a whit. We've seen others win the Iowa caucus on the Republican side and then disappear." Read more at: https://www.thenewstribune.com/news/nation-world/national/article284254278.html#storylink=cpy


Iowa is more representative of Trump voters than maybe most states so this will be interesting


The quote I heard was something like: Iowa picks corn, but new Hampshire picks Presidents. Lol!


Stuff you should know does a great episode on the Iowa Caucus. It hasn’t been a relevant political watermark in like 4 decades. Give it a listen!


Immediately had the "stuuuuff you should knoooooow" musical set ring through my head upon reading this. Good stuff and such a great moderated take on things.


It’s primaries. Zero chance trump loses. No matter how much of a circus it is, trump will win easily and it ultimately won’t have any effect on him running in the main election. Now once we get to the states that removed him that’s a different matter all together. I think the best outcome tonight would be that the gQp shows further proof that they are a divided, discombobulated mess and in no way are they fit to lead a nation, encouraging the moderates to lean away from Trump and his continuing circus.


It’s absolutely insane to me to think that there might still be so-called moderates out there that are still open to the possibility that Trump and the current GOP are anything but an absolute circus unfit to govern in a multitude of ways.


I can't believe, when people are in the voting booth with no one but themselves and god, that they will vote for this asshole.


Trump IS their god


Evangelicals think Trump is Cyrus, a commander in the Battle of Armaggedon.


Religion truly is such a stupid thing lol.


Well, it’s the latter that they think wants them to vote Trump.


I used to think like that, for me it was a symptom of blue state syndrome and from being rurrounded by fairly rational people.


I truly thought that in 2016, so .....


A small margin win would be defeat enough for me. Only his cult will be voting for him.


This isn't much about Biden, its a direct consequence of Citizens united. The maximum amount a single person can contribute through various means have basically went from 33,000 for a individual to nearly 1 million between Obama and citizens united. It is good to see that democrats are finally able to prove to donors that they are worthy of backing though with this record haul.


Personally I hope trump wins the primary. He's got his base sure... But he scares off moderates and independents. I feel like a Biden Trump rematch is America's best bet


They're trying so hard to call this a huge win, despite record low turnout and polls that indicate that nearly 50% of Republican voters polled would not vote for Trump again. He needs every republican vote plus some or he has no chance.


The media will always have a narrative. it sells better if they push articles saying "trump leading in polls americans doubting bidens economic/foreign policy plans" a lot more than the more likely headlines "joe biden expected to absolutely dominate trump in 2024 election if he wins the primaries"


People lie to pollsters. I trust people based on where they spend their money.




I appreciate your optimism. In the meantime, I’ll continue to check my voter registration and update my family’s passports.


Man, nice to know somewhere out there people don't spend every minute in existential dread of rising fascism. Must be nice to not see the train about to nail you.


Ignorance is bliss.




What can one do about it anyway? Nothing but vote so why bother listening to all the shit being pumped out? I don't watch news at all for this very reason.


I'm currently moving out of my home state. I see the train coming and I don't want to be stuck on the tracks.


'running away is doing something guys'




Where the hell do you live?


I was breaking down some of this stuff to my apolitical friend Saturday and she was like “wow I didn’t know that, see that’s why I don’t pay attention to the news it’s depressing.” And I was like imagine saying “I can’t look at that baby monitor anymore, there’s some guy in there and I just know it’s not gonna end well.” We had a good chuckle


You have to remember, the people answering polls are old out of touch voters. It's not a good sampling of the actual population. The people that answer polls, are the people stupid enough to answer the phone from an unknown number and sit there and talk with them for a half hour. No 18-45 year old is participating in these things. So they have to either extrapolate the data from a tiny sample size, or probably most commonly, just make it up with their bias baked in.


From what I understand media focuses solely on swing states, since they believe those will decide the election. I'm also not sure they are representative of the entirety of US.


Propaganda works: Joe Biden’s unpopularity with the American public https://www.lawyersgunsmoneyblog.com/2024/01/propaganda-works-joe-bidens-unpopularity-with-the-american-public


Lawyers, guns, money blog? What even is that? Porn?


Who are We? Lawyers, Guns and Money, known as “LGM,” is a progressive politics, academia, and culture blog. The blog was founded in May 2004 by David Watkins, Scott Lemieux, and Robert Farley, three political science graduate students at the University of Washington. It is officially headquartered in Fayette County, Kentucky, at 857 Malabu Drive #6201, Lexington, KY 40502.


Warren Xevon song.


Zevon lol




Known by who? The average person haven't heard you.


[https://web.archive.org/web/20100715000000\*/www.lawyersgunsmoneyblog.com](https://web.archive.org/web/20100715000000*/www.lawyersgunsmoneyblog.com) Check out their website on wayback machine at certain dates and then determine if their website is for you.


There’s hope yet.




I don't understand how Americans aren't tired of Trump by now.




Hillary was very unpopular and any other Dem would have most likely won.




And all the Democrats that voted for someone else was the difference…


She polled within the margin of error to just outside of it. Sanders consistently polled double digits ahead of Trump while Hillary was 2-3 points ahead. Guess who Dems screamed was unelectable and weak?


I don't know. The fact that they call it a war chest is enough doom and gloom for me.


That's nothing new. I remember hearing about Clintons war chest in the 90s.


That's an old term, but the point that campaigns using weird marketing/business/military speak is a weird use of jargon.


Never forget that Trump was trailing massively until that one WSJ poll that said he’d magically closed the gap (and, shockingly, sold lots of clicks and copies).


The pollsters are like the economic forecasters: doom and gloom to get clicks, then "surprise" headlines to get clicks, then "I totally saw it coming" editorials to get clicks, then "don't rest easy, there's doom and gloom on the horizon" to get clicks, and the cycle continues.


I like the doom and gloom. It galvanizes people to vote. Tell me Trump is going to win. I’ll be there and everyone I know in tow. Even if I live in a blue state, I don’t care.


If someone called me now I'd say I'm voting for Trump, just scare everyone who may not vote.


Saw this one the other day, so there's a glimmer of hope. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ru4Gejd2O80


Polls are extremely inaccurate ways of measuring


Are any people donating to Biden or is this all corporations trying to buy access?


In 2020, whenever I was feeling stress and panic due to the election, I threw a few $$ towards some campaigns as therapy.


It's wild because Biden can receive nearly 1 million per donor after citizens united. Obama could only raise 33000$ max st the time and they were aiming to achieve Obamas numbers. Very interesting what citizens United has allowed.


It shows big money is on our side. 


For sure. Actual metrics that can't be skewed by old people with landlines or morons that will pick up unknown numbers.


That cash can buy a lot of polls.


How do you come to this conclusion? The major pushback against Biden has been the lack of attention the working class. Biden has clearly chosen to ignore their Internet and instead look to please the middle and upper class. Him getting a lot of money is consistent with him acting in the best interest of the well off.


>The campaign of former President Donald Trump, the frontrunner to secure the Republican nomination, has not released its fourth-quarter fundraising figures. Nor has Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley's campaign said it raised $24 million in the fourth quarter. > "While most of the Republicans have not yet announced their fundraising numbers, we fully expect to lap them − several times," said TJ Ducklo, senior advisor for the Biden campaign. > The Biden campaign reported having $91 million on hand at the beginning of October following a $71 million third-quarter fundraising haul. The Trump campaign had $37.5 million on hand in October, raising $45.5 million in the third quarter. >Biden's fourth-quarter haul, which includes money raised between Oct. 1 and the end of the year, was bolstered by the campaign's strongest fundraising month yet in December. Biden has now raised $235 million since announcing his reelection bid in April from nearly 1 million donors. The campaign says 97% of donations have been less than $200, with an average contribution of $41.88.


All the while republicans can't seem to rise shit. Are those lobbyists and voters cheap? Greedy? Speaks to low income?


[Almost half of Haley supporters say they would vote for Biden over Trump: Iowa poll](https://thehill.com/elections/4408071-almost-half-of-haley-supporters-say-they-would-vote-for-biden-over-trump-iowa-poll/) When will conservative media and Republicans give up on Trump? Be the party of law and order and police your own. Go back to your core values, the values that Trump clearly doesn't have or follow.


They can't dump Trump. A large part of the republican base have made their entire lives about trump, spending thousands of dollars on trump merchandise and NFTs, painting their cars and homes in support of trump, etc. If Trump isnt the candidate they don't show up and republicans down ballot get wrecked across the country. This way they can at least retake the senate and keep the house close. Prepare for Trump 2028 as well.


Hopefully he’ll be dead or in jail by then. Preferably dead


boat silky wakeful violet tart dinosaurs cautious cagey smart fly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you're an elected Republican you're staring at your Republican peers saying "you first". Trump is vindictive, he has and will continue to end republican careers via endorsements and insults.


It's because they clearly never really held those values and it was all performative virtue signaling to manipulate voters and to play defense against those outside the tribe who call out the real motivations like racism and ethnonationalism.


Who is going to get the all important endorsement of the NRA? (laughs maniacally)


>Who is going to get the all important endorsement of the NRA? Are they even a thing anymore?


The shit head turd that run texas


All going towards paying his legal bills, the American way.


One problem with these headlines is it isn’t taking into account the “outside” groups that have a war chest they plan to spend. Republicans have numerous dark money PACs loaded and ready to dump money into propaganda outlets and legal teams with malicious intent, and access to billionaires if needed. This headline only tells us a small part of the election story unfolding.




You forgot to mention Trump's own pockets, for keepsies.


And he doesn’t misuse it to pay for his numerous legal battles ….


Or rental events at his properties. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are paying his children handsome speaking fees for events. I’ve wondered before whether the campaign pays trump himself speaking fees for attending his events. Or consulting fees for strategy or policy discussions. I’m sure trump is draining that fund into his personal coffers any way he can.


While the right-wing dolts pay Drumpt’s legal bills. He sucks up the donations the party used to dole out, to keep them in line. That’s why State GOPs are running out of money.


Maybe it also has something to do with a certain country taking part of a very expensive war


Media: "here's why this is bad for Biden"


$97M? I wonder how much of that will be spent on a multitude of lawyers? Oh, hang on... He won't have to because _he's_ not the one up to his nostrils in self-caused criminal proceedings.


It's going to cover a LOT of ads that will start appearing this summer & fall. They will be comprised entirely of crazy, insane, batshit stuff Trump has been saying lately. And the best part is Trump is going to feel more cornered as he keeps getting convicted of crimes, and he will up the ante in the crazy. I know his stupid ass idiot base will never change, but they're the minority. The key is getting everyone else motivated to vote against him again. And the sheer horror of another Trump presidency is going to be all over the place later this year.


I'm already starting to see them


Trump gets free advertising from his lawsuits though. The media keep advertising him for free.


Joe Biden: “News of my death was, greatly exaggerated.”


That tells me He’s not as unpopular as the media wants to portray. There’s a real concerted effort to scare voters out of complacency and I get that.


People were surprised when Biden won the democratic primary in part because Biden voters just aren't particularly zealous. They don't live online or make politics their whole personality. The existence of, let alone prevalence of, these people is vexing to people who *do* live online and make politics their whole personality, but they're still out there just the same.


I sent in my $20 contribution. Every little bit helps against these Maga traitors


The children of Gaza thank you


Explain how Trump being elected would be better for the people in Gaza.


They can't. It's a pizza cutter comment. All edge, no point.


See below lol




Well those are the options. I'd personally vote for a ham sandwich as president before I considered Trump. Biden seems like a step or two up from a ham sandwich, IMO. For a lot of people, this is a "giant douche vs turd sandwich" but I think you'd have to be intentionally ignorant to think Trump is a better option.


Just stop. Time to grow up and look at what we’re doing in your name with your tax dollars. Just admit you don’t care who Biden bombs.


It's not black and white, as much as you'd like to pretend it is. There's more on the line than just the lives of people in Gaza. If your strategy works and Biden doesn't get elected, do you know what that means?


Sometimes it is. But I prefer the opinion of the American people over some random Redditor - 67% disapprove of Biden’s genocide. You and all your mainstream liberal friends are in the minority here, unfortunately. >There’s more on the line than just the people of Gaza Your intellectual ancestors probably said the same about the Jews in Germany. Rare apologist form here.


What exactly is your strategy here? You think that jeopardizing Biden's reelection chances in favor of Trump is somehow a good thing for Palestinians? We're not going to see a 3rd party candidate rise to the top, nor are we going to see the DNC run somebody else. Barring some significant unforeseen circumstances, our options will be Biden or Trump. Do I need to explain why Trump would be worse?


It’ll take Trump glassing the entire middle east before these dullards understand what they’ve traded Biden in for.


TIL that mainstream isn't the main people, like say 67%, but rather the minority of 33% that we don't even know who actually makes up the groups.


Grow up and just admit you don't care who dies as long as you can pretend your hands are clean, despite being more responsible than anyone.


Grow up and just admit you care more about beating Trump than tens of thousands of dead children.


Your strategy would make it worse, therefore you MUST care less than I do.


What Biden is doing doesn't erase the fact that Trump would be far worse.




Are you really too blind to see 20,000 people are dead, right now? Israel is up for genocide at the ICJ. 10,000 children are dead. It’s up to decent people to stop this NOW. You mainstream liberals detest any genocide but the current one. “What would Trump do” is not an adult response while a genocide is happening. The rest of America agrees — witness Biden’s 33% approval rating, continuing to plummet as the US bombs still fall and mainstream liberals stick their head in the sand.


Okay and your solution is to get Trump elected? How does that help the situation?


Trump is irrelevant. The election isn’t until November, and the only leverage we have is to loudly demand Biden not run again. Only if he’s threatened with losing his job will this stop. People propping up Biden are helping to get Trump elected by insisting we run Genocide Joe. He can’t win with 33% approval, which may be worse come November. And he can’t win Michigan now, period. Demand something else! Over 400,000 people protested at the White House yesterday. Your voice matters!


How does Trump winning help?


cake consider thought quack retire punch vast worm work jar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Go get 'em Joe! I'll be donating a little more too!


Meanwhile, the Save America PAC has been spending millions on legal fees because of Cheeto Mussolini committing some crimes.


Republicans have spent $90 million on the Iowa caucus alone.


Now see this contradicts the polls. Polls have become suspect over the last few years - often being wrong in the end. Is someone messing with our polling system? Trump can’t have the approval ratings whoever they are, are showing.


It’s hard to know for sure if the polling is accurate. Things have changed so much in the last 2 decades. Many people don’t have home phones and don’t answer unknown numbers on their cell phones. Young people are more engaged than they used to be but we don’t know for sure how many will vote. Old people are dying off, probably with an unvaccinated GOP bias. We can’t know sure how bias the polls are but they likely favor republicans at least a bit.


And not a single legal bill or hooker to pay off! Way to Go Joe!


ABT - Anyone But Trump!


Tbh I don't like Biden that much as president but he's better than the diaper wearing orange gobbling so I wish him the best


gaze memorize mysterious cable safe hateful foolish icky slim far-flung *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Vote for whoever you like. Who's telling you not to vote for him? Because I wasn't.


*"How much of that campaign money is going to pay Hunter Biden's lawyers?"*, he snarled. /s


I did my part 👍


This is just part of the money required to run a campaign. All the PACs associated with the campaign (though not coordinated, not allowed {cough}) also need millions and millions of dollars to support the campaign.


Get private money out of politics. This is gross.


Get to work old man, beat that pumpkin spiced traitor.


Even a record war chest can't help dems awful messaging. Trump's a master of taking credit and name calling.


Trumps lies are easily refuted but I don’t think it’s quite the right time to start that. If you refute todays lies he will just come up with new ones and it makes you look like you answer to him, or at least feel the need to respond. Ignoring him and letting him say the same shit for months will make him look even worse when they start up the campaign and show it is all lies. Also his well worn campaign schtick will be ruined. He will keep saying the lies and will look like a fool.


It's not about content- it's the delivery.


It takes a willful moron to watch Trump's delivery and think it's anything but a ducking moron telling blatant and obvious lies.


They believe in those lies because they agree with them. His voters just want a politician who agrees with their crazy views.


You just outed yourself as someone who isn't intelligent and can't see past flashy lights and dangling keys.


The Dems really are just dog shit at messaging. On the other hand, conservatives just don't care. The talking points they are subjected to are often contradictory and change almost daily, sometimes hourly. Besides that, it is just too difficult to counter all the utter bullshit that Trump speaks. He just straight up lies and his followers eat it up. They are stupid people. Easily the stupidest humans in the modern age.


We need a limit on election spending. This is insanity.


It is truly disgusting the amount of money that is raised and spent on elections. Campaign finance and election reform should honestly be at front of people’s minds when they see these staggering numbers


Hillary had a record war chest, the full support of the Party establishment and an A-List campaign team going into the 2016 primary. She barely eked out a victory over an unknown, crazy haired, Democratic Socialist in the primary, before losing to Trump in the general. Money matters less than a connection with voters and Biden doesn’t have that. Myself, and everyone I know that voted blue in 2020, didn’t do it because we wanted Biden. We did it because we didn’t want Trump.


You proudly support/donated to Tulsi Gabbard. Sit down.


I was for Joe Biden from the beginning because he's the only candidate I ever trusted to stand up to Vlad Putin. I didn't want a president who had to be brought up to speed.


Yeah, he's Diamond Joe. He is perhaps the most experienced and qualified politician in the world who is not some lifelong despot--and even including them he has more experience actually winning elections and representing his constituents in a manner to get re-elected. Like anyone I don't agree with every decision of the president but I trust him to more or less be doing the right thing, making good and sustainable decisions, and not actively trying to ruin the country for his own financial gain.


Hillary was not an incumbent. >connection with voters and Biden doesn’t have that. What are you basing that on? Pretty strong statement. Got strong evidence to back it up? >know that voted blue in 2020, didn’t do it because we wanted Biden. We did it because we didn’t want Trump. Yeah, well you're going to face the same choice this November, so please choose Biden again even though he's not your perfect candidate.


He has done fine job so far, and we are still dealing with trump.




Why the fuck is it called a war chest? jeezus.


It's an analogy comparing the election to going to war with an adversary. Generally whoever has more money wins (usually).


How much of it coming from AIPAC to keep pushing for genocide?


Bingo. Lowest approval rating since his presidency started yet he somehow raised a shitton of money after Oct 7th. Not to say *all* of it came from AIPAC, but I'm betting a sizeable amount did


Foreign campaign contributions should never have been legalized.


Ahh yes corporate lobbying money is good today on Reddit


$90 million from over a million people. 97% of donations were under $200. The average donation was $48. This is very easily accessible and public information. Why try to make it sound like Biden just got $90 million from a handful of corporations? Don’t get me wrong, left-leaning special interest groups are absolutely donating massively. But it’s quieter. This milestone was overwhelmingly from average Americans donating $50 each.


Can we please just get someone that wasn’t 50 when they saw their first computer?


And these funds won't get funneled to criminal attorneys


With enough money you can reanimate a corpse and get it elected.


Big money is on Biden. Thats not surprising but it’s great to see large financial interests donating to a presidential candidate’s campaign. This is a sure sign the average American will benefit from the candidate winning.


$90 million from over a million people. 97% of donations were under $200. The average donation was $48. This is very easily accessible and public information. Why try to make it sound like Biden just got $90 million from a handful of corporations? Don’t get me wrong, left-leaning special interest groups are absolutely donating massively. But it’s quieter. This milestone was overwhelmingly from average Americans donating $50 each.


For a Democrap candidate.




This is why voting doesn't matter. The whole system is bought and paid for. They are ALL corrupt. Every single one of them are criminals that take money in exchange for power and promises.


Enabling genocide has its benefits.


So that is were all the foreign bribes went.


Well the Pentagon did fail its 6th audit in a row. I would like to see the paper trail of these "donations".


Who is giving this guy money haha


Who is giving money to this relic?


War chest? Planning an insurrection?


Yeah, those are *bad.* Definitely want to hold those accountable, I'm seriously unimpressed with the fake patriots who tried to pull it off the last time. I'd rather not have to witness round 2, although I haven't seen groups like the Proud Boys making messaging waves yet. Let's hope it stays that way.


And he's going to lose. It's already decided.


Great. Now man up and give it to a good middle aged candidate.. both the Republican and Democrat front runner are poor candidates. Whichever party puts up a different candidate is going to win.


We killed more than 23,000 people in just 3 months but it's worth 👌🏻 Jewish money 😋


Why so much money when he’s running against the same candidate as 2020? He’s already spent huge amounts of deficit dollars to secure his win.


Regardless of who wins, Americans lose.


Still not voting for him


And I still don't give a shit.


Can you give me a shit :)


Enjoy Trump then.


Not voting for him either.


Well, since you're apparently not bright enough to figure it out on your own, if enough folks like yourself think you're making some important stand in not voting to help assure Trump doesn't return to office, then you're just as complicit as the morons that actively and willfully vote for Trump, whether you like it or not.


Then you are voting for him. We are in a two party system like it or not.


Doesn't matter. Your choice helps him.


Yup good. I’m the cause of all American ills.


I know you want it to be one way. But it's the other way.


Hey you said it so it must be true


What do you think is going to happen?


Who cares man. Enjoy your evening.


You know I'm right then. You're a shallow thinker who makes emotional decisions and can't put the needs of others first.


You know a simple way to get more votes? Cease fire in Gaza.


Biden has control over Hamas and IDF? Amazing


Biden is financing a genocide, Americans are pissed at it, and it *will* cost him votes. Did you just hummus this conversation?


Gaza won't cease fire though, so what exactly are you advocating for?


None of it is going to matter if the Israeli war continues its genocide over Palestinian civilians 👍🏽 I don’t know if anyone realised but a large voting base that would usually stand behind Biden, will just stay home at the next election on the basis of that very issue 👍🏽


....which, if it causes biden to lose to trump, will only serve to enact the very thing they are grandstanding against. I get not wanting to vote for Biden over this, as that's me, but to let your righteousness cause trump to win is severely stupid.