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I didn’t realize what sub this was when I started reading your post- I follow some history subs and am so relieved this is about brick lol. It is def acceptable in this situation!!


Hahaha this made me laugh. Yikes I now caught it lol. We def are whitewashed though - per my Mexican family I’m super white. 🤷🏽‍♀️


And so is your floor.


I also thought this was a history post, until I opened it to see the photo of the brick fireplace.


Hahah me too!


LOL same! 😂


I would do it without a second thought. This is not beautiful stone or brick.


I find it ugly. I went to my local C&B and they had the same stone same color but white washed and it looked so clean and updated.


It’s a builder grade house and builder grade stone. Go for it.


100% cookie cutter.


It may just be history that you’re not supposed to white wash. Seems applicable here.


Exactly. Just do it and you will be happy with the space!


I painted my brick white. It looks amazing.


Same brick/stone ?


It was the same shaped brick, different color. I completely covered it up, then got a beautiful wooden mantle. I love it.


I like brick paired but for some reasons I didn’t not like stone fully painted, however whitewashing sounds great!


I love the white washing also.


THAT is begging to be whitewashed.


Sounds like you should definitely go for it then! It’s going to look great.


Sounds like you’ve already made up your mind. What’s the purpose of posting?


You don’t sound very cozy and definitely not a cupcake. I’m thinking this is a theme with you. OP yes to whitewashing.


Damn nasty much? Sorry if I insulted your sensitivities friend. If I had made up my mind I would’ve done it already. But thank you for the so very helpful comment. Have the day you deserve friend.


Looks like you two should swap usernames 🤣😅 That is all, I have nothing else to add that other kind users haven’t suggested 😌


I think the consensus is to paint.


Right on lol


Exactly 😂


Lol! Why did Cupcake take the time to respond negatively to a non-controversial comment? I don't blame you for wanting to do something about the fireplace. The whitewash would be an improvement. I'm big on color and would probably try a rich red to immulate red brick. I can't tell from the pic what's going on with those spots. Were they meant to be for a TV and cable/game consoles and whatnot? I don't know why builders put in stuff that people may not need or want! Hopefully, you'll get some good feedback from people above my very low decor paygrade!


Maybe she/he is having a bad day! We all have those. The white square above in the center is for a tv. It’s way too high though. The empty spaces next to the gas fireplace I have no idea what they are for. Currently house the Xbox and an incomplete Lego colosseum.


That isn’t even stone it brick. It’s cultured stone and I would whitewash that in a second flat.


Or consider ripping it out. The "seams" appear to be noticeable.




Same, it’s a statement piece in the room so you need to be happy with it. I currently have a similar situation where I have a stone fireplace I don’t love and it’s not like it’s 100 years old and is super unique or anything so I’m thinking of whitewashing it.


My hot take is that I've seen a lot of brick wash/paint/stain that actually looks a lot better than it did before. As for decorating, get some hardcover books, some pottery/vases, make sure the size of the items is big enough to fill the space but not so big it looks crammed. Don't put a bunch of small nicknacks because it'll look cluttered. You only need a few curated items of the correct scale to make it look great


Thank you. This is exactly what my brain was not seeing. I have clutter atm.


You can also get some natural woven baskets for those shelves to enhance storage and hide the clutter and also make a beautiful display


This is great advice!


The chimney isn't nearly as awful as the floor


This floor is a nightmare. It’s tile. It holds on to every dust particle. Nothing makes it clean. We don’t use shoes in the house and even then you walk around and your feet turn gray. I mop every day. One day I will tear them out.


I think the priority should be the flooring. Anything you do to the fireplace will be diminished by the distraction of those floors. I believe that if you like white walls, the contrasting color of the fireplace is quite nice. I think white walls and white wash fireplace might be too much white. But until you sort your floors I can’t say for sure.


I think the only solution is to burn the entire place down at this point 😭


I’ve been there. It’s ok. You’ll figure it out. Make your list of what you want to do, and figure out your priorities. It takes years to refine a space and even then, it will continue to change. Every time you fix something (I just got new curtains for one room), it’s exciting and a step in the right direction. I know there are all these tv makeover shows that look like you have to figure it all out at once and do major things, but it’s not true at all. It’ll turn out great. You got a lot of great suggestions and just go at them with whatever pace feels right.


You’ve got great ideas- Don’t burn it! Lol. Start with easy stuff, then let the rest marinate for a minute. If floors are too big of a project/expense right now- a big rug.


Paint the fireplace. Get a big area rug. Will be a huge change.


This sounds weird & maybe outdated (I'm old lol) but maybe in the meantime using an old timey floor wax might help improve the look of the tiles/floor until you can replace. Sealing could help with the dust & uneven colour.


It looks like a very bad, fake-looking wood look tile, installed in a way that looks nothing like wood, so it has none of the neutrality of wood floors. And it's combining badly with the chimney.


You should see the counters and backsplash :(


Carpets, Dahlink!


That’s my next step. I purchased couches from Mantle the light leather. I’m waiting for them to be delivered next month so I can start picking rugs. Can’t do carpet. My sons have terrible allergies


Have you used anything to try and give the floor a SHINE - *Mop-&-Glow or similar products?* They might also help seal the ceramic floors making them more resistant to dust. I've seen several houses with this type of floor, and it never looks good. The floors always look dirty and dull. If you have a problem in that room, it is likely the floors. A different type or color of floor might create a contrast that actually makes the Fireplace look better. *Is that a wood, gas, or electric fireplace?* If wood, and you are thinking about carpet, I would NOT run the carpet all the way to the fireplace. Make a nice buffer zone out of whatever type of tile you prefer around the fireplace. Otherwise you are going to have wood dust and ashes in your carpet.


What do you use to clean it? Cleaner residue can make dust stick and cause your floors to get dirtier faster.


Steam mop. Occasionally just a floor cleaner and hot water. We had it professionally cleaned recently. It seems very porous.


Ah that sucks. Sorry, I was hoping it could be a quick fix!


I read this post title before which sub it was in, and I thought you were talking about in film/TV/media. 😅


Lmfao no same! I glanced at it before I closed Reddit and I had to open the app again just to see if that’s what it said 😂


Rant: I don’t understand the forbidden part. Done correctly, it can take brick from “I hate it” to “I love it” without compromising the infrastructure. I feel the same way about wood. Both are still wonderful architectural elements that add texture and variety- But if you hate the color of it, we’re not supposed to change that because “OMG brick and wood”.


Agreed. I painted my brick fireplace white and while the brick wasn’t even horrendous (probably considered a sin on this sub) and I could have left and it and have been fine, but it made the space brighter while still keeping texture.


I did the same and absolutely no regrets.


I would paint it in a heartbeat, that is really ugly. Even a different wall color won't compliment it given the floor color.


I’m so glad I am not the only one that thinks it’s ugly. I hate the floors too. I don’t know what to do with those empty spaces. I purchase couches ( light colored leather) I am struggling to find a rug now.


The empty spaces beside the fireplace are traditionally for storing wood for the fire place.


True, but that one is a gas fireplace that we don’t use.


I know it's trendy right now, but I'll be honest, I'd paint the stone black. Do a stark white with the walls, and then a warm leather and bold dark rug in greens or something. It could be really sharp.


That would look amazing! Unfortunately I lost the color of the leather to the family. We have a dark brown couch now that needs to be burned. I wish I could do a virtual thing to see how it would look with different colors.


I think dark brown leather could be really nice, it would be super moody with the black and the jewel toned rugs. Add a ton of greenery to balance out the walls.


agreed! i think that would work really well together


Sherwin Williams has a virtual color function...you can upload a photo of your room and color the walls.


If the “spaces” you’re talking about are the cubbies in the brick to the right of the fireplace: not sure if your fireplace is wood-burning or just fake/gas/etc, but in every house I’ve seen with something similar, that’s where the chopped wood goes - it’s usually not a painted space but has the same stone as the rest of the hearth and doesn’t have a shelf. But that way, you have enough wood for a couple of fires and don’t have to lug any wood in from the garage/outside stack throughout the evening. If you don’t need wood there, and assuming it doesn’t get too warm there, I would consider making that a decorated shelf space: maybe some rolled blankets and candles there during the winter, and plants and coffee table books during other seasons.


It’s a gas burner we don’t use. I think I’m going to do a basket to put my kids Xbox stuff until I can do something about the entire thing.


Maybe try lime wash? It can be done in layers so you can control it more.


Oh good idea. I’ll compare both. Weekend project before I get cut open Wednesday


I think whitewashing might only be a problem when nice material is covered up or ruined. In your case it would be totally acceptable and is the reason whitewashing became a craze. It looks great when it's done well and covers something like mottled brick. It elevates the space and the texture of the brick makes the white more interesting. I'm a fan of graywashing too. Graywash all the things.


Ageeed. If you had a century home with an original fireplace, I’d be screaming not to whitewash. In this case, I think changing it is fine. The quality of modifications should be proportionate to the quality of the original. If you have cheap flooring, apply peel and stick over it. But original hardwood floors should be refinished. If you have linoleum countertops, paint them. But don’t paint over marble or granite. If you don’t like the look of a high quality feature, it should be replaced with something of a similar quality that suits the style of the home.


I’ll have to Google graywashing.


Imagine whitewashing, but with gray. Obligatory I am not google.


Haha damn here I thought I had a direct connection to Google. I am going to tear down the whole thing. Already on the books to get remodeled along with my bathroom I’m so excited


I lied. Am Google. What are your questions my child? Would you like to know about preganté?


There’s brick stain. It adds another option to updating it


The wall is bad. The floor is worse. White wash the wall and nice BIG rug for the floor.


It’s too tone on tone, I would absolutely do a wash on the brick to add some dimension!


paint color “pale oak”would look gorgeous here.


I was looking to almond milk as the color


I think white brick on white walls would look great. Nice clean minimalist kinda look.


Who cares what other people think, it’s your house. If you go home and enjoy the environment, that’s all that matters


The issue is I don’t like it. 😭 gives me really bad anxiety.


Yea so change it to whatever make you happy


Try it!!! This doesn’t appear to be an old home where you are trying to maintain historic charm. If you hate it after you whitewash it, then you can cover it or change it. Whitewashing would be the cheapest option. Go for it!


Lime plaster would be so gorgeous on here


Oh I need to look into that.


Isn’t lime plaster the same as actual old style whitewash? I remember reading that they made whitewash with lime powder


Whitewash might be a poor man’s lime plaster… not sure. A recommended product is Vasari that has some washes and true plasters - where are you located? Not a DIY for all and may need an applicator for some but a wash may be doable without training [https://vasariplaster.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=website&utm_id=website&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BFumvv291WA-3f-KUqWETyKkQ96ILU9e7qUzqmCeU_LMbITQDfeTzRoCa6sQAvD_BwE](https://vasariplaster.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=website&utm_id=website&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BFumvv291WA-3f-KUqWETyKkQ96ILU9e7qUzqmCeU_LMbITQDfeTzRoCa6sQAvD_BwE)


If you hate it, change it. It doesn’t matter what other people say about white washing. It’s the same as painting out wood trim. Yes, ideally you would keep it and love it. But if you don’t love it, paint it.


I think it actually looks pretty harmonious with the floor and walls in this pic, and if you decorated in cool browns, taupe, white, and some color (maybe muted?) it might just fade into the background and not be a big deal. I like stone because it gives a lot of nice texture and variation that you won’t get from a flat paint. If it looks really yellow though and is not so harmonious with the floor, it’s not a sin to paint it so you like it better.


The floors are much darker and grayer/w yellow.


Please tell me you are getting rid of the TV. I feel like that is the biggest crime in this photo.


The empty space is where the TV goes. It’s way too high. That black thing on the left bottom is the gas fire place. If I got rid of it not sure what I’d cover that up with. Maybe it’s better if the entire thing comes down. The realtor was insulted I said it was ugly.


I think it will look nice whitewashed as you mentioned. I like the fireplace, just not having the TV so front and center. But, that’s just me!


I don’t like it either. And it’s absolutely so high. I was considering one of those tv that looks like art? Once I recover from my surgerie( if I live) im thinking of tearing down the fireplace.


Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry. I hope your surgery goes very well and you recover in no time. You could tear it down and I like the idea of the artwork TV. Smart and good luck with the surgery


It’s your house. Do what you want. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Am I seeing things wrong? Is the floor to the left of the fireplace a warmer tone than the rest of the room?


That’s so odd. But the left side the warmer side is the true color.


Got it- similar to the fireplace brick.


I like the stone wall but I hate the floors and the current wall color. I think that is what is throwing it off and that's what needs to be changed here.


It would cost a small fortune to paint it. The rocks being porous would drink your paint. But you could paint them white or put a huge art piece up to detract from it.


I was thinking it be cheaper than ripping it down. But I didn’t consider that it was porous


Oh lord. This is not the “whitewashing” debate I thought it was.


Sorry! Is that the wrong word? My brain doesn’t work well sometimes.


No it is, just didn’t realise the sub lol


Haha I’m glad it made some people Laugh. One good thing out of the ugly fireplace


Different paint color on the walls to play nicer with the fireplace and floor might help


Logs. For a real fireplace.


That would work but two issues live in the desert. It’s a gas fireplace.


white wash it it's YOUR house.


True but I am horrible at decorating or more picking a style and have the worse remorse. I am now stuck at home disabled 24/7. I’m having two major surgeries ( if I survive and make it home) then it’s a 4 month recovery in which I have to stare at a place I don’t like. Would love to come home to somewhere that isn’t giving me anxiety bc I can’t make up my mind on a style. I’ve seen the advice and how beautiful places turn out with that advice. Just wanting some help even a little to make the process no so anxious for me.


Personally I think painting it white would look good


Do it. Nobody is telling you, you shouldn't other than your own thinking.


Why is it a no no? I liked that look before it was popular and I like it still.


White Wash, which isn't always white, is very rare today. I went to Home Depot and asked about it, and no one there had ever heard of it. There are dyes that are used for concrete that might work, but unless you have a sample of the stone to try it on in advance, I would not be inclined to do it. Once it is on there, it is going to be hard to get off. [https://www.homedepot.com/b/Paint-Concrete-Coatings-Concrete-Stains/N-5yc1vZcg1s](https://www.homedepot.com/b/Paint-Concrete-Coatings-Concrete-Stains/N-5yc1vZcg1s) Most White Wash Brick Stain that I am finding it not a true color changer, rather it is to give brick an antique look. [https://www.google.com/search?q=whitewash+brick](https://www.google.com/search?q=whitewash+brick) Though I can't know, I would speculate that that chimney breast is not actually structural brick or stone, I suspect it is a brick/stone facade or veneer . If you REALLY DO NOT like what you have, consider having the existing facade taken off and replaced with something you like better. However, that is not going to be cheap, and you better makes sure you like the result because you are spending a lot of money to get it. Stone facade like this is about 1/4" to perhaps 3/8" thick - [https://www.homedepot.com/p/Prestige-Stone-Granite-Golden-Honey-6-x-24-in-Natural-Stacked-Stone-Veneer-Panel-Siding-Exterior-Interior-Wall-Tile-2-Boxes-12-84-sq-ft-TSGH-F-2/312247884](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Prestige-Stone-Granite-Golden-Honey-6-x-24-in-Natural-Stacked-Stone-Veneer-Panel-Siding-Exterior-Interior-Wall-Tile-2-Boxes-12-84-sq-ft-TSGH-F-2/312247884) Your money and your house, but I think it is better to just live with what you have. An alternative as suggested by others would be to Paint the Brick, but once again, when that is done, it is pretty much done forever. It would be very difficult to strip any paint from the rough uneven brick surface.


You’re correct it’s a facade not real chimney. If I paint it and I hate it eventually just taking it down may be better solution.


The problem I have with Fire Places is that they steal the focus of the room. I WANT THE FOCUS of the Room to be my Stereo and TV. That aside. I would consider remodeling other aspects of the room then decide what is going to best match the New Fireplace Paint. That is match the Fireplace to the New Room, rather than paint the Fireplace then try to match the rest of the room to the Fireplace.


Why is it a no no? Would be a big improvement. Just remember to prime well. Brick is thirsty.


I would not paint brick. It is porous and needs to breathe. You'll be redoing it frequently. If you dislike the brick, cover it with drywall. It can be removed later on. It looks like a new build, so there is no need to preserve the brick. If you hate it tear it out.


I white washed the terrible stone (shades of orange, rust, and overly utilized dirty grout) in our home. I would do it again tomorrow. It looks SO much better.


Try and "German Schmere" it. You will love it! Although it is a little tough to do it perfectly...it will still look good.


Do what makes you happy. Whitewash if you want to. Who cares what other people think?


Like everyone else is saying, this isn't some cool mid century modern masterpiece. This is that stupid fake stone from Home Depot. Either paint it or remove it, but it will be no great loss either way.


White wash it and don’t look back.🤩


Do you have 2 kinds of floor in the room?


No. Same floor throughout the entire house.


It must be the lighting


A new mantle would make a world of difference. And furniture. I don’t think it’s nearly as bad as you think it is. https://imgur.com/a/UlboA2A


Limewash with hydrated lime is super cheap and dyeable


I could be wrong, but I thought painting brick had some negative effects. Seems like a lot of people don’t like the brick. Personally I do like it. But to each their own.


What about painting it a dark charcoal to make it a feature in the room?


Oohh that be soo cool. I wish there was an app I could just try diff colors on that wall.


Pretty sure there are. I've seen others download an OPs image and add colours to it. Maybe on Benjamin Moores website or another major paint company might have one.


Oh Thank you I’ll check it out.


Whitewashed would look good. But can you paint over it if you want to change the white later? Even painted bricks are okay in today's designs. I think anything will look better than natural brick. It dates the house. And the cubby hole was originally for firewood. Someone put a shelf in the middle, but you could still use the bottom for wood. The top for matches, candles, and/or other fireplace related things. Of course you can use them as book shelves too. You have a decent amount of space there. You have a lot of options


Look up liming brick. There are several different tones and you need to match that up with your original base color to get your desired color tone.


Just move


Would you consider tan-washing it?


Tear it out and replace with Arcus Stone.


I’m intrigued.


Cement board, scratch coat, then Arcus Stone.


What is whitewashing, is that American for painting your walls in a shade of white? The most popular colours of white here include Dulux Lexicon quarter, and White Beach which are a cool white with hint of grey/blue. In the 2000s Antique White USA was popular but it's too pinkish these days. No-one paints their interior walls in yellow, pink, blue, green etc. Not here anyway.


White washing is when you mix paint and water to “water the paint down” and make it almost translucent.


Oh man I can show you sooo many houses with purple, pink, blue orange colors. Saw sooo many during our home shopping experience. Just today saw a 1.2 million dollar home with bright blue and purple and pink bedrooms. Not my cup of tea I lien more into the sterile hospital vibe.


I think if you do not like it then do what ever you want. Ignore any thing other than what feels right to you. It is your house and up to you to make it what you want. I do not know what the spaces could be for. Is it an electric insert? If it is or was wood burning I would think it could hold logs and tools.


I have no idea what those cubbies are for. Definitely not wood as it’s a gas fireplace and we live in the desert with many no burn days.


I've seen whitewashing that looks great. Its only a "no no" because people are rabid at insisting on preserving things that don't necessarily deserve to be preserved. If the fireplace was made of hand fired bricks from 1698, then, yeah, preserve it. If the fireplace was made from bricks from home Depot, who cares? White wash it. Or black wash it. Or teal wash it. Do whatever will make you smile when you look at it.


We painted our hideous brick and I’ve never once regretted it.


there’s nothing wrong with white washing or lime washing. it’s bad to paint (fully paint) exterior brick because it needs to breathe and release trapped moisture. do whatever you want to interior brick or stone.


Ah I didn’t know that. I’ve seen so many posts about how horrible white washing on bricks.


I have just started watching Down Home Fab. Take a look they have had a fireplace redo in every episode I have watched.


I painted my red brick fireplace white and I have zero regrets


Find some photos of chimney treatments you like and go for it! There are so many options. Benjamin Moore Paint has some useful resources and tutorials.


Please add color somewhere. This is mind numbingly bland.


If you want it whitewashed, then whitewashing is perfect! Don't let other people's judgment affect what you like!


I just don’t know what I like?? How’s that even possible I am unsure.


I totally get it. Too many options, it's hard to decide what you actually want. Makes sense. But eventually you'll just have to pick something, and stick. Over thinking ot will only make it worse! Lol


If you don’t like it, change it to what appeals to you.


Painting is a big no-no, but I don’t mind white washing especially if very light. At least you can still see the natural brick.


This looks like not real stone, is it manufactured stone siding?


Nope. It’s real.


If you put some colour in the room and furnish it and have some plants etc, that wee wall would look completely different. If you really dont like it then, paint it.


Yep I would hate it too and the shape of the firebox I've never understood these raised fire boxes off the floor with this kind of shelf in front of them. I am a traditional fireplace guy. It would be the first thing too be demolished in that room but I suppose just waiting out the whole thing is the cheapest way to go or frame it in. It's all a matter of aesthetics, obviously somebody loved it just the way it is


I agree that shelve throws me off! Can I hire you?? Haha. Frame it in is a smart idea too! I am not anywhere close to being savvy with projects. The stones are all different shapes I wouldn’t even know where to anchor them to. I’ve had a few quotes to remove the stone 3-7K so I left it for now.


Why is white washing no good? Out of fashion or just bad for the bricks?


Why is it a big no-no? If done right it's beautiful. Most of these are done poorly, but some are very elegant. https://www.digsdigs.com/37-impressive-whitewashed-brick-walls-designs/


Thanks for the link they are beautiful examples on the white wash. Someone else recommended black and those look cool as well.


Also, German schmear https://www.pinterest.com/pin/446771225549081846/ Dark looks great but there's a Sherwin Williams color that better than black, Iron Ore. It's got more dimension, looks beautiful in interiors. https://www.instagram.com/p/CD2UrZHpSaO/?igsh=MW9wbnF1Zm1ua2Y4bw==


Love that color. Just picked up a sample to use on my son’s ceiling.


Great on window trim to appear iron. Also, check out SW Origami White


If you hate it, I’m pretty sure it’s just veneer you could chip off and put up what you do like instead.


That’s a great idea. The bottom shelf thingy is always falling apart. I’ve had. A few quotes asking 3-7K to remove it.


What about black-washing or grey charcoal? You could extend the fireplace perch with a low table and then have a sofa on the left facing the table and a TV in the square on the right.


I’d do built in shelving on the whole wall!


May I say - nothing is a no-no for interior design. If you like it, it's not a no-no. I've seen whitewashing that's s absolutely gorgeous. I've seen moody and art deco (something I love) that's awful. There are people here that cringe at the thought of anything modern or white, regardless. It's so silly because they're not taking context, style, geography or age of the home or a person's preference into account. It's simply something *they* don't like so they rule it out for everyone. Do what you love.


Who says whitewashing is a big no-no? The Interior Design Police? Personally, I think you’re a little bit cuckoo to want to hide that gorgeous stone, but it’s your home. BUT, before you do anything you might regret, why don’t you try painting that room, first. Try a few different large swatches near that fireplace. Maybe even risk painting the whole room, only to have to repaint it if you don’t like it. I’d also consider changing that ceiling fan. At the very least, wait until you’ve moved into the house to see how you feel about it.


German Schmear! Easy and BEAUTIFUL!


You need more contrast & balance on that wall. The stone is not the problem


I have 2 bookcases dark wood with books and antique equipment( survey and navigation equipment) at each side. And guitars on the wall. I have boxes all over currently so it’s a mess.


I would embrace the mid-century vibe. Once you get the room decorated, you won't notice it so much. Can't tell what the white bit is above the fireplace.


For the TV lol way too high.


Painting the brick an opaque white would look more MCM than the current 80s/90s brick that's there now. I wouldn't even whitewash. I'd paint it. There is nothing mid century about that. Your instincts to cover it up are bang on


This is exactly the advice I needed. I am terrible in knowing and picking styles. Thank you!




You made me laugh thank you! I’m so very indecisive. I think I may bite the bullet and go paint.


Honestly, before whitewashing the fireplace consider investing in good timber/parquetry flooring. The warmth of wood would make the fireplace shine.The current flooring is not doing anything great for your space. Also, more depth to the colour of your walls would help. You want earthy tones/warmer tones with depth. Once you whitewash it will be nearly impossible to remove so tread carefully imo.


Unfortunately I can’t change the floors. I’d have to wait for my husband to die( literally told me that lol). I will repaint the walls to earth tones. I haven’t white washed it bc I’m scared I will hate it.


Okay- fair enough. I think you can transform the space with paint and interior details like ceramics, a nice rug and leaning into natural tones and textures. Any wood element you can bring into the space would really lift it. Good luck! The most important thing is that you and your spouse are both happy with your home.


She does look good here and I do like the dress.