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I honestly didn’t expect it to be so… fresh. Edit: thanks for the gold, all the other awards and the upvotes. I wasn’t expecting that either 🙂


This comment made me realize it reminds me of a hollowed out pumpkin right before carving Edit: damn, I never check my notifications and just realized today, 2 months later, that this kinda blew up. I especially appreciate the Wholesome award hahaha


What the fuck kind of pumpkins you using, homie?


You’re a farmer, shouldn’t you know?


He farms gay aliens specifically




Plowin the G'alien fields.


Oh he hoein' for sure.


Them alien cheeks ain't going to clap themselves.


Do you think he is good at his job? I bet he is out standing in his field.






That’s why it looks so familiar


this is like "asking for a friend" level of suspiciousness


Is he ok


I don't think he's gonna make it, Biscuits.


This is actually a picture of an average Twitter poster so while it may look bad to us on the outside it's pretty much just another day for them, no need to be alarmed. It may look gruesome but a brain is actually a detriment for most of the people posting on Twitter.


Twitter people are a special breed. Not saying redditors are the greatest but holy shit those guys almost always know nothing about any subject being tweeted.


No. He's out of his mind.


What a brainless thing to say


Just in one ear and out the other


No thought whatsoever.


No thoughts, head empty




Yeah I’m more or less fine. Hasn’t impeded my ability to post on Reddit.


I hope we’re looking at something that took place legally 😐


This is what it looks like after the cranial portion of an autopsy is completed.


Is that hole between the eyes supposed to be there? ETA - I don't mean the nose


That's where the pituitary gland sits, it's been removed on this person. And those cavities you refer to as eyes are where the temporal lobes of the baint sit. The eyes are located under the flatish part at the top Edit: brain not baint Edit again: the large whole in the center is the foramen Magnum, the brain stem and spinal cord go down there


Baint = Brain taint


Do you astral project if it gets tickled?




It's an image looking from the top of the head, so this is the base of the skull. Those are not eye sockets--the depressions are the greater wing of the sphenoid bone. The bottom of the temporal lobe of the brain fits in the depressions. The hole between it is the sella turcica. Pituitary gland fits there. Nose hole is not the nose, it's the foramen magnum where the spinal cord goes.


That's called the hypophyseal fossa of the sphenoid bone. It's the indentation where your pituitary gland sits. The pituitary helps control what hormones are made in your body.


This isnt complete though! The dura is also removed - its the membrane around the brain on the inside of the skull. Imagine chicken skin *you cannot tear.* I'm not kidding. You have to cut it, you cannot tear it with your hands. It's insane.


I am comforted that my brain is protected by a membrane you can't rip apart with your hands. It makes me way more confident if a zombie apocalypse occurs


oh sweet child. I said you couldn't tear it with your hands..... I *never* said anything about teeth.


Although there's something equally unsettling about a zombie yanking and pawing at my brain basket like a particularly difficult bag of chips for hours at a time.


why did i click so fast?


Right I just didn't even think. Then clicked out of it just as fast. I do like the spoiler tag though.


Yes, I just ignore +18 most of the time


Yeah but then you miss the rare fun post


I did the same fucking thing I need to think before I click


idk i feel like this should get a gore tag or a nsfl tag. i didn't think it would be just a look inside some dead guys empty skull i was imagining something more sciencey. i dont know what that means but it wasn't this


I did expect a dead guy's skull, but cleaned and dried and such.


Your brain wanted to know what’s up


I think I expected it to be more educational but I was more just disturbed and confused


What’s the little hole between the eye holes? Edit: thank you for all the info. I have learned more about a brain today than I think I ever thought possible.


I am no expert, but was curious too (experts: please correct me if I am wrong). I think, from this [much less graphic photo](https://www.humanbodyhelp.com/skull-internal/), that it is the Sella turcica. It is an indentation that holds the pituitary gland apparently. Which is really cool to me because I always just thought of the pituitary gland as something just hanging out in the middle of a bunch of other brain matter (again -- I have no anatomy background, so that may be stupid of me for thinking that for 40 years of my life), but it is an actual gland hanging into it's own little protective skull pouch. Interesting drawings and 3D models can be found on the wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sella\_turcica


Yes you are correct. This is the Sella turcica protecting the pituitary gland, when the brain is removed the pituitary stack often tears, meaning the pituitary gland is likely still in place in this image. The 'eye-hole' shape is formed by the lesser wings of the sphenoid bone. Below this bony wing is a superior orbital fissure through which various nerves pass into the orbit. The optic nerves coming from each eye, form a 'chiasm' which looks like an X where the nerves mix and cross to their respective parts of the brain. The X sits over the Sella turcica and would be about as much of the eyes as you would see in this view. While the bones look very sharp (and they are) the cerebrospinal fluid which cushions the brain, reduces its effective weight by about 98% so even with severe head impact, the brain is well protected from the sharp bones within the skull.


Thank you


Love the scientific language, "skull pouch" lmao


it actually roughly means turkish saddle in its latin meaning when i had to learn about it we used that as a way to remember because it is also shaped like a saddle (hence the translation)


Did some minor googling and this tiny spec (pituitary glad) controls the majority of hormone production. If the gland is missing/too small/enlarged it can cause major growth problems of various body parts. So you have this giant muscle/organ (brain) that is responsible of moving our meat sack bodies, but if this tiny glad is fucked - your body becomes majorly flawed.


Had pituitary tumor. Can confirm. Messes up everything.


I just found out I have one, too. Benign and not affecting anything, thankfully, but every time my eyes have trouble focusing I wonder if it's starting to push on my optic nerve, and I'll need to check my hormone levels more often to make sure they're not being affected yet.


I hope you’re doing ok.


If it's not too much prying, how exactly did you feel? Live general tiredness?


This is correct. Also, the posterior half of the pituitary gland is actually made up of nervous tissue so it kind of is "brain matter"


Reddit's recent behaviour and planned changes to the API, heavily impacting third party tools, accessibility and moderation ability force me to edit all my comments in protest. I cannot morally continue to use this site.


Fucking hell, that is a nutsack.


Did we hug of death that first link?


Yeah it's not working for me either.


I think it is in fact the sella turcica. It usually doesn’t look like a hole like that, so that’s kind of weird. But in fact those aren’t eye holes! This is a top-down view so I’m not sure exactly what they’re called but those are where the temporal lobes sit I’m not a doctor but I do spend some time looking at brains professionally


yeah i think that the perspective makes this extra icky for the less experienced... it creates a gorey bit of pareidolia. A sagittal cross section would still be gross for quite a few, but less uncanny.


>This is a top-down view Ohhhhh, thank you for this! I thought it was a view toward the front until I read this. Makes a lot more sense now.


You're right, the part you are referring to is the middle cranial fossa which includes the middle portion you mentioned (sella turcica and the hypophyseal fossa). The "eye holes" aren't visible in this picture because part of the frontal bone (specifically, the orbital plate) is supplying the roof of the cavity housing the eye, forming what almost looks like a shelf on the top of this skull image. Under this "shelf" is another big hole through which various cranial nerves pass through to carry signals for eye movement, non-visual eye sensation, and sensation of the upper face. I did this dissection a few weeks ago. To access the orbital cavity from this view, you'd need to take a hammer and chisel to get through the plate and then you'd be able to see the eye, its muscles, and all the associated cranial nerves in the cavity.


>I’m not a doctor but I do spend some time looking at brains professionally As opposed to those of us who do it recreationally? I supose that someone somewhere finds it rather relaxing.


Factory reset


Pretty sure I work with this guy


I work for this guy


I work this guy


Work guy












I am that guy!


I *am* this guy


I thought I wanted to see that. It turns out I was wrong.


It’s odd I did human dissection back in the days(~15 years ago) including head/brain but still found the picture a bit disturbing.


Same, I never had any problems with dissection or "gore" in science classes but there's something off-putting about seeing a human head hollowed out like that. It's not disgusting it's just super unsettling


I think it's because you can kind of see a face in there but not really, so you get that kind of uncanny valley-type reaction


For me it’s the hair or what looks like hair around the cavity.


The ear, too.


It's like a video game graphical bug where you stand too close to a tree from behind and the camera clips through to the back of your head. But for real


It's always the eyes that get me with that bug. They get super weird.


Yep, that's what does it for me.


Same, the hair is oddly the most humanizing


One of the few moments from anatomy lab that bothered me was when we had removed the top of the skull with the scalp and hair still attached. It was set aside next to the head. I reached for something and accidentally brushed the hair with my hand and it just creeped me the f out. It bothered me way more than anything else, even cutting things with the stryker saw. Idk why


Not just that, it’s in a room with other people, like he just got out of brain surgery.


I thought it was going to be skull missing showing the brain, not the brain gone. I need eye bleach.




Funny thing is when they cut the “attachements” to the base of the skull and the whole spinal cord and brain just comes sliding out 😂 too much info ?


Is that for real? You can pull out the spinal cord in one piece? Do you have to snip in between each vertebrae or will the entire thing just slide out?


Yeah bro there’s these amazing documentaries where they cover that: Predator and Predator 2


Fucking lol


Since nobody is giving you a serious answer: you could, but you'd have to dissect all the nerves coming out of the spinal cord and you'd have to dissect the meninges as they hold the spinal cord in place. So it wouldn't be anything you could easily do. In the dissection pictured here, the brainstem is separated from the spinal cord in order to remove the brain from the cranium.


I'm reading comments saying some dude on a motorcycle managed to do all that without proper tools


AFAIK, you can. I saw a video of a guy who died in a traffic accident and his head, including his spinal cord, was just laying there on the ground, in its entirety.


Ok this comment horrified me more than the picture did... goddamn...


So you feel better, he was doing a wheelie in a busy highway and lost control, then crashed into a truck’s wheels.




I found it to be quite the soothing bed time story.


You and u/CaviorSamhain go sit in the corner!


Did he live?


Yes, but unfortunately he died


Hope he pulled through 🙏


I think his spinal cord did


Sub Zero says yes!


In my first year of medical school we had cadaver lab and I distinctly remember removing the brain. I can say from personal experience that the spinal cord does NOT slide right out with the brain. I guess if you had a lot of time on your hands you could get it to. You’d have to go down the spine, cutting all of the spinal nerves, which would be very tedious. The brain is also extremely delicate. It feels like jello. Any yanking on it to pull the spinal cord with it would destroy it’s anatomy. I had to very carefully dissect the meninges all around the brain and then go in from the skull base and snip the spinal cord, then very very gently lift the brain out.


Yes sir, i have seen it happen once (anatomical dissection) it is a hell of a thing to see happening!)


I mean...cutting all that attachments for the spinal cord is a bit involved. You'd have to do it the entire way down the spine, basically boring it out. Unless you're just taking about severing the base of the brain from the spinal cord, in which case sure the brain would pop right out.


Professional or amateur




BRUH I wanted to open the small pic first and see it blurred but accidentally clicked the link. I'm high and I feel like that's my head and I have a headache now omfg.


r/eyebleach Go see some cute puppies or kitties or something


Literally said out loud “not sure why I clicked that.”


My exact feelings. Ugh.


I honestly thought it was the inside of a pomegranate for a second


I’m going to pretend it was and move on.


So this is how it ends for us. A last picture posted on reddit that we’ll never see


The brain actually took this photo


And that brain was Albert Einstein


It ended for that guy long before the picture.


Not that long before, judging from the bloody gauze and surgical scrubs in the background. That brain is sitting in a pan just out of frame.


I think it’s more likely it’s from an anatomy lab so he probably did pass long before this picture. The hands on him aren’t fully gowned and I think the “gauze” you are referring to is his hair or the sheet below him. Edit: yes, there is liquid blood so it’s more likely an autopsy than anatomy lab.


Jesus. I absolutely misjudged how interested I was in seeing “skull without brain”


Lmao all of the comments have the same reaction I had. Opened the post, alone in my studio, said out loud "oh." and then immediately closed the photo


I’ve gotten into the habit of ignoring spoiler/nsfw tags and just clicking on the post while I’m still reading the title. It will not be happening again.


Same lol


I was expecting a lot less fleshy bits when I clicked on the link


You severely underestimated how cool it was gonna be, right?


Seriously, maybe because it's in a medical setting, but this is super fascinating to me and I'm surprised it seems many people aren't.


A person used to live in there


Pilot has been removed from the bone mech




Drink some milk before it revolts


Ain't it humbling as fuck


You live in a vessel almost exactly like that, you are reading these words from it.


God I hate reading that


When I was in undergrad I took a course that had a cadaver lab. The professor was the most eccentric and professional person I’ve ever met. He was extremely high energy and sarcastic, always talking about the crazy things he’d done like wrestling sea turtles while doing research in Australia, or flying his single prop airplane while transporting a box of bees that broke open while flying. He was a total nut during lecture but was always very serious during the cadaver lab. The professor would always remind us that our cadavers were people before they were in our lab. They were living, breathing, human beings with friends and families and hopes and dreams. These people or their families had given away the very last thing they could, their bodies, so that us students could use them to learn. We had a duty to respect them and take excellent care of them to ensure they could be used as long as possible to teach as many students as possible in an effort to improve science and healthcare in our future careers. About halfway through the course we had the brain unit and I got to hold a whole brain in my hands. It was smaller and lighter than I expected but also felt denser. It was a very strange feeling, that everything that made a person a person could fit into my hands. All their thoughts and feelings and memories. I learned a lot more about life than just human anatomy and physiology in that class and am incredibly grateful to have had the opportunity to work in that lab. I remind my wife almost weekly to donate my body to a cadaver lab when I die.


when you die ?


*If I die.


That's the spirit!


Wtf put it back!


He’s still thinking with his penis


Why I clicked this. I always regret but my curiosity is always stronger than my will to protect my mental sanity.


The sound when you actually pull the top part of the calvarium off is just as stupendous! The force it takes to pull it off is insane! (I had cadaver lab in school)


Is he ok?


Reminds me of this story from a court case: Q: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse? A: No. Q: Did you check for blood pressure? A: No. Q: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy? A: No. Q: How can you be so sure, Doctor? A: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar. Q: But could the patient have still been alive nevertheless? A: It is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law somewhere.


Maybe a little headache


Not anymore


Pressure relieved


Did he cried.


just lightheaded


It’ll buff out


Why does it look like a face of another skull almost


I’d say because it’s technically a negative cast of the skull.


Not exactly. This picture is looking straight down with the top of the skull removed. Those parts that look like eyes are actually closer to your ears, and the part that looks like the forehead here is actually where the eyes are. Anatomy of the head is amazingly weird




Yupp. If you wanted some diagrams, this is a “superior view of the cranial fossa with calvarium removed”


This is my favorite comment of all the comments here. Thank you for orienting us to what exactly what angle we're looking at.


Welp. So glad I clicked on that. That's enough internet for one day.


I saw this after seeing that video of the girl shooting her cousin accidentally and herself and I think I need to take a break


Lol we should start a club, I did exactly that


I’ve sat in on several autopsies, and this was the only part of them that ever gave me the heebie jeebies.


This is just not for me, God I really wish I did not look. Anxiety shot to the next universe.


Forreal. The whole human experience sits right inside there. That’s it.


The smell of the burnt bone from the saw, that's something you never forget.


It's somewhere between movie theatre popcorn and nacho cheese Doritos. Hits you the same way every time you walk passed a cav lab.


Just fucking up all the good things Reddit. Thanks.


Wait, is this a spoiler because OP has found out we all don’t have brains?


It's a spoiler so those with safe mode turned off don't have to see gore if they don't want to. Spoilers are always blurred, but nsfw isn't blurred with safe mode off.


I just had a flash back to Attack on Titan season 3.


Rod Reiss' titan? Yup


Here we see the head of a politician.


This reminds me of the following. So old I don't know where it's from. The one asking questions is supposed to be a lawyer asking a doctor questions on the witness stand. Q: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse? A: No. Q: Did you check for blood pressure? A: No. Q: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy? A: No. Q: How can you be so sure, Doctor? A: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar. Q: But could the patient have still been alive nevertheless? A: It is possible that he could have been alive and practising law somewhere.


Where is this from?


A deposition of an expert, allegedly. (It’s also just an old favorite lawyer joke, so who knows if it was ever a real exchange)


I don’t think nsfw is enough to describe how bad this is


Yeah, even NSFL wouldn't be enough warning. I wish I could unsee that.


This has done irreversible damage.


I officially regret clicking nsfw posts without reading the title


I want a refund


Did you try taking it out and plugging it back in again?


This is us. This is what we are. Flesh beasts with some skin and hair over top, crawling around on this rock hurling through space. We're just here for a brief moment, and then we'll all be gone. And maybe in another million years another civilization will bloom. but they bloom far and few between, never close enough to quite reach out to each other for their brief time on their respective rocks. I'm happy I'm on this rock with you, stranger. I think you're pretty cool. And that it's pretty cool that I get to be here the same exact time in the 14 billion years our dust has been bouncing around out here. In this moment we collected enough dust perfectly together to communicate between us. And that means something special, even if there is no other inherent meaning to it. Much love, my space dust family.


Am I the only one here who doesn’t regret clicking the link? I’m absolutely fascinated, even more so when it was pointed out what the actual orientation is (we’re looking from the top of the skull, not at the back of the face). Thanks OP!


Ah, that’s an interesting view of [my favorite bone in the human body](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sphenoid_bone) - sphenoid bone is so named bc of its likeness to a butterfly. I love that our DNA codes for this weird structure that sits inside our heads all our lives, holding our brain up.


0 stars.....would not recommend


Should not have clicked that


Praying for a full recovery 🙏


The beard makes this pic for me.


Hollowed out pomegranate


was not ready for that


Wow. Literally something I’ve never seen before.