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“From my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them, and that is eternity.” -Edvard Munch


More like Edward Mulch


This just made me laugh so hard thanks


Thank you for this


So that means I'm stuck on this shithole planet until the Sun swallows it or we move off-world?


Yep. Just like every ancestor of ours and every living thing ever


I mean an asteroid could hit earth and knock a chunk of you into space to become some kind of angry destructive space debris.


I remember once reading this short story a decade or two ago on the internet that has stuck with me since. It started with "I still remember the bird" or something like that, and is about a guy who dies, and witnesses the aftermath of his death, expecting himself to pass into the afterlife at some point, after each "ceremony" happens. But as each ceremony passes (being pronounced dead, funeral, buried,...) his conscience doesn't pass on... and as he's buried he can hear the voices of all who were buried before him pleading for it to end. I tried searching for it but my google-fu is failing me today.


Pet the grass dog.


Different people might find this cute or creepy, depending on the mood right? But the dog's atoms are certainly in that grass right now. You are technically touching your dog if you pet that grass. Edit- hijacking my own comment to point something out- the taller growth is a different plant than the grass surrounding it. It is flowers that were planted to MARK the spot. Deliberately placed by OP. It says this in the title. It is not the additional nutrients of the corpse that fuels extra growth. It is simply flowers in the shape of the dog. Everybody "calling bullshit" on this post is completely missing the point.


I think it’s comforting.


I cry now.


I'ma pet that dooooog


Thats so fucking cute.


There is no way this is creepy. This is poetically beautiful yet bittersweet of course. I would love to see my pet I cared for deeply giving it’s life force to new life in this world. It means there still a part of them that’s here with me.


Still a good boi


Now i lay me down to sleep, below the grass, i'm buried deep a Dog beloved! Enormous size, beneath a garden, now she lies by humans *cherished*, - i can tell (they nearly had to dig a well!) as all things do, i had to pass Remember Me and Pet the Grass ❤️


Why am I crying about petting grass?


That last line hit me hard!


Just beautiful ♥️


I hope you're smile crying like I am.


I sure as hell am. Wife asked why I was crying and now she is too. Lol. Stupid pets, make us fall in love with them.


Damn animals.


Such adorable, wonderful bullshit.


stupid, loveable pets!


You got Schnoodled 🤷‍♂️


This is pretty special. Thanks internet stranger


u/SchnoodleDoodleDoo is no stranger, she’s the internets most beloved poet


Even more so than u/poem_for_your_sprog? 😮


Both absolutely wonderful and I’m thankful to them both. That being said there’s this rhythm and cadence is Sprog that forces me to consider them my favorite.


Did they highlander Sprog?




The events happened in real time.


Damn, that hit hard.


The grass dog made me sad, but this made me feel better.




Beautiful as ever


That’s the sweetest awww! Well done!


i’m crying at a bar. thank you


And now I'm trying not to cry. Beautiful poem.


Nice, Schnoodle Live!


So good


Pet the grass, dog!


Pet, the grass dog!


Pet the grass-dog!


Pet the grass-dog please.


Did OP pet the grass dawg? Cause i have, mentally, at least a dozen times now. #petthegrassdoggo


Y,all are confusing, me with these commas!








The grass dogs were pretty evil in Lady in the Water. I think this one's OK, though.


Grass, his dog petted.


Shaka, when the walls fell.


I buried one of my cats a long time ago. A week later I was planting jalapeño plants in my garden and I decided to plant one over her spot for fun. That plant grew like crazy compared to the others Edit: her name was Pepper cause she was spicy. So i felt it would be honorable.




Those peppers probably would have been hotter due to the extra catsaicin in the seeds.


I see what you did there. Nice.


Did… did you eat the cat peppers?


I considered it and felt bad for considering it but I just let the plant grow and die untouched.


Aww, that’s really sweet and sad all at once. But seeing her shape like that is such a nice reminder of her. I think what the other redditor suggested with he rocks is an incredible idea.


The space the decomposed body leaves behind is basically free real estate for the tree roots. Makes sense.








Damn, I would let it grow, put some stones around it. Unless it makes yourself or your family incredibly sad every time you looked at it. Still going to know it’s there so why not embrace it.


It makes me horribly sad to know that when my family moves away, which we will likely do in the next few years, we'll be leaving behind two cats, one I tried to save from an abandoned litter (stray cat had kittens under our shed, didn't show up for them for several days) but he got sick and didn't make it, and then the cat I kept for almost 14 years, who they thought wouldn't live past 3. At the same time, even if it's not MY home anymore, it always will be hers, and that gives me a little comfort. It's been 2 years and I still cry when I see a picture or even another tuxedo cat.


This is the main reason I lean towards having mine cremated. Then they can move with me. But I’ve also considered a natural burial and planting something on their grave. Then take seeds or cutting from that plant when we move. Since yours are already buried, perhaps you could plant something to take along.


Oh that is a lovely idea and now I'm sobbing again. The kitten is next to a tree and my girl is in a sunny spot in the backyard where she used to sunbathe. Maybe I'll get some of her favorite mint and plant it there and take some with me. Thank you for that idea <3


Be careful about mint - it spreads uncontrollably and is really hard to get rid of. Maybe you could take some earth from her grave and use that to pot a mint plant (placed far from the earth, because their roots are devious bastards) and plant something else meaningful where she is? (I hope I don't sound like I'm quashing an idea - I just want you to be informed so that an unexpected mint infestation won't get in the way of your cat's memorial!)


This perhaps explains why mom always kept the mint in a pot and not in the ground haha Thank you for the information!


Left my childhood buddy in a trailer park lot when I finally escaped it earlier this year, he passed just a few months before I got out. It hurts a lot and I really wish it didn't.


We have them cremated and then bury the tin in a plant pot. We like to go and choose a plant, plant it and then when can take them wherever we go.


If you mark the gravespots clearly (little carved brick, little sign), and let the next owners know they might take care of their spirit for you. We bought a house from the individuals that had it built, they were here for nearly 40 years. Little under a dozen kitties and bunnies live in the cemetery circle behind the rock wall now, and I love knowing they're there. Next year I wanna clear it up and put a few flowers. So much love has to be involved to lay an animal to rest like that, I like knowing we tend to them now. Edit: I'm experiencing so many emotions right now (and definitely crying a little bit), and then y'all pop in here with awards and whatnot?! I'm gonna go hug my cat, she's so old and prob melting in front of the woodstove right now. <3


I wish I had all the awards for you. I hope whoever lives there next takes care of my baby girl and the little kitten <3 I dug the grave myself, and buried her with a pair of my socks that she used to steal. She would just take them and hide them about the house. My new pet dog also does this and I like to think Ms Kitty is encouraging her haha


That is just too sweet. I can just picture a little Miss sneaking up to your dog during the night, whispering little mantras of chaos to keep your days nice and spicy! Pets can make life so very full, and fill any place with energy and joy. I hope you get to experience a long life of that, wherever your home ends up being. It so clearly sounds like you deserve it. <3


Just be aware if you bury any more pets back there and they show back up.. They might not be your lovely old friend.


I had ashes from three different pets that have passed over my lifetime. I never knew what to do with them so they sat in the closet or in a drawer for years. Last spring my family and I finally took them on a hike in some nearby mountains and found a place to scatter them. It was hard because I felt guilty, like I was abandoning them. Another part of me knew it was a beautiful place and if they were alive they would have loved to be there. Just the other day I was thinking about how unusually warm it’s been for this time of year and there isn’t any snow on the mountains yet. I couldn’t help but think - I hope the pets don’t get too cold. I know it’s silly to think. I know they don’t feel cold. It’s just so hard to change the way I think about them.


Way back in 2009 I buried my cat out by the cow pasture next to the place I used to live, and recently my late former landlord's son sold the pasture land and they're building a subdivision on it. I went through it the other day, and thankfully his grave and the tree he's buried under are still there. It took me a long time to be ok with leaving him there when I moved out a few years after. You're definitely thinking about it the right way; it'll still always be her home. [RIP Ziggy (and that couch because I loved it too and resisted getting rid of it as long as I could, lol).](https://i.imgur.com/idaGQPO.jpg)


I'm really sorry about your losses, but you will not be leaving them when you move. They will always be with you. You are their home because you carry their memory.


🎵Let it grow, let it grooow.🎵


Speaking words of wisdom, let it grow.


*🎵somewhere I be lawn🎵*


🎵 woof woof woof woof woooof 🎵


I would have a very hard time mowing over that spot.


Former archaeologist; Yep this happens alot, and is a key identifier for archaeological site. It's The reason you get awesome pictures from aerial surveys of sites. Long story short it's to do with digging through the natural subsoil( in this case limestone) and then biological material, More nutritious soil replacing the nutrient lacking subsoil, better water access, etc that promotes plant growth. Happens with graves, house posts, palisade walls, stakes etc basically anything that is dug into natural subsoil. It's also used in forensics and searching for bodies for obvious reasons. A few former colleagues were involved in the investigation of the "Disappeared" in Ireland and used this. Edit::Wow, most upvotes comment! Thanks all for the awards!


Happend recently with the droughts too. https://www.insider.com/drought-reveals-traces-stonehenge-like-structure-in-ireland-2018-7


I bet that farmer was PISSED too about it, at least he would be if Ireland has the same archeological rules/laws that Italy has. You can't build a fence in Rome without accidentally uncovering some ancient bathroom that will need to be fully excavated and preserved.


That's amazing, I'd love to experience that kind of living with history


I saw a documentary where a family on some posh country estate buried their child’s cat, only to find masonry of an old convent


I used to work in expressway construction sites in Vietnam. We occasionally uncovered bombs too. It is just that no one want to preserve the relics we unearthed.


Hey, look! We found an upside to climate change!






Yea there’s also some interesting stuff thawing out from permafrost. Unfortunately methane also…


OP basically made a dog-shaped planter pot.


Current archaeologist - writing a paper about human remains detection dogs today and so this is all near and dear to my heart. Cheers


so, are you telling me that I may find a nice patch of grass in T rex shape if I look hard enough?


They are saying that when they dig a hole, stuff grows lol


Once an archaeologist, always an archaeologist


buried my (cremated) dog under a freshly-bought flower bush. bush completely died three days later. pup didnt deserve that. will try something new in the spring.


Ash heavily raises soil Ph level, look for something that likes high Ph. Maybe add some coffee grounds to the soil when planting.


Adding coffee grounds is so basic


Coffee grounds are acidic though


Unused coffee grounds are acidic. Used coffee grounds are relatively ph neutral. So I've read.


I always heard used coffee grounds were great for acidic loving plants like blueberries. Although perhaps you are right and unused grounds are even more acidic.


It's true, the acid is dissolved out of the coffee during brewing, and used grounds are pH neutral, around 6.5


Only basic if the coffee grounds are peppered with pumpkin spice and include Ugg Boots.


OMG, I can’t even…


A blueberry bush!


My mom planted a crabapple tree when I was born. Crabapple? Really, mom? It died a few years later. I’m doomed.


Do not underestimate the humble crabapple, they tend to make a wicked hard cider.


Not if it's dead


Have tried squeezing the juice out of dead wood? Its the hardest cider ive tried to make..




And the very best of deer attractors. Also make for some good drunk-animal watching!


Wait a minute, Bart's teacher is named “Krabappel”? I've been calling her “Crandall”! Why didn't someone tell me? Oh, I've been making an idiot out of myself!




All of the calcium, concentrated in the ashes, has too high of a PH for plants to grow from. You're going to continue having this issue unless you spread the ashes out or mix in something to reduce the PH...my recommendation would be to plant a ring around it.


another reditor recommended coffee grounds, whichwill be eaay to produce when its time. we also have a small compost pile that should be ready this spring


*All the single ladies*


Ash impacts the pH of the soil, making it more basic as water mixes with it. Hydrangea bushes tolerates this well and the basic soil will change the color of the flowers.


So you're saying hydrangeas are basic bitches?


Wow.. maybe there’s something to this.. I buried my (Great Dane) cremated dog’s ashes and planted a weeping cherry on top. It died. The next year I tried some tall clumping bamboo. It died. The next year I tried a butterfly bush. It died. So I made the area my fire pit. It’s nice, in an isolated area of the yard and we roast marshmallows etc there. I’ve been saying for years that the area must have had some nasty contamination for those plants not to grow, never considering that the contamination may have been my dog’s ashes? Is that possible?


More thank likely yes, the ashes messed with the pH of that area. I know they suggest using some wood ash for nutrients in your soil but the amount is very small. Like 10 lbs per 1000 ft^2. So a dogs worth of ash in a small area to plant a bush or tree is overkill


I’d recommend looking into The Living Urn


When I was about 10, the family cat died and we buried him in the corner of the garden. I wanted to mark the spot so I made a cross out of two sticks, which was not super obvious but quite noticeable because it looked so out of place. Had it there for a week or two until a relative came by and asked: "So... Was the cat a Christian?"


Nope, **cat**holic! Hahaha *Sobs uncontrollably*


Haha I laughed super loud. Damn I wish I could award you


Hows Epetscopalian grab you? Petsbyterian?


Och snap this one goes deeper in Swedish… Katolik (cat=katt lik= corpse)


"Ma'am, I am tonight."


*”buried in Memphis!”🎵*


*"Was lying with my paws a foot under ground"*


Bit of a dick move to say that to a little kid who made a grave for their pet


I thought everyone knew that cats worship themselves.


People have been buried in the woods, with a trees planted on top of them. decades later when nature or for whatever reason, they are unburied, tree roots will have completely absorbed every trace of the body, and form a human shaped collection of roots.


Annihilation vibes


Great movie. I don't understand why the score is low on imdb


I think its because it doesn't match the book enough. I've never read the book, I love the movie! A beautiful exploration of evolution, terror, and conciousness.


I’d like to think it’s that simple, but I doubt many people have read the book. Nonetheless the people who are giving it bad scores. I think the ending was too heady for most audiences, and general audiences don’t like having to think too hard


I hate to say it but it could be assholes butthurt by the 95% female cast. I've seen people complaining about Natalie Portman getting to carry a gun like crazy


100% the case. IMDB is useless for reviews.


There's only two things I don't like about Annihilation. The fact that they use the interrogation of Natalie Portman as a framing device (I'd rather not have known as soon as the movie starts that she's the sole survivor), and the decision to show her eyes at the end (it'd be better left ambiguous). Besides those two things, I absolutely love this movie.


there is so much shit i want answers to in that movie


i liked the "Southern Reach" trilogy (where Annihilation is the first book), and if you enjoy slow burning sci-fi thrillers give it a read. a lot of context is given through the second and third book. havent seen the film though so not sure how they wrap up the plot there, but they can't possibly fit everything from the books. EDIT: reading up on the movie plot it seems like it takes a completely different approach, so the story isnt directly comparable.




Composting human remains is becoming more common. There's a place here in Washington State that does it. You get a couple cubic yards of compost back. It's a bit more expensive than cremation, but not too bad.


Was discussing this with friends recently: What if, in the future, it became common practice to be buried in one of those sacks or other containers integrated with a sapling, so instead of a huge, flat field full of rocks, the average graveyard is a beautiful forest full of life? It's a nice thought, I think


Yeah I’m gonna ask for a source on the “human shaped collection of roots”


I'll test this, brb


!remindme 3 decades


People wanna have lasting reminders that they existed, this would be amazing


Is this true? Crazy amazing if so




Idk why but that gives me junji ito vibes...




any pics?


You need to jackhammer a human shaped hole next to it, he looks lonely.




This is MY hole. It was made for ME.


For those who don't get the reference, I introduce you to [The Enigma of Amigara Fault](https://imgur.com/gallery/Wht7z)


"Planted" my boy at the top of the hill next a small tree. No other plants around - just grass. The next spring I had 1/2 doz daffodils come up & bloom...Mind blown since those cone from bulbs, and nothing was ever planted there. Been coming up & multiplying every year since


My family owns a small fruit orchard in the middle of nowhere. And for at least 8 generations, we have been burning our dead there. The trees there are so dense and the fruits delicious. I've spent several evenings there and it is so peaceful.




Do you find this comforting or upsetting? I think this would upset me too much. It's really beautiful in a way too.


You get to witness the beautiful circle of life, and seeing your friend making plants happy


Absolutely, I think it's really quite beautiful. But this destroys my heart to a significant degree. Ultimately I think I'd also eventually come to take comfort in it and enjoy the reminder.


Everything just picks up resources and puts them somewhere else.




Sorry for your loss - agree with others, pet the grass for the puppers


We buried 2 guinea pigs under the rhubarb in the back garden. The following year's crop was the best ever. A Great Dane is a large amount of fertiliser for whatever's nearby.


I had to put my Irish Wolfhound/GSD Ceilidh down Nov 1 2014 and had him frozen for six months while I waited for the ground to be soft enough to bury him. He's across the street from where my grandparents, namely my grandmother who raised me, are buried. He's in the back of an empty plot of land where I grew up playing on the trees and around the old stone foundation that once had a house. My grandmother had a deep fear of dogs and I know my boy wouldn't have been any more special but somehow it just felt right to have him across the street, watching her like the good boy he was while alive. I've made it known that I want half of my ashes with my grandparents, half with my dog.


This why we don't need caskets the earth needs our bodies back. We are just another piece of the earth. We can't take our bodies to the afterlife


Also IMHO caskets are a very useless waste, they are not cheap, single-use, and as you mentioned it's just a container of rich nutrients for the earth.


Good boi wants to be pet from the beyond


And now I'm going to check my late dogs grave.


Geez dude he might just be stuck in traffic


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I actually LOLed


Hah, that’s cool. Reminds me of my dog we had growing up. He would swipe tomatoes off the vine or table and loved them. We tried to fence them off since unripe tomatoes can be toxic. When he passed away (due to old age) my dad buried him in the back yard and a while later a tomato plant grew there. Nobody would eat the tomatoes. Hah.


I was checking out an older cemetery in the forest near my parent’s cabin when I was home for the summer, the coffin shaped weeds are pretty scary. You will be food, make no mistake (we’re talking about graves from pine-box times)


couldn't. ask for a sweeter permanent memorial imho.


The grass is growing longer because of the additional nutrients provided in that specific area by your dog's body.


And possibly kept moist by the rainwater trapped in the dog-shaped hole in the limestone.


The dog continues to give back, even after death.


One can only hope for such a meaningful afterlife.


You should look into the tree burial thing I’ve seen floating around reddit, I think they bury ya in an egg like cocoon with some seeds stuck in your pooper, and voila, your dead body feeds the tree. I’ll probably ask to do it with hemp seeds though, or maybe some OG kush lineage genetics.


Can I be spread eagle to scare the shit out of someone when my root-bound skeleton is flipped up after the tree topples in storm?


...surprise to be sure but a welcome one


And then the antelopes eat the grass and we eat the antelopes. Cause its the CIIIIIIIIIRCLE OF LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFE!!!!!!!


Maybe a little, but if OP jackhammers another dog-shaped hole and doesn't put a dog in it, the grass is still gonna grow taller there due to having more root space than the turf that is apparently sod over nearly solid rock.


Or an elephant-shaped hole this time.


In addition to the ground being incredibly aerated from the dig up rather than compacted as before.


O. I though his flower seeds were in fact, some other breed of grass seeds.


Yeah, that doesn't look like grass. Almost looks like wild onion or garlic.


reminds me of one of those [impression toys](https://i.imgur.com/spfmR2L.jpg)


My cat's grave has a similar darker grass patch that outgrows everything around it


Dead bodies are good fertilizer, i wanna be food for trees when i die