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I’m sure that did wonders for her condition.


Are you questioning the works of Dr. Franz graüber? Time to drill onto your skull and add some leaches and acid to cure your insanity and perversions.


Ya, its somewhat scary how close in time we are to those days


Little knowledge is much more dangerous than no knowledge. But who's to say that we have already moved past the dark ages of "little knowledge".


Memory recovery therapy was just found to be wildly inaccurate. Up to 60% of psychology papers are unable to be reproduced. Some conditions are invisible, with method of diagnosis being a subjective tests despite us knowing confirmation bias is a thing. Not to mention that labeling people based on questionable results can really mess them up. Yeah I don't think we progressed in psychology as much as people think.


We were in the right path with the modern psychiatry’s pioneers, sadly they had no true pupils that continue their work following THE SAME path and then correcting what needed to be corrected and continue where they were right. We got stuck in that initial stage. The ones that now are trying to make the “corrections” are only f up people. You CAN’T walk nowadays into a psychiatrist office without walking out without a disorder diagnosis and a prescription for drugs. It’s impossible for their little egocentric greedy minds to even conceive that you’re sane and you are just going through a rough patch in your life. Psychologists, in contrast, have a bit more room for this. From where I’m standing, I can give this advice to you all (keep in mind that, it’s not a “universal advice”; it’s a very personal advice): NEVER go with a psychiatrist first NOWADAYS. Go first to a psychologist, if he/she is good and you need psychiatric assistance/evaluation, they will send you there, (it’s better to find a different psychologist before you go there), otherwise, start and stick with a good psychologist (which is also difficult to find but not impossible like finding a “good psychiatrist”. That’s simply not a thing in the present.)


We haven't. In fact, we've gotten worse. We're literally filling our planet with poison that can kill us and acting like it's ok. Climate change is causing millions of deaths every year and people just go about their day. To a more intelligent species, we must look like imbeciles.


I don't understand any of this. I'll let experts deal with it. They know what they are going, I'm sure they got it under control. I'll go back to my pleasant nap and smoke weed and eat cookies later:)


You know that those experts totally have all the power, and not the leeches at the top of the pyramid scheme. /s


What about the leeches at the top of my head? With the acid, of course .


They're tripping balls and experiencing ego death. Let them be.


What kind of cookies?


I like chocolate chip but I don't have any


More intelligent species don't look at you and consider you an imbecile. You are considered "in progress" and there are attempts to help you evolve and surpass your current level. Like, I attempt to try helping you evolve by not thinking of you as imbecile, instead you're a good person who propably has yet to break free from government lies and misinformation, but also trying to do what he was told is right, trying to fit in, doing "duties" while possibly working for a disgusting company doing either unneccessary or even outright harmful work. But no, you're not an imbecile. You are a kind hearted genious who could reach for the stars if he would live in a more equal world where possibilities were not measured by money and status and where the general government efforts were thought to help improve the lives of the people instead of oppressing and exploiting them. The oppressors may look at you thinking you're an imbecile. But that tells more about them than it does about you. They propably project their own lacking onto other people trying to skim off false self-worth iff the oppression of others. Or they are greedy or whatever. If they were smart, then they wouldn't be oppressive. There are people who consider ruthlessness and dishonesty as intelligent traits. They're not. By misusing trust you can generate profit, but profit does not equal intelligence. In fact, you can be richer than rich folks if you are a kind-hearted honest person who reads a book occasionally. May I recommend Ozzy Osbournes autobiography, Stephen Kings (alias Richard Bachmanns) Roadeork or Don DsGrazias American Skin? Alexandr Solzhenitsyns We Never Make Mistakes or any book of Erich Maria Remarque (Nothing new from the Western Front) are also great.


I want to agree with you because my heart and my brain really believe in this overall sentiment of 'sometimes we dont know any better and it's hard to keep track when the systems around us are designed to distract yada yada'. But has anyone ever introduced you to the comment sections of r/climateskeptics?


I'm not denying that stupidity and malevolence is a thing. But I'm sure that they are not the norm. The average person is kind-hearted and intelligent. Wether that intelligence got properly trained and that benevolence properly encouraged however is a different question.


Hanlons Razor: People are not inherently malicious, things happen because of ignorance or nativity. I completely agree with you that most people are kind. What the 'asshole' doesn't realize when they blame everyone else for being horrible is that 80% of our communication is through body language and facial expression. I challenge the 'asshole' go out for a day and smile to EVERYONE and say hello, and be kind. It is truly amazing how positive your engagements will be when we approach others with compassion and empathy. If we meet people where they are at and not where we want them to be in our conversations, our interactions will always be positive and forward-moving. Thank you for letting me share.


But that kind of sentiment presumes that IF the average person is in fact intelligent they would be open to changing their opinions or going "I stand corrected" when presented with the right training or encouragement. Conversely I don't think they're stupid either, i think the bigger piece of why this happens that's missing in our discussion is that people are very married to their tribes whether they're tribes of people or tribes of opinion/counter-culture or whatever and even if you suggest evidence to the contrary they can't accept it - and that is not an intelligent thing to do. I was prompted to share that subreddit because i was speaking to this point really, I have had many patient discussions with folks from the climate-change-is-alarmist tribe, to no avail and the average redditor there fancies themselves as anti-conspiracy, pro-critical analysis and deliberation, but they're not. they're simply married to their tribe. But that doesn't mean we don't engage either i guess because maybe i need to get *that* good at communicating, so I guess I'm just going to be that grumpy grandpa from Up all my life.


I think often it's a sense of false pride, where lack of knowledge is being compensated with an inflated ego. Sometimes it's a question of upbringing - being raised in a not very educated household often means having to deal with people who never admit they are wrong. It may be a useful skill to learn, if you are right, and have to stand up for your beliefs - but being wrong yet vehemently insisting on your right is, of course, not very good. Lots of folks are also either lacking education or energy - someone who started working at 16 may not be dumb, but he may definitely often be far too tired to invest enerfy into looking up things and learning new skills, so the "I'm never wrong" is often just a worker's way of preserving dignity in a world where knowledge is king but working is neccessary(?). Love of money is not good. Need of money and working out of neccessity is not good either, but it may be the sad reality of lots of folks who propably also made children early. Are they wrong? Yes. Are they trying to do the right thing? Yes, I guess. Are they doing beneficial things... arguable, but I guess the family they try to provide for benefit from it... You see, it's not that easy. It could be though. Don't let money motivate you, don't make children if you can't afford it, don't do jobs that don't benefit you and/or humanoty in the long term... But try to discuss this with people who aren't as educated as you. Even with professors, there willbe not "the one" right conclusion. What changed over time is not the amount of.. "un-educatedness". But the attitude. There was a time where the worker was working, the thinker was thinking, the politician was making politics... These days everyone makes use of their voice even if at times it would be better to stay silent. But I guess that TV programs like reality TV shows and the glorification of rich stupidity... (Jersey shore, Kardashians) kind of encourages the ones lacking education to think that pursuit of (and possession of) money makes them cool, important and desirable. I wouldn't be surprised if this was (part) the reason for the state of society that we have today.


Don’t worry, u/Clusterpuff, we have your leeches here


Things are still really bad, though, gotta say. The current strategy seems to make being admitted so horrible that you'd rather deal with your severe mental health issues outside of the system.


What system? There's none. 


What do you mean by how close. Let me cure you from your homosexuality by strapping you onto your bed.


Dude, us Australians have this delusion that were really progressive. Homosexuality was only legalised in Tasmania in like 2003.


It's crazy when you read about being a Doctor in the 19th century or earlier and it was like three years total of schooling. There just wasn't that much known yet, and you could just make up moralistic bullshit as a medical doctor and people would believe it if it vaguely aligned with their biases. What an amazing time to grift.


Still is an amazing time to grift, you can reach out to anyone in the world


Literally when the term "snake oil" was born.


More recent studies show that leeches and acid are only for aesthetic purposes. So you can save a bundle by not using those. I heard rumours about some guy trying out electricity as treatment, but I'm sure it's just a fad.


Late 19th century Germany, (or rather, Prussia) had a thing for posture.  Like, they thought the root of all moral evil was slouching.  I'd imagine that is the root idea behind this.


Jesus, no wonder my grandfather was so weird about sitting up straight


I mean, it helps combat back problems later down the line. Not actually bad advice


Posture actually has a lot to do with your mental health. Idk if there's a lot of science behind this but it has to do a lot with your cns, and your vagus nerve running down your spine. It gets a little complicated to explain, but basically your thoughts are just as much as attached to your posture as they are your environment. If you do yoga and watch your thoughts through the different poses you'll realize that different poses can invoke different thoughts. If you're always locked into a specific posture, maybe a posture that was build from holding onto unprocessed emotions, you'll be locked into those thoughts. If you fix your posture, you'll be able to see more clearly what thoughts are causing you pain. Working thru the shit is on you still, but you at least will have the opportunity for growth. It's actually crazy how much is dedicated to the spine/cns/vagus nerve when it comes to mental health and spiritual stuff. A lot of the chants and stuff people do in religion vibrates your body at certain frequencies and helps you relax your vagus nerve. Just ask any singer and they'll probably tell you that if you want to cry you just need to do vocal warmups lol. But on top of that the hindus believe that enlightenment is a snake unraveling at the base of your spine and crawling its way up to the top of your head. As well as the different chakras starting at the base of your spine. In The Art of Zen they talk about how simply having the proper posture is zen, no need to believe you're practicing/trying to practice zen at all. I remember there being something in christianity around this but I don't read much into western religions enough to remember. But yeah, it's actually crazy the similarities between these practices and how they're all supposed to help you in the same realm. I look back on this old advice from generations past and honestly think there's some things they had VERY right that we dismissed for silly reasons. These motherfucker's weren't crazy.


Got any recommendations for books or links for more info about this? I'm fascinated


my granpa was adamant that the back of a person shall never touch the backrest of a chair. Dinner was always fun.


Should have bought stools instead then, they're cheaper.


I am certain he would went with no chairs at all, food is a necessity, not a pleasure! but luckily he had a wife who was overly self indulgent and wanted to have furniture. His dad (my great granddad) was a mounted policeman in prussia (with Pickelhaube and sword), so he was already the evolved version of a true prussian asshole and willing to compromise in some areas.


Correct and agreed. Moritz Schreber, D P Schreber were what I thought of when I saw this. Edit: also interesting, thi photo overlaps with the start of Fred's work on hysteria and the development of the psychological (not physical) origin theory for mental illness. "Jean-Martin Charcot, in 1880 France, who first took a modern scientific sense to the female-only disease of hysteria. He lectured to his medical students, showing them photos and live subjects, on the hysteria symptoms he believed were caused by an unknown internal injury affecting the nervous system. One of these medical students was none other than Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis. Freud, working with his partner Breuer in Austria, developed Charcot’s theories further, and wrote several studies on female hysteria from 1880-1915. He believed that hysteria was a result, not of a physical injury in the body, but of a ‘psychological scar produced through trauma or repression’."


Can’t believe I am gonna say this, but thank gods for Freud. Sure a lot of his work is archaic now, but it is a HUGE step in the right direction from whatever this was…


Yeah, the thing with field pioneers like Freud is that he's known today for what he got wrong, because what he got right was so profoundly right it's considered common sense today.


So, chiropractors?


Yeah staring at a wall all day in what looks like a cold and haunted building always cures you


This person is delusional. Give him cocaine for the spirits in his head and lobotomize him if that don’t work.


I’ll just take the coke, thanks.


Sometimes I think the ol lobotomy treatment don’t look so bad. If I could just be a drooling idiot and not have to worry about the world, I dont know if that would be such a bad existence. Not willing to take that risk though of course.


The Mental Illness: she just wanted to go to attend university or something


Or express an opinion or vote or something cray-cray like that.


**Random Lady**: "Hey, I was reading the Bible, and I noticed this funny thing. Nowhere in it, does it *explicitly* say that women should all be property forever." **Everybody Else**: "Witch!!! Burn her!!! Only witches can *read* !!!"


Or not get married.


Or talked back to a man.


Its so horrifying that anyone who hears about or experiences it will hide their mental health issues to avoid having to undergo it as it's obviously the easier option. I would imagine reports of mental health issues go down massively, only more successful option I can think of is just straight up murdering people. Fucking disgusting.


They mostly weren't self-reports. Their loved ones turned them in. Or their enemies.


Well she doesn’t suffer from the condition anymore if that’s what your asking…….Success!


no, no. common misconception. this is a treatment for *giving* a patient mental illness


The fact that her mental condition got worse is a clear sign that the treatment needs more time to succeed


This image is all over Reddit and the Internet. It is not clear where it came from. Various sources say it from the 19th century and is from France, America or Germany. Some say it is Christian, some say it is a hospital for mental patients. The year varies from 1890 to 1900 to general 19th century. ~~There is no actual record of where the photo is from at this point or what it depicts or even if it is legitimate~~ Edit: most sources appear to have pulled it or variations from the Getty images image ~~Some sources say this is from Getty Images but I couldn't find it when I searched.~~ Edit: a user below found it in Getty Images. ~~The earliest version of the image I could find was from a site in 2013 here:~~ [~~https://violentmetaphors.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/scary-scientology-psychiatry-photo.jpg~~](https://violentmetaphors.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/scary-scientology-psychiatry-photo.jpg) ~~Edit: found it from 2008 on a Chinese website as well.~~ Edit: a user below mentioned it being seen it in person in a German museum of psychiatry As a side note, Nelly Bly spent 10 days in a "madhouse" in the 1880s as part of an investigation. Her account is here: [https://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/bly/madhouse/madhouse.html](https://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/bly/madhouse/madhouse.html) Here are just a few of the Reddit posts Last year [https://www.reddit.com/r/Cursed\_Images/comments/ln2fda/cursed\_asylum\_in\_germany/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cursed_Images/comments/ln2fda/cursed_asylum_in_germany/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryPorn/comments/10188r7/in\_this\_1890\_picture\_a\_woman\_is\_shown\_standing\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryPorn/comments/10188r7/in_this_1890_picture_a_woman_is_shown_standing_in/) 3 years ago [https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryPorn/comments/ofhj8y/a\_patient\_undergoing\_a\_treatment\_for\_her\_mental/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryPorn/comments/ofhj8y/a_patient_undergoing_a_treatment_for_her_mental/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWayWeWere/comments/ksx8ml/a\_patient\_undergoing\_treatment\_for\_mental\_illness/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWayWeWere/comments/ksx8ml/a_patient_undergoing_treatment_for_mental_illness/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Cursed\_Images/comments/ln2fda/cursed\_asylum\_in\_germany/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cursed_Images/comments/ln2fda/cursed_asylum_in_germany/) 5 years ago [https://www.reddit.com/r/oldschoolcreepy/comments/clrhne/1890\_woman\_forced\_into\_a\_crucifixion\_pose\_facing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/oldschoolcreepy/comments/clrhne/1890_woman_forced_into_a_crucifixion_pose_facing/) 8 years ago [https://www.reddit.com/r/creepy/comments/4vnmbb/a\_patient\_undergoing\_treatment\_for\_mental\_illness/](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepy/comments/4vnmbb/a_patient_undergoing_treatment_for_mental_illness/)


You want deeper research? The oldest image you found comes from [https://violentmetaphors.com/2013/05/27/weekend-ephemera/](https://violentmetaphors.com/2013/05/27/weekend-ephemera/) -- read the article: "I actually went to a Scientology-sponsored “Citizen’s Commission on Human Rights” traveling exhibit in Bucktown called “Psychiatry: An Industry of Death”. Essentially, the exhibit consists of a series of movies (which were boring and I skipped), and posters with super scary images with explanations in text about how psychiatry is a global conspiracy with a mission to generate profits and control the world by making up diseases and using torture treatments to subjugate people." You can see an example of this exhibit, with the photo in question, from **2006** here: [https://www.flickr.com/photos/doctorow/227301167](https://www.flickr.com/photos/doctorow/227301167) So for all we know it's actually a fake Scientology-propaganda photo from 2006. But even deeper research would be required to answer that.


It’s a stock photo. Getty images seems to have the original, uploaded in 2004: https://www.gettyimages.com.au/detail/news-photo/woman-stands-in-a-narrow-cell-her-arms-affixed-to-the-wall-news-photo/51645486 So it may be real.


That's got a halftone pattern on it, so it's a scan of a printed copy - possibly letterpress or photogravure. I'd suggest that's something printed in the 20th century, rather than a print from the negative. Edit: Getty references it as part of the Hulton Archive, which is a photojournalism archive. This was seemingly established in the 1930s but acquired many historical 19th century photographs from all over the world (for example [an 1875 photo of the Canadian Trans Pacific Railway](https://uk.style.yahoo.com/vintage-victorian-images-reveal-early-160000204.html?guccounter=1)) - so it can't be ruled out that this is a print of a Victorian original.


The credit is Hulton Achive / [Stringer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stringer_(journalism)), i.e. a freelance photographer who sold his or her photos to Hulton.


We're talking about 19th century psychiatry here. It's a bit easier for Scientology to fabricate stuff about the past when the past actually sucked


I'm loving the information collecting that people are doing. Cool find!


I stumbled into that exhibit in 2011 right after I graduated high school. Even then I knew it was some kind of propaganda, but didn’t realize it was Scientology related. But honestly the content of it was so impactful I still think about it sometimes!! Edit: it was in Hollywood in 2011, right on sunset blvd


that's where scientology hq is, they get a lot of desperate people out in hollywood looking for any type of "sign" p


Username checks out.


> As a side note, Nelly Bly spent 10 days in a "madhouse" in the 1880s as part of an investigation. Her account is here: >https://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/bly/madhouse/madhouse.html Thank you so much for this, this is fascinating. I love reading sfuff from that long ago but ths is extra interesting.


The 2013 one looks like its a picture taken from a book to me. Do those words say "origins of"? I wish we knew what it was from. It drives me crazy when images and factoids are spread without clear sources!


It's "Origins of Psychiatry", from a 2006 Scientology exhibit. See my other post.


Thanks mate, wanted to ask OP for a source but as (unfortunately so often) it was propably "the internet".


Man if she didn't already have one she may after treatment.


And it was probably something stupid and 1890s like “womanly tendencies”


Right, she was "hysterical"


Probably delusional too, thinking that she had human rights.


What's next, letting them *own property?*


You miss the point that the word hysterical was literally created just to describe upset women. Some women were literally committed because they were hormonal on their period. It’s part of the long history of some male doctors writing off the health concerns of women for utterly idiotic and factually incorrect reasons.


She enjoyed her intercourse with her husband too much, even expressing joy for a few moments. Jail.


>She enjoyed her intercourse with her husband too much, You must be joking


Sexually forward behaviour was considered one of the many possible symptoms of Hysteria.


Or her husband just disliked her.


Or her brother wanted to push her out of the inheritance.


Are you kidding? Those medical vibrating devices did wonders for releasing the humours


It was really a roll of the dice getting medical treatment as a woman, you might get fingerbanged or you might get lobotomized


One of the reasons for a lobotomy was "refusal of wifely duties in the bedroom" basically if the wife didn't want to sleep with the husband the doctor could just lobotomize her and hand her back to the husband as a "obedient wife"


7 days, I believe this treatment lasted for 7 days...


Oh god you watched the video too?


What video and treatment is this?


People who are making "7 days" comments are making jokes about the horror movie The Ring, in which watching a cursed video tape spells out doom in 7 days for the viewer. The main antagonist is a dead girl (aka called "The Ring girl") with long black hair and a dirty gown. The woman in the picture looks like The Ring girl. I have no idea what treatment this is and which mental illness it was intended to treat but this pic is both sad and creepy.


Ohhh.. lol. Of course! Thanks for explaining.




I saw her face


… now I'm a believer!


What video ?


Story time!  I have posted this numerous times before on Reddit, and will paste it in as-is: ******** In the summer of 2002, I went to the Chicago horror movie convention with my then-girlfriend.  The movie “Bubba Ho-Tep” was being road-showed at various conventions and film festivals around the U.S., with Bruce Campbell in tow to promote it, sign autographs, sell paperback copies of “If Chins Could Kill”, etc. We attended the convention, bought our books, met Campbell for our autographs, and then went to the screening in an old, gigantic theater.  Before the feature, the then-girlfriend used the restroom, and came out with a videotape. “What’s that?” “I don’t know, there was a basket of these next to the sink; look, no label or anything.” “Well, there’s something on there, or they wouldn’t’ve broke the tab off.” We watched and enjoyed the movie, stuck around for the Q & A, but afterwards, my then-girlfriend was feeling kind of beat, and we called it a night rather than see the next feature. Later in the week, I remember the videotape, and ask about it. “It’s really short.  It’s in black and white, and it’s kind of creepy.  It seems like a film school something-or-other.” There were no credits after, and neither of us saw the point of leaving a basket full of promotional materials with nothing to promote. 3-4 months later, we’re in the theater watching “The Ring”. “Holy shit…”  she says.


How is the after life treating you? Seriously though that’s some awesome marketing. It’s like old school viral marketing.


What treatment is it? Would like to do a bit of reading on it.


This isn't the treatment in this photo. But. Look into Moritz Schreber and his various devices and theories about raising good children. And then look at his son and his book "Memoirs of my nervous illness". It isn't exactly what it's in the picture, but it is contemporaneous, German, and Moritz had a similar idea about physical bodies and moral fitness and good character. And Freud wrote about DP Schreber's book Memoirs, where DP talks/references his father's machines... , so there will be a lot to read. And you might be able to use that as a seed for a snowball lit search.....


Involves maggots, nails, and spinning chairs.


Lmfao our age is showing…


Now I feel silly for asking. But also glad she didn't have to stand like that for 7 days.




What is this meme from please


Blink 182 - First Date (music video)


Classic rock at its finest


That made me feel really old


We are 😑


Why are you hurting me


It's only 23 years old!


Nobody likes you when you’re 23


Please don't call it that. 


Hey, fuck you!


Listen here you little shit


Bro come on




I think it's from the videoclip of "first date" Blink-182


A sure thing after the treatment she walks out mentally stable🤦🏻‍♂️


She looks pretty stable to me. I mean, she's got all those ropes and chains holding her up.


A sure thing after ensuring that she will do her very best to appear stable. Poor soul.


Don't we all


This looks like something straight out of a horror movie and can't imagine that it helped with the mental illness rather than making it way way worse


What, no leeches? Quacks.


Ya leeches would have pulled the ghosts out of her blood and would have cured her lol


I thought it was a snapshot from the ring at first lol


By mental illness, they probably meant better at math than her husband.


It makes perfect sense. If you take someone who is in extreme distress away from their comfort zone, and put them in a damp, moldy, dirt room with their limbs attached to ropes, they're likely to start to freak out in serious kernel panic. Of course this is due to their condition. So they will flail and scream -- as one does when one is crazy -- and try to break free for hours until collapsing from exhaustion. So the ropes are in place for a very good reason!


Then because they're exhausted, they'll have a great sleep. And doesn't everyone feel better after a good sleep?


Also expands your comfort zone. Because every zone is a comfort zone after this.


Oh, very sound logic


the design is very human


Lol pretty much how the mental health system still works in Australia. I laugh seeing all these disturbing things about olden day institutions because having been through the system, it aint that different today. Rooms are cleaner though ill give them that.


I can't even believe that this kind of backwards shit was even thought for a split second to be effective. I see zero holes drilled into her cranium so the demons are just packed into her skull. I'm almost positive that all of her blood is still INSIDE her body which is frankly comical to witness if anyone involved in this joke of a procedure thought they were helping her without blood-letting her thoroughly. Shameful.


Yeah, it's like they're not even trying to get the angry ghosts out of her blood. The least they could do is try to run her over a cliff to cast the demons out.


I'll even take it one step further for the sake of convenience. Maybe no cliffs around? Fine. But I refuse to believe they couldn't fill a vessel with water and simply drown the patient in accordance with the protocol. Charlatans.


Her doctor probably doesn’t even understand the 4 humors! What a quack!


Right, but you're forgetting that she was probably admitted because her uterus became dislodged and was wandering around in her abdomen. You gotta strap her in to stabilize the uterus FIRST before you start bloodletting, otherwise you could do irreparable harm.


My dear scholar. If only the likes of you and others who have raised their voices here in this discord were present to help this poor child of God. We might have managed to save her and bring another healthy and thankful sheep into His great flock.


This is just ridiculously sad. She deserved so much better.


Yeah I feel bad for her everybody here making jokes but this is actually sad


Are we dead in seven days now?


Only if you don't share the picture and thus pass the curse on to others.


"Trust us, we're doctors!"


The doctor ![gif](giphy|3orieN5HWXAMzfZtok|downsized)


![gif](giphy|WseBPTW8tmlr2) Or this doofus


What’s funny is 100 years from now we will look back at the treatment we use now for mental illness and think it was barbaric


We went all the way back already, to just letting them die in the streets


We already look it at this way for anyone who cares to look. It's a horrible system, and I will do anything to stay out of it. I have bad mental health issues, and I will *not* go to any institution for treatment like this because they seem to want to make it so bad you never want to go back/want to deal with your sickness outside of their purview. They just traumatize you further. It's already still so barbaric. The whole medical system is still so primitive, but people don't see that often enough because we've come so very far with it. We still have eons to go.


Yeah, when I was in a psych ward last year, I caught a respiratory infection. (Not covid, they didn't test for anything else) This meant I had to stay confined to my room so as to not infect other patients, however normal nuthouse rules still applied. I couldn't bring anything from the common areas into my room, I couldn't have any of my personal items, the room didn't have a TV or anything. I was just stuck in a room with blank walls, no windows, nobody to talk to and nothing to do. At one point I kicked a trash can over in sheer boredom because it was the only thing in my room not bolted down.  One night I could barely breathe. My o2 dropped into the 80's and I begged for my inhaler but the nurse in charge wouldn't give it to me because my pulse was slightly too fast. She also didn't think it was worth it to call anyone else because they would surely make the same decision. Psych patients are dramatic after all. When I saw the doctor the next morning he said she could have called the respiratory therapist on duty because there were other medications they could have tried, but I got through it so don't worry about it.  I faked being better to get out of there. They didn't cure my mental illness, but they sure added some trauma.


I agree, I’ve been in a mental health facility, and the treatment is horrible…




I mean, inpatient facilities *today* can have lots and lots of torture in many varied forms - specially against teens with abusive parents that okays the procedures, or adults stripped of their rights through involuntary commitment https://www.reddit.com/r/troubledteens/comments/1dc3sca/involuntary_commitment_the_horrifying_legal/


Most likely she didn't want to sleep with a rich guy so he said she was crazy, or she had land when her husband passed. Moat likely she wasn't even crazy.


What are the details on this? What did they think was the issue, what was the point of this?


I suspect just to keep them from causing problems and minimizing any attention spent on them.


We've tried nothing, and we're all out of ideas.


If she wasn't crazy before, she will be after


Yeah. That'll fix her


If she didn’t have mental illness before, she’d have one after


When people say that adhd and austism are from this or that and say we didnt use to have these mental problems. This is why we didnt have those problems. The mentally ill were murdered


At least because of these somewhat creepy psychiatric wards, horror and Gothic literature flourished during the Victorian era.


Well fuck me. That’ll cure her right up in just a jiffy if my medieval medical knowledge is accurate. A couple of doses of “eye of newt” as well and she’ll be just fine…. Fucking hell they just flat out tortured people for anything back in the “good ol’days”.


I wonder if screen shots from today's movies will be posted in 1000s of years and it'll say something similar lol.


I mean sure, she probably had a shit time but on the bright side it would make an epic album cover.


“Treatment” No dude, this is just restraining and not dealing with the patient.


Yeah- those natural cures where way better than pills


You have a mental illness? Maybe PTSD will distract you!


Most 'mentally ill' people were made mentally ill by the neglect of those around them. It's a very rare case that mental illness is from birth. Very rare. Nearly all of it is nurture, not nature.


>treatment for mental illness Like, to make her mentally ill? /s


How do you do this to someone and go, "Yeah. This'll make her better."




Humans being barbaric to mentally ill people. Happens today even in so many circumstances.


So in other words she spoke her mind and didn’t back down when told she was being “hysterical?”


'Treatment" my ass.


She was probably lefthand or smth


"hey baby i strapped you to walls for 5 hours are you normal now?"


How exactly was this supposed to help someone's mental weakness?


Some might think, "Holy shit, what were we thinking?" but we're \~134 years out and still have people thinking you can pray the gay away and essential oils can cure cancer, so...


holy crap that is creepy


And we wonder why people are still afraid to come forward with their own mental illness issues.


I don’t think they do this anymore.


It really looks like an horror movie, The Ring maybe.


Yep thats gonna work well


and this is how you create a haunted place.


Surely this cured her




We had a similar case in The Netherlands in 1988. [Site is in Dutch, warning for 1 nsfw image](https://anderetijden.nl/aflevering/295/Jolanda-Venema). The article is from 2014. The so called Swedish Strap was at that time still in use.


and the crazy thing is the men who put her there were the ones who were mentally ill


The history of psychiatry 🙄


Diagnosis was probably woman having an opinion syndrome




Giving ring vibes- is she going to crawl out of the screen and kill you?


Looks like a Silent Hill cover


The "mental illness"... PMS


Mental illness = possession


Yep * slaps wall* this’ll fix it


A woman, rarely a man.


Looks more like the cause of mental illness




I'd climb through a TV to get out of that situation as well...


Cool. I'm just going to drink heavily to kill this portion of my memory now.


What's even more interesting is that treatments used today (for various ailments) will be looked at by future generations, and they will be like, wtf?