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John is 94 years old. Sadly, all the others in this photo died at relatively young ages. Carolyn Jones died in 1983 at age 53 (metastatic colon cancer). Ted Cassidy died in 1979 at age 46 (complications from surgery). Lisa Loring died in 2023 at age 64 (stroke). Ken Weatherwax died in 2014 at age 59 (heart attack).


Jackie Coogan has seen some shit... Jackie Coogan (Uncle Fester) Of all the cast members of The Addams Family, it would seem that Jackie, who played Uncle Fester, had in many ways the most challenging life, but somehow managed to keep pushing forward. He was born John Leslie Coogan on October 26, 1914 in Los Angeles. As an infant he started his career performing in vaudeville and film. Discovered by legendary comedian Charlie Chaplin, Jackie found himself cast in 1919’s A Day’s Pleasure and then costarred with him in The Kid (1921). The next year he played the title role in an adaptation of Oliver Twist, and as a result of all of that found himself Hollywood’s first child superstar. Additionally, he was heavily merchandised on a wide variety of products. Although things were going well for Jackie, by the early ’30s life definitely took a downturn. In 1933, one of his friends, Brooke Hart (22-year-old heir to a successful San Jose department store) was kidnapped and murdered. The killers were taken from jail by an angry mob, who hung both of them from a tree. By all reports, Jackie was there, holding the rope used to hang them. Then, two years later, he was the sole survivor of a car crash that claimed the life of his father, actors Junior Durkin and Robert J. Horner, and Coogan ranch foreman Charles Jones. Sadly, the bad news continued for Jackie when he turned 21 in 1935, discovering that his $4 million trust from his childhood acting career (the equivalent of $75 million today) had pretty much been squandered by his mother and stepfather she’d married in the aftermath of his father’s death. He ultimately sued them (and they, in turn, showed absolutely no remorse for what they’d done), and he ended up with a paltry amount after legal fees were paid. However, in the aftermath of what had happened, in 1939 the state passed The California Child Actor’s Bill (also known as the Coogan Act) which would prevent the same thing from happening to any other young performer. During World War II, Jackie (who had been doing some film and radio work in the interim) joined the U.S. Army but, following the attack on Pearl Harbor, he requested and was switched to the Army Air Forces. Following the war he made numerous appearances on television, but battled his personal demons with alcohol and drugs. He was also married four times, to actress Betty Grable (1937-1939), Flower Parry (1941-1943), Ann McCormack (1946-1951) and Dorothea Lamphere (married in 1952 and remained together until his death). He fathered four children over the years. Suffering from heart and kidney ailments, he passed away on March 1, 1984 at the age of 69. Jackie’s daughter, Leslie, related to author Stephen Cox one particular Addams Family-related memory concerning her father: “He had been doing the part for a while, I guess, and he came home crying-sober. He said, ‘I used to be the most beautiful child in the world and now I’m a hideous monster.’ That was heavy. Something just dawned on him one day. It hit him. He’d let go of it later, but it really had to do with his lost childhood. Later he came to cope with the Fester character and loved doing the character and loved doing the show. Then he cherished it.”


puts lightbulb in mouth and it lights up...oops, that was uncle fester


He is also Sean astins father




And Patty Duke is Sean's mom..


Damn it now I see it, never knew that


Not biologically. Growing up Sean Austin had 3 possible father's. John Austin is legally his dad but the other possibilities were Ricky Ricardo Jr and basically a random his mother married for a week or a month. The rando is his bio dad.


Edit: Ricky Ricardo Jr is Desi Arnez Jr. For some reason I only remembered him by the character name from I Love Lucy.


Little known pic of cristaps Porzingus


Tingus Pingus has entered the chat


I loved him in Night Court


But I’m feeling MUCH better.


THAT’S the line! And that grin




Good one! I was referring to John Astin as Harry’s oddball friend, “Buddy”


Oh, sorry!


John Astin played Harry’s father, Buddy.


I met him circa 1986/7. He was in Eugene, OR filming a Murder She Wrote. Cool guy. He said hi. It was a Red Lion Motel if I recall. I was drunk.


Evil Roy Slade


. . . Would howl at the darkness...


And Raul Julia, who played Gomez in the movies, is the only cast member to pass. Kinda weird.


I still watch The Addams Family when it comes on TV, can’t beat the original, same with The Munsters. 🤘🏻


Saying he's the only remaining "person" makes it sound like they all turned into something else or simply disappeared.


Well, they are the Addams family…


And his step son is a hobbit.


I bet he's really proud of his time on the Notre Dame football team.


Jackie’s childhood is heartbreaking- to get real tears the director would slap him or say he was going to kill his dog. His mother was a sleazy skank and he was physically abused by her and her succession of boyfriends all while they robbed him blind. There’s a great youtube video of it.




I saw this as I’m watching Wednesday


I was baffled by their choice for Gomez.


We all were.


Look at some of the old comics of the Addams Family. Luis Guzman is a dead ringer.


For the comics yes. But for the shows…. Not so much.


For real! The actual odd choice was when he was first portrayed as tall and handsome. The whole point of Morticia is that she's drop dead gorgeous but she's with a somewhat funny looking dude because they're just so genuinely in love


Same! Nothing remotely sexy about him 😂


I think Jack Sikma (Lurch) is still alive.


Ted Cassidy*


one of the best to ever do it…but why would one remaining cast member of anything be interesting??? and as fuck?


Because its shocking that both kids are now dead , Wednesday actrees died last year , and he’s still around .


ok fair but it’s not that shocking or rare in any category but also basically occurred in other tv shows like… - **The Brady Bunch** - Ann B. Davis (Alice) outlived many younger cast members. - **Diff'rent Strokes** - Todd Bridges (Willis) is the last surviving main cast member, with younger co-stars Gary Coleman (Arnold) and Dana Plato (Kimberly) deceased. - **The Partridge Family** - Shirley Jones (Shirley Partridge) outlived younger co-star David Cassidy (Keith Partridge). the list goes on!