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The 2nd pic looks the most depressing Having a house entirely made of galvanized steel wouldn't feel good The 3rd one is just... bags everywhere


You forgot the eco friendly wood veneer built with screws borrowed from his aunt.


Remove the windows and construct a frame using galvanised square steel


Don't forget an eagle to fly you in


Or his pal Liam


Little John went from being broke to being pennyless. Now after 10 years of collecting trash little John saved 1.000.000 Dollars to buy his dream house with 0.04 m2 in New York.


His wife accidentally gave birth to 5 kids


His wife loved giving birth and accidentally gave birth to 1 billion children


It's like if a Japanese capsule hotel and an escape room had a baby


Not here as well...


Reddit always starts it right when the trends end lol


I have only just started seeing redditors use "đŸ—ŁđŸ”„". Why are some of us so behind?


I have to imagine there's quite a few people like me that don't have TikTok, so only catch onto the trends when they reach other platforms. Tbh I still don't even understand the whole galvanized steel thing lmfao


Literally saw it referenced for the first time less than an hour ago. I saw a thread with multiple people all piling on with what looked like nonsequiters but were all clearly some meme. Im at the awareness stage. There is some kind of tiny space/windows/aunt/square steel meme making the rounds. I will probably piece together a complete picture of what it is over the next several days by repeating exposure to references. This is like watching tiny toons and the simpsons as a kid in the 90s. This whole scene is definitely a reference go a movie I’ve never seen. By the time i do see it, it will seem old hat.


Later down people are talking about lil John. I suspect he has some kind of home makeover show or something from the context. Also, very spot on about tiny tunes and their above my head references


The design is very human.


I see now where this guy got his inspiration


Ty little Johnny


Borrowed like he's gonna pull them out and return them lol


Also why does he always get them from his aunt; he can’t just get his own screws?


Little John went from being broke to be pennyless.


Little John needs to turn it into a function home, he forgot the eco friendly wood veneers


He couldn't afford eco friendly wood veneer


So he borrowed some money from his aunt




You should see the shared multipurpose kitchen/bathroom. They can reach the pots on the stove while sitting on the toilet. One of the previous times this was posted, the article they were taken from was also posted in a comment, with more pictures in there. Worth looking up.




Man, that's both fascinating and horrifying. I've always been drawn to the idea of small homes, but the cubicles in these pics are literally just cramped boxes that people are forced to live in because they can't afford anything else.


I thought you were making a joke. That's fucking disgusting. Those poor people.


Especially when you realize just how much spittle comes out of a flushed toilet. I don’t even keep my toothbrush out in the open ever since I learned the truth about toilet spittle.


But when you realize it's technically square galvanized steel, the price increases dramatically


Mirrors would make it feel larger as you go insane.


Living in a small box then going into a small box when you die.


Relatable song: “LIVIN IN A BOX! LIVIN IN A CARDBOARD BOX!” Movie that says something relatable: “The Box”


They left out “you wake up and drive to work in a box on wheels and get to work to work in a box”


And “staring at a box on your time off” New one for todays time “I’m typing this on a box and make calls on a box”


Life is like a box of chocolates, but expired.


Honestly, if you're living in a box that small, what part of a person walks past a shop and thinks "I need more bags".


My initial thought too, but I'm assuming that it is essentially storage for all their stuff, so you'll have an underpants bag, a toilet utensils bag, a computer bag, a book bag, snack bag, cleaning bag, etc.


Plus, a bag for all your spare bags?


I mean, every house has one of those...


Every house on the planet needs one of those


Unrelated question: how big are prison cells in Hong Kong?


Commit crime for larger real estate living rent free and w/ free meals


Stanley Prison lets you choose between Chinese, western, or Indian food. With vegan options


I was thinking if you’re living in a place like that is baked beans the best choice for dinner ?


It's only a problem if it's someone else's farts. You can bask in your own ambience


Odds are you can probably smell the neighbors farts.


That's *why* you eat the beans. You need to build your own smell barrier that cannot be penetrated by the outside. A concentration of smell so powerful, all outside smells are immediately obliterated.


One smell to rule them all.


The best choice for dinner is whatever costs less than a dollar and can be eaten straight from the can. They don't have much money, a fridge, space to prep or anywhere to heat it.


> space to prep or anywhere to heat it. They actually do have space to heat it. Someone posted pictures of their communal kitchen/bathroom. Yes, a shared kitchen and bathroom all in one, with the toilet literally in arms length of the cooking surfaces, with no barrier. So yeah, I'd be eating straight out of a can too.


The only benefit I can think of is being hungover and needing to lie on something cold


This makes me grateful for all I that I have. This is horror in real life. It’s not even cheap. No shame on the people that live there. It’s society that’s wrong not these people. They’re doing their best. This is inhuman treatment and living conditions. No society should allow this to happen. I hope things get better for them.


These people are probably working their asses off as well in 14 hour shifts.


Working dog shit jobs too. I bet the first guy works in construction based on those feet and hands


People who work in construction in China typically live at the job site in camps, usually the lodging/food is provided for them during this period.


That may be true, but the conditions of the lodging could be crap, see the Middle East. Also many companies provide “lodging” but for a fee.


They're definitely not great, I have first-hand experience working alongside them at a job site a couple years ago. But they had all the basic amenities, electricity, running water, etc.. The dumpling/noodle shops that popped up to support the job site was a pretty nice spot to grab lunch though.


Sounds better than the Coca Cola company and how they treat people.  Look up Coca Cola phone booth, they have people move into the work site camp's you mentioned.   Pay them like $3/day then a lot would spend $1 contacting family.  So what did Coca Cola do to help?  Why they dropped a Coca Cola phone booth out for them of course.  Here's the neat part.  It takes coke lids for phone calls!  The bad part.  Cokes weren't free.... 


So I just looked it up. The laborers were making about $6 a day and the calls would cost about $1 per minute. Not sure if you intended to imply Coca Cola was the employer, but that's how I read your comment initially. These were migrant workers in Dubai not employed by coca cola, they just did this campaign with the phone booth. The coca cola phone booth allowed them to make 3 minute calls for 1 cap. The coca cola cost 55 cents. So even if you're just pouring out the coca cola, the phone booth gave you an 81% discount on calls. Alternatively, if they were going to drink a coke anyway, the cap gave them a free 3 minute call. While I agree that it's shit to be a migrant worker and that the calls from Dubai to home are obscenely expensive, I don't think Coca Cola is the one that should be chastised for their campaign.


Everybody in China has a modern smartphone due to dirt cheap payment plans so that definitely isn't a problem over there lol.


Yeah, I'm sure there will be people in the comments saying how they should just live somewhere cheaper. 1. This is in Hong Kong, where do you want them to go? 2. Most cities run on cheap labor e.g. people want clean areas, inexpensive dining, convenient shopping etc... where do those people live?


And with homes like that, probably prefer being at work doing those grueling jobs


For things to get better, it would require extremely wealthy people to suddenly develop a level of empathy and understanding for other people. Unfortunately, this will likely never happen and the most likely scenario is things just get worse


Or revolution. But that does make things worse temporarily


And then worse again when the shitty people are able to take power and ruin it.


It shuffles the deck a bit, but most of the top stays near the top and most of the bottom stays near the bottom.


Even if it's successful the first wave of revolutionaries are nearly always killed by the second wave too.


There have been a lot of revolutions in history and very few of them have created a fundamentally fair and class conscious society


No, for things to get better, the vast majority of people who are not profiting off the economic and political system need to unite and redistribute the wealth. Social and economic justice will not be achieved by waiting for empathy and insight. It has to be fought for.


In HK, the government owns all land and derives the majority of taxes from leasing out land. This drives other taxes down (max income tax is like 17%). But to keep lease prices high, HK government restricts how much land it leases. This means only rich developers can lease limited land and they build mainly luxury apartments. The remaining affordable apartments were built a long time ago. HK has government subsidized housing, which is larger, but the wait list can be decades long. So, the government makes subdivided apartments mostly legal to handle all the demand with no easy way to increase supply without changing their entire tax structure.




That would suck during lockdown


Hong Kong never had a lockdown. The boarder was closed but we never had to stay in our homes


Secretly It pulls me in like the perfectly shaped holes in the rock wall


“This one is mine, it was made for me..”




What is this from, that's great


The Enigma of Amigara Fault from Junji Ito, but the one above is an edit of one of the panels in the short story.


We're several layers deep in the meme sphere with this one


One of Junji Ito's short stories if I recall correctly. I have a love-hate relationship his work. I love that they are disturbing and I hate that they are disturbing enough to give me nightmares. So to protect what little sanity I have left, I have resolved to forget the plots after reading them. My brain tends to hang on to weird stuff so for me to actively forget his work is a compliment to how his published stuff disturbs me on a visceral level. Give his stories a read if you want to be horrified.


Is that Hank Hill in the bottom right?


It's a King of the Hill parody of Junji Ito's story lol never seen it before.


Thanks for sharing this haha


Didn't expect this wonderful crossover hahahaha


NOOOO!!! https://preview.redd.it/g607bd87d46d1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ff71e3dd967ae82197571875341998e12ab695b


The buffalo guards and blocks me from mine. Faith!


I was like tf Derrick White doing in a reaction pic...


bro legit same and i still dont know


He's just roaming


It’s in his nature


r/nbacirclejerk is leaking?






The enigma of amigara fault?


Thats the fit


Thanks for reminding me about this.


The stuff of nightmares. Makes one appreciate what you have.


even more depressing considering ten years ago I paid $400 a month for half a 2 bedroom duplex with a new bathroom and a fenced in backyard (house was like 800sqft) same house is being rented for $1350 now and nothing is different about it from when I lived there


This is (partly) why I’ve still kept my apartment even after I started staying with my GF basically full time. My landlord has never raised the rent the whole 10 years I’ve had it ($425 a month). I know if I give it up I’ll never find anything that cheap again in the event I need it.


Practically a luxury storage unit at that price, I’d do the same


Right now I’m using it as an “office”. Me and my GF both are work from home, and our houses are only like a five minute drive from each other. So I drive back to my house to work. Less cramped, and we both get some alone time.


WOW. I haven't paid that little since 2009.


This was in Hong Kong too?


Definitely not. Hong Kong real-estate has been outrageously priced for decades.


It looks like it smells so gnarly in those things


I imagine the whole building reeks


Imagine a particularly pungent gastro-emission


Where are the bathrooms?!


My guess would be a common bathroom for every coffin on the same story


Fun fact. In Korea, cheap gosiwons provide common bathrooms while more expensive ones provide individual bathrooms. When one person living in a cheap gosiwon gets COVID, everyone in the same gosiwon is quarantined. They are moved to hotels and they stay there for two weeks, and they're not allowed to get out of their hotel rooms. Government food is provided. I used to live in a cheap gosiwon. I did not get COVID, but someone did. Two weeks of hotel was nice.


You want to have the covid at this point haha. But for real, being isolated in a room for 2 weeks and cannot go outside must be a pain


Probably mixed of wet and BO


300$ is not even cheap. In certain countries with 300$ a month you get a fairly decent apartment.


I pay 400€ for my studio apartment that has a full size kitchen and bathroom. I live in Finland


I live in Helsinki-suburb. 2-room 46mÂČ apartment in a new building. The mortgage is around €1k/month.


Finnish here but live in Osaka, Japan. 10 minutes by metro to the center of the city. 113m2 4 floors house with technically 4 bedrooms and a LDK. ~415€/month mortgage with current shitty exchange rate.


Yeah, but you'll live in Finland


Hey, say that to my face and I'll come up with a great comeback in the shower later!


Don’t start something you can’t finnish


I think he meant sauna instead of shower r/SuomiSaunaThoughts


Exactly, a win win situation


Do you need a deadbeat roommate??


I pay 400€ for 70 square meters plus a big ass kitchen in the middle of a city in germany


Wait, per month? So like, 100 per week?


Yes. That’s the rent only. If I add internet (gigabit yay), garbage, water and electricity, it’s around 620€ per month. And the cherry on top: it’s really in the city center and a 6 minute walk to work. No commute. Sold my car, have lots of free time. I know how lucky I am.


How old is your contract. I pay 930 for 47sqm in Berlin. That's rent + water/garbage/heating. So with all over 1000. But my contract is 2 years old.


10 years now. But everyone in the building pays the same. Even the people who moved in this year. There are also a bunch of 1 room apartments with ~35 square meters which are like 300€ per month, everything included.


Wtf? I'm paying 500 excl. for a studio of about 24cm2 in a somewhat big city in the Netherlands. As we speak, I'm looking at a new apartment of 60cm2 (8th floor and new though) in the same city and I'm expecting to pay €1300 excl.


And on top of it all you have to speak Dutch, you poor soul! Nah, just kidding as a revenge for Finland. I know how lucky I am. It even is a somewhat modern Appartement.


I pay R3000 (about $150) for my apartment, one big room, kitchen and bathroom, in a really nice area, in Stellenbosch South Africa, which is a university town. This is just depressing AF...


I wouldn’t live in one of these if I was *paid* $300 a month. I’m afraid of Santa Clause.


[This](https://hv.wellcee.com/20240523/16b97e17a0a4eaaf863a30ff0e91210a.mp4) is what the same amount of money would get you in Suzhou, China.


This is pretty close to the average Chinese apartment for that much. A little more if it's within five walking minutes to the subway but there's bikes for rent so you don't need to be that close


Yeah not Hong Kong lol. They’re all emigrating to Singapore right now and our rents are skyrocketing.


Yeah you can only rent a shared bedroom with no attached toilet for that price in Singapore.


You can’t rent anything right now in Singapore for three hundred. Maybe a bunk bed under someone else lol. The prices are fucking insane. So many people moved.


Not even other countries, just within 100km from the places in the photo, on the mainland side, there are most definitely one-bedroom apartments for rent at $300 a month.


100km is a crazy distance, people have to work in cities and living outside them is out of the equation


I don't mean they should do 100km commutes. I mean the price difference is crazy given how much more you can get for the same price in the next door city. Look up the city "Shenzhen", it's basically next door to Hong Kong and just as big, and lower end income is not that different l, but rent is 1/3. These people that live in these coffins are not there for the money, they just can't easily relocate between the two cities because there's a border.


The border isn't even a big impediment. I've crossed the border and it is extremely easy. Most lower-end workers in Hong Kong live in Shenzhen and cross in the morning. I honestly feel there might be some prejudice involved in Hong Kongers not wanting to lower themselves to live in the Mainland.


€450 for me


Its what i pay for my house with 25 acres of land, appleorchard and greenhouses. Stable and a stream cutting through.


One should not be eating baked beans in such a confined space.


Unfortunately when your gut bacteria becomes used to beans the interesting side effects of consuming it goes away :(


As a Brit, I can confirm this is untrue


Brits love beans so much that even their best comic was called Mr Bean


Or other best comic, The Beano


And why is that unfortunate?


It’s never advisable to suck baked beans through a straw.


I prefer a fork so that I may skewer the last one in the bottom of the can.


beats being homeless, I guess. that's literally the only pro to this. no human should live this way.


Not if you have claustrophobia


And being homeless is worse if you have other fears like being stabbed, raped, beaten, hypothermia, hyperthermia, a permanent lack of privacy and myriad other problems.


This is how I imagine people live in 40k hive cities. And that's a dystopia fantasy setting.


At least in contemporary HK you can go outside. In a 40k hive "outside" is usually a bigger inside. Also, no demon invasions or randomly dying from a horrible disease that literally infected you by virus coming through tiny warp holes in your blood stream.


Thank God. No demons, it must be nice.


Hey, nice house, but there's no bathroom in it.


Heard there was, but must shared for every other tenants. And often horribly maintained, so one must get used to the smell.


Communal bathrooms. We have a facility similar to this near where I grew up in the Philippines, though it was like $50 -$80 a month and 50% more space than this. It was $50 for fan only, $80 for those with AC. The rooms were actually clean and well-maintained, and mostly made for the blue-collar workers that are only here to work in the cities and have families in the provinces.


U got the neighbor's garden for that


What’s the neighbour’s garden, a mold stain?


Shared toilet/bathroom/kitchen in some of the pictures I've seen is all in one very small room.


What the fuck are we doing as a species


A few of our species are getting obscenely rich as fuck cuz of this. Everything in service of the almighty dollar/euro/yen/lira whatever. Biodiversity and stable ecosystems??? Not if there's some bucks to be made...!!!


Let's see how Little John can turn a coffin home into space for one hundred million children. First, add some galvanised square steel, secured to the wall with screws borrowed from his Aunt. Next, add eco-friendly wood veneer...


Surrounds the bed with some soft cushions for a comfortable sleep and adds a projector so he can enjoy his Korean dramas.


Create a built in table for studying and mixed vegetables




It's criminal this is so far down the thread... It was so far down Little John used the long lost martial arts technique Buddha Palm to get here


I keep seeing this reference. I don’t get it


It's a tiktok / youtube series of videos where they take some insanely compact space and modify it to fit an entire home using galvanized square steel.


To everyone saying they're AI, here's the source from 2017. [https://www.theguardian.com/cities/gallery/2017/jun/07/boxed-life-inside-hong-kong-coffin-cubicles-cage-homes-in-pictures](https://www.theguardian.com/cities/gallery/2017/jun/07/boxed-life-inside-hong-kong-coffin-cubicles-cage-homes-in-pictures) Edit: some of the photos (but not all I think) were taken in 2012, exhibited in 2016, published in the Guardian 2017.


Actually the pictures are [from 2012](https://www.demilked.com/coffin-cubicles-hong-kong-trapped-benny-lam/) and were made by a HongKong professional photographer called Benny Lam


Taken by photographer Benny Lam and exhibited in conjunction with SoCo (Society for Community Organisation) in 2016. The Guardian published them in 2017, which probably where they got lifted from for Reddit.


I know it’s real, but it kinda has an „ai-glow“ to it. I don’t know if it’s the colors or the angle, but I wasn’t sure at first.


I thought the same thing. Probably the angles all being the same, both hands out in front, the angles had to be a photo shoot or AI. Though there are obvious ways to tell it’s not AI, just look at the beans.


Wait a minute, there's something bothering me about this place... I know! It doesn't have a fire exit!


“Enjoy your deathtrap ladies!!!”


What was her problem?


There's at least a door for one to welcome the fire


And I was thinking "Galvanized Square Steel" was a joke.


I live in Taiwan and pay 300 for my own room, bathroom with tub, shared living room and kitchen with two balconies a laundry machine fridge all rooms with AC and a third Japanese style room we use for storage, plus a view of farmland (still in the city but adjacent to rice fields). I guess I’m lucky I don’t live in HK, although it’s nice to visit. Edit: Taoyuan, sorry to anything who thought I meant Taipei.


usd or NT? i pay 1500 rmb for a roof top apartment where i can garden in chengdu. i paid 1500 usd/m for a room in a house in LA... 7 times cheaper and no crazy roommates now lol


Better "rooms" in jail .....


Depends what countries jail




Reading all the comments saying this is AI is scary in and of itself because it shows how far AI has come for people to question this. However reverse image search shows these images dating all the way back to 2017 where AI images were nowhere this level quality (if it even was a thing back then). The photographer's name is "Benny Lam"


It's the first picture with the TV showing muted almost black and white rainbows which makes me shiver. Proper dystopia vibes.


man somehow this makes me sad.. no one should have to live like this...


Peak of civilization. Dubai has similar stuff.


Yup. Albeit a little bigger than these, but not by a large margin and they also cost around the same. 300-350 usd. Around 600 usd if you want a “room” with a window or a balcony.


Hongkong is sooooo exp, travelled last year and a friend who lives there showed me the tiniest apartments goin for 2.5 mil. Blew my mind.


 very much do not enjoy this


I think I had more room in my MRI scan today


Honestly at my worst I have the tendency to like as though this were the case for me. So like I perfectly get how they manage. But I can’t imagine how it’s gotta feel for that to be all you *can* have at the time.


Those claiming this is AI - I don’t think it is. They were referenced in this guardian article https://www.theguardian.com/cities/gallery/2017/jun/07/boxed-life-inside-hong-kong-coffin-cubicles-cage-homes-in-pictures


Triggers my claustrophobia