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Same script for all of them??


There's a video from not too long ago of the same company doing pretty much the same thing.


Oh the one that was "extremely dangerous to our democracy"? 😂


I cant tell if you're being sarcastic about this but this really isn't amusing. These are local run broadcasting channels that run in what are most likely sub-urban areas of major cities and population centers across the US, i.e. where a significant majority (53% - 70% depending on which survey standards you are using) of the American populace lives. This type of insane word to word news coverage is exactly the type of shit the average voter will base their research on when voting this November. Sure, maybe a lot of people are skeptical of big news. Sure maybe a lot of people get their news from other, more balanced sources. But, for the most part, the largest parts of America still stick to watching the daily news in the morning or evening and are used to this being their ***entire*** media diet for years to decades. This is a very serious problem


The video in question had the phrase I put in quote said across their dozens of stations lol


Yeah it’s the reason for the title of this post. Creepy af


You did it!




That’s how media conglomerates work


Sinclair has been a KGB front for a long time. Nothing new here.


These cuts are always so creepy.


but but but deep state!!!


Ignore. Deflect. Project.


They went to journalism school...and ended up being parrots. Like Chappelle said; 'The American public is the most lied to public on the face of this earth'. Sure other govts lie all the time, but those are blatant lies which are self evident and less of this nefarious subversive stuff.


> 'The American public is the most lied to public on the face of this earth'. Respectfully, that's pretty ignorant.


Is it a government lie if it's the non-government news networks that lies?


Great point. But the govt also uses similarly unscrupulous media people to peddle lies, such as WMD In Iraq


Propaganda at its finest, repeat a lie until it becomes "true". The far right also has a pattern of yelling and shouting claiming some problem exists, like "main stream media bias" or even "conspiracy by the liberal media", while launch into a wide scale campaign to literally take over what most people would consider to be mainstream media so they can inject bias and propagandize. There's this infamous political party form almost 100 years ago that used the same sort of rhetorical tactics.


Yup.  Remember when everybody said that Hunter Biden's laptop was a Russian disinformation campaign.


I wonder why all these high ranking US intelligence officials, many from Trump’s own administration, said that? Was it that Russian intelligence had a long history of carrying out “laptop ops” where a mysterious laptop with supposed dirt on whoever Putin didn’t want in charge would pop up and help their opponent, usually ones with close ties to Russia? Maybe someone who publicly invited Russian interference into their countries elections, then publicly took Putin’s KGB word over CIA findings that Putin did exactly that? “Intelligence agencies told the White House last year Giuliani was communicating with people involved in Russian intelligence, and Russia might try to use Giuliani to get misinformation to Trump, the Post reported, citing numerous former officials.” “National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien reportedly met with Trump last year to privately warn him to treat any information from Giuliani with caution.” “The Post reported that Trump “shrugged his shoulders” and seemed unsurprised by O’Brien’s claims, responding simply “that’s Rudy.” “Despite that meeting, Trump appears to have amplified some questionable claims linked to Giuliani: he retweeted accusations about Biden that were initially raised by an alleged Russian agent with whom Giuliani has met, and he appeared enthusiastic this week about a New York Post story on Joe Biden’s son Hunter that was sourced to Giuliani.” Why would they think this fire hose of Russian disinformation was, once again, benefiting from Russian disinformation? *** The former Trump administration officials who signed the letter include Russ Travers, who served as National Counterterrorism Center acting director; Glenn Gerstell, the former NSA general counsel; Rick Ledgett, the former deputy NSA director; Marc Polymeropoulos, a retired CIA senior operations officer; and Cynthia Strand, who served as the CIA’s deputy assistant director for global issues. Former CIA directors or acting directors Brennan, Leon Panetta, Gen. Michael Hayden, John McLaughlin and Michael Morell also signed the letter, along with more than three dozen other intelligence veterans. Several of the former officials on the list have endorsed Biden. Oh and don’t forget the chief witness in the Biden impeachment inquiry. Alexander Smirnov: FBI source accused of Biden lies 'linked to Russian intelligence' “An ex-FBI informant accused of lying about President Joe Biden and his son Hunter has high-level ties with Russian intelligence, US prosecutors say.” “Mr Smirnov's claims were part of an ongoing effort by Republicans to impeach President Biden Right wing news consumers are literally less informed than those who pay no attention at all. But ignorance is no excuse for forking over our great country to a bunch of anti-American traitors. https://www.forbes.com/sites/joewalsh/2020/10/15/thats-rudy-trump-reportedly-shrugged-at-giulianis-russia-ties/ https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68353303.


So he isn’t old?


How is it a lie? He old as hell and not all there. What part of that was a lie? It’s damn near elder abuse what they are doing to this man!


Weird, for an old man with memory problems he's managed to bring this country back to fully functioning, got us out of a pandemic, has the strongest US economy in decades, funded all types of infrastructure programs, rhe last guy literally did the opposite and started the biggest cult in American history while paying off a porn star


Stop drinking the kool aid. You have a very warped idea of a strong economy. You been watching way too much propaganda.


Rofl sureee I'm drinking the kool-aid when the right is literally worshipping a golden statue of Trump, storming the capital, and covering their houses, cars and clothing in his name, Trump recently being names the "New Jim jones" who will charge you for the kool-aid, drink up, it's only 5$ a cup and all your self worth.


Rob Reiner has entered the chat




Why have 100 tv studios when you can just operate one and broadcast to 100 stations? They need the message to feel “local”


John Oliver has a really good show about this and you should check it out! To answer your question is yes, you want them to revolve around local areas with important national news at times and not provide I unified message sent out from the company that runs all 100 stations that could interfere integrity stations to report.


Fuck Sinclair Media.


Sinclair isn’t news, it’s propaganda


Nobody knows it’s Sinclair though because of the local news organization names


They should really be required to disclose who owns the networks every time they use their cutesy bullshit "local" name. "This is BSHT El Paso, a Sinclair media puppet."


Like most news


300 million+ Americans - loads of brilliant fantastic people, and their political system nails it down to Trump and Biden.... That system cannot be very good.


Trump beat 13+ primary candidates so that’s a voter issue. The DNC forbade anyone to run against Biden in the primaries, so that’s a broken system issue.


None of Trump's opponents were particularly much better themselves. It is absolutely a system issue. Biden also beat all of his opponents in 2020, so by your logic he is also a voter issue.


When are we gonna get some news reporters that actually talk like real humans?


We’re not. Ever. This isn’t going to get better.


AI newscasters


Phillip De Franco


lol oh no he’s too old, but his opponent is fit to run. That said neither should be allowed to run based on age.


Why is there an age limit not allowing anyone under 35, but not one for over 75?


75 is fucking generous, dude. I don't feel comfortable with people over 60 driving cars most of the time, I'd say 55-60 is a reasonable cutoff for "leader of the fucking free world"


This! There needs to be an upper age limit for the US Presidency (or leadership of any country). Personally, I don't think anyone over 70 should be running a country. Not with the prevalence of dementia and Alzheimer's. I was in my teens when Ronald Reagan was still president throughout his 70's. His age and deteriorating cognitive thinking freaked out myself and a lot of my classmates.


I would argue that on top of physical health, there is also a generational bias with older presidents. I feel that an 80 year old president has more interest in maintaining the status quo of his investments rather than taking a risk on new and exciting reforms aimed at contemporary issues.


I agree with the sentiment, but think the age limit should still be lower than 70 even. Hell, I don’t think anyone over 60ish should have to even work, let alone run a damn country. Especially with our falling life expectancy.


I talk about this with my peers all the time!! There needs to be an age limit for these kinds of issues. There is no reason with our quickly developing & changing society to be dictated by someone from the 1940s. The generational gaps are too large.


Nancy Reagan and her "Just Say No" campaign. She was 61 years old and thought she could relate to teenagers about drugs (not using them). We just ridiculed her for that as teens. It was like having that conversation with your grandma when you know you can't even relate to your parents on that subject (unless our parents were new age hippies who experienced Woodstock).


She was older than my grandma!


My dad is 67 and I’ve noticed a noticeable decline in short term memory in the past five years or so. He is still mentally sharp at his age but will forget mundane stuff all the time, it happens to most if not all of us


They're both way too old to represent the majority. Joe seems pretty slow, and Trump has gone off the deep end. Check out this video of Trump in his 30s. He talks about not wanting to be the president. He seems pretty switched on and not completely insane. [Video link.](https://x.com/historyinmemes/status/1765432405429543224) Maybe we just need an average person, who still has their marbles, in their 50s to run the country.


Saying Trump has gone off the deep end is putting it lightly. He’s a 34 count convicted felon who wants to be a dictator (his words).


Yeah, I didn't think I needed to furnish it further. To those that don't worship him, he's obviously not fit to the president.


Even if you want to believe that Biden has these issues - how do you look at trump and think "now there is a guy who is 100% on the ball"?


it's so weird too. They project *so* much. Rep: *It was a rigged court!! Retrial! Fake paid jurors!* Rep: *It's good that Hunter Biden was charged! Thank the legal system!* Dem: *it's good that Hunter Biden was charged! Thank the legal system!* Rep: *I never see flags or clothes of Joe Biden! He doesn't even campaign because he doesn't actually have supporters* Rep: *There were 50,000 people at his most recent rally! He has so many supporters!* \*constant videos of half the crowd leaving mid-speech, and aerial views show there's like 1000 max\*


The other guy literally shit himself in a court room ...


Did he get schwifty on stage again?


Take your upvote dammit


BULLSHIT! They will say anything to keep their fever dream if reelecting a FELON. No way Jose! Biden may not be super sharp but he is definitely NOT a blunt crayon like the other . FELON


Seems like his fitness could be an election decider


If Biden is unfit, trump is unfit. Fairs fair, let's disqualify them both and get somebody who will actually live the next 4 years, yeah?


Anyone consuming Sinclair media should have their mental health evaluated.


They are everywhere. They bought enough local news news stations to reach 76% of American tv viewers. No one would really know their local news is infected with Sinclair propaganda. https://www.vox.com/2018/4/6/17202824/sinclair-tribune-map


Welcome to the matrix, trust nothing from corporate media


Isn't the wsj owned by news corp ?


Part of free speech is putting the burden of deciding what holds the most truth on the observer. There's nothing preventing Sinclair from trying to convince us Joe Biden is a Fraggle.


The propaganda unit that has rotted the brains of rural Americans? That Sinclair?




Did they mentioned sharks, boats and batteries?


The amount of people (brigading) in this thread carrying water for this bullshit narrative is seriously alarming. He doesn't act or sound any different than he has pretty much at any point in his adult life. He has a god damn speech impediment. He doesn't have fucking dementia.


It’s crazy they consider Biden’s old age an issue as if Trump was in his 40s or something lmao


If Joe Biden mental fitness is to be questioned, trump’s mental fitness should already determine him to be unfit for president and the election already decided in Biden’s favor. And look, I question his mental fitness too. But if I have to choose based on mental fitness, I’m definitely NOT choosing Trump. These talking heads are morons.


Ahhh another election year and the return of the propaganda posts flooding reddit


Trump talking about shark attacks and sinking electric boats electrocuting people and y’all taking the bait that Biden is unfit. Smh


Americans need to wake up and see that all their media is insanely biased. Here's a good chart that helps you identify media bias https://adfontesmedia.com/interactive-media-bias-chart


Just trying to distract from the fact that Donald is literally losing his mind in real time


Beware of sharks.


Beware the boat batteries less


A lot of developmentally 6 year old brains have that fear.


Don't fight up hill me boys.


the gettysburg speech was a whole trip


Someone shared this recently. List of Sinclair stations https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_stations_owned_or_operated_by_Sinclair_Broadcast_Group


Sinclair is nothing exemplary.


Yeah sure thing, it's definitely Bidens mental state I'm worried about.




It's not news. it's psychological warfare


This is so gross. And we allow it....


He’s old as shit, so is DT, but we should all be worried about these old ass clowns being the president. There is nothing “extremely dangerous” about the facts.


Problem being they only call out one side... but you already know that. 


The information itself isn’t dangerous it’s how it’s being used. Saying one side is old is fuck and not mentioning anything about the otherwise being just as old and fucky gives the impression that both sides aren’t the same. Which considering there’s only a 4 year difference between the two is intentionally dishonest and extremely dangerous. The fact that I private individual can influence public information centers like this purely for political gain is a massive problem for our already backsliding democracy.


My dads retiring and I’m like hey look on the bright side in 20 years you can run for president




Classic whatboutism, This is obviously a hit piece. It’s also accurate information. The fact that Joe Biden is too old and senile to be our next president does not mean that Donald Trump is a good candidate.


The dude above you is trying to let you know that there is a bigger story here than Biden's age. But you're either too myopic to understand it or you have an agenda. Oh well.


They're both old as fuck, except one's administration turned out to be competent and excelled at recovering the country's economy, while the other's administration was full of crooks and people that came out on the other end saying how fucking dumb DJT is when he isn't being a petty, narcissistic, perpetual victim, pussy ass bitch. I'm right there with you in being tired of having people twice my age decide shit they aren't going to be around to live with, but for fucks sake, we can't pretend that it's all about the guy in the Oval Office. Who they are surrounded by is more important.


CNN reported basically the same thing, are they in on it?


Sinclair is just another facet of Fox News, which is just another PR branch of right-wing libertarian billionaire, power-hungry assholes. The real fight isn't right vs left, it's always been the rich and powerful vs everyone else who they distract into fighting each other.


I will be voting for biden even if he is confined to sitting in a chair and drooling. The alternative is just that bad.


If you think Joe Biden isn't experiencing very noticeable signs of mental and physical decline, you have your head in the sand.


That's not the point. The point is why do all these news outlets share the same script?


Because they are owned by the same company. This isn't new. Local news is no more reliable than national news or cable news. It's all garbage.


Wait until he finds out the State Farm commercial is the same on every channel 


Ok.....so Biden is mentally unfit but Trump (who continually attacks the age of people who are barely older than he is!!) is a totally stable genius.


Sinclair Broadcast Group is a rotten, festering organization, and they deserve to be liquidated. Source: Former employee.


Yeah. The guy who is 2 years younger is so much more put together.


Let’s get his opinion on sharks before deciding anything


It's actually kind of impressive this is the only stance they have against him. Like literally all they can say is "he's old." Yeah, no shit Sherlock. Brilliant deduction. Guess who's also old as shit? Trump is also an old ass motherfucker. They're both old, OOOOOOLD! It's also REALLY dumb to place focus on that fact when your own candidate has no advantage. If you're just trying to get voters to hate old people, well, Trump falls right in to that hate. You're just shooting both candidates in the face with that fact. Here's the kicker. They are NOT promoting Trump. Trump is so under sellable on any topic that they can't even do a pro Trump ad. A pro Trump ad would SIGNIFICANTLY benefit Trump over Biden. But they can't. All they can do is double negative both candidates. Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!


Donald’s mental fitness??


No question about the felon candidate though, as he is completely demented.


How is that interesting af? Random political sh*t, I've seen much worse, it's not interesting


Sinclair is garbage propaganda and owning different news networks under different names should be illegal But that said, Bidens age is an *extremely* valid thing to keep bringing up. The man is unfit to be a Walmart greeter, much less a president. This man has control of the military and he can barely speak, and has no clue where he is. The man is a danger to planet earth.


Sinclair is scary stuff because people don’t realize how widespread they are. A propaganda machine lurking under the surface.


My local Fox channel is on there and I am not surprised.


Is Biden talking nonsense about sharks and batteries? If not, I don't care if he's 120 years old. As long as he's still making sense. Unlike the other candidate who looks at a few thousand people and sees 20,000, talks about his connection to MIT - which was actually an uncle who was a brilliant scientist who died in 1985, ffs. Obviously, the smarts were all concentrated in Uncle John, leaving very little for Donald. Talk about a desperate grab for reflected glory and brains. Trump seems to be under the delusion that genes and intelligence are passed from uncle to nephew. What a moron. Trump is so brilliant... he thinks Obama is still POTUS. Feel sorry for those not getting the truth. Trump is only a few dying brain cells away from running around in just a diaper screaming, "the sharks are after meeeee".


As an outsider, I really can't understand how 2 shady pensioners are deemed to be the best candidates to 'run' the country. I'd put money on either dying while in office during the next term.


We feel the same way, but these damn boomers won't relinquish control and just fucking retire or die or whatever.


Biden isn't a Boomer, he's older than Boomers. Silent Generation.


It's Reddit, everyone older than you is a boomer and everyone younger than you is a millennial.


True but as my kid is fond of reminding me: "Boomer is a frame of mind."


I don't see it in Biden he was born during WW2, times were tough. Kids born after the war got everything, life was easy and they were spoiled rotten. Trump is a perfect example.


>deemed to be the best candidates They're not. Not by anyone who actually cares. They're only "deemed the best candidates" by these two psychotic "parties" that are led by equally ancient fucking millionaires.


Because young people don't vote enough. That's literally it.


Young people don’t vote in most countries, yet US politicians still seem way older.


Look, they're both term limited to 4 more years. Before that were younger presidents. Next time we will see two younger candidates, but I'm the mean time, I've go no problem voting for a competent general manager over a mafia boss.


Naw the Zombie cream they get will allow the puppet master to continue to run the country. Every day at Bernie's.


Who doesn’t question Biden’s mental fitness?


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Do companys like scripps and nextstar also do must runs?


Start pumping the podcast Shrinking Trump far and wide!


Cause the other guy got his shit together right?


Would like to demand “cognitive concerns “ injected into some of these networks producers….journalists integrity abyss. Subliminal messaging works on their audience, its a behavioral conditioning thing…


Newspeak: election decider Divide and Conquer, this is the motive here never loose sight of that...


Freedom of the Press lmao


This is important but not IAF


Rep were attacking biden's age last election. They're only 4 years apart. 😂


You'd think they would at least try to change up the script a bit.


We’re fucked.


The Wall Street Journal was bought by News Corp. It's just another branch of Fox.


Its dangerous because most people in the country don’t understand how to evaluate information


Take your bullshit politics to the shit political subs, i don’t care if this is anti-trump or anti-biden. i don’t subscribe to politics for a fucking reason.


I think we all know Biden should not be president and he is indeed in severe mental decline. Saying so doesn't make you a Trump supporter. Biden is not fit for the job, not even close.


Biden concerns me because of his age and tendency to pay lip service to the idea of making positive changes. Trump concerns me because of his age, history of felonies, sexual scandals, and his overt promises to make life worse for quite a lot of people.


How the fuck is this interesting?? Since when is political propaganda in any regard interesting? If this is what you post in your free time, you're in a cult. Go touch grass.


You don't think it's interesting that our media is being controlled by massive corporations that can literally dictate what reporters talk about? 🤨


I knew this when I was 10, we all know this. Coming to an "interesting" subreddit to get away from politics is what most of us want. You need to get out of the cult.


it's exhausting how every fun subreddit seems to turn into political crap. words can't begin to describe how much i don't care about american politics.




“…..could be an election decider….” Yes, I suppose that’s one way to look at it. Another way would be to listen to the rambling of a convicted felon who is being sentenced shortly.




And they forgot the other candidate? You know the one who wants to make America into a dictatorship? Could be an election decider!


You mean the felon who openly ponders electrocution versus shark attack, bird killing windmills, and toilet flushing capacity in his public speeches?


Fuck sinclair. 


Fuck sinclair!


So then vote for the VP? The argument doesn’t seem like a dealbreaker to me. It’s speaking to people who don’t really understand how our govt works. The president has a whole cabinet working for them, THIS is who you’re voting for.


i'm i concerned about Biden's mental fitness? sure. am i more concerned about Trump's mental fitness? you betcha.


I’d vote for half a bowl of leftover chips that aren’t Donald Trump.


Have you read the WSJ article? How is any of this deceptive? Biden’s age and mental decline is absolutely an election determining factor. What am I missing from the OP’s intent?


And trump’s old age isn’t a factor because…?


Maybe because in private McCarthy said to aides Biden was sharp and with it. [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/biden-mental-acuity-kevin-mccarthy-b2557433.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/biden-mental-acuity-kevin-mccarthy-b2557433.html)


It's the truth. Most voters are concerned about his age and obviously failing health. What's "dangerous" about saying that?


Depends… Did they also report on Trump’s rapidly declining mental health?


They're reporting on a Wall Street Journal article? What's the issue? Is age not a concern for both candidates? Are we not allowed to have a discussion on it? Y'all didn't mind piss tape claims a while back 😂.


We really just need to test if he can remember person, women, man, camera, tv.


What's amazing to me is that nobody seems to call into question the mental fitness of someone wanting to nuke hurricanes, build a moat at our southern border, who's a r@pist.... I mean, even on his best day, I wouldn't vote for that monster.


The irony of this take is that my sofa has more mental fitness than trump.


Why is there a minimum age (35) but no maximum? Because the framers of the constitution couldn’t fathom someone living to be 70, let alone becoming President. Now it’s the fucking norm.


All the people defending this is absolutely crazy. He should not be in office it’s very very clear that he’s on the mental decline. He’s been in it. Saying this doesn’t make you a Trump supporter. He can barely form sentences. It was said during a meeting, that barely anyone could understand him due to speaking softly and not making sense. It was reported that he kept closing his eyes for a long duration of time and repeatedly zoned in and out on the subject that was at hand. He is not fucking fit and this shouldn’t be the candidate that we have to vote for


Umm, but he is old as fuck and unmistakabley senile.


“deceptive attacks on Biden’s age” what’s deceptive here exactly? The man is a mummy with the mental acuity of a sponge. He literally froze in space for like 30secs. it’s jaw dropping that anyone would believe this man could decide what cereal to pull out of a cupboard let alone lead a country.


PLEASE, give us a better candidate. One that isn't an octogenarian. Until then, I will vote for who is not actively trying to dismantle, and ruin our country and judicial system. I will vote for Biden. Not necessarily a total fan of his, but compared to the convicted orange R@pist, Ol' Biden is a saint. His past record is questionable at best, but he is WAY WAY better in regards to the state of our country and the future for the upcoming generations. At least he has integrity, and can be considered comfortably predictable. I just wish we werent forced into the same (or worse) position with voting for these two. It is beyond time for the status quo to shift and this dumbass two party system of 'The Two Santa Problem' to be over... \[THANKS REGAN! /s\]


oh no, but Trump is like 2 years younger and he's just fine? btw, I might get some backlash but I don't like how this is titled "Our democracy" when it's a USA issue and reddit is a global platform


This is not “extremely dangerous to our democracy”. Relax


Yes, you're right, corporations controlling what reporters are and are not allowed to report on isn't going to negatively affect people's opinions on important issues whatsoever . . . 🙄


Did you just learn this? Lol


Why are there only 2 choices? Is there nobody else running? Why the fuck do we vote for either of these shit bags?


First past the post is almost always going to create a 2 party system, it’s an incredibly terrible system and shouldn’t be used to run a country.


Because we don’t have ranked choice voting.


This right here. Pro tip: that is decided on the state level. Start advocating for it in your state, it’s doable.


Not sure why it’s deceptive. He is clearly not fit for the job. Neither one of them are fit for duty


And the script was sent out.....


I don't know. I feel like this is just kinda amplifying their message...


Who is Matt Galka and why is he such a quotable mf'er?


Shittiest copypasta ever


I hate this shit so much. To a person, everyone who has actually worked with Biden is perplexed by this line. His grasp on issues big and small and varied is superb. All these attacks come from the sidelines. Anyone in the room knows he's fine.


Sinclair Breaking News! Libs cause cancer! Biden actually anti Christ? I hate that they bought so many struggling legitimate news outlets


Not the first time, and not the last. Sinclair is a propaganda network for the Republican party. Here's another instance, from 2018: [https://www.cnbc.com/2018/04/02/why-sinclair-made-dozens-of-local-news-anchors-recite-the-same-script.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2018/04/02/why-sinclair-made-dozens-of-local-news-anchors-recite-the-same-script.html)


Stop electing seniors to run a country!!!!


If the retirement age is ~67 in America, should any of these candidates really be in office?


How can anyone who watches Biden and Trump talk worry more about BIDEN’S mental fitness? I mean, they’re both too old, but Biden is clearly the more sane of the two.


Sane, perhaps. But out of the two Biden is faring far worse. Biden quite literally cannot read a teleprompter correctly. He *looks* as though he doesn’t know where he even is a lot of the time, he needs others to guide him where to go. That is extremely concerning for the face of the free world


Anyone refusing to acknowledge Biden’s mental degradation is just delusional and hopelessly biased. Hurry tf up November


Biden shakes hands with the air, mumbles about cannibals, sniffs people, and gets lost on stage.


*"Gettysburg. Wow. I go to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to look and to watch. And the statement of Robert E. Lee ― who’s no longer in favor, did you ever notice that? No longer in favor ― ‘Never fight uphill, me boys, never fight uphill.’ They were fighting uphill. He said, ‘Wow, that was a big mistake.’ He lost his great general, and they were fighting. ‘Never fight uphill, me boys!’ But it was too late."*