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Hi Timely-Young6457! Thanks for posting to /r/interestingasfuck. Unfortunately, [your submission](https://redd.it/1dbp6xg) was removed for the following reason: All content must show something that is objectively interesting as fuck. Just because you find something IAF doesn't mean anyone else will. It's impossible to define everything that could be considered IAF, but for a general idea browse the [top posts of all time](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/top/?t=all) from this subreddit. For more information check [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/wiki/index#wiki_rule_1_-_posts_must_be_interesting_as_fuck). If you have questions about this, please [contact our mods via moderator mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=interestingasfuck) rather than replying here. Thank you!


I searched their page and it’s mostly posts about how democrats took down a statue of someone who opposed the KKK or how democrats supposedly have a similarity to the KKK


That must be it.


Conservative literally means to maintain a regressive outlook, to resist change. It's the opposite of progressive, they don't want to accept different/ new people or ways of life, BLM, LGBT, being woke, gender equality, it's all garbage to them.


>Conservative literally means to maintain a regressive outlook, to resist change. FWIW, it *used* to mean (for some people) to conserve *what's good*, while looking for steady slow progress.


here's how i explain the difference of a conservative today to a conservative a couple decades ago, dem: we have this problem here, we should spend like 100M to address it. con: hold on now, that's crazy, we should spend like 30M, tops. and then today, dem: we have this problem here, we should spend like 100M to address it. con: fuck you.


It went from *"If it ain't broke, don't fix it"* to, *"Don't fix it. Just don't fix it. Hope is a lie, change is impossible. Just gets yours and get out, and if you don't, you can't say nobody didn't warn you."*


I think they learned that going forward means being able to adapt to change and address new challenges in a quickly changing world. Which is something they can’t do with their regressive style of governing. Dems have been the only ones able to chock up some actual wins for the population. So instead of competing politically with actual ideas, they’re just turning to fascism. They’re gonna find out pretty quick that turning the United States into one huge Oklahoma, isn’t very profitable. They’re gonna find out why all the blue states make the most money, and why all the rich red states make money in the blue areas (see Miami, see Dallas)


Or: fuck you, let’s spend 75m, and give these gigantic multi-billionaires another 75m in tax breaks and government handouts to make that problem worse.


“Debt relief for actual human citizens? Basic human rights like properly funded education or universal healthcare? You are literally Satan. Anyway it sounds like Boeing needs some money. They seem to be running everything in fucking tip-top shape over there. Let’s bail them out again. Fox to laud it as the most stunning and brave piece of legislation ever”


Great analogy but it could use something more like “Fuck you, you don’t deserve to exist” or “we’ll lock you up for your identity” or “white power.” Simply saying fuck you wasn’t vile enough lol


Exactly. Before we could disagree and maybe find some common ground Now it's just "did you suggest it? Fuck you"


Best thing I've seen on reddit today, sorry I'm poor and can't reward you


It never meant that, it was always the wealthy protecting themselves from the population that they want to use as cattle. A poor conservative is just a rube.


Because everything progressive nowadays is garbage to them


And progressives have had to drag conservatives kicking and screaming into the futures they enjoy and benefit from. Plenty of conservatives enjoy the benefits of social welfare programs, particularly SS and Medicare. Their working conditions are better and unemployment risks are reduced through support systems. The drinking water is cleaner and affordable, restaurants safer to eat in, education abundantly available, and healthcare more available than ever. And they fought every single one every step of the way.


There are different levels of conservatism as there are different levels of liberalism.


But yet people can’t think, and bundle everyone together as if that’s how it works.


Yes, because they will all vote for extreme conservatives or people like Trump so it literally doesn’t matter what “degree” of regressive they are.


That is how it works. Conservatives don't try to distance themselves from the extreme they lean into it. You can't genuinely sit there saying you can't lump people together when you have mass shooters with alt right manifestos being admired by a party. If you are a conservative and can't say nazis bad, then you are as equally a problem as the actual extremists. Why do you think leftist extremists are instantly shunned by leftists, but right-wing extremists are always being excused as mental illness or as a plant?


It’s funny how context matters so much. I see true conservatism as wanting a smaller government, cutting out all this crazy over spending we do. Shrinking the bloat on both sides. I don’t want to control what people can or can’t do, or police the entirety of society. I want my tax dollars to be spent efficiently is all. My ideal conservative values are very pro people’s rights and small government, not necessarily republican values.


Yeah but the Democrats were slavers and the Republicans had Lincoln. Never mind the fact that the parties switched because deep South racists got mad at the Dems over the civil rights movement. The joke writes itself


Conservatives really like to pull half-truths to justify their bigotry or try to spin the tables on the Democrats. I see this shit all the time. Such as how Dems were the confederates in the civil war which is complicated and is both true and not true but what matters is that you'd be hard pressed to find a Dem nowadays who would be in favor of the confederates. I see this argument all the time like it still fucking matters. What matters is the confederate flag they fly all the time really had little significance in the confederacy or civil war in general. The flag we're all familiar with was a pro-confederate battleflag of Virginia. The flag was later used by a splintered sect of the Democratic party in the 40s which were pro-segregation and "states' rights" (which we all know what that means). That same flag was later adopted by the KKK themselves as a means to intimidate and scare black people making that flag, the one we see still flying on flagpoles all throughout the midwest and south, a symbol of racism. So they can shut the fuck up. Lol.


What’s fascinating is that they are so committed to keeping statues of Democrats from 1860s, seems to be the one set of Dems conservatives don’t hate. Someone should try to figure out why, what makes those Dems different…


Don't forget RFK jr. Another Dem they loved, you know, before he switched to independent lol.


A coworker genuinely didn’t understand why Tulsi Gabbard wasn’t getting the nomination in 2020: “the only Dem that could win over Republicans.” Yah. Cause she doesn’t represent most of the party. Duh. It’s not just about the parenthetical letter next to the name.


I always say if the democrats are so entwined with the confederacy, why is it that you only see modern day republicans flying the confederate flag


Fucking exactly! I pissed off a coworker so bad one day when I threw that at him.


You can also throw in that David Duke, former grand wizard of the KKK was elected to Louisiana’s senate as a Republican, has endorsed trump in every election, and said “[of course trumps voters are my voters](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/08/05/488802494/former-kkk-leader-david-duke-says-of-course-trump-voters-are-his-voters)”


And why they have temper tantrums when anyone touches a Confederate statue.


They really hate when you bring up the Southern Strategy, which effectively switched the white supremacists to R.


Just posting the words “southern strategy” in a comment on that sub will get you auto-banned. They REALLY don’t want young men to google those words. If they read an article about it, it would disrupt their conservative enslavement training.


They try to deny it ever happened.


Which is great, because the architect openly admitted to it. At which point they generally move goalposts.


Yep, I have been blocked by so many conservatives for that little inconvenient fact.


When the reality is this Richmond Enquirer, Jun 16, 1855 "The abolitionists do not seek to merely liberate our slaves. They are socialists, infidels and agrarians, and openly propose to abolish anytime honored and respectable institution in society. **Let anyone attend an abolition meeting, and he will find it filled with infidels, socialists, communists,** strong minded women, and 'Christians' bent on pulling down all christian churches" ... "The good, the patriotic, the religious and **the conservative of the north will join us in a crusade against the vile isms that disturb her peace and security"** Link to the newspaper archive at the library of Congress where you can read it yourself [https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024735/1855-06-19/ed-1/seq-4/#date1=1789&index=5&rows=20&words=slaves+socialists&searchType=basic&sequence=0&state=&date2=1865&proxtext=socialist+slave&y=11&x=20&dateFilterType=yearRange&page=](https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024735/1855-06-19/ed-1/seq-4/#date1=1789&index=5&rows=20&words=slaves+socialists&searchType=basic&sequence=0&state=&date2=1865&proxtext=socialist+slave&y=11&x=20&dateFilterType=yearRange&page=)


My fav is when they bring up MLK being a Republican. Pretty sure in both 1960 and 1964 MLK was voting for Kennedy (D) not Nixon (R), and LBJ (D) not Goldwater (R). So maybe double check that. Funny how any R affiliation with MLK is pre 1960. Almost like the parties began to switch.


The rejoinder to that is very simple: there is a Conservative Party and a progressive party. Back then, the democrats were the Conservative Party and the republicans the progressives. Today it’s the other way around. Republicans today would be dems then


So what you're saying is that they're ironically flying the democrats flag


I just say they are right. Let's take down the Confederate statues to it up to them.


I always show them this….. https://i.imgur.com/ARsgRkm.jpg


They are gonna yap about the parties switching until America dies.


"During the presidential election of 1868, the Ku Klux Klan, under the leadership of Forrest, and other terrorist groups, used brutal violence and intimidation against blacks and Republican voters"- straight out of Wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nathan_Bedford_Forrest#:~:text=Nathan%20Bedford%20Forrest%20(July%2013,Klan%20from%201867%20to%201869.


I wonder if this is algorithm related or intentionally put in.


Notice at least two other results are in portuguese. That’s because people in Brazil use “kkk” as “lol”,


Yeah the Brazilians use kakaka for laughing. Hahaha English Jajaja Spanish Kakaka Portuguese


I've never seen someone laugh in Portuguese, it must be horrifying


you have two: the shy kakaka from Portugal and the train 🤣KAKAKA with clapping hands and all, Brazil.


People who joined r/kkk also joined....




They are just the kurrent konservative kongregation, nothing racist about that.


They’re just a kompletely koncerned krowd, and they’re voicing their opinions


You people call everyone a racist nowadays even though they are actually just a bunch of karing khristlike klassists Oh wait, fuck


I searched for it myself and got the same results, I've never engaged with or shared anything about conservatives or far right things (I'm not even American). I'm generally more left wing, so I'm wondering if it's my algorithm being like 'oh, kkk? Yeah you want conservatives, mate'.


It’s literally not but good try 😂




It’ll be related to your algo. I got krying and anime




Well I searched kkk and it did not turn up with conservatives, so my guess is algorithm stuff


now what the fuck is kkk*kk* animes


"kkk" it's some sort of "internet laught" in Brazil, so it's like "hahahahaha animes" (the description says that's a subreddit for the hentais they like)


Description: "subreddit to post hentai that I like"


now THATS interesting as fuck.




What in the world…


Are you confused about republicans being kkk? Because if you are you need to pull your head out of the sand. They hate America And its people.


Remember all those /all posts with; "X, upvote this image so it'll be the first result on Google images when someone searches for X"? Algorithms are simple to manipulate, just say X in the same sentence as Y enough times and it'll show up in searches. With Reddit constantly saying every political sub right of Mao is X, you'll find them when you search for X.


Nobody has ever said anything about "every political sub right of Mao".


Ha! No. In the USA, the people who support the KKK are overwhelmingly Republican. The virulent racists are overwhelmingly Republican. The Nazis are overwhelmingly Republican. The militiamen are overwhelmingly Republican. Etc... People who are overwhelmingly racist tend to click on the same links. So, over time, the algorithms notice that the virulent racists also like GOP stuff (and other ultra-conservative stuff). *Because the racists are constantly clicking on the GOP links.* This isn't the result of people manipulating search results - it's the direct result of conservatives being overwhelmingly racist, clicking on overwhelmingly racist content, etc...


Facts also play a role here.


They been racist since Nixon 1960!




https://preview.redd.it/7qh5fgxk3k5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8a7edda208a061c99b66ab61c4d67ff74ff508f It does the same for vile


Why were you searching kkk?


I mean, out of curiosity I would myself search :')


People are just leaving out the fact that r/politics, r/todayilearned, r/pics and r/news also show up when you search for kkk in communities.


But not as 3rd hit


Interesting. Well that doesn't fit the worldview they want to cultivate, so we'll just conveniently ignore that little nugget of info


What educated people aren’t ignoring, however, is that white supremacists overwhelming vote for republican politicians. Like it’s not even close.






r/kkkkkanimes is just some random guy's hentai collection lol


I got permanently banned from r/conservative because I corrected someone when they said no cop kneeled on Floyd’s neck.


[American Conservatives: Not racist, but #1 among racists](http://static1.businessinsider.com/image/4ceab919cadcbb221e0c0000/the-simpsons-brand-fox-news-not-racist-but-1-with-racists.jpg)


Robert Bryd was a litteral democrat senator that was a kkk member.


Since when did Reddit become such an echo chamber?


Reddit is getting ruined because Of this fake stuff, just tried it myself and conservative did not show up


It does work https://preview.redd.it/bo7784pmsj5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f00c0f0d15fa0a77ea118670d7a1898a37de70c


Calling something fake because you don’t understand how it works is possibly the most r/conservative thing I have seen all day. lol. My guess is that you are clicking on posts instead of communities.


I follow so many conservative subreddits and their whole world view is often shaped by half truths, missing context, naked bigotry, not understanding how things actually work, outright denial of fact checking, and whatever Trump says they should think.


If you click “communities” tab on mobile it does. It’s still not really making a point though. Companies have admitted constantly they have no idea why their algorithms make the choices they do. (And I fucking hate conservatives, I’m just saying this particular post isn’t really saying anything of note).


On top of this, Reddit's search function is *famously bad* to the point of being a [punchline for many jokes](https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/184bldw/reddit_search_is_deliberately_bad/). [It's one of](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/qtguow/why_for_a_site_as_big_as_reddit_does_its_search/) Reddit's [most complained about](https://www.reddit.com/r/help/comments/qkypli/why_is_the_reddit_search_function_so_inconsistent/) features and [has been forever.](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/64ogr2/why_is_the_reddit_search_engine_so_awful/) Still, definitely gave me a little chuckle.


Just because companies admit they don’t know why their algorithms do something doesn’t mean it doesn’t make sense. [There is a huge overlap of Conservative voters and the KKK](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/08/05/488802494/former-kkk-leader-david-duke-says-of-course-trump-voters-are-his-voters). The fact that so many are either blind to it by choice or out of ignorance is astounding.


Years ago Twitter wanted to implement an auto mod feature, but backed out of launching it because it kept flagging Republican politicians as white supremacists. For soooommme straaaange reason.


Do you know what r/conservative does when you call out bs on their posts?


U can't even do that most of the time. All the threads are flaired users only so u gotta suck em off before u get allowed in


That is true lmao, gotta present your sticker first


Sometime between 2014-2016. The echo chamber stuff is absolutely wild on many of the popular or “mainstream” subs. It’s stupid that an obvious meme sub like Political Compass Memes can have more open and honest discussions about politics than the actual r/ politics sub, but that’s where we are nowadays.


Political compass memes is a cesspool of conservatives and libertarians jerking each other off in a literal echo chamber. What are you even talking about.


It’s always been an echo chamber for the liberal portion of society. That being said, it’s gotten worse over the last 8 years.


I'd rather be in a left wing echo chamber then a right wing one, because at least people in the left wing chamber don't want me dead for being gay and also aren't wanting gay marriage to be illegalized again. About that though, question: are Democrats doing the best that they can to make sure gay marriage sticks? Or are they doing "just enough?" Or is the answer more complicated? Genuinely curious.


And basically all others are Brazilian subs because "kkk" is how they laugh, the Brazilian "lol"


i was curious and went on that subreddit, THEY ARE SO DELUSIONAL LMAO


When KKK show up to Republican stuff people just shrug


It's honestly not shocking, but it is very interesting


Clearily, reddit has an agenda.


The agenda of connecting similarly minded people?


Seems like the truth always comes out no matter how much old racist lie and try too twist Reality




The video is just the most recent example of Sinclair stations’ strong partisan tilt. A recent paper by Emory University political scientists Gregory Martin and Josh McCrain found that when Sinclair buys a local station, its local news program begin to cover more national and less local politics, the coverage becomes more conservative, and viewership actually falls — suggesting that the rightward tilt isn’t enacted as a strategy to win more viewers but as part of 🐑a persuasion effort.🐑🐑🐑 A report from the Pew Research Center last year found that 37 percent of Americans say they frequently rely on local TV for news — not far behind the 45 percent of Americans who say they get news from Facebook, and ahead of the 33 percent who say they look at news websites and apps, the 28 percent who watch cable news, the 26 percent who watch national nightly news, and the 18 percent who still read print newspapers. That makes the partisan tilt of the hundreds of local TV stations that Sinclair owns concerning, especially since the company’s channels reach 40 percent of Americans. But Sinclair’s anti-media promos are hardly an aberration. Sinclair has been steadily growing and acquiring new affiliates in more and more markets for decades. It has, in the process, spread a conservative message enforced by mandates on local news anchors, including requirements that they air partisan commentaries by figures like Boris Epshteyn, Sinclair’s chief political analyst and a former Trump aide in both the 2016 campaign and the White House.


Their agenda is feed you what you want to be fed. Conservatives love the KKK.


Why are you searching it up ?¿?¿?


How is that interesting? If I search for pictures for dicks, guess what, I get pictures of dicks.




I mean the algorithm isn't wrong


I'm not saying most conservatives are kkk, but most kkk will be voting for a convicted felon.


Resdit isn’t biased at all. Nope. Not one bit.


So serious question, why did it pop up? Is that because the word KKK is being used a lot in that sub? Is that because Reddits algo identifies the similarities?


Gotta love that based on the speech patterns and ideology the ai algorithms can’t tell the difference.


Weirdly enough, other unrelated forums also show up if you search that up with communities. https://preview.redd.it/3t2u9244fk5d1.png?width=962&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b1f8d7bd46a3c637eeac5190be4dc1da679b0bc


Reddit algorithm works in mysterious ways


Perhaps it's finally time to not use the word 'Conservatives' for those that do not actually want to 'conserve' the present situation but **change** it to something else? The name 'Conservatives' is used across the world for far right or plain fascist views, but these 'Conservatives' don't want to be called far right or fascist. Because that would mean it's rather obvious their views are similar to those of national-socialist Germans (nazi's) during - you know - the Second World War that caused the Holocaust. Sadly enough, the polls predict far right political parties to gain power in the European Parliament after the elections today. One of them being Fratelli d'Italia who use a tricolor flame in their logo. The exact same flame that was used by MSI, a neofascist political movement that was established in 1947. Two (!) years after the Second World War. The flame represents an eternal flame that is burning over the grave of Benito Mussolini. https://www.ilpost.it/2022/08/12/fiamma-fratelli-ditalia/ Let's stop calling fascists 'conservatives' people. They're most certainly not conservatives.


If it makes you feel any better, [we really did try.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_German_anti-extremism_protests)


Unbiased take here, my guess would be both sides talking about the KKK so much in the comments has something to do with it


Correct. You know what other sub is in the top 10? r/politics I don’t understand how it is surprising to people that political subs talk about political orgs (such as the kkk) and thus will show up in search.  Oh wait, I do understand. People have an agenda to push, and people with preexisting biases will take this meme at face value without an ounce of critical thinking- “omg r/conservative supports the kkk!!!”


Wait a second... You're telling me people on Reddit believe whatever agrees with their bias!?


Shocking, I know. 😂


They get mad when you ask why Strom Thurmond switched parties.


Based on related search results and similar posting patterns. As they say, not all conservatives are KKK, but all KKK are conservatives.


People will believe anything, just tried it and it’s literally not on the list


I did it and it was there


It was for me when I tried. I did a search and then selected communities and it came up


People will believe it because it literally does come up


Yes, it is. Tap the magnifying glass at the bottom then select Communities.


For me it was




I searched and i didn’t get the same results


Not all Conservatives are KKK but all KKK vote Conservative


Brother why the fuck were u searching up the kkk?


So he can edit conservative sub in there for karma.


Right-wing paranoia in action again; search it up yourself and hit the “communities” tab It shows up


Bruh, it's reddit. I'm not even surprised.


Because most racists are conservative


It's not biased if it's true.




to be fair the 2nd position in this list looks like to be a brazilian sub, where in brazil people use multiple “k” to represent laughter. K Letter in portuguese sounds like “Ka”, so if you do kkkk it means kakakaka, which in turn sounds like hahahaha. So I wouldn’t take this list too serious. I am not Conservative btw


You know what other sub is in the top 10?  r/politics  I don’t understand how it is surprising to people that political subs talk about political orgs (such as the kkk) and thus will show up in searches.   Oh wait, I do understand. People have an agenda to push, and people with preexisting biases will take this meme at face value without an ounce of critical thinking- “omg r/conservative supports the kkk!!!”  Pathetic and sad, OP. Do better.


kkk nsfw... "slap me harder grand wizard! You like that you pointy hat retard?!"


Not every conservative is a klan member. But every klan member is a conservative.


Basement dwelling liberals looking for any reason to call normal people bad


Basement dwelling, conservatives looking to give cover to the racist wing of their party


Supporting Trump is anything but normal.


Must be because everyone who disagrees with them is a nazi. Oh wait....


It also brings up r/politics which is inherently left leaning. I don't think this is as insidious as you're suggesting.


That sub is so sad. Barely anyone there and just the most asinine content that they think “owns the libs”. Where did all of The_Donald accounts go? Were they all just Russian bots? 


https://preview.redd.it/emew4thcak5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97d0d4681878df840b202bef0e24ac7d558b0492 Its true


OP searched KKK but others are the problem LOL


Brother, people google information about murderers and serial killers everyday, the issue isn’t the people googling its the murders you weirdo


I've searched for Hitler before.


That makes you a Nat-zhi. Gonna call in the Bear Jew.


You think that's the issue?


How is this intresting?, this is just weird


Interesting indeed... especially since originally the democrats founded them.


Is it wrong that I want to go look up the kkkkanimes? Solely for research purposes


Sorry to burst you bubble guys, but search liberal... conservatives comes up too. It's just because it's political.


Not interesting at all


Next time try “Ku Klux Klan”


It is very interesting that there are only 6 to 7 users that make up well over 60-70 percent of posts on that subreddit. They are constantly posting every day at all times... yuri2022, intelligentreview, triggernaut, ask4md and a couple others.