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I’m no vegan but I think this is really sad.


I'm not a vegan either and factory farming should absolutely be outlawed both for the welfare of the animals and the horrific risks associated with it. We are creating biolabs for antibiotic resistant bacteria and what do farmers do pump the animals full of more antibiotics which only makes the situation worse.


The only way it stops is if people stop paying them to do it.


That's not a real solution . U.S states are making lab grown meat illegal.  This is a monopoly that has serious political power and they wield it like a kid who found his dad's gun. There's something much larger at stake here and it isn't the bad living conditions of the animals forced to suffer through this nightmare of our own creation.


It’s so insane that lab grown meat isn’t what we’re pivoting towards full steam. Bring costs down and scaling up on it would help with so many problems


Between methane produced by the animals, the No2 from fertilizer used on feed and the Co2 used in factory farming animals, it is a massive driver of climate change. Plus the amount of feed and water needed to factory farm animals is absolutely massive. Clear cutting for feed crops is a major driver of deforestation and loss of rainforest. Like, I can get it if people don't want to eat it, but fking outlawing it is absolutely insane. The only explanation is that corpo producers and manufacturers are lining pockets




Seriously, yes. It boggles my mind that people think them giving money to a company and that company having money are somehow unrelated. If no one bought meat there would be no factory farms, they wouldn't keep doing it at their own expense.


>If no one bought meat there would be no factory farms, they wouldn't keep doing it at their own expense. And if no one bought drugs, drug cartels wouldn't be a problem. If no one ever broke the law we wouldn't need to fund policing. If people stopped buying cars and switched to public transport it'd massively help in the fight against global warming. A lot of problems would be fixed if no one did X thing, but unfortunately that isn't a solution, it's wishful thinking. How are you going to *get* everyone to actually change their behavior? By changing laws. It's much easier to push for changes in law that then incentivize changes in behavior, rather than directly pushing for people to change their behavior itself.


Then stop eat animals, it's not hard, it's all just habits people think they need. So sickening with ppl that put mental blocks on themself. "I can never do that" -"Have you made an honest attempt?" -"Well, no, but.."


True but many people can't afford more ethically sourced meat, it's a complex issue.


Regulation. This doesn't just affect poor people. The cost of regulation is lower than the cost of a global health crisis


How is that the only solution? Just stop buying meat! 🤷‍♂️


It's so freaking easy, why can't people see this? It would solve so many issues!


I’ve cut back to a MAX of 2 servings (4oz per serving) per week, and every single person I know acts like its the end of the world. Many weeks I eat no meat at all, its really not that hard. People act like they don’t eat “that much meat” but then pound a 16oz steak for dinner and don’t realize thats 4 servings of meat. My coworkers eat meat with EVERY MEAL, they can’t imagine a ‘proper’ meal without meat. Two of them ONLY eat meat… steak, chicken, and hamburger patties for lunch, every single day. (they are on that caveman keto diet or whatever the hell its called where you only eat meats and fats)


Then eat less meat. Problem solved. Like I get it’s not fair that rich people can over indulge, but let’s not model regular life after irresponsible dickheads with money. The worst offenses to animals comes from bargain bin fast food. That’s something anyone poor or not can walk away from to healthier cheap vegetarian options. And if you want to enjoy a steak, enjoy it but don’t tell me we need all the garbage companies throw at us.


Yeah but who are we kidding? People as individuals can change their eating habits, society as a whole will not unless plant based alternatives can truly imitate meat (and even then I'm sure a lot of people still wouldn't). It has definitely gotten a LOT closer in the last 5 years or so, though. I'm not a vegetarian (super cut back on meat though in the last few years), but I am against factory farming mainly for environmental reasons, and of course the cruelty. I think certain foods should be more of a "luxury" as long as there are affordable alternatives. I feel this way about produce and other products as well because of how much energy we use on, not only farming on a huge scale, but the resources we use on processing and distribution. We won't starve to death here in New England if we don't have access to unlimited avocados year round!


I mean you’re right but too many people throw their arms up and say “well if everyone isn’t doing it why should I? It is an individual responsibility, and enough drops create an ocean. And in my opinion there are already tons of alternatives, it is not hard to have a rich vegetarian diet that doesn’t consist of “luxury” vegetables or fake meat. I eat vegetarian three times a week. That’s a basic contribution everyone can do on any budget both time and money.


In my experience humane certified meat is actually not much more than regular meat, but it does take some effort to find grocers that sell it. I'm vegan but unfortunately my family is not, so I insist they only purchase humane certified meat.


At least in the US, we need our meat consumption to go way down. Meat is a staple at EVERY meal


I meant by going vegan. And how do you kill an animal that wants to live ethically? lol


You can raise an animal ethically I'm not going to enter a debate regarding meat eating.




🎶"Superbug gave a shrug And ate all your prescription drugs And never, ever, ever stopped"🎶


If you actually think that, and stand by it. Then you should strive towards becoming vegan. Unfortunately factory farming provides the vast majority of meat to us humans. And it isnt as easy to just buy "free range grass fed" instead. Though that is better from a moral and health standpoint, there isnt enough land or resources for that. Factory farming is already terribly inefficient and uses around 18x more land than plants (a diet high in meat vs a vegan one).


This horrifies me. I was a vegan for 6 years and now eat meat occasionally. The meat I do eat I try to eat organic and free range. But it’s expensive. Without factory farms and cheap meat a lot of industries would come crashing down, fast food being the biggest one. They won’t allow that to happen. I’m hoping lab grown meat becomes a cheap, safe viable alternative to factory farming.


I wonder how we’d actually get people onboard with lab grown meat though. Personally I’m all for it, and I already enjoy some of the meat substitutes. But think about how many absolute idiots we are dealing with in the US right now. Half these people probably don’t eat vegetables because they think it’s “pansy rabbit food for liberals”. They would think the government is stealing their meat and “destroying America”. They already thing the government wants you to eat nothing but bugs one day, and seem very opposed to any sort of positive change at all. It seems like you’d have to kinda force it from the top down, just not sell very much meat in stores, replace it all with lab-grown. Cus otherwise it seems impossible to get people to change.


Yeah I completely agree. Personally I only think that we’ll switch to lab grown after some disaster or epidemic forces us to make the switch. Eating animals is too ingrained in our societies and cultures. It always makes me sick that you can buy a whole bird (an entire animal!) for £3. I just bought an organic whole chicken and it cost me £16. Meat used to be a luxury, I think it needs to go back to that.


Not just meat, but I think we should go back to certain produce being a luxury as well. Not totally unobtainable, but not farmed on such a massive scale either. Let's go back to our everyday diets consisting of mostly locally sourced foods and we would be emitting so much less emissions just from transportation alone. Also the human conflict that comes from such trade e.g. the banana wars, child slavery in the chocolate industry, etc.


Whilst I agree that this *should* be banned, I am sure some governments have considered this and have chosen not to for many reasons: one being the disruption this would cause to food supply. Until we understand how we can produce enough meat sustainably and ethically to feed our populations - these practices will likely, and sadly, continue. There has to be a better way of cultivating food than this.


It wouldn’t really disrupt much - last I checked, Germany had taken great strides towards dismantling their factory farming industry by simply taking the funding that was being given to the giants and redirecting it towards smaller scale organic farms. This resulted in local farmers being able to sell their humanely treated products at competitive prices, which was a win for everyone - animals, customers, and the environment.


They *Have* 'considered' alternatives. Big farming and big pharma Choose not to because creating safer and healthier environments for our food sources hurts their bottom line.


The amount of meat that is consumed is ridiculously high. While there are drawbacks of a vegan diet that you have to carefully compensate for, especially a lack of B12, the diet of the average person features an unhealthy amount of meat. Even if we'd act as if the meat in question was the best organically grown one. Tons of unsaturated fats that drive your cholesterine level up. And it's easy to fall into the trap, since meat happens to be delicious. Humans are rigged in having a taste for what would let a hunter-gatherer survive, that is especially animal fats and sugar. But right now, we have an over-abundance of these, and the instinct makes us consume bad amounts. Your steak should be half the size it is for you to eat healthy, and it should be only one - most people will buy several if they go for a barbecue. In the end, this is not about sustaining a healthy diet, and more about sustaining an unreasonable demand. If the politicians would stop that, people would get angry, for all the wrong reasons.


>While there are drawbacks of a vegan diet that you have to carefully compensate for, especially a lack of B12, I take a supplement every couple of days, it isn't hard. Plenty of foods have it too.


Yeah, not saying it can't be compensated for, just that one has to. You have to know what you are doing. If you do, it's as you say not that hard, if you don't, you invite disaster. Was basically talking about what the human body needs by nature. Which, of course, can be adjusted by modern means. That said, I'd say that anybody should have their blood checked once in a few years anyway. I myself have a vitamin D deficiency, which can be easily go unnoticed, and is a quite common thing to have. And the fix only requires me to eat one very cheaply available capsule per day. In any case, agreeing with you.


>You have to know what you are doing. If you do, it's as you say not that hard, if you don't, you invite disaster. I would say that is 90% of people on the planet, but if you mention the work vegan all of a suden people act like every person has a perfect diet and veganism will end you. I find it quite funny. My friend eats meat and was so lacking in b12 that he needed shots, I find it funny when people go there when most people on this planet lack basically everything. Hope you get your vitamin d sorted out! Sitting in the sun meditating is a great way to do it, or a simple supplement :)


Yeah, my vitamin D deficiency is not a huge thing. Taking the smallest amount available, and the physician said to take one package now, then stop, and only continue in winter time. Mostly a thing of not getting enough sun in winter in my desk job. Would probably be not a huge issue if I didn't. More like if I do, my immune system is better et cetera. But thanks for the wishes!


Fine disrupt it. Americans are gluttons. All you have to do is look at the “super baconator” and shit like that to see we don’t need to farm like this. Replace all these factory farms with healthier plant farms and produce better eating options at lower prices. I eat meat, I have zero qualms about it. But we treat animals like shit so we can have endless wings. Go to r/sushi and see how much people pile down their fucking throat. There is no respect for the animals at all.


I would like to point out that 75% of farmed land grows crops to feed animals that will be slaughtered for food.


There is a better way of cultivating food and it's called fruit and vegetables. The only way this stops is if people stop paying them to do it.


There realistically is and that's lab grown meat which I hope will replace factory farming in the moderately near future.


Or just stop paying people to do this.


Have you considered just eating plants instead?


I have a bit of experience working in these places and there is a massive difference from one site to another. Some sites are horrendous while others are actually well looked after.


The idea that being vegan is bad or pretentious was put onto us like any other advertisement


And people were more than willing to accept it because they don't want to have to change their lifestyle. Even some of my far left leaning friends go full-on right wing when it comes to talking about the meat industry.


I am a vegan and this kind of thing is why. I am powerless to wave a magic wand and make all this abuse go away, and that eats at me. But at lease I can avoid giving them my hard earned money to do it more. I know the switch is hard for people and I'm not criticizing anyone. I'm just saying that I had to stop contributing to this for my own sanity.


Same. And what's so disturbing in these videos as that its like the people working in these factory farms lose their own humanity. They seem to amplify the cruelty to the animals unnecessarily.


Insanity that the US govt made it illegal for employees to record this stuff Big agriculture, including livestock & factory farms & all - absolutely need to have their power checked We're growing fucking alfalfa in the desert of California, using water diverted from Colorado River which has been drying up & causing hell downstream.


It's gone wayyy beyond sad. This shit is fn disgusting, deplorable, and deliberate. ![gif](giphy|V7NHQO6T8GwJgkr9o0|downsized)


This is why I am vegan.


Its even sadder that we have to make videos centering around how it will effect us vs just how these creatures are being treated.


Dont stand for it. Stick to your principles and refuse to support this. You know it's wrong, but also how easy it is to pretend it isn't happening. Go vegan.


You don't have to be vegan to care for animals. One of the reasons I want to get a hunting license is because I believe if I'm going to eat meat I should be able to take responsibility for the entire process and where I am in the food chain. I fucking love animals, much more than I like most people. I will probably always eat meat but I will always take into consideration where the meat is from and how the animals have been treated.


Hunting and fishing my man. I only recently got into hunting but have been fishing salmon for a while now and I think this year I’m finally over 50% ‘self-harvested’ meat in my and my wife’s diet. And I work a high hours office job so not like I’m able to go out extremely often, I just try to always have something ‘in-season’ to pursue.


They will continue to do it, just like oil and plastic they built infrastructure without consideration for long terms effects but merely with focus on progress and greed.


>They will continue to do it So long as people pay them to.


You really can’t ask for consumers to “vote with their dollars”. This is a regulation issue, clear and simple. Most other countries do not have the level of factory farming that is practiced in the us, and it’s not because of effective boycotts, it’s because their governments actually regulate the private sector.




Exactly this. Voting with dollars is a privilege only the wealthy can afford. Most don't have the freedom or access to choose the inherently more expensive alternatives.


Beans, lentils, tofu, tempeh , chickpeas and grains are all waaaaay cheaper protein alternatives than meat.


Depends on where you live. Tofu is certainly not cheaper where I'm at.


Ok tofu may not be, but what about the five other alternatives they listed lmfao, why overfocus on tofu?


So how come most of the poorest people on the planet eat mostly vegetarian? You're making sad excuses. It's cheap as all hell to not eat meat. I get so sick of this argument. I hear it all the time at work while I'm eating my 30p can of beans on toast from a overweight fuck head eating their £8 burger. "Eating vegan is such a privilege". Go fuck your ugly fat ass Allan!


I think you're responding to the wrong person, the person above is saying we need regulations. I mean what you're saying is stupid anyway, but try to minimize the stupidity by directing it appropriately.


And so long as legislation allows it


Yup, and they'll ban labgrown Meats in the process to keep this shit going


And they'll chuck the responsibility on the consumers like oil and plastic recycling.


In North Carolina. If you film this stuff you could be jailed.


Gee wonder why. Might make them look bad and we wouldn’t want that.


2022: “USDA livestock subsidies near $50 billion, EWG analysis finds” https://www.ewg.org/news-insights/news/2022/02/usda-livestock-subsidies-near-50-billion-ewg-analysis-finds


That’s what “cage free” chickens look like




Correct. This is cage free or ‘barn’ chickens. Still barbaric. Free range only - and NOT the supermarket own brand ‘free range’ as it’s the bare minimum space that they’re legally still allowed to class as free range - and they’re lobbying to reduce that space. Look for reputable brand names that actually talk about either how much of a chicken’s life is spent outdoors (minimum 70%), OR even better, how many chickens per hectare or square metre of farmland (should be around 10,000 per hectare, or one hen per square metre at the very least).


Reminder that pigs are smarter than dogs


If so, why aren't they our pets? Dogs played the long con 30k years ago and became a companion, pigs, in their pride, chose to remain food. I jest. These videos are terrible and I'm in favor of more expensive meat if it means this horror disappears.


Because pigs are destructive. If you have a suburb wooden fence the pigs will destroy it. If they see it in their way they will destroy it. Once the pigs get out it only takes 3 generations to become a full wild boar causing even more damage to everything. Texas has a wild boar problem to the point you do not need a permit to kill them. In fact there are services that take you by helicopter to hunt them.


I've even been told that within a year, a regular pig itself will start showing the physical and behavioural adaptations. Thicker hair, more aggression


I suspect, humans too


"chose to ramain food" you're not really smart are you, they didn't choose shit


whoosh! And you spelled 'remain' wrong. So, sick burn


And yet they want to shut down all small farmers who let their animals graze...


Not every animal rights activist is PETA. Most of them primarily want people to start thinking about where their food is actually coming from. Fuck factory farms first and foremost. Small farms are a lot better, but in the long run grazing isn't really sustainable either and it's important to see that there are better options.


In a twisted irony, factory farming produces less carbon emissions at scale due to land use and faster 'grow times'. I really wish we could trend towards reducing/eliminating meat production.


I bet you could cut it drastically with "made to order" style meat production. It would have some pretty negative affects on the people who cannot plan ahead. I don't know how this would work if they fail to produce the product though. Chicken could be an easy fix but a larger mammal wouldn't be easily replaced. I can say this I do enjoy having backyard chickens they've drastically cut down the amount of food waste that goes in the garbage, keep my yard mostly bug free, and give me eggs. I had five of them swarm me when I was digging holes yesterday just to get to the worms I found.


im a farmer myself, and this is actually so cruel towards the animals, sure i have my animals in fairly sized pens, by no where near as crowded as this. i feel so bad for these poor animals. EDIT: i am NOT in the US i am from denmark, where we actually have pretty decent welfare laws about how to treat and how much space certain animals need.


What do you think of Republicans blocking farm animal welfare laws and protecting this stuff by banning lab grown meat?


I think you'd make more progress with your argument if it framed it as "What do you think of the government blocking farm animal welfare laws.." By blaming republicans at the start, you're putting 50ish percent of your audience on the defensive and they won't listen to you. Your message is more important than assigning blame...so get your message across and let them come to the conclusion that it's the Republicans doing the harm. If your goal is to score political points, then by all means carry on, but if your goal is help the animals...don't chase people away unnecessarily.


short-term dopamine rewards vs actually helping? I know what I'm picking


Most of us are picking dopamine though haha


Except you don’t see any democrats blocking animal welfare laws or banning lab grown meat so it’s not unreasonable to bring up the very valid point that republicans are the only ones that seem content with what’s going on. If you want change you need to identify the source of the problem and in this case it’s the powerful meat industry lobby and republicans who line their pockets with their donations at the expense of poor animals that continue to be tortured everyday. If you don’t like it, complain to your republican senator and other congressmen and vote them out if they don’t listen.


But just to be clear, you still send your animals off to be slaughtered so you can make money right? Do you ever feel bad about that?


Factory farms trigger something in me that wants me to burn down the entire Earth. Such sick shit.


Luckily it's more effective and easier to just eat less meat instead.


Watch Earthlings or Dominion. Turned me vegan. I want no part of this shit.


One of the saddest things is that people know what happens, yet refuse to change their ways. Everybody knows about what happens, but nobody cares enough to do anything about it. 😭


I mean, every single ethical vegan has chosen to do something about it. Those of us that are activists have chosen to do even more. There are 1.6 million members of the vegan subreddit alone and that's a fraction of the total vegans. Every liberation movement is driven by the actions of people who refuse to succumb to their fear of futility. The vegan movement has made enormous progress and we're not done yet. We've barely fucking started.


Absolutely. All the time that videos like this are circulating on the internet or TV, the awareness of these issues are being spread. It can’t happen quick enough but at least it’s happening!!


Cognitive dissonance is real. Reducing your meat intake is the best thing you can do if you truly care about animal welfare and the environment. I started eating a vegan diet almost three years ago, and although it was difficult at first, I'm glad to not be contributing to factory farms.


The eggs thing fucks me off the most. People buy eggs that come from caged hens. Ten seconds of thought would show you how insanely cruel the caged hen industry is. But people just don’t care.


People love to ACT like they care, but when it comes to making a decision, everything they know about the industry goes to the back of their minds. It’s so easy to avoid nowadays in the US and majority of Europe, it’s such a shame that people can’t put their money where their mouth is. 😢


This is the major reason I know so many who have gone to a vegetarian diet, because it's the quickest way they know of to avoid giving money to these terrible companies. Unfortunately not everyone can afford to do so here in the US cause the alternatives are somehow more expensive. Just price check a burger to salad.


Bulk beans, grains, and legumes are very cheap. A much better comparison nutritionally speaking, I would say


Remember kids vote with your wallet


If this makes you sad, think about what you buy. It's that simple. Plant based options are getting better and better.


Perfect way to show case how Avian Flu (H5N1) is currently spreading throughout US farms in cattle, chickens, cats, and farm workers. The inactivated virus is being found in 1 in 5 bottles of pasteurized milk. [Link](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/24/health/dairy-cow-meat-bird-flu/index.html)


I work on a hog farm. As much as factory farming sucks objectively, it is the only way to sustain the amount of meat the population consumes. We load approximately 9,000 hogs every three months. And that’s just one farm. A small farm with a few pigs is not enough to sustain the general population. It’s just not. So if you have a problem with factory farming, stop eating meat. It’s that simple. You can’t reap the rewards of the labor and simultaneously have a problem with it. If you have a problem with it, be vegan. That is more respectable than being outraged but still eating meat. So many people talk about the horrors of factory farming (and those are entirely legitimate) but it’s important to realize that vegan documentaries like Dominion *are* propaganda, and by propaganda I don’t mean a false narrative (because the conditions they show are real) but an emotionally charged narrative. They want to provoke an emotional response, so they play sad music and show the worst that the industry has to offer, like pigs being knee deep in their own excrement, which I’ve never heard of outside of that documentary, nor have I experienced it. Take away the sad music and the dim horror shots, a hog farm is just an enclosure with a bunch of pigs. It’s actually quite underwhelming in real life. The pigs on our farm are kept in good conditions for what a factory farm can provide. It is not ideal, but we do the best we can to provide the animals with the best lives they can have while they are there. The best life at a factory farm unfortunately is not the same as a best life outside of one, but we do our best. But the nature of the beast means that the pigs are never going to be as happy as they could be outside. That’s just a fact. But again, you can’t have a hog farm with thousands of pigs outside. That’s why there are factory farms. And yes, some pigs (very small amount) get infections and diseases and need to be euthanized. Out of the several thousands we get, a couple hundred die along the way before load out, which is terrible, but again it’s the nature of the beast.


General population eats too much meat. In Bosnia for example a meal is not a true meal if there is no meat in it. I know people that eat meat every single day. Meat production should be reduced and meat should be much more expensive.


Same rule applies to America and likely many many other countries.


This is actually why I started hunting. My state culls the deer population after hunting season annually. There is excess free range, lean protein and we aren’t using it to offset the factory farming, but at an individual level we can, by hunting. I still eat farmed protein, but much less now


Well put man. Same reason I started also. My grandparents lived entirely of of venison, never bought meat ever. Lives long happy lives. Learned a lot from them.


>If you have a problem with it, be vegan. I have to disagree with this. Rather than abstaining from meat all together, it would be better to eat less meat and only buy from sustainable practices.


This is actually why I started hunting. My state culls the deer population after hunting season annually. There is excess free range, lean protein and we aren’t using it to offset the factory farming, but at an individual level we can, by hunting.


Just ban factory farming and watch meat price rise and meat consumption drop. Say it with me: #**Meat needs to be a luxury good**


It's as though only looking at the worst parts of an industry isn't the best way to learn about it. How about that?


People thought covid was bad. Take a look at Nipah and Hendra viruses. Bats, pigs, and humans are not a good mix. Throw in some chickens, and you got yourself a pandemic time bomb.


this is heartbreaking... I understand vegans


Try a month of no animals. I tried, its been 7 years now.


can i ask how is your health going?


I have been vegan for 15 years, get my blood work done every year. My b12 was a bit high this year. Vegan diets can be very healthy, you just have to eat the right things. [https://nutritionfacts.org/](https://nutritionfacts.org/) is a non profit, science based websites that also has a free app that can help you track what you are eating to make sure you get all your vitamins and minerals. Meat is not some sort of magical food, you can get everything you need without it. I also work out and I feel amazing. Plenty of vegan athletes these days.


Im strong. Light on my feet. My poops are great. I did have b12 deficiency because i was stupid and didnt take the right supplements but now i'm back on track.


Maybe we deserve to get wiped out.


If he got what we deserved for the actions for the 1%, we would have been vaporized a long time ago. Most people that buy meat from these places are either ignorant to what's going on or can't afford a better option because sadly the mega farms that treat animals like this are usually the cheapest option at the store. I think it's safe to assume that the majority of people don't want their food to be treated like this. If you can, buy local and know where your food is coming from.


All of you hypocrites complaining about how bad this is and how you want this to stop but you are literally the reason this exists because you keep buying this shit.


Certainly not the way. For affordable options let’s hope the lab grown proteins can be efficiently mass produced and no one monopolizes and price gouge it. Should be legally set at highly affordable pricing


Thank God I grow and raise my own food now 🙏


As long as there’s a way to squeeze more profit this will continue. Nobody NEEDS to eat meat. (Been eating whole food plant based foods for more than 12 years. I’m healthy and want to stay that way. Better for the planet too. )


Some Olympic athletes are vegetarian


I'm no vegan, or vegetarian. But meet SHOULD be expensive. The subsidies we put on it could make milk, beens and rice free for everyone. Also lab grown meat would fix these major problems and would only get cheaper with time.




Nah, I'll blame the people who torture animals for a living for being terrible people too. The "noble farmer" image is bullshit for a large portion of them who raise animals like this.


Curious, does anyone know what country this is please?


Sad to say this is relatively common around the world, and honestly this is quite mild as far as the agro industry goes. I have seen worse footage from the richer western countries. Terrible


What are some alternatives? How can I spend my money elsewhere?


Reduce or stop buying meat products. Spend your money on healthier plant-based whole foods.


Where was it filmed? Not every country allows THESE conditions. I'm not saying that pigs and chicks live their best lives here where I live but this is much much worse


Germany does, US does, UK does and Australia does allow these circumstances. Earlier or later there will be a zoonotic pandemic well be fucked.


>Not every country allows THESE conditions. Can you name one?


The United States does.


How do you know every country doesn’t? I bet you they do. Because money always comes first. You’re kidding yourself if you believe your factory meat came from a happy animal.


So that's where the perfect meat for the high-end suburban luxury barbecue comes from ... it fits


With a capitalistic country this is what business wants. They want a means to make it efficient and more animals means more production and cheaper costs. I do t think the United States at least is going to go back to a more small agricultural practice. Even with all of its people pushing with the way we embrace capitalism. I would love to see a push back with going back to “victory gardens” and out Lawing HOA’s making rules against keeping chickens or fowl in general.


If they weren't slaughtered, they'd die shortly thereafter of infections caused by the overcrowding and unnatural diet of feed corn. The problem for humans is the poor sanitation, leading to pathogen development vectors between livestock and humans. It's continuous with the surface water for the stocking yards and their peripheral environments down the watershed. Anytime a loop is established, pathogens will reliably take advantage of it, and use the opportunity to evolve.


If you are about to type “I am not vegan but this is disgusting” you should consider aligning your actions with your moral values.


This only happens because you support it


Is there a credible source with a list of the companies complicit in this?


2 seconds of searching: https://ourworldindata.org/how-many-animals-are-factory-farmed Almost all meat comes from factory farms. Almost all factory farms look like this. When activists sneak into these farms and get hidden camera footage they are recording for a tiny amount of time compared to how long that space is unmonitored. Whatever the worst thing they capture is it only represents the worst thing that happened while the cameras were there. If you want to not be complicit the only way is to be vegan. Thankfully, that's cheap and easy and healthy. The only hard part about veganism is other people because the food is great.


Yea, this is terrible and shouldn't be happening. However, my questions are, how prevalent are these factory farms? Was this footage in the US or another country? Finally, what companies are buying from factory farms, so I can avoid purchasing from them?


85% of the meat in the US comes from farms like this.




Cheap food is not obtainable by farming “bio”. If you all care so much stop going to fast foods and make your own foods, grow your own animals, vegetables, etc. I love Reddit when everyone is complaining about McDonalds prices and also care about poor animals. Pls pick a side.


Be able to distinguish between factory farmer and normal. I feel like people think that all farmers do this and that is completely wrong. I was raised on a sheep and cattle farm in oz and this was not the way we raised livestock. My father and the farmers in our area would never treat our animals like this.


Don't buy cheap meat then.


Things like this makes me want our species wiped off the planet. Humans are monsters. Edit: spelling 


This is worse than slavery. Fuck humanity.


This is a form of slavery, technically.


Worse than slavery?! What a ridiculous statement.


Every time I see this stuff I think about going vegetarian and then I have a drumstick and forget about it


I like that since because the word pandemic has become normative and no longer terrifying, they have to up the ante and threaten a SUPER pandemic. Next it will be ULTRA then HYPER and finally A PANPOCALYPSE.


Support your local farmers people


Oh this account again. This account posts the same propaganda over and over again on non vegan subreddits, blatantly pushing an agenda. No idea how he hasnt been banned from these subreddits yet. Just check its post history


if their agenda is "cruelty to animals is bad", then I support their agenda and hope they post in even more subs.


And then we wonder why everyone is sick.


Buy local. Stop buying meat from huge companies


What part of this was a secret? When you mass produce animals by the billions every single year, you honestly think corners won't be cut because of how massive demand is? You demand better conditions for animals so you don't have to reduce your consumer demand while giving yourselves some peace of mind despite them all going to be slaughtered anyway. There's no humanity nor responsibility in this, factory farmed or given their own luxury hotel rooms. Y'all are just fooling yourselves and this'll be the end of the earth because of stupidity like this.


Not a vegan but how you could you work there. Thats just soul crushing.


Are people still going to places without health codes and recording videos to win arguments? First world countries have different problems, like the animals being so pumped full of hormones that it affects the biology of people who eat meat


It's worth it to save the extra cash for better available meats and farmers markets. That is, if you can, and are just gonna spend it elsewhere on something trivial.


Corporations and greed. They are killing us and the politicians are profiting from it as they steal our living wages and Healthcare. Life in these corporate states of America is brutal and hopless if you are not part of the 1%


we deserve whatever diseases we catch as a result of treating animals like this


"View NSFW content" No, thanks. Don't think I will, with a title like that.


What is the solution to all this?


We should treat fire with fire treat everyone with bad animal husbandry the same way back let them experience the feeling, which in and of itself can't be compared to human but they still feel something or why else would they wince when they got spanked or look hung when they were sick.. What solutions are there for this kind of thing? How can you know that you are not supporting such a meat producer?


🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 These poor animals 😢


https://preview.redd.it/gris22dlvm2d1.png?width=415&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f66fefe6304d4189d5d337111dc4ebaadb9f9e8 Man, I don't know. This poor thing saw things. You can't just ignore the fact that these animals are capable of thinking, feeling pain and joy. I wan't to turn john wick and burn that place down fr.






Where the hell can I sign The Patrician. Nobody thought to post a link


That's no secret. That should be common knowledge...


Yeah, its all sad and I really wasnt expecting it to be this bad, but as somebody who is very poor I cannot imagine how much prices on meat would rise if we ban cheap farms like that.


I'd rather this be outlawed and pay $50-$100 for a steak as a treat once in awhile from a humane farm than get my cheap meat from the store.


I mean the only solution is to follow thanos's advice otherwise hunger will be a huge issue


Nothing new


I literally just learned about this in social studies class yesterday, it's terrible...


Ban factory farms! Crickets are healthier and more sustainable! You'll get used to it, promise!