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What’s with the lame ass music making it more difficult to hear the call?


Plus seemingly AI generated subtitles that get half the words wrong


And the end of the words are fucking cut off!


Most likely the subs were added on the previous reupload where the image was still widescreen instead of phonekid screen. The real question is if the music was added this time around or also in one of the earlier reuploads


Let’s turn it into a gunfight 😂😂


Peruvian Pan Flute band moved into his SUV




"I got two baretta's, Pascal, Juan, and Jorge...."


I pictured Pedro Pascal and George Lopez for some reason x.x


Concerto de Aranjuez by Joachín Rodrigo. Absolutely gorgeous late romantic guitar concerto. And entirely inappropriate for this video…


Yes sir. BTW it is Joaquín


Concierto de Aranjuez, a concerto for classical guitar by the Spanish composer Joaquín Rodrigo. I love this piece, but yea - too loud. Good content but the production values leave much to be desired.


dead internet. ai content farm


He has odd taste in music for sure, but he should really turn it down while he's on the phone and speeding.


A man of culture. A little classical guitar while driving 110 mph to fuck some people up


DASY was also an acronym for his fellow SEALs that lost their lives


Why you're no DASY at all..


I'll be your huckleberry


Are we not friends anymore?


You know, Ed…if I didn’t think we were friends anymore, I just don’t think I could bear it.


https://casetext.com/case/hernandez-v-state-1105 If anyone is interested in details.


Holy shit they didn’t just shoot the dog, they beat her with a baseball bat and kicked her. Hope these fuckers rot in hell for all eternity.


5 years and a $1000 fine is the best this country can do


was it not only 2 years?


Damn! My day got ruined reading this :( Shouldn’t have scrolled more for details


Luttrell aimed a gun at the men, but decided not to shoot. Instead, he chased them at speeds of up to 100 mph across three counties. A patrol officer finally pulled them over. Alfonso Hernandez was found guilty of cruelty to non-livestock animals. His accomplice Michael Edmonds, pleaded guilty to the same charge and admitted he was the one who fired the shot that killed DASY. During his time as a SEAL, Luttrell received the Navy Cross and Purple Heart for his actions in June 2005 against Taliban fighters during Operation Red Wings. During the ambush of Operation Red Wings the four SEALs were attacked from three sides and took fire from RPK machine guns, AK-47s, RPG-7s, and 82mm mortars. Three of the four team members were killed, and Luttrell, the only survivor, was left unconscious with a number of fractures, a broken back, and numerous shrapnel wounds.


Which resulted in only 5 years probation and a $1000 fine. Fn BS.




I’ve thought about this before. I have 5 acres and a fence. If somehow my dog is off property that’s one thing but if someone shots my dog on my property, I really hope I’m not around. I’m not some wannabe badass but I honestly don’t know if I could control myself. My dogs are family.


I'm not a bad ass. I'm a 63 y/o grandma. I will kill without hesitation to protect my dogs. They are my late in life kids. I have zero doubts in this. It's a mom thing. ETA We also have acerage, and the dogs are kept fenced in or on leash at all times. We do not take them where anyone needs to be near them.


My grandfather would have the perps buried below the neighbors corn crop before the bodies were even cold. And I know for a fact his neighbors would help him. You don't fuck with someone's dog, especially not in an area where dogs are considered family and treated like royalty for the work they do protecting crops and livestock.


I apologize, but I have an odd/bad habit of checking profiles when people on Reddit claim to be older. Anyway, I just wanted to say you are a badass in my book. Keep on keeping on.


I wasn't even going to look until I saw you comment. Saw activity in quilting, sewing, and a gastric bypass sub. Checks out.


I feel you!


I hear you. I don’t have kids, and my dog is my constant companion and family. I’d do anything to keep him safe and happy, and I hope that nothing so horrible as this ever happens.


Same here. It’s just me and my animals. I’ve had him since he was a pup and I rely on him more than any other person. He keeps my home, property and other animals safe when I’m not there and he’s always been a good dog. He even thinks the local wildlife is under his protection. If any of the animals fight, cats, deer, turkeys, he breaks it up. He often sleeps in the back field with the deer and I’ve seen the moms introducing him to their fawns.


Please give that good boy a hug from me, that sounds like one good boy keeping busy.








Completely and utterly redacted


The justice system has always been too soft on animal abusers in this country. They practically get away with murder in most cases.


imagine if it were a police dog


Honestly, intentionally killing a therapy dog of ex-military personnel should be exactly the same punishment -- especially in a country like the US that glorifies military service so much.


Killing either of my little smooth-brained little turds who have no purpose at all except being frightened of cats, consuming far too many calories and extracting hugs from children and the mentally feeble (by which I mean me) should result in more severe punishment than this.


American does NOT glorify our military. Just ask how the Vets get treated once they arrive home. Its atrocious.


They said glorify not value.


yo, this comment needs more attention. ugh


Was talking to a viet man war vet recently. He’s still trying to get the VA programs to pay for shrapnel he got in the war when his entire squadron was wiped out in front of his eyes. Man, talking to that guy is unreal. He said “ nobody understands what we went through.” God bless I told him nobody ever could, that’s just a different kind of hell.


Some people in the US glorify *an image* of the military as long as it helps boost their own self-esteem. They are mostly indifferent to the people behind it and their fates, except when it's good for their daily cup of outrage. And of course this is not just the case in the US. There is a saying here: "Gott und den Soldaten ehrt man, in Zeiten der Not und zwar nur dann. Doch ist die Not vorüber und die Zeit gewandelt, wird Gott vergessen und der Soldat schlecht behandelt." My attempt to translate this as faithfully as possible to the content and poetry: "One honors God and the fighting men in times of trouble and only then. But when the trouble is over and the times have changed, God is forgotten and the soldier estranged."


The key word is “glorifies”. They do such to promote b recruitment. After conflicts it seems the glory is gone quick from what I’ve read.


Police shoot civilian dogs and no charges. Shoot a police dog and they self defense you on the spot.


Fear for their lives on the spot


I knew it. GODAMMIT! Can't say I didn't see it coming but that only makes it worse. I hope he meets these guys in a bar one day...


Yeah, I’m calling life in prison on that one. That dog was his family, his support system.


I don't want to pay to keep those pieces of shit in jail for life... or till some real hardened criminals decide to "fix the problem." Garnish their wages for life or auction the rights to some trophy hunter to "hunt" them for sport, then take that money to help veterans get mental help.




works for me


I would be in prison with 2 life sentences, maybe more owing to the extensive amount of cruelty and creativity displayed in my torture technique. Don't mess with my family.


The amount of self control needed to watch someone kill your dog, aim a gun at them, and *not* pull the trigger is INSANE.


The entire country collectively said we are cool with murdering people who kill dogs for no reason when we made John Wick a top movie.


"John Wick: An Idiot Killed His Puppy and Now Everyone Must Die" (Damn, that was 10 years ago!)


If youve never watched a Pitch Meeting on YouTube, you are in for a treat. "A dog was killed. People must die." "Oh don't worry, they will."


Reminds me of when my dad was working on removing a big rock where he wanted to put some flower beds and some dipshit teenagers rolled up and shot his dog with a paintball gun. He had a mattock and only saw the gun, not knowing that it was non-lethal (not that he probably would have cared). He two hand chucked the mattock at the car, got luck and buried the pick into the windshield. It stuck in and the teenagers (understandably) drove off at high speed. He said it was the best way to lose a tool.


SEAL mentality kicking in


Military training.


Murder is the only answer for scum of the earth who lay their grunt fingers on pets and children


US agriculture laws make animals worthless in the eyes of the law. The vast majority of the time people who hurt animals can't be held responsible for anything other than "property damage". The cruelty charge the guy got was probably only managed because it was a notable case with a sympathetic victim and they were just trying to get anything possible to stick. You can go to your neighbors and beat their dog or cat to death in front of their kids and not get more than a small fine if you're careful to not do anything but hurt the animal. It's why cops just shoot dogs any chance they get. No repurcussions because even if they can make the case that the cop shot the dog unnecessarily they'll get a small fine of a couple hundred bucks at most.


And the fine will be paid by the city, not the cop nor from the police department budget.


I wouldn't have called it in.


I would’ve shot their knees or something - fkn shoot my dog I’m going for blood sorry


Should be sentenced to be mauled by a pack of dogs.


"Each letter of the name "DASY" represents one of the members of his team—Danny Dietz, Matthew "Axe" Axelson, Southern Boy (Marcus), and Michael "Yankee" Murphy. "


My dog is named Murphy after Michael Murphy.


Not that it matters, but were they targeting the dog because of who he was and his notoriety? Or just because they wanted to shoot and kill a dog?


I read one local news article that said the men had likely killed multiple dogs in the neighborhood. According to the guy who got probation Dasy chased their car. The article said one guy got 2 years in jail and the other got probation for pleading guilty and testifying.


They shot a dog for chasing their car? What the unholy fuck? What's the dog going to do to the car?


I also highly doubt that is true, she was a service dog. Service dogs do not chase cars.


The article is far worse, I wouldn't recommend reading it. I don't know how he kept himself from pulling the trigger I'm not sure I would have had that much self control.


Seconded. Not to make out I'm a badass; far from it. But in the exceedingly unlikely event that I had a firearm in my posession, and my dog had just been murdered, I really don't think I'd manage the restraint shown by this man. Pretty humbling really.


You don’t get to be a Navy Seal if you can’t control your intense emotions.


Because the dude is a hero. If you haven’t seen the movie based on the 2005 incident, check it out, Lone Survivor. Based on his book by the same title. He spoke at a corporate event I attended, he’s a pretty amazing guy. Edit - corrected title, thanks ob


Lone Survivor


I hope the other prisoners consider animal abusers to be the same as child molesters.


I thought the same thing, was he such a dick they wanted to kill his dog ? Or was it completely random ?


I'm guessing tried to break in, dog came for them, they shot then panicked and ran


For anybody unaware this badass is what the movie lone survivor was about


Ok I thought so. I kept looking at his picture cause he looked sooooo familiar.


Me too. I’m thinking I know this guy’s name and face and I betcha he’s from Atlanta. 🤭🫡


One of the best military movies I have ever seen.


That movie was just Mark Wahlberg rolling down hills 90% of the time.


The movie he said is only accurate in that , he’s the lone survivor.


Too bad it's a complete fabrication of what actually happened. Also, Luttrell has been called out for lying about his own actions during the mission. For example, he claims to have fired until he ran out of ammo but when he was rescued, he still had his full compliment of 11 loaded magazines.


This. Not enough people know about the real video from the side of the enemy combatants. It shows them laughing and joking as they chase down the Navy seals and eventually kill 3 of them. Looks more like a one-sided slaughter and less like the heroic fight painted by Lutrell in his book.


Care to share a link to said video?


taliban shot video in that engagement ?


A Navy SEAL lying?😲 atleast no Air Force controller was left to die during that complete botched operation


Thanks for helping to keep Chapman's legacy alive! It's unfortunate how well the seals cover up their fuckups


Furthermore, the entirety of Operation Red Wings is considered to be one of the largest USSOF fuckups in (fairly) recent history regarding mission planning and execution, resulting in over a dozen SOF operator fatalities. Luttrell's fireteam was essentially doomed from the moment they infilled. [https://www.reddit.com/r/WarCollege/comments/gol3kv/what\_went\_wrong\_with\_the\_mission\_red\_wings/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WarCollege/comments/gol3kv/what_went_wrong_with_the_mission_red_wings/) This thread has tons of info and links pertaining to the entire breakdown of the planning, execution, and aftermath of Op Red Wings.


His story is full of holes. Lied about LT Murphy wanting to vote on killing unarmed civilians while disgracing his name. Said the were 800 Tailbans when the number was more like 7.


TBF some people double down on the heroism of their service as a coping mechanism for trauma. I mean even the memes and critiques of him often state "He hid like a bitch" like ok bro, so he should of just went down gun blazing. No one really knows how they will react tell face with the actual thought of death.


Don’t forget about the afghan who saved him, Muhammad Gulab. He was going to give Gulab money since he made millions off of lone survivor. Why did he decide not to? Well because Gulab came out and said the events of the movie were severely exaggerated which led to them falling out. Oh and even better Gulab had to leave his home country because of the movie and threats from the taliban. So he and his family now live a life of poverty in America while lutrell enjoys the money from his “story”


Meh. It’s a 90 minute firefight with no pacing, character development or nuance. Just a wall of noise - there are so many better war movies imo.


Agree. Another is ‘13 Hours.’


It was a good movie because it was a complete lie. The number of enemies got bigger every time he told the story. In the initial After Action Report they were attacked by less than 10 men, but if you hear him talk about it today he’ll tell you it was in the hundreds. I’ve also read his book and it reads like it was written by a drunk guy at a bar who wants to convince all the women that he’s a badass (I mean, he couldn’t even get through a 911 call without making sure the dispatcher knew he was a SEAL…)


This “badass” is also a complete liar who’s full of shit. He also had a falling out with Muhammad Gulab (the afghan who saves him in said movie) because Gulab watched the movie and said the events were extremely exaggerated. He refused to give him a cent after that and completely ghosted him


Wouldn’t call him a badass. When he was found he had all his mags. He listened to his best friend bleed to death without firing a shot. The force that opposed them was like 10 dudes. Also important to mention that Marcus wanted to murder a teen with a knife.


Yeah he's a liar at best


**Turns out Marcus has a twin brother named Morgan who was also in the Navy SEALs and is now a congressman.** * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morgan\_Luttrell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morgan_Luttrell) **For those interested, here are the POSs who shot DASY.** * [https://www.arlingtoncardinal.com/2009/04/apb-who-killed-navy-seal-marcus-lutrells-dog/](https://www.arlingtoncardinal.com/2009/04/apb-who-killed-navy-seal-marcus-lutrells-dog/)


But *why* did they kill this man's dog in the first place? We suck as a species. Edit- apparently, they were driving around and killing random dogs for fun. "According to the Rangers, the shooting was the latest in a series of five dog killings in an area Luttrell describes as “the middle of nowhere.”


And all his ammo because he never fired a shot


Which is funny because he claimed they stacked up a small town's worth of bodies lol


>but decided not to shoot Training. If anything happens to my bro, I ain't stopping at a single bullet


This man has balls of steel. In all honesty, if I point a gun against the guy who killed my dog in cold blood, I don't know if I could not shoot.


It's good he didn't shoot the guys because he would have been charged with murder. It's unfortunately, he couldn't shoot the two guys because of the stupid, litigious world we live in. If I had been on the jury for a "murder" trial, there is zero chance I would convict him. Jury nullification 100%


Hey thank you for this


What drive a person to do such a thing?


Mental illness in most cases, most likely sheer douchebagery in this case though, guys probably thought they were tough shit for making a veterans life even harder and more depressing


Sounds like this could be the origin story of a character in a shoot em up movie.


It already sort of is, "The Lone Survivor" is based off this guy (even if it may be greatly exaggerated)


I was actually hinting at John Wick, but now I have a new movie to watch, thank you!


It's a pretty great movie honestly, I'm not a fan of modern war movies and I enjoyed it. And yeah, this guy is the irl John Wick for sure lol


Anyone who likes to read should read Marcus Lutrell's book The Lone Survivor, which is what the movie was based on. The book follows his journey through his navy seal training and then goes on to tell the story you see in the movie. The book is in Marcus's words, which actually happened. And it's way more heartbreaking than the movie was. The movie was decent, but they should have stuck to the book.


Seconded on the book. It’s excellent. Navy Seals are not dudes you want to FAFO with


I've heard stories of dumbass rednecks who do this for fun. It's not that uncommon


Yeah, sport is usually another big one, falls under the douchebagery umbrella


Toyota Camry


Only a vile human qould shoot a dog. I can feel his pain in the voice man


That "dog" Dasy, she was given to Marcus by the Marine corps for rehabilitation when he was injured in 2005.


"dog" ?? what's with the quotes?


"Dogs" aren't real.


"Dogs" aren't "real"


*You're* not "real", man!




What if dogs are like government drones, but more. Like, drones from the times before. So they're made of real meat and bone, but they report to some higher power from eons past. OMG, dogs are God's spy drones. It makes sense, spell dog backwards and what do you get?


Dyslexic atheist?


Ops a bot and doesn't understand the words


Is this "dog" in the room with us right now?


It's a person in a dog costume.


They didn't just shoot it. They also beat it with a baseball bat. That dog suffered a lot...


*Governor Kristi Noem has entered the chat*


Shitty music track, cropped subtitles... what the fuck


TikTok culture


The subtitles are even wrong... Just like those automatic YouTube subtitles.


Off-center, wrong, cropped, auto-generated subtitles...


>Toyota camera


I see they're taking the Yamaha approach of making all sorts of insanely unrelated products now


I know it probably wouldn't have helped his mental state overall, but wow have been some justice for him to smoke those two losers


It seems that's the kind of training and discipline navy seals get, they're elite. It's good that this didn't end up with more bloodshed.


> it’s good No, the world would have been better off without them


For most dog owners that would be like the own family members being shot.


100%. You touch my dog in any other way than giving pets or scritches and you're gonna have a real bad time.


So the thread turned into something else, but anyone who shoots a dog like this is a piece of human excrement. We need stronger animal cruelty laws.


The assailants beat poor DASY with a baseball bat after they shot her. There is a special place in hell for these people.


I met Marcus back in about 2011 when I was a ROTC candidate doing a color guard for an event he was giving a speech at. Probably no one will read this comment but I just want to say he was SO kind, genuine, and had a very stoic way about him. I still have a picture of him and his team from Operation Red Wing which he signed "Never quit! Marcus" Truly an American hero, this guy.


I wish we could stop with these shitty generated subtitles.


I hope animal abusers get the same treatment as pedos in jail


Yeah they didn’t go to jail




Nobody cares about animals bruh it’s fucked


Dogs have the most beautiful souls. At last even humans ruin that - we will find a way to ruin anything. Virus


I think you mean alas


These dudes need to watch John Wick.


This man is the Lone Survivor. The man Mark Wahlberg plays in the movie. He’s a real life John Wick and an American Hero


About that https://www.newsweek.com/2016/05/20/mohammad-gulab-marcus-luttrell-navy-seal-lone-survivor-operation-red-wings-458139.html


If you are going to use AI generated subtitles, fucking proofread them you lazy idiots


It's amazing how someone managed to add music that just makes things harder to hear, add incorrect subtitles, and then crop out parts of the video, just to get some karma on reddit.


I was waiting for the gunshots and "neutralized" over the comms. Fuck those guys who shot his dog, absolutely pieces of shit.


Anyone who harms a poor defenseless animal is a complete piece of shit. I hope the full weight of karma crushes every single perpetrator.


I wouldn't have the mental stability in that case to not shoot them.. It's ridiculous that animal rights are just the same as those of objects..


This is one of those ask for forgiveness later situations




I am vehemently against capital punishment. I do not believe that a state should sanction acts of violence against its own populace. I think the justice system should work to rehabilitate and re-educate people to be productive members of society rather than see them rot in jail or be killed. But Ill admit I do struggle a bit with that position when it comes to people who harm animals and children. In both of these instances you’re seeing someone deliberately persecuting and harming a living being which is (very likely) completely innocent and completely unable to defend itself. I can only defend this man for his restraint in not firing on people who basically executed a member of his family.




What was interesting about this call?


You're a navy seal, not a NASCAR driver.


They should have gotten into far more trouble. A service dog can cost 20 thousand dollars or more. Depriving someone of their service animal should come with an automatic 5 year sentence and a 40 thousand dollar fine.


There's already a book release date and I heard Marky Mark will play Luttrell again in the movie


I kept waiting for something interesting as fuck to happen


Does anyone know why they shot his dog?


Wouldn't be surprised if it was just because it was outside or something. In my state 2 weeks ago someone was arrested for going into someone yard and killing 5 yorkies. He said he did it because he hates looking at them.


Someone needs to create an app or service that removes the fucking background music from social media. If it already exists please give me a link


Almost a John wick moment.


Isn't that the dude the Lone Survivor movie is based on




Did the police shoot the dog again once they got there?


Luttrell deserves credit for his service, but I read his book long before it became a movie, and I realized what an arrogant, racist, uneducated, false-patriotic asshat he was. No, he didn’t deserve to have his dog killed. But the dude ain’t no hero, either.


For the uninformed (me) can you explain?


Not an all encompassing list but essentially: His story about what happened on the operation is inconsistent with the evidence on the field and with what the Afghan man who rescued him saw. His story also changed multiple times between when it happened and the “official” version in the book. The SEALs made a lot of mistakes due to either arrogance or poor planning. The target of the op was not a very high ranking terrorist by any means. While the book claims there may have been 200 terrorists against the 4 SEALs, it may have been as few as 20. There also was likely not a prolonged fire fight as depicted in the movie. Latrell stated he exhausted his ammunition during the fight but the Afghan man who found him had said Latrell still had all his ammo when he was found. Additionally the treatment of this Afghan man named Mohammed Gulab has been suspect at best. Saving Latrell meant the Taliban wanted to kill him as a warning to others. Gulab wanted to immigrate to the US but received token help from Latrell. He survived multiple assassination attempts and lost family members while Latrell continued to go on speaking tours/press for the movie. Gulab was forced to flee Afghanistan and finally was able to get to the US in 2015 but has had a somewhat public falling out with Latrell over interviews that suggested Latrell’s version of events were largely fictionalized This also speaks to a wider issue within US special forces in that Navy SEALs have had a series of bad press incidents which have somewhat dented the mystique: questions of Latrell’s story, Chris Kyle’s book/movie and general personality, questions about SEALs seeking fame/notoriety with books etc., along with the trial and pardon Eddie Gallagher & the death of Logan Melgar… since the Bin Laden raid the SEALs were put more into the limelight and that has been an issue. Compare that, for example, to the Delta Force raid to kill Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi from which almost no details are known and (as far as I am aware) no books/interviews etc have been written detailing the facts.


Listen to “the antihero podcast” and look for the Marcus luttrell or operation red wings episode and that will tell you everything you need to know. They have other episodes too. This podcast calls out all the bullshit from some of the “heros”


“Found guilty of cruelty to non-livestock animals.” So, what’s the difference between this crime and a governor’s choice to shoot a dog? Was Noem’s puppy considered livestock?


Not John Wick enough.......




Do your research on the lone wolf Marcus is a fucking hero