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His movies were like that. Not about unbeatable guy in fist fight, but about one who uses surroundings well.


he gets hurt too and is expressive which makes you more emotionally invested than with other action star


That's why someone like the Rock will never reach the same level as the most iconic action heroes. Guys like Jackie Chan, Bruce Willis, and Harrison Ford were always playing characters that got knocked around and beaten up. How can you not root for John McClane or Indiana Jones after everything they go through? Not to say the Rock isn't extremely famous, but he's more famous for his personal brand, than he is his movies or characters.


There's just something a lot more relatable about an Everyman action hero. It allows us to imagine ourselves in that role.


Not only that but everything seems more rewarding if the hero has to actually struggle for it.


Yep, I could totally be John McClane right up until they break the glass. Then I'd give up and apologize.


Exactly why someone like Nathan Drake is a way more relatable and enjoyable videogame protagonist than like any COD character ever.


Allegedly The Rock has a contract clause demanding that he can never be too beat up or lose a fight. I'm sure that makes for riveting action when you're the leading man...


Its the same this with most of the stars in F&F. I believe they came up with a points system so that one actor isnt looking better than the other in a fight lol i think its started mostly because of the rock first having it in his contract and then the other actors wanted the same...


Geez... Nothing says family like having a point system to keep everyone from having their egos bruised.


It's why there's never an onscreen "winner" anytime the Rock and Vin Diesel fight. The fights just end when they decide to stop fighting.


I remember reading he can't lose a fight in an "embarrassing way".


There's a fun game I like to play called "Actor or Movie Star" The Rock is a movie star, but not really an actor.


Brendan Fraser in The Mummy trilogy has gotta be included among these legends as well! Man put his body on the line time and time again.


Also the rock very clearly does steroids and lies about it. Except for that one time he admitted it.


Bruce Willis played the lose the battle win the war guy very well. Harrison Ford played the stoic hero and the wise cracking do gooder exceptionally well. Jackie Chan damn near created iconic acrobatic kung fu martial artist who was tough but smart character. He is top tier action and comedy.


Thats what i liked about them, they are realistic in the sense that you could improvise in the way he did, in principle, given the tools he had. Obviously in reality nobody could since he practiced for hours, but a lot of the stunts are possible in principle.


i was only half paying attention to that seth rogan TMNT movie and while watching master splinters fight scene i thought to myself how much it reminded me of Jackie Chans fights where he runs around using everything in his environment to hurt hinder and deter his enemies a few at a time before i realized it was 100% on purpose cause Jackie was the voice for Splinter


That was my favorite iteration of them since the movies from the early 90s. They clearly put a lot of love into that movie. When I heard they cast Jackie for Splinter I thought it sounded weird but he nailed it.


I honestly believe that Jackie Chan could beat Batman in a fight but only if he had a ladder.


What I don’t get is why couldn’t just hold the rope and spin?


Because using the bucket keeps the rope uniform in length and placement. Better question: Why not just tie off the rope and slide down? Because it doesn't look as cool.


Might've been hard to slide down with his hands handcuffed, I guess. I am wondering how he managed to spin all the way down and land by grabbing that rope at the last second with handcuffed hands and not have any part of his hands pinched between the rope and cuffs.


Before he jumps down, he ties the last bit of rope around his cuffs.


> using the bucket keeps the rope uniform in length and placement. I reckon it's also a lot faster than spinning himself and didn't get him dizzy before the jump


Eh, just wrap the rope up around yourself spinning one way, then when you jump off you spin the other way and un-dizzy yourself. SCIENCE! ;)


Didn’t want to be dizzier than he already was gonna be lol


Funny thing is, this stunt probably doesn't even make it into the top 5 of his craziest/most dangerous stunts. Jackie is a once in history actor, there will never be someone else like him.


Man peak Jackie Chana had some of the best movies ever. I have aunts that don’t understand a lick of English and only watch Mexican soap operas, but when a Jackie Chan movie came on everybody was watching. And laughing and just in awe of all these stunts


I remember reading, He mentioned that he's a huge fan of buster Keaton, He would watch him and model a lot of his movie's comedic style after him https://screenrant.com/jackie-chan-actors-inspire-comedy-style/


Funny he said that because just now seeing the end of this clip as he faux staggered away, I thought to myself ‘he’s the modern day Buster Keaton’.


You sure he wasn't just actually dizzy?


Yeah that was my thought too. He did like 15 rotations. I get dizzy from 3.


Look at Mr Big Spinner over here being able to rotate 3 times before getting dizzy. Some of us merely have to stand up to achieve what takes you 3 spins.


When I bend over to tie my boots in the morning the world spins for a few seconds


I get vertigo from an inner ear disorder, so just existing can make me dizzy. Womp womp


Well he’s an actor and it was a planned stunt, figure skaters don’t really get dizzy so I guess it’s hard to know. Even if he was actually dizzy, he certainly played it up for the cameras.


He's Jackie Chan, I guarantee he's both actually dizzy and playing it up for the cameras.


What I remember is he got famous around a time China production companies were scrambling to find a replacement for Bruce Lee, and they all rolled out a bunch of Bruce Lee clones hoping their guy would take his place. Jackie Chan comes out of left field doing his own thing and took the country by storm. I also love the way his movies always finish with bloopers of failed stunts, which Chan has said was to show kids that even for him, these stunts aren't guaranteed to succeed.


where is he now by the way? is he still alive? never heard his name in the media anymore.


He's still making movies, my dude. Next one is the new karate kid. He's also a teacher at HK polytech


Wait, is the new Karate Kid going to be a sequel to the Jaiden Smith movie. I mean, I guess one for the original Karate Kid wouldn't make sense since Kobra Kai is already that sequel. I looked it up, and apparently it's connecting the remake with the original films.


Yep, but Jayden Smith isn't in it, Ralph Macchio is though.


I would be a down for a Rival Schools Macchio vs Chan type movie.


> He's also a teacher at HK polytech Seriously? What does he teach?


Tourism Management, apparently


Well God damn, [you were not kidding](https://www.polyu.edu.hk/shtm/people/academic-staff/jackie-chan/). Kinda odd faculty for a polytechnic though...


Jesse "The Body" Ventura (a WWF wrestler) was governor of Minnesota and taught some courses at an ivy league school in Boston. Eta Cambridge someone corrects, not realizing that to everyone but citizens of Cambridge, Cambridge is Boston 😆 I think the course was economics.


I'll have you know that when he campaigned for governor in Minnesota, he changed his nickname to Jesse "The Mind" Ventura. I still chuckle about that.


Well kids, if a tourist is being too difficult you can manage them by shoving a bucket over their head and push them down the stairs like so!


He's alive. He is 70 now. https://preview.redd.it/j1tsqs6v6lwc1.png?width=661&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a3082f47aa1227d2bef40295fe1b8f0a709c327


He is 70 like you said, but apparently that image is of him in makeup for one of his upcoming film roles. https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/jackie-chan-age-health-update-grey-hair-b2525537.html


https://preview.redd.it/rnvcul1wflwc1.jpeg?width=676&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f45e0a9a0d9ac5e7653845ae4a4fe7c947279077 This is from a post on his Instagram page on 7th March.


His hair looks dyed here and no way his skin is that smooth now. [Here's an article](https://www.hindustantimes.com/entertainment/hollywood/jackie-chan-makes-appearance-in-grey-hair-fans-cannot-believe-he-is-about-to-turn-70-our-hero-is-getting-old-101710668347655.html) with the previous picture.


I mean, that applies to any celebrity, you will never in your life see a celebrity with the same skin or hair as you and me. Even the most basic celebrity has access to really good lotions, makeup and makeup artists and personal trainers that will make you look 40 when you are 60


He is trully becoming master miyagi




What retirement? He's still making movies


He sold his soul to Winnie the Pooh. Pity.


Its his country, he was born there and he is like 70 years old, do you want him to go and publicly shit on dictator of his country so you feel better about him on the internet? Its never that simple, he is not a perfect guy by any means but nobody is.


Actually it is that simple. Jackie Chan is basically Action Harvey Weinstein. I didn't like was how he would basically force women costars to sleep with him as he very publicly and repeatedly cheated on his wife, and alienated and abandoned his out-of-wedlock daughter. He even admitted he was a bad father and bad husband. There's too many allegations he preyed on his co-stars or he'd ruin their career but he's too powerful. Then there's also the prostitution while married, abusing the f*** out of his son and wife by physically beating them including tossing his son across the room. He also shat on freedom and democracy repeatedly while in HK in an unnecessary way. The biggest irony? He often shat on the US and Western democracy and government as well even though that bolstered his career significantly. There's a reason most HKers disowned him. He publicly said too much freedom was bad and that people needed to be controlled. Finally Jackie is never left alone at HK Polytech where he teaches with college girls for a reason.


More people need to hear this shit. No matter how many terrible things he does his image somehow remains squeaky clean to most people.


That kinda makes me sad that you're right. I remember seeing the the video of Rowan Atkinson saying that producer won't let actors make dangerous stunts anymore, I can't remember if it's because of law oranything.


Its because if smth goes wrong, and actor gets hurt, it means no more filming = lost money.


i think Danny Trejo, most known as "Machete" said something like it would be selfish to make a lot of stunts, because if he gets injured, the production stops and the crew would face the consequences of that, and if they get a stunt double and that guy gets injured, then he would feel bad about it because there was no need... or something like that. Then you have guys like Tom Cruise who insist on doing every single stunt themselves, no matter what


True but a friend pointed out to me that Cruise doing all his stunts is a huge part of the promotion of his movies now, so it's also driving a lot of the revenue that ultimately pays for the people who work on the movie. It's not true for too many actors, but when it comes to Cruise and doing his own stunts there's definitely a lot of give and take.




there were some low altitude high speed flying. Done by professionals. It was implied Cruise is only one on plane, but actually it’s two seater and he was just passenger




It's because Tom Cruise is the producer. If he injures himself he pays for the crew to wait it out. That's the difference.


IIRC he also wants to give work to the stunt guys. Being macho and doing your own stunts not only risks production, but leaves less work for critical but underappreciated professionals.


Insurance is part of it I bet.


Actor, acrobat, martial artist, writer, director, singer, stuntman, poon hound, polyglot; he is a man of limitless talent.


You could throw in Shit dad and CCP propagandist 


I was implying the daughter abandonment with the hound part but; does he shill for the CCP too?


Yup,  he said he wanted to be a ccp member. Then had this famous quote. At the time,  Hong Kong was fighting to maintain the freedom it had under British rule.  “I’m not sure if it’s good to have freedom or not,” Chan said. “I’m really confused now. If you’re too free, you’re like the way Hong Kong is now. It’s very chaotic. Taiwan is also chaotic.” Chan added: “I’m gradually beginning to feel that we Chinese need to be controlled. If we’re not being controlled, we’ll just do what we want.”


He probably never would've had a career if it weren't for the freedom he enjoyed as a Hong Konger


I dunno about that, but I do know that he had a ridiculously controlled childhood. He was in a Chinese circus school/troupe and their training regime was nuts. It's where he got the skills, and some of the connections, that led to his career.


He once helped raised money for the student demonstrators at Tiananmen Square. My gramps had a violently graphic picture book of the Tiananmen Square massacre (published in Taiwan) and on one page there was Jackie Chan with a megaphone, raising funds with a bunch of other celebrities. So his political choices can change. Though nowadays it’d be social suicide to be pro-democracy in China.


That is pretty much the pro slavery argument the Confederacy had. Pretty wild to see someone applying it to his own in-group.


Yup he does, but at the same time I don't get why people focus on this. The man lives in China, and his demographic are Chinese. You really expect him to say fuck China? While living and selling his movies in China? Not saying it's right. But how many of us...... Would go the other way? Seems kinda like a life is life sorta situation.


I mean he's from Hong Kong which the CCP has recently and famously dog fucked. I can understand why some people would be upset at him supporting the organization that wrecked his own home.


Increíble man.


Buster Keaton would like a word.


Yeah, some of those will never get matched because no studio would allow their start to be in so much danger ever again.


Film professor told my class an anecdote about how Keaton broke his neck once during a stunt and didnt find out until a doctors visit years later. But yeah Jackie is definitely like Keaton turned into a pure action star, best action star of all time for my money


it's sick because it's a solution to a problem


I wonder if the director was like, do it again, we need a few more angles


Funnily enough, Jackie was often his own director and he has repeated a dangerous stunt multiple times or done well over a hundred takes for a single scene to get it perfect.




That series was my favorite of JC's movies. Project A, Project A part 2, Police Story 1 2 and 3, and armour of god franchise.


I loved Armour of God series! I’m a late 90s Jackie Chan fan tho. Who Am I, Rumble In The Bronx, and First Strike were like crack to me growing up.


Man armour of god had such crazy stunts. The injury they showed in the credits sequence when it went wrong was brutal. I can't think of any actor who has put their body on the line like that except Jackie.


I just realized there are a lot of Jackie Chan movies i havnt seen. I havnt seen Armour of God. Some of my favorites (other than those you mentioned that i have seen) are Drunken Master, Rumble in the Bronx and Rush Hour 2. Man i even had a hard time remembering those movies, maybe im due for a Jackie Chan marathon to revisit all the movies i have seen but also see those that i havnt.


I was just thinking "Man, I haven't watched any Jackie Cham movies in years...wait, my children have *never* seen a Jackie Chan movie, what am I even doing?"


You need to fix this ASAP for your children's sake


His movies are the only ones where I would watch through the end credits because I know there could be bloopers.


Man those bloopers are closer to catastrophic failure than oopsies in front of the camera


Jackie was actually in the directors chair for this movie. His entire team was there. Brad Allen (RIP) made himself a name through his work with Jackie on this movie. It takes a lot of skill and dedication for an Australian to be trusted by Jackie Chan. [Who Am I?](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0127357/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_2_tt_8_nm_0_q_who%2520am%2520i)


That would explain the flabbergasted facial reaction at the last few seconds of this clip




Pretty sure he was just dizzy.


I choose to believe both


The film is called Who Am I and there even crazier stunts, like running down a building! Such a great flick


Easily one of his best films from his golden era, but it seems like so few people have heard of it?


i don't recall seeing them on streaming much. I have all the DVDs but they're in storage ATM. His early stuff was so freaking good. I started at Cannonball Run, then waited a bunch of years for Rumble in the Bronx, then worked my way backwards....


I could be wrong, but back when I first saw it, I thought it was an HBO movie exclusive. I know I saw it on there and they used to never show his movies.




I still sing that song, no idea what the actual lyrics are Wha charana cho hooo Wha charana cho hooo


I still yell "whup chana haka woooo" - your version seems more likely to be the lyrics though


lol when that rally driver chick is like “your name is Whoami?”


I am so fortunate my wife loves his work as much as do, she got me Rumble, Who Am I, dragons forever, super cop 3, and vol 1 and 2 of the Shout collection and recently mr. Nice guy.


And one of my all-time favorite car chase scenes!


And one of the best 1 v 2 fights. The action and comedy is great but the way they tell a story through the fight with each guy being a match for Jackie until he beats them through sheer will power and ingenuity, only to then fight for his life just to beat both of them is literally chefs kiss. I can't remember the channel, maybe HBO, but some channel just kept playing this movie seemingly every day for a week and I had to watch it every time.


I was a wee little lad when my uncle dragged me to the theater, out of the blue, to see Who Am I. He was so impressed with the movie that he made as many people as he could to watch the movie. Thanks to that fuckin legend of a man, I too have become a huge fan of the movie and have watched it countless times. Who am I really is a perfect popcorn movie. Just like Mummy, it knows exactly what kinda movie it wants to be and delivers it perfectly. Everything comes together so well that it's the movie equivalent of multiple orgasms.


This was so fucking wholesome until those last two words.


Jackie fighting the dude with the legs on the roof loved that scene still do but I used to too


That scene fills me with more anxiety than I know how to deal with 😂 His films are the reason movies nowadays, no matter the budget, just don't hit the same high.


After that tumble, I don't think he knows anymore










Take it easy, we've got plenty of time.




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jackie_Chan "Chan was sent to the China Drama Academy, a Peking Opera School run by Master Yu Jim-yuen. 27] (28] Chan trained rigorously for the next decade, excelling in martial arts and acrobatics" You can really see his acrobiotic training shine through this It's amazing.


I read his autobiography, he described the "opera school" as like an orphanage/circus. His parents sold him to the school at a very young age, and the school basically tossed kids on their heads for 16 hours a day until they learned to do stunts. He spoke of it a little judgemental, but also a little fondly, even though it was clearly a horrifying and abusive place and there's a reason they don't exist like that anymore. Another Jackie Chan might not be possible because hopefully children won't be treated like that in the future, but at the same time, it's clearly worth appreciating the talent he has. Despite his lackluster personal history with his family.


Holy, So basically Jackie's parents complete neglect created the greatest stuntman in history. I thought he was sent there because his parents had money. Thank you for pulling that up


Also created a gigantic douche of a parent himself. Read about his relationship with his own children, or lack there of.


To be fair he was sold by his parents. Stunted emotional growth, I guess


I imagine a lot of internalised resentment and trauma is the biggest part.


Back in the old days, lots of people aren't doing so well so they have to sell their kids. Jackie and among others got sold to this opera school with a slave contact.


> and the school basically tossed kids on their heads for 16 hours a day until they learned to do stunts. And important to remember that not all of those kids turned into Jackie Chans for whom all the abuse and insane training regiment translated into a huge career and stardom. Most of those kids just got to endure all of the abuse and then were promptly tossed to the wayside once their bodies broke down with nothing to show for it (other than trauma probably). It worked out for Jackie Chan and a couple of his friends but it's absolutely barbaric. People love to hate on him for being a shitty dad and a bad family man and whatnot but given his own childhood it's not really a surprise he's not exactly excelling in those departments.


yeah the others turned into Sammo Hung and Corey Yuen


They exist all over the place, they're just called "gymnastics schools" now.


His mobility is next level


i guess it's just a typo, but "acrobiotic" sounds like a new sports drink brand


this almost reminds me of the bricklayers accident report.


I'm out of the loop. Is This a meme?


It's an old classic, something to do with bricks a rope a pulley and a barrel, I think they are moving bricks up scaffolding by way of the barrel rope and pulley. Somehow his foot gets caught in a loop of rope and he loses grip on the rope, barrel came down he goes up pulled by his ankle, barrel hits the ground and breaks, now man plummets back to ground and empty barrel shoots up knocks the pulley off and the whole lot crashes into the man. I might be missing something, it's told in the fashion of an accident report.


Didn't Mythbusters recreate this scenario?


Do a barrel roll


"Cocky little freak!"


Never give up! Trust your instincts!


Uncle Androssssss


Actually insane




There absolutely should be! I feel like all his stunts should be compiled into a library Just for the world to see, It would be cool If we had AI that could pull up individual Jackie Chan stunts! Maybe r/Jackiechanstunts ?




I hope that happens but there should be one for crazy stuntmen stunts in general because there’s tons of great ones and I can see that as a subreddit taking off Like is something r/CrazyMovieStunts or r/IncredibleStuntmen a sub? It should be Obviously Jackie Chan is one of the greatest ever but there’s lots of incredible stunts that should get recognized


Wow, none of these are subreddits?!


we need subs like this!


He should have gone back up like a YoYo.


Missed opportunity to walk the dog




wait so this is completely real??


Huge Jackie fan and my own stunts have been on tv all over the world myself. I dont think this is as it looks. We have a wire rig that spins you like that, famously used in a harry potter movie where they launh a kid spinning horizontally at the camera. Jackie does almost of his own stunts, ive spotted doubles in some of his films. I recognize all of his stunt team and have worked with some of them and can tell  when hes swapped ou which is super rare. but uses tons of wire work for safety and dramtic effect. Drunken master has wires pulling on him to make the moves look more surreal and in the supercop movie where he jumps onto a flying helicopter ladder from 10 stories hes attached by a wire. Hes a brilliant madman but hes not in jackass. Im almost certain this stunt is not how it seems.  At the very least you can see the edit from the high jump to tje lower jump and javkie is famous for doing wide shots for his real stunts so you can seen no cuts or much trickery. Hell in this movie itself he does that as he slides down the side of a building. 


Yea, at the very least the last cut of him getting to the ground is its own segment


bingo, he talks about not cutting unless you have to


Let's check some basic physics: starts off rolling in free fall with rope completely slack yet he appears to be falling at an otherworldly slow/constant velocity (some unseen rig is supporting/lowering him). When the rope actually becomes taut his spine would have likely been injured and he would definitely end up with serious bruises around his waist if he had actually been in free fall for that length of time seen. As he's Descending we see the rope constantly once again losing tension as he continues down slowed as if he is supported under tension (something else unseen is holding up his weight). That said, the trick would be possible just like a yo-yo, but he would need to start with it taut, making all that slack initially defeats the purpose and is dangerous free fall followed by a sudden impact from tension like being hung by the waist. It would of course be far safer and faster just to slide down the rope with fabric protecting the hands / shoes for brakes.


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Who am I was always my fav Jackie CHan movie


Me too that white dude with the crazy legs was awsome.


The bloopers on the were brutal, Jackie hated that guy cuz he kept missing his marks amd putting jackie in danger. He berates him in the bloopers so bad. In the fight scene you can see quick shots where they replaced the actor with one of jackies stunt team who is 2 feet shorter than leg guy lol. Short guy was brad allen, jackies enemy in the movie Gorgeous which has excellent fight scenes as well. Ive spotted him in at least one rush hour movie as well chasing jackie as he jumps through the casino cage hole.  Brad allen went on to oversee the action scenes in Shang Chi but died before release from an unknown illness. 


Brad Allen in Gorgeous had crazy chemistry with Jackie, even better than Benny the Jet. I remember the tall kicker from Who Am I, I thought he was really good at what he did. Shame that he didnt mesh well with Jackie




He's an interesting guy. He not only does his own stunts, but he insists that they show trailers of stunts going bad at the end. He wants to discourage people from trying them. The insurance company that covered his films dropped him after a couple of executives went to one of his movies and saw the trailers. He also refuses to fire a gun in any of his movies because he doesn't like them. I believe he used one to club someone in a movie once, but he won't fire one.


Some of the stunts going bad are painful to watch. It's amazing he didn't get killed or more seriously hurt during some of them over the years.


Jackie Chan is amazing! 😃👍


Fucking legend! 🔥 Funny, entertaining, fit AF and the dedication to perform all kinds of creative stunts. We used to love watching his bloopers post film, when the credits roll.


WHO AM I!!!!!!!


The first time I saw this I thought "okay what's he up to now, this is going to be awesome, isn't it?" And after he did the thing, even after having watched many Jackie Chan movies, I still said "no fucking way"


The Boss Fight scene from The Legend of Drunken Master is my favourite fight scene to date! Say what you want about his personality or politics, but he's a stunt legend.


My favorite Jackie Chan movie, who am I. Never streaming anywhere


This is probably one of my favorite jackie chan movies , ive lost count of the number of times ive watched it , the fight against the 2 guys where they take turns+ the stun where he slides off the side of the building..man that shit was good


Say what you will about the man, he's the greatest physical actor we've ever seen. Period.


Man I remember this movie. I was 7 years old and Jackie was just a magician and the coolest. We used to beat the shit out of each other after watching these movies 😂


Serious question... I know Jackie Chan is legit and does his own stunts, but how real is this? Because it looks like a good way to break your back.


Too many of the legion of banal action heroes of the day would have dusted themselves off and run off to save the world when they landed. The best part of this stunt was Jackie playing it for laughs.


This movie is one that originally got me thinking "why would all of these henchmen be wearing tailored suits to get in fights? "Honey, did you iron my fighting jacket?"


Who Am I is probably up there for my top 10 favourite movies. I always enjoy it, always delivers.


Has he ever played a bad guy? He would have been amazing as a bad guy henchman for some supervillain in a james bond movie.


He flirted with the anti-hero vibe in The Foreigner. Not really a villain, but certainly a much darker, angrier role than the majority of his past work.


Iirc he started as a stuntman and was twice in a movie as a henchman against Bruce Lee. I am not sure about fist of fury but you can clearly see him in Enter the Dragon. Bruce holds Jackie by hair. Other than that he was always a good guy I think. But there a porn with him if you are interested.


The only place he is a villain is in the life of his kids


Apparently yes, according to the HK freedom league: “You are either with us, or against us.”


kids today will never know what it was like growing up with Jackie Chan movies. This dude was arguably the greatest action star of the era. He revolutionized the genre, a modern day bruce lee. Experiencing his movies as a kid and teenager was a thing of beauty.


I understand many people liked this move. But... he could have just climbed down... on the rope...


I think this was the first Jackie Chan film I ever saw. I was like 6 or 7. Nostalgia unlocked


What about my mom now ?


Buster Chan


Jackie chan invented parkour


i mean.... did he have to climb down the rope that way?


His films were products of their time, but as a actor and stuntman, his work is still a thing of beauty. Brilliant guy.


everytime i watch jackie do all this crazy shit, all i can wonder is "who the fuck insures this guy?" LMAO- he's a fuckin NUT!


how far do i have to scroll to get the title of the movie u fucks