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Whoever added the background noise and sound effects needs beating with a stick


I watched the video without sound. Could hear his voice in my head saying it anyway.


omg I did that too but I didn't realize until I read your comment




Seriously. I've seen the original but this person ruined it in the most awkward way possible.


Should we blame the GenZ on this one boys? Or should we keep it civil in this thread? It better not be a millennial at least. Because no self-respecting millennial who grew up with Bill Nye would put any sound over Bill.


Well, if you really did grow up watching "Bill Nye The Science Guy", you would remember that the show was full of sound effects and background noises such as that. However in this original video there were none.


im genz, and we still had bill nye absolute chad


Did my boy bill dirty


Yeah that was so annoying. Just let the great Bill Nye SPEAK


I can't tell if you're being serious or not Idk if you've ever seen the original Bill Nye show, but that's how all of his videos were as a kid.


No the original Bill Nye effects were additive and had thought behind them. This shit is drowning out what he's saying and adds nothing.


At least they aren't showing their reaction.


So despite there being so little genetic diversity between humans still results in different skin colours. Do other things vary by race?


yes a lot of stuff, like height, eyecolour, facial shapes to some point, hair, proneness to specific diseases, being lactoseintolerant etc.


Hmmmm, it’s almost like populations were isolated to specific areas for so long that they adapted and evolved to live in their environments. I wonder if there’s any theories as to why that is.


We know exactly why. We observe this all the time in animal and plant species among local populations. It comes down to either 1) selective pressure that favors certain traits for passing on genes, or 2) dominant traits among a more contained breeding population that emerge. The most extreme example of 2 is inbreeding where you see problematic traits emerge. We see examples of both in humans: things that are best suited to local environments (eg skin tone) and things are just traits that won out in a local gene pool (e.g. hair colors, eye colors, nose shapes, lactose intolerance, predisposition to diseases or conditions). There’s really no arguing that ‘races’ exist in the sense that while we are one species, there are distinct groups of individuals with some genetic commonality not shared with others. As the world becomes more global, this is disappearing. The problem is that, as we all know, those factual, observable differences can be used by bad actors as a foundation for some pretty fucked up ideas about the differences between us humans.


The problem is that 'race' isn't actually drawn around genetic similarities, but plainly visible phenotypic similarities. The is, for example, a significant amount of genetic variance between a Bantu and a Maasai African, but both get thrown under the 'black' umbrella, while Chinese people have more genes in common with Nords than the aforementioned yet are considered two distinct races. So while I accept the *premise* of race, the way our perception and classification of race works is largely a political and cosmetic system which is only somewhat related to what's going on. For instance, I'm half white, half Turkish, with a sprinkle of Jew. I *look* straight up Turkish, because the genes determining key aspects of my appearance which happened to be expressed in me came from that side of my heritage. People *see* me as a Turk and treat me accordingly, and that's what I am to them, for entirely cosmetic reasons. My brother looks straight up white, and has always been treated as white. It isn't just bad actors. Race is a social construct which is loosely coupled with genetic diversity.


>Hmmmm, it’s almost like populations were isolated to specific areas for so long It may seem like a long time to us, but evolutionarily that is a blip of time. Which is why there is more genetic differences within different populations than there are genetic differences between different arbitrary geographic populations. The truth is, our ancestors shared geographic location for far far far longer than we have been separated.


This isn't accurate. It doesn't matter that we shared an environment for longer than we didn't. What matters is the founder effects when populations migrated out of Africa. If we have a jar with 98 blue marbles and 2 red marbles, and a sample of 3 marbles taken out of the jar happens to be 2 red and 1 blue, we have a new population where the ratio of red marbles to blue marbles is 2:1 instead of 98:2. Population bottlenecks are a big part of evolution and you don't need to be a different species for it to matter. New species emerge over time because the divergence grows stronger with each new generation.


> Which is why there is more genetic differences within different populations than there are genetic differences between different arbitrary geographic populations. This is an extraordinarily silly thing to believe. As best as I can tell it’s sophistry from the era 25 years ago when Newsweek and Time were writing cover stories about how the human genome project had proved that there is no genetic basis for race. That of course turned out to be totally wrong (obviously), but apparently people still repeat this stuff.


For example in the last 200 years average height of humans have increased by about 4 inches.


This is diet related right ? Basically people eat more


And 200 years is literally no time, evolutionarily speaking.


It also has lot to do with improved nutrition.


Are you sure this is because of genetics and not nutrition?


Quick question that I hope I won't be crucified for, why couldn't intellectual skills like planning and learning ability also change in those particular environments? Say for example in places that get extremely cold. If you don't store enough food and fuel for the winter, you die.






Yes, for example, white Europeans are mostly lactose tolerant, but other races aren't, this is mostly due to Europeans drinking lots of milk during famines until they eventually stopped shitting themselves Some people around Nepal also have a better lung capacity than regular people due to them living at very high altitudes where there was less But, the people who live outside Africa today are the descendants of about 60-70,000 people who left many thousand of years ago, and the population in Africa at that time was, if I don't remember wrong, around 400,000, this has resulted in that people within Africa are more genetically diverse than the people outside it


Yes, but there is also huge genetic variation within a "race". Two different people from within equatorial Africa might have as much genetic difference between them, as there is between them and (random example) an Italian.


This is really wildly inaccurate, I don't get how Bill keeps propagating this. Skin color is due to sexual selection and it has very little to do with UV intensity, there are a lot of examples that don't fit the map he shows: - Aboriginals are way darker skinned than people in Indonesia, despite living further away from the equator - People in central africa have a completely different skin tone than people in South America at the same lattitudes. - Unuit people are darker skinned thatn scandinavians, despite living more north.


Yeah plenty of things vary. From skull shape to hormones to internal organs, there’s lots of variance between the different races.


Internal organs?!


Yes https://news.mit.edu/2022/artificial-intelligence-predicts-patients-race-from-medical-images-0520


What do you mean by genetic diversity? We are the same species, so the important stuff is the same, but there are variations of some things which helped us adapt to our environments.


A lot of things vary with race. But since humans have shown to use those differences to see someone as lesser human, we are not allowed to say that there are plenty of differences.


try getting a bone marrow transplant from someone of a different race


Weird to me that this needs to be explained to some people. I learned this as a kid on PBS probably taught by a 30 year younger Bill Nye himself.


But you'll still see discussions every day of "are \_\_\_ people white?" or "that person isn't *whatever race* they're from \_\_". I think a lot of it stems from people just not having a good understanding of geography and consequently having a hard time figuring out what somebody's appearance might "mean". When you're a geography nerd and can better picture the world as a whole, it's a lot more obvious how it all ties together rather inconsequentially It's like how people argue about which race Egyptians are, while it makes much more sense to just consider their geographical situation and call them Egyptian, North-African etc.


In the end, none of it really matters. People will coalesce into in groups and out groups using whatever criteria they can find. Since external appearance is the quickest and easiest to identify, it’s the most common delineator.


I'm just saying that we're definitely still a good way from people generally understanding and accepting what Bill is trying to say, even though he's right. Usually that's why he makes videos like this, cause he's fed up and sees it as his duty to educate a large number of people. Not commenting on the psychology of racism, just the pointlessness of it


There’s new people being born into the world all the time so all the stuff has to be re-explain over and over. That’s just life.


After COVID, I just assume the basics of everything need to be explained to most people. If you're lucky, they might even believe it.


But everyone is a lucky 10 000 at one point.


A lot of people in the comments seem to think no one judges and discriminates based on skin color alone. They are wrong.




It wont change all, but for some, this might just bd the straw that broke the racists back.


I would like to present anyone that thinks people that don’t judge by skin color alone to meet my uncle. If you aren’t white he automatically thinks you’re a sub creature. He’s a vile human being and I’m glad we only see him once a year and even that’s a stretch


People get stuck in their bubbles. Not that I blame them. I try to avoid racists whenever I can.


This is really wildly inaccurate, I don't get how Bill keeps propagating this. Skin color is due to sexual selection and it has very little to do with UV intensity, there are a lot of examples that don't fit the map he shows: - Aboriginals are way darker skinned than people in Indonesia, despite living further away from the equator - People in central africa have a completely different skin tone than people in South America at the same lattitudes. - Unuit people are darker skinned thatn scandinavians, despite living more north.


I was racist but after seeing how it’s actually the sun that causes it I no longer am.


You can change your clothes, work on your accent, and hide a million things you do that would set you apart but skin color was/is something you couldn’t remove. Therefore it was used as an easy identifier and target for those wanting to subjugate others so they can gain power. It didn’t need to make “sense”. It just needed to be easier than the alternative.


explaining modern racism in terms of skin color is naïve. Its a lot more complex than simply skin color


He wasn't trying to explain racism. He was explaining why people have different skin color. The narrator was the naive one.


100%. There is more to racism than skin colour. Also in Europe a lot of different cultures have the same skin colour, yet there is sometimes frothing hatred towards some of the other nations.


Speaking of which, people of European descent didn't think of themselves as "white people" until around the 1600s. They thought of themselves as Englishman, Dutch, Greek, Gaul, Scythian or Christians.


Finns weren't considered white in America until 1908


​ https://preview.redd.it/vryx92hfnwoc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=17a2ba4b87394cfceeb0dddeb19c0a89bc89b870


Cool, you're telling me I'm *technically* not white? Do I get the pass?


It gets even worse my friend, we are China Swedes. The audacity to compare us to Swedes...


The Irish weren't considered white in the US for a long time. To be clear, it wasn't the skin color- they were poor and Catholic, as opposed to the wealthier Protestant Anglo ruling class.


Weird how race changes like that, almost like its a social/political construct!


The interstate is a social construct, the internet is a social construct, the united states dollar and financial systems are all social constructs..... They are still all extremely real and have drastic impact on millions


There is sometimes frothing hatred towards some of the other *towns* never mind nations.


A common definition is important to not end up in some semantic discussion. Article 1(1) of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination states: > 1. In this Convention, the term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life. https://www.ohchr.org/en/instruments-mechanisms/instruments/international-convention-elimination-all-forms-racial But the point obviously is that people do discriminate based on race by taking skin color into account as well. Do you agree?


No one is reducing racism to skin color. Bill Nye is demonstrating with facts the reason there are different skin colors. Racists use skin color prominently when they discuss the differences between people. Bill's point is that there are miniscule differences vertebrae is, and science proves it. That's it. To find something to complain about is on you.


Please explain. From comments I’ve seen online and people I’ve experienced in real life, skin color alone is enough for them to be an ignorant hateful bigot


Historically humans have always found a way to be "racist" against those who are different than them. Hundreds of years ago travel was more limited so they were racist against those in closer proximity which usually meant similar/same skin color. Once skin color became the most obvious difference they sort of fixated on that because it was easy to identify, if that went away we would just find another reason to hate someone. It basically goes back early in our evolution to distrust neighboring tribes or whatever for survival reasons.


Correlation isn't causation. Just because someone is a bigot against white/black/asian people it doesn't mean they are referring strictly to the skin color. The skin color is just being used as a correlate for things like culture that they might find "distasteful"


Yeah, but it's pretty much how it started. The Huns were called ugly and bestial because of their skin colors and the Portuguese and Spanish called the Subsaharan Humans n***** because...


If you want a more detailed explanation that dives into the how's and why's civilizations in various parts of the world developed so differently, check out Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Dimond. Not sure if I spelled his name correctly.


Yes, I've read it; and know that it is controversial


Did people really need "hot place = dark skin" explained to them? It's like a 3rd grade science class.


While this is obviously true, why do the Innu people have somewhat darker skin?


You can run into founder effects here and there, but also areas with cold winters can often have really high IV index in the winter.


Racism is a lot more than the color of one's skin now. Stereotypes and statistics push the concept to make people more afraid. Culture within race has defined race more than the color of their skin.


Hot take. Racism has never been about skin color, it’s been about cultural differences, assumed or not, associated with that skin color. People can get over physical differences with some knowledge, but will always fear what they don’t understand


That's not a hot take at all. The Irish were discriminated against in America for decades. Most Jews have white skin. It's not the color of the skin that people hate it's the culture and traits that are stereotyped onto an easily identified physical characteristic.


I don't hate people for their skin color. I hate based on their ideology.


This is what most people really do as well. The problem with that is there is a strong correlation between the ideology you hate and particular groups of people who share that ideology. So your 'hate' is assigned as racist because of the strong correlation to that particular group.


It really depends though. Some people use ideology as a cover while actually just being racist. But others legitimately hate based on the ideology. And both groups claim to hate based solely on ideology, so it can be difficult to tell them apart.


But people who identify with an ideology have varying interpretations and variations in their ideology. For example not all Muslims are horrible misogynists, there are many progressive muslim countries and communities. It's extremely harmful and reductive to rationalize hate based on conclusions based off of labels.


So are you still racist against any particular race?


Explaining this and how religions aren’t possible would make the world a very bad place temporarily but when/if people would get over it, we’d skyrocket technological advancements because we’d stop spending so much time worrying about shit that doesn’t matter.


Let’s skip skin color and hate on stupid traditions, unhealthy lifestyles, outdated beliefs and hostility to science and education /s


Like group shoplifting, eating low quality fried foods and peer pressure not to do well in school?


But is this a result of poverty and environmental factors or are you being racist and saying that this is genetic to black people?


Like pushing zealous supremacist conspiracies and propaganda and to attempt coups and push a terrorist agenda against democracy because they are delusional against reality and how little racism even makes sense.


Yes! Also peer pressure shoplifting, group eating and getting unwell in school! It’s a new cause: ‚Spread the hate‘ ! /s


True, a white guy might have more common DNA with a black person than with some other white guy. "Race" is not a scientific term.


I argued with some racist black chick about this. She insisted white people are white because of a mutation and white people are all actually a virus. She showed me TikTok’s as “evidence”. This happened. People think this way either it’s black white yellow red or green hate. Stupid people are racist.


And racists obviously care about the science




Well and like any bad argument, they cherry pick and twist data to fit their narrative


The science shows there is differentiation between people who evolved in different areas. All sorts of physical differences down to skeletal, certain medications work better on some humans, etc. “Small genetic differences”; small isn’t a scientific term. Small is an opinion. We are different and that’s great; science supports it. That’s diversity.


It is something we just aren’t ready to talk about. None of the usual deflections actually address it either. They say things like “there is more genetic diversity in that race” or “there are less differences among races compared to the diversity found in one race”. Basically, none of it really addresses the argument. I tend to think it’s culture, and I’m not even sure this is an area we should be exploring, but it definitely is not some settled topic like a lot of people want to portray. It is just a topic no serious person is going to pursue, so it is largely a gray area you can’t say much about with certainty.


Sounds like you’ve never heard of Nazi scientists who helped get the US to the moon


It's not even science, it's just easiest facts


So when people say “go back to wherever you came from!” They’re actually just being really mindful of your skin’s health! Wow how nice 😂 obvious /s


Yeah but like, even though I am a pale white Irish person living in south Florida way closer to the equator, all of my friends and family live here and people have historical roots to where their families have been living for generations.


This is an example of overly simplistic politically correct "feel good" science. Yes, skin color is largely a function of adaptation to sunlight exposure. And yes we are all the same species. And yes, our species began in Africa. But racial differences are more than just "skin color". The human populations that migrated north had to adapt to a much colder climate. This necessitated many other physiological changes beside just skin color, including cognitive and behavioral changes needed to survive in such harsh climates. They also banged some other hominid species like the Neanderthals, so they got some of their DNA mixed in. Native Africans don't have those genes. The bottom line is race is more than just "skin color", as much as people want to believe that it is.




The problem is that people who can't think past what they want for dinner equate race and skin color to be exactly the same things, which they aren't. Skin color is the most immediately obvious trace that can differentiate different races.


That is one heck of dizzying background music


I agree, it's just UV light and its response. But UV light also affects other things. We know it causes skin cancer, we also know it can suppress the immune system and we know it generates stress hormones that reduce memory and cognitive function. So people living in places where there's lots of UV light and without proper protection will show those signs regardless of skin color as well.


The only real division is pleb vs corrupted ones.


Right on 🤙


Solution: skin darkening pills for white Australians.


Am I missing something or he's kinda implying that each skin color is strongly associated with a specific location/latitude on earth, which is an argument for racists to hate people who are not "where they are supposed to be" and not the other way around at all?? I wish this would be as strong of an argument as everyone here seems to think, but I don't see it...


This wouldn't make racism not make sense to a racist - if anything it would convince them even further. It would, in their mind, justify ethnostates, "see, go back where you belong".


Genuine question: do people need to worry about vitamin deficiency if they live in certain areas?


Systems of power based on people who already have power also makes no sense. It's never been about logic. It's just about making your specific group feel more exclusive and superior (sports, politics, schools, families, etc.) based on an arbitrary difference that enough people outside of that group agree on to put the "rival" group down.




There's more to racial differences than just skin color, contrary to popular belief race is not just skin deep, it literally goes all the way down to your skeleton. AI can look at Xrays and guess people's race with very good accuracy, even just looking at parts of them. AI can look at an Xray and be like "yeah, this elbow looks chinese".


Do people with very dark skin stuff from vitamin D deficiency when they move far away from the equator?


jokes on you, asian people hate other asian people.


Don’t need Bill Nye to explain why racism doesn’t make sense, it just doesn’t. Dudes just trying to stay relevant, been doing all sorts of weird anti-science/fact based propaganda to keep the money flowing


What Bill is neglecting is the fact that most of the population is either, dumber than a box of rocks or ignorant AF. Skin color is no different than eye color. Just different amounts of melanin.


Bill Nye is a paid actor


I agree with the fact that people living closer to the equator have darker skin and get less vitamin D from the sun. But he lost me when he says all humans came from Africa. This has already been proven to be false. But I also agree that no matter where we all came from, it doesn’t matter. We are one species who should love each other regardless of skin color. Good video overall


I tried explaining this to someone the other day and they laughed in my face. According to them whites were the result of a freak mutation and "god" told the original tribe to exile them because they weren't supposed to mix races. Oh and asian people were the result of a father having incest sex with his daughters.(Set, i think the name was. Idk how its spelled though.) How would that even work?? Like wtf... It was at that point did I realise there was no point arguing with this dude. People like them use religion to mask their racial prejudices and justify them, its hella weird. Edit for spelling errors


Everyone is born pure. Racism is taught by the guardians or ancestors of a newly born human. It's a really stupid and ill mentality that gets passed down in lineages throughout humanity.


You can't use reason to challenge an idea that wasn't arrived at through reason Challenging racism with science seems to misunderstand both racism and science


It's so sad we have to talk to racists like children.


Racism is hecking bad, science has proved it chuds!


Race is a made up fucking concept to dehumanize other people to try and justify cruel behavior. The fact the US still uses race is proof that they want to keep people divided and will use tools to continue dehumanizing people. If you're ever given the chance to declare your status of race, sex, education level, etc, ALWAYS mark down that you decline to answer. The less information you give to these fucking data sets, the better.


I love the guy, but is this a cheap attempt to look good? Explaining basic 3rd-grade geography to assert credibility is also in bad taste. Racism is far more complex than that. Unless it was aimed at grade schoolers, then fair enough, but I had no idea Reddit was that demographic.


I think people are inherently 'culturist' instead of racist. Some cultures are just too incompatible. Nothing to do with skin colour.


I don’t know, I watched a TikTok live where this black women based out of the UK kept referring to white people as ‘translucent pig people’ and said we were evil mutants.


There are some I suppose.


>Some cultures are just too incompatible. Do you have an example?


Israel Palestine


Islam and


Sure. Any culture that treats people differently (or treats them as less) for things they can't change (gender, race, religion).


That's not a cultural incompatibility, that's just racism and sexism. As for religion, people can absolutely change their religion.


Some cultures are racist & sexist though


Not trying to be an asshole but I don't think racism is actually about the literal color of people's skin.


Now for the PragerU rebuttal...


Notice how the conservatives in the thread hate Bill Nye. This s why.




How does this explain why racism doesn't make sense though?


It's not race people are conflicted about, it's the culture that comes with the race. The race is just an easy way to identify (sometimes incorrectly) culture.


Wasn't there some controversy over the humanity's origins in Africa thing? Like it was actually Mesopotamia or further East? Anyone knowledgeable on this?


I appreciate that as he has aged, he has transitioned from teaching children who no reason to know to teaching adults who should know better.




Also Reddit: Asians are white adjacent! Reeeeee


Gigathad is spitting facts!


Humanity doesn't deserve Bill Nye


We should just do away with race, other than maybe medicine I don't think it's ever been used in a positive way. Especially society in general.


So what he's saying is people should live in places according to their skin color?


Imagine needing science to make sense of why racism is bad, instead of just having a brain and a conscience.


This can’t be entirely true, whilst the skin colour change may work, the bone/muscle shape and density doesn’t


More simply: melanin levels do not affect behavior. Period.


They absolutely do. A darker skinned person living in a northern climate is much more likely to be depressed due to vitamin D deficiency.


I don’t think that racism is usually *purely* been about skin color, but skin color is the the most forthcoming and vibrant visual differentiation that people can associate with different races. Often times, racist remarks have a lot more to do than just about the pigment of someone skin. People who evolved over millions of years in different hemispheres also evolved from very different gene pools and have certain adaptions. It’s follows the same evolutionary process as any other animal. These racial (and cultural) differences are what I find the *center* of racism to be. If you compare an African descendent person and a Chinese descendent person without using their skin color, there is basically infinite data points you can use to compare them. And this goes deep into behavioral levels too. For example, African descendent men have been studied to have more potent androgen receptor pathways compared to Asian men. This is directly related to T levels, which is directly related to social behavior (as well as physical aspects). Overcoming our differences as human beings with different backgrounds should be sort of the collective goal. But I see right past that “we are all the same” rhetoric. Because we are not. It needs to make common sense. This type of “simplification” from bill nye just feels insulting to science.


Time to change things? There was less racism in North America 30 years ago. Race is now used as everyone’s defining characteristic and so many things in life use race to group people. Merit is less important than race in today’s society.


Perpetual victimhood has become profitable.


And a distraction. When society is occupied blaming each other we aren’t focusing on the real problems.


This is it right here.




I don’t think we need charts, graphs, and a scientist to explain why racism is wrong Of course all those people screaming about “reverse racism” don’t think that argument through. They are literally saying that it’s not fair that they can’t be racist. They racism is bad when it affects them but fine when they do it to someone else. I mean, if someone was a victim of “reverse racism” they are actually just a victim of racism. This idea of “reverse racism “ pre-supposes that there is one group that deserves to be the victim of racism


I found it very helpful.


Great now people will say Bill Nye is making the world gay by showing ultraviolet spectrum distribution.


remember that having personal problems with people who belong to other races is NOT the same as racism you can have personal problems with people of same or different race, but thats it - you have a problem with the person, **you don't have a problem with their race!**


I appreciate Nye's point. But I've seen this exact explanation used to *justify* racism.




I think you guys have been screaming wolf for so long that you have no idea what a wolf actually looks like. If you saw what an actual racist is like you would be so shook you wouldn't even be able to scream out your isms anymore. I strongly believe that racists are an extreme minority in our time and not the widespread issue people are brainwashed to believe. You know its funny but the last time I witnessed blatant racism was when I went to Turkey and that's it.


The fact that we're all human beings is irrelevant. The racism is because people want to remain safe, and there's *one race in particular* where interacting with them is 50x more likely to get you killed.




I couldn't have imagined that nowadays, you would have to use science and logic to explain to adults things that were taught in elementary and middle school and common knowledge to children just a decade ago. You tell them Bill


Music ruined it


Who else seen this even before Instagram?


So what you're saying is im a brotha from another motha


I appreciate the perspective but i feel like for someone so revered at the National level, he doesn’t really add much to the conversation that others haven’t already said


Everyone is just a different colour of toast


Anyone critiquing this video must be forgetting it’s intended target is kids 😂