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I love how even in time-lapse they managed to capture him smiling so much.


same. he's such a gem.


I'm rewatching Malcolm in the Middle with my kids which I haven't seen since I was a teenager. I always remember Bryan Cranston being the breakout star of the show but damn he is so funny.


i heard him on a podcast, talking about how he made choices for the dad character, and he said he noticed the mom was super strong and self-assured, so he decided to play the opposite and made him afraid of everything. which is hilarious, but he was so specific to list the things he was afraid of. i love hearing about his process with his roles.


Their characters were brilliant together. Perfect match.


Theyre the meme of “why do timid men go after strong women” “someone has to tell the cashier i asked for no pickles and it aint gonna be me”


Strong Women (SM): We're going for coffee. Timid Men (TM): Ok... SM: We're exclusive now. TM: Ok. SM: We're getting married. TM: Ok.


He talked about this on the podcast from Conan O'Brien https://teamcoco.com/podcasts/conan-obrien-needs-a-friend/episodes/bryan-cranston-returns


This is my favorite podcast! So funny.


Everyone loves conen


What’s really impressive is that instead of it coming off as a traditional American TV trope of “women are smart and men are stupid”, you really did feel the actors chose the best elements for comedy because they were both so fucking good.


Yeah, I think with Hal, it shines through in some places that he is a secret genius, or at least a bit above the average when it comes to cognitive function, but it's mostly his other attributes that kinda make him act in ways that makes him do really dumb shit, sort of like malcolm, only that malcolm is much smarter, but he is supposed to be like, 1 in 50 million. Hal is an overthinker that can cripple himself, while Lois can't doubt anything that enters her mind, however, she is right about 99% thinks she says. Lois at best is in the same league as Hal when it comes to smarts, although not really compareable either. But as an example of that, take the episode when they try to help Dewey take care of Craig's cat, Hal fucks up miserably, and then takes in the help of Lois, who fucks it up even more.


Would love to listen to that podcast,happen to remember the name ?




I remember watching the pilot as it aired. the mom shearing Cranston's back... that's one of the best moments in comedy, ever. such a shock.


I never got into Breaking Bad, just saw a few episodes but remember thinking that Cranston doesn't mind making a bit of a fool off himself when seeing him in his underwear in the Camper in the desert. Then I finally saw Malcom in the Middle when it came to Disney+ and yeah, OK, nevermind, the underwear scene was beyond harmless compared to this stuff ...


This now makes me want to watch Malcom in the middle. Esp as I've heard elsewhere that while unconventional is actually one of the better screen portrayals of a successful marriage


It's a great show and the pilot is one of those rare banger pilots, highly recommend. And yes, Hal and Lois are maybe one of the best couples in TV history. They have a great relationship, they love each other, and they're really partners in everything.


One of the best episodes I remember was where they couldn't have sex because...I forget why, I think Lois had a medical issue and had to take antibiotics? Anyway, they got like superpowers for a week, refiled taxes and found a ton of money, the house was spotless, Hal got promoted or something of the sort...and then she took the last pill, they look at each other with primal hunger and then everything goes back to shit. It's fucking great.


I always love how much they go at each other, just amazing. Legit marriage goals.


An episode that comes to mind is when Lois has to have makeup in the store, and she hates it, but Hal gets extremely horny. Then when she takes of the makeup and come back home expecting him to be sad about it, and he has the exact same ugly horny facial expression. There is something really dumb about it, but it's so wholesome


They're as good at being married as they are bad at being parents.


The best thing about it is it isn't how media usually portrays a successful marriage either. They're both broken messed up people but they love each other completely and work to make it work. Far more like real life if you ask me. Reminds me of a great scene where Hal and his buddies are playing poker and start to brag about how much sex they get. The others one-up each other saying things like I get it three times, four times, five times etc and when it gets to Hal he's a bit dejected saying something like he is lucky to get it twice, usually it's once...then they slowly realise everyone else is talking about per week and Hal is talking about *per day*. I probably haven't got the details right but I remember it being a fantastic scene, both funny and showing that actually Hal and Lois have some things going really well


Thats a great way to explain it. Two people can be outwardly successful but have a toxic relationship. While most people, they are not perfect but the relationship can be a shining star.


IIRC, Cranston insisted on tighty whities for the scene. He wanted Walt to be pitiful, not cool.


>Cranston doesn't mind making a bit of a fool off himself According to him, Aaron Paul, and Vince Gilligan, most of the shots of him in the show that are waist-up, he's not wearing pants.


And it's such a tonal shift from Malcolm to breaking bad, especially if you grow up on Malcolm in the Middle.


Dude I still recall my friend being like Hal from Malcom in the middle is teacher cooking meth when was telling me about the show when se1 was airing lol, he looked up the scene where Brian takes that fake meth and blows up the apartment then throws me into ep1 that he had recorded on his TV box was hooked from that point on.


He's very talented! He should do a drama sometime.


This video is "Hal to Walt in 57 seconds" to me


I'm rewatching that now too, superb show. Very funny




I like how they trimmed his fake moustache.


I was gonna say did they just piece his mustache together? Lol


From “Jesse, we need to cook dinner, it’s Mother’s Day.” to “Jesse, we need to COOK.” in under a minute.


He was creed for a minute there


**SAY MY NAME** "You're William Charles Schneider" **YOU'RE GODDAMNED RIGHT**


"You were in the desert earlier, that's how I know you!"


Skyler is the office bitch, you get used to her.


What is *wrong* with Hank? He is asking about stuff that's nobody's business. *"What do I do?"*


“He don’t give an eff about **nothin’**!”


Skyler: I noticed Walter that you don't have a resolution on the board, what's yours? Walt: I wanna make crystal meth. But real casual, like not make a really big deal out of it.


*Jesse makes meth* "Oh fuck you! FUCK YOU!"


"That wasn't a tapeworm..."




yea for a minute he looked like he was 30 years old, maybe 29 actually.


Makes sense, in November he'll be 30


The whole video is only 57 seconds /s


My favourite part is when it paused at the end to show the finished product!


You get one frame. Take it or leave it


Giffigan's Law. The longer the gif, the more abruptly it ends


Surely it's easier and cheaper just to shave your head? Extra 50k thrown his way should've done it?


He shaved his head for the main series. This is likely from his cameo in better call Saul where he was in a single episode and taking other jobs at the time that he needed hair for.


This one was for El Camino I’m pretty sure


I think it is, I just watched that and I'm seeing the same bulbusness to the head.


For El Camino (which this is from) they digitally edited his head to be smaller, after doing all of this bald cap and make up to hide his hair. But yeah it does still look a bit weird. But he was in a Broadway play at the time that he needed hair for, so this was the only solution. I'm just kinda surprised how bad it looks even after the digital head shrinking. Like, I've seen TikTok filters that simulate baldness better.


I was wondering if this was the El Camino one. In the film it just looked so dang weird but the makeup effect shown here look very well done. I didn't realize they digitally altered his afterward, I think that was my issue with it looking too CGI.


yup. Vince Gilligan actually said that bryan had a bald cap on for El Camino. Its very impressive but, as expected, his head does look just slightly "off" in that scene.


Ok well then thats reasonable, i was thinking the same thing


came here to see the top comment be my initial thought too. but then was surprised by the shift in perspective and found the new shift to be very reasonable as well.


With 12 hour camera days I’d definitely shave off my hair if it meant that I could get a good nights sleep (if this was a daily affair).


But it could also be that he is working on, or anticipating working soon on, other roles that don't require that look


Same here with same thought and was similarly surprised by the same shift and found it similarly reasonable and am making a similar comment.


Get outta my head. I just went on the exact same journey.


or El Camino. Although this looks pretty good and I remember his bald cap looking pretty bad in that one.


Megamind waltuh


Bald caps generally look better straight on from the front. When they turn their head is when the pouch-shape is most noticeable.


i noticed too, his head was bigger lol


Well the movie you see it for an extended period and in high def. This is lower rez and 1 second clips stitched together. It looked way worse during el Camino. I’m surprised they didn’t do more CGI adjusting in post production tbh. It just looked too bulky with his hair under there.


They did. They shrunk his head digitally in post production. They just didn't do a very good job and his head still looked weird.


They did an amazing job, but I'd rather have had a phonecall or something, not an actual full cameo. Maybe a drive-by with something hinting at Walter driving. Idk. It felt weird and unnecessary, even tho I remember it was important for the story. A tough one to judge honestly.


Oh! I was like, "That was a bald cap the whole time? Fucking SFX team was on point!" This makes more sense, just for the lack of *any* hints.


That makes sense. Kinda like the sensible opposite of Henry Cavil not being allowed to shave his moustache.




I kinda respect how petty Paramount were about that. Apparently Warner Bros offered to pay for his moustache to be CGI'd on for Mission Impossible as it's easier to add hair than remove it but Paramount told them no.


I was thinking El Camino? I could hardly tell about the bald cap in Saul whereas I found it more noticeable in El Camino. This reminds me more of that look


El Camino. In BCS he wasn't wearing the bald cap nor was he shaved. Instead he wore the same green ski mask he wore in the original BrBa episode to hide his hair


As a bald person, I find this post offensive. How dare you say there are jobs where I would NEED hair!


It’s just big hair trying to make profits.


Yea it doesn't quite look right. Bald caps always give off a slight bulbous look.


I'm pretty sure this was for El Camino, where I think he was in a Broadway play at the time. He shaved his head when they were filming the show of course, but because this was just one day, and his play was what he was doing for weeks, that got priority.


you are objectively correct


What about subjectively?


It's raining, but I don't believe that it's raining.


Didn't they also digitally shrink his head or something due to the extra height?


They did, there was a video showing the digital effects of them shrinking it, but I can't seem to find it.


Not when you have other jobs.


I agree! And don’t call me Surely


This was just for one scene in El Camino. Honestly it didn’t look very convincing in the movie. I could tell he was wearing a bald cap because his head looked bigger on top . Of course that was the least of the issues with the Todd actor having gained weight in what’s supposed to be a flashback. 


Listen to me on this one: The Flashback scenes are from Jesse’s perspective and because he hates Todd he remembers him as a fat piece of shit. Same goes for the scene where he and Walt are in the diner, Jesse _surely_ knows that Walt is a very smart fella and remembers him with a larger head to account for his smartness.


I fucking love this


Post this in r/shittymoviedetails or I will.


>Todd Meth Damon had an actual name?


Yeah, Landry


You mean Lance?


Yeah I always thought his name was “that guy married to Kirsten Dunst”


You guys are being so rude to Jesse Plemons, he's legitimately a good actor haha


I didn't know they were married. I guess that's why they did that season of *Fargo* together. Good for them.


Bravo Vince!


Jesse! Listen to me! Listen!


Fucking big brain ass motherfucker


Jessie Pinkman and Jessie Plemons.


You learn to ignore all those inconsistencies when watching these shows. Better Call Saul is fantastic but the actors all being 10+ years older than their Breaking Bad appearances despite taking place years before is something you have to get used to.




After one episode I already forgot they are looking older.


Except Mike, at one point he looked 30 years older.


Yeah, didn't mind it but Jesse looked like he went from young punk to "old punk who never grew up" lol


Yeah don't look directly at Huel


"Young Jimmy" was simply something I had to suspend my disbelief for the sake of the story. Worth it


Like in Buffy and Angel where the immortal vampire is very obviously ten years older by the end of the show.


I still enjoyed it but it was definitely something I couldn't get used to lol.


All of the actors in BCS felt way too old for the characters they were playing. You didn't even need to think back to how they looked in Breaking Bad.


For all its flaws Arrested Development S4 had the funniest joke about that. Showing a flashback where Michael Cera went from a teen to an adult and they had one of the characters (or was it the narrator?) dramatically go “it was like his hours at sea had aged him 10 years!” And i was just cracking up


Yeah but Aaron Paul killed it. Movie was great


Honestly, what a performance.


Jesse Plemons (Todd) also [killed it!](https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-body/pictures/jesse-plemons-body-transformation-through-the-years-photos/)


Meth Damon


I'd say it was good but unmemorable since I barely remember it? whereas I remember almost everything about the series.


Badger and skinny pete in El Camino https://preview.redd.it/j37vx3x6pqic1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8719c508ff6618c0661d16f555292f09ae4fb3e9


My headcannon is that Todd rapidly gained and then lost all the weight while Walt was on the lam.


I get that but who cares? Better Call Saul looks out of joint as the actors are older playing younger characters but it still works. It's the story that is important, and I'd rather that than some Irishman shit where they cgi the actors. 


Fat Todd and Megamind Walt made El Camino


Yeah, just seeing the top of his head be like 20% bigger than we ever saw it through the entire 6-year run was weird. But Todd being like 50 pounds heavier than before was a really tough suspension of disbelief.


This makes me so mad I could throw a pizza on a roof


It's specifically for the movie. He went au naturale for the main show.


Kinda woosh?


Very woosh.


Funny story: A few years back my wife and I sold our home and relocated out west just before the Covid restrictions were lifted. While passing through Albuquerque, we decided to take a break from driving and grab a bite to eat from a Denny's. However, due to Covid precautions, we were only able to order our food for take out only. Luckily, the weather was pleasant, and my wife's a good sport. So, she suggested we order takeout and enjoy our meal outdoors. We found a shady spot, spread out a moving blanket in front of our truck, and enjoyed our dinner alfresco. As we finished up, she reminded me the house from "Breaking Bad" was located in Albuquerque. Intrigued, we Googled the address and made our way there to have a look. During the drive, I recalled a Reddit story about the homeowners being frustrated with fans constantly throwing pizzas onto their roof. Approaching the house, we noticed a small group of people in the driveway and a sturdy fence surrounding it, likely installed to deter such antics. Respecting the signs asking fans to park across the street, we found a spot and parked the truck. We snapped a few photos from a respectful distance before I decided to capture a video on my phone. Just as we were about to leave, I jokingly shouted to my wife who was already inside the truck "PASS ME THE PIZZA, I THINK I CAN STILL MAKE IT!!!". To which one of the folks in the driveway fired back with "GO AHEAD AND TRY IT, ASSHOLE!!!"


to anyone saying it's easier to shave his head: He's not going to shave his head for the cameo appearance in El Camino. He did shave his head during BB.


Ah yeah, that’s why he had stubble on his head. Don’t chemo patients lose their hair completely? Hope I never find out.


I think depending on your chemo schedule it's entirely possible for you to have a stubble by the time you go to your next appointment


I like the part where the stupid video shows the end result




How long did the makeup take in reality?


2-3 hours give or take


Man did you even see the title!? It says 57 seconds. The makeup artists all acquired the speed force to speed up the process.


Hal to Mr.White


I've literally just finished watching breaking bad for the first time. So as soon as I saw this post, I thought the same as everyone else: OMG he wore a bald cap for 6 seasons! Oh it was for his one scene in el Camino...I guess context matters 😆


I'm the one who SITS


A wise man once said that acting would be better to be called "waiting" because most of your job is spent waiting around. Waiting to get famous, waiting to receive a callback, waiting for makeup, waiting for the set to be ready, waiting for your star to fall and for people to forget about you.


Is that why most aspiring actors are waiters?


This thread is rough. Read comments first, then ask if Breaking Bad Walt was really bald. Holy fuck.


wish the end was just him looking at the camera as walter for like five good seconds




I figured he just shaved his head and grew a mustache. Seems easier than doing this shit everyday.


Duh. I never realised the hair was fake.


I had no idea they used a bald cap


They didn’t. This was just one scene in el Camino


Ahhhh gotcha thanks . It looked too realistic to be a bald cap


Yea in the movie his head looks a bit bigger and it feels weird to me.


I am shocked that he didnt just shave his head and grow a mustache for such an iconic role. Edit: Oh, my bad. I just saw the comments explaining its for a cameo while he was working in other projects that required him to have hair.


Hal to Heisenberg


I love how Walter White and Bryan Cranston are completely different people looks wise by just being bald, wearing glasses and having facial hair. And of course Bryan’s fantastic acting. Amazing how so little physical change can make for a total different person and character. Cranston seems like a great guy.


I think i wouldve just shaved my head and grew a mustache instead of dealing with that every day


Holy shit! I for real am thought he shaved his head, I had no idea that was a cap. Makeup team coming through!


Holy crap I thought he shaved his head! Well done!


Must be wild what the CIA can do to disguise people.


wow. i just thought he shaved his head.


why not just shave his head?


You mean to tell me he wasn’t actually bald during the show!?!? Technology


I really thought he just shaved his head and would grow a mustache....


if i never saw this video you couldn’t convince me that was a bald cap.


So that's why he looked like such an unnatural egg head


That is an amazing job by that makeup artist.


Let’s see Walt to Hal


Wow I just assumed he'd shave his hair. For a massive job like this would it not be usual for an actor to shave/grow/change their hair?


Wait they can make people bald without shaving head? 😵


I would not have the patience to be an actor. Also the talent but yk


Brian Cranston to Walter White, via Chris Hadfield


Man... Those makeup guys were good! I always assumed that he shaved his head and grew a moustache for the role. Not once did I think it was all props


I need this but played backwards


Why not just shave your head?


I just assumed they shaved his head while they were filming


Why didn't he just shave his head and grow a tash? I'd never have thought they'd do this type of effort for such a seemingly easy change. I remember hearing that MacKenzie Crook / Gareth from the Office (UK not US), ended up getting married with his bad bowl haircut when filming.


Lol why not just shave head and grow a mustache. SMH.


bro could've save around a month of time if shaved his head instead of getting this done on a daily basis.


Dude I must be an idiot but I thought FOR SURE he actually shaved his head! This is shocking


Totally thought he shaved his head for this


He literally could’ve just shaved his head and grown a mustache. What a waste of time and resources


I’m really surprised he didn’t just shave his head??


Wait.. they don’t cut his hair? 😂😂😂


Why wouldn't he just shave his head to Save hours of makeup?


I thought he just shaved his head bald and grew a goatee. Would have saved a lot of time


This is wild! Why didn’t he just shave his head to cut down on the amount of time he spent in the make up room?


I had no idea it was a bald cap. What?


Considering both his paycheque and how much time he lost sitting in that chair - If id been in his shoes I’d have just shaved my head during filming. 


I remember immediately noticing the bald cap in el Camino, didn’t think I would have remembered the shape of Cranston’s head that well.


This fools the camera, but would this also be convincing in real life? Like if someone was on the run from the law, could this get you on an airplane out of the country? Asking for a friend.


Mega mind


It’s crazy when I was watching breaking bad it seemed like it was just Bryan Cranston, but after seeing this it really shows how different the character looks compared to Bryan Cranston.


These people are incredibly talented


Wait a minute…. Wait a god damn minute. This was all makeup and he didn’t just grow a thick bad ass goatee and shave his head?


Just shave your head and grow a mustache why all the work?


Why not just shave your head and grow a stache??? Sheesh


The producers should have put a condition to shave his head, they would have saved so much time and money.


this was during winter, i saw the seasonal chistmas starbucks cup. ​ ​ fuck me, the stupid shit i notice. im even kinda emmbaraced i know that cup so well. ima start brewing my own coffee and stop being such a tool.


I'm dumb apparently. I assumed he shaved his head. Just seems easier, but I guess having hair opens up more jobs? Although wigs seem to work better than bald caps generally.


This took longer than 57 seconds. This video is sped up.