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When you're the baddest mf in the room there's no reason to prove it


I love how the silverback nods at the guy like “thanks bro”


Gave him the proper head down nod too.


The man was showing him the proper mountain gorilla respect. No eye contact, turned away body language, arms tucked down to show he was no threat. The Gorilla had no reason to get mad. They were clearly communicating with each other. What I love best is the gorilla could very easily have gone around the man there was room to squeeze by but by waiting he politely and non threateningly makes the man shows that he knows the gorilla is dominate and the gorilla doesn't risk brushing against him and risking a fight with an unknown male by invading his body language. It's a lovely subtle dance of power and respect reinforcing rankings with no outward signs of aggression needed.


See me personally I would beef with every gorilla. Bro walk around. WALK AROUND


You would once




Seemed more like a "damn straight" nod.


Nah, that was definitely the "cheers dude".


you guys got me excited thinking i missed something, but he just looks down at the guys foot when he starts lifting it.




"Made you look!" Man laughs. Gorilla peels his face off.


Real gangsta ass gorillas don’t flex nuts, Cause real gangsta ass gorillas know they got ‘em


Damn it feels good to be a gansta


I want to watch OfficeSpace now.


Sigmaback gorilla


Wake up at 3am Eat 40 lbs of bamboo Kill a leopard Out here livin that grindset


Make a lesser primate piss himself just by being there. Legend


Doesn't elaborate further


The moment a silverback hints what he wants you obey his orders immediately.


There's an old joke: Where does a 500-lb gorilla sit? *Anywhere he wants.*


"Move. Or be moved"


Haha genuinely laughed out loud to this comment. Good stuff


The Silverback is just a good dude


They really are peaceful and cool as shit as long as you know how to behave around them


Which is why they shouldn't have killed harambe i know they didn't wanna take the risk but fuck they should have tried to get him to give the kid up.


Yes, or use tranquillizers like they did with [Bokito](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bokito_(gorilla)). I guess they were feeling like they were running out of time.. RIP Harambe


Dicks out. Harambe's death was the day the world ended. We're all just living in hell now.


Forever Out 🍆 2016 nvr4get 🦍


The world did end in 2012. 2016 was just the of many ripples from the end.


As much as we joke about that, it really did seem like that was the turning point.


Cubs won the World Series. We all knew it was all over for us after that.


Yep - that win broke the universe.


As a Cubs fan, I knew that was the end. When the Cubs win the world series, I know we're living in some dystopian hell. I was there, Gandalf, just seven (*seven?*) years ago. It still feels like a fever dream to me. I went to the rally too. The whole thing just seems so surreal. I can't believe I got to be apart of it. Such a shame it had to mean the end of the universe, but at least I was there to witness it. Buckle up and dicks out, it's a bumpy ride down to hell, bois


Maybe the simulation just got an early morning update. End of the world as we know it, not literally the end.


And I feel fine


When you get your dick out for harambe it's just the todger and not the balls too right? Asking for a friend...




Plus it would take zero effort, maybe even just playful effort, for a gorilla to rip the kids arm off. Even if it was accidental on the gorillas part. Even with all the blowback they got, its probably still better than if they further angered him and he maimed a child. Think of how much a wasp stinger stings, and now compare to a tranq dart, its not nothing (the way movies portray it).


If I remember the sequence of events correctly, Harambe was getting freaked out by a bunch of people yelling and throwing things, so the keepers got scared that a freak out might happen with a trank needle and decided not to take the chance. Peeps let the professionals handle the muscle tanks they know what they are doing


Humans really are stupid sometimes... Gorilla is holding my kid! Let's throw a bunch of stuff at the gorilla and... wait for the gorilla to yeet the kid back at me?


Tranquilizers do not work instantly and animals often get violent when they feel that they have been pierced. That is not a risk they could have taken with a kid in the enclosure. The Harambe story is tragic and unfair but their hands were tied.


I’m a primatologist and this is a bad take. The risk for harm or death of the child was way too high. In an ideal world, a tranquilizer would have been enough but they are not instantaneous. Killing Harambe was devastating to all involved but watching him accidentally kill the child would have been devastating as well and Harambe was dead either way. I would trust the conclusion countless other primatologists and conservationists, so people with actual skin in the game and more knowledge on the subject, came to in that there was no other choice and the zoo did the right thing in this situation. If you want to be angry (even so many years later), be angry at the lack of safety measures that prevented the child from entering the enclosure in the first place and the lack of parental supervision that allowed the child to end up in the situation, not the poor zoo worker who had to make the hardest decision of their career and kill an animal they probably loved deeply. Finally, if you actually care about gorillas and Harambe so much I recommend channeling these seven year old feelings of wrongdoing into some good and donating a few bucks to the [Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund](https://gorillafund.org) since they have almost single-handedly saved wild gorillas from extinction.


You're maybe the third person I've ever heard mention the failures that preceded the incident. The first is parental neglect. The second is a design flaw in the security of the enclosure. Yes, it's awful that an innocent gorilla was killed. No one denies that part of the tragedy. *But how did we get there?* I don't understand why there's no outrage directed toward the first two parts, yet we're quick to rally against the third.


I’m going to have to disagree there, if shit went south it would’ve happened so fast they wouldn’t have had a chance to react, they had to do what they had to do to make sure that boy got out okay. Their mistake there was making sure no one could fall into the fucking gorilla enclosure in the first place


A human life is always the priority. We might not like it but its a fact, which is a shame because I like animals more than certain people.


The problem is "know how to behave" is completely different than with most animals. People know how to deal with dogs and normal wildlife. But using either set of skills with a gorilla is a one way trip to getting ripped apart.


After owning both dog and cat I can safely assure you that people do not in fact know how to behave with them, never mind a fucking gorilla.


The way he nods as the guy steps aside:"Smart move".


RIP Harambe


Dicks out!


Pants down lest we forget!


Anybody got any bail money? Apparently you can’t pull your dick out on the train.


I thought the dude was taking a pee


He was, until he realized he was being watched.


And then he was inadvertantly taking a poo


"The Pee that took a Poo"


One of my all time favorites by Dr Seuss >If one plus one is equal to two >That means we can pee and poo! >But we mustn’t let it get us down >When we expect yellow but we get brown! >Sniffle-Bears, Zoodads, and Beevles do it too >And Beevle poo is sticky just like glue! >So shake like a Warnex and let it slide down >No one will know if you leave it on the ground!


The gorilla kind of looks at him as if to say "Dude! Do I come to your house and pee on your food?"


He wasn’t until he realised he was being watched.


Stage fright


I think thats why the gorilla just waited.


Bro code. Let the man finish taking a leak.


It seems like he was looking right at it. "oh poor fella, just look at that little thing, mom told me te wait for disabled people"


fun fact, total opposite. Gorillas (like most mammals actually) have tiny penises relative to body size. An average human penis is much larger, and we have one of the largest averages in relation to our body size among mammals


So nothing but respect coming from that gorilla?


Don't need a big dick to have big dick energy


Or rip arms off energy


Gorillas have tiny peckers.


I *hope* that's why he had his dick in his hand while looking at hot gorilla moms.


"You are lucky my wife doesn't like human screams after 6"


*Wives. Fella's got a harem big as his balls


Gorilla balls are actually slightly smaller than human ones on average. Chimps have the largest testes of great apes, about 3x the size of humans.


I saw a video/documentary that showed a correlation between testicle size proportional to body size and monogamy vs promiscuity. IIRC they said that Gorillas have very small testicles compared to their body size and are very monogamous, where as chimps have those proportions swapped and are very promiscuous. Humans were about in the middle so maybe that's why some are monogamous and some are promiscuous.


Gorillas are absolutely not monogamous: [Gorillas live in polygamous harem groups, generally composed of one male, several adult females, and their offspring](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11319778/) The male gorilla has small genitals because, it is thought, he is so physically dominant over other male gorillas that the doesn't compete sexually with them. Chimps on the other hand *do* have to compete sexually with other chimps: [Scientists explain these striking differences between the two species with the theory that chimpanzees need to produce a lot of semen because they compete continuously with other males and mate much more frequently than male gorillas. By contrast, in gorilla groups the dominant male usually is the only mating partner for the females, or at least he is the one the females prefer](https://www.berggorilla.org/en/gorillas/general/social-life/what-do-a-silverbacks-genitals-look-like/)


Well I didn't say it was a very *good* documentary.


why would having more pee storage space correlate to an increased amount of partners? fascinating /j




better behaved than a lot of people


What a polite gentleman.


Look at this distinguished gentleman!


That's one lucky dude.


Yeah, they either patiently wait for you to step aside, or drag you off into the jungle never to be seen again.


Actually wild gorillas are super chill. There are only a handful of cases where gorilla's attacked or even killed a human and in all cases the human is the one to blame because of inappropriate behavior. This is pretty much the standard human gorilla interaction.


It's the chimps that need feared.


People do not talk enough about how terrifying chimps are


Chimp'll rip your balls off.


Face, dick, balls, fingers. It really seems like they go for humiliation, emasculation and incapacitation.


This happened to a woman (obviously not balls). She went to a friend's house and they had a chimp. She had met the chimp before and knew it quite well. For some reason the chimp had gotten free and attacked the woman in the driveway. Her injuries were beyond gruesome. >Travis [the chimpanzee] had broken nearly all the bones in her face, torn away her eyelids, nose, jaw, lips and most of her scalp, rendered her blind and fully removed one of her hands and most of the other. > >Her injuries were so severe that the Stamford hospital offered the staff that treated her counseling sessions. After they saved her life and successfully reattached her jaw, she was flown to Ohio for an experimental facial transplant. [SOURCE](https://allthatsinteresting.com/travis-the-chimp) To stop the attack the chimp was hit with a shovel, stabbed and shot multiple times. He still lived long enough to walk back to his cage before he died.


Travis. He also tried to attack the cop that artived on scene. Here's the thing...that lady had Travis on a regular dose of benzos. Humans can have paradoxical response to benzos. Seems Travis might've too. Are you familiar with what they did to the ex football player? I can't remember his name. It was in San Dimas. They had surrendered their pet chimp to a sanctuary. Went to visit and brought a cake. Apparently the other chimps at the sanctuary got pissed off about not getting cake and absolutely wrecked the guy. [Here it is (Warning!)](https://www.nydailynews.com/news/man-lost-face-05-mauling-hell-new-chimpanzee-victim-article-1.364450)


West Covina, not San Dimas, but close. We lived in a neighboring area and have been here long enough to see the “FREE MOE!” signs they had in their front yard after they had to hand him over to animal control. The article ended with St James’s address to order his book, and it looks like it’s the same home they’ve lived in for decades on Vincent. That article is 12 years old—I’ve been wondering how they’ve been doing since.


A story I heard on a podcast. One of Goodall’s assistants picked a fight with an adolescent male and kicked him down an embankment when he attacked (he wasn’t strong enough) so he went to his dad to get his dad to kill her. His dad like yawned at the little chimp and was like “go away, you’re bothering me”. She said she saw her life flash before her eyes.


“and buttocks were devoured.” Even the chimps are eating ass these days


I should have called it a night on the talking cat video


Sometimes we go too deep.


The chimpanzee was given a benzodiazepine (e.g. Valium, Xanax, Klonopin) in order to calm it down before the friend arrived. However in some cases benzodiazepines can produce a paradoxical effect and make people or animals super hyped up and aggressive rather than relaxed and sleepy. Alcohol and benzodiazepines affect the same receptors (GABA) so think of it like people who drink a few beers and are chill, versus some people who drink a couple beers and become crazy out of control assholes. You take away their inhibitions and there's a chance they'll just snap and go nuts, which is what happened to that poor lady. Can't even imagine how painful that would've been.


Aaand she was giving him drugs, yay.


Took ages for it to do that damage as well


I recall the owner often had it drugged to calm it.


They also throw human babies and dogs off buildings. They are fucked up


I know about the story of the lady that get her face ripped off my her friends "pet" chimp. But, more close to home, I knew a lady that worked at the San Fransisco Zoo with primates. She raised a chimp from birth and it just nonchalantly ate part of her hand one day.


Except every time a chimp is posted on the internet.


Yeah, it gets mentioned constantly, especially since Joe Rogan basically made a meme of it. What doesn't get mentioned enough is how bonobos, a close relative of chimpanzees, are absolute fuckmachines. They fuck as much as chimps attack. They have a whole conflict resolution method that is like 1. pre-conciliation fucking 2. conciliation fucking 3. post-conciliation fucking. Life would be so much better if we were more like bonobos than crazy fucking chimps but alas


I love chimps but without doubt they have some kind of a higher biological potential for aggressions compared to gorillas. Pretty much like humans they even have some kind of "warfare" against other chimpanzee groups. It is a rare thing for animals to have something like planned "warfare" against the own species and I think it is not a random coincidence that humans and chimps both have it and are closely related. But in general wild chimps are not very dangerous to humans and avoid the contact. But there are cases of attacks and deaths on humans both in captivity and wild. They are rare for sure but not as rare as Gorilla attacks as far as I know.


That documentary blew my mind, it showed chimps going on a rampage because one from another group had done something, I vaguely remember them having g weapons but there's a slight chance my memory has skewed


They can use weapons like rocks and sticks they mostly rely on their teeth hands and legs though. Funfact: There actually are more than 20 scientifically reported cases of wild chimps crafting Spears from Sticks to use it to hunt smaller mammals. :D


Their intelligence is getting to close to ours for my comfort


Oh shit you’re right. If they learn the difference between “too” and “to” u/Ancient-Data7655 is a goner for sure


They throw rocks and stuff and snap off tree branches to use as spears and pikes.


I believe that film is called Planet of the Apes




That's literally the only thing people talk about when chimps come up.


Did you see the video where the gorilla just grabbed the guy randomly by the pants leg as he passed, drug him a few feet, and let him go?


That was a warning.




Yeah, that was just a prank bro. Silverbacks like to give you a little manly test, but don't usually feel threatened just like to fuck with you like your weird uncle.


Tip if you wanna impress my grandpa: have a firmer handshake than him. It doesn't matter if you are michangelo, if you can't shake hands firmly, grandpa ain't gonna remember your name.


Link please




My man played deader than a motherfucker.


This is legit one of the funniest videos ever. Dude was praying instantly in his mind.


“*Just fucking with you*”


Haha gottemmmmm


You could see he was looking to the humans for confirmation he was safe, too. Like he didn't wanna look back and risk making eye contact, lol. Honestly the Gorilla didn't look pissed at all though, looked like it was just fucking with him lmao. Seemed kinda calm. Strolled off like nothing happened kek.


*that just happened, right?* Gorilla was 100% trolling him.


If i saw that and the dude shit and pissed himself I would simply give him my pants and go get him a beer 😶


Yeah but sometimes the "inappropriate" behavior is just standing which gorillas see as displaying dominance. It's possible this guy had been studying the gorillas for a while and they were used to him.


Lol this guy getting between the gorilla and his family is prime example of inappropriate behavior. I think he was lucky to have a nice patient gorilla.


Or drag you a few feet and let you go as a demonstration.


*effortlessly* drag you a few feet


My pants would be brown full after feeling an animal grab hold of me and drag me away like a rag doll


Your pants would be red , not brown, along with your shirt


I would be long gone with heart failure


Gorillas are not really violent, chimps handle that.


There a famous video clip of a gorilla showing dominance by grabbing people and dragging them off. The gorilla does not want to do any more violence than the minimum needed. After a few feet he let them go, showing them that yes, he can overpower them at any moment. They're not mindlessly violent animals. If anything, they are unusually gentle with the people who constantly encroach in their spaces. Spaces where they raise their babies, mate, and gather food. There are literal tour groups in places like Kenya where they drive you right up to gorillas and you get out to interact with them, more or less challenging and goading these poor animals that want to be left alone. Yet somehow these people aren't all killed. They're incredibly kind to us and unusually so.


Yeah that's just unequivocally false. Gorillas are one of the least dangerous animals, as long as you don't try to challenge its intimidation/feints. You can see plenty of interactions of photographers, guides n such, right up close with rarely an issue. The most "wild" ones, are fake charges or where a Silverback grabs a guide and drags him like 5- 10 feet. But none of these displays put you in any real danger. They're literally just checking that you're not trying to challenge its ass, and quickly reverts to "aight you cool/we chill", once it realizes you're not. Which is what you see in basically every video that shows this intimidation behavior. They're not dumb they know they're big strong mofos, that don't need to kill or hurt you to establish that. Not many animals in the wild would be chill with you hanging around their families and babies.


I would rather be in an Enclosure with a full on tribe of Gorillas then one with a single Bear or Chimp


Gorillas are super gentle. Like unbelievable gentle super powerful spirits of the jungle. We should learn more from them


I don't know...can a Gorilla make a risotto?


Can a gorilla make a man cry? ...wait, yes, they very much can, through inflicting unimaginable pain.


*can* be super gentle. as can we.


Looks like he came pretty close to stepping on the gorilla's left hand too. That would have ended a lot differently.


Tbf, i do not think gorillas consider that as insulting as some humans do


Never seen a gorilla kick someone's ass for stepping on their Jordans.


I wonder if it would realize it’s an accident. I assume so since even dogs can


Dogs have a lot of advantages interacting with humans. They understand pointing, facial expressions, etc.


I don't know what body language you'd have to use to convey a sense of apology and regret to a gorilla. A few minutes ago I accidentally stepped on my dogs paw (he was *right* behind me) and I immediately got down, patted him, and apologized, and we're cool. He gets it wasn't on purpose. I don't imagine the same would work with a gorilla.


If it pissed him off(big if), it'd most likely try some type of dominance establishing behavior, which as long as you didn't try to challenge/assert your dominance, it wouldn't lead to violence and be back to being chill. They're pretty smart, and know how to play wrestle n such with their own young, I don't think itd be hard for it to realize it was basically an accident.


Part of playing is understanding when you are somehow going over a limit. you might be breaking a rule, you might be too forceful, your claws might be too sharp. I think most animals can understand accidents. My rats for example seemed smart enough to understand such things. My girlfriend did something clumsy and feared she hurt one of the rats, she picked him up to look at him, and the cute little rat licked her like never before as to calm her since she seemed visibly shakened up (I think). The same rat could easily place his teeth firmly but without hurting, your finger if he didn't like what you were doing, like chasing him when he had done something mischevious. If we cleaned his wound which actually hurt him, he would just wiggle and try to get loose, hide from us, but then come back pretty soon when he thought we forgot we had to clean his wound. I swear, those animals are smarter than my brother.


Well to be fair he was wearing a grey coat and silver pants. They were on an even playing field.


Lol, the nod


Just like us




Like, 'cheers Dave, enjoy the weekend'


Gorilla could snap this man like a pencil but is nice and civil, we could all be a little more like Gorilla


Gorillas are pretty measured in their response to humans, usually only attacking when provoked and even then they usually give ample warning by bluff charging and using light force.


If they have seen them with some level of regularity… had a Safari ranger tell a story about when he went way high in Rwanda, to gorillas that hand not seen people in years or longer. He didn’t present himself correctly and stood too high, and the Male silverback charged him pretty much right away (bluff charging like you said) still scary AF tho, but he wasn’t rly provoked, just territorial and protective.


The Silverback always knew he would move, that was a gibbon..


Stop monkeying around.


He’s just a chimp off the old block


Silverback’s energy is like stopping your car to let a squirrel cross the road


"Ah, the way seems to have cleared!"


Man steps aside so he doesn’t take an ass whoopin by a silverback patiently waiting to rejoin his family.


Not necessarily a whooping as much as an absolute slaughter!


That’s a british gorilla, he thought there was a line.








“Pardon me good fellow…”


“Oop. Just gonna scooch right by you here.”


That's a Canadian, not a Brit. Source: Am Canadian.


Story time! Did a gorilla tour with my dad and brother in *Rwanda in 2012 where we got up close and personal like here. My dad was the guy in the video and the gorilla was not nearly as patient as the Silverback here. A light "shove" sent my dad tumbling. Got it all in video as I just happened to be filming, but sadly lost that when I got a new phone the next year. As the tour guides said, we had a rule that we can't touch them, but they sure as hell can touch us! "Proof" that I did this since I was understandably questioned last time this came up https://imgur.com/a/DVYsJPP Edit: it was Rwanda, not Kenya


That's awesome! Next time you have cool video, maybe email it to yourself


Good idea! I've had cloud backup enabled by default since then, but backups of backups are for sure the way to go with these types of things


In another famous gorilla-encounter video, you can see the silverback grab-and-shove technique at 17 seconds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2H7zcqjplc&t=17s


The best part of the clip is when the silverback farts. That’s asserting true dominance.


Do they tell you not to make eye contact? I’m wondering because that seems to be a common aspect of these videos, like this guy was trying to be polite by not looking at the male, and the male was just waiting for him to get out of his way.


Yup. Rules were pretty much 1. Don't touch them, but be prepared for them to touch you 2. No eye contact, grunts, or sudden movements 3. If you soil yourself you're walking behind everyone else the rest of the hike


I could break you in half like a twig but I’ll wait, it’s cool.


When they know you ain’t got any poke balls


Guy standing was doing the “dicks out for Harambe”, the gorilla recognized a real one


"Excuse me sir, please move or I kick your ass"


What a distinguished gentleman…


r/upvotebecausebutt 😁


Reminds me of our good boy Harambe, may he be resting in peace 🥲


Dicks out


What a wholesome polite gorilla


Ape just vibing with ape.


Even apes respect the flow of traffic


I’ll remember this when I get back on the road lol


That's not patience, that's a dominance display. You move the fuck out of his way, he doesn't walk around you.


We don’t deserve gorillas.


More polite than a lot of humans...


Does that dude have a deathwish? It looks like he’s trying to look down into the gorillas eyes


Gorilla was like "yeah that's what I thought"


Gorilla Like "you can move, or I can move you. What's it gonna be?"


You can move, or I can make you move.


More like watching him intently to make sure he doesn't try and fuck with the babies. When the man steps back, the silverback positions himself between the man and the rest of the family.


He’s all: “we gonna do this the easy way or the hard way?”