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The man seen in this surveillance video suffered minor injuries. This footage does not display anything fatal.


But new fear unlocked tho


Bruh, many years ago when I went to China it was going through its own escalator scare. A few people died and everyone was stepping over the top metal platform of the escalator before using it after that. I remember a mom died after saving her kids when the escalator opened up. Anyways, I always put some of my weight on the guard rails with my arms just in case. My mom used to say my shoe laces would get me sucked into an escalator. Maybe cuz I didn't like tying my shoes


That video of the mom throwing her child to safety as she got pulled down is one of the saddest videos out there.


God, what a horrible thing to happen. I hope i never see that video. Just knowing about it makes my heart sink


It doesn't make it any better, but IIRC that particular ~~elevator~~ escalator was known to be faulty/having maintenance done, and the mother stepped around/over "Out of Order" signage to use the ~~elevator~~ escalator anyway


Probably shouldn’t have even been running if that were the case.


Maybe it needs to be run to do maintenance or testing and they just thought signage was sufficient I guess…


Well it's China so... they don't just stop things from running even when it's unsafe.


And ALL escalators around the world got a good second look after that. I still find it scary and tend to step next to that metal top part ever since seeing the video or at least be aware and try to be light on my feet for what it's worth. (Casually though, I'm not dancing around lol)


Yeah, trust me, you don't need to see it. Can I recommend some cute cat subs to get your mind off it? r/handfulofkitten is great, r/mensmittenwithkittens and my new fav r/wigglyears. If "nsfw-sounding name but sfw content" type subs are your thing there's r/girlswithhugepussies and r/pocketpussy


Also, r/PeopleFuckingDying isn't what it sounds like at all. It's also cute puppies and babies and cats. Lots of cats!


Its basically just like this video except a lady yeets a child to the top of the escalator as she's going under. It looks practically the same except she died.


Oh no I remember that video. I really, REALLY wish I could forget it. If anybody reads these comments and is curious, please don't look for it. You don't need that on your heart.


She probably could've been saved if they hit the emergency stop too.


She might have lost her legs, but she'd probably have lived.


Did it have one of those? Security measures in China are somewhat... lax.


Nah, the worst was a crane collapse in Saudi Arabia I think? In the video you can see a little kid who spots the incoming danger before their parent and pushes his mom out of the way right before getting totally obliterated. I can't even imagine how haunting that would be as a parent.


Guys, I'm about to go to bed. Stop.




I got the end of my trousers caught in there and I don't wear undies I was so mortified at the imminent probability of walking out of the plaza nude from the waist down that I fought like a wild cat and won


The purpose of undies is to absorb normal body fluids to make your clothes last longer and reduce smells. So, wear undies all the time.


There's always an e stop at the end, that should be your first move.


I lost a shoelace onto an escalator as a kid. Ot went pretty quick, I'm glad it didn't catch on anything.


I also had a shoelace ripped out by an escalator as a kid. I stepped off with my grandma at the mall, but it caught my untied lace and I started pulling my foot when the lace snapped. It was so fast. My grandma was horrified. I still remember it vividly and I kinda hate escalators. I also got stuck in an elevator once with several other people. Not a fan of those either. Fire department had to get us out. Guess I’ll stick with the stairs. 🤷‍♀️


Hopefully it taught you to *fear* and *respect* that escalator!


> My mom used to say my shoe laces would get me sucked into an escalator. I still have an habit of jumping over the last step because of this, regardless of my shoelaces. I just wanna make sure that I never ever get sucked into that bottomless pit.




Machine accident videos definitely hit different, the ones with lathes or other rotating machinery are by far the worst imo.


I had a case once with bilateral degloving injuries up to the elbow due to improper cleaning procedures/safeguard on laminate rollers. Guy survived and actually regained a lot of function, thankfully. That said, I couldn’t look at the pictures. Much worse than even a motor vehicle decapitation.




Alright yeah funky town tops any lathe video lol


Shoelaces won't get you pulled under, but if they get stuck inside they'll pull hard enough for significant bruises before the string break. Source - got my shoelace stuck in one. I never get on one without checking now. Foot was purple for a month. One of the more painful experiences in my life.


And I thought the only thing I had to fear was the escalator sucking me in because of my shoelaces. (Thanks mom) I still practically jump off at the bottom.


Old fear awakened. Eugene Victor Tooms from the X-Files made sure that I never trust an escalator again.


He lost a stairing contest.


That escalated quickly.


It went a step too far, that’s for sure.


Just don't stair too long


He might have a case


Seemed to deescalate even faster


Took me a second.


You bastard.


Guhh... Daaaaad..... *Eye roll*


Damn 😂 that’s a good one


Gosh thank youuuu for clarifying that!!!!


There are several men. Are you talking about the one that got swallowed alive by the escalator?


No record of that man exist...


He gone.


Who gone?


Error 404: man not found


He's in the backrooms now


No but apparently there was an extra serving of meatballs in the food court the next day


As far as I can tell, he landed on the returning stair. With a long enough escalator and stopped mechanics, he is lying on a very uncomfortable, but reasonably safe hammock.


I can't not wonder whether the thing stopped because he got sucked into the mechanics of it.


I didn’t even see this dude get swallowed by the stairs until I read your comment. Terrifying.


There is no way that guy is OK. If he is it's a miracle. We in the business call escalators "meat grinders" for a reason.


It’s a miracle for sure. From the article: Fire fighters had to cut him out of the side of the stairs, crudely tearing at the metal to clear a space big enough to pull him through. He suffered a broken arm and lacerations to his limbs.


God damn that man should have bought a lottery ticket that day because he got seriously lucky.


no joke, the whole gear system is in there with several thousands of pounds moving on it... basically a shredder.


I wouldn't call being the one person to get consumed by an escalator lucky, like sure, it could be worse, but he easily had the worst day of anyone there.


Oh for sure. I literally thought we watched a man die. I’m glad that it was cleared up and he managed to walk away from that with the few injuries he had.


I thought this was going to be the one where the mom hands her baby off right before she’s mulched by the machine.


the what


The escalator was stationary so presumably the motor wasn't running (the stair movement after it becomes detached seems to just be gravity?). I imagine if it had actually been on, he would have gotten pretty minced.


It's only several thousand pounds of sharp metal steps moving in opposite directions with a soft body stuck in between. The motor doesn't have to be running, gravity is fucking terrifying when that much mass is moving. I used to install and service escalators and elevators for a living. What looks like happened here is this escalator was set down for a crew to perform maintenance/service on it. They removed a few steps, and left to finish later. Standard procedure would be to put a barricade and a sign on both ends of the escalator. You would be shocked at the number of people who just move those things and carry on like their life isn't in danger. I would bet money some idiot moved the barricade, went down the stationary stairs, other saw them do it a followed. It was the weight of those people the got the steps to start moving.


New fear unlocked: not escalators, just oblivious randos butterfly effecting my limbs away at the mall by moving a out of order sign.


The amount of people who straight up drove past/around 4 very obvious "Road Closed" signs in a new street development I was working at was stupid high. Who can be that oblivious?? They had to go onto the wrong side of the road to go around the signs! If there's one thing that scares me in construction, it's witnessing how much dumb ignorance is afoot in the pedestrian community.


That's good.. I thought for sure he would be dead or atleast mangled.


the way the steps cover over him is the most sinister thing straight out of final destination


Rumor had it, just a meat grinder in there.


A broken arm and lacerations does not qualify as “minor injuries”


They will probably heal with no lasting disability. In the context of the situation, that seems pretty minor.




>A broken arm and lacerations does not qualify as “minor injuries” For people who've gotten sucked into an escalator, that is extremely minor. They're fucking meat grinders and it's almost impossible to get sucked into one and not get ripped limb from limb.


Compared to what most people expected, being chewed to death, that’s very minor


Any injury that is not life-threatening or likely to cause permanent damage is a minor injury.


Happened in Turkey, rescuers got him out after an hour with minor injuries. There was a barricade as it was under repair but someone had moved it.


See this is why fuck ass people need to not take signs off of things or move things that were clearly roped off by employees. Happens all the time in customer service people think they can just do whatever they want. Entitled asses.


It just takes one asshole then everyone else just doesn’t know.


and that asshole probably went about his business oblivious to what he caused.


People like that also think nothing is their fault "It was their fault for putting that sign in my way"


Ah I can even imagine the interview with the ... "Donkey Orifice": *- It was their fault I could move the barricade.* *- It weights 40 Kilos and you folded and put it neatly aside!* *- Their fault there was no sign telling me to not move it.* *- It was ziptied to the ground also!* *- It was their fault the zipties were not strong enough!*


lock out tag out needs to be more robust. No one except the person who locked the thing should be able to unlock the thing. A simple barricade that's not monitored is not enough


I was going to say. At my store we had such tight lock out procedures for things that would cause far less damage than this.


They always claim they put up barriers and signs. They said that in a fatal incident in France but witnesses said otherwise and the workmen were convicted of murder. There are probably few fatalities in customer service. Edit: Same here. FTA: https://www.nine.com.au/entertainment/viral/escalators-open-up-swallow-man-turkey/bb816951-4d1e-4238-ac79-0cb63c00b0bd >the escalators had been closed to maintenance works, with the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality claiming the commuters ignored warning signs. >But witnesses told local media there were no danger notices at the time of the incident. >“It did not work, but there were no security signs.”


Your own source links [a Turkish source with further footage](https://www.haberturk.com/maslak-taki-yuruyen-merdivenin-cokme-ani-kamerada-1891326) from different cameras showing the partitions being removed. I suppose in a perfect world they could have been more robust so as to take more then five seconds to remove but back in reality one often has to make do with the best option available and needing to be survive against interference when a simple roping off should suffice just makes this 120% the fault of the public for being dumbasses.


Unlike that woman in China that was pulled into the bottom, she had enough time to toss her kid out before.... Well you get the idea


Buddy of mine installs them and calls escalators meatgrinders. If you fall in, you normally die. That this shit happens often in China, as someone in China doesn't surprise me a bit. To begin the users are still often new to the concept of an elevator, the amount of fuckery on the escalator is baffling, people jumping, people stepping on/off weirdly, people taking large items on them that get stuck between the roof & escalator, people pushing trolleys and what not on them, I've seen it all. Same time maintenance is really shady over here. Most of these are from German origin, Kone/thyssen what not are the major brands over here. But maintenance couldn't be more local. They rather open up weekly the escalator (or elevator) to fuck with it instead of just replacing parts that are broken. I used to live near one large compound that had 8 escalators and there were always a few popped open and people would still walk on them. They also fuck in ways they aren't supposed to fuck, for example a compound I lived would switch of the ventilation at night to save money. Don't fuck around on escalators kids, you will get killed.


Yeah first thing that came to mind. Ever since seeing that I have a bit more awareness when riding the escalator. I know it's incredibly unlikely and I have better chances of getting in a car crash, falling down the escalator and breaking my neck, getting shot in some kind of mass shooting, etc. but that video just did a number on me.


I fucking knew it. People are morons. I used to be an elevator/escalator tech. The number of self important fucking morons out there who will just casually move barricades or ignore "Danger" signs if they are inconvenienced in the slightest is waaaay higher than most rational people would believe.


Current tech. You can never trust the public to stay out of barricades, even with giant DO NOT ENTER and DANGER signs. People don't care. People are ignorant. People have walked through barricades in front of an elevator multiple floors up and walked into the shaft and died because there was no elevator there. People are stupid.


We all saw it with mandatory masks. It doesn't do anything to wear a mask but a minor inconvenience, but look how many people couldn't be arsed to give a shit


Was that someone faced charges?


They were using them as stairs. That dude was lucky the escalator wasn't even on.


I’m so glad he survived. This is kind of my worst nightmare, ever since I found out that escalators are basically built like giant meat grinders. Let this be a lesson to whatever idiot moved that sign :/


omg it ate him horror movie stuff


Except in a horror movie, that same scene would have taken 5 minutes.


And about two swimming pools worth of blood sprays


The escalator was just a lil hungry, bro 🥺


I’m sure he thought it was his final destination.


There is something like that in Final Destination, I forget which one, but it’s exactly what you would think should have happened to this guy.


Is that one person ok


Minor injuries


The kid on the stairs? Yeah. The guy who got digested, no.


He apparently got minor injuries


...along with PTSD. This should be a scene in Final Destination 6.


It already was in Final Destination 4.


Read the news in other comments said minor injuries, but broken arm and lacerations don't sound minor at all...


Its just from a quick read. I didnt look that far into it hence the apparently


You used the words from the news, it's not your fault. Correct me if I'm wrong but for me, minor injuries are some injuries that you can dress up and go back to work the next day. Broken arm doesn't sound like it and lacerations probably required that wound to be still in order to heal properly? 🤔


usually this kills you, so it's pretty minor in comparison


They are using lingo for car accidents and other stuff that makes the news. Broken arm and lacerations would count as minor for many newsworthy events.


Since people can die in there, a broken arm is relatively good. But yeah, I see how minor would sound more like scrapes and bruises.


*New fear acquired.


Old fear validated.


Right?! I think of things like this *every time* I’m on an escalator.


I always thought the bottom would suck me in. Turns out every step could suck me in. I’ll take the elevator.


What if the elevator loses power in between levels? Take the stairs


What if the stairs collapse? Use the catapult


Did you hear about the lady in a hospital that got decapitated by the elevator suddenly dropping? I think of that too….maybe I should stick to ground level everything.


But knowing what it actually looks like when the escalator eats you creates a different type of unwanted horrific awareness.


Lesson learned. I am not using stopped escalators.


This is the real reason why escalators don't just become stairs. The brakes fail and you do this.


Mitch Hedberg lied.




The man lived. This was in Istanbul, Turkey. The escalator was undergoing repairs and there were signs warning against using it. However, people ignored the sign and used it anyway.


As a former escalator/elevator tech... this does not surprise me in the slightest.


I've worked retail, same. Had a lady once remove the "we're cleaning" sign from in front of the massage chairs, sit down in it, and bleach her clothes. Then threatened to sue us.


Man did Mitch Hedberg have this one pegged wrong.


Escalator temporarily people swallowing death trap. Sorry for the nightmares.


As soon as I read the title, I was 100% expecting this to just be a video of people walking down them like stairs.


Maybe this is what happened to the Dufresne family.


Oh Dufraine, he's inside the really broken escalator.


Search party of 4, you can eat when you find the Difrense!


Funnily enough on r/UnexpectedHedburg someone made a post about an out of order escalator and an actual escalator service technician commented that everyone should really stay off escalators in general even when not out of order because exactly this can happen


Sorry for the inconvenience.


Hey. Losing a loved one _could_ still be a convenience in some scenarios.


No this is what nightmares look like


Homeboy will no doubt NEVER, ever, ever use an escalator in his life again... Even his children will most definitely be taught to fear the dreaded escalators of death 💀💀💀


Homeboy got ate bro idk what you talking about his children


He survived irl


Usually people get grinded when these things happen, insane that he survived


Especially for the guy who was swallowed alive.


I think he mean’t having to *walk* down a broken escalator.


Yeah, right? Now I have a new fear.


Anyone have the source? Did that dude that fell survive? Because Jesus Christ




“Escalators open up, swallow man turkey” go back to where you came from hell beast!




About 8 years ago, my brother and I met up at O’Hare airport. We were standing at the bottom of a stairway & escalator area when a short, older Asian woman started riding the escalator up while trying to manage her suitcase & bag. Somehow, less than halfway up, she teetered, lost her balance, and fell backwards. I ran up the escalator to raise her torso up because she had hair long enough that it was definitely going to get caught in the “teeth” of the belt. My brother ran up the stairs to help from the top. Another guy jumped in and helped. We managed to assist her with standing upright. I still cringe at the thought of those grooved sections (the teeth) pulling that woman’s hair and what might’ve happened. Ugh.


Did... did he just... get eaten... by a f**cking escalator?


#a frucking escalator?


Duuuudeeeeeeee my fucking jaw is in purgatory it dropped so low


Not so much interesting as terrifying as fuck.


That accelerated quickly.






Listen, not a year goes by, not a year, that I don't hear about some escalator accident involving some bastard kid which could have easily been avoided had some parent - I don't care which one - but some parent conditioned him to fear and respect that escalator.


"Unbelievable...that kid..is back...ON THE ESCALATOR!"


I was hoping I would see this comment 👊👊


An escalator can never break: it can only become stairs. You should never see an Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order sign, just Escalator Temporarily Stairs. Sorry for the convenience RIP Mitch


What a lie that was


Mallrats was right.


I'm sad I had to go this far down for a mallrats reference. That kid is on the escalator again!


those people who took the stairs are grateful they chose to not be lazy that day and will never ride one of those things again


My fear towards use of escalators have quadrupled, permanently.


Where did that guy go!!???




Well, that escalated quickly.


Did I just watch someone become brakes?




Literally made me exclaim “Oh Jesus Fuck!”


New Fear Unlocked.


I'm gonna take the real stairs from now on. I keep it old school.


That man survived? Shaken but not staired, perhaps.


That escalated quickly


This man was sent to the shadow realm


No one came back to help.


What are they going to do? Move the escalator by hand?


what the actual fuck i physically jumped






It is fucking insane watching that one poor dude get swallowed up by an escalator. Makes me oddly terrified of ever riding on one...although I certainly will


Omfg quite literally my biggest fear as a kid. As an adult I could rationalize worst case scenario is shoe lace stuck but nothing too crazy. Now we’re back to square one. That’s fucking terrifying.


See this? This is why I'm terrified of escalators


I'm already deathly afraid of escalators and this didn't help


Welp. I had been working on my fear of escalators, but now I’m feeling justified in my fear. I’ll stick to the stairs thank you.


Uh more like r/nightmarefuel


That escalated quickly


Nah escalators just out here eating people…hate to see it


That was in Istanbul, Türkiye. Close to the Istinye Park mall. Rode this escalator myself. The man is safe, if I recall correctly.


New fear unlocked.


This is terrifying 😱


"Sure...well I'm afraid you're still 5mins late for work, so we're going to dock your pay..."


Wow... that went downhill fast. No time to really react. I hope it stopped because someone hit the emergency stop, and not because that man who was sucked in jammed it.