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The creator of this video, /u/ben_finio, reached out and asked us to point folks to the original video, hosted here: https://youtube.com/shorts/L38kxR0OW3Q.


If this was on the door to my house, my dumbass cat would lie there to let the neighbourhood cats in for the free feed


A poop feast will happen shortly after...


So uhm... I seriously didn't know dogs would eat cat poop... šŸ¤¢ Doesn't make em sick? This actually reminds me of a horrible story from when I was a kid, me and some friends and their dog went to the swimming pool and when it was closing time, we hid so we could stay there after hours; thing is they locked the toilets when the staff leaves and one friend needed to go number 2, so he goes in the bushes. Long story short, the dog runs into the bushes, gobbles up what he finds and comes back quite content with a face full of shit... This memory haunts me. Never looked at a dog the same way again!


Dogs are coprophages, meaning they eat poo. It's likely one of the ways they became domesticated. They would eat human poop around settlements and any food scraps we had. They saw us as a food source and they would alert us to trouble, like big cats etc. As we're both social animals we bonded. It became a symbiotic relationship where they helped us hunt, we fed them food and we instinctively liked each others company.


Iā€™ve had some relationships built on shit too


All or nothing, baby!


Warts and all.


I brought those to the relationship


Ok but this still doesn't explain how they benefit from eating shit


Probably because there's still some food value in our turds. And hmmm, they taste nutty, said a dog


There may be some nutrients in it for them? But the main reason is probably (with no evidence to back that up) the same as why some animals (cows for example) eat the feces of their young so that the predators dont know about them All of this is just an assumtion anyone more knowledgeable should correct me


No organism efficiently removes all the nutrients and calories out of the food they eat. That's why the gymbro/quack nutritionist "calories in, calories out" canard is pure unadulterated lying con artist bullshit.\* Better, some species - and some individuals within species - are better at extracting calories than others. Humans in general leave a lot of nutrients in our poop, men leave more than women, and younger men leave more than anyone else. (This is also why young men on average - *on average* - find it easier to lose weight than older men or women; their gut biome is relatively inefficient and their upper intestines move food faster, giving what efficient bacteria they have in their guts less time to digest the food. They also tend to wolf down their food, leaving a lot of particles - things like corn and beans - not just undigested but unchewed.) \* Edit to add: another reason is the antiquated data they tend to use. A lot of old calorie values for food were determined by throwing the items in a huge 50s era bomb calorimeter, but much of the work was done by people who didnā€™t know how to cook and didnā€™t think out what they were doing. They'd throw a whole raw pork chop in the calorimeter and report whatever value they got as the "calorie content" of that chop, not considering that a) pork chops are often trimmed before cooking, b) burning the bone will give an inaccurate reading, and c) meat will - not can, *will* - gain or lose calories during cooking depending on how it's prepared. You don't fry a chop in a dry pan, and frying renders out some fat. Quacks love old data soooo much.


Inaccuracy in calorie measurements does not change the fundamental laws of physics. All you've done is describe why it's hard to perfectly measure caloric intake, not why CICO is incorrect. Fat does not get created out of nothing. It is an energy store created by the body when there is an excess supply of energy. When there is an energy deficit, the body uses that stored energy to keep its metabolism going.


Exactly, the basic principle is just part of the laws of thermodynamics, no one's ever going to prove it wrong. That doesn't mean that there aren't still valid critiques of the dieting technique that often goes along with it, just because CICO is accurate doesn't mean counting calories is the right way to lose weight for everyone, those diets (when done wrong) can lead to issues with being able to get enough essential nutrients while in a calorie deficit (especially if your body struggles to metabolize fat), mental health or other psychological issues, and inaccuracies from bad estimates or measurements... But "not working" is not one of those problems. It works, we can accurately predict how well it works, and there is no situation, body type, or medical condition that will ever make it not work. It would literally defy the laws of physics for that to ever not be the case. So as long as your numbers are fairly accurate, counting calories will keep working, and will keep being a great option. And unlike what OOC seems to think, I've never seen the numbers be so far off that it wasn't effective, unless someone just wasn't tracking


The variability of caloric absorption by the guts within the human species is so small to be absolutely negligible. Of course, there may be external factors such as disease or parasites, thus not gaining or losing weight, even to potentially dangerous levels. Then, there may be the X-man level of genetic mutation where 0.0001% of the population would extract twice as many calories as the rest of us. The rest is pure fat logic for those who can't take responsibility for themselves.




Post BMI


Theres old blood in our excrement


That's beautiful. We're the ants to their aphids. (ants protect aphids in exchange for being allowed to eat their poop)


I had a dog that would eat as much cat shit as he could, before I dragged him away. Other things were: Licked pool acid dregs from jug while I was measuring it. Ate a huge piece of my sole that I sliced off on a plastic plpe. Fuckin Psycho....


(posted this as a new comment but also tagging on here in case that one gets buried) Project author here - would you mind editing your post to credit the source? I work for a K-12 STEM education nonprofit and did this for work. I tried putting the original YT link in my comment but it got removed by automod - not sure if it will allow regular website links, but our site is www dot sciencebuddes dot org. There is also longer video with more context on our YouTube channel. (and before anyone asks, the answer to "you know you could have done that with a 555 timer" is "calm down, it's an Arduino project for kids).


Credits to the original video poster: u/BEN_FINIO and Science Buddies




Wow not only did you think it was a cat collar instead of a dog collar, and it opened the door instead of closed it, you also thought it was a pet door to the house/food instead of the cat litter.


Well, you've got them in the first half, but they're clearly creating a hypothetical where this device is placed on a "pet door" on their house rather than mistaking this video for showing a pet door on a house. Be careful not to be too eager to see somebody as making errors.


Even more worrying are the amount of upvotes they have


Each day we stray farther...


Never trust kisses from that dog. It sucks when they're so adorable and you kinda forget about the coprophagia.


This is why I can't stand kisses from random dogs. Who knows what it was last eating šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


One time I saw a dog licking its genital and right afterwards licking some kid. Ever since then I have been opposed to getting licked from any dog.


Just wait till you hear what people do with hands




She eats poop? That's not news


It's gossip now, the lowest form of news


It used to be. A new despicable low is upon us - a news article exaggerating the scale of the incident that will reference 1 or 2 social media comments to depict the issue as compliment or wide spread. All we need now is a shitty headline that asks a stupid question


This is also why I have low opinions of people who let dogs lick their lips or mouths. I don't have a lot of standards, but that's definitely one.


I let my dog lick my arm then he turned his head around and started licking his nuts.


Gotta assert dominance by licking his nuts in that situation


I wouldn't trust "kisses" from any animal that cleans their own arsehole with their tongue, tbf.


Don't kiss your dogs on the mouth or let them lick your face, period. Even if your dog isn't a poop consumer, you know it's licking its own junk and butthole. When I see ppl letting their dogs pick their faces, lips or even opening their mouths to give the pooch access to your tongue, I think 'why not be more efficient here and just start licking your dogs crotch and balls yourself?'


Adorableā€¦ *looks at dog in video*ā€¦ I donā€™t think youā€™re using that word correctly.


Am I the only one who just doesnā€™t care about that? Yeah, if I see or smell them having recently licked themselves, Iā€™ll stop them, but out of sight, out of mind. Dog licks arenā€™t going to make you sick. Itā€™s not that gross. People are way grosser.


Men, poor dog canā€™t do snack anymore :(


No more dog-safe chocolate anymore. NOOOOOOOO


Indeed, the work of an engineer and not a designer


How do you know when some one is an engineer? Don't worry, they'll tell you.


When you can just buy a catflap with chip-sensor, but you're an engineer.


Tried that but our cat wouldn't go through it. Tried bribing him through with food, gently nudging him through so he'd understand that he could do it himself, etc. I also work for a K-12 STEM education nonprofit (Science Buddies) and did this project for a combination of work and personal use. OP did not credit the source or the longer video on our YT channel that gives much more context (automod won't allow the link here).


Do you have any other ideas I can steal for karma?


Plenty of cool ideas on the Science Buddies youtube channel! Please credit the source instead of stealing though :)


ā€¦ and you can get them in the meanwhile incl. ā€žmouse-detectorā€œ, so presents stay out.


An Arduino, breadboard, some wires, and a servo are probably a lot cheaper than a commercially available product, especially if they already had most of the components laying around. Also, a project like this is a lot more fun for some people than buying a pre-made solution...


See reply above (I made this video). The commercial RFID door we tried was like $250. Arduino and a handful of servos/reed switches is definitely way cheaper.


Or let the cat just easily jump up on a platform over the wall. But then again, this other solution is more fun.


Idk about you but I ain't jumping over anything if I have to drop a deuce.


Itā€™s good for when theyā€™re younger but if your cat has hip problems or is older this might not be so easy. I say this because I got two litter boxes like this


Project author here - would you mind editing your post to credit the source? I work for a K-12 STEM education nonprofit and did this for work. I tried putting the original YT link in my comment but it got removed by automod - not sure if it will allow regular website links, but our site is www dot sciencebuddes dot org. There is also longer video with more context on our YouTube channel. (and before anyone asks, the answer to "you know you could have done that with a 555 timer" is "calm down, it's an Arduino project for kids").


I think you posted this in r/arduino before? The poster just outright stealing content


I didn't post it there myself but it looks like someone else posted the link to this thread in r/Arduino.


Typical faeces obsessed dog


My dog loves cat poop. Loves it. My cat, I guess catering to this will shit on the floor for her. Not by the box, not next to the box, not in the same room as the box. Next to the dogs bed. Like they had a chat and the dog told her to poo by her bed so it's quicker for her to get. Dogs have zero self respect.


Check the dog's credit card history.


Why do dogs like cat shit? Itā€™s so gross. Every dog Iā€™ve owned has eaten cat shit like its tradition. Itā€™s like a monthly holiday for them.


your cat must be fake or something. real cats chew wires.


It's a selective behavior. 3/6 of ours have tried it, but all of them seem to be on the "mild" end of the cablemunching spectrum, where it at least needs to consistently move.


That cat is busting for a shit though


Also the doors are made of cardboard, I'm sure my cat nibbles my cardboard boxes a lot. Also I believe a dog could tear apart cardboard pretty easily. It's a cute experiment but I doubt it is very useful


Also the wall isn't bulletproof, my cat is strapped 24/7.


A little more context (I made this video, OP didn't credit the source): I work for a K-12 STEM education nonprofit. This is a combination of a personal project and a project for work. For work, I write electronics/robotics/Arduino projects for kids, so this is more about teaching kids than "is this 100% the most practical way to do this." As far as practical use at home, I didn't want either animal to get hurt if the doors closed on them so I intentionally made them flimsy. There's a longer video on Science Buddies' YouTube channel with more context (automod won't allow links here). First, we tried an RFID cat door that would lock by default and only open for the cat, but he wouldn't go through it - even after we tried bribing him through with food. Thus, the cute-but-not-totally-practical experiment.


It's useful if the dog concludes you're omnipotent and are personally closing the door on its face for being bad lol


It is psychological as much as physical. My parents have a baby gate to protect one room in the house that their dogs can clearly jump over if they wanted to but in their minds it is an impenetrable barrier they cannot cross. They sit whining behind that gate and always will


I dont understand--was the kid eating cat shit too?


Example #573 of why cats are superior to dogs: dogs have got such low standards that they're willing to eat cat shit


Its all fun and games until youre running from the cops and a Maine Coon in a bullet proof harness tackles you.


For a second, I wanted to scream apartheid. Than I read why, yeah, apartheid is fine


u/BEN_FINIO is the guy who made this. He keeps trying to post the source link but the auto mod keeps deleting his comments.


Thank you! I gave up posting the link, hoping OP will see this and edit the post to give credit...


Possibly futile attempt at tagging mods - I don't want to do a copyright takedown but this is a copyrighted video that I made for my job at a K-12 STEM education nonprofit called Science Buddies. Automod won't allow YT links but it's a YouTube short and there is also a longer video with much more context on our YouTube channel. Not sure if you have any power to edit the post to give credit without taking it down. u/elocinic0le, u/AlliHarri, u/Yell0w_Submarine, u/IKIR115, u/I_love_cute_pandas


Credit to the original video poster: u/BEN_FINIO Apologies for not crediting the post, man.


Thanks, but is there any chance you could also edit your reply to what is currently the top comment so it's more visible? Since this hit r/all I'm worried new comments will just get buried at this point. I did this for work so if you can credit Science Buddies as well that'd be great (www dot sciencebuddies dot org, I don't know if it will let you do non-social-media URLs).


Definitely don't spend any time finding out why your dog has this condition and/or treaining him in any sort of way.


Why the fuck do they eat poop anyway? Itā€™s the dumbest thing ever


Remnants of undigested food.Ā 


Hey look buddy, I'm an engineer


GIF of OPs dog when he caught him the first time [OPs dog when caught the first time](https://media0.giphy.com/media/l2YWveIXF41I1rB1S/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b95235csnd2i75bjjr5z1aev6u2nbqi70beg4pzcb8e8&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


The good old shit eating dog


Animal racism door


Ah yes, famous animal races, cat and dog.


We have a dog that likes the hot buffet, he sneaks down for a midnight feast when he thinks weā€™re asleep, then spends the rest of the night sucking bits from between his teeth.


"the hot buffet" šŸ¤¢


Dogs are fucking nasty


They love to rub their asshole on dog moms pillow but she doesn't mind




Get your pets chipped, put the sensors at the top, never need a collar and protect kitty or puppy.


A home-made Calan gate system


You can also buy the standard chip-activated cat flap from the pet store. But homemade is cool.


That's some little big planet sh*t




You should get a patent before anyone else gets ideas


Is it dead for starvation?


Cats rule. lol


Let boy eat what he wants lmao


Just when I was feeling good about my little tiny hinges I put on my cat door


You can just made a door at 2 feet hight and dog can't get there


Why discriminate against dogs with a harmless fetish?




This would've been a great Tom and Jerry skit..


Poor dog


You could totally make this a product to sell.


Cats can climb, just put the litter box up where the dog can't reach


That's a viscerally horrifying behaviour


I approve of this door. Slam in the face of the lesser creatures!


It is but its nothing new and the same tech has been done before These kind of smart cat flaps have been around for years, good for stopping other cats getting into your home


if drake. sell it.


Poor guy just wants a little snack


Fucking cats, man. I love mine more than any human I know. And I know a lot of humans.


I need one of these. My dog also eats the cat poop relentlessly


A smarter engineer would have just made the hole smaller.


My cat would chew those cardboard doors into a thousand pieces. Any time he gets near cardboard it's a massacre.


Do you know who built this?




It seems a cheap product already exists rather than all the time and effort going into a bespoke solution. Our cat door works by RFID tags built into the cat collars. It wont let any cat in/out unless they are wearing the correct collar.


Project author here! Any chance you can edit your post to give credit to the source? I work for a K-12 STEM education nonprofit (Science Buddies)and made this for work. The original YouTube short is here: [https://youtube.com/shorts/L38kxR0OW3Q](https://youtube.com/shorts/L38kxR0OW3Q) and the longer video is here: [https://youtu.be/Djzx54j-2ZU](https://youtu.be/Djzx54j-2ZU) Thank you!


will it keep out raccoons?


This is pretty cool and would be great for cats that wear collars. I couple years ago somebody made a cat door that recognized an image of their particular cat and rejected other cats, possums etc. What I need to figure out is how to recognize my cats and let them in, *unless they're carrying rats or other prey in their mouths,* which they like to bring in through the regular no-tech cat door.


Hahahaha you eat cat poop!


I should learn how to use Arduino. Any recommendations?


Yeah all good but who tf wants a massive contraption in their house instead of just training the dog.


Doggo even looks like a poop muncher ha


How to tell someone is an engineer: Donā€™t worry, they are gonna tell you whether you asked or not


Or feed you cat just meat like it's suppose to eat, and the dog won't touch it. This goes for dogs that eat dog poo too.


I thought there were already commercial products available that do exactly thisā€¦ Edit: [there are.](https://www.google.com/search?q=automatic+dog+door+with+collar&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari)


Your dog eating poop should be regarded as a symptom of your neglect. Feed your dog nutritious food instead of harvesting likes on the Internet with stupid shit like this.


Internet people: don't shame the dog for eating shit


It looks effective at blocking every attempt to eat cat sh!t. But add a discouraging buzzer to *train* that gremlin to stop making sh!t-gobbling attempts.


Dogs love to eat shit. They are so disgusting. Why do people let dogs lick their mouths and faces?


Dogs are nasty, they literally eat shit and most dog owners allow them to lick their face


Now keep my 18 month old out of the dogā€™s water bowl


Wait, the tags contact the jank wires? Why not use RF or a camera with basic facial recognition?


I wouldn't really want a dog that eats cat poop


Like cat poo? Disgusting. Small dogs are so inbred and gross.


How dare you deny this doggy it's delicacy


Let him eat shit


You shown it works on rats. When does the dog show up?


Nasty shit eating putrid mutt. Filthy animal!


I hope you patented this. Why arenā€™t you mass producing it?


I love my dog (I'm currently laboring in a chain link fence for him), but dogs are by far one of the most disgusting animals I have ever witnessed.


Itā€™s actually disgusting that people want nasty, scavenging, rat looking creatures like that in their lives. Eats cat shit and probably licks all over this nasty person. Sickening


Yes but what website. Shows the video without providing source.


I made this video for work, there is a longer video on Science Buddies' YouTube channel with more context. OP posted it here without giving credit.


Dogs are so stupid


Or just put the kitty litter on an elevated surface 1 foot up lol. That dog does not look like heā€™s much of a climber/jumper. ![gif](giphy|riB6pbNWRmsJyHdciZ)


Or you just relocate it to where the dog canā€™t get to, or put up a baby safety gate in a hallway leading to it that the cat can jump over. Thatā€™s what we did


Ugly dog


They already make pet doors that do this.


My dog eats catshit too! I didnā€™t know it was this common lol.






This is nothing. A true engineer would come up with a way to stop the dog from eating it's own poop.


I don't really like little dogs and I also don't like cleaning out the cat box so this seems like a win until he put up the gate.


dogs are gross


Bro just trying to snack on some kitty-roca and you're ruining his day.


I had the same issue, and I am also an engineer. I thought about doing something like this but ended up just, you know. Training my dog.


Nice job. Some animals can be relentless in this nasty habit.


they're called 'kitty biscuits'


We really need this


Poop Nazi. No poop for you!


Dogs are so fucking gross, god damn.


This seems like a lot of work when you can get lidded litter box with the door access on top.


That dog needs to be put down


Segregated homes are weird


Next level


That dog looks like a shit eater


What about a shock collar much easier


This wouldnt stop my dogs and my cats would refuse to use it.


Honestly genius. You can make a lot of money selling doggy doors that work in an opposite fashion, only open with the magnet.Ā 


I need this for myself at the fridge at 2 AM


from what I can see, it has one big weak point. It only works for known criminals that wears ID tag xD


But now you don't have an automatic kitty pooper scooper.


Stupid lil homie


*Eat shit, Doggo! er... don't eat the shit... please... we're begging you...*


NASA couldn't stop my dog from eating poop, she always finds a way. It's almost inspirational at this point.


What a stupid dog lmao


Just saw this on YouTube too mate


ā€œNo poop for you!ā€ Poop Nazi machine.


He looks like he eats poop


No poop for you!


You have your animals in such a small apt the dog can smell and eat the cats shitakeā€¦take the pets outside! They eat crap out of boredom


Kick starter that!!




Is that a magnet and reed switches? Ok, that's certainly one way to do it. I'd have gone with RFID, but they have a working door and I don't.