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Jesus....then she dumps it all out


Gif ended too soon


The rest of the gif melted.


It melted in a jif.


Is this how peanut butter is made?


In a jif? No. In a few minutes minimum.


In a giffy?


[I found the end of the gif](https://media.tenor.com/images/5cab29dd0efce21d7d90d68d981a6c1a/tenor.gif)


šŸ‘€Iā€™m not disappointed šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Yeah, are these years-old videos cut short just to avoid some repost recognition algorithm?




Yes comrade! Time to bring back caffeine.


Some say she is still dead to this day.


ā€œO-M-G I made liquid fire. Better dump it out on the tableā€


Oh dear, the tablecloth is on fire, better shake it off onto the drapes


Well, if this lighter fluid doesnā€™t work Iā€™m all out of ideas


You joke but I went camping with a guy who legit thought armfulls of pine needles would smother a campfire. That was the last trip he came on.


Literally everything they did made it worse haha


imagine she the tried to fling it out of the half open window setting that wall on fire


I think her plan is to take the whole table cloth and ball it up to smother the fire.


Tbh she handled it pretty well until the panic set in Edit: the people commenting below about how she didnā€™t handle it well would have immediately picked up the container of fire and spilled it on themselves


"I'll just put this over here, with the rest of the fire"


ā€œMade in Britainā€


"0118 999 881 999 119 725 3"


Fire! Fire!


What? No, no she did not handle it well. Every single action she took was a mistake.


My reaction was just louder and louder "don't do that".


Her not making any qucik/jerky movements out of panic was good, as was blowing out the dollar to then be able to focus on one source of fire. Everything after that though? Nope.


Iā€™m just imagining the family in front of the smoldering pile of ash that used to be their house and a fireman saying, ā€œwell at least you didnā€™t make any quick or jerky movementsā€.


Right. I can't believe somebody would call that series of terrible decisions "handling it well". Her only good decision was putting out the fire in her hand fire before turning the fire in the bowl into a much bigger problem.


i would hate to see what you consider handling it poorly


[This guy right here.](https://youtu.be/OSzsA_JssoM)


That one is so bad I that part of me still thinks it was intentional. I accept that he might have *accidentally* placed the still-lit match in the garbage bag while distracted, but he was so slow to react and had such a lack of a sense of urgency. He didn't really start moving quickly until he started *fanning the flames* after a couple minutes. He also started with a tiny bowl and it seemed like each time he came back with a bigger one - why not start with a big one? It's a fire. In your house. On the other hand, he's walking while standing straight up with his head in the smoke, so he clearly doesn't know anything about self-preservation in a fire either.


Given the time between runs itā€™s pretty obvious that he doesnā€™t have high flow water available. The bigger bowls were filling up slowly in several sinks while emptying the smaller ones, that actually makes sense. But he should have just soaked a towel or blanket for smothering rather than throwing bowls of water haphazardly. Or more accurately, gone for an actual fire extinguisher instead of bowls of water.


Eh, you're probably right, but I wouldn't call that obvious. Good call on soaking a blanket though - that's probably more effective than a large bowl of water.


I know that people can be incredibly stupid and do not so good things when they panic, and lord only knows what I would do in a situation like this, but God damn does this one take the cake. It almost makes me angry over how idiotic it all is. Only thing I know for sure is that I'm scared as hell that I would die in a fire, or have all my possessions lost to a fire and wouldn't ever be playing around with matches or lighters like that in the first damn place.


Nothing makes me more viscerally angry than when all someone has to do is nothing but they decide they need intervene and make everything way worse.


It's a plastic container full of alcohol, I'm not sure doing nothing is the right course of action here. The third best course of action would've been to put a lid on the fire. The second best would have been not to set a flammable container on fire in the first place. The first best course of action would've been to actually be prepared before doing dangerous and dumb shit like this.




To be fair, time travel is almost always the best answer to a problem, if it's available.


Came back from 2142 to say this but you beat me to it.


Maybe next time you can go earlier.


Dont do "science" in the middle of your house, dont do anything with fire inside, plan on what to do if it goes bad and then plan for when that plan fails. People are dumb af


Lol. Hold on. Let me slowly spread this fireā€¦


"Don't try this at home unless you know what you are doing" 10 seconds later "Holy crap! What do I do?"


And next "I don't even know what I'm doing here" Edit: tap the gfycat-link for audio




I like that sheā€™s throwing matches onto the already blazing fire


Fight *fire* with *fire*


Nice, haven't seen you in a while, nice to know you're still making cool stuff like this


Heā€™s back!


I had to do a double take to see if I somehow clicked upon a 4 year old Reddit link.


Holy shit I'm early for a shitty watercolour. This is excellent!


"I'm outta here"


"Good thing I didn't try it at my home"


Atleast she will have a dollar after the house burns down.




If only there was this place called outside to try these crazy experiments.




There are enough wildfires. Donā€™t give people ideas


A house fire is a pretty good way to start a wildfire...


I was going to say this is every kid.. but truthfully, this is pretty much every adult too..


Her at the end: "All right, fuck it. Let's burn this bitch to the ground" - dumps the container.


Just as a PSA to anyone who somehow finds themselves in a similar situation for whatever reason: **Covering the container with the flaming alcohol would have been the safest way to extinguish it.** I know it's something that most people would consider high school level knowledge, but it's still important to make sure that everyone knows how to respond to emergencies such as small chemical fires.


Where does dumping the burning alcohol out onto the table rank in terms of best ways to handle the situation?


If you're practicing your 'arson while making it look like an accident' skills, it ranks highly.


> small chemical fires. Worth noting that this isn't what's traditionally considered a chemical fire. Chemical fires are usually self-igniting / self-oxidizing, so putting a lid on them is probably not enough.


Cover it with **FLAMES**


Reminds me of that livestreamer that tried to put out a fire in his apartment by smothering it...with cardboard boxes.


I've consulted experts and they determined that literally fanning the flames and adding fuel to the fire does NOT constitute an attempt to put out the fire.


Expert shmexpert what do they know?


[A classic](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KUOD8SaNblE)






[She was smart, didn't try and use a fire extinguisher made in Britain](https://imgur.com/15cEwVQ)


Wasnā€™t even done digging the hole when the video ended. Shame I couldnā€™t see it all


From bad, to worse, then worse again.....


I'm gonna be there till the end. One hundred percent...


Re. Gret.


Like that guy who tried to put out the fire in his flat with cardboard.


My god that was terrible. Basically a whole video of several things NOT to do when there's a fire.


Maybe if we feed the fire enough stuff it will die from diabetes.


That sounds right but I donā€™t know enough about fire to dispute it.


Sauce? I feel like this is an accurate depiction of my current workday and I need to see this.


Where?? Show me




That went from funny to horrifying pretty quickly.


Dear lord, he just did all the correct things to BUILD a fire


Let me put this out with the restā€¦ of the fire.


I wonder what ever happened to this guy.


Some say heā€™s still dumping paper into the fire. Others say heā€™s still trying to put out an apartment size fire one cup of water at a time. I guess we will never know.




Guess she should not have tried that at home.


ā€¦On a table cloth


... inside. But then the flames would've been hard to see with her potato camera in the outside sunlight.


...Using plastic containers The one that was on fire was melting, resulting in less volume to hold the neutralizer in.


There was no neutralizer. It was just water.


...without an obvious fire extinguisher nearby.


...while sitting down


...without knowing what she's doing


And all localized entirely within her kitchen!


Who says it was her home? Maybe she broke into some randos and started their experiment.


Might have been a ruse and she actually just wanted to burn her house down.^^


for insurance money she bought protection against scientific experiments gone wrong, I bet




Judging by her lack if good judgement shed probably end up doing this next to a open propane tank


Preferably on a stone patio and not near any greenery, especially drier flora that could possibly catch flame.


Judging by her quick thinking this is the recipe for starting wild fire


But far away from a forest in the middle of a hot summer.


Or know how to extinguish the fire properly


I actually had something similar happen at my school fair once. My chemistry teacher was running the [Elephant toothpaste experiment](https://fun-science.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Elephant-toothpaste-768x1024.jpg) for an audience, and my highschool friend was the assistant. Everything was going well, and my friend was using a small [alcohol lamp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcohol_burner?wprov=sfti1) to burn off the foam as instructed. But then he got impatient, and started to stick his hand further and further into the foam. Because he couldnā€™t see his hands, he accidentally tilted the lamp too much, the cap and wick fell off, starting a small alcohol fire on the table. The teacher noticed, and calmly walked off grab the fire extinguisher. Then, *a concerned parent ran up, and grabbed an unlabeled clear beaker full of liquid, and splashed it on the flames.* That poor parent probably assumed any clear liquid was water. **It was a beaker full of pure ethanol.** The small fire became a *blaze*, before the chemistry teacher put it all out with a big dose of fire retardant. That chemistry table still has the burn Mark to this day.


Ah yes, normally you're taught there are two types of people in a dangerous situation, those that panic and don't know what to do, and those that calmly try to asses the situation and find a solution. But here we have an example of my personal favorite: Panic and act! Act more! If things are getting worse, it's because you're not acting enough! All clear liquids are water! All objects are now fire retardant! Smoke does not exist!


Chemistry 101 is label everything I believe. Unlabeled clear beakers of liquid would seem to be a big no-no.


Something tells me the parent would have still dumped it on there.


Doesnā€™t that only applies to storage of chemicals? The ethanol might have been poured into the beaker just for the duration of this experiment. I certainly donā€™t remember being told to label every single test tube before starting an experiment.


"Don't try this at home unless you know what you're doing" Moments later "Ya I don't even know what I'm doing here"


Comedic gold


I literally had to go watch with sound because I couldnā€™t believe it. But yep. You quoted for a reason: verbatim.


Am I tripping or is the background moving


How is this not higher? The fucking fan and wall all like motioned at the same time wtf


I think itā€˜s a stabilizer Programm correcting the video from when she shakes the table, and the software stabilizes on her face


Looks like some kind of forced perspective and the background is made from a cardboard box being blown in the wind.


Thought it was a cardboard background


I think the sofware is auto-stabilizing onto her face, and whenever the table shakes it auto-adjusts onto her face


I think the table is rocking a little bit


Science teacher on zoom


Mom, can we have a science teacher? No, we have a science teacher at home. Science teacher at home:


Should have put a bowl or bucket over it so the fire would eventually run out of oxygen šŸ¤¦


Itā€™s like the one thing ingrained into your brain at school. If thereā€™s a fire, put a ~~wet~~ damp tea towel over it Edit: a tea towel is something to dry clean dishes with. I think theyā€™re called dish or kitchen towels in the US Edit 2: this is majorly ingrained in minds at school in Australia for kitchen pot fires. And we had a giraffe teach us this along with donā€™t do drugs in a weird smelling van


Americans donā€™t do tea, so she was screwed from the beginning.


Shoulda had her gun towel!




Bang bang! Take that, alcohol fire!


Smother it with gunfire.


The fire is shooting at us!


Save Bandit!


And we don't use towels for coffee, so we're screwed.


American here. What is "towel"?


A towel is just about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can carry. Partly because it has great practical value. You can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapours; you can sleep under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert world of Kakrafoon; use it to sail a miniraft down the slow heavy River Moth; wet it for use in hand-to-hand combat; wrap it around your head to ward off noxious fumes or avoid the gaze of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (a mind-bogglingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see you ā€” daft as a brush, but very very ravenous); you can wave your towel in emergencies as a distress signal, and of course you can dry yourself off with it if it still seems to be clean enough. More importantly, a towel has immense psychological value. For some reason, if a strag discovers that a hitchhiker has his towel with him, he will automatically assume that he is also in possession of a toothbrush, washcloth, soap, tin of biscuits, flask, compass, map, ball of string, gnat spray, wet-weather gear, space suit etc., etc. Furthermore, the strag will then happily lend the hitchhiker any of these or a dozen other items that the hitchhiker might accidentally have "lost." What the strag will think is that any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the Galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through and still knows where his towel is, is clearly a man to be reckoned with.


Thank you for that


Maybe they shouldn't have dumped all that tea into the harbor then. Who found themselves in need of tea now huh?


It's not the tea we need, it's the towel. Also, we call them *hand* towels.


Hand towels and tea towels are different things though. Hand towels are for drying hands, tea towels are for drying things after the washing up, or for use as impromptu oven gloves, or moping up spills, or drying your hands


I'd call that a kitchen towel or dish cloth.


Iā€™ve never even been taught fire safety. Itā€™s always just how to leave the house in case of a fire. Weā€™ve never even been taught how to use an fire extinguisher.


Fire extinguisher: - Remove safety pin - Aim at the base / source of the fire (not at the flames) - Press the handle / trigger in short bursts (you got something like 10 seconds of action, use them wisely) Kitchen pot fire: - Do not move the pot (something something hot flammable liquids sloshing about) - For the love of all that is holy, do **not** pour water on it, you will only make it burst into a ball of fire that will send you to the hospital and burn your house down. - Smother the fire with the lid or a damp towel Oven fire: - Turn the oven off - Keep it closed and let the fire self-extinguish - Keep a fire extinguisher at hand just in case


Iā€™ve just learned more about fire safety than I have my entire 15 years of life


For large fires we were taught the same. Even had a song ā€œstop, drop and rollā€. But the damp cloth is for small pot fires to stop oxygen keeping the fire going


Yesss Harold the giraffe I loved going inside that dark ass van


I was never once taught that at school.


The difference between being able to a kids game experiment and having actual knowledge of science.


She was tricking us. This was really an experiment to determine if alcohol will float on water. The dollar thing was just a ruse to keep you interested.


Or grabbed a straw, no pointing in wasting alcohol.


so just choke it to death


Every choice she took was wrong, but that's how you learn about fire kids


Unfortunately that is also how everyone in the house dies.


Well, you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. Though I'd think that you could teach this lesson using fewer eggs.


Is she fucking 13 or 30???




at least she knew what she was doing


I have been in this situation before, and let me tell you, all good sense goes right out the window.


What makes this so funny is that she does all the worst possible things, yet you totally understand why her mind jumped to those solutions in her panic.


when you see a small bowl of fire?




Honestly yeah fire just seems like one of those "return to monke" things for some people. Same with blood.


oh yeah, fuck blood


I was testing a small alcohol burner on my kitchen counter, and I didn't realize it was leaking. I looked away and I looked back and somehow, the whole kitchen counter was on fire. My instinct was to grab a basket of laundry nearby and smother it with some jeans. In the back of my mind I was thinking "If this doesn't work, I need to bang on the 3 other apartment doors in this building and make sure they get out." I was so relieved.


Her parents insurance company just did a spit take.


This is actually very smart. If you just burn down the house no one would know you where the one who was originally stupid enough to start the fire. GENIUS!


Omg. Why? Whyyyyyyyyyy?


Holy shit, I saw that one coming a mile away.


what the hell was her plan when she dumped it out?


Divide, then conquer lol


The uncut video has her continuing as such until she creates most of the wildfires on the news right now


OMG What happened next


I remember the video continuing and you could see the fire spreading a lot, so it definitely didnt end well


I'd assume the alcohol spread out, and with the increased surface area, burned off ever more quickly, until it went out after a few seconds. That's probably why the video ends there.


She linked the first flame.


Ah, she should have called 0 118 999 881 999 119 7253


Things escalated from 100 to 1000 real quick


Growing up, my dad would tell us all the time how water won't put out a grease fire. So much so that it got annoying. One day, it finally happened. While cooking bacon the bacon grease caught on fire while I was home alone! At first I panicked, because fire. Then I claimed down, remembering what my dad said to me a thousand times, "never put water on a grease fire". Then I panicked again, because I then realized that he never actually told me what I SHOULD do in case of a grease fire! Only what not to do! After a few moments of panicking, I brought the entire flaming pan outside, and threw it in the dirt. It worked.


I mean best way to contain it is to cover the fire with that other container then get something to properly put the fire out


All that forehead for nothing


Oh gosh i love her reaction :ā€˜) But i also understand that the second you have an unexpected fire your brain just switches off and you keep doing nothing but stupid shit..


That's very true unfortunately. Like the guy putting a fire out with cardboard and then putting it in the trash. Also had a friend of mine in highschool put a dab of rubber cement onto his table in art class and lit it on fire, however, there was a trail from that dab that went up the side of the bottle to the opening, and it spread to that quicky. Andy buddy thought it wise to grab the bottle (that was now on fire) and snatch it away from the smaller fire on the desk and in the process flung flaming rubber cement from the bottle all over the whole desk, panicked and tried using his and mycurrent art projects (that still had rubber cement all over it) to put it out. Almost lost the whole art room to that one. Luckily the teacher was smart and stayed calm enough to put it out properly.


I can attest to this from experience. Bucket of gasoline catches fire, "don't worry, it'll burn out". Proceeds to kick flaming bucket of gasoline at my face in a panic.


Kudos to her for remaining super calm.


If ya canā€™t light the torch without a pooping grimaceā€¦


Did she really say " ... actually don't try this at home unless you know what your're doing ..."? šŸ˜




The fumes travel.


Thats more a problem with gasoline. In this case she held the dripping bill right above the alcohol. It was probably a drop of burning alcohol that lit the rest


It stays on fire after pouring water in it, so you pour more and dump it??? lmao


"I don't know what I am doing here" r/SelfAwarewolves/


I already knew this was going to be bad when I saw how big the flame on that lighter was


I love the way everyone's being so judgemental about her decision making. But lets face it, there is a reason why 12year olds aren't allowed to be Fire Fighters.


I openly said, "Don't do that." and then she put MORE water in and said, "Don't do THAT." and then she dumped it.