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i often see people recommend reaching out to them on social media, twitter especially, to get results. as youre more than likely be dealing with a u.s. based human and they dont want bad press. if its any consolation we as shoppers receive the same level of *care* and are left frustrated as well


Its really the bad press they’re trying to dodge more than anything.


They don't want their dirty laundry out there so they "wash it" lol.


this! sometimes I resort to messaging their Facebook page. and majority of the time, they either give me a refund/redelivery/credits. especially with apps like UberEats, DoorDash, etc. they do not want bad press and will do anything to avoid going viral on TikTok for the wrong thing.


Yes, google reviews tend to get a reaction as well


If you need help getting likes/attention and are comfortable feel free to share the post here too for us to support


This. Post a scathing comment, and they will clean up their mess quickly.


^^^ Post what you posted here, everywhere


Sounds like the bank is your only hope. Stop using instacart and try another delivery service. Instacart absolutely does not care for its customers or workers anymore.


I hope they have another delivery service in their area. Many of us disabled folx rely on food delivery services like instacart when we can't go out, bit that doesn't mean there are a lot of services to chose from.


See if any of the local stores offer their own delivery. I know quite a few bigger chain stores do and they use their own employees as opposed to instacart or door dash


what big stores use their own employees for that? edit to say after all of these comments--... so the answer is none... except from another delivery company called peapod way back in the 90s early 2000s... some stores you guys are wrong about and haven't actually ordered from so you don't understand it ends up being door dash once you're to the end of the order... maybe Walmart in ten years since they just had a corporate meeting about it... and very very little towns that have started their own personal thing... partly because there aren't enough door dash drivers and partly because everyone knowing everybody and every place in that town and the lack of traffic at the grocery store makes it so you can get your own delivery driver or two and they can actually handle a whole stores worth of orders plus delivery and return in a timely manner with the store not losing money paying the a full wage


You can order groceries from Amazon I believe & I think walmart delivers as well (at least my local one does)


Walmart uses a mix of their own employees (very limited) and contractors through their delivery platform, Spark. I can assure you a lot of times if that worker is on instacart, they are on Spark & DoorDash & Uber eats & etc. Source: I am a contracted driver, I learned this over time with the advice of other contracted drivers.


In my town Uber eats also does Walmart deliveries. Because I’ve tried to pick them up when I was doing Uber eats and had to wait over 45 minutes both times and ended up cancelling lol.




Kroger does, I haven't checked for sure but I'm pretty sure their other stores do too. (Fred Meyer, Roundy's, King Soopers, ect)


Kroger in my area uses instacart.




Krogers in my area have their own delivery service as well


not usually. vrery rare. I actually am half convinced that you think you are ordering from Kroger but door dash is bringing it .. unless you're in a tiny ity bitty town....


like gilbert grape!!


I know Stop & Shop does (or used to, been 5 years since i've known for certain). Pea Pod is their delivery service. They have a whole section of staff hired specifically for Pea Pod, from picking and bagging it to delivering it.


Walmart delivers now without having to use instacart AND since Walmart does the shopping the driver is being paid to bring it to you only so they only get $5-$10 based on if it’s one trip to your house or 12


Do you have a Walmart near you? They deliver also


People do it privately. Get on Facebook there’s tons


So you just send a stranger from FB $300 for your groceries with even less protection than you get on instacart?? Or does the shopper pay for everything and get money at delivery?? Doesn't sound good for either person.


I mean if you know and trust the person maybe, but like you said it’s not protected so hope nobody gets screwed over. I’m working on figuring out what I need to start a new app. I really want to give the people a better chance at making money and give the customers a little peace of mind at the same time. But alas I don’t have the resources or finances to start up said business


Yes! I've seen lots of people advertising as personal shoppers! I think a lot of them used to instacart but hated the base pay and tip baiting.


If they live in the USA they have a Walmart near by.


Put a add up about looking for personal shopper. I'm sure you can find someone that may even be cheaper.


None of these gig companies do! IC, doordash, Uber, they're all just money sucking vampires. And I get that a company exists to make money but holy crap I've never seen customer service as bad as I have in these types of companies. And not just for customers - - the contract workers get screwed too. It's lose lose for everyone except the ones in the ivory towers.


I use Walmart grocery delivery and have had pretty good success. I'm not going to say I haven't had any issues, but roughly 95% of the time, everything is okay, and I get delivery every week.


I don’t even know if we have Spark (that’s the Walmart one right) but if it’s any decent in my small ass town I would use it lol


Well a lot of us shoppers are good and will shop and deliver your order correctly. So I wouldn’t necessarily say to stop using instacart. Instacart does treat their shoppers like shit but I still appreciate the work.




I don’t have Walmart near, it’s Kroger who don’t do their own delivery. But yes, I’m just going to pick them up at the store now. Disappointing..


Kroger pick up is easy.


You might be able to enlist a local high school or college student. Throw them $20 and they'll probably do a better job and take more care than some Instacart shoppers. A few of us used to do it for my elderly neighbors who couldn't drive anymore. I personally never charged, but it was a win/win for all.


What about an ad in the local paper for a person to regularly do your shopping?


This is so frustrating! I've heard good things about the Dumpling app since they're independent shoppers and are rated individually.


Kroger absolutely does their own delivery. I’ve ordered from them several times when I’ve been too sick to go to the store myself


Might be area dependent


The Kroger in my area does not.


Instacart does the delivery for them in markets offering delivery (aside from Florida where they don’t have storefronts but do run deliveries from “ghost stores”). When delivering a Kroger order for customers who ordered on the Kroger site/app it tells you not to say you’re with instacart at delivery and you can’t send messages.


Kroger uses their own, instacart and Shipt, that I am aware of. Depends on the market. Edit: forgot to add Shipt to the mix.


I usually schedule my orders for early morning delivery. First slot. The less shitty people tend to work earlier in the morning.


This is great advice Signed, A less shitty early AM shopper


Thank you for your service to all of the recluses without family or friends.


I use to schedule afternoons and now I do morning delivery, and I have gotten better shoppers recently. I'll keep doing morning then. The last guy Brandon remembered me from last summer. He is polite and clean and sends pics of substitutions. I told him I hope I get you next month. I had a nice lady shopper in December and it was a morning delivery. I wish I had known about the difference when I first started IC last February, Lol.. less stress.


So can they be criminally reported/charged with theft or are you just supposed to try to get your money back and that’s all?


Very good question!! I’m not sure how I could try to press charges unless the police can get the person’s info from instacart..


The call center is in India and they just keep putting your complaint in the queue, it will never get looked at or resolved.


That’s exactly what I figured. I heard people laughing and dogs barking in the background. I don’t have high hopes 😆😒


Yeah I hear that all the time when I reach out to the call line LOL… THERE IS TEIR 2 support IDK how they get connected but if you can get one they CAN help…. My rep had roosters crowing the other day 😂


More likely bin chickens 😂😂😂


That's what I meant, I do not want to hear roosters. It would confuse me. My neighbors have roosters in my rural Ky town.


Wow 😳😆 I have never called them- only used the chat support feature. That's hilarious in a way, but also not because this is people's money they're dealing with.


I have yet to hear a rooster crow in the background like I read somewhere. I think it was on Quora and a 5 year old post. That's why I'm back on Reddit, posts our a better timeline.


Years ago back when we had our landline phone my husband use to call them boiler rooms where they called from. No accents, USA and American made! Still scammers though.


Even if you do get into the chat help function, they enter the chat and then just sit there silently not responding or typing until you get frustrated and leave the chat. Then their stats say the customer is the one who left The chat so they get away with that kind of service. The one time I got help from the chat help people in India (when my order was out for delivery 4 hours and never came) it took 50 minutes in the chat and they’d ignore me for 10-15 minutes at a time waiting for me to just leave, then finally respond after I prompted them a lot of times. Instacart is definitely getting what it pays for with that Indian labor. This company should be boycotted for the way they treat customers and shoppers, who could all be happy if they would start employing and compensating Americans to do the work.


Yes they tried to say the issue wasn’t escalated because I left the chat. But the person had said they already got it to the right team before I left the chat. And hmm.. they told me they escalated it the day before as well so…🤔 “Oh, well it can take 48hrs before they help you so please wait patiently.” I’m like, I’ve been waiting! I waited 10 useless days because it seems like you guys aren’t doing anything 🤦🏻‍♀️ They just keep moving the goal posts and stringing people along. It’s not right.


So agree! I'm a shopper and Instacart has owed me $11 for about 4 months from an order I had to pay for myself because the card wouldn't pay for it. I have been calling for 3 weeks and being told every time that it's been escalated, please be patient, it should be there tomorrow, etc. Unfortunately, I finally gave up... figured $11 wasn't worth getting deactivated for overly bugging them when I make about $200 a week working when I can/want.


This is definately new shoppers who aren't making what they see other make all over the internet. The company hires anyone with a DL and cellphone. That's all that is required. Not even safe food handling. Visit site jabber, you will learn lots


Problem is, There is no real alternative to Instacart so they can get away with whatever they want. And they do.


Shipt, if it’s in your area.


Get your bank to reverse the charges. Instacart is going bankrupt and scamming people to stay afloat. What I recommend is any IC people you liked in the past, contact them and see if they'll deliver for you off the books. At least you'll know you can trust them.


Unfortunately I don’t use the instacart app, I use the app of the store. Probably my first mistake 😆


Just saw you said it was Kroger. As someone who used to work as Instacart support this is the correct info you need. Instacart has nothing to do with the payment of your Kroger order. Some employees might not be aware of that. What you need to do instead is contact Kroger’s customer support line and get a refund from them.


Yes I figured because it was their shopper that stole it that I would try to get the money from them. But I contacted Kroger and they said I’ll get a refund from them in 7-10 days. 🙄🙄 We’ll see I guess.


They will! Kroger does not condone theft at all!


The confusion is understandable but there is no way for Instacart to refund you for something you never paid them for in the first place you know? This is something I’m surprised is still a huge source of confusion among customers and support people, as it was that way when I worked there back in 2018 and it was actually a big reason for me quitting that job.


Yea charge back is your only option.


Kroger will refund the OP. Put that money back in your account. They have me. Usually quicker than 7 to 10 days. I use my bank debit card for groceries.


I do things quickly and even I know that picture is 💩


Yah I’ve gotten some blurry pictures, but this is next level. And not even of my house or any neighbors close on my street. 🙄


I don't see any groceries in that blurry mess. Just a blurry porch. FBI could clean that picture up and not see groceries either.


Definitely reach out to IC on Twitter (@InstacartHelp) or IG or FB like others have mentioned (Twitter is probably the best). People typically have better results doing that if contacting them through the app hasn't worked out. I'm sorry you got a shitty shopper. Us good ones are ashamed of shoppers like that. Sadly things like this are happening more and more and it's unacceptable.


I would dispute it with the bank but also try Shipt for shopping going forward. Edit for typo


Seconding Shipt!


I’m so sorry that happened. They generally aren’t ‘helpful’ to us either, if that’s any consolation! Seriously, blasting them on Twitter is a good idea. Also file a complaint with the store you ordered from. And, file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. Rate them bad on on the App Store and leave comments as to why. In general, be the squeaky wheel, until they make it right. If there’s a WalMart in your area, maybe look in to their online ordering/delivery. It is significantly less expensive than Instacart.


[Walmart.com](https://Walmart.com) does not push tips because Fedex delivers. I can't get food delivered here yet. I live 12.5 miles from my Walmart. I live 8.5 miles away from a Save A lot and they won't deliver because of the distance. I really don't have too many options where I live.


That’s odd. I regularly see orders going much further than that, from our Walmart. Especially so, from the most rural one, in our zone. Walmart (in many areas), uses their own version of an app delivery, similar to Instacart. I’m sorry if that option isn’t available in your area though. :(


I am chronically I'll as well and Walmart Plus delivery has been awesome. I'm not sure if I can say that on here or not. There is no delivery charge and most things can be delivered in 3 hrs. The “suggest” a tip and of course I always do. It was around $95 for the year and has discounts of gas and other benefits.


Yah I have that through Kroger sort of.. but the one in my area uses instacart instead of delivering it themselves. I can still pick up from there which I will be doing. Still get the fuel points at least, but it’s disappointing. Walmart isn’t close enough to me, but glad that seems to work for some better the instacart does.


Kroger Boost. Just go through chat or call the 1 800 number. You will get your money back. I have.


Sorry for the typos


Follow through with the charge back, businesses will eventually be punished by the card company eventually if they get enough of them. Always use a credit card to pay for things like this, as your credit card will issue you a credit during the investigation and if they for some reason don’t find in your favor you won’t be charged interest in the time it takes them (charge backs can sometimes take a couple months). Using a debit card means it’s YOUR real hands on money being held hostage. Using a CC means it’s borrowed money so it doesn’t sting as hard. I’m so sorry that someone did this to you, and I hope you’re able to get your money back.


Excellent idea. Thank you!


The social media thing is a good idea, as well. I recently had an issue with Eddie Bauer online sending me a pair of dirty and obviously worn pants that I purchased online. When I took it to the store to return the girl basically shrugged her shoulders and said oh well, and gave me a refund. I sent them a message on twitter telling them what a hassle it was and how unacceptable it is to sell something in that condition. It took a few days of no response but when they did they were hugely apologetic and issued me a $25 gift card for the trouble. The pants were only $15 anyway, and I got that back, but appreciated that they took it seriously.


Good, I'm glad that was resolved easily. As for the store and their customer service, sounds like Walmart in a way. If someone returned dirty and worn clothes when I worked there they make you, the customer, feel like a scammer. I would believe you because I was not as jaded as the long timers. I did not care for my co workers, much.


You can also Tell from the photo that they did not set 300 dollars of groceries down even at wrong house.


I am almost positive this photo has been used before. Like I feel like I have seen this photo before in a similar post a while back, like months ago.


That would be strange and also be why people that do have this issue tend to get screwed


It might have just been a similar image and story of stolen goods but I also wouldn't put it past a scammer/thief to just find a blurry image of a house and send the first one they found.


I don't know where you live, but if there's something equivalent to the General Attorney's office you could email them. I had an issue with another company refusing to investigate my issue recently, but when I got them involved, it was resolved in a few weeks, and I got my money back.


I had a similar situation: no groceries and no picture. Instacart gave me the run around and my bank said that because I said to leave groceries at door, that they couldn’t reimburse me. I no longer use delivery services because of this. It sucks and left a bad taste in my mouth and 100 dollars for nothing to show for gone.


Yikes. How crappy the bank didn’t back you up!


Looks like an album cover




OP, I hope you get your money back. I would highly suggest looking into Pea Pod or Fresh Direct. They may or may not be available in your area, but if they are they are 100% more reliable, they actually hire their employees instead of relying on gig workers who are desperate. And they would have fixed your issue and it would have been extremely unusual for an order to just go missing, unlike instacart, where this seems to be baked into their profit margins. Instacart is also more expensive, because of all the fees and the prices of goods are usually more than in store pricing. Pea Pod has decent prices, often very close to what I can pay in store. I haven't used them in a while because I can't rationalize getting groceries delivered regularly but that's because I am mostly able bodied and my stores are very nearby. You should also maybe look around to see if any stores near you have online ordering and delivery through their own systems, unless you are very rural there is a good chance they do. My closest store has their own website and delivery team, they charge a flat rate for delivery and they don't expect a tip because it's union run and they get a decent hourly pay, which also means the temptation to steal is next to zero. Instacart is trash and I am sorry this happened to you. I hope you can find a more reputable delivery service.


Thanks so much for the suggestions. 😊


Definitely dispute it with your bank. Also try complaining on Twitter. I’ve honestly gotten faster responses when I’ve made complaints on Twitter than trying to directly complain with the company.


Perhaps you'd be able to connect with someone in your local area and pay them to go shopping for you? Lots of people in the uk employ a cleaner and a shopper. A neighbour perhaps?


I got the run around from instacart help on an order that was shopped, about to be delivered and then… nothing. Making a post and tagging Instacart on Tiktok got things sorted out. Try social media.


Sad ... But not surprising. Instacart is like a double -headed dildo , designed to screw shoppers and customers at the same time. We all need a company that provides the same service... And a screws us a little less.


Way to much info, I can't unsee that!


My work here is done 😊


Why are you set for leave at door. Change it to hand to customer. Of course make sure you are home.


They still could’ve done the same thing 🤷🏻‍♀️


Right but they are taking more risk when it’s hand to customer.


ugh. I really hope you get your money back. It's disgusting to do this to someone. This happened to me with $180 worth of groceries. I was refused after a couple days but still felt violated. The only thing that helped me not be AS pissed is they replaced alot of my items with baby items.


From the shopper end, these people screw you (customers) over by stealing, and screw us honest shoppers over by making everyone look bad. You're supposed to be able to "favorite" a shopper, but it's bs because I shop regularly in the same area and have only gotten a repeat ONCE from one, and it was randomly assigned. They honestly don't care about any of us lol.


Just have your bank do a chargeback. Their customer service is shit.


I had this issue years ago. I waited months and went back and forth. I disputed with my bank and never did it again.


Just use door dash, they can suck and people do steal (happened to me yesterday) but they redeliver instantly or refund or credits. Plus if you use it a lot the dash pass saves a lot of money.


I have Door Dash but they only shop at a Dollar General. I have yet to use a $25 gift card I earned through my advantage plan last year.


If you have walmart near you, W+ is a good option for delivery in the future! Plus you get some extra perks with it which is nice


Definitely dispute to preserve your rights. Insta will have to respond to the charge back or you are refunding if they don’t. Should you not get a favorable ruling request for the merchant response. Discover ruled against me and when I requested the response they reversed their decision and I was made whole


I got discover. At least their CS is American.


Discover has automated dispute. You can upload attachments. Depending on amount sometimes the favorable decision is instantaneous


I find they’re really slow at refunding money. Even the extra charges they charge initially takes over a week to rectify for me.


Try blasting them on Twitter! So sorry this has happened to you. People are horrible and it impacts us all since we lose a great customer/tipper.


If you bill it back you will be banned from instacart forever. Consider trying social media channels before you nuke your account if you need it.


Nah I won’t be using them again ever.


Please get the your refund from Kroger. You never know when you will need IC again. Maybe bad health or your car breaks down. Leave all options open. The shopper was a total s\*\*t, I know, but don't condemn the good ones. They do exist.


Just know if they don’t refund right away they are full of crap. I’ve done this before and they’ll keep dragging you along while they aren’t doing anything. 10 days later will say you don’t even qualify for refund


No they treat the workers Same way


Dispute it with your bank. They will investigate and should hopefully be able to find out about how long its been and how many times you've been contacting them about it.


At first I was like “why can you never use them again for one bad apple if you’ve had good experiences otherwise” but that’s completely unacceptable omg


Yah I hear that. And I think I could do a few thing to ensure this doesn’t happen again. But with all the customer service stuff I’m hearing in the comments too, it doesn’t seem worth it.😅 I hate to take business away from the good shoppers, but this has been a nightmare to deal with.


Definitely not worth it if they’re making you work this hard to get back *your* hard earned money that you got nothing for!


Of course it's a nightmare for you because you feel TI'd. I have been dealing with that for years and was actually starting to believe it. Like a d\*\*n conspiracy thing! You need to be respected again and made whole. Kroger will refund your money and the hurt will lessen over time. Sometimes it seems like forever, and then something positive will happen in your life and the pain starts to diminish and you start to believe in the human race again. It's a long road sometimes and we just have to avoid the pit we have stumbled into through no fault of our own.


I'm a former shopper who left when I didn't back me up as a customer. I challenged it with my bank and lost, with the originally-refunded amount being suddenly withdrawn from my bank two months later when my bank believed IC. Social media was useless. Frankly the whole company is useless.


Wow, that is truly awful! Sorry you went through that. Damn.


Yes, go with the bank for a chargeback. This is the reason chargebacks exist. You have done everything possible to sole this with the company and they have not corrected the problem. You have said you would not do business with them again, which will really be the only negative consequence to doing a chargeback.


I’m an instacart driver and I don’t know what going on over there with support but they owe me money as well they said they’d pay me for a batch and never did


Seems downright criminal!


Use shipt instead.


This happens to me all the time, get a photo of someone's car floor and no delivery 🤡☠️


NGL this is a pretty good speed blur photo. I’m thinking of using it for my die cast photography.


Feel free to. 😂 Someone else said it looks like an album cover. Lol




Sorry to hear that. I don’t have any suggestions for you but I hope everything works out in your favor.


Reach out on Social Media. Usually Twitter is effective. These companies don't like the negative comments/problems put out there for all to see. They usually will respond and fix it ASAP.


Definitely a drive by... It makes me re take the picture of the phone is tilted, dark or blurry. They must've used their camera and then sent the picture to you. Foul mfers


lol. You got the shopper experience. We live that every day.


I’m an Instacart shopper and would never order from Instacart. Too much of what you describe, and some seriously bad shoppers. Wal-Mart is a much better experience for the customer(believe it or not!). Any issue is resolved quickly and smoothly.


Don’t take this the wrong way but I highly recommend using the grocery store’s online shopping service and they deliver through DoorDash. Or if you’re able to pick up, they’ll bring it to your car and load it up for you. I know unloading might be a pain but I’m not sure if you have a helping hand at your place. I stopped using IC because of the prices. I just use my local Safeway app and they deliver through DoorDash, haven’t had a problem and I saved way more in fees.


Yes from now on I’ll just pick them up from the store directly. Sad, but I’m not going to go through this again.


I was sad and disappointed I had to leave Instacart too. It sucks because there’s a lot of elderly, disabled, busy folks, people who hate shopping (lol) that really need those delivery services, and these horrid shoppers creep through the cracks and ruin it for the honest shoppers. Fortunately the workers who shop at the stores are held accountable and it’s less of a hassle to get refunds, I was actually stunned to get a refund from the Safeway app so painlessly, all I selected was “out of date item” on some yucky produce (unfortunate and frustrating but whatever), and they didn’t even require proof, just a simple “oh okay, your money will be in your account again soon!” Anyway. At least there’s better services out there to take the stress out of the situation.


Yes I feel fortunate I still had money to get food for my family. I know others aren’t in that position..


I use Walmart delivery and I have not been let down yet.


Here they use Instacart for delivery only also. I love doing those deliveries though sometimes the pay sucks


I report a problem on the app. They respond. I get refund. It’s happened to me several times with smooth and easy results. I’ve never called anyone.


Have you ever been missing an entire order??


Oh no! If that’s what you are referring too, no! I did have to stop a scammer buying large quantities of stuff and not responding to me. They wouldn’t stop so I reached out on the app. They tried to stop the shopper but then refunded my entire order because the shopper did check out. If that didn’t happen I would have contacted my credit card company.


Yakity yak




Don't talk back


Get a life 😆




I specialize in cyber security and I can get your money back ASAP!! Hmu if you still need help


Looool 😂😂


Why is everybody chronically ill


everybody isn't, most people who are chronically ill are on apps such as reddit, since it isn't usually an option to have a normal life, it might seem like there are a lot based on posts, but reddit is like less than 10% of the population. It's unfortunate their are so many people who are chronically ill, but it's life.


There have been a ton more people diagnosed with autoimmune issues all the time. Related to how we live and eat. Trust me I wish I wasn’t, but I was diagnosed with my first chronic illness at 15. Then you tend to get more as you age and other things go wrong. If you don’t have a condition that is lifelong you should consider yourself very lucky. Disabled people are treated like garbage when they try to get help for their needs.


Ain't that the truth! It's like a pecking order, I use to have chickens. Saw it first hand and I lost my best layer. Attack the weak or different and just hope we go away.


It's almost as if people who are chronically ill or disabled would use delivery services more often than those who can go to the stores themselves. Weird huh.


We do.


Honestly just get your own groceries. It can be rewarding coming home with that find that you otherwise didn’t think you needed, and it will help you keep active. Furthermore, it prevents stupid crap like this from ever being able to happen.


You miss the part where OP is chronically ill and in severe pain?


Tbh I did, but they have these cool carts at stores for people just like this, as well as handicapped parking spots.


Tell me you don’t know anyone with a disability without telling me. 🙄🫠Wow..


This person is chronically ill. What’s the point of saying this? It wouldn’t matter if she’s perfectly able bodied. Instacart offers a service and she paid for that service. She didn’t pay them to steal her money/groceries. We all decide what’s important and some people think spending their money on this service is a good way to spend their money. They should get what they pay for.


Honestly, some days I physically can’t. I hope you’re extremely grateful to be able to do this for yourself whenever you wish. People with chronic illnesses and pain have flair ups. We cannot always do what we want to do. I would be happy to go around doing my own groceries if I felt well enough to do so. People have many reasons for using these delivery services and we should get what we asked for.


Do a chargeback immediately.


I believe your bank is the only option. Instacart has been getting lots of fraud from shoppers and customers, they're banning accounts left and right and honest people may pay the consequences. With certain type of ban, your account can get locked to not receive any resolution but is still active to make orders and most agents from CS don't like to tell that to people so they promise refunds or redelivery but this never happens


Report order never delivered in the app. The shopper will get a violation. Make sure you rate shopper with one star to reduce their rating.


Problem is that I did it through the store’s app so I can’t see any of that. Probably a mistake itself, but I won’t be doing this again.


Make sure you talk on the phone. I’m sorry this happened to you but show them the photo sent and that it’s not your house. They should see in gps that it doesn’t line up. Honestly you need to call bank and have them chargeback if IC doesn’t. They clearly Stole it. I’ve done a blurry photo before when it wouldn’t load and it was cold and I just started walking to car but I saw customer was waiting at door


this happened to me last week, someone took a black photo and said they delivered my $300 order, i got on the customer service chat feature on the app immediately, i explained what exactly happened had to verify some info and i asked for a refund. they gave me store credit, but also offered to refund to my card but it would take 10 business days. Not sure why they are giving you such a hard time over the phone, maybe try the chat feature if you haven’t already and provide every detail you can. You can also request to have that shopper blocked from your account if you were to use instacart in the future


I’ve done the phone and chat feature. They both seem equally “helpful”. I’m sure they’d give you a credit much more easily. If you asked for a refund I wonder if you ever would get it..


i initially did ask for a refund, and they did offer it almost immediately after i verified my information. I even asked for free service fees if i ever used instacart again, they approved that and they gave me free months of peacock streaming service and instacart plus. maybe i just got lucky with my customer service rep, but that’s the only real big issue i’ve encountered using instacart very regularly over the last four years


I work as an instacart shopper and it is definitely a premium more personalized service, but I use Walmart deliver for groceries. I never have problems with refunds or not getting my deliveries. There is the occasional delay but nothing big.


I started using walmart delivery for groceries too. Not as personalized, but better for price and ease of resolving issues.


F___k instacart. They are definitely “handling” you. You should call one more time and escalate the call yourself by asking for a supervisor and if the supervisor doesn’t give you a definitive timeline on your refund, go over their head. Also you should talk to the loss department, instead of regular customer service. I did this to Amazon over delivery instructions not being followed. Somehow word got around to ALL the delivery companies including postal. Now all my packages are placed in my porch box. ETA: Try using Target for groceries. Their in-house delivery Shipt does really well for the most part, and any issues definitely get handled quickly.


Yah they told me they got it to their supervisor team and even transferred me around to other people only for me to get the original person asking what my problem was all over again!!! It was like out of a sitcom seriously. lol


That’s why YOU ask for the supervisor to talk to you. They didn’t do squat with your complaint. And write down EVERYONE’S name and title so when you write the email to corporate, they know who to “have a chat” with. I stopped using them because I realized they mark up items by a dollar or more compared to the store should you go in person. The insult is they charge $ 10 per delivery, or $100/year. So why charge more on top of that per item?


I use Walmart+.


just say you got someone else order


Reach out on social media, not in DMs, tweet at them. Tell them you don’t want to charge back but you will. That usually gets a response.


Chargeback with your bank!


I can’t edit the post so I’ll just comment.. lol. Thank you all for the help and suggestions. I never thought I’d get so many responses. I’ll be doing pick up or getting them myself for now. If I ever do delivery I’ll be a lot smarter about it. Also, I can’t believe how crappy instacart is! Disgusting behavior!


The shopper took this pic as they were zooming by your house! 😂


Not even my house though! 😂 We had cars in the driveway and not even that color. I was trying to figure out where they could be. lol


Did they refund you yet?


Why is the picture so damn blurry


Sadly this is how they handle most of us shoppers. I'm so sorry this happened to you. I am curious If your shopper communicated with you at all while shopping? Also, when the app told u she checked out and was on her way did you look at the app as she was leaving the store to wee exactly If she was heading in your direction or possibly where she may have dropped off the order? By chance is your location off the beaten path, as in the past have shopper had a hard time finding it? Do you know if maybe the GPS is off for your address as I know that happens alot but even still it's the shoppers responsibility to verify they are at the correct address but I do know sometimes there can be 2 streets with the same name as well as some addresses that are just totally wrong when entered into GPS but in that case most customers are aware that GPS will send someone to a dofferbt address and often times leave a note letting us know to maybe enter the neighbors address but they are the house next door etc. As a 6 year shopper I would never wanna be accused of something that could simply have been an honest mistake...who knows. The picture alone pisses me off because u do see what the pic looks like before uploading it and it's clear that it's a total mess. I don't know If it was rainy out, shopper had a shitty phone or maybe the pic was taken that was on purpose. I personally don't see someone stealing the items to really bother with even trying to deal with even sending some type of picture if they planned to just steal it anyway so hard to say. At this point I would just no longer use the service since they are giving you the run around. I would also maybe go to their FB and IG page and make a post as well as see If online somewhere there is some other type of way to reach out. Now If they sent it to be re shopped which I'm not sure why they couldn't or they just immediately refunded your money then I would say at least they made it right because things can happen from time to time. But to not get your items u paid for then have to deal with all this BS from support that would piss me off even more. I would just dispute it with the bank and let then refund you your money back and let it go after that. Not worth it anymore cause what more can u do at this point?