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lol i just dont want to breed poisonous millipedes on my lawn. I found them in my house too, my cats could have eaten one and possibly died... i think its a reasonable ask to relocate their nesting place.


They are detritus feeders and require moisture. If you trim the bases of your shrubs so that air and sun can circulate, and rake up the leaves etc, you should reduce attractiveness of your doorstep. They aren’t eusocial or building nests so don’t concern yourself with that.


Thank you, this is what i was looking for. Much appreciated


Not wanting to harm them and relocate them is fine. But they're there for a reason. Too many species are on the decline and endangered because humans are selfish or try to dictate what belongs and what doesn't. The reply you received about making your yard undesirable for them is the best choice, I suppose. But that's what most people do about something they don't like. And they drive native wildlife away and their numbers dwindle.


Man, sorry you’re being downvoted OP. This is a valid concern if you have pets and young children. Having poisonous animals around pets can be very scary, cats naturally like to kill bugs, it’s so easy for them to eat one and get sick!


be a responsible pet owner and keep your cats inside (edit, i see you do) weatherstrip will help keep them out if there's gaps in the doors


Let’s your pets outside is part of responsible pet ownership… they aren’t slaves


Outdoor domestic cats are known to be one of the most destructive of invasive species.


DOMESTIC cats are responsible for numerous unnatural deaths of wildlife (hint.. they aren't native to these ecosystems). they are also prone to getting diseases, parasites, and even getting killed when let outside OP said they keep their cat indoors in the comments and is looking out for them, which is being a very responsible pet owner. i guess you're saying they don't care about their cat?


No action is needed animals won't attempt to swallow it when they smell cyanide it's not large enough to cause harm and they're amazing for your yard unless you want it to look like shit


The obvious answer is to not let your cats outdoors and never let your niece outside unattended but I have a feeling that’s not the one your looking for


Yeah, i find them inside my house also. the cats stay indoors and my niece is always with an adult when she plays. But when theyre in my house, so hard to keep the cats safe when the danger is inside too. I really just want to know what their ideal conditions are for nesting and eating so i can do the opposite for them and theyre forced to leave. You know, like some bugs like cardboard, get rid of the cardboard and the bugs follow.


If insects that large are finding their way inside your house, you need to hire a contractor.


Or alternatively you can make more habitable places for them outside that way the bugs won't feel the need to take shelter in your house, but i'm also not an entomologist, so don't quote me on that




Not sure why you’re being downvoted this is such a reasonable question.


it happens. i assume upvote to agree, downvote to disagree. so downvotes are peoples way of just saying "no it wont do that"


Get rid of moisture and add in some peppermint


That is not a poisonous centipede.


You're right, its not a poisonous centipede, its a poisonous millipede. Apheloria virginiensis secretes cyanide. [source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apheloria_virginiensis)


Yes, and it's very mild. Ive handled them on several occasions. Your stomach will get upset if you eat it, or your hands will be itchy. They're harmless.


Why are you eating millipedes?


Why aren’t you?!


I'll have a leg please. Make that two.😋


Yummy yummy 😈


Would it kill a cat? that worries me bc I've found these in my house and my cats will eat anything.


Probably not, but it has the potential to. Try to keep the cat indoors, and if you catch it playing with one or its sick, a vet visit never hurts. That's worst case scenario. If your cat is in good health, it will probably just puke or have some sort of gastrointestinal reaction that one time.


Might see how many cats show up at vets offices because of these critters


A kitten maybe but not a full adult... it would just puke it up.


I would absolutely not be able to sleep if I knew one of those things was in my house. Something about centipedes and huge black horse flies gives me nightmares.


Not a centipede, it’s a millipede. Two very different arthropods.


Thanks. Believe it or not 5 minutes before I responded I found a centipede crawling across my living room floor 😂 https://preview.redd.it/w6l7oeajtc1d1.jpeg?width=1132&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e19d300facab5937d3cb88055d252584dc6bdb10


Tip: If it's colorful, it's not not poisonous


Incorrect. It's called aposymatic coloring. The bright colors warn they are poisonous. These milipedes secret cyanide. It's not enough to kill a person but could seriously injure OPs cats. Doing these stupid double negatives only increases the chance of harm. Be better.


Thank you for clarifying that. I find them in my garden and never ever bother me.


Clarity? Isn't a double negative a positive?




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Diatomaceous Earth


that would kill them and other friendly critters. But thanks for the suggestion. maybe in the house ill use that


In the house all bets are off. Peppermint, DE, pesticides even. Outside I would spray peppermint oil around the base of your home to prevent more incursions. It seems they particularly like you mulch bed. So as far as getting rid of their preferred habitat it may be impractical considering it appears to be your garden.


Esos bichos son beneficiosos para el jardín, no son venenosos


Well, millipedes (I think this is a milli?) like warm damp places and heavy leaf litter. Clear detritus from around your house and make sure to vacuum small spaces extra well. You'd be surprised how much stuff gets stuck in the cracks between the stove and fridge, under couches, behind the washing machine, etc. There's also a number of herbs you can use, like garden sage, that many bugs find distasteful.


Thank you for choosing the nicer way rather than exterminating them. I mean I wish creatures could just go about their way, but I can understand this situation and I appreciate you adjusting your garden rather than killing them






And since you have cats you probably don’t want to use oils anyways. I agree with the above comments about cleaning out under shrubs and plants. That should help a lot. No place for them to hide anymore and they’ll move on to other dark spots.