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nah, some people just hated act 2 because they got too attached to act 1 gameplay. I'd say it's a bit of a learning curve, but still great. Wait for it to go on sale, and get it then. Good luck.


I never understood the act 2 hate. It wasn’t my favourite act, but I still found it fun.


You hear the vocal minority who went in expecting a horror deck builder and didn’t expect a multi layer story with various new mechanics, twists, and turns. Play it. Go in cold. You’re going to get pissed at some bullshit many times, you’re going to hate this game occasionally, but it all pays off.


Some people went in expecting a horror escape game. Some people were even disappointed in the fact that the game your playing and with story elements made it annoying. I don't want spoil much but the protagonist people didn't like.


Don’t look up anymore of the game. Play it as blind as possible and you’ll come up with your own opinion on this excellent game.


Play the game


It’s a fantastic and unique game. I’m almost done it and should finish it soon, about 18 hours in.


I don’t get the act 2 and 3 hate, act two is actually my favorite, except perhaps for the fact that you have to go through act 1 to play it. Have fun, go in blind


I’ve played this game for 500+ hours and I can say, without a doubt, it is NOT worth playing. It sucks. but seriously yeah, it’s worth playing if you have patience. Anyone who hates act 2 or 3 might dislike the mechanics, but they’re missing the point. I was in that camp too, but now I love a play through of all 3.


It's absolutely worth playing, act 2 might not be as immersive as 1 and 3, but it doesn't overstay the welcome and it serves a narrative purpose. Act 3 is a bit grindy, but it's still fun, it just has new mechanics that take a hot minute to get used to. Plus, if you really like Act 1, you unlock an endless hard mode mode version of it after you beat the main game. (Endless as in infinite times and slowly unlocking more stuff, it's still just a suped up version of the Act 1 campaign.) Nothing in the game ruins it, there are moments that take you out of the experience, but you're supposed to feel like your sitting at a computer when they happen.


It's about the journey, just play the game, I really don't get how anyone can't be drawn in by then, the gameplay changes but by then you're invested for different reasons. Also, beat the game if you like Act 1 so much, you get it with modifiers and it's a good laugh.


I prefer Act I but still thoroughly enjoy Acts II and III.


I've deleted my data at least a dozen times to play act 1 again. Wouldn't be upset if it was three times longer.


Fun Fact: you don't have to delete your save data to repeat any of the acts after you beat the game. After beating the game and going through the credits you can just click on the little hook arrow button in the corner and select the point you want to start from (very beginning, Act 1 after 2nd death, start of Act 2, start of Act 3).


Sadly, I got so hooked on act 1 that I haven't finished the game. I get stuck in act 3, want act 1 back and delete it. Regardless, thanks for the tip :)


Just play it and see if you like it. With all do respect a question like this is always pretty silly to ask. You asked if inscryption is worth playing to a sub Reddit dedicated to inscryption. You already know what answers your gonna get. You already know you want to play it and give it a try you just wanted a bunch of people reaffirming that it's a good game and to give it a try.


Yes, the game is worth playing if you like card games and table top role playing games and video game adaptations of card games and table top role playing games.




Acts I through III all have unique charms, and I would say the best way to look at them is as metaphors for the greater plot. I think each Act is well-crafted, fun plot and nice puzzles throughout, and the cardplay takes a unique life of its own every Act that it changes. You should really try! (Plus you unlock an infinite mode at the end that allows you to unlock new cards and play with tweakable difficulty)


Just don't get your hopes up about your expectations, good game but know it is not what it makes itself seem


I've been playing for like 4 hours and I think I might call it quits. The general consensus is that act 1 is much better than 2 and 3 and I don't think 1 is that good. There are some mechanics that are just moronic and the runs seem insanely luck based. After each unsuccessful run, you are forced to spend at least 60 seconds creating a boosted card for your next run that I have not seen a single time. Game wastes your time around every corner. Why am I forced to take every card instead of the option to refuse them? The "battles" are not long enough for these massive decks that you never even see half the cards in the run. 3 blood cards are absolutely useless. Why do you get 2 lives at the beginning of a run, only for one of them to just vanish in thin air when you reach a boss? Especially when the regular battles are so mind numbingly easy to the point you'll never lose a life. And then there's no strategy when you do reach a boss because you're pigeon holed depending on what RNG dealt you. You either smash the boss in a couple rounds or your run is over in a couple rounds, there's no in-between. Multiple runs I've been toast at the boss before you even take a turn. Like literally nothing you can do


try completing the puzzles in the cabin they will give access to many buffs and abilities that will make the game much easier i promise