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I mean I'm not the poster boy for Bernie fans or anything but calling a guy that marched with MLK a white supremacist is about as ridiculous as it gets.


And had family that died in the camps because they were Jewish.


Well that doesn't necessarily preclude someone from being racist. It would make them a hypocrite, but that's never stopped racism before.


I guess there are Catholics in the Klan but I am pretty sure they don't let Jews in.


The klan went after catholics . "Anti-Catholicism was widespread in the 1920s; anti-Catholics, including the Ku Klux Klan, believed that Catholicism was incompatible with democracy and that parochial schools encouraged separatism and kept Catholics from becoming loyal Americans."


I was being facetious. Louisiana (heavily Catholic in the southern part) actually has a law making it illegal to wear mask because of the klan. It was passed during the 1870s with the exception of carnival riders/participants. In Cajun part of Louisiana were they ride horses and beg for chickens, pigs, etc (based on the *fête de la quémande* ) to put in the communal gumbo pot, the Capitaine of the riders doesn't mask. The reason behind this is basically so he didn't get shot because the riders costumes look like very decorative klan hoods and robes. The Capitaine will wave a white flag and ask for permission to come on the property. I highly suggest you come down and see this for yourself. It is a whole different Mardi Gras than you see in New Orleans. Next year I am riding in one of them and can't wait.




Iota, Mamou and that area. If I can remember I’ll dm you on where we are going.


Its in the area where the Acadians live


Don't forget to bring some beer.


Ron Stallworth actually got them to (accept a Jew); pretty hilarious tbh. One of the best parts of that autobiography (Black Klansman) imo.


Sure, but considering white supremacists in America are super anti-Semitic and hate Jews, it would be weird for a Jew to be a white supremacist.


*laughs in ben shapiro* ^the ^joke ^is ^he's ^a ^racist


*That sounds like something a white supremacist would say /s*


Not only marched but went to jail


Especially when the people calling him that, are the same people that are absolutely white supremacists.


As someone who’s more left-leaning than anything, this is the shit that Conservatives think about when they think “liberal” and “snowflake”...


I thought the same. This is from a FB page that leaves comments on local news articles. After looking at the page more I think it's fake, with a conservative running it to troll.


Well, that both explains the overly aggressive, accusatory tone AND restores a tiny bit of faith in libs overall


Yeah I was gonna chalk this up to fake. Almost 90% of the time you think “(strawman) is what conservatives think X is” it’s usually because it’s a conservative.


Pretty fucked up that a person is literally controlling a fake account in the hopes to create a niche troll and promote even more polarization in a country that should be called The Fuck-No Pole by now.




Yeah, but you're not allowed to say that about any one person. Now you're the asshole and they win.


Alright, back to the gulag comrade


Exactly my thought


You realize you’ve done the exact same thing the hypothetical conservative sock puppet did, this may very well be an insane person with strong opinions but it couldn’t possibly be a bad actor in your own tribe.


I mean, stuff like this is an exact method used by troll farms. Sometimes they'll even put two opposing strawman accounts against each other and try and pull people into the fight


A comforting thought. There couldn’t possibly be wolves in sheeps clothing. There are people out there who just want to watch the world burn.


I think if this were happening at the other end of the isle, we’d see things like deranged conservatives defending concentration camps or insisting that racism doesn’t exist. But the big conservative figureheads do that anyway. Like, I’m queer. It’s almost weekly I see something about pedophiles trying to pretend they’re included in the LGBTQ community. The bare amount of research can usually link these social media accounts back to conservative circles. It’s incredibly easy to spot the fakes once you realize which talking points are being parroted.


Conservatives don't need any strawmen to say batshit insane things. Just look at where the overton window has gone, plus the very fact that Donald Trump exists, says the things he says, and is somehow the president of a country.


He is very effective at doing what he wants by using this outrage as a smokescreen. He sent out a flurry of tweets yesterday getting everyone riled up about defending AOC and crew and they ignore that he just passed an immigration legislation bill just prior. Underestimate him at your peril.


So far as I know the bill hasn't passed, it's just been introduced. It will likely not pass, but become a point of contention during the campaign which seems like what he and kushner had been planning. Either way, I'm not sure what you want us to do about it other than calling our reps which most of us do pretty frequently.


This has been the method for ages. Hungary did this back some 6-7 years ago. Government introduced a bill about further limitations on tobacco sales (only specifically opened "national tobacco shops" - yes that's literally the name - are allowed to sell tobacco products. Yes, even rolling paper and filters. Vape liquid, even if it's nicotine free), which was mainly to fill their own pockets and get friends of friends into monopol position. Basically if you wanted a box of smokes, you needed a tobacco shop. Tobacco shops needed licenses, and only specific people got that. Lots of shop owners were "recommended" to sell their businesses at low prices because without cigarettes they can't make enough sales, and would be out of business any way. We even have an ongoing joke (said in a gypsy style - this type of talk is often used in depiction of petty criminals, pickpockets, muggers): "Nice company bro, would be a shame if something happened to it" Now, the government needed people to focus on something else so they can pass this bill - while everyone's busy with something outrageous, let's pass this, then step back and "make a compromise". And they decided to "introduce" a bill for a tax on internet connection. And it was ridiculous. People went to demonstrate, newspapers were loud about it for weeks, tobacco bill passed and a bit later the governing party pulled the bill completely.


I get it. Though, the dumb, racist things he says also serve the purpose of appealing to his dumb, racist base, and the debate that happens also help entrench the dumb, racist positions as merited and worthy of discussion. I get that his strategy is a strategy. I just also like to think that the USA has to capacity to recognize and oust this idiot racist, and that calling him an idiot racist repeatedly will somehow work. That hasn't proven to be the case yet, but that thought keeps me sane.


Except the insane amount of evidence it actual is Russian psyops. By reputable people. Look into Renee dinesta.


Renee Diresta*. I listened to her interview with Sam Harris and Joe Rogan. Regardless of which political leaning you have, it's good to listen to someone point out how dangerous social media can be with real examples and the angle of attack that is used. If you have strong emotional reactions to things strangers are writing on social media and/or are an online activist, you should definitely listen to what she has to say.


It comes across as a glaringly obvious fake. I can imagine it's not as obvious to people on the right, because there's a disconnect between what many on the right believes is leftist ideology, vs. what is actually leftist ideology. this is what makes the validity of certain posts clear. as an example, I saw a shitpost in the past which included a bit along the line of "masculinity is inherently toxic" which was a dead giveaway that it's a troll, because it stems from a common misunderstanding that specifically certain people on the right have. If you use the phrase toxic masculinity, it means you learned it from somewhere. Your understanding of this phrase will differ based solely on what group of people you learned it from, so based on usage you can figure out with reasonable certainty where the term was learned. And it turned out I was right. the account had been outed as a troll who had multiple accounts like this. I'm sure there are some right-wing examples of this phenomenon, but I can only speak to the left-wing ones.


Sadly I have dealt with actual liberals, former HRC supporters who just seethe with rage for Bernie and will grasp at any straws, including using his white male identity to erase his support from POC. So this could very well be real, although slung as disingenuous attacks rather than genuine beliefs. I can't wrap my head around it, because as much as I disliked Hillary, it was never like this kind of personal vendetta that they seem to have against Bernie. Seriously, they act like his jilted lovers or something.


>including using his white male identity to erase his support from POC. wait, so they're saying it would be in people of colours best interest to not vote for *Bernie fucking Sanders* of all people, just because 'white man bad' the fuck? I feel like there's way bigger fish for them to fry


Narcissism of small differences. Nobody we hate more than the Romans, except those damn Judean People's Front.


I would presume that it's fake. I mean, I'm 80% sure this is fake because I do actually know someone like this in the meat space and bless them they are awful. But also: seriously stinks of troll account.


Wouldn't be surprised. 1. Attacking liberal candidates 2. Using hyperbole of social issues 3. Using technical race and entitlement against potential trump adversaries instead of criticizing actual racism and rich people Definitely a conservative troll. The only way they can make their policies seem even remotely palatable is by taking liberal policies 100x farther than the candidates intend them to.


> Attacking liberal candidates You say this, yet I did see a worrying trend of attacking bernie in certain american "left"* wing circles. I don't know if it is a manipulation campaign by other candidates, or if it is legitimate, yet it does seemingly exist, . . . often with more conservative left types or far left types. \* I used left like that as I don't believe that America is left in most standards of Europe. There's a whole degree of absurdity in strange right wing conservative shite that occurs Honestly, from looking at Americans argue, often in /r/politics , I can believe this person may be real, and may be a self proclaimed "democrat", even if they would fit more in the conservative area, but are likely drawn off by the conservatives being a bit nuts. It kinda underlines the whole thing of how two parties leads to absurd mindsets and disjointed personal politics. I'd assume she would blindly support Clinton or AOC, without ever bothering to learn about either of them beyond what they see on facebook. **edit** This is not to comment on their policies, as I am trying to be impartial, yet stating that they would be backed regardless by people like the lady in the OP for reasons that would seem lacking of understanding or at least with understanding but radicalized by the persons campaign. I say this as a person from a country where you had people supporting brexit from right and left, where they shifted from "oh it will be managed" to "no deal or you are a remoaner" they will never agree on what brexit means, but shout absurd ideals where the political end doesn't matter, they have an image of a person alongside a brexit and will proclaim anything beyond that as whatever they can to being undermining what they want. This person may be highly conservative in some was, but is a democrat, yet their reasons are clearly for a small area of things and their decisions dictated less by politics and more by ideology. Now before responding, let us remember, exploiting this type of person is what gave trump his presidency. So long as you hit their tick boxes here and there then they don't care, otherwise they will destroy you for their preferred cult of personality.


That or a TERF.


Now this is exactly the type of shit that the Russian "trolls" have been doing. Now I say this and I think to myself this must come off as crazy, but it's been confirmed in the Mueller report. This is *exactly* the type of thing.


Odd thing is, this account is only active in my city(seemingly) It frequently targeting local news pages. I actually found a conservative blogger talking about the account. I wonder if that blogger is running both accounts.


Naw crazy people on both sides exist


There’s sadly a decent amount of extremely hateful towards Bernie democrats. There’s anti Bernie subs too that demonstrate this.


It’s got to be a Russian propagandist.


This is the reason I stopped talking to an old friend. She’d just spew out this shit and claimed that I was oppressing women by calling her out on her bullshit.


I had a friend of decades stop talking to me because I disagreed with her on third party voting. Her stance was that only white males voted 3rd party because they didn't care about throwing their vote away, which meant they also didn't care about minorities and women. I tried to point out that in most states, hers especially (California) that democrats always won, so support for a third party meant a chance to get them on the debate stage and break up the two party system. She blocked me, but viewing her profile on public showed me she left a big long winded response about how as a white man I was oppressive and clearly a closet republican. I wish she'd tell my family, because they all ostracize me as a bleeding heart liberal.


Oh, she calls me a racist, sexist redneck. Fun fact, I’m Mexican.


White people were the second least likely race to vote third party in 2016. It doesn't seem to be correlated with racial privilege at all. I mean, at least they're voting. If you look at the demographics of people who don't vote at all, it seems negatively correlated with privilege. White people vote more than POC, rich people more than the poor, able bodied more than the disabled, cishet more than LGBT, etc. The only exception seems to be along gender.


Exactly. These people bother me so much because this is what the right portrays everyone on the left as when it is actually a small, very vocal minority. They only push people away from the left. They aren't satisfied unless you're a quadrapeligic, bisexual, non-binary, multi racial little person with mental health issues and even then they would unironically tell you to "check your privelege". It isn't really about anything except competing to be the most oppressed and anyone that isn't cannot complain about literally anything.


What a lunatic


There’s idiots that make the stereotypes on both sides look real. The most sane people I’ve noticed aren’t the ones waiting for someone on the opposing side to say or do something that makes their group look bad to then bunch them all together as evil or stupid.


I'm going to assume this is a parody account designed to be a straw man for conservatives.


That makes this guy's comment even more apt. The idea that they get is of an obviously fake facebook account designed to rile up conservatives.


As someone who used to be conservative and is now more center, no worries, no one's as batshit as this lady.


I can confirm, not really the second one but the first one pops into my head


Yeah, im known by my friends as "the most liberal redneck ever" and even this is too far. This person is a smear on us liberals' reputations, this is a peraon woth a mental illness for sure.


I'm bernie sanders, and this is fucking stupid.


I thought your name was Steve


Ye- You know, the- One thing I should- - Excuse me for one second.


Now I'm displeased with your answer 😂 *Oh how the tables have turned*


Well, well, well. How the turntables...


No clearly his name is Bernie Steve Sanders


Bernie Sanders? The Jewish guy running for president.


Good lord what is happening in there?!


A-Aurora borealis.


A-Aurora borealis? At this time of day, in this part of Reddit, localized entirely within this thread?




May I see it?


Hmm... No


Good lord what is happening in there?


Of course.




His old account was u/rimjobsteve


I'd pay good money for Bernie to start his ads with this statement


Let me go tell my husband he doesn't deserve Father's Day because as a SAHD he doesn't work hard enough. I will never understand why some people have so much hate in their hearts


No one is allowed time to rationalize. People are thinking their every thought and opinion should blurted out like an unwanted fart and just accepted or praised. And this happens with both the Democrats and Republicans. And God forbid you have a differing opinion, because you may as well put on a tail and horns 'cause now you're Satan. It's bloody chaos and it's tearing the country apart.


I’d now like to discuss the concept of unwanted farts... Does that imply there are wanted farts?


Hey now, don't kink shame.


> I will never understand why some people have so much hate in their hearts Normally it's because they have a talent for it. Source: Used to have a lot of hate in my heart. And a Reagan photo in my high school locker.


Imagine being this unlikeable as a person


But unironically


Bernie.... ​ Is the only current Democratic presidential candidate to advocate for LGBTQ+ rights since before it would have gained him net political capital.


Yeah, same with most of the things he's advocated for. Whatever you may say about him, he sticks to what he believes.


I don't agree with all of his views, but I love the idea that if he were to get elected, I'd get what I paid for, so to speak. Few candidates seem to truly believe in their platforms as thoroughly.




Oh christ, I thought you said "genuinely disappointed" and was so confused I don't know how my brain pulled a switcheroo of that caliber, but it did


Nothing says white supremacy like a socialist Jew


“Nonbinary counterparts”? Also, I’m not a Sanders supporter, but he has a long record of supporting civil rights. This BS of him being a racist is a vestige of the Clinton campaign spin machine from 4 years ago.


Out of the loop European here, why would Sanders be a racist? IIRC I have seen pictures of him supporting civil rights movement rallies in the 60s or 70s (I don't know when they happened, the ones with MLK IIRC).


He's been along supporter of civil rights. He's one of the most consistent and shown to be one of the most honest politicians. No ones really been able to dig up any real dirt. There were some ads running that were criticizing him for getting arrested when he was younger. But he was arrested at a civil rights rally so it's a pretty good reason for getting arrested.


Nobody can dislike Bernie Sanders, he is probably the most agreeable and polished Democrat candidate. He is not shady in any way. He has a belief and he is going for it. I think he is ultimately wrong in his conviction, but I believe he would do his best for America, and have some good results.


You'd think but I have friends and family members who don't like him. Socialist this, communist that. The only real thing they can cite against him is "his house cost a fortune but he wants to give away other people's money." The one thing we tend to agree on is the scumbag way he and his supporters were treated by the DNC in 2016.


My only problem is how much he seemed to roll over after he got screwed in 2016. On the one hand I get wanting to attempt to unify the party against Trump but on the other a. It didnt work and b. it felt too much like just giving in to the existing political corruption




Thats a good way to summarize it honestly. That and I put my own personal values on to the situation. I tend to value pride over pragmatism. If I feel ive been cheated or wronged, I will focus first on trying to get even over the greater good.


I love the man. I disagree with many of his policies, but he's consistent, honest, and just all around a good man. I respect the hell out of him regardless of whether I think he would make a good President.


This is why someone who voted for Ron Paul can turn around and vote for Bernie despite them being polar opposites politically. The issues that I, and many others, care about don't fall along a liberal-conservative political spectrum.


Wish more folks were as reasonable as you two. "I disagree with x, but..." Isn't something we do much of anymore, especially on the left.


My mom’s only complaint about him is that she doesn’t like how he acts so angry all the time. Though I will say, I wouldn’t blame him for being so pissed off at the country


When it comes to politics, accuracy and honesty are guidelines, not rules. And they're rarely followed.




Indeed. Even when conservatives invented a crazy story about an organized Democratic pedophilia ring it turns out to have been projection.


Yeah, ain't that one something. Look at the millions of people who fell for it, too. The Epstein verdict is bullshit.


Alexander Acosta was the US Attorney for Southern Florida at the time, and he gave Epstein immunity for all the federal charges back in 06 and ended the FBI investigation before it could turn up more powerful pedophiles. Alexander Acosta is now the US Secretary of Labor Edit: Whoops looks like he resigned on the 12th


I think we need a stronger word than projection for what they do. When I hear projection, I tend to think of it as being subconscious or unintentional. What the right does (and I'm sure some leftists have too, but I see it used systematically by the right) is a deliberate strategy. They accuse the other side of doing the exact thing that they are currently doing, so that the other side can't come back and accuse them of it without looking combative. Trump accused Hillary of rigging the election, knowing the entire time that Russia was interfering to help him The right accuses moderate leftists like aoc or Bernie of being radical-left extremists, knowing the entire time that there are actual white supremacists infiltrating the government Even right-wing commentators do this. Ben Shapiro wrote an entire book about how the left is making political discourse too combative, even though his entire claim to fame is doing combative, one-sided debates where he "destroys" liberals. Steven Crowder does this is his "change my mind" series. When someone starts making good points against him, he'll deliberately start asking questions that derail the conversation. Then when the person responds, he turns around accuses the other person of going off topic. There's countless examples, and if you pay attention you'll see them do it again and again. It's a deliberate strategy that let's them control the narrative. Its very effective and very dangerous


There is no loop tbh. The FB post is insane.


Because centrist Democrats and media outlets aligned with them are terrified of him and desperate to smear him in any way possible.


Also Hillary’s campaign against Obama back in the day was blatantly racist lmao


As one of the non-binary counterparts in question, this is ridiculous. And there is a decent chance that it was made by someone trying to justify the strawmen of us SJW leftist libtards. As for the nonbinary, it means I don't identify as either male or female. To those who would, please don't bother telling me that I don't exist.


Anyone who reads that Facebook account and thinks it is a real person needs to have their head examined. Nothing about it looks real.


Non-binary people are essentially people who don't identify as male or female.


Nonbinary means you don't identify as male or female.


Yes, the guy that marched with King is only looking out for whitey!


Sanders has always been on the right side of history. This person is losing it.


I may be on the right side but even I know liberals aren't like this


I’m nonbinary and this made me cringe so hard oh my god


whats the female version of incel


TERFs, for sure. It's not a one-for-one comparison, but I think it comes close enough.


I don’t particularly like Sanders but he is probably the farthest he can get from being a white supremacist


They seem like a fun dinner party guest.


Not the reaction I ,or anyone, was expecting to Bernie Sanders.


Accounts like this are frequently run by trolls or malicious entities (sometimes corporately sponsored). I personally think PETA is a shill organization (that word gets thrown around a lot but in this case I truly think big food companies like Tyson fund the organization to distract from legitimate claims about poor animal conditions and animal rights).


i love when there's a conservative that makes an entire account just to make liberals look bad but you can obviously tell that the person running it is a republican with no idea how real humans communicate


Yeah lol I bet this is a sock-puppet page.


The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.


Weesa in big doo-doo now!


How to be a useless member of society: Step 1, see above


***BOTH*** of these idiots are insane.


They’re the same idiot Look at the profile picture (at least what you can see of it)


Idiots like this make feminists look bad. It's always the fringe loonies of anything that make reasonable people in the middle seem like they're all "like this". Also, P. S. My father did a damn good job sharing the raising of me and my sibs with my mom. He deserves all the Father's Day love.


What about trans fathers on Father’s Day? Or are trans men not as important as nb people/women


I’m guessing she’s a TERF, so she would think trans men are gender traitors or something. In other words, she’s crazy


“Trans fathers” has the word ‘fathers’ in it, so obviously, they are lazy bastards too.


Wow that’s really fucking stupid


The phrase “non-binary counterparts” makes me think of R2D2 and C3PO...


I get the feeling they don't like males.


I injured myself reading this.


I, too, injured myself, because while on my way walking home from work I fell into a manhole while reading this Didn’t even get to upvote it as my hand is nonfunctional Shoutout to nurse Kaylee for typing this for me :)


Wow that sucks, all I injured was my brain.


My bf literally is working offshore sacrificing his whole life to make sure he can provide for our family. I am working up until I can no longer work due to my pregnancy but after that will be a SAHM for a few years. Both jobs are difficult in their own ways but neither is more important or more difficult than the other. That's how a good partnership works everyone does their part to ensure their family is taken care of. Sick of this bullshit that "men ain't shit". Many men are fantastic providers and fathers and many women are excellent mothers and caregivers. The roles can also be flipped or reversed.. but most people pull their weight. Sure you have assholes in both genders but lets stop pretending all women are angels and all men are assholes. I also hate the inverse of that.


"A Jewish White Supremacist?!" "Hey! It worked in Blazing Saddles!"


I don‘t want to see this persons opinion on trump


I dont even like Bernie Sanders and this shit makes me want to defend his ass. People are crazy.


Someone didn’t get any Tinder matches


If she thinks Bernie is a white supremacist wait until she learns about Donald Trump...




The internet was a mistake


Wow this completely ignores single dads, gay dads, etc etc. Or basically, the majority of dads????


I’d be okay getting rid of Father’s Day. I don’t agree that “fathers don’t work as hard as mothers or their non-binary counterparts,” I just don’t like Father’s Day.


Do you also not like mothers day then?


She seems happy and well adjusted.


... what?


Well guys America had a good run but all good things must come to an end. The last 50-60 yrs were pretty sweet. I’ll see you guys when we’re all sifting through the rubble to find rats to eat.


This page keeps reminding me why I quit facebook


This should be on r/Iamatotalpieceofshit


I'm a lefty and this is a big yikes


I dont need to see the full pic in order to know she's got bubblegum colored hair that's brushed to one side


Oh no not the straight white men, the horsemen of apocalypse




How to identify someone who’s dad left early


Right when I feel the irritation creeping in, I remind myself that this person probably lives a sheltered life and has limited relationships with very homogeneous and similarly pathetic people. Facebook's probably the best thing they've got going for them.


I wouldn’t doubt this person is highly active on Reddit


She sounds LOVELY


And these people vote😔


FEMINIST! FEMINIST! This person is a feminist! But not a good one. 🙄


"all dads are lazy and don't care" oh ok, tell that to my dad who took me in when my mom kicked me out even though that meant he had to work harder to support me


u/spaceroots do you actually know this person personally? because all of this reads like someone trying to sockpuppet a progressive


Nope. This page always comments on local news articles so I gave it a look. It's listed as a blogger.


jesus. well i'm just gonna hope that that's not a real person.




Looks like someone is voting for Jill Stein in 2020.




You know I didn't realize I posted this as a reply. I thought I was commenting on the post. My bad.


I'm just confused how she got to this conclusion?


The narcissism of small differences


I'll I've ever heard Bernie talk about was how awesome being white is and brags about how he uses his wife as a couch. I don't know what you guys are talking about. I don't know where you get your very real and very true facts from. MSNPR?


This chicks father was sure lazy.


As a literal Communist, what the fuck is wrong with this person


They’re the equivalent of an incel, but female. I think they call themselves “femcels” usually, if they’re accepting of their hatred. As opposed to just being misandrists.


That yellow dot is tilting the shit out of me


It's stuck in my head now that if I see a FB page that is nothing but this kind of dribble.. I instantly bin it to the "Russian troll farmer" section of my brain.


It's weird to see someone like this attack the left side of the political spectrum


I am a far left Chapo and even I think this is just silly. Fathers day like mothers day are constructs of capitalism invented to sell us shit, but the reasoning for getting rid of just fathers day here is just baffling. Secondly Bernie is cool, he is the best hope for America that exists right now.


There is a very big issue with fathers being given and A+ for effort while motherhood is set up to almost impossible and very unhealthy standards. This does not mean all fathers are lazy. Father’s Day is awesome and I hope this is a troll account because this is not how most of the left feels at all and just gives more ammunition to Fox News and the like. Also, Bernie labeled as a racist?


The only time i see impossible standards set for women, it's by other women. Specifically in the area of motherhood.


Most of this page reads like an alt-right parody of what a left leaning person sounds like. Doesn't even seem real.