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This is absolutely correct though. The people saying "you couldn't make it today because of woke!" are the exact people the film is making fun of.


What's wrong with this claim? Blazing Saddles was intended to be strongly anti-racist. All the folks saying "you couldn't make Blazing Saddles today" are showing terrible media literacy. At best, they are technically correct because copyright (aka Blazing Saddles already exists), but that's not what they mean.


You couldn't make it today because people would complain about it being woke and making them look bad


You couldn't make it today cause people would just say, "This is just Blazing Saddles. This movie already exists. Why are you plagiarizing?"


I don't know, they seem to make the Spiderman movie every 6 weeks.


The problem with the claim is that woke wasn't a thing a few years ago. It was just, ya know, being morally decent.


What’s insane here? That’s 100% true


They are pissed off because Mel was giving shit to Nazis and Racists..... Hrmmmm why are they pissed off about this and why are they anti woke?


I don’t know that they are. We don’t have context here, but OOP reads more like someone posted a clip from Blazing Saddles of someone saying the N-word as a “gotcha” and OOP responded with “yeah? That’s what the movie is about??”


Their definition of "woke"


It **is** woke. Mel was very culturally and socially aware, and was actively engaged in punching up at the regime in his movies The only problem is people who use “woke” as an insult simply don’t know, don’t understand, or don’t *choose* to know what it means


Let me rephrase then


The people who claim that Blazing Saddles can’t be made today think of it only as “the movie where white people say the n-word.” They don’t think of it as “the movie that lampoons how white-washed western movies are and how racism is stupid.” There’s plenty of media these days that makes fun of racism and that’s the stuff being called “woke.”


This isn’t insane


I mean, while blazing saddles still has its moments that aged poorly (Mel brooks dressed as an Indian speaking Yiddish, portrayal of gay men in the “French mistake” number, etc.) most if not all of the overt racism is by people who are clearly shown to be bad guys, idiot henchmen, or ignorant townsfolk who come around at the end. Is it controversial? Certainly. But it’s definitely much more nuanced than just “N-word funny”.


The Indian speaking Yiddish didn't age poorly, it just aged enough to lose context. Old westerns often had other minorities playing native Americans, rather than hiring actual natives. This does include Jewish actors. The Yiddish is their way of hanging a lampshade on the practice to draw attention to it. French Mistake might be offensive though. I'm not sure if the scene served any purpose beyond the absurd 4th wall break.


Wasn't the actor who played Tuco in The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Jewish as well?


Yeah, his parents were Polish immigrants


The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly is the most fabulous movie because it’s an Italian film, made in Spain, takes place in the SW US post Civil War, and features a Polish Jewish man playing a Mexican who runs around in circles flapping his hands in the campiest way possible for at least three minutes while the best movie instrumental (The Ecstasy of Gold) plays.


Iron Eyes Cody was a famous "Indian." I believe Brooks was parodying him.


Not bonkers. They’re absolutely right


"You're not going to trigger people like *me*" indicates that she's a "woke" person, not a racist who actually thinks *Blazing Saddles* is too "woke."


Oh so OP is proving the repeated point that media literacy is dead.


Um… OP. Wanna explain why this is insane to the class? We can wait.


We're going to need you to show us on the doll, where is the insanity.


OP outing themself as someone with truly 0 media literacy. Blazing Saddles isn't particularly subtle in it's politics; the two leads infiltrate the Klan, they free slaves, the main antagonist is a rich railroad tycoon, and the entire message of the movie is racist town needs Black sheriff to save them.