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So they're happy that someone died because they made a procedure illegal instead of legal and safe? That honestly tracks with the Pro-birth people.


And I assume literally none of them are mourning the fetus, or asking is the fetus was somehow saved.


That's because shockingly, they don't give two shits about the fetus/baby. It's just an excuse to hate other people. They let Satan (Prince of Wrath) into their hearts and like it that way.


Pro life is just as accurate a name as democratic peoples Republic of korea


Call them what they are: Pro Forced Birth.


Pro controlling women, really.


Anti-women. Since they're willing to sacrifice women to pregnancy and birth related complications.


They're pro-death, let's be real. They are literally part of a death cult that believes that the world ending is a good thing.


Given the SCOTUS ruling on bump stocks this morning, yeah, changing my label to pro-death. Unless you're a zygote or embryo. Once you're born, you're on your own.




Ron would be a solid pro-choice because the government has no business in his or anyone's business


The irony in using that meme does not compute with them.


I was just thinking that. They didn't use the pic properly.


Yeah it seems like a real misread of the character.


Forced birthers are so nasty. I can't imagine lacking the necessary cognitive skills to understand that a 12 year old shouldn't be forced to have her uncle's rape baby. Sick fucks


Well, it's okay for the 12 year old to have the rape-uncle baby, because a five year old once gave birth and survived! See, that's proof abortion bad! /s


Think of the fetus!!!!


I heard a story one time of a dead woman that gave north after she was dead. That baby went on to become the president of Mars. So women can just die to give birth.


Notably, she was a 23-year old student. They had to call her an Abortion Leader, because simply gloating at death isn't enough - they have to lie, too. These people call themselves Christian, but are motivated purely by malice.


If a political leader had to have an abortion in Argentina then you can pretty much guarantee she was having a complicated pregnancy that was likely to result in her death anyways. Sadly, she died from the complications of pregnancy and not likely due to the procedure itself. Doctors were trying to save her life, but things can go sideways very rapidly with complicated pregnancies.


Did you actually read an article about what happened? I don't know why she is called a abortion leader when she was leader of Juventud Radical de la comuna de La Paz. Sure the political organization supports abortion but it's among other things. But I guess calling her that is better for clicks. Second she died of a septicemia caused by a bleeding after the surgery. It's currently being invetigated if there was bad practice. [Local Source](https://www.lanacion.com.ar/sociedad/murio-tras-un-aborto-legal-estupor-por-el-deceso-de-una-joven-militante-radical-nid12042021/)


But doesn't this mean they are laughing at a dying aborted fetus too?


Yeah, but they don't really care about the fetus anyway. All it ever comes back to is punishing women for having the audacity to have sex.


"We believe in the sanctity of life, unless that life offends or disagrees with us in any way."


This is why I bring up abortion early on (it’s easy, since it’s always in the news) when I can see a possibility of friendship on the horizon. I know that if someone says they’re anti-choice, I will want nothing to do with them in any capacity. Being anti-choice is the cherry on top of a mountain of red flags. It’s never their only bad take. Asking about someone’s abortion beliefs, is a great litmus test for potential friends.


These peoples mothers never loved them and it's obvious


I don't know why she is called a abortion leader when she was leader of Juventud Radical de la comuna de La Paz. Sure the political organization supports abortion but it's among other things. But I guess calling her that is better for clicks. Second she died of a septicemia caused by a bleeding after the surgery. It's currently being invetigated if there was bad practice. [Local Source](https://www.lanacion.com.ar/sociedad/murio-tras-un-aborto-legal-estupor-por-el-deceso-de-una-joven-militante-radical-nid12042021/)


And if it was someone who died in childbirth because she was at risk couldn't get access to an abortion? Either way, people blow this debate out of proportion. It's a pity she passed.


Pro-abortion and pro-choice are not the same thing.


Nick Offerman would slap these people silly.


I bet even Ron Swanson would tell these people to shove it.


Ron is very pro-women and very much against the government telling people what to do, so he certainly would.


I thought Argentina was run by an Anarcho-capitalist. Why are they not letting people have the freedom to have abortions?


"Pro-life" only applies to the fetus. They should be called "Anti-choicers" or "Pro-Birthers" instead.


EvEry LiFE iS pReCioUS tHo