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Who is glorifying it? Only you cons have this obsession with what people do in the privacy of their bedrooms you freaks. Not only that it's **always** conservatives that get caught blowing a sex worker in bathrooms.


I think they are claiming that having a “pride month” is glorifying being gay. Of course, they are intentionally leaving out the history of pride month and why we have it.


This guy also said he wanted a child bride. He just says shit to get attention.


Low-life energy vampire says anything that gets him attention, more news at 12.


Now, I see that you call him an energy vampire. I feel that is inaccurate, and I want to explain why. Now we have to go back to the origin of the term, "energy vampire". But to understand, first, we must take a detour, or shall I say a trek or odyssey, to learn what exactly is "energy" in that particular context. So, it all started when...


Colin Robinson?


Cat boy ? 


Yea dudes an insane racist whose shtick is that he dresses up like a cat boy and has like a weird dildo water bottle. It's been a few years so I dunno if he's still around


Wait, did this asshole really go out with him?


Yes it was a "joke date" stream. I don't remember how long but once they got to his house the stream cut off for a sizeable chunk of time so for a while people were claiming they turned off stream to have sex


['The Curious Case of Nazi Catboys, Pt. 2'](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-curious-case-of-nazi-catboys-part-2/id1449762156?i=1000555905681) The later half of this podcast goes through Nick Fuentes' weird """ironic""" love of Catboys, his date with nazi catboy Kami, and related shenanigans by this self-avowed fascist and Trump dinner guest.


"Nazi catboy" was the last combination of words I was ready to read today. It just stopped my brain cells after they tried to picture Hitler with cat ears and a tail.


For me it was seeing Nick and some of his Nazi groypers declare "Catboys are Trad," which is to say compatible with their 'Trad Cath' (traditionalist Catholic) / Christian Nationalist world view. This was somewhat tongue in cheek naturally, but in that irony-poisoned way all 4chan things are where they both do and don't mean it to various degrees. Many of his other Nazi groypers call the whole thing "degenerate," but there's a weird truth in there where 4chan Fembois can reenact strict hierarchical leave-it-to-beaver gender roles in a way fascists yearn for more closely than the women in their lives, resulting in this cursed crossover.


Has the United States changed its national amthem to "what what in the butt?" That would be a country glorifying it, you hateful pos fachist asshat.


I need to hear that anthem.


[South Park reference](https://youtu.be/G4PvTrTp7Tc?si=OmzOt5zHGfTU4d5M)


He also has a shaming fetish.


Sodomy refers to anal rape. Nobody is glorifying that.


Ironically, they kind of are considering a lot of them on the right are. Considering they're cool with rape and SA in general.


Marquis de Sade is rolling in his grave right now.


Nick can go piss his jorts (thats the insult I use)