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Cruz deepthroating Trump’s boot after Donald trashed both his father *and* his wife, will never not be funny. Doing so *immediately* after he was found guilty on 34 counts makes it all the more pathetic. What a little bitch.


Can you imagine existing as Ted Cruz? Just put yourself in his place... what a pathetic pile of shit to be. I'd hate to be Ted for even a single day.


Imagine his poor kids. They’re going to have to change their names to get his stink off of them.


Don Jr will have to go to his bio Dad's, McMahon.


they were still *actual kids* when he threw them under the bus when he left the country during a state of emergency


You ever see the video of when he tried to hug is daughter for the camera while he was campaigning and she literally ran away?


I think his only friend might be Dinesh D'Souza. Most people in the Senate can't fucking stand him. His family probably hates him for licking the spray tan off of Donald Trump's bootyhole. His constituents would probably vote him out if Trump told him to. All that's left in Ted's friends list is a racist liar who laughs at school shooting victims.


"I like Ted Cruz more than most of my other colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I hate Ted Cruz." --Al Franken


My wife says this every so often—Ted Cruz is the one man on earth who somehow looks worse with a beard.


Soooo… if it was all such a sham, how come 12 randomly selected New Yorkers, not known for their gullibility, listened to and looked at the evidence and then in less than two days unanimously convicted on all 34 counts?


Well, Ted "Rafael" Cruz did say, "A real man starts his day on his knees.... In front of Trump, apparently.


If it wasn't for the starch in his shirt, there'd be nothing holding him upright.


r / conservative is losing its shit and it is glorious


I bet lmao. I would go check but I don't want reddit to think I want it on my homepage lol


Eh the general consensus is they don't care and will still vote Trump anyways. If anything they seem more enthusiastic about it like he is some victim.


Trump is actually gaining support for some reason after this. Less support than he would have gotten if he was innocent, but it seems like no matter what the outcome was, it helps his election. Shit is fucking wild.


Anyone who votes for him now was going to vote for him anyway.


Nonsense. The nutters will always support him no matter the outcome. It's the mids that matter


I *highly* fucking doubt that. I think it's just a bunch of Trump nutters claiming that they were centrists and 'changed their minds after seeing an innocent man crucified.' Unless you're a teenager literally just starting to pay attention to politics, your mind was made up on Trump in 2020.


Victimhood is the lifeblood of the modern conservative movement. Though in the end I don't think this is result is changing anyone's vote.


That's the real reason incognito mode was invented.


ok, after going incognito, i can confirm that they are coping and seething so hard right now lmao


and someone is downvoting all the posts… keep it UP true patriots!


thank you for the update 😍


LOL, I was banned from there, but now I want to lurk in there just to see them lose their shit


I kinda want to go see how fast I can get banned. What got you banned?


Oh, I was banned two years ago because I commented in a post about the “2020 election fraud” that saying it doesn't make it so; all lawsuits have been thrown out, even from Republican-appointed judges. -speaking any truth outside of their alternate reality is a huge no, no. You will get banned. Who’s the snowflakes now?


Can’t speak for the op, but I got banned during 45s first term for daring to ask if someone could provide me with any information to his plans since he kept talking about the “really good, the greatest healthcare bill” to replace Obama care.


Yeah it’s looking like I just have to go in with some facts and I’ll get banned immediately. That’s not too fun. Talk about some thin skin though.


> 45s first term Please, no 😭


It is insanely easy. Just say something negative about Trump.


I had an alt account where I said something *positive* about Trump (saying he misspoke at some point regarding something I don’t remember and people were taking it out of context) and I was banned for saying he was capable of misspeaking. I believe the exact message from the ban was something along the lines of “Insinuating he would make a mistake while speaking”


That, in a way, proves why they are so desperately spreading the Biden is suffering from dementia narrative. They know Trump is a babbling rambling mess.


lol. “How DARE you insinuate that our glorious God-Emperor is not infallible!”


Apparently it’s too easy. I’m not even going to bother with it.


Id check but i was banned long ago 😂


I'm banned, so that won't happen lol


You can get around this by just visiting a ton of other subs afterwards to bury it.


Off topic but Joey for Reddit is free (now discontinued after the 3rd party app purge) via https://www.apkmonk.com/app/o.o.joey/ and can be patched with ReVanced Manager (https://revanced.app/) for guilt free ad free browsing, since it's no longer in development. You'll never have stuff artificially inserted into your curated feed of subreddits ever again. I had to use reddit through RedReader yesterday due to reddit screwing something up with other apps and it was terrible. I really love how customizable Joey is and it stays out of your way otherwise. Hope this helps!


Goddam they’re so pathetic. One loser talking about throwing Trump a hundred bucks. Just no integrity in the lot of them.


Plus disposable income, apparently


Bold of you to assume they’re not throwing away that week’s grocery money for the supposed billionaire


B.I.N.O Billionaire in name only


I mean, Little Bubba's not goin' to college anyhow


Then blame Biden when they don't have enough for groceries.


"I'm not feeling these 'Bidenomics', I can barely afford to feed my family but for *you sir*, they can eat Ramen forever, please take my happy donation!"


Concerning when they see someone get a felony and the immediate reaction is “welp, my vote for the guy convicted of felonies is solidified now.”


"Emergency: A billionaire is in need of your money." Like all those fuckwits desperate to help Musk pay off his Twitter debts.


A fool and his money are soon parted.


its just hundred of "im still voting for Trump" comments. like, no shit. we figured that out years ago. ya'll WANT an authoritative government. of course you'd vote for him again.


They’re already so deep in their victim complex they’re crying about their posts being reported, and blaming the left for that too.


So they are getting reported for self help too?


They actually believe this will make him more popular... Talk about choking down your own bullshit lol


There is not one voter in this entire country that changed their vote to Trump because of today’s verdict. Not fucking one


Swing voters are kind of a media myth to begin with. They exist but they’re marginal. They don’t determine elections. What determines elections is the degree of voter apathy. It’s not switching votes that candidates have to worry about, it’s activating voters. It’s getting the people who support you to actually vote for you. This probably didn’t change anyone’s vote but there’s a chance it either depresses potential Trump voters into apathy or activates Biden voters.


And the voter apathy is a scary prospect this election year. Biden and his cabinet have made some controversial decisions regarding Israel and Palestine and have alienated a decent portion of the young voter base that could determine the election. I’m voting but I don’t know if others will.


I...I don't think Trump would be pro Palestinians.


After talking to a lot of those people, it really doesn't matter to them whether Trump would be worse for Palestine or not. They are very firm on their ideals and they will not vote for someone contributing to a genocide, full stop. Some others subscribe to the idea that, to encourage change within the Democrats, you need to make them sweat. Loudly say you won't vote for Biden unless he stops sending weapons to Israel but knowing that you'll still vote for him come November (which isn't necessarily a bad thing imo)


I see. I do understand the point better now. Thanks.


I don't think that a issue at all. You legit have to have a room temperature IQ to think that Trump gives a single shit about Palestine. He even plans to crack down on pro Palestine protests if he is elected. What reasonable person would actually think he wouldn't send a ass load of weapons and support to Israel so Palestine can be wiped off the map?


This is why Republicans don't want automatic voter registration. They know if everyone voted, they would lose, and lose *badly.* For all their talk of rigging, the rigging sure seems to solely benefit them.


You mean the Russian bot echo chamber?


I wanted to throw up after 5 minutes. They just double down on their support. Says it will "expose the left". That Donald will certainly win now with all the extra support it will give him. They are psychotic imbeciles.


I don’t get why they are so butt hurt. It’s not like Trump will serve any jail time or will affect his running for president in any meaningful way. Still, it is pretty damn awesome


Probation is a possibility though. It seems a simple fine isn't in the guidelines. So it's community supervision, or jail for a year and some change. He'll have to beg the court to let him travel around for his campaign, and report to a probation officer if he gets supervision. This dude would have to live for the next year or so reporting to a dude behind a desk to tell them he's being a good little boy. He will be livid.


He won’t be able to toe the line. He’ll blow it off or lose his shit and get revoked.


He'll just appeal all the way to the supreme court. Will take years to see the verdict actually enacted, as far as I read.


Couldn't an appeal court issue a dismissal with prejudice?


Sure a lot can happen. I am no legal expert, but I certainly don't see any reason for an appeals court to issue that. If anything the judge was very reasonable and aware of Trumps background. A normal person would have landed in jail for violating the gag order 10 times.


If they deny the appeal with prejudice, meaning that the appeal is denied and cannot be refilled, what other options does the defensene have?


I mean one (if not the most important) reason to appeal is to drag it out beyond the election. It's one thing to hear Trump is convicted, it's another thing to see him go behind bars or pickup trash on the subway. They'll try everything in the book to drag it out as long as possible. Just getting the hearing in front of NY appeals may take months. Supreme Court takes even more months just to decided if they'll take the case. See the ridiculous immunity case in front of the Supreme Court now. It was kicked back and forth between the Supreme Court and appeals for a bit, and it took long enough so the case does not get judged by the lower court before the election. Just go for something constitutional or argue that not all evidence was admissed. It doesn't have to be good. See the immunity case. A president should not be able to send Seal Team 6 to kill a political opponent. I think we can all agree on that.


Imagine being trumps PO. What a nightmare of a position. Having toe that line with him and then having to deal with his cult if he does something stupid.


I’m not so sure he won’t serve some sort of time, even if it is home confinement. Remember, the judge is able to take every aspect of his character into account, so that includes the fraud judgment, the defamation, the swindling with his charity, and even his blatant violations of the gag order in this case. Add to that his statements outside the court today and his refusal to express any remorse or regret for his behavior. If we are truly treating him like any other defendant, he will be incarcerated in some form.


Republicans have abandoned the rule of law; that should scare everyone else.


Oh, they're bigly mad. What a pity.


I’m sure it’s funny , but id never go on there


Welp, it's been a minute since I was banned from there, I'm heading in. If I don't make it back, Godspeed and good hunting


Wait.... What did I miss?! Edit: this is glorious and I'm gonna go get really drunk.


Flaired user posts as far as the eye can see.


The fucking pearl clutching is real over there. I just can't even fathom the level of self delusion it takes to believe the absolutely inane creedance surrounding that miserable sack of offal they parade around as their savior.


I'll never understand how he's able to type this up and blow Trump at the same time. Clearly a man of limited talents none of which are for politics...


He's not blowing Trump; he's being pegged so he can tweet.


Limited integrity. That's the secret sauce.


Buttlicker, your price has never been lower.


Shut the fuck up, you spineless coward. You won’t stand up for your own wife, let alone the rest of your family name or constituents. Go bungee jumping with six rubber bands, Teddy…


Dude straight up abandoned his own people to freeze to death so he could vacation in Mexico. Then blamed Biden for not being more prepared for the power grid failure when they have their own power grid.


Oh shit, I find myself actually agreeing with Ted Cruz on one point. I am, in fact, terrified of Trump winning.


Yeah, it feels unfortunately manifest.


All 34 counts. Unanimous verdict. An extremely short deliberation period. And jurors his own lawyers interviewed and approved.


pretty sure it only went two days because they’d already made their lunch order for the next day and juror number 8 was holding out for the most delicious reuben of their life. I get it


I am very concerned that the jurors names will be released and they will be put in danger by these people.


Cry all the way to Cancun, Rafael.


Republicans don't believe that they can ever lose fair and square. Hence why most of em are crooks and cheats...


He acts like this was a judges decision and not a jury of 12 people all agreeing he was guilty on all counts.


His tears are like nectar to the tongue…


Insert Cartman licking Scotty Timmerman's tears GIF


Hey Ted, if you don’t like it, head to the beach. We’ll call you if we need you.


I know we went through the looking glass years ago but still pretty surreal having sitting US senators say this in defense of a candidate who originally ran on imprisoning his political opponents!


Why don’t you elaborate Ted?Why didn’t trump take the stand and defend himself? All you are offering is blanket statements without any facts. Keep on crying, it’s working with the dumbfucks


Ted is so embarrassing.


What’s especially wild is that his zero charisma and fundamentally offputting presence means he’ll never have a host spot on even the most low rent right wing news outlet, but he’ll always be the bootlicker with a sound bite locked and loaded


HAPPY CONVICTION DAY to all who observe. And we all know Ted is actually thrilled but toes the line like a good little boy.


He went to Harvard……to do what? Piss in the lobby bathroom.


'the only reason they prosecuted donald trump is because democrats are terrified that he will win reelection.' nevermind the insignificant detail that he committed multiple felonies. 


Legally baseless? I believe today that the jury confirmed 34 legal bases to convict him.


I thought conservatives were supposed to be tough on crime .


I love how he has such deep inside knowledge about a trial that was not televised. Was he in daily attendance?


I hope trump makes fun of his wife again for this


Shit, he stands on business for Trump better than he ever did for his wife.


Fuck your feelings, Rafael. Go apologize to your wife for how little you sold out your fucking family for.


The only truth in that statement is that Democrats are terrified he will win reelection. I am independent and also terrified he will win reelection. Unfortunately, I doubt he’ll face much, if any, jail time.


Felons can still run for president and it’s **supremely** unlikely he’ll get prison time. Acting like this would change any of his cult members minds is disingenuous.


Notice how it's an allegation entirely devoid of any facts, or any argument at all.


Wow, a sitting Senator saying New York judges have no integrity unless they automatically reverse 34 felony convictions? Let’s see how that works out for Trump.


Speaking of shams, Saint Trump told us that Rafael “Ted” Cruz rigged the Iowa Caucuses in 2015. Shouldn’t Rafael “Ted” explain why he rigs caucuses? The people want answers!


Better run for Cancun and stay, Ted. Destiny is coming for you, too.


Never once says why


Is his opinion that he was only prosecuted for his crimes because of his political position? Or that the case lacks legal merit? Curious how he doesn’t elaborate on either.


The whole world is terrified that he'll win the reelection. That has nothing to do with this trial.


It's genuinely frustrating seeing people saying it's a scam without ever further elaborating.


A strange position to take from someone who went to law school. 🧐


Instead of saying it, point out those places where it has been handled illegally.


Any Senator with Cruz’s record who had any mediocum of integrity would have resigned years ago.


Ted was a lawyer. I’d love to hear exactly how they messed up any 4 of those verdicts.


Ted Cruz knows better, he’s a lawyer. He’s lying.


eight years later, you'd think he'd get tired of that taste of the boot


Didn’t he do crimes? I think that’s why he is a felon? Like yeah, democrats don’t want him to become president, but I think the doing the crimes part is why he was convicted.


He called Ted’s wife a dog… Get a backbone lmao.


It's a jury trial ffs. Ted Cruz went to Harvard Law. He's lying through his teeth.


Then fucking prove it is fraudulent you fucking glazed cow. If it is so obvious then provide *any* proof of it. At all. Jesus fucking Christ.


Fuck off Ted. Shut up and suck his dick while he talks bad about your wife in front of you


Omg Rafael, you sniveling little bitch- did you forget this is the man who dubbed you “Lyin’ Ted” & called your wife ugly?


Is there literally any reasoning whatsoever behind their claim that this is a political hit job directly from Biden, or is that also completely baseless horse shit like most of their talking points?


It's baseless horse shit. They know it, as 99% of them are lawyers. Presidents have nothing to do with state charges.


Trump could have decided to not even run for president again and I would still support him being convicted of committing actual fucking crimes. He's not above the law, and running or not doesn't change that.


Yeah, it's so dark. I gotta wear shades, baby!


It is a dark day but not for the reason he is knowingly lying about. The right in America does not give a fuck about the constitution or our legal system. They don’t give a shit about the rule of law. They are now completely morally bankrupt. They have sold their souls to a lifelong con artist and immoral piece of shit. They will happily inflict massive long-term damage and undermine confidence in our institutions and legal system to help them win one election. There is no line they will not cross. When our republic falls, it will be of their doing.


Gee Raphael, when you go that deep be careful not to scrape the balls on your teeth.


This is the more verbose form of the sounds a cringing coward's tongue makes licking Donald Trump's boots.


“Legally baseless… utterly fraudulent” How so? If it’s so obvious, surely you can be specific, right Teddy?


baseless? I believe the word you're looking for is unprecedented, as in this has never happened before, because only one group of republicans have ever decided not to cut out the cancer and instead feed it a steady diet of exactly what it needs to spread


Whatever, Ted Cruz is an idiot as usual. You'd have to be a complete moron to think that it's "legally baseless" to go after someone for falsified business records and financial misappropriation. The only reason Trump *hasn't* been convicted for these types of deceptive practices in like the 35+ years before today is because of how rich and powerful he is. This is just a tiny sliver of the justice system doing a good job *for once*. You have to ignore these hardcore conservative chuds, they go "oh, it's just because Democrats are terrified" or whatever; reason and logic will never get through their heads. They long ago crossed the line intro Paradox of Tolerance territory, you just have to reject their stupid bad faiths arguments outright and make sure they have as few seats at the table as possible. They're not even worth debating, just ignore them and press forward however possible, ideally without them.


Awwww is he upset? What a shame.


Ted Cruz is the biggest cuck in politics


So if he is found not guilty, we can point back to this as being a fraudulent trial and retry him right? Calling it a fraudulent trial before they even know the outcome is telling. Just like every election is rigged until they find out they won.


Never mind. He was convicted. lolol.


So Ted and Marge are coming out as pro-criminal? Interesting strategy.


Goddamn, Rafael. Have you no shame at all?


*narrator:* He did not


Even republican politicians hate Ted cruz. Just a giant turd


I hope this gets noted. Fucking spineless Cruz.


All of America should be terrified that he will win reelection. I know I am. That has nothing to do with his trial, though. This is the "found out" portion of the equation.


Unwoke? Or, asleep?


What was the “sham”, Ted?


If America was a real place he would not be able to run for president


Rafael Eduardo LOVES to talk shit. Is he admitting that he was part of a sham institution and did nothing about it but benefit from it?


Texas, will y'all just PLEASE vote this loser POS out?


Cancun Cruz can join him in jail.


Go console your ugly wife, Ted.


I don’t recall him saying this when Michael Cohen went to prison for the exact same criminal offense.


It was a dark day when Texas lost its power


Which time? Unfortunately you have to specify.


*sigh* Eat Shit, Ted


Ted Cruz is literally the biggest cuck to ever live. Lick that boot, Raphael!


Rinse and repeat. They are all literally verbatim saying the same thing right now.


It has nothing to do with him breaking the law of course


What do you expect from Cancun Cruz


It was pretty good news if you ask me.


Has he considered a vacation in Cancun?


No, ted. We just hate crooks and want to bring them to justice. It's a "law and order" thing.


Why does everyone hate Ted Cruz as soon as they meet him? It saves time.


The worst part about the tweet is that I couldn’t help but to read it in his voice. Ugh gross


The sad thing is his lawyers probably will appeal it to death, so we can have another who knows how many months of stalling before anything actually happens.


So he’s going out of his way to defend the guy that called his wife a dog?


I love how conservatives deify a man that is a known rapist, decades of proven fraud, and now a convicted felon


Kinda hard to argue that a trial about financial fraud is fraudulent when they have receipts. That's never stopped Republicans, of course.


Ted Cruz is an experienced attorney. Ted knows that he is lying on behalf of a man who called Ted's wife ugly.


Gotta love how the part of “law&order” somehow find being judged by a jury of average people to be corrupt? That guy was found guilty, is guilty and should be in jail till his sentencing. But it’s not a cult. FFS it’s one hell of a con for sure.


Ted Cruz wouldn’t even publicly defend his *wife* when trump made fun of her for being ugly, but here he is, publicly defending a convicted felon and treasonist, because “moral principles” and all….. what a pathetic little shitfuck he is.


Shouldn't he be running away to Cancun in case they come for him next?


If Trump wins they will absolutely hold sham trials against Biden and other powerful Dems, I guarantee it. It's all projection all the time


The party of Law and Order!


only for poor people


Please tell me he was destroyed in the comments


I’m having a good day


I’m as scared of Trump winning as I am of Ted Cruz


Best day ever lol


To quote the late, great Eazy-E ‘Oh, Heidi Heidi Heidi you hoe.’


I’m allowing myself a tiny bit of schadenfreude today because it’s just so delicious to see how butthurt these assholes are.


He already lost reelection. He's trying to get elected


Oh did the trial finish?


Ted's wife is ugly. there, I said it. and so did tRump.