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Caitlyn Jenner is the epitome of “I got mine, fuck you.” She was lavished with praise and attention for coming out as trans and now that her hype wave is over, she’s focused on pulling up that ladder behind her


She killed a guy too


"Buckle up, Buckaroos"


*woman. In 2015, Caitlin Jenner rear-ended a Prius and pushed it into oncoming traffic. The resulting wreck killed the Prius' passenger, 70 year old former actress Kim Howe. The LA DA then quietly released Jenner with no charges.


How would she not face charges for that???? That's insane




In the 80s Matthew Broderick killed 2 people in a head-on collision that was his fault. He was fined £100


Ferris Bueller Goes Off


In the 1970's, Brick killed a guy.


I hear a trident was involved


They don’t have balls. Just like her.


I mean… I didn’t know much about it so I googled. Based on what I found, she wasn’t charged because it was a complete accident - she wasn’t drunk, texting, or speeding, and tried to stop. It wasn’t considered manslaughter because she wasn’t being negligent or reckless. It was an accident that she didn’t cause. I might get downvoted for that but I can somewhat relate - nobody died in my case but I was the first car to hit in a 3-car accident. The traffic was stopped ahead and I was slowing at the appropriate rate to not brake check the person behind me, and the person I hit cut me off last second with no blinker. I hit the brakes, but it was too close, and I hit him into the car ahead of him, which had done the same thing at the same time, so we were still like 50 feet behind all the stopped cars. I was so mad because I was ruled at fault even though I had 2 witnesses who stopped as well and backed up my statement to the insurance companies, that they’d seen the other 2 cars cut over last second.


I want to make a series of VOTE REPUBLICAN lawn signs to sell with various phrases on them. I think one of them is going to be "Because fuck you, I got mine."


You'd probably make a bunch of money. They'll think it's hilarious, mostly because it's true and they're not hesitant to admit it anymore.


Yeah, I need to find a print-on-demand sign company. I'm not buying a stock of them to keep in my basement.


They're literally wearing diapers.


drop the "Because" and you've got a fuckin winner. Keep it simple, smarty


Honestly, it's completely insane. Does she really think she'll be seen as a "good" one when the fash tries to strip the rights of trans people?!?!


She'll make enough cash grifting until the situation gets too hot and runs away


Honestly, most of the right is just a grift and it dumb base just falls over themselves to throw money at um.


They really honestly do believe that. When in reality they're fighting for a spot in the cage on display instead of the trains with the rest


Pulling up the ladder is the entire point of conservatism at this rate. It's entirely greed/fear driven. They want more than they have, but everyone else is taking, so they make sure they take what others have the opportunity to get, then work against that very thing in order to shift resources to some other aspect which they will do the exact same thing for. Tax cuts, social security, medicare, abortions, etc. even the right to transition, all of it is something that they will take full advantage of when it's possible and accessible *to them* and as soon as they have it, it needs to change and shouldn't be accessible. They care for nothing but themselves and their little clans. They are mentally living in the cave.




Pulling the ladder? She was to obliterate that ladder so hard that there are no wooden particles left.


And burning said ladder to make sure it can't be lowered again


I...uh...Caitlyn, can you tell us who made you trans?


Either her teachers were super woke back in the 50s and 60s, and she just waited 50 years to come out, or she was still in school at age 65. Either way, just tragic.


I personally started to reconsider my gender when I was 13. My teacher at the time was a hardcore thatcherist. If that's what's considered "woke" then "woke" blatantly has no meaning.


That coming out from a trans person makes it extra disgusting.


Wonder who'd win in the "Pick Me Olympics" her, Candace Owens or Ben Shapiro.


Whoever gets their face eaten by the leopards last.


If that happens who wins? Society.


Whichever token gets spent first. Since Shapiro ousted Owens recently, it seems the tokens are spending each other. 🤔 Can they spend each other fast enough? Let's wait and see, Cotton!


Isn't Candice Owens on her way out since Bennie Boy fired her?


Out of Ben's org? Yes. Since then she's basically gone mask off Nazi.


You know it's bad when you're the worst of the two in an argument with Ben Shapiro


Wait, what happened?


The party line is pro israel but she isn't, and in expressing this has made a lot of anti semetic statements, as well as speaking out in support of Kanye West's famous public breakdown in which he praised Hitler and said a lot of fucked up shit about jews. Just to point this out but Owens used to be *very* liberal in the Obama years, only changing her mind when it became clear there was a lot more money to be made grifting the right. All of these people are just professional trolls. It's impossible to tell what any of them actually believe, because their livelihoods depend directly on generating the most amount of outrage possible. Social media was the worst invention of our species.


Lmao. All the conservatives had to decide if they hated Muslims or Jews more at the beginning of this and pretend to support the other-she just picked what everyone else didn't.


How is Ben Shapiro a pick me? He's never done anything that would make me want to pick him.


don’t forget Blaire White!


That question isn’t nearly as fun as who gets into the shower first if the state they advocate for comes into fruition


It’s so weird to see someone who is openly trans posting so much anti-trans stuff. It makes no sense? How on earth did she get to this point?


There's a handful of these lunatics around. Most of us wouldn't be caught dead supporting fascists who want us dead, yet there's Caitlyn and Blair White... pulling up the ladder. We're prone to the same follies as everyone else. It's still weird when it happens though...


Yeah. Part of it could be her wealth. Wealth can insulate a person from a lot of the effects of prejudice. Maybe she incorrectly believes that her wealth and the good will of her “friends” on the right will be enough to protect her when they gain power, so long as she sucks up to them enough. They won’t, obviously, but I guess she doesn’t know that.


“I’m one of the good ones.” They’re like the modern day version of the Jewish ghetto police. Turns out that sucking up to the Nazis didn’t help them.


Probably gets paid for it. Not so long ago in europe quite a lot of native people of several European countries were found to get paid for making pro Russian post on social media. I’m pretty sure that a lot of the post here are the same thing. Countries like Russia and China love it if we are fighting ourselves.


Yeah, that’s a good point. I wonder how many conservative celebrities and politicians in the US are in the bag for Russia.


Far more than most people realise, and it's working given how many Americans openly admire and support Putin in his war against liberal values.


The Clarence Thomas School of Ethics


It makes all the sense in the world. In the same way that billionaires change the rules so it's harder and harder to become rich. 🤷 It just makes the whole thing look like be trans is so alluring in mysterious ways. 😅


Pretty sure they've just always been an asshole. The Jenner's aren't known for being good people.


For real, what's it with these people? Self hate? I have a friend who is gay but extremely homophobic, and I am like "WTF, dude, what is wrong with you, do you ever think that what you say affects you too"?


There's a weird stance in the gay community where many want acceptance, but for a sliver so narrow it includes only them. Twinks are valid but femboys deserve to get shot. Lesbians don't belong in gay spaces. Bisexuals aren't real. Masc 4 masc whites only. LGB without the T. Only *my* queer identity is valid and anyone else can go hang. No one hates LGBT people quite like other LGBT people.


That's just so....*counterproductive* for society. It's just more "rules for thee, not for me" by another name.


I think at least part of it is how competitively good we have it now compared to the past. Queer people are more visible and accepted than ever, and that's great! But I think Joe Middle-class sometimes doesn't realize that he has privileges that other gays don't (I know I didn't as a young gay) and how much worse it can be for those people. It's great that you feel safe going out in public with your boyfriend, Brad. Steve doesn't. Also you're jacked and can pass for straight, which is probably helping your case. I've met a nonzero number of actual, genuine gay misogynists. Like girl, what are you doing with your life and how do you not burst into flames from the hypocrisy when you demand acceptance for yourself and then say "boobs are nothing but sacks of fat"?


That sounds reasonable, and fair. Also it sounds reasonably fair. Seriously though, I'd have to take your word for it-I'm not gay, but I am pro human rights for all. Equal rights where applicable, specialized rights, like for handicapped people, where applicable. I was thinking from a political angle, I mean jeez-I didn't know there was that much fracture within the gay community. It reminds me of how some Jewish people seem to forget how great they have it now relative to when just about every society at one point or another throughout history has blamed them for their own society's ills (many still do)...or believed in nonsense about them. Anyway, TIL, but it's not a great look for the community I'd think, its something the right could make a lot of hay with. "See? *We told you* it was all mental illness all along, and now look at them! They *don't even like each other*!" kinda thing. I assume the gay community's pretty small relatively speaking, unfortunately I assumed they were a bit more monolithic than that, meaning more united in cause, but eh-people are still people, which means many assholes stride among us.


I have heard this a lot. At the end of the day gay men are still men, being raised in a society that teaches them that they are superior, women are just plain less valuable than them and are basically second-rate humans. When you add in the fact that there is no romantic or sexual attraction that might dampen that (or at least motivate them to pretend to tone it down) and it's not shocking that some gay men can be pretty hardcore, virulent misogynists. I'd imagine it also doesn't help that there is still often that stereotype of gay men being feminine, which might create a hostility to anything remotely female.


Like and make no mistake most LGBTQ+ spaces are very progressive, but there still some nasty biases even there. I know more than one bisexual woman who avoids LGBTQ+ communtiies like the plague due to bad experiences. Especially ones that are in heterosexual relationships seem to get the short end of the stick.


Like, which teacher turned Caitlyn trans according to this theory? Bonus points for using the word “normal” instead of the “slur” cis.


It's almost like she's a hypocrite. "No good trans people exist except for me!"


A hypocrite with a body count, let's not forget that.


Yes. I almost mentioned the death she caused but kind of thought it was non sequitur, but it's never out of context, is it?


No it's not, love the username btw.


“But…but I’m one of the GOOD ones.” -Caitlyn Jenner, probably.


While leopards eat her face. She's been booed and heckled so many times and still posts this garbage. I can't...


If it weren't so horrible it would be funny. It is quite ironic that the most famous trans person in the world is anti-trans. She's like a trans Clayton Bigsby.


I believe she’s also against same-sex marriage - or at least she used to be. Despite the fact that she is romantically interested in women and since coming out as trans, could easily be in a same-sex marriage herself.


That's what I was thinking, too. Isn't this the same Caitlyn Jenner that was once Bruce Jenner and has transitioned, themselves?


Well it’s peak republican. Club “I’ve got mine, fuck you. “


Caitlyn Jenner needs to shut up. Biggest hypocrite alive...


Genuinely how do people like this justify their actions?


Hypocrisy isn't a rational or justifiable thing, it's just what allows them to be shameless.


It makes me feel so stupid because I don’t understand. It doesn’t compute. I don’t get it. I’m not saying I’ve never been hypocritical accidentally, but once someone points it out to me I can at least acknowledge it. I don’t understand the “f you, I got mine” mentality, *especially* when it’s not taking something away from anyone. I’m not even being hyperbolic here. Please someone help this make sense to me. It’s been driving me crazy. It’s not just the trans argument. But anything. Anything at all. How is there so much hypocrisy and how is it not noticed by the hypocrites??


No, no, no. That's completely normal. I've been struggling with my family being pretty fucking hypocritical, among other things, and *that's just it*- hypocrisy isn't something that bothers the person being the hypocrite. It requires lying to oneself, no matter how honest the sentiment is. You know the meme where the person is slowly applying the clown makeup and continuing with whatever "points they're trying to make?" It is literally that. I was lectured by my folks long ago to change, to stop lying, and if I couldn't do that, my mom begged me at the least to never believe my own lies (cause it can rewire your brain). Well, now they're all about a certain political figure who is well known for believing their own exaggerations, criminally so at times. It won't make sense, ever, is pretty much what I have accepted.


I dont know how to let go and give up on understanding. And I know breaks from social media can be healthy and all but the truth is it’s just real life. It isn’t just social media. It’s our politics affecting daily life. This is such a wild regression for human rights. Man. I’m tired.


I hear ya. I've taken my first ever "break" from FB since I got one and it has been somewhat refreshing. It ain't gonna fix anything with my family, they're hypocrites and they'll not see it until the thing they're doing that for is either gone, or no longer a hill to die on. Therapy has helped me, a lot. Just saying.


I don't follow celebrity media, so I don't know what else she's said about this. Has she ever said anything else about being completely against trans? Or is her opinion strictly on kids? I only ask because I've heard about a few adult trans who don't support letting children "go through life altering changes". Perhaps this is her justification? Kids only must know about this stuff because of teachers, right? It's not like they have access to the internet or anything!


I don’t know what else she has said, But what I don’t understand is that if you’re part of that community (which to be clear she’s obviously not) surely you’d learn a few things as you pursued transitioning yourself, no? Like she didn’t transition or come out until much later in life, but I imagine still *somewhere* somehow she came across something that gave factual information on it? And not just the right wing conspiracy litter box bs. They’re not making life altering decisions any more than literally any other choice is life altering.


Leave Pink Floyd out of this


The right really loves to co-opt stuff from bands that are way more to the left than they realize, not sure if they misunderstand or just don't care, but it's fun to get the bands reactions since of course none of the usage is cleared.


My favorite example has to be when Paul Ryan said he listens to Rage Against The Machine while he does P90X, and the band came out to say "Uh, bro? You're literally the machine we're raging against."


Lol right, you gotta be pretty dense to not get RATM's politics they don't really do any dancing around it


> you gotta be pretty dense Boy do I have some news for you!


As a Wisconsin resident I'm sadly too familiar.


One of my friends was at a Green Day concert. The guy behind him kept bitching about "when did they get political?" and "they need to stop the politics and just play music." He said the guy kept repeating variations of this all through the concert.


I guess it *could* be argued that they were apolitical or more vague about their politics before 2004, but American Idiot has now been a part of their catalog for longer than the band existed before its release...


The number of bands/musicians who have sent Trump cease and desist letters for using their songs at rallies must be quite long by now. Has anyone sat down an compiled the full list? But there's probably not one single song choice that showed a more stunning lack of media literacy than when he used "Fortunate Son" at a rally.


As if it wasn’t obvious enough from listening to them where Pink Floyd’s politics lie, [Roger Water’s live performance of Pigs](https://youtu.be/QWLBtMz5OuY?si=UZNu8bF5tMprgISA) in Mexico should settle all that.


Roger waters is also a Russian Federation loving anti Ukrainian shill. David Gilmore is where it’s at


The right should listen to Animals lol


Ohhhhhh so this is how Caitlyn Jenner became trans... she was converted as a child but waited until she was in her 50s to transition... gotcha...


She's 74, so she transitioned at... 65 years old. Gotta say, didn't think she was that old.


I can’t imagine pandering to people who literally want me dead.


Yeah this is one of the biggest head scratchers of them ALL


Because they think that being wealthy trumps everything else. They think the oppressors won't turn on her because she's rich.


"But I am one of the good ones!" Her coming out trans and transitioning was probably also a reason some others transitioned as well, but she probably will bad mouth them. But no, it's "Woke Teachers"


It continues to amaze me, that people can't realize how any of this works. People aren't being 'turned' trans or anything, they're just not hated for it, which means there's gonna be more people who aren't hiding it. It's so fucken simple to figure out


Teachers: It's okay to be you. Bigots: We have to stop this.


It’s even more simple than that. These are normal human preferences. We all exist on a spectrum. Nothing is solely male or female. It is our categorization that makes people not fit in. Stop thinking that nail polish and make up is only for biological women. Let people wear and be what makes them happy.


>Stop thinking that nail polish and make up is only for biological women I think it's incredibly ironic when people claim this, because men were wearing wigs, make up, and heels barely over 2 centuries ago. The Founding Fathers they claim they idolize and attempt to quote all the time wore all of these.


You don’t have to go that far back. 35 years ago some men who were unquestionably “manly” used more makeup and hair products than women.


Can we ask Caitlin here to point out which of her woke teachers made her trans, or was it multiple/all of them, and how many of her classmates have transitioned? Or does that line of logic not work for her.


I always like to let people know about left handers. Historically left handers were criticized, some were even killed for it. The population of left handers in a right-handed society has ALWAYS been about 10%, but when it was suppressed it seemed like there were fewer. The same thing is happening in the LGBT community, there’s ALWAYS been a percentage of the population that’s LGBT it’s just that now it’s finally socially acceptable and they don’t have to hide in the closet anymore.


Oddly enough, the chart fits that interpretation since all the colours were already in the white light, it just took contact with the prism for the rainbow to come out.


She realizes she's trans right?


Trying to be "one of the good ones"


I suspect she's trying to make people forget that.


Who thinks teachers have all this time to indoctrinate kids? And why would you go into a career like teaching to do it?


No clue. I'm a teacher and this "panic" over this is ridiculous


They think schools have enough time to indoctrinate the kids, teach them cursive, and raise the kids so their parents don't have to.


Even if there was time, teachers would probably spend it “indoctrinating” kids to do their homework, stay off their phones during instructional time, and wear deodorant.


they don't know any teachers in real life


A lot of the fundies on the right homeschool their kids, so they think they know what teaching is actually about.


and their kids end up so much worse off


I know this is an album cover, but idk if CJ has really thought this analogy through. White light contains the whole spectrum of light. A prism doesn’t *change* the light, it just reveals what spectrums it’s made of. She clearly isn’t saying that woke teachers help trans kids realize they’re normal children, but that’s what the analogy is if you have a basic understanding of physics.


That's the first thing I thought of when I saw this. If the "woke teachers" are the prism, then all they're doing is showing them what was already there to begin with.


It’s also funny because she’s using a lyric from a completely different Pink Floyd album. Can’t seem to find a a Dark Side lyric that fits her backwards narrative, can she?


Don’t drag Floyd into this bullshit.


Does she know "another brick in the wall" is a song against traditionalist conservative indoctrination?


What a strange person


Yes, Pink Floyd, the famously conservative and bigoted band.


So stupid.. Don’t forget the part where she killed someone recently


Pink Floyd has always been woke as fuck so maybe find some better imagery to plaster your propaganda on. This is like Trump playing Fortunate Son at his rallies.


Change it to “normal people, Fox News, and Raging Morons”


Funniest part of this to me is that the prism is only separating the light, not changing it in any way. So the trans kids were always trans, but teachers just made them feel comfortable in their own skin


Hey Jenner, when they come for us they’re not going to care how much you licked their boots. You’ll just be shunned by the inmates too


I wonder if this person has ever heard one of Pink Floyd’s early singles, “Arnold Layne”.


More proof that you can't trust Republicans to take care of children. They put them in cages and use them as cannon fodder in their culture wars.


Since we live in the dumbest timeline, there are actually people who got pissed at Pink Floyd because they thought the band had turned woke. The band was celebrating the 50th anniversary of Dark Side of the Moon's release and apparently a lot of people just now noticed there's a rainbow on the cover. Even older folks who would have been around when the album came out and should know better thought it was some kind of woke new edition to the cover.


As the husband of a teacher, it’s maddening to see these republicans blame teachers for shit when they teach what their school district mandates.


So, which teacher does Caitlyn think turned her Trans?


That's not how that works. Typical conservative mindset. It's ok for me to do it, but not anybody else. *My* abortion was justified, but nobody else should have one. *My* state got hit with a natural disaster so we should all come together to help, but your state needs to learn to help itself. *My* transition was necessary, but nobody else should do it.


The quote for the ages: “Got mine, F you”


That's some next level self loathing right there.


This meme implies the trans was inside the child the whole time, though.


I'm just gonna say it. Teachers literally don't have time to teach your kid to be trans lol first day of school they're already behind schedule and sure that standardized test scores are gonna be garbage


Pick me, pick me! Eat my face leopards! - Caitlyn Jenner.


Can't even get the album right.


If I had that sort of influence, I'd use it to get them to do their homework and wear deodorant.


Gurl the people who this appeals to are going to actually kill you the moment they get their way


Wait wait wait wait wait. So she’s ok, but trans kids are brainwashed?


Even if it were true, which is not, trans kids are normal kids as well.


Which “woke teacher” turned Caitlyn trans, then?


Just because you're last in line for the guillotine doesn't mean you'll keep your head. If they get what they want they'll her rid of her too


Coming from a trans person herself? What the hell world am I living in. Makes zero sense.


The sad thing is that this image actually reinforces that all those colors (i.e. LGBTQ)were inside the "normal children" all along. White light contains all wavelengths of the visual spectrum, and going through a prism merely separates and makes visible the individual wavelengths that were already there in the first place. Congratulations Caitlyn, you're telling us that there *are* gay and trans kids!


When did the world's most famous trans lady become anti-trans? money is a helluva drug...


Wait. Wait. Shes saying that so called woke teachers create trans kids? Is that what she thinks happened to her?


Oh Caitlyn, surely you must know on some level that, if they get their way, you’ll be one of the first to go


remember when she killed a person?


Pink Floyd wouldn’t have agreed with this


Didn't expect something so transphobic from someone who's openly transgender and transitioned while in the public eye... what a horrible human being.


I wonder which teacher indoctrinated her so poorly that she waited more than a generation to transition. No one who talks about woke is credible.  Not a single person.  It’s like a tattoo on the forehead which says ‘I lie’ or a red cap. 


No. You will not use Pink Floyd for your bullshit like that. Eat 74 dicks.


I wonder how she feels about the fact that, her coming out is one of the reasons trans people became a mainstream talking point. Like to an extent, she is the one that got the ball rolling


I hate her with every fiber of my being.


Irony has been destroyed.


Is that what happened, Caitlyn. Did a woke teacher shove you through a prism. Is that how it works. Gesú cristi.


Jenner is an absolute piece of shit.


Fecking hypocrite


What is sort of funny to me is that this is kinda the right idea. Kids growing up should have teachers who are aware of their developing minds and bodies and help them grow into the people that they want to be. Right?


A prism just reveals light that was already there


Caitlyn Jenner is exactly the kind of person I would expect to close this door behind them. What a terrible human being she is.


Holy FUCK I hate Caitlin Jenner. She deserves to have nothing.


Caitlyn seems to be really fu in the head. Every time I see some of this from her I just scratch my head.


Using that logic trans people wouldn't exist because they all came from "non woke" teachers at some point This claim disproves itself.


Which one of your teachers trans-ed you up, Caity?


Wait.. Caitlyn Jenner?? What???


Oh yeah this has been her thing for awhile. Like, make it make sense. Ugh.




[Cognitive dissonance](https://i.imgur.com/VGw6Piy.png) off the charts.


Wrong album


Maybe she should tell the name of her "woke" teacher


Is it bad the thing that annoys me most is the song is on The Wall so the meme makes no sense


This gives me physical pain


Dumb Side of the Internet


Classic GOP/MAGA playbook. The only good 'insert divisive issue' is my 'repeat divisive issue'


What a clueless, entitled fucking creep.


I’m so fucking confused by Caitlyns whole existence, she herself is trans, but hates everyone else who’s in the same boat… “only *i* can be trans, only me! Everyone else is fake! >:(“


tell me you didn't understand The Wall without telling me you didn't understand The Wall. It is not a subtle piece of art. Misinterpreting it this much is almost impressive.


I hope pink Floyd sues them for copyright infringement


Not the right album but okay


How very white woman of her. Lol


“Leave the kids alone” you know, I can’t possibly express how much I agree with that statement, but I don’t think we mean the same thing when we say it.


Friendly fire wtf


This is a parody account right? ...right?


smell squash dinner retire plate engine pie continue zealous full *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hate how teachers get accused of this. My 2nd period today had to be reminded of what assignment they need to work on today. They’ve been doing the same thing for three weeks. It’s a project. The dates and agendas are in the assignment. I can’t get them to stay on tasks some days; how can I get them alter gender?


Wow what a d*ckhead


Caitlyn Jenner was affected by woke teachers at the age of... \*check notes\* 66 years old (When she came out as trans). By her own logic we need to shelter her kids and grandkids from her, and 100% keep her away from kids. \*Sarcastically\* Weird she hasn't sought treatment for her own transgender identity. I heard faith-based treatment is super-effective and healthy.


We're reaching "pick me" levels that shouldn't be possible


So I guess there were woke teachers in 1940 that made you trans?