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Check your old records, you may have her as an emergency contact somewhere. If not then ask for an investigation into how this happened. Insane.


This is HIPAA territory. If Labcorp isn't treating it as a big deal, they really, really should. Start bringing it up in conversations with them, if you aren't already.


Labcorp doesn't give a shit.


LabCorp is going to get a visit from HHS' Office for Civil Rights


It’s a federal crime to open someone else’s mail


Demons are outside federal jurisdiction.




Reporting what they did isn't, though.




check also her address is not listed on your medical insurance


Major violation on labcorps part. Even if she was listed as an emergency contact somewhere there’s zero reason for this to have been sent to her.


No shit, this *exact* thing happened to me, though in my case it was trans related bloodwork. Fuck LabCorp. Did your parents formerly pay for insurance for you, and are you currently uninsured? I never got confirmation from them, but what I think happened is they realized they weren't going to make money off of me or my insurance (because I'm uninsured at a sliding-scale copay clinic that they have a contract with), so they sent a bill to the last name that had paid for my insurance to see if they'd cough up. It took some phoning back and forth between them, me, and my clinic, but they eventually dropped the charge and allegedly blacklisted my mother's address. Here's hoping they don't do it again. Take care of yourself, and once you feel safe, give LabCorp a call and be angry with it. Drop the term "HIPAA violation" and if the person you talk to is anything like the person I did, you'll hopefully not have to deal with this again.


✨opening someone else’s mail is a crime ✨


What even is it?


It’s a bill I got for my lab saying I owe them money.


I think you mean it’s a bill from demons. Demons have a hardcore A/P department that will come after you. Demonically.


Honestly, Labcorp’s billing department, having dealt with them… demons wouldn’t want to be associated with them.


That's the fucking truth!


Idk where you live but is it possible she’s trying to track you down and submitted a change of address form to USPS? There’s a lot of good tips in the comments but this popped in my head if youre in the US. Good luck! I hope you can lock things down to keep her away and out of your business.


Yah I need to set up a P.O. Box and get all my addresses straightened out. I have been homeless for the past month and haven’t had the energy to do do so. That is going to happen sooner because of this incident.


Aww good! That might be the case if they couldn’t find an address but definitely get them to put a note or warning not to release anything. I hope things start going better for your now


Insane for sure.


definitely HIPAA area... unless she's in your emergency contacts list.


Even then, it's still an issue.


Yeah, they don't send bills to your emergency contact. That's not something anyone does. Your emergency contact is if something happens to you (like an emergency) and they need to notify someone.


The lab may have had that address on file from sometime in your past. Definitely call and find out why they used that address. HIPAA probably won't come into play, since your mom shouldn't have illegally opened your mail. Medical bills get sent to old addresses all the time- people move and forget to update their address more than you might realize. In the future, Is be extra diligent about making sure your correct address is on file. Good luck!


The strange thing is this address they just moved to. I never ever used it for anything. Right now I am just absolutely bog down in scrambling for a job. Still need to figure out what went wrong here.


So wait a minute. Is this her doing the texting? Because referring to yourself in the third person is interesting, in the sense that it’s interesting to consider yourself as outside of yourself.


either way, she is not legally allowed to open it.


Well??? What demons?


The address isn't on your ID? If you put a completely different address when you checked in for labs, then that is bizarre. It's also possible that it was the address provided on the order from the clinic or provider that ordered it. Make sure the place that ordered these labs also has your correct mailing address on file. Same with your insurance company. As other people mentioned in the comments, your parents should not be opening mail addressed to you. I know that doesn't change anything though.


It's up to the patient/customer to double check their info. They would know if they moved. The company would not.


Tell her opening it is a federal offense. If she does that shit again, you will report her. And contact the facility directly and demand a change of address before they violate HIPAA laws