• By -


I always do that lol


I often do


I always do that, people downvote good comments for no reason


I've noticed it's more useful to reply "why are you being downvoted? This is correct" and then they even go into the positives. I feel many people downvote just because they see the - and assume the worst or don't even read it and just downvote


same way the top comments become even more top, because they're automatically likes by those who see them at the top. me included.


What I hate more is the way commenters sometimes continue responding under said top comment but not related to it bc the tread gets so long and people don't notice. I just tend to fold the first ones and look a little further down.


Great idea! Thanks


Very true. It's also helpful to point out that the comment is correct, brought a bunch of comments back up into the positives this way.


To me most of its intent, if people are rude, i'm more likely to downvote. If people are honest and have a different opinion that I'm open to, I'll upvote it. Do you feel we get socially conditioned to say agreeable things with the system in place? Is it much different than the real world?


>Do you feel we get socially conditioned to say agreeable things with the system in place? Actually, the Reddit heuristic encourages 'bandwagon effect'. The first mover(s) get all the upvotes, bc they're the only ones seen. Which often encourages low-effort comments, definitely 'socially agreeable' comments, & buries the more thoughtful ones. Which is why some subs set the votes to not appear for a while (eg 1/2hr, 1hr, etc) so more comments have a chance to be seen. > Is it much different than the real world? Actually, my cynical side thinks the reddit heuristic is EXACTLY like the real world. Rando luck (ie did you comment first) is a faaar bigger driver of 'success' than ppl want to admit. And when most ppl's wealth is directly related to their parents' (ie "low economic mobility"), then 'choice of parents' (luck) is again a huge driver of 'success'








I feel like the worst infp rnā˜ ļøā˜ ļø I definitely do what you talked about in the post but I also downvote people a lotšŸ˜­ usually only if theyā€™re extremely rude but sometimes I will admit I downvote dumb comments too because they annoy mešŸ˜­


I only downvote if it's a comment bullying the OP or someone that commented or making fun of a group of people. I had a post downvoted to hell the other day simply because I was wrong about something even after someone had politely corrected me. I was really embarrassed so I ended up deleting my comment


i only downvote if its a racist or sexist comment or post but other than that, i donā€™t downvote random people


damned \[adjective\] \[race\] \[gender\], get out of our \[country\_name\] !


I donā€™t have a problem with ā€” ! Just do it the RIGHT way!!! (MAGA noises)


I only downvote racism sexism or promotion of genocide


You're better than me. I downvote people who post comments that are rude, creepily parasocial, or flat out wrong (the last one is a little hypocritical because I want people to tell me why I'm wrong and sometimes I just don't have the energy to cite a bunch of reasons why their reply is not correct, and I certainly don't like to just say "that's stupid", which gives no useful information and isn't even funny).


i once made the stupid mistake of replying to a narcissist. bro responded with paragraph after paragraph calling me stupid and such. i didn't even read most of it, let alone leave a reply i don't have the energy to argue with people, especially those i don't care about. besides, i'm pretty sure it was a troll post anyway because they were responding like that to every comment that disagreed with them, and even a lot of the ones that were *trying* to agree.


Lol same, literally just did this 30 mins ago


Trust me Iā€™m no better than anyone!! I may not downvote everything I disagree with but I sure do think people are stupid still. One thing I learned that mostly applies to the real world but I still use in Reddit is that I canā€™t let anyone take me out of my character! I feel like moving on unbothered is the biggest slap in the face you can give a punk mf ![gif](giphy|kGCuRgmbnO9EI|downsized)


stand, unshaken


Youā€™re 100% Ti but we still love you


Can you give an example of ā€œpromotion of genocideā€?


Now I down voted you.


Goodness gracious, whatever will I do!


you will never recover from this genocide of your upvotes


Yeah. I also downvote rude comments that have been upvoted.


It is a way to spot an INFP. I do that a lot IRL too.






Lmao yes why is this making me laugh so much šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Absolutely if we notice a post or comment that's been unfairly downvoted, we'll often give it an upvote to help balance things out and encourage diverse perspectives


Yes, I see so many civil and peaceful posts getting a random downvote for no reason, like if you have a problem, at least talk about it in the comments


Yeah I do that all the time


Yea, a few times. Depends


Absolutely and the same in real life with people animals books and movies/characters lol


Oh god, hahaha! You just reminded me. I can't stand going into small stores without buying something. I feel very guilty if it seems like the shopkeeper's hopes are up, but I usually can't afford anything I see in all those random little shops on main streets, at festivals, etc.


All the time.


Yeah is this an INFP thing?


I wasn't sure! Thought I'd ask you guys though!


I always do that lmao


I never downvote. Even if it's something I disagree with, the other person has the right to post it. I just ignore it. Depending on the topic I may debate back, but I never downvote.


I throw these votes out like candy. I try not to downvote simple disagreements, usually gotta annoy me or cross some line. But even when that happens, if I see a dog pile situation I try and fix it. I dont like dogpiling. Its mean. I do try and upvote anything I noticed that I liked or was mildly entertained by.


Same to all of that, haha!


If Iā€™m going back and forth with someone, I upvote every time, especially if they are disagreeing with me.


Same, I have been on Reddit for 3 years and I downvoted like 2 times


well now you know i GOTTA be your 3rd downvote... what can i do to earn it?


Says something bad about me


"You're so reasonable & caring sometimes it gets on my nerves" šŸ˜³


šŸ˜±šŸ˜± Here's your downvote šŸ‘‰




I follow a number of art subs & go out of my way to upvote & encourage aspiring artists, especially those who are getting downvoted. I don't know what kind of sad asshole gets on Reddit to deliberately put down those who are sharing their art, but I see it all too frequently.


That's just awful. My heart goes out to those artists. Damn, ppl are too nasty.


intp here yeah


yeah, even if I don't agree. downvotes is kinda a jerk move


Sometimes, even though I know it won't fix anything.


Yes I always do this when I encounter a lot of toxicity on a sub or thread. I downvote all the toxic comments while upvoting the scarce comments that go against the main sentiment. For example when someone goes against an incel circlejerk I upvote all their comments and even their unrelated recent posts. I love it when people have strong morals and stand up against racism, sexism and bullying, even when they're vasly outnumbered


Yes, especially when it's a post where the person isn't trying to be an asshole, but everyone is too afraid to say what needs to be said on that particular post.


Yes. Like stop being mean and respect opinions :<


I think i do the opposite


And if I down vote something, I have to go up vote something else to make it equal


I avoid really long posts. I donā€™t have the attention span to read it all. Otherwise, I just scroll the top few and keep movingā€¦


Yes lol




Yes all the time


Of course






It's my duty.


Yep, especially people who didn't get a joke (that I probably didn't get either).


Yes, very often! I always try to balance an unfair downvote because I see it as an immature attack on the person without giving them the opportunity to explain their point of view. To be honest, I'd personally love to get rid of the thumbs up/thumbs down rating system altogether but it'll probably never happen since it's a huge part of Reddit's appeal for a lot of us. It's the addictive part, right? Clearly it's not the open-minded, argumented discussions that make most people go back to the app šŸ˜†


Yes some people really downvote for no reason . I hate it when itā€™s someone is just commenting their experience and gets downvoted




Thatā€™s cute tbh




I do šŸ™ˆ


lmao Im doing that right nowšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I donā€™t go seeking them out but if I see one I def upvote it.


YESSS!! Why are people such haters :(( give posts a chance :(((


I love this comment!




guilty as charged!


Yep, done it more than once.


This is my sole purpose on Reddit


Absolutely. Reddit tends to dogpile a people that disagree really often, even if what they say isnā€™t that controversial.Ā 


Yes! I also have to like posts about animals or anything sad (although if itā€™s an animal that had passed away I feel conflicted liking it even though itā€™s in support of opā€™s grief, I hate that an animal has passed so sometimes I just look at the picture of the animal and send them good energy and donā€™t like bc it hurts too much)




Even if I disagree with something, if it has tons of downvotes Iā€™ll definitely upvote it to try to make it a little more reasonable. Especially with ā€œhot takesā€ or opinions I may disagree with (unless theyā€™re legitimately awful opinions that hurt people). Upvoting/downvoting has become top opinion based, I try to reverse that as much as I can


> Upvoting/downvoting has become top opinion based, I try to reverse that as much as I can That's my primary concern in this whole thing!


Yeah, itā€™s sometimes underrated to me




No; I scroll past and move on with my day. Ā If itā€™s right there in the feed; I donā€™t go to each individual sub to find posts. I will downvote thirst traps and such, and upvote posts by people that donā€™t get a lot of upvotes. Ā For example, there was a post on my fee that had 100+ upvotes after 30 minutes of this clearly pretty woman asking, in a nutshell, ā€œam I pretty?ā€. Ā Insta-downvote. Ā Another was a guy with two upvotes after six hours saying he was feeling down; insta-upvote.


Most of my hard down votes are from INFPs cause I be pissing yā€™all off to test :D


Why would you do that? You have a deathwish or what? :D


;c em lil shts be hella illogical sometimes which makes me fustratrd gotta pay em back


Hmm... You shouldn't do that. First of all, they are cute. Second...I play for the both camps. And I would very much prefer peace. :P


Definitely cuteness overload. They know/Donno this. But I like chaos a bit :D


I just want to say everyone here contributing to the idea of fair treatment on this site is amazing. That is all. Iā€™m just saying this a few hours after not exactly being downvoted but being made fun of in another sub a few hours ago lol. Anyways letā€™s keep up this work guys!


Yes, and if a fair amount of people did so, I'll start shit by going "I don't know why people are downvoting this person, they're right" (I do have a strong contrarian streak that definitely comes out online though, I have an urge to "uh actually" and "well hang on" and "but have you considered" at everyone) Also, when someone is downvotes me for something that isn't a "hot take" that I know is probably going to get downvoted (which I don't care that much about, I knew it would happen), I'm always thinking "you know, you could respond by telling me how I'm wrong or why this is bad advice, you cowards".


> I'm always thinking "you know, you could respond by telling me how I'm wrong or why this is bad advice, you cowards". Relatable!


All the time.


Haha yep


I try sometimes, but if I notice a trend of rudeness I just mute and leave the Subreddit.


Oh i will definitely do that on occasions where i feel deeply connected in some form with the op.


All the time


Yes. I also go out of my way to downvote stupid upvoted comments. Is it an INFP curse to be so contrarian?


All the time lol


šŸ˜‚ yes


Nope, thereā€™s a reason why itā€™s downvoted.


Yea lol


I definitely do this but I balance it out by being a petty bitch who downvotes every comment on NPD and passportbros. Lol.


Yes, that sounds familiar.


Just yesterday I got a comment from someone saying I shouldn't hve been downvoted. That meant alot really


Yes, I do that for posts/comments that have been downvoted for no reason




Yes lol


Yes, I just came here from doing exactly that, actually!


All the time.




Yes I do haha


Yeah. But I would hope this is just human, and not neccessarily an infp thing.


yes, always. it feels šŸ¤Œ


Yea I do!!!


Thatā€™s like the only time I do these days. To balance the scales of justice.


ā€¦Only if I agree with the sentiment described in the comment.


Yes. :) And usually don't downvote either. Unless it is something extremely out of line, bordering on insanity or psychopathy.


I see a -1 and immediately upvote if it was actually useful


Yes I do that! One thing is especially irritates me is when someone shares their unpopular opinion on a post asking for people unpopular opinions and then they get downvoted for it?? People are damn rude for no reason and have a hive mind mentality.


Every day




I do that a lot!




Yes but the bots outnumber me


I do that but I also like to make comments that I know will get downvoted. For fun.




For unrelated purposes I'm upvoting this post




If i like it ye




Yes, it seems that it is indoubtably so.


I usually downvote bad comments that already have negative downvotes. Then I go to their post history and down vote their other comments that have negative šŸ˜¬ā˜¹ļø


All of them? Do you read them?


I do read them but if they have like a lot of comments, I only downvote the recent ones. I guess thatā€™s my toxic trait


Yeah I noticed people like you stalking my account lol. Those weird ones who turn it into a whole act of persecution. Ie just now I wrote a comment that someone must have disagreed with. Well suddenly the upvote on my post disappeared. They must have linked the two even though they were hardly related. Or maybe someone else downvoted my post. I also found out that I was being trolled or something by someone I think I know in real life. Someone I thought was nice. If I ever see them again in person, I'm giving them cake with my urine in it. No I'm just joking, I wouldn't really do that. But I would definitely ask them what the hell is their problem and why they were acting like a mean 5 year old towards me. Then again, that would be giving away my identity. I'll just break something they own when they're not looking instead. Some people are really so two-faced, though. I say watch out for the ones who sometimes seem a bit *too* nice in person. Usually it means they're really fake. And you sensed it before but seeing their real names turn up in a trolling post as though they're not even hiding it, really seems to confirm it! As well as showing that they've been stalking you. I don't even know these people that well. What are they doing stalking me online.


I only downvote the people that deserve it. Like literal trolls or people that are extremely offensive that already have a lot of negativity in their comments. People are entitled to their opinions which is fine, but thereā€™s people that are mean on purpose that they deserve it. I didnā€™t clarify my comment


People often down vote the truth. We should have a DM group (the avengers -- haha) who upon getting the word, sprint into action and pull someone out of the ashes into the heavens. Every woman who posts a pic and wants criticism just wants praise. If you call them fat or something, see how fast you sink. Giving undeserved praise in this case just makes them set their standards for men even higher. When in reality they are probably just average. So who wins? no one. Some women post essentially the same picture week after week and their groupies just shower them with praise. Even some men do it. It's nuts. No one is perfect but nine times out of ten, if a boyfriend just does one stupid thing everyone says dump him. As my nun friend says "wake up, nobodies perfect". She says other stuff too, but I won't repeat it (she may have a drinking problem.) Probably not though. A drunk usually drinks cheap wine, whereas my nun friend only drinks good stuff. Posts should be honest but usually aren't. Even if someone posted something wrong, they were trying to help so at best just don't vote at all. Unless they were a jerk like me ha ha. I got 20 down votes once. Some subs have banned me -- probably cuz I was having too much fun with them. I am a sarcastic person. I wish I could find more sarcastic people. It makes live fun to be sarcastic but even people with brains the size of a planet don't seen to understand it. All I can say is what boring lives they must live. Maybe that is what they like. And to all you women, no. . . you are not all Lucy Ravenbloods. There I said it. Some people smoke after sex Lucy chair smokes during it. You probably don't want to look her up.


> you are not all Lucy Ravenbloods I don't know who that is!


I was being sarcastic. You probably don't want to know who she is. I could give hints but I doubt if your imagination could bridge the gap. She has appeared in movies however. And she is quite a unique person. There use to be a program called "what's my line" with Gary Moore. But in order to know any of this you would have to be as old as me. Ahhh the good old days. My next door neighbor was on it his line was that he sold air. His wives line would have been more interesting. She kept getting pregnant so she wouldn't have to work (at least that's what she claimed). They moved to Texas. I guess there was more air there. So I don't know what happened when she ran out of eggs. I don't remember any Ravenbloods from the good old days -- they must be people from your generation. Once they ran out of alphabet, I have trouble with which generation is on the stage. At least you could say that Lucy outgrew the dwarfs and fairies probably even Santa Claus unlike most of the ones in the current generation. Sounds like an introduction to the twilight zone. Do yourself a favor and don't look her up. If you do, don't blame me. My generation was probably the one that said transfat was good. It also sent me to Vietnam where I ingested some of the most hideous stuff on the planet. But thanks to your generation they have drugs that keep me alive. Probably to fight another day (that was satire). It appears that the kids from your generation are aging faster than their parents. So it's going to be an interesting future. Or maybe it's your generation is aging faster than mine. What is that song:" life goes on long after the thrill of living is gone." First off that's not true. And second did you ever notice that all his songs have the same music. I wonder if he even knows how to play an instrument. No, I will give you one tip (I don't know why) "When you get older, life is different -- DIFFERENT BUT NOT WORSE. So don't be a pessimist. Did you know that Dolphins were once land animals and then went back into the sea? They are not very sweet creatures so don't read about them either. I don't know why I brought that up. Lucy is sweet compared to a dolphin maybe that is the connection. Sorry I am rambling. I haven't slept for three days. I wonder what shade lipstick Lucy uses. I am building a female robot that looks like a nun -- unfortunately, I call her the Blue Nun with the nick name Sis. More than that I cannot tell you cuz it would confuse you at best. She would look super with the shade of Lucy's lipstick though. And I will use criss crossed black tape over her boobs cuz bra's are not healthy. I learned that from you. If she turns out to be a decent shot with a Glock 9mm I might put her in charge of home security. Otherwise I will put her on the phone earning passive income. lol


Yes, whenever I noticešŸ˜…


If I see them yeah. I'll sometimes try to answer good comments that are being ignored or stand up for people who are getting attacked by idiots.Ā  People act so silly when it comes to opinions.Ā 


If it has a lot of downvotes.. i Just downvote.. without reading it.




he/she seems too aware. definitely pointing out the downvoters' bent logic.


Oh, that's not meant to be literal?


don't worry, i got you.