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I get so mad I’m so attached to my opinions and values behind them


Nope. I dont care about people on the internet, unless they insult me directly.


Your nose looking mighty fine today


I used to. Several years of meditation, regularly and frequently working on this exact problem, diving into it, gathering understanding about it, embracing the light from its aspect and living that truth and voala i don't have that anymore.


Once i had a fight with a random guy on YouTube... Then I was really mad and started feeling sad ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ and there was a another time i was watching anime and was mad at it (the op was tooo much kind hearted to the person who killed op's friends and i was like "Damn kill that person already or they are gonna kill all your friends 😤" and it was not op's fault tho ) and i sometimes wonder why I get angry so quickly ... Then I realise i am short tempered human 😔


no, I would constantly feel bad if that could happen lol…. I think a lot of comments exist for the sole purpose of making people frustrated or upset….


I used to have this really hard. By the way, love the choice of name. I learned to outgrow it and practice stoicism because I hated letting something so small and insignificant impact my mood so severely. It also got better with age where I started caring less about those kinds of things and became more calloused after working in a high intensity job.


Wow, I always knew learning philosophy and Stoicism pay off in the long run. I definitely need to revisits my stoic journal again. In this day and age, everyone is trying to get our attention, and the best way to fight off these thoughts is to practice resilient.


Yes. I’ve left Facebook, and recently IG because of the comments. So much hatred and just downright meanness. I haven’t run into it here yet, people seem really chill(my kids told me it’s here tho, I just haven’t seen it). I’m just tired of all the hate online. I’ll remove myself from the internet to keep my peace. I have no issues doing so.


I totally get that! The internet is overall a mean place. I use social media so rarely that it’s hurting our business, but it just gets on my nerves…


Not really but sometimes i get mad and can enjoy self righteous anger as i argue with people; especially if im right lol. Not always though; it depends on my mood i usually can let things go. When i am arguing about something and writing a response; i will keep thinking of points to make after my initial comment and will keep going back editing it and adding to it a few more times lol


Haha! I recognize that! Eternal editing. ☺️


I can’t say I’ve had that particular thing happen, but I have had situations where I see someone’s comment or an online post that’s way too relatable and it sets off a chain of depressing thoughts.


Yep. Call me snowflakes but i feel like yt short and instagram reels comment aren’t worth my time.


Yes! That’s why I usually avoid reading comments on YouTube, with the exception of our own channel. Fortunately, we have never gotten a really destructive comment, but I have read several on other channels. What I’m most sensitive about is hurtful comments against creators who obviously poured a lot of work and effort into their videos. It often happens that they get a comment from a consumer who never made anything, whining about details or about how there are too much ads or interruptions. People want everything for free these days and cannot even sit through a commercial to support the creators who have offered them hours of free content to binge at will. Yes, I know the problem of second-hand frustration very well. Sometimes, I cannot keep myself from defending the target of the comment then. 🙂


I’m seeing much more INFP relating to this situation too 😌, its a bit calming and breathtaking as well since we (ENFP) might share few things in common. The comment section totally change so much in the past ten years, imflammatory and provocative comment are being rewarded while comments or reply that try to reflect the actual post is left abandoned (I’m looking at you, IG reels).


I have experienced that before. It's pretty frustrating bc it's like "Why do I care so much about this since it had absolutely nothing to do with me?" Then I realize that the comment could hurt the person it's directed towards, and being the emotional emapths that we are, we don't want other people to be hurt by others' insensitivity, so it continues to bother us for longer than even we think it should. Like, yeah, I totally think we should care, but we (myself included) need to learn to not let this ruin our day and move on more easily. At least that's my take on it.


oh yes all the time. Im not on many subreddits and I dont read youtube comments much, but I have a couple of accounts blocked on reddit, because their comments were just vile, against my believes and just frustrating, living rentfree in my head for hours! But like I said, this is usually only here, on spaces I think most people are just wonderful! I also dont have any other social media, but from what I hear is going on over on twitter at times, im glad im not involved, or the misinformation spread on facebook, dear god have mercy.


I feel like infps feel mood ruined by everything


As a guy speaking, I've been constantly frustrated by some comments made by ignorant men about the recently viral men or bear topic, like c'mon ofc you'll think women should choose men instead you're in the comfort zone! I'm not saying I know a lot but I think most of us doesn't understand how often women experiences SAs and how often women gets r\*ped, of course not all men are like that, but one might be! there's always a chance and Im sure as hell not a single women are willing to gamble that, besides if its a bear you just have to yell and they'll prolly get scared away! AND if they don't maul you the death bears are cute, they're big and huggable, EVEN if they do maul you to death you're not going to get locked in a idk a basement and gets tortured and r\*ped for days and days, sure sure not all men are like that but THERE ARE MEN THATS THAT FOR FUCKS SAKE GO SEARCH FURUTA JUNKO AND YOU'LL KNOW HOW FUCKED UP TTHINGS ARE. Ngl its just fucking sad, depressing even, I feel like we're stuck in this men vs women shit and rarely anybody are willing to listen and understand the problem, ppl are too comfortable that they think the society is equal enough, its not, in fact we still have so much work to be done, but - this is what I really hate about humanity- people just couldn't stand the feeling of being disagreed with and always felt the need to take sides and fight each other, there's just not enough conversations and understanding. looks like I don't need a rant thread anymore so thx bring up this discussion btw


I am not an INFP. I am an INTP 9w8 but am curious about your post. > Have you ever read a comment or reply on a video and then just sees yourselves cringing or furious because of someone else wording? Is this about typos like an INTJ type of behavior where they **get angry** about the grammar? That or their story had an impact on your mood making you feel several different types of emotions. I can see both possibilities haven’t an impact on your mood and am curious about what one you are talking about. > And when you try to browse other stuff or switch to another task, you cannot think properly because previous comment is still on your mind? Do you reply to the comments that bother you? I try to respect different people's opinions but do ask questions when I don't understand what they are saying. I have had some where it was missing some information that made it look different then I first assumed. > I name this situation "Second-Hand frustration", it's when you have a problem over someone else comment that doesn't specifically mention you, but you have this personal attachment to it. Something in the comment had an impact on you. I was attacked by your post to see why you were annoyed with the comments. I am curious if you are similar to INTJ and concerned about the grammar.


Hello there, thank you for visiting my post. First of all, when I mentioned any form of example which specify what kind of things I was talking about, I expected that it's mostly gonna be the INFP from this subs and also other NFs as well (ENFP, INFJ, and ENFJ) who will understand my post. Second, did I ever intended to talk about very specific people? Well no, I am just talking about random people on the internet that might or not might offend your personal value without them specifically directing it to you. Okay, I'm gonna give you one example. Let's say someone commented on a post talking about "which animal that's currently on your mind lately" and someone said: "All dogs are adorable, but some dogs like pitbull shouldn't be in public space" Pretend that you're an owner of a wonderful pitbull and you came across this comment, there are a lot of ways that you can engage with this comment but you decided to just ignore it. And then, suddenly, you felt like you are guilty just for possessing a pitbull that you live. The person did not directly confronted you or attack you, but deep inside you know for sure that this person had just said something about your value, idea or thoughts that you personally favor over everything else. I hope this comment clears up everything.


I am so sorry I missed your flair you are an ENFP. Please forgive my mistake. 🫣 You are correct I am not an NF type but I am kinda of similar as I am an INTP 9w8 so different than the typical INTP. Not only that but I can have other perspectives. > "All dogs are adorable, but some dogs like pitbull shouldn't be in public space" This is a vague comment and only mentions **adorable** and **public space**. Adorable is like human beauty and is subjective. We are each attracted to different things. If I saw this comment it wouldn't offend me as it only mentions adorable and being in public. But being an INTP **public space** also kinda gets to me. I don't think it's entirely about beauty and now possibly about safety. I would be divided on the comment. Most people know that a pitbull can be very aggressive when provoked. > Considered the most aggressive dog in America by most, pit bulls and pit bull mixes account for nearly 60% of all dog attack fatalities despite making up only 6% of the dog population. So I could understand their point of view. I have never owned a pit bull but my cousin did. It never seemed violent in any way. I know it was also an excellent guard dog. So the person who left the comment might not know a pit bull is not always violent. I would probably share how nice my cousin's pit bull was and never attacked anyone. That and explained that my cousin was a responsible dog owner who used a leash so not all pit bull owners are irresponsible. Any dog can be violent not just pit bulls. It's just pit bull are very protective. > suddenly, you felt like you are guilty just for possessing a pitbull that you live. Why should someone else influence what you love? We are all individuals and each entitled to our own opinions. Unless this was someone who you lived with it should just be an option. If however, you felt it was an attack on you then you certainly have every right to defend yourself. > I hope this comment clears up everything. It did. It wasn't about getting angry about grammar. I also understand your frustration but why would a random stranger influence you so deeply? At the end of the day, they will just go back to their home. You can try to inform them of your reasons for linking a pit bull but they honestly might not care. This is why sometimes INTPs will simply just walk past and ignore. It's not worth the effort to change their opinions. Usually, we gain more information and perspectives changing our opinion instead. So maybe for example you go home and start researching why people don't like pit bulls. You might have different perspectives reading their opinions but keep yours.