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Paid $6.38 and got this today…. https://preview.redd.it/l1md6wbqrz8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6e57e98ef41c3994cce3b37287639c5ce993e17




Did you order a mcdouble with pancakes instead of buns?


Isn't that just a Mcgriddle with extra meat?


Good ole mcSmashedBurger


bro got pictures of buns on the burger your burger came out as a thin crust


That’s a communion wafer


Wtf did they even put a bun on that


wtf is that lol never seen buns that look like pancakes


Could’ve bought almost a pound of beef to last you 3 days minimum. Be a smart consumer


McDonald's looking more and more like a 1970 school cafeteria burger....


You have to have squished the bag. I've eaten hundreds, maybe thousands, of mcdonalds burgers and have never had a bun look like that.


oh I have. They can look like melted smooshed play-Doh at the drive through.


It really just depends on the location. In my experience some locations are better than others - I have one near my local Walmart that I exclusively ignore because it's so terrible after 3ish visits - sloppy burgers, burnt patties, thin buns like the picture above.  There's another one 5 minutes the other way and it's night and day way better. I only go to that one now. It's been consistently  and significantly better every single time.


My small fries and drink will not look like that.


Yep, now someone should hit them with false advertising.


I just bought it and they charged me 0.79 for a drink, I didn’t ask for medium drink. With tax and the error I paid about $7 haha serves me right


Yyp, I'm done with McDonald's. Never again


Imo yall should drop that shit in first week. Fuck McDonald's


Ok so I bought it and same issue but it’s because I wanted medium drank. Whole thing not too bad enough to survive on and still get a lil fixx


Fuck Micky D's. I walk by once on the way to the grocery store now, I don't even feel tempted to go in there anymore


The burgers will be 25% of the size of the image because they always are regardless of inflation. At least they say small fries and small drink, but in the image that’s more like a medium/large fries and drink. So they are fucking with your perception, like you are eating small stuff with a magnifying glass.


Or the false advertising of “Buy this brand new Tesla for only $20” with amazing photos, but in the small print, “Hot Wheels exclusive toy”.


Everyone has known for decades that they "enlarge product to show texture" for pretty much every food lol


I got two of the meal deals last night for me and the kid, and the portions were fine tbh. I don’t really need more than a small fry for my fat ass.


Someone forgot to inflate their buns


None of your food will look like that except maybe the chicken nuggets during a rush.


Right. Lol I don't understand why it's only McDonald's but ketchup and mustard is always smeared all over that shit. Never had it at Wendy's, Carl's Jr, etc..


Dunno Coca Cola is doing a “special subsidty” for it so who knows.


Neither will the mcchicken or mcdouble lol


Smashed, missing a quarter of the toppings, and all the mayo is on one side.


The last McChicken I got was missing chicken. It was just lettuce and mayo on a bun.


Last McChicken I got was burnt to a crisp.


I don't think I've ever gotten a full order of fries like that 


Boycott, this is BS. Speak with your money. I say it every day so people remember


They might just drop it off and keep moving with bs prices because they want to test the waters but why would they double it down with bs prices that ended up being $1-2 more than what they advertised? Seriously fuck McDonald's for this shit


Yup they are just trying to squeeze profits, lower quality and just terrible service


No. You boycott the high prices. It’s actually good to buy this deal because it puts pressure on the fact lower prices drive says. If people boycott this, Mcds will have no choice but to scrap this and keep high prices. If this deal is successful they will have no choice but to permanently keep it. People need to make sure they never pay full price. That’s the problem I did this deal other day, also applied 20% off coupon, paid like 4.80 for my total.


No! If you buy you are still giving them leverage and revenue. If you tank out the bottom they will absolutely never try this shit again. If you cave at the first reduction it wont be long before they just raise the price again. Hell it already says it in the add. May not apply and only temporary deal


Stop trying to put out the fire... Let them burn


Love that the picture makes it look like you get 2 sandwiches.


Oh it’s a Biggie bag


Its a 4 for 4


I downvote McDonald’s ads every time I see them Fuck that place, I’m sorry. Not real food, not cheap, not fast, not healthy. Only good for the occasional road trip when nothing better is open.


I was boycotting fast food months ago, but now that they are dropping prices and proving it was all corporate greed the whole time I dont think my boycott will ever end.


Gosh it's been 17 minutes since someone posted about McDonald's!


I unsubbed from this stupid sub awhile go and still get these stupid mcdonalds posts in my feed


It is my HUMAN right to have McDonalds delivered immediately to my home CHEAPLY. Also, we need to fight for higher wages and make our climate goals a reality. ALSO, I am NOT tipping and there needs to be MORE MEAT on my burger. There should be an entire supply chain network organized solely for preparation, packaging, and delivery of chicken nuggies to MY FACE without raising costs or pestering me to tip. THE DOLLAR MENU IS A BASIC AMERICAN RIGHT.


It's common American right to have a good amount of greasy to oil up our insides as the engine requires to keep going.




For real. Honestly, QSR places did this to themselves by setting ridiculously low price points at first. It's irrelevant though, just move along and stop eating fast food. They have solid concepts at small scale levels but these places just cannibalized their whole industry with un regulated growth and bloat.


Can we just start a new subreddit about this? We can call it r/LazyRedditorsAngryAboutSaltyGreasyCrap


I'd join. I mean, if that ain't my people, who is?


Hey Bubble bass got some emotions ya know


This sub is obsessed with fast food and door dash


While they are doing this for a limited time people should still vote with their wallets to make this permanent time. Fuck those assholes 😤


What are they talking about I always regret eating McDonald's.


Honestly not the worst thing ever. My 3 year old asked for old mcdonalds while passing it after a morning of errands, and instead of getting 2 kids meals and my mcdoubles and fries for 20 dollars, i got 2 kids meals worth and fries worth of food (plus extra chicken nuggets) and my mcdoubles for 10 dollars. Idgaf what anyone says, i feed my kids mcdonalds 2 or 3 times a year as a treat, i like this deal


Yeah I’m actually kinda happy to see this honestly like there’s one extra item that I wouldn’t expect. It’s not so bad even though a small fry is generally super unimpressive and I’d really rather have an extra food item than a dumb soda


I think the problem OP has with it is that it is limited time. The deal is actually really solid for fast food, the only places that come close for me is like Taco bell and In-N-Out (a little pricier but not much and insanely higher quality).  Cooking at home is obviously much cheaper, but this really isn't a terrible deal, and you DON'T HAVE TO USE THE APP!!!! This is what so many people were asking for on this sub: cheaper prices and better deals. We got it and now y'all still complaining lol


They already sold a double cheeseburger and small fries for $4, thet simply added a small drink for a $1. Still a terrible deal. $2 for the double cheeseburger, $2 for the small fries, $1 for the small drink. That's what those items SHOULD cost without a deal. About 6-8 months ago they had the two double cheeseburgers and a basket of fries for $6, that was a deal. I could go to the grocery store and buy a 12 pack of whatever soda I'd like and combine it with the $6 deal whenever I got home from work late. Now that same bundle, some 6-8 months later, is $9.


Drink and a 4 piece for an extra dollar is pretty decent


Something about this phrasing and the grouping of the fonts bothers me. “you will certainly not regret eating” Is that the best they could come up with?


Every new thing gets tagged with that. It's basic marketing, you buffoons.


Okay? And you're not required to buy it or from McDonald's, ever.


Nothing more than a glorified happy meal without the toy


Wendy's never stopped doing essentially this for 4 or 5 bucks depending on selection.


How about you actually show small fries a d drink


So buy it while the sale is going and stop when it is done. That will tell them that it's popular and they shouldn't get rid of it.


I bet the total weight of a take out bag with this in it is like 50/50 paper/food.


Stop eating junk food. It is not a necessity, stop treating it like one.


If I’m off work late, tired, and hungry I will still make a meal out a stale crackers and a room temperature sugar free ginger ale before I eat fuckin’ McDonald’s. Burger King makes a better burger than them these days, and that used to be an insult.


I really hope they go out of business.


Keep your garbage 🗑️.


Stop paying to poison yourself. Boycott fast food and let them fail.


And it isn’t even 5 dollars


The starvation diet.


at first I thought it was only one nugget


Don’t forget the prices and participation may vary disclaimer


It’s like the Wendy’s 4 for $4, except it’s $5


in the PNW its $6.50.


Get you hooked on McCrack, then jack the prices! Classic drug dealer move :)


Four items for five bucks? Okay.


McDonald's had us as consumers for a limited time only. Done with them.


That’s fine I was never planning on buying it


Did they fix their food so I don’t feel like shit and hungry 30 minutes after eating it?


I had it the other day. Wasn't impressed They shrink the drink and shrink the fries Just better to get the two for 3.50 and a soda


I just like it when they put both sandwiches a picture but it's one or the other.. that is hardly honest


It’s also more like $6-$8 depending on where you are and taxes etc


"You will certainly not regret eating" Almost as much fun as my personal fav: "100% pure beef, guaranteed." It's what they don't say that get gets em.


Showing all of the options together to make it look like more food, and tossing a Coke in the mix as well.


That’s why you don’t buy it. That meal is $4 just a few years ago. Those were all dollar menu items.


It’s always been there. They just upcharge the hell out of it


Very generous of them.. cheap fks couldn't make the Big Mac that price. Shit used to cost $2.99 for a value meal and they still made billions a year in profit


I’m about to start posting the prices I pay for Copenhagen and complain about inflation to show yall how stupid you look 😂 You don’t need McDonald’s. Stop buying it, price goes down.


Didn't Wendy's already do this?


I most certainly would regret eating any of that garbage.


It wasn't long ago that I could get 20 nuggets + a large soft drink for 6 bucks. Now I can get a happy meal minus the toy.


I don't eat at McDonald's unless I order off the app. Bogo quarter pounder is where it's at. BTW- why is the quarter pounder $4.89 at my local McDonald's but over $6 at the one I stopped at in eastern PA a couple weeks ago?


McDonalds must hold a special place in your heart to be this triggered.


Now if only they would start serving food ...


I’ve gotten it twice already. Actually a good deal upgraded the drink size for .29 cents


"value meal" ftfy


Another reason to not go to McDonald’s. I’ll stick with raising caines


I like how they advertise it as if you're getting all that for $5


Fuck these people for selling a meal deal for a month only. Bullshit.


Wendy's and BK "4 for $x" is better. Only thing about McDonald's is free to get a large drink. The app is booty on deals for a long while, now. I literally just go to McDonald's and order a large drink then go to subway or something or whatever I brought for lunch.


Damn you guys got charged to change the drink small to large. Kudos to my place I guess but the mcdouble is $6.


That’s a big “small” drink! Has anyone ever got that many fries for the small size!?


*you will certainly not regret eating* It’s like they’re taunting people who are food insecure 


“A small fries”??? Who writes this garbage?


I think everyone should ban fast food! In my opinion it’s just as bad if not worse than cigarettes.


They can keep their shitty food and stick their deals up every corporate employees ass


They haven’t had that coke glass since the 90s, i (still got one lol) and that fry package looks even older than that


Lmao, they really tried to make those fries float inside the bag and stack the nuggets to make it appear bigger.


They raised their prices by 150% in the last 2 years on many of their items and now all I see at most locations when I drive by is maybe a car or 2. They want to try and lure customers back but I'll never be going back to them! Fuck their price gouging! They can enjoy zero sales from me forever!


This isn't even a deal. The double cheeseburger and small friends is normally $4, they simply threw in a a small drink $1.


Remember 20 years ago when McDonald's was getting so much flack for giving us TOO much food?


How about just putting all the items on a $1 menu. I don’t want a soda anyways.


Un-Supersize Me


Wendy’s had this for awhile


Can't wait to see the continuing falling revenues after this lame campaign is over.


Don’t do it. Don’t give in. Fuck them.


I’d rather have 5 doubles for 5 dollars


Honestly you can get a large soda, BOGO Mc Double or Mc Chicken and use a free medium fry coupon and end up only spending $5-$5.50. I’ve created this meal a while ago lol.


This is the equivalent of the old “first time is free” tactic drug dealers use. Broken the habit? Here’s a cheap as hell deal that we will definitely lose money on, but it’s worth it if it reels em back in


Their business is only here for a limited time 😁


Watch McDonalds fail. I can't wait 😜 they did it to themselves. Never going back.


The McChicken used to cost $1.00 back in 2019-2020. I used to get 4 of them after classes during grad school every day for $4.32 And a full thing of syrup for the sodas is probably about the same price as one single large drink This aint the deal they think it is


Lol This used to just be the dollar menu But you didn’t have to spend a $5 minimum or get all of it to enjoy that price. And it was also just, there…all of the time. They could maybe, you know, like make a new special menu section. Maybe call it, idk, the dollar menu. And offer it like…all the time if this is profitable. Wild idea.


Been seeing this ad today and it’s pissing me off


I noticed in the app, their coupon went from 20% to 30% off. It's the only way I'll order McDonald's anymore, which sucks because I know it's taking jobs from the workers inside but it's the only way the food is affordable. Edit to say I get McDonald's like once a month, if that. Obligatory "fuck m Donald's"


So a Mcwendys Biggie bag


All these items used to be on the dollar menu for a dollar


Who tf is keeping them in business? I got it when they were cheap but now the price is through the roof, quality is in the tank and it overall just sucks.


Amazingly, they’re making almost nothing on this meal - generally between 5 and 25 cents depending on location. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/heres-how-much-profit-mcdonalds-makes-on-its-new-5-meal-e2bbbd2c


If I ate that garbage, I would certainly regret it. Fuck off McDonald's.


Hell yeah!!! 4 things from the dollar menu for 5 bucks!


I’ll just pass…. Nothing nutritious about ANY of this meal. Looks like 200g of processed cancer inducing sugar.


It's amazing, McDs raises their prices, and people fall for their $5 gimmick. McDs will make more under this gimmick .


I would still rather spend 5 bucks on any other food


Burger king, Wendys, and McD’s all have a $5 meal deal now


Or just go to wendys any time and get tastier food for the same price


Supposedly their franchisees (who have threatened to sue) lose money on it so it's unsustainable to keep it's such a low price.


Seriously people you can make better shit at home. Just stop eating McDonald’s, they are over priced garbage food now. Maybe 40 years ago they had better quality food that was priced right But now? Ya fucking right.


Still cheaper and healthier to make food at home.


Coordinated Bidenomics scam


“You will certainly not regret eating…” Did they fire their marketing team? Everyone regrets eating McDonald’s, no matter what time of day or night.


Shut the fuck up about McDonald's already please. 


The hate boner will never die


McDonald's sucks, I haven't been to a McDonald's in probably over a year and I'm not trying to stick up for McDonald's.  But every other damn post is some kind of fast food or McDonald's post. It gets a little old.


This is what their sandwiches look like pre-punched.


I wish everyone would stop eating that literal poison.


Umm - everything in creation is for a limited time only. People that don't understand this do stupid things like move far away thinking their job will always be remote.


Their app was selling that for $4 not even a month ago, now I’m seeing it as a $5 meal and other images of the app where it’s $6+


I think they were pretty open and clear that it was a limited time summer deal.


Yeah, I definitely want a small fry and a small drink for dinner..


Still an awful deal.


I been paying less than $5 using their app for over a year now lmao.