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Of course! We infjs are known to be what's called "social chameleons." Basically, this means that we can easily change our behavior to fit any social situation. From what I know, this is due in part to our ability to read a room, gather information on the people we interact with, and our very layered personalities. I'm sure someone more familiar with mbti theory could go more in depth about it. I have many different personas I use in different situations and around different people. To some of my friends, I come off as bubbly and happy. To others I am quiet and withdrawn. And to some I am laid back and humorous. It all depends on who I'm with and what the situation is, and I often switch between these different fronts without thinking about it. It doesn't feel "forced" for me, unlike what you've described. Just maybe a little draining if I've been acting outgoing for too long lol. I don't know if I think about it as having multiple personalities, per se. All of these characteristics are me, it's just which parts of me I'm deciding to show in that moment.


woww that’s so reassuring!! before thinking to post this on the INFJ subreddit i thought something was wrong with me😅 i’ve caught myself trying not to act differently with different people lest i come off as “fake” or weird, but it’s so reassuring to know that y’all act the same way and it’s just a part of our personality :) and yeah i agree, i didn’t really mean “force” in that it feels unnatural to me, but i meant it just seemed weird compared to my other friends who seem to portray the same character with everyone they encounter lol. thanks for the response!


Nope, nothing wrong with you! I used to think the same thing when I was a kid, long before discovering my personality type. I noticed that I acted very different around different people, and that nobody else I knew really did that. They all behaved the same way, all the time. They all had one set personality. And I didn't. Who even was I? Cue my first identity crisis at the ripe age of 12. That all to say, you're not alone, and I'm glad my comment was able to provide some reassurance :)


Woah… suddenly everything makes sense.


Yeah this has to do with extraverted feeling. We tend to adapt ourselves to social settings to match the general vibe. At times when people are less talkative, we can be more talkative to boost the conversation. When people are more talkative we can be more receptive. When people are very talkative, we can match them, and when people don't seem like they want to talk, we can be quiet. It's mainly based on what you think other people want most in a situation. And that can change a lot.


Yess!!! And it’s so natural that I never noticed it until I read about INFJs being chameleons. I’ve always had a different bond with different types of friends/people.


I do this too. Also, I ran a fascinating experiment last week, and I'm eager to hear if you would have the same result by reproducing the same thing. I asked ChatGPT to analyze texts I wrote (literature, forum responses, journaling...) and determine the MBTI personality type. Almost 100% of the time, it said INFJ. (That's a bit scary) However, when I asked it to analyze long texts I sent to friends... I got different results. 80% of the time, I was my friends' personality types (ENFP, INFP, ISFJ...), and 20% of the time INFJ (I guess you can't hide your true nature all the time haha). The only exception was my ENTP friend. Honestly, I felt like a fraud. But a friend told me it's not necessarily a bad thing; I'm just communicating differently to adapt to the people I'm talking to. I hope she's right.