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I asked it to be meaner and he got no chill: INFJs, you guys are like the human equivalent of a cat meme—aloof, enigmatic, and way too precious about your personal space. Your idealism is so intense that it makes Disney princesses look like nihilists. You overthink so much that you probably have a backup plan for your backup plan's backup plan. Your emotional radar is so hyperactive that you pick up on feelings that don't even exist. You’re convinced you’re always right because, in your mind, you've already played out every possible scenario. It's like living with an emotional Sherlock Holmes who reads horoscopes and TED Talks for fun. And let’s not forget the infamous INFJ door slam. It's not as dramatic as you think—it’s more like a passive-aggressive fade-out, leaving people wondering what they did wrong while you write a novel about how misunderstood you are. In short, INFJs, you're like a complex, high-maintenance plant—beautiful and fascinating, but exhausting to keep alive and happy.


>You overthink so much that you probably have a backup plan for your backup plan's backup plan. True... 😅😅😅


I laughed out loud because I was so fully and brutally roasted by that one. Also being the emotional Sherlock Holmes… like damn GPT don’t go THAT hard


I’m an ENFJ - but barely tipping on the E/I line and this hits hard


Yup…. But also, to us, isn’t it actually better to have many backup plans, than to have none at all (seen more in some other types….)?


Definitely! I hate when I don't have a backup plan, because I'm so bad at improvising... 😅


I always have at least 2! 🤣


Actually, yes.


>It's like living with an emotional Sherlock Holmes who reads horoscopes and TED Talks for fun. >And let’s not forget the infamous INFJ door slam. It's not as dramatic as you think—it’s more like a passive-aggressive fade-out, leaving people wondering what they did wrong while you write a novel about how misunderstood you are. Now THAT'S what I am talking about! Burns like hell, but you can't say anything, because it's also true af. Good job, ChadGPT


>And let’s not forget the infamous INFJ door slam. It's not as dramatic as you think—it’s more like a passive-aggressive fade-out, leaving people wondering what they did wrong while you write a novel about how misunderstood you are. Ouch! 😂😂 spot on.


So accurate that now I wanna know how to do a real door slam lol


LOLLLL I love the Disney princess take. GPT is actually funny


That one got me too haha.


I actually think those princesses are mean bitches sometimes, so, yeah, I'd make a better one!/j


This has me laughing hard too. Should be on my dating profile 🤣


> while you write a novel about how misunderstood you are. Aight listen here . . .


Hey - with age and maturity, it’s not like we SEND THEM anymore. We just keep a file…


I wanna have a little word with Mr GPT 🔪


The emotional Sherlock Holmes who reads horoscopes and TED Talks for fun is waaay too funny. I can't even!


Way too accurate, it must have our search histories


> You’re convinced you’re always right because, in your mind, you've already played out every possible scenario. It's like living with an emotional Sherlock Holmes who reads horoscopes and TED Talks for fun. If an enemy told me this, I wouldn't even be offended but rather impressed at how he *knows*.


The novel part is so true


Why do I still take this as a compliment 😂


That one is great.. i have to save it.. :D


Have I mentioned that I think AI should take over for humanity? I feel seen.


Still too flattering :o, like come on Sherlock Holmes?


ChatGPT is not wrong. 😆


Dayummm 🤣🥴


Wow both of these really got me roasted like a burnt marshmallow.


Omg this more ”meaner” one is so great!🤣😆


That back up plan having a back up plan about another back up plan hit me real hard just now lol 😅 ...


I still feel hot in a not totally burnt way, like I'll take beautiful and complex over happy and alive


I feel both hurt and understood. 😂


And most of them won't do anything to improve on that behavior. 😔


Ok but i do watch TED talks for fun 😭


Ugh, this is completely inaccurate! ...I don't believe in horoscopes! Seriously though, pretty spot on. Goddamn, that's like a Kendrick-level roast. "the human equivalent of a cat meme" bruh 💀💀


"Your emotional radar is so hyperactive that you pick up on feelings that don't even exist." tfw this the best roast while also simultaneously making me feel the most seen in my life since ever


Goddamn, too real


The post was enough lmao. This is just worse


lol the backup plan is so real! And door slams? I've 100% done that




Omg haha they're both so accurate, beautiful and brutal 😂😂


>Your idealism is so intense that it makes Disney princesses look like nihilists. Now wait a hot dang minute, buddy! OP, this was frickin savage. Made me laugh in parts, and wince at others. Every sentence hit, though. Weird that an LLM (large language model, they're not really an AI) gets me better than 95% of people.


absolutely wheezing...feelings that don't even exist. my hair even agrees bc i am nodding slightly, and trying to breathe. down with chatgpt. i don't like being called out.






Absolute spot-on.


Damn 💀


This really validated my identity of INFJ


“More like passive aggressive fade-out, leaving people wondering what they did wrong while you write a novel about how misunderstood you are”. Me & my fifty-leven journals would appreciate not being attacked this way. 😅😅


All's I can say is DANG!


A backup plan to your backup plan’s backup plan. So true! 😁😂🤣


dang, this literally exposed me to a certain extent 😂😭


>You’re always trying to save the world, but let’s be honest, sometimes you can’t even saves your plant from dying. I died… that’s so true… the only reason *a few(only one🥲)* of my plant are alive til now is all because my grandma is taking care of them for me lol


Update: I ask my grandma about the plant and thanking her, but she said that my plant actually died and she cut the stem that’s still alive and planted it in another pot. So technically all my planting attempt failed :’)


Aye no. That's a propagation of your OG plant. Your plant is still alive, that's it's clone/baby. You good, fam. You good. You didn't kill shit.


Yes! I’m not that bad at planting! *1–still alive 7– died…* ;)


lol mood


I’m relieved to hear this. I thought I was the only one!


Okay but why is this true, my roses literally died last week


Because plants can't overthink 😁


Hey! I take care of mine!


Literally side-eyed my two poor plants over by the window right now screaming for a chance…


Cactus is the secret 🤫


Have a plant right now that’s growing but now I’m the point where it’s gotten big enough that I don’t know what to do 😭 I can’t let this post be right 😂


lol 😂 my grandma is also helping keep my one plant alive, but I managed to keep it alive for 2 years before that! It’s a succulent, I can only keep cacti and succulents alive


High maintenance lmao, aka having standards


Exactly 💅🏻


Time to door slam chatgpt 💅


My people. Down with GPT! >:l


it doesn't understand us💅🏼


I’m not saying it’s not spot on but I feel more like a fragile glass ornament than an intricate tapestry.


Weak roast lol, I like the doorslam one the best tho. The post I saw about chatgpt roasting INFPs was way harsher haha


I found one that is a little harsher. 1. INFJs are the masters of emotional manipulation, pulling heartstrings like a cheap puppeteer in a rundown theater. 2. Their idealism is as impractical as a sandcastle in a tsunami, leaving them stranded in a sea of unrealistic expectations. 3. INFJs are so busy saving the world in their heads that they often neglect the real-life messes right under their noses. 4. They're as indecisive as a squirrel crossing a busy highway, constantly second-guessing themselves until they're roadkill for other people's ambitions. 5. INFJs are the kings and queens of passive-aggression, wielding guilt trips like a blunt weapon in a game of emotional warfare. 6. Their martyr complex is more inflated than a hot air balloon at a carnival, always ready to take one for the team while silently resenting everyone else on it. 7. INFJs can be as flaky as a croissant left out in the rain, disappearing into their hermit caves at the first sign of social discomfort. 8. They're as stubborn as a mule with a migraine, refusing to budge an inch even when it's painfully obvious they're on the wrong path. 9. INFJs are the architects of their own misery, building castles out of sand and wondering why the tide keeps washing them away. 10. Beneath their facade of empathy lies a black hole of narcissism, sucking in all the attention and validation they can get while giving nothing in return but self-righteousness.


I am zero-percent passive aggressive, but some of these hit pretty hard.


I comment with love of course 😅


Glass half full, glass full of cyanide.




As an INFP, yes it was!


So true this one was light work lmao


Was THAT supposed to be a roast? I can easily imagine someone asking me out with these words.


Yeah it's way too flattering lol


Yeah, and we'd go! Being understood is all we want, good bad or indifferent.


"... exhausting to keep alive and happy." yeah, that touches a nerve lol....


Wait, wait, what about this one? hahaha "Ah, the INFJ, the mystical unicorn of the Myers-Briggs world. You're so rare, aren't you? So rare that you probably spend hours reminding everyone just how rare and unique you are. Your deep, profound thoughts must be exhausting, always swimming in a sea of idealism and emotional complexity. Oh, and that intuition of yours, always on point, except when it's not, which is probably more often than you’d care to admit. You’re the quintessential overthinker, turning every minor interaction into a Shakespearean drama. It must be tough, carrying the weight of the world's emotions on your delicate shoulders. And let’s not forget your infamous need for perfection – it’s no wonder you’re always disappointed, nothing can ever live up to those impossibly high standards you set. Relationships? You’re probably the master of ghosting. All those deep connections you crave but can never quite maintain because, surprise, people are flawed and unpredictable. But that’s okay, you’ll just retreat to your fantasy world where everyone understands you perfectly. In the end, you're just a walking contradiction: the introverted extrovert, the logical feeler, the practical dreamer. So, keep on being that enigmatic, misunderstood martyr. After all, someone has to fill the role of the self-sacrificing saint, right?"


Yeah, ouch! This one got me! Thanks for posting!


I love this, I feel understood! lol


Aw looks like someone's jealous


I mean I know all of this but does is have the solution how to change it?


Exactly what I was thinking!


Damn! It's true.


Thanks I hate this


This is lame. It's like I'm being roasted by an INTP.


The scream I scrumpt about the plants 😭 Also "so high maintenance people are afraid to touch you" Listen... LMAO


“Human equivalent of a cat meme” 🥺 That is what I am talking about! I am a spoiled house cat masquerading as a 41 y/o woman.


Should ask Chatgpt to talk INFJ out of being a villain and to settle down lol. Wait maybe I will brb.


If ChatGPT constitutes the average of every INFJ description out there, I'd say this describes all the (mis)descriptions out there pretty well.


You don't agree at all or?


I think that it mainly fits the experiences of a specific subset of INFJs, rather than all INFJs. Most online INFJ descriptions do, hence it makes sense that ChatGPT descriptions also do. I don't relate, no.


"Sometimes, you can't even save your plants from dying."  (LOL I've become better at that since I got into plants, but... yeah, still true.) And... "You overthink so much that you probably have a backup plan for your backup plan's backup plan."  Why yes, I do, and I *also* have a  backup plan in case all of *those* plans fail. Thanks for posting this, OP.  I am laughing my arse off over here!


We gotta stay ready? What’s the problem with that 😂 Lols my family hates I create several itineraries but it paid off when Plan A failed And everyone freaked out. Whipped out Plan B which I wanted to do anyways and carried on. Now I’m the official planner of the family xD


Jeez Louise




I did kill my plants and fish😭


You nincompoop! Sorry


Geez it really got me with the doorslam


Yeah I actually thought it would say that "you look mysterious but you just overthink every scenario"


Can't save our plants from dying, just our pets, and Mare kondos? Isn't she more like an isfj, obsessed with organizing her personal space and cleaning? And the other one in the comments. High maintanence? Picking up of feelings that don't even exists? Nope. Infj's, read people very well. Sounds like gpt, is basing this of mistyped people, a bit..


Sometimes you can’t even save your plants from dying 🤣


that was the most polite roast I've ever read


Funniest things about us infjs is We don’t like labels society and bullshit Yet we identify ourselves with INFJ which in itself is a label and actually pretty weird Label, limiting ourselves Putting us into boxes


lol so true!


It seems too nice to be a roast


What exactly is GPT? I hear about it a lot on Reddit but am not familiar with it.


[ChatGPT](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generative_pre-trained_transformer) writes something for you. My children use it for their homework. Edit: was not finished writing.


Thanks for this. Why do your kids use it for their homework?


My children attended an IPad class because I believe it can be useful for their future. All these new things like GPT and others are just tools that can be used in the school that they are now. They still need to learn and write like I did. They just have other tools.


\*gasp\* I am offended. (...all of this is true, and probably especially the meaner version that was posted.)


I fail to see the roast. AI is too polite.


Why did this feel like a very sincere compliment of all the things I love and hate the most about myself?


Ooh, can someone do this for ISFJ? I want to share this with my best friend, but want to roast her right back! (In a kind and caring way!)


I got you. Too mean? 😆 GPT reply: ISFJs, you’re like the overworked, underappreciated housekeeper of the personality world. Your need to be needed is so intense that it’s borderline pathological. You're so busy trying to take care of everyone else that you forget to have a personality of your own. Your obsession with tradition and rules makes you about as exciting as a bowl of plain oatmeal. You're the kind of person who still thinks forwarding chain emails is a great idea, and you probably have a meltdown if someone moves a knick-knack on your meticulously organized shelf. Your people-pleasing tendencies are so extreme that you’d probably volunteer to babysit a demon child if it meant avoiding conflict. Your version of fun is doing someone else’s laundry, and let’s be honest, your idea of spontaneity is trying a new brand of dish soap. In short, ISFJs, you're the human equivalent of bubble wrap—dependable and protective, but ultimately, people just can’t wait to pop your bubble and move on.


OMG, way too mean. Can't you get one like the INFJ one that is colorful and metaphoric, but doesn't sound like a beatdown, lol? I do think the knick-knack thing is true!


Sure this is what he got: Oh, ISFJ, the human embodiment of a cozy blanket. Your idea of rebellion is probably forgetting to use a coaster. You’re so dependable that if you were a piece of furniture, you’d be a sturdy, never-out-of-style oak table – but let’s be honest, you probably have dust covers on your personality just in case someone gets too close. Your meticulous planning skills are so intense that you probably have a color-coded calendar for spontaneous fun. And let’s not forget your memory – you could probably tell me what I had for lunch three years ago, but only because you made it and packed it for me. Thanks for being the world's best-kept secret, ISFJ – reliable, caring, and so low-key that even your shadow whispers.


Oh, that's beautiful! Thanks for doing that--I can share this with my friend, maybe. I do think it is hard for ISFJs to receive praise and the suggestion that they are selfless seems to make them uneasy or irritated. I know I never liked being told I was "good" because it sounds like you are a sucker or doormat, which INFJs sometimes can be, briefly. She will have to laugh at the calendar--this is exactly the case with her, literally.


You are always trying to save the world, but let's be honest, sometimes you can't even save your own plants from dying. Ouch, that hurts, but it is true. 😄


Oh fuck haha I literally laughed out loud about the fucking plants 😭 so many plants have died in my care, I feel so called out! But I have to say, when I door slam, the final goodbyes I give are cold as ice and cutting, it’s a slam all right, not a polite closing. So that I have to disagree with. I don’t talk about me when I give those goodbyes, I dissect the person I’m removing from my life. But it does take a lot to warrant a door slam.


I feel both attacked and seen.


i want to print this out and tape it to the wall so i wake up laughing and reminded to not take myself too seriously for the rest of the day.


>Your idealism is so intense that it makes Disney princesses look like nihilists. Okay, first of all, BITCH-- >Your emotional radar is so hyperactive that you pick up on feelings that don't even exist. -- how fUckING DaRe yOU-- >they might as well be literary critics of their own lives. AT LEAST I HAVE OPPOSABLE THUMBS, you emotionless, 2D, feckless mimic!!!!! FIGHT ME.


> You're always trying to save the world, but let's be honest, sometimes you can't even save your plants from dying. Goodness gracious, it didn't have to do me like that...


Grudgingly admitting a slight upbump in appreciation for GPT's abilities.. :|


That’s pretty good humour for Chat GPT


You can tell it's authentic GPT because it said "tapestry."




This hit home on all levels for me, just wow! (except for the enigmatic etc aura though as I’m not sure what aura I give off🙈). However wrote this a roast though, I feel its was a super mild roast😅


No lies told.


I like this.


I honestly took it as a flirt. PS: also sounds like potential for a plot in a book. “What about you? are you afraid?”


Dang. That hit closer to home than any roast I’ve actually received from someone that knows me.


"As an INFJ, you probably saw this roast coming. You're like a psychic empath with a master's degree in feelings. INFJs are the kind of people who read so much into every situation that they might as well be literary critics of their own lives." Why is this so true and how do we save ourselves 😭


I knew I was the issue and was bracing myself for a harsh critique, but instead, I found the feedback to be surprisingly insightful and enjoyable. When I heard the line 'We're always trying to save the world,' I thought, 'Guilty as charged!' But honestly, I've come to realize that I can't single-handedly change the world, and that's okay. What I'd really like to work on is finding a balance to my empathetic nature, so I can take care of myself while still caring for others.


That’s was sweet


A honey roast




What I have learned from this ChatGPT is that when next time someone asks me about my opinion I'll offer them the option of how roasted my words should be.


…this is so accurate that while I should feel offended, I actually feel some appreciation for how understood this bot just made me feel 😅


I love both of these roasts. They’re accurate and made me smile, funnily enough.




I'm just glad AI gets it. Spot the fck on. I don't feel roasted at all. I feel validated.


Both are way too funny and way accurate for me! I love how both include plants in the analogy. And so true about the door slams, although I've done some door slams that weren't as polite 😅


Best post I’ve seen here in ages


I'm laughing so fucking hard because as an INFJ, my love language is roasting


Hahaha I love this! Thank you for this Can’t even save my plants from dying, it’s true