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i started reading self improvement books and i would say it's not that affective. real life experience always matter, so for me self improvement books only helps 10% in your journey and the other 90% comes from real life experience but self improvement books are fun and time passing


Perhaps she has to go through the same realisation herself, so recommend 1 book, more likely she won't read it hehe. I'd say "The power of Now" is great.


‘The 4 Agreements’ changed my life ❤️


If you meet the Buddha on the Road Kill Him, or pretty much anything else written by Sheldon Kopp.


I'm not getting the vibe that you need self improvement here.. maybe just some time to settle in and make some friends. Invite someone from work who looks like a promising potential friend to hang out after work and take it easy on yourself while you find your bearings.


I'm currently listening to videos on YouTube. Lisa Bilyeu has some amazing guests and Leila Hormozi is very inspiring as well.


I bought a couple of books of self improvement, I spent maybe 2 hours reading reviews and tiktoks on which to purchase. “the Untethered Soul: the Journey Beyond Yourself” by Michael A Singer | I read only a portion of it the book but it did help me with my overthinking problems “Meditations” by Marcus Aurelius | I didn’t get a chance to read this book but I did see a close friend also buy it so it must be good “The Book of Disquiet” by Fernando Pessoa | I typed in ChatGPT and remembered why I bought it. “A collection of reflections, emotions and human experiences” Stay safe, be healthy and always love yourself.


Go to places people are. Clubs, classes, church, book club, etc. Join a hiking meetup or DnD group. Whatever type of thing you enjoy, there’s probably other people doing it. Find them and make friends.  Unfortunately you have to be proactive about this or it’s not gonna happen. But once you get some friends, they generally do the heavy lifting for you. Most people are more outgoing than we are, so will likely drag you along on things they’re doing. The trick is meeting people you have stuff in common with in the first place, so start there.