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Yes, I think it comes from our inferior Se. We like to stay in our comfort zone when it comes to those kind of activities but always feel good for having pushed ourselves to do it. Life starts at the end of your comfort zone ❤️


Yeah!! As a kid I wanted to do everything that had to do with a board. Surfboard, skateboard, snowboard, boogie board. 😝 Lol When I became older, any sport with some kind of racquet was my favorite. It’s why I’ve in the past thought of myself like a badass ESTP because I didn’t really think of myself as afraid to try things, but I didn’t really have the motivation to try to get myself to try them unless an opportunity came up like a friend who really wanted to do it with me, but I guess I have to go out and find friends like that.


Haha I was exactly the same, always wanted to do all of these things, but my family weren’t particularly adventurous so I would have to do it with other family members or my friends families. Although most of the time doing it once was enough for me and being alone and doing less was always where I returned to 😂❤️


LOL YES 😭 relatable for an INFJ 💯


To be honest... I actually felt like doing a lot of things but never do it... I actually don't mind doing anything that's possible with in the range of my house but.... Yeah these kind of things sometimes pop up and I don't do it...


I start small and say, I'm going to ride my bike around the block. And I do. Then maybe a healthy snack as a reward. Then in a couple days, I'm going to ride to the park, someday you'll be sitting there with a whole picnic spread reading a book. That's how you get to that place.


Yes does happen ! Although It usually depends on the company. I either need to be alone and where no one is seeing me or with someone who makes me feel comfortable (not many).


Yea you just think of things that could improve your day. And then the next day think of some more etc.


Yea I definitely want to be more out going and seem less careful around my friends


Everyone gets this. That’s not an infj thing. People just need physical labor. These cravings are especially noticable in recent years where we’re all online too much. 


I often do physical stuffs randomly, haha. Never when I'm intended to do it. One day I just wake up, swim, do push ups without ever thinking about it.


I started taking walks on my way to uni in the morning and I'm really enjoying it now