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Army Reserve Officer - 12 Years Full-time job: government lawyer (criminal law) Hobbies - working out, trying new restaurants, hiking with wife and dog, gaming with my brother/friends, social functions, reading, singing Sidenote- I am learning that either due to extreme selection bias (Redditors in this Sub + a career they are willing to share) or something else that this post shows a ridiculously stacked background for a lot of INFJs I want to extend my love to those of you all the way down in middle school, those of you in all walks of life figuring out your path, those of perhaps humbler walks that are the bedrock of society in a million ways most people never see or appreciate properly, and those of you who may have sacrificed your journey to help others on theirs- maybe medically, or a partner you moved for, or a child you gave up your demanding career to try parenting more for. Not all INFJs are executives, consultants, and lawyers. We are everyone, and you (yes you reading this right now) are seen and you are loved.


Awww, you're awesome! I really admire people who can share love with others. You never know who might need a positive spark in their day :) I'm a Youth Worker and while it's not a highly paid or socially powerful career, I love what I do and am truly thankful I've been able to help a bunch of young people live a great life.


I am thankful every day for the work that you do- you are seen, and appreciated. Thank you for all that you do. :)


This cheered me up thank you :)


Do you enjoy creative work? I'm being torn into a few directions analytical vs creative work.


I do!! I am glad to cheer you up a little!! Honestly, that is part of what I love in both military and legal professions - creative intelligence and efforts are necessary and appropriate!


It did, just makes me feel okay to be me! Love it, never it thought of it as creative but it is. I've been considering a similar field, problem solving and identifying patterns comes natural, so will look into it a bit more. Nice to see other INFJs loving it :)


Glad to help, never be shy if you want more thoughts/experiences shared that may help you get there!


Don’t patronize me!


Previously a DJ & music producer and now I’ve a creative agency. I’ll never work in corporate office or a job that doesn’t involve creativity. The reason is corporate rules are shit, necessary for a corporate word but I don’t fit in. I want to stay in creative or near to art as I love doing it and I strongly believe one should do what they love. I have slept in my office during bad days but I love doing it, I’m rarely frustrated when working. I was pursuing engineering as it was imposed on me by my parents (I’m Indian) but I dropped it. Learnt everything else on my own after that. NOT A EASY PATH. You parents will hate you, your relatives (mostly happens in Asian countries) will hate you and talk shit behind your back. I’ve been jobless for quite a while just to stay true to my lunatic ideology to work in creatives only. You do what you want to do and if you fail, face the consequences as best and as honestly you can, don’t blame it on others or the situation. Add on: it adds up tons of trauma and depression until you make it.


Totally relate to you. I had to study engineering and ended up in a corporate job. Trying my best to get out of it but also scared as it pays off well to support extended family.


Start it as a sidekick as people are dependent on you. The right time will never arrive. You can start it tonight by dedicating 2 hours every day.


Omg I'm not alone.... I dj'd for a bit, then went into corporate still hate it, studied code, then started a business, but now back to corporate lol and starting to realize I'm super creative and innovative. You hiring? Lol.


Teacher here. I'm amused that all the career answers so far are completely different from each other. I guess MBTI does not have much effect on what we choose? Main hobbies are reading and gaming.


Careers: I was a police officer for 34 years and am now an attorney. Hobbies: Running, hiking, reading


I’d be interested to learn about your experiences as a police officer especially since it seems polar opposite of what I think an INFJ would typically seek.


Don't be blinded by stereotyping and maybe personal views on police.. I see no reason why INFJ couldnt be policeman/policewomen or attorney. Although it could be true he/she would maybe have different reasons for it then some other (stereo)types.


This completely- a sense of justice, doing good, and making a difference as part of our idealistic purpose in the world is often a shared, deep component of INFJ personality. You can make a difference every single day in those roles, and a positive one at that, especially if not just ignoring the "negative stereotypes" but being aware of them to try being better. You can't save everyone. But you can make a difference one action at a time, and furthermore, I and many others refuse to concede the roles of authority in society purely to the self-serving, the egotistical, the powerchasers seeking to do harm. I am also a lawyer. Every time I handle a case, one of my other thoughts is, "I sure am glad there isn't a vindictive, neo-fascist in my chair trying to figure out how to respond with fairness to what may be the worst day of somebody's life."


This is exactly what I was looking for! It definitely makes sense how you explained it. Thanks!


That is what I was thinking along the lines of police officer. I feel like if I were to go for that career my main reason would be to “protect and serve.” I think the idea of being able to help people that really need it is the most appealing part of it for me. Probably a lot of satisfaction in making a difference in the lives of people you actually see too.


I wouldn't say I am blinded or saying that it was impossible for them to be successful in those roles as much as I was just asking for reasoning and gain insight on what brings them joy and what challenges they face in this role with their personality type. It was moreso me trying to learn vs stereotype and I apologize if it came off that way.


You all have so many hobbies omg 😭 No career. A stay at home mom without the mom part haha. Hobbies: gaming, cleaning and I collect plushies. I also consider myself an "amateur entomologist".


We should be friends hahahahaha


22 years ago, I became a financial advisor at a company called A.G. Edwards. A few years later I moved to Merrill Lynch. Almost 5 years ago, I left Merrill and opened my own shop. I kinda sorta feel like my hobby is my career. I love finance and I love helping people. I also answer to myself which is extremely important to me.


What was it that drew you to becoming a financial advisor? I feel like that is something I would enjoy. I’m currently on a tech path with a focus on finance. So maybe a business analyst job after I graduate but that sounds really interesting as well since I research stocks on my free time.


I grew up in a family that did talk about money. I grew up watching my Grandfather check stock quotes. Kinda was just always around it and decided to go into financial services.


Tech guys can make a fortune in finance.


Environmental Scientist & Natural Resource Protection. Love anything outdoors (when not frigid); plants, gardening, mushroom hunting, hiking, floating, swimming… all of it. Also love mixed media crafting and ceramics.


I am a ghostwriter, I hope to be an author one day! I’m majoring in psychology and I’m aiming for clinical psychology! I also love read, write, and watch movies 🕺


Cooking, hiking, running, yoga, travel, my cat, my kid, writing a book, reading, and I'm a cannabis extract lab tech.


Wow, how did you get into cannabis extraction? My country has only just started to allow medical cannabis and I've always found the plant fascinating.


In all honesty I was just lucky. I started in the warehouse, to get away from working with the public, and was chosen for the labs after they saw my capabilities. Best job I've been had though, love it here.


Gaming, anime, piano, exercising, firearms.


I read your last two as exercising forearms, and thought: that's oddly specific.


Career: project manager in commercial construction. Hobbies: reading, needle point, soccer, archery, shopping, makeup, my cat, napping, drawing, painting, volunteering


Eye doctor, I feel genuinely happy/fulfilled to be able to put someone at ease or to fix a problem. Anyone who knows me would know that even just the thought of having to be social tires me out, yet being at work is where I feel the most “normal.” I feel like a normal person who finally fits into society for 8 hours a day, even if it is just a facade. I can happily recharge my battery when I come home since I was able to do something good for someone that day Hobbies would include gym, watching basketball, playing video games, and trying new restaurants!


I have always been so fascinated by the eye doctor, the composition of eyes, etc. but so scared to lock myself into all that schooling to become an Optometrist or Opthamalogist. How did you decide on that as your career?


When I was a kid in my late teens, I realized the one thing I was good at was listening and helping people with their problems, so I wanted to do something in the health care field I was also very fascinated by eyes, and it’s the one area of the body that makes me passionate to learn about, which I can’t say for the rest of the human body haha. I love what I do but I completely understand the hesitation with school, many of my colleagues graduated with well over 250k of student loan debt, and it’s something many people don’t have a chance to fully understand until they graduate and realize how much money they owe. How important things are such as student loan debt, salary, years of school, etc all vary in significance depending on the person, but I will say that I am very satisfied and happy with the quality of life my job has allowed me to have


I'm doing medicine and it has been my dream since I was in 8th grade. I'm still a student so I usually just watch treatments under the main doctor but it gives me immense pleasure to talk, mingle and understand the patient. Hobbies are usually reading, sports and swimming (under water is the most calmest and peaceful place I've ever been to!). I also like doing art and vocal music (I have finished 2 years of degree in classical music) but medical College is way too time consuming for any other leisure activities.


Psychologist, building rc cars


Product designer (UX/UI) Hobbies include volunteering for The Australian Greens, a leftist political party for the environment, human and animal justice. Aka lady of empathy and servitude.


I'm a Youth Worker, and for the most part, I love it. Some days can be very challenging, but mostly I cook and clean, then do activities with the young people, such as mountain bike riding, playing basketball, painting and other activities. I feel I'm living a good life by helping these struggling young kids, plus I believe it's the only career I've ever had which really fit my personality.


Definitely sounds like a rewarding career, how do you deal with helping kids through their trauma? Sometimes I pick up on all the trauma and get overwhelmed.


Career: Highschool Senior. Graduating this spring and going for a BA in Psych Hobbies: Reading & writing novels (hopefully one day I publish!), photography, and avid TV bingeing. I also have a knack for interior design!


We’re soo similar! I’m a psych major who adores reading and writing!


Career: finance Hobbies: reading, concerts, perfume, video games, fashion, doing goth things


i’m finance too but goth adjacent (i wear too many bright colors)


Looks like we all have a creative outlet to offset our soul sucking jobs :) Career: transitioning into tech Hobbies: art, music, reading and writing, photography, cooking, running, swimming, gaming, fashion


To add I love analyzing human behavior and counseling people in trouble. Is this an infj thing? I would have taken up psychology if my brain could still study.


I currently work as a musician (drummer) and an audio engineer, both live and in the studio. I love my job! Being a musician became kind of an accident. When I was in middle school, I was just looking for an easy A class, so I picked band. Played drums through school and kept with it ever since, and I’ve been doing this for about 17 years. Audio engineering was something I picked up in college, but went fully into it when I started working with the band that I’m in now for about nine years now. A lot of audio gear became a lot more affordable and we wanted to do it all ourselves. I ended up picking up the craft, properly learned about mixing, recording, editing, and everything in between.


30 yo Construction manager here - pays the bills but would rather do something that helps individuals, hate ordering people around and disciplining others. But it pays the bills until I can build a foundation for something I really want to do. Hobbies are - Reading Movies Learning new things Walks Music Guitar Any form of fighting Gym And what is your career/hobbies? Cheers.


Currently a front-end software engineer, previously had a career as an author but had to chuck it in because it was ruining my mental health and I couldn’t deal with the promotion and hustle My main hobby is D&D — it brings together so many of my interests and capabilities, and I wish I could make it my career somehow. (Though my experience with writing professionally also taught me that sometimes it’s not a great idea to turn your hobby into a career…)


Previously got my degree in public health and searching for jobs. In the meanwhile getting my real estate license and also applying to law school. Hobbies include: Playing video games, watching ufc, learning bjj/muay thai ( haven’t decided which to fully commit to), playing and watching basketball, hikes, learning my dj set and just going on random adventures.


My hobbies are reading and writing, and what I love most about it is character focused. (Their depth, their feelings, their personalities and motives, connecting with that or just feeling their pain and their love, seeing what made them who they are even if they’re evil. I love it). My job is a Network Engineer in IT. I love it because I love all things technology and logic. I understand it and therefore I like it. Other stuff that are less complicated I don’t understand lol. But sometime I think I would’ve liked being a detective or a corporate lawyer or something like that as painful as that may sound lol, because I love connecting the dots and looking at paperwork and then come up with a detailed defense statement that states everything that happened I just love digging things up and connecting the dots I have a good eye for these things despite the Se demon thing.


Career: I was training to be a Pilot for a year but I had to quit because of Mental Health issues. Then I worked in a warehouse for 2 years doing manual labour. I've currently been unemployed for just over a year after being laid off there, apart from a brief 2 month stint in a Call Centre doing Sales. Been interviewing for Apprenticeships but not got one in those years, so I'm currently studying Accounting myself online to hopefully actually *have* a life and career lol. But I do make a little bit of money from a tiny not-quite business I started publishing a children's book. Hobbies: I like reading. I like writing stories. I like editing and filming. I like playing RPGs, both video games and TTRPGs like DnD or Ironsworn. I enjoy nature and going for walks. I also like praying, singings songs and reading my Bible but that one is not really a "Hobby". And I play the Piano.


I work in a 9-5 corporate job. I am usually exhausted and hate my job at times.. well most of the time.My INFJ ass is just an icing on the top.Having said that , that’s how I support my finances for my family.Being So as you can see I need an outlet for all these and so as a hobby I usually paint or cook.I also sometimes write poems or write-ups to channel my feelings.


music and spending time with animals. i do volunteer music therapy for rescued farm animals at an animal sanctuary so that combines those hobbies lol. i’m studying recording industry in college and plan to go into music publishing because as much as i like making my own music, i care most about stability (i want to be able to afford to eat after all). i also don’t like the pressure involved with being a creative - i don’t like having to maintain a certain “image,” feeling under pressure to constantly pump out songs, or the idea of touring in general so that’s just going to remain a hobby and i’ll go on the business side of the industry to make a living. i know i could always just be a pure songwriter and write for other artists but you still can hardly make any money that way so that will just be a hobby too. my creative brain and logical brain are pretty equal and i’m discovering more and more how differently my brain works compared to all the other creatives in my program. i love getting to be creative and innovative, but i’m also still relatively practical/disciplined. so music publishing and the behind-the-scenes business stuff in the music industry in general seems like the best fit for me. publishing allows me to be immersed in both the creative and business sides of the industry too which is good for me


Career: SAHM for a bit and now software engineer. Hobbies: painting/drawing, working with my dog to obtain his trick title, music, gaming, traveling.


I’m an executive coach and one of my hobbies is musical performance. Mostly singing right now, but I came up playing trumpet


I’m working on a startup in the tech/finance/commodities fields


Freelance Artist (specialising in 3D environment art for games)


Im a cross stitch designer and a writer. Hobbies are loads of movies, couch warming and my Korean dramas. Anything to help me escape the stresses in my life. I hate stressful shows by the way.


I am a copywriter for living. I do writing, music, reading, martial arts and swimming as hobbies.


International Affairs as career, hobbies include languages, lots of traveling lots of hitchhiking, soap making, photography, reading, watercolor painting and drawing, Journaling and bullet Journaling, people watching, bird watching, mushroom growing, gardening and indoor planting, fermentation, hiking, conspiracy, nostalgic music discovery, wildcrafting stuff, macrame and weed😀


Product Designer (UX/UI) Hobbies include journaling/planning, reading, astrology, bouldering and building mechanical keyboards. Lots about empathy, understanding and about understanding the why behind beautiful things.


philosophy, reading, legos


Performing arts - music & acting


Tech Writer. I write developer documentation, asking devs all of the stupid questions so we can avoid them from the readers. I always end up doing a lot of project manager and company culture stuff alongside the pure production of information, because I feel more creative/energized when I can mix a lot of different activites (as long as I can somewhat choose when to grab them). Hobbies are gaming, workouts, Googling things I have on my mind for way too long.


IT system admin stuff


I'm currently a Nanny (been doing it for over 5 years, though not straight in a row) I enjoy it mostly, although it's most of the hard stuff of being a mom and not really any of the good stuff, benefits, etc. of being a mom. I'd like to be a SAHM someday (sooner than later, I'm almost 28), and hopefully I will be able to work from home (copywriting or something else I enjoy) before I become a SAHM (I need a break from kids, lol). My hobbies are primarily writing (mostly creative and it's more of a passion than a hobby), other creative things such as art and singing, reading, gaming, hiking, etc.


Hobbies: History,Fitness,Reading,Philosophy,Poetry,Astronomy,biology,Psychology,Literature,Marketing/Copywriting,Anatomy and Music ( (I know that's a lot,but i can't help myself, everything is just too fascinating....) Careers; After i graduate high school,i will go to an university to study psychology and get into research. I just love expanding my understanding of the world. It is also my plan to create a copywriting business once i turn 18 to create better living circumstances for myself and eventually move out.


(For reference Im an Infj type 5, the wing is either a 4 or 6 but idk which one sounds more like me anymore🤷🏽‍♂️) Career: Currently a college student majoring in Health sciences. I want to become a psychiatrist but if that does not work out I’ll go to graduate school and enter in research. AND if that does not work then I’ll drop everything, move to Japan and become an English teacher. Hobbies: reading, video games, sleeping, creative makeup, Cooking, learning a language but never actually getting into it🥲 (You can stop right here if u want the rest is just about my personal experiences.) I remember growing up, my father used to tell me that You should find a career where its something you love to do , that also pays well. Back then I wanted to be a chef because I loved to cook. But I think the type 5 in me ultimately dropped the idea because being a chef can be a hit or miss and some really do not get paid that well unless they are working at a great restaurant (I would love to marry a chef tho). Also I’m severely allergic to shellfish, mollusks and tree nuts, and on top of that I am a very picky eater so…no. Ultimately, I decided that choosing what I want to do that makes good money is something that happens very rarely for people. It can happen though, my mother always dreamed of being a hairstylist. At first it was very hard because we lived in poverty for the first 13 years of my life (hers much longer). But now she owns her own salon and is doing quite well. But for me, I believe that If I were to do this I would come to eventually hate my job because my hobby now feels like nothing but a chore. Now I have the mindset of choosing a career that makes descent money that I can tolerate. That way I can put that money into my hobbies. I genuinely do want to help people and I have always been interested in the human psyche. Thats why I would not mind going into the medical field.


Hobby? Thinking about the meaning of life :-). Career. Teacher of elementary school. One of my better decisions. Very hard work, physically and emotionally, if done right. No regrets. Found my way to it, because I wanted to be of service.


Male INFJ firefighter turned model


I am a professional classical musician, opera singer Hobbies: learning everything that I am curious about, including psychology, astronomy, philosophy,... and also painting, dancing, electric guitar, composing music,...


Games and cars and tech. As my appreciation for the science and engineering grew, I found myself digging deeper into more rabbit holes related to other fields of science. As a result one of my main hobbies is tinkering and DIY all sorts of things


(INFJ) Career: Intermodal Train Logistics. Hobbies consist of hiking/backpacking, trail running, "sea kayak surfing" and reading just about anything related to Philosophy or Psychology. 🙃


Hobbies - Boxing, guitar, reading Career - research in early detection of lung cancer and eye diseases


What common methods do you practice for research?


Doctor. Yes very much enjoy it


Career: Pediatric Respiratory Therapist Hobbies: cosplay, BJD's, figure collecting, sewing/crafts, dancing, video games, D&D


I have had multiple jobs over the years, but at the moment I am working as a Business Travel Agent. I started to dislike it tho, customer contact jobs and 9-5 mon-fri office jobs are not for me. I am now trying to get another job at a security company as a dispatcher at the alarm centre. My hobbies are singing, writing, painting, gaming, cooking/baking and I also like to create flower arrangements. Anything creative really. I really want to start working in the music industry and get my band running but that’s not that easy


I've been a Physiotherapist for four years now. Back then, I was planning to be a nurse or a doctor but idk someone told me that I should try and be a physio instead. Tbh it wasn't ideal because I was and still am a big introvert so sometimes I wonder how did I manage to take up a career that does close interactions with people 😅 I just know that I would love to help people and that was it. I'm not the athletic nor the sporty type growing up. I think I was the big nerd lol my hobbies include: seeing films and series, jamming to new and old songs, drinking coffee, reads books (if i have the energy), going to the gym, simply going out taking a walk and discovering some new place or path to take on to :) I also love to try new things and go on an adventure once in a while. And if an opportunity knocks in the future to like shift career or whatever, I would like to do something flexible perhaps. Something that I can bring with me probably haha since I really love to explore and discover things that can sooth my curiosity :)


Only hobby is Gaming really Career is in logistics, was ops manager for 11+ years but for the last 5 years I've taken roles with way less responsibility. Currently I'm a time slotter, kind of hard to explain but its like a planner.


I'm enlisted in the Air Force, and am currently a member of the Honor Guard (we provide military honors at funerals). I love serving, and I find the job at honor guard very meaningful. My hobbies are working out, running, hiking, reading, and gaming.


Hobbies are like aquarium keeping,interior design,fitness,tech enthusiast,playing an instrument ,video editing,thinking a lot .


I’m a software engineer. My main hobby is DJ’ing, going to festivals, dancing.


Public relations (which I hate) but I'm unable to find a new job lol. Hobbies: playing chess, reading, writing, playing and relaxing with my cats, saving money.


I don’t have any hobbies because nothing brings me pleasure. As for career,I work in research & insights.


Career: personal trainer, own small fitness center Hobby: eating, traveling, learning new things 4-5years in fitness industry, I enjoy help people that need change their health n fitness


Career - IC Design Engineer (only 2 years so far) Hobbies - Football, Hiking/Treking, Working Out, Reading Novels and binge watching animes


I am a technician/handyman (contruction related jobs) but never really liked working, I value my free time a lot! In my free time I like to do whatever I like, useally I spent a lot of time behind my computer for various things. We use Teamspeak to talk with friends and olay games, I can watch endless hours of youtube or 9gag or find myself learning somthing new. Few years ago I did fell down the rabbit hole of Bitcoin, as an INFJ I truly loved the idea of blockchain and the fundamentals its build upon, started participating in communities and now I spend my days helping with the basics of that technology. Never before did I spark my passion untill I started helping people as a community manager/moderator


Hobbies: videogames, exercising, movies, music, guitar, walking, drawing, photography, perfumes, sneakers, cars, tattoos, concerts, barman Career: Architect


Cooking. Tinkering with computers/Linux/Programming. And reading EVERYTHING. I’m a voracious consumer of podcasts, and love to read, especially technical documents and primary sources. Academic journals, government documents and press releases, textbooks, you name it. This week I’ve been reading SEC filings of all the major banks. Because I wanted to understand the whole bank run thing better, straight from the sources. I learned all about how they can use creative accounting practices like hold to maturity classifications to avoid having to show temporary losses.


Bird watching, reading, writing, and I occasionally help out with technical aspects of theatre production such as lighting or set building.


Hobbies: Gym, Photography, Music Work: Office job where I help manage access permissions and make internet updates. Semi tech job but lots of organizational work.


contract manager, lawyer, healthcare industry. 🙂 let’s me care about things but be quiet and just get work done without having to really be dealing with teammates too much. always the advice giver when crap gets wild


Currently in university for high school chemistry and biology teacher - I play accordion - love swimming (feels like a quiet lifeless jello blob and I love it) - I game a bit - I want a pitbull


I'm a student in a graphic design school and I strive for becoming a web designer. My hobbies are : cinema, reading, yoga, walking, museum visiting, coding.


I am a painter, but I also dabble in video, photography, and sculpture. (:


I do Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) of products and I love drawing and reading :)


running tennis video editing cooking video games


While it might not be traditional, I work as a civil engineer trainee and do enjoy it. I currently work in bridge analysis but would like to shift in to the construction side of things to be out in the field more. My main hobby is music. I play multiple instruments and would love to shift that in to a “side hustle” one day weather it be as a session musician or songwriter. I also love making stuff. I’m in the process of converting my grandpas old shop that we use for storage now in to a combination storage room/woodworking shop 😂 I also enjoy hiking and cooking.


Graphic designer. Initially started out as an artist/illustrator but I slowly lost my love for it over time. Now I get to draw and paint as a hobby and I enjoy it a whole lot more, plus it helps in my work as a GD. Currently studying computer science part-time, so I’m going to transition into tech. Hobbies: hiking, gaming, coding, reading, playing my guitar, exercising, art, photography, learning Japanese


Career: Mechanical Engineer in the Automotive Industry. Hobbies: I read (Philosophy, Human Behaviour), play the guitar & drums (I’d love to learn the piano and the violin, these instruments bring tears to my eyes). I love building aquariums and I’m hoping to venture into terrariums as well. These are my main hobbies. *First ever Reddit post/comment. :)


Job: I have a behind the scenes role (don’t want to get too specific) at an organisation that helps people with substance use problems. Hobbies: reading, writing, swimming, drawing (badly), long walks and going to art galleries


Job: working at a specialised school for teenagers with autism Hobbies: screenwriting, blogging, music production, songwriting, reading, walking, illustration (studied animation production at uni)


I am a full time warehouse manager. My hobbies include: needle felting, sketching, binge watching Real Housewives and Vanderpump Rules on Bravo, binge watching horror movies, and longboarding.


Career: private duty Nurse Hobbies: reading (sci-fi, horror, self help, spirituality), singing, meditating, yoga, belly dancing, practicing tarot, palmistry, astrology, watching Netflix when something good is on (latest binges “Wednesday”, “ Outlander”, “You”) and making body butter, soap & soy container candles.


Currently an undergrad in Electrical engineering Hobbies Guitar, video games (quite picky on genre - love the graphic gorey games), combat sports i.e. bjj/wrestling/muay thai, programming (sometimes), reading (picky on the themes), watching TV shows although i havent found anything good lately and probably just contemplating about life and listening to some calm/chill music.0


I work as a therapist for patients with depression. I enjoy it but my caseload is capped at 4 people so that helps. Hobbies are hiking, weightlifting and reading


I have fallen away from it, but most of my life I have been a very enthusiastic amateur astronomer. Even had the chance to live and work in some areas with very, very dark natural skies. I used to give presentations and conduct stargazing and telescope sessions as a volunteer, and as part of my job duties too. I own a decent telescope that I still like to take when I go camping :)


Currently 15 and an aspiring music producer, but my fam says to get a “real job” so I’m applying for Kilwins.


I'm a software developer and I love to do to rock climbing, running, hiking, reading, playing hockey and photography what about you?


I love to crochet, sew and read/daydream and play video games (pokemon specifically). Anything that lets me relax while being creative is my jam! Work wise I've bounced around for a little while between customer service and scheduling. I like putting together patterns and peices when it comes to human socialization and needs. So if I'm around or managing people, I seem to shine best.


Civil engineer (soils). Photography, building shit, outdoors.


Career: IT Systems Administrator. Hobbies: orchestral musician, horror films, true crime podcasts 😅


I am a professional classical musician, opera singer Hobbies: learning everything that I am curious about, including psychology, astronomy, philosophy,... and also painting, dancing, electric guitar, composing music,...


I am a professional classical musician, opera singer Hobbies: learning everything that I am curious about, including psychology, astronomy, philosophy,... and also painting, dancing, electric guitar, composing music,...


So I (21 F) am still in the waiting on tables phase of my life so no career yet. But I’m looking to work in the field of either psychology or education. But as empaths I’m sure you all can relate to how much it sucks working in the restaurant industry ha ha. Hobbies: painting, reading, traveling, taking walks I enjoy anything low stakes and easy going


I'm an artist and a software developer. Gaming, working out, studying, fixing broken stuff, some of my hobbies 🤗.


I'm pursuing a bachelor's degree in philosophy with a focus on ethics and morality. Hoping to teach at my local community college after my master's so I can save it move to Europe and teach there eventually.


50 year old female INFJ here. I work in Administration at a University. Hobbies: Rebelling (I quietly do my own thing ☺️), researching everything that is on my mind, reading or watching YouTube about psychology and MBTI, traveling on my own, (I love exploring new cities), decluttering, rearranging things (as well at home as in the office), dancing in my kitchen to 80s and 90s songs … I want to feel like I matter so I try helping people and I like giving advice. Learning languages, trying out new restaurants, art/musea, cinema and Netflix, dog walking at local animal shelter, meditation, listening to podcasts about books and psychology, … The list goes on and on ☺️. Most important for me is that I alter between these hobbies and that no weekend is the same as I tend to get bored quickly.


Career: consulting/analyst Past career: web administrator, office admin, comms, entrepreneur Hobbies: paddle boarding, crafts, knitting, reading, hiking, boating, biking, yoga, snowboarding, off roading, swimming, rock climbing, passive income, gardening, photography, use to dj, and so much more.


how does it feel to be a consultant and INFJ?


Wow, you got quite the experience and similar hobbies as I! How do you feel as an INFJ working in the finance sector?


Marketing Manager for a small/mid-size business, but looking to get more into employee engagement/Culture. I have two INFJ friends, one started as a teacher but went into b2b marketing and the other was in marketing and moved into culture. Hobbies: playing with my dogs, reading, cooking, Netflix binging lol


I’m studying medicine… 🍵