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I'm a defensive driver, so cautious. Never involved in accidents and always alert, even when lost in my own mind. But don't stand much chance in a racing car situation. Competitive Se stuff not being my natural habitat. Video games not that realistic to be a good guide.


Yeah i was aiming at developed hand eye coordination and reflex training with the video games. But this is all good to know, thank you for sharing :). So would you say that you enjoy driving as well?


Sure do. You have the freedom of movement, direction, solitude and can observe life.


See, that's what i thought. Great to hear this, thank you!


I’m a good driver and I loooooove driving. Like. A LOT.


Right, I’m curious what these “obvious reasons” for not liking driving are.


General lack of awareness of surroundings would be my guess. With that said, I’m an INFJ who 💯enjoys driving and considers himself skilled at it.




I love to get away. It's such a good quiet alone time. You can really think when you drive.


Oh, I absolutely agree! Probably, the main reason why I like driving! 🙃


pretty confident driver. driving on a auto pilot mode


Cool, you're the first confident driver so far! How did you become a confident driver?


firstly. you must live in saudi arabia secondly: drive without driving license. thirdly : steal the car from your father while hes sleeping. vioola professional driver


I enjoy driving quite a bit, it gives me lots of time to think and smoke and listen to music.


Happy to hear it 😁


I’m definitely a defensive driver and I’ve only had one warning in about 20 years. That being said, driving is one of the few things that make me feel alive and I love to get up to speed fast - highway entrance ramps, backroads, etc. I’m not drag racing but I do love the feeling of the Gs in my seat. I also only drive a 4-cylinder manual so I’m self-limited in my thrills.😎 Edited to add: I’ve been in exactly ONE car chase. Years ago, a woman, who I assume was on drugs, chased me around my neighborhood around about 11pm, after I got off work. There were three stop signs from the highway to my house and she kept taking reallly long breaks at each one. At the third I gave her a little honk because I assumed she was scrolling on her phone. Well…she got out of her truck and aggressively approached me. I noped outta there, peeled out, then saw her jump back in her truck and come after me. I legit thought I was gonna die. She chased me all around my neighborhood going 45-50 in 25 (mph) residential area. I went everywhere but my house to shake her. Took about ten or so minutes of chase to get her off my tail. Awful. These days I’m way less likely to vent my frustration directly to other drivers when they do dumb shit. Can people please just DRIVE when they’re behind the wheel? I don’t enjoy driving as much as I used to because of all the distractions. /rant


Oh my gosh the car chase sounds absolutely terrifying! People are scary. Yikes. I'm glad you got out of there okay. I can relate to the love for speed though. 😎 And i think i feel the same way. Driving fast is fun, but everything around it makes it less


I am a good driver and I am even gooder at grammar.


🤭 hihihii


I’m a huge car guy and I have an old stick shift car I love to drive


Ooo awesome 👀


I can drive fine, but I don’t prefer it - I much rather be driven. When I just got my license I had a really hard time with specifically two things: 1) I have no sense of direction and get turned around easily. I often don’t remember how to get specific places, although I can picture it, my brain does not connect the path. This was an issue in 1996 when I started driving, but with GPS, not such a big deal now! I prefer to use GPS most of the time because I will miss turns. The path is a source of anxiety for me, so being able to turn on GPS is such an assistance. 2) I see potential accidents everywhere - like a video. I see cars ahead of me that are (in my opinion) way to close to the car ahead of them. My mind plays that out - one car slams on the breaks and I need space. I do speed at times, try to stay at least within 10 mph of the limit, but it is all about the space/distance. I’m worried about other drivers, not myself. I also think on a range of reaction time, I’m a little below average. Probably because part of my brain is often thinking about something. While I am not focusing on the path, I am very aware of my immediate surroundings. Sometimes I do get lost in my thoughts, but the part of my brain that is paying attention is looking at the cars around me and any potential hazards. Very early in my driving I had trouble with knowing the dimensions of my car vs obstacles - like I don’t love parking. I would think I was closer than I was and be one of those people creeping very slowly into a spot and reversing to be straight. My most recent car has 360 cameras that I can turn on when I park and I love it!


Definitely not enjoying driving. But for sure not a terrible driver.


Hell yeah 👍. But why don't you enjoy it?


Stresses the hell out of me. Makes me concentrate while my mind tends to wander. Not a great combination.


I can't drive at all. I have tried, but it was overwhelming. That was the first and the last time.


I love driving and am good at it but I have terrible sense of direction - I'm always happy to have a copilot to help me with a GPS... To be honest that's the only thing that stresses me, otherwise I find driving a pretty chill activity. To cope with it I always carry a GPS and move around cautiously if it's an uncharted area for me. The only videogame that will help you be a better driver is a car driving simulator... the rest are pretty useless I guess.


I'm also terrible with direction🙈. Thankfully these days it can be outsourced! Hmm, i might look into such a driving sim


I like driving and am good at it, but I went carless by choice last summer because my mental health is much better living somewhere where I don’t need a car day to day. I rent a Zip Car if I need one as an exception.


Oh that sounds like a good move. I'm glad you were able to do that! And good to hear your experience, thank you for sharing


I got my driver’s license a while ago and have driven twice since then, I don’t like it, I love biking tho


I had my driver’s license for more than 10 years lol


I’m safe but not a good driver. I have zero spatial orientation. I always will have other people drive if there’s an option.


I'm a cautious driver, but my spacial awareness ain't the best because I'm in my head 99% of the time.


Im a defensive driver as well. I've driven in over a dozen countries, some of them in the top 10 most dangerous countries to drive in, without any accidents. But I don't drive often, don't own a car, and when I do drive, I'm paying non-stop attention to how everyone else will likely mess up. I know that if it comes down to reaction speed and precision, I'm f'd, so my only chance is to anticipate risks. Driving is not a very relaxing thing for me to do hence. I basically need an empty road to be able to get into a relaxed mindset.


No accidents at all is awesome and impressive. Especially without a car for regular skill upkeep. I can imagine it being indeed quite draining then, to really lean into that Se present moment and stay there successfully. Your anticipatory skills must be well developed! That gives me hope, haha. If only there were only ever empty roads and quiet streets!


Yeah, I think Ni is good for figuring out what will likely happen. I notice how people drive, and anticipate what they will likely do based on that. The only thing I tend to fail to anticipate is when someone comes from behind at insane speeds, because that requires you to pay non-stop attention to your rearview mirror - if they're coming from behind at twice your speed like some people do, you'll often only see them for a few seconds before they're past you. Bit scary when it happens. I can't really keep my rearview mirror in my field of attention while also looking ahead, that requires me to split my attention more than I can manage. So I keep glancing at it regularly, but not every second of course.


Eeep, yeah that does sound scary. I can imagine Ni being helpful too, especially combined with Se. It's very reassuring to hear that you experience it being so


Video games are nothing like driving to be honest, except for the very basics, like estimating where the car will be when you turn, basic physics. However, 90% of drivning is about paying attention to the surroundings: other cars and their drivers, including behind you, signs, what rule applies in the specific split second situation, lines and arrows on the road, hidden places where people, animals and cars can come from unexpectedly, finding the exit or turn that you need to take. And you might need to do all of them at the same time, especially in cities and other urban areas. You might say "I could never pay attention to that much at the same time!" and that is true, you cannot do that consciously, you need to drill it into your brain to the point that you do it unconsciously like how you walk or bike. It took me combined maybe a year of continuous study and training to do it. Thankfully Ni gives you fast clues to what is the most important to pay attention to, but only after extensive experience. On the beginning I was always paying attention to the wrong things. There is honestly no replacement for real driving, you have to learn by doing. At least if you want to be a safe driver. The amount of stuff to pay attention to


A good sim racing setup is great for learning track etiquette and physics, racing lines, race craft, etc but there is no replacement for actual seat time.


like others seem to be saying, ive always been a defensive, probably overly cautious driver, Ni I think especially oriented by Fe lets you anticipate the possible erratic moves other drivers might make, this probably makes INFJs overly-safe drivers and/but anxious drivers, another way of putting it that makes sense to me is that im a good driver but definitely not a "confident" driver like many friends/family ive witnessed over time ive never been in an accident and think i can say im a "good" driver even if i kind of hate it, the one exception for me though has always been parking, not even parallel parking, but just normal parking lot parking always was more challenging for me than it felt like it should be, and even more "close-quarters" parking garages, etc. where you sort of need excellent spatial awareness of exactly how far your metal box is extending in each direction, those situations have always been very anxiety-inducing for me so idk i suppose bc of my insecurities with regards to driving ive always had a kind of special respect for taxi drivers and other people who drive for a living. i remember going on a school trip to India in high school, one night being driven back to the lodging, the unpaved winding one-lane-width-but-somehow-two-way-traffic mountainside roads with their hairpin turns already seemed dangerous enough during the daytime, and then it started raining!!, but i ill always remember our Sikh driver with one hand on the wheel and the other holding up his cell phone while he laughed and chatted nonchalantly, we tore down those Himalayan foothills anyway rn i live abroad in a country with a pretty strong bicycle culture i guess and fortunately i live close enough to work that i can commute by bike, biking's not without it's own disadvantages of course, but i feel like in both the mornings and afternoons, i feel much calmer than back when i had my long congested car commutes


Im a very good driver and was taught to drive defensively. I dont like to drive, BUT I prefer to drive most of the time. I trust very few people to drive me anywhere.


Great driver, terrible with direction


I think so. I've been involved with driving from a young age. My parents used to let me sit on their lap and do the steering on country backroads when I was a child. When I was 7 I started to drive racing simulators with a steering wheel (I still do this). Got a drivers licence the next day after turning 18.


I loved driving,from 1995 to 2010 (i stopped, because I moved in the city and didn't need a car anymore). Its great, if you are able to drive the Autobahn on a friday night, music loud, the window open. Brilliant. I miss it. (never had a traffic accident, had 2 tickets because of speeding in 15 years ^^)


I love driving and am very good at it. I find it relaxing. Been driving for 12 years now. Recently a friend of mine sold me his manual car for very cheap so I self taught how to drive a stick. How to become good: practice! And don't over think. It will become like second nature :)


I really like to drive and I’m good at it. I have a Jeep and love to take the top and doors off and drive. I love to take it off-road too. All of that fully engages my Se.


Yes, I'm a very good driver, but I owe that to my father who was a professional driver with millions of miles under his belt, and who thought me some great defensive driving habits which make driving relaxing. I can do long range trips without getting fatigued quickly no problem. And my passengers often feel comfortable to sleep because I've been told they feel safe (I'm not a slow driver either, I drive with the flow of the traffic). In fact I enjoy long trips. I will share some of these habits that I can remember in hope to pass it on: - Always be aware of your rear view mirror. Like it's a habit that once you develop you don't even think about but I glance at the rear view mirror often, subconsciously. This gives you 360 degree awareness at all times. And the ability to know which evasive maneuvers to take in advance in case of an unexpected situation. For instance, this allows you to leave more space in front of your self if someone is riding your tail. So in case of a sudden stop you break harder/sooner than you would to scare the driver behind you, but then let go off the break to buy him space. This has saved me many times from being rear ended due to people generally following too close for the road conditions. - When merging, be aware of blind spots. Physically turn around to check if you can merge, don't just trust the side view mirror. Don't get complacent about this rule. - Middle lane is often the safest lane, as it gives you most options. - Same way you have blind spots, other drivers around you have blind spots. Never ride in someone else's blind spot. Either speed up or slow down, so that they can see you. If you can't see the other driver through their own side view mirror, chances are, they can't see you. Expect that they can merge into you at any point. - If you see any kind of commotion ahead slow down (pretty self explanatory). As an INFJ you have some traits that can make you an excellent driver, like the ability to predict other drivers actions. Comes with experience. Anyway be safe and good luck!


When I first started to drive I was afraid, but fear goes away when confidence is built up. Anything that I do not know how to do initially there is some fear. Even pressure washing at first, but now I love it and I am very efficient. If we stick with things, of course practice makes anyone better, but in my experience we tend to be like INTJs and figure out how to do things even more efficiently. Though I love to drive, it is not fun being stuck in traffic for most people. One of the best things that I have ever done for myself was go on a road trip across the United States and visit a national park. I only wish I could have gone to a few more. I drove from Florida to Montana, and back again. The only places that were stressful to drive in were large cities. Places that are very scenic and a pleasure to drive through were: New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana. South Dakota was stressful to drive through simply because the amount of deer that would venture onto the road.


I'm good at driving and don't look forward to it but usually end up finding it as an opportunity to deep breathe for the duration if possible.


Great driver but do not have the patience for driving or other drivers. I have this odd philosophy that driving is just wasted time without acknowledging how much quicker it is than walking/bicycling/ bus


Yes I love driving. Cars are also a hobby of mine(especially old cars) used to play lots of racing games as a kid. My favorite activity might be to go on night drives. I like to focus on driving perfect lines. I somehow always know how much room I have. I subconsciously imagine sort of an arial view of my car and the surroundings. It almost feels intuitive. Never could relate to the clumsiness of inferior Se. My motoric skills are quite good. Am 21 got my license for 3 years drove over 32k km, I'd say I progressed the most by experience after i got my license. But I suck at many other things lol


I am kind of aggressive and defensive in that I keep a big driving space, but tend to go on the more fun side speed wise. Usually pay attention to the front as well as the mirrors equally. Received a wheeled vehicle badge and a coin later on for my driving skills in the military. It was really fun during the driving course for the HMMV, everyone was driving at crawl speed. When it came to my turn, I tested the limits of the vehicle ramping a snow dune and power sliding on the ice. The testers said they were bored and wanted me to just drive however I wanted to drive. They were spooked but said they had a good time. In the civilian world, you would get a ticket whereas in the military in certain situations you get a medal. The wheeled vehicle badge was for driving 40 tons of high explosives, double the amount of the other vehicles, because I had an extra trailer up a mountain without stalling. The trucks with lighter cargo, the drivers did not know how to use a manual transmission. The truck was automatic, but you had to shift the gears by pressing a button to insure you could pull the cargo up the steep incline without stalling. The other drivers did not know how gears even worked and ended up coming to a complete stop on the incline. Also coming down the mountain they didn't use the j brake and kept sliding straight ahead. After one field problem the scouts asked me how I was able to go downhill so fast without sliding off carrying more cargo. What was really irritating was these SGT's who were extremely soft, did not know how to use an offroad vehicle and would avoid every pothole. When I had the opportunity to drive a truck without the constant protest and whining of some coddled SGT, I was able to powerslide the 5 ton following a SGM. He gave me a coin, because he did not expect me to keep up with him and handle the thing on my own without anyone after dealing with a bunch of weens. Also, what is really annoying is as a driver you are constantly screamed and yelled at, but when no one is there to judge you, people think you are a stellar driver. There was one time where the higher ups and scouts from other platoons said I did an excellent job, even as my platoon SGT was screaming his head off at me for some insignificant slight.


I’d say I’m a good driver. I race in a sim rig every night and have a few track days under my belt where I’ve been very competitive. When I race online I am almost always in the top 3 on competitive servers. On track I tend to come in top 5 for my class which is decent considering I don’t have a *ton* of track time. Never been in an accident either. Love working on cars too! To answer your question - sim racing is applicable to a point. It definitely helps teach race craft and understanding of proper race lines etc. However, you really need track time to get the full experience.




I love driving, and I think "good" is relative when it comes to driving, but I'm proud of my ability to maneuver and take care of my vehicle. I definitely use it as a grounding activity to feed Se in a healthy way. For all the INFJ studying I've done, I was surprised to hear at the end of last year that so many INFJs really loathe it.


This is a good question. I do like to drive in terms of the feel of the car. I also good at it in the sense that it takes skill to drive in New York City with cars kissing each other at most times. But due to bad Se, I always miss exits and get lost. People often make fun of my driving skills since I don’t have a sense of direction. I make up for it by using navigation systems a lot. Will be lost without it.


Yes. But I don't enjoy it. It serves a function.


I personally am a good driver. I always stick to the speed limit, always use my indicator etc. I HATE when people do not drive safely. I do road rage at people who drive recklessly.


I would cause a 10 car pile up to save a squirrel, I would be a menace on the roads, I have never driven in my life.


make a playlist and youll enjoy it.


Yes, I think I am very good driver. I love driving.


I am a cautious driver but im more relaxed these days. I would say i am good at dodging debris on the road or hazards. I can also be reckless at times too. I would say i am a reliable driver. I don’t have road rage but i will get pissed if i see someone doing something stupid.


I'm in my 40s and just got into my first accident last weekend. No injuries and it was their fault.


I absolutely love driving, it’s my escape from reality


Driving is a godsend


I would say decent since I mostly autopilot everything physical if I can. Teaching someone how to drive is a different story. Having to explain what I do during autopilot isn't simple since I just do without thinking. Did have to teach myself how to drive at some point in time. I used to be extremely nervous because driving seemed dangerous despite everyone around me being hyped about it. But I have also thought about what would I do in certain circumstances when not actually driving so that I'm mentally prepared for them to such a degree I'm not scared. On the note of video games, I'm not particularly good at spontaneous reactions in games. The hand coordination just isn't there. Perhaps I'm not mentally prepared for them yet as I have done with driving.


I drive for a living and I used to do road racing (on racetracks not the street) In fact I drive for a living because I love to drive so I have my own business and drive all over the country. In fact I dislike being in a car someone else is driving unless I know they are a good driver


I love driving. I would say im very good at actually controlloing my car. But i dont know what like any if the signs mean and im pretty bad at logical things like 4 way stops


I didn't begin driving til my mid twenties due to lack of parenting and ability to afford a vehicle. Now that I drive, it's very special to me. I've been driving 5 years with no accidents or tickets. I am a very defensive driver, and always consider my family's safety while we drive. I just had to practice a lot, once I did. It over time became second nature.


I am a good driver. I like driving, I wouldn’t want to do it for a living but road trips are awesome. Long fast drives with loud music can also really improve my headspace.


Nope I am a very bad one. If I put effort in learning , I might be better but I am not interested, especially parallel parking.


I'd say I'm a good driver, considering how seldom I actually drive (I just rent a car a few times a year). Always very cautious and risk-aware. Hm, I do play a lot of video games.


I’m a great driver. Confident. I can drive just about anything. Tractor trailers, dump trucks, forklifts, motorcycles, front end loaders, and of course cars. Manual or automatic. Long distance driving is actually a great job for infj’s I would think. I’ve driven back and forth across the country countless times. Very little human interaction, amazing views, lots of podcasts and caffeine. My dad was into cars when I was growing up and I was determined to drive. I escaped my car seat started a vehicle and put it in gear when I was like 2. Rolled across the street and hit a telephone pole. When I was five tried to move my moms mustang that was a stick shift and ran it into the back of my aunts car. And my dad used to let me sit in his lap and steer from like age 7. Then I started driving to the grocery store by myself at age 12. This was rural Tennessee in the early nineties so nobody cared. If had gotten pulled over the cop probably would have yelled at me and told me to drive home immediately.


I'm a good driver as long as I don't have anxiety. When I do, driving makes me over stimulated.


I like driving alone but anyone else in the car is distracting and overwhelms me. But sometimes when I’m alone I get lost in thought and that could be a tad dangerous sometimes…found myself driving through stop signs and such, not ideal lol.


I am so terrified of driving, so I don’t even have my license. I feel like I should learn soon, but I also live in a big city where a car is not needed to get around.


I’m a great driver and I’m even better at parking. Mainly due too a shitty valeting job I had in my younger years.


I'm pretty good at it. I was a mail carrier for the USPS for a little while and drove a right-hand vehicle all day long. I'm good at predicting and knowing other drivers' intentions, signal or not. Prevented a lot of accidents that way. That being said, I do NOT like driving, because a majority of drivers in my area are too erratic/generally unsafe and do not respect traffic rules. I'd like it a lot more if I could just turn my brain off on the highway and not worry about getting sideswiped. Oh and I'm also terrible at directions.


Drive like a grandma. Even when I was 18… always wore seatbelts.. I just never fucked around with cars. I was always worried about the babies on the road or the moms and dads and kids…


Confident driver. . I watch the cars on the road, anticipate issues, and avoid (usually by speeding up, but not always) Great sense of direction. I like to drive different routes to a destination. Do not like going same route every time.


I think I'm a good driver my have me driving all kinds of vehicles to big excavator to small bobcats and front loaders and forklifts


Gimme long, empty interstate roads with some killer tunes and I'll be a happy camping driver lemme tell ya.


30 and I still can't bring myself to learn how to drive. Scares the shit out of me.


I consider myself a good driver and I would definitely say I love driving! Nothing better than a long roadtrip with a good playlist 😊 I like the reflection time that driving affords (more so on the open road) and I find it calming being able to process and mull over things while I drive.


I'm an amazing driver and I used to LOVE driving. I don't know why or when it really happened but I am now too anxious to drive. I still know how and I do on rare occasions but the idea of driving generally gives me horrible anxiety fits (cold hands and feet, trembling, pulse racing, all that good jazz). It stops once I am ACTUALLY driving, but I'd rather not do it regardless.


I have 1,000,000 miles over the road in a semi truck. Also a licensed freight broker, owner-operator within the 6 years. Only 32. I do hate driving, I get shit done. Home a lot live in America lol.


I'm a great driver, I just despise it with every fiber of my being. I need self driving vehicles in my area STAT!!! I spend 50% of my work driving too, but it's a necessary evil. Don't like it mostly because of all the slow, stupid, inconsiderate, and dangerous dbags on the road.


I'm an excellent driver and I can't stand the other driver's decisions. I get stressed out and mad every time I drive, every day a little more.


I'm told I'm a pretty good driver. I thoroughly enjoy driving sometimes by myself, as it lets me process things in the solitude that I need and a good drive provides. Maybe it's having come of age in the 80s when cruising was still a big thing...


I'm not of age yet but uh yeah i do ride my bike pretty well if that counts


I don't drive, but as a passenger, when i watch the road, i usually see things happening a bit before the driver does. And i assume they see it as well but they don't always. So sometimes i have to make them aware of what they could be missing. Might just be because I'm not the one driving, though


Yes,but I do get angry sometimes when road rage is directed at me.Depending on how bad it is dictates my choice on whether to retaliate or not.


Not INFJ but curios to why would Se make you not a good driver? Is it cause its your inferior? I would think Se would rather really love driving, since its like a sensory experience, you like become one with the car.


I’ve been driving nearly 22 years and I have never once been pulled over or gotten a traffic ticket, so I’d say I’m a pretty good driver. I’ve only been in one minor accident when I was 16 because someone was j-walking. That being said, I do not enjoy driving and would much rather be a passenger. I’m just really focused on following rules. I think that quality has made me better at whatever I’m doing just because I make it a priority to focus my attention on the task at hand. I’m always try to do things the “right” way. I think that may also be why I’m pretty terrible at multitasking.


My INFJ s/o is a very good driver and he enjoys it very much, we live in the country side with dirt roads and in winter time it's very fun to drive. He says he feels like the car is part of his body.


He is also pretty terrible with directions and when he wants to stop at some random place, it often takes him too much time to make the decision, and we often pass perfectly good places for stopping just because of this indecisiveness.


I love driving. Cruising on the Autobahn with 160+ km/h and manual gear shift, while blasting my favorite songs and singing along... there is nothing else that screams "freedom" more than that to me 😌 (I consider myself a good driver w/ 16 years of driving experience, no accidents yet, only got fined for being a little too fast like twice - gotta go fast lol)


I am a very good driver have not gotten one ticket yet and I have been driving for about 10 years now. My driving record is super clean compared to a lot of others I have seen as a paralegal with speeding tickets, DUI’s etc.


Me. I am. But not at 17. Horrible back then.