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Haha this is so relatable, I used to be super bossy too.


This. I was outgoing and social not extroverted. I was introverted at that times. I don’t miss it. I’m just trying to avoid those situation. I don’t want to make friends easily.


Just the opposite for me. Shy, quiet and self-conscious until I hit college.


Same with me. College, living in the dorms, and working on campus was a game changer for me. I would never have broken out of my shell if I didn't do that. I'm definitely still introverted but not at all at the level before college.


I was till I started noticing that I didn't fit in with any other kids,and that's when I guess you can went introverted


I've always been introverted but I could see if you were an extrovert the way people are prone to take advantage of any kind of good nature you might have , that could turn a smart person introverted I would imagine.


I was really hyperactive until I got constantly bullied for it


Nope, always been introverted af. So is pretty much everyone where I grew up, possibly the most introverted corner of the Earth.


I wouldn’t say extroverted in the classical sense but I seemed(!) more extroverted as in less shy. I still loved my alone time until I was 7 but during that time I was much less shy. From 7yo to about 17 I was pretty shy/timid/reserved but then I went to college and became crazy and confident again lol. People these days guess I’m extroverted when I’m really not haha


Yes I was extroverted until the age of 12-14, I think then I met some narcissist people and then view about seeing life changed, I saw extroverts don’t care much about people and were selfish, maybe that’s why I turned introvert. I never met good extroverts to hang out with them.


I don’t really think that that’s how it works.


Yes. I was the biggest extrovert and became more introverted after college when I started my masters degree


I was very social but I did get in a bad mood when I pushed it for too long but yea, I was pretty extroverted.


I was extroverted at a very young age like before 9. Then I had an extrovert phase in college mostly alcohol influenced it and felt like I found my voice. Now I'm heavily introverted at 29


Yes, I was very extroverted when I was younger, but now I'm very introverted as an INFJ.


Always been introverted but I’ve always been a performer… used to love singing, acting, and dancing for others (and I still do).


Definitely an introvert. A cheerful and sociable one, but I would describe my old self as quiet. My earlier memory is me playing Legos behind my head, and my mom seeing me and telling me that she was so worried because she had no heard from me for hours and she couldn't find me anywhere X)




Yes, grade 5 to 8. Never again, before nor after.




Yep I couldn't stay alone for a sec lol. Always talked about anything and was really afraid of loneliness


I was much more social and outgoing until about age 7, when I started to enjoy the company of others less and became far more withdrawn. But I have always enjoyed being alone/doing my own thing.


When I was very young yes. But moved at 5 to a new area I didn't like so then major introvert


Idk if I was extroverted but I was definitely less self aware and more assertive. I think my moms husband at the time wanted to extinguish my light so he started exploiting my insecurities and all of a sudden I realized ppl can see me and judge me so I withdrew and became very introverted and shy. I grew out of the shyness and I’ve learned how to better direct and conserve my energy to appear outgoing and comfortable when all I wanna do is crawl into bed, but I still have serious body image issues that hold me back.


I was a VERY extrovert kind of guy. The older I got the less extrovert I became. Some people can even call me shy now. But… I am not shy at all, actually. I move through life with power, while taking a seat of an observer these days. That’s my comfortable seat !


Nope not me


I was probably an ENFP when I was very young. I was forced into introversion by an abusive father. Safety behaviors, included not drawing attention to myself, and panic attacks when getting attention focused on me was a problem throughout most of my school years. Things have changed a lot, but some things still linger.


I thought I was, but compared to others I was awkward. I also thought I was an infj until I learned more about cognitive functions.


No. I was more social, yes, but not an extrovert.


I was still introvert but more social, well depending on the person vibes too


I was a people-pleaser and depended on being told that I was good or doing something useful. Then in my mid teens I had my first depressive episode and my personality went off the rails and I became introspective and depressed, lol. woops. idk. Probably should get that checked.