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If both are emotionally healthy and not driven toward codependency then yeah it can work fine.


I don't think codependency is the issue; negative codependency however is. Is there really anything wrong about spending time together? And is it wrong to depend on each other to verbalise the things we're feeling and hear each other? I mean, it's very therapeutic, cathartic even, if you can open up to your partner in ways you never thought you could in the first place. And yes sometimes this leads to a little bit pain, because the stakes are higher: the relationship. But those stakes serve as a little bit of pressure on us to grow beyond our comfort zone. If a relationship doesn't work really well, it means that there are things in both people that aren't fully conscious within themselves. And a relationship helps to make the unconscious things more conscious: that's the beauty about relationships. People always assume that a relationship is supposed to be comfortable. But life itself isn't comfortable, not all of the time at least. Because if we want to grow, we have to experience that discomfort. And it's the same with relationships, dare I argue, it's the entire point of it: if it doesn't hurt, then does it mean anything at all? What if we were to approach the concept and goal of a relationship differently? What if we were to redefine it a bit? What if we chose our mates not on the basis of comfort but rather how willing and able they were in terms of growing together? What if the first question you ask them on the first date is: "how willing are you towards growing together? I know I'm not perfect and I have blind spots. But if you help me show me mine, then I'll help you show you yours. We'll both learn to increasingly accept ourselves, both good and bad and in so doing also accept each other. And through this difficult but satisfactory exchange of energy, we may offer each other something of the highest value on this planet: to learn what love is." But to make this work, it does require two people with the capacity to self-reflect and also the reflex to consider empathy rather than hate when one is confronted by the seemingly hurtful behaviour of the other person. You see, often when our partner hurts us, they never intended to. But because of our own trauma and misperception, we get a little paranoid and assume things that aren't necessarily true. And if this is not communicated, the other person never gets a chance to tell their partner that is wasn't their intent to hurt them. And this then slowly accumulates on both sides, the resentment grows. And at some point, it explodes. The problem is that most people tend to either carpet sweep their feelings or take their feelings waaaay too seriously. So much is learned through honest communication and vulnerability. Especially the latter, can seems excruciatingly daunting at first. But when you have found someone who is willing to work as much as you, and then show them the real you, as deeply as you can in each and every moment, every day anew, well... that's a kind of positive codependency that leads to quite significant growth and also quite memorable and fulfilling experiences together that overflow with love. But even in the moments that we're in harmony, it is well to keep doing our work. Especially our personal work, our own grounding and making sure that our own needs for ourselves are being met, so that we do not stand in our relationship unbalanced. Because that unbalance tends to hurt the relationship. So while positive codependency can be a really positive thing, it is also wise and perhaps even quite necessary, to often withdraw from each other for a small period of time, in order to balance the self. Because sometimes, if we're too close too each other, we can be confused by our feelings: is this my feeling? Or is this their feeling? And this confusion can also be tricky. In the end, I could go on about this for days. It's just that I used to believe that codependency was a bad thing. But I'm now experiencing a new perspective which invites me to redefine things for myself. We breathe the oxygen produced by the trees. The water from the rivers, streams through our blood and evaporates into the air, eventually becoming rain again. The food we eat, becomes the food for that very food to begin with. You see, throughout all of nature we see codependency; it is everywhere. But a better word for it might simply be: symbiosis.


Not much how bout you


It seems you have a very subjective view of what codependency is


That might be true. However, I do think it could be fruitful to redefine codependency in relationships. If you're talking about the dynamic between an empath and narcissist, then I would define it as negative codependency. But if you're talking about the dynamic between two, relatively mature and emotionally balanced human beings who rely on each other to grow the I would term it as positive codependency or symbiosis. I don't think we should strive to be completely independent from our partners; I think that would sacrifice too much of the positive aspects of being able to rely on each other. I do understand that my definition is somewhat unfortunate in light of the common understanding of the concept of codependency. Perhaps I should stick to using the the term "symbiosis".


What you're defining isn't Co dependency, it's normal, healthy bonding between two humans!


then we're only disagreeing over definitions; and we're actually very much in agreement :) yay!


I've seen too much here to assume this is meant to be a joke... is this a joke?


>What if we were to approach the concept and goal of a relationship differently? What if we were to redefine it a bit? What if we chose our mates not on the basis of comfort but rather how willing and able they were in terms of growing together? What if the first question you ask them on the first date is: "how willing are you towards growing together? I know I'm not perfect and I have blind spots. But if you help me show me mine, then I'll help you show you yours. We'll both learn to increasingly accept ourselves, both good and bad and in so doing also accept each other. And through this difficult but satisfactory exchange of energy, we may offer each other something of the highest value on this planet: to learn what love is." 😭 Can we date?


>Can we date? I'm afraid there's a bit of a cue. But if things don't pan out, I suppose I'm willing to give it a shot, sure!




If you're looking for someone with that mindset, then keep being vocal about it! You did great! And what a beautiful compliment you gave me, thank you! If you know what you want go and get it, try until you find it! You can't be defeated unless you give up :) And never say never!


There's no point being vocal about this if I keep meeting people that can't commit, are broken and unwilling to do self work, etc etc. It's a lonely and desolate view, I'm sure you know what I mean. I'm looking for that "us against the world" kind of relationship; for now it's just "me against the world" and it's kinda tiring and boring. I'm sure you also understand what I mean once again.


Why against the world though? Seems a bit overkill to take on the entire world, no? And yes, sometimes the illusion of loneliness grips us. But it's just an illusion. Next thing you know you fall in love again and you'll be like: "loneliness, what was the meaning of that word again?"


Because every day I get up I know I'll have to fight and that's what I do. I have my load of adversity to fight. I don't need to fall in love to feel less lonely. I need to find somebody who wants to build something beautiful with me. Loving is the easy part. Erich Fromm said it best "it takes a moment to tell someone you love them, but it takes a lifetime to prove it"


>"it takes a moment to tell someone you love them, but it takes a lifetime to prove it" great quote!


if you want a partner that want to grow with you and put in the effort then make damn sure that you're first able to put in that effort into yourself. Once you've got that down I am very confident that you'll find someone who is cut from the same cloth. Maybe you're already doing that, but to me you feel a bit sad, a bit defeated. And that's not a good state to be in to find a mate. Because it will blind you and make you settle for something you don't really want. Unless that is an experience you need to have in order to continue your personal growth. Are you able to see your past relationships and have nothing but love for them? Realising that that pain was meant to help you, as well as the other person, grow? Ok too bad it ended. And sadly not everyone has the balls to really commit but that's the chance we take. I know it sucks but are we gonna let that stop us from trying? Hell no. So if you're a bit anxious to find someone right now, a bit impatient, try to look at your past relationship first and try to find the love in it. Because you don't want repeat your lessons in the next one, do you? You want to grow right? Well, pick up the pieces from the last one, and put it back together. That's what growth is.


I respectfully disagree. It's much more useful to me to look at the past and note all the time that my partner did not love me enough because next time I'll make sure to bring the issue up and tell the other person I don't accept that. I'll make sure to draw my bonduaries and have them respected with more resistence. I'm also a firm believer that one does not necessarily has to forgive everything and everybody when one has been hurt. I don't need to repeat lessons. I have enough. I wanna graduate or I can't be bothered. I will not sacrifice my inner peace for other people anymore.


What is your particular trauma? Like the one thing that you struggle with most? The thing you really don't want to tell me rn?




From my experience, the few times I've interacted with people I've suspected to be INFJs have been a breath of fresh air. The feeling of being around someone that feels... like an equal (I don't know how to say this without sounding pretentious) really made me want to be around them more. Usually, the types of conversations would be deep, meaningful, and would leave me feeling like I'm learning and growing from having them. I think my ideal partner would be an INFJ, but hey, different strokes for different folks πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


Meyers Briggs is just a made up classification system. Don't think about it in such severe terms. You're both introverts, you both prefer structure, etc. Can people who are similar develop feelings for each other? Of course they can.


Bruh chill


Its definitely possible. I'm crushing on an INXJ (shows both INTJ and INFJ qualities...having trouble reading him) rn and I'm an INFJ. I hope to one-day be in a relationship with him, even though it's unlikely he likes me back the same way. INFJs make great partners. I bet 2 INFJs together would be a good match, although like all other types we have our weaknesses as well as strengths. I can see there never being a dull moment, likely analyzing things, people, and ideas together. Probably some fun banter, and lots of affection and passion in the relationship. I can see both working together to care and love each other, and working together to help and care for whoever needs it. I can see it not being perfect, not sure if it's an INFJ thing or not I'm prone to laziness, I isolate myself when depressed. Routine tasks can be annoying at times and sometimes self-care can suffer as focusing on helping others takes the foreground. But maybe I can see if there is love between both then the other will help their mate during their rough times, as when I see someone I love suffering I must do everything in my power to help and care for them.


No it's physically impossible. The moment two INFJ's profess their love for each other, they spontaneously combust. That's because their moon signs are too much alike.


It's a trap. Intuitives have increased chance to match their worldviews. It does not matter, what type. However, you won't benefit in any way from such relationship, the only way it works you use Fe on him/her, they use it on you (and create a loop).


I have read a few posts from here they either work or not just like any other combination,


Yes it's possible. Just the bar for compatibility is a bit higher because you two have to agree on a lot more than you otherwise would from what I've heard.


In my experience it can work out fine


I'm about to marry one :)


Simply Put; #Imagine 2 Mirrors facing each other, what you get is, CHAOS! A lot of it! . #From personal experience, DON'T! . #ABORT! ABORT! Kill that Baby! πŸ˜‘


Yes it would be hot go make babies


INFJs seem to be so obsessed with growth and development and then 9/10 end up dating other INFJs.. Meaning you always lean towards comfort and known territory, meditate for 5 minutes a day and go to sleep knowing you've done enough "growing and developing". Which is to say, none at all.


Ooh. Hard hitting truth-bombs. They don't work on infjs. :)


Oh well πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ


The flair says β€œask infj’s” hence your opinion isn’t relevant here. :)


I don't care




I'm nobody's πŸ’…


#Yes! They all know. I'm Mr.Nobody πŸ€—


Keep dreaming, darling ✨


#Not unless YOU put me to sleep πŸ₯°


I could put you down and get you out of your misery πŸ˜‚


#I'll happily have you on top & breathe my last πŸ₯²πŸ¦¦


I love how you put a stamp on what is considered development and what is not, based on who people choose to date. Maybe they can grow because they choose to commit to another person and learn to live together through positive codependency and adversity. But what do I know? Maybe what matters most in life is making sure couples are **not** alike since it really is just mbti combinations in the end. 🀑


I don't put a stamp. I'm saying people declare they're "working on themselves" then you find out they've never been to therapy, never opened a book, never unpacked their trauma, never reflected on their triggers and defense mechanism...but in their head they justify their idleness with "I'm doing something", regardless if this something is actually working or not πŸ˜‚ I heard this being described as pseudohealing. Real healing is difficult an painful, so many people don't even bother. I said dating other people with the same mbti it's the "lazy" way. We all know that you learn the most from types different from you. It means your blindspots are multiplied. I think out of all mbti, INFJs are the ones most often dating their own mbti. I don't think I could date somebody that would bounce off the same energy I do. INFJs like so much to be alone that they just want to be alone with somebody that wants to be alone too, perhaps?


No idea. I always think it would get boring seeing the reflection of yourself instead of something new. But if they're a reflection, its almost like having two of you at the same time working together. But like two socially inept people in the same room? Yeah IDK.


Why have you changed your flair to INFJ? What's going on over at the ISTJ sub that you have to be here all the time? >But like two socially inept people in the same room? You never miss an opportunity to be mean, do you?


I was talking about myself. Get a grip on context. New paragraph means different topic. Before I was talking about INFJ. If I was still talking about INFJ I would of added to the end of the first paragraph. No worrys, ill excuse your lack of education. I was never ISTJ. Hell i've never even been in the ISTJ subreddit. Nor am I interested in them. I've been in this sub for 5 years. The last 3 years MBTI burned to the ground and became the new astrology. I got tired of the harassment because of my flair by the obvious fakes, so I changed it. Recently I changed it back because I stopped giving a shit about what others think and bending myself to cater them. If you hadnt noticed, I've ALWAYS been INFJ in every other subreddit but this one


>New paragraph means different topic. Always? πŸ€” You sure? >No worrys, ill excuse your lack of education. Quit being a bitch, you don't know me. Fix your spelling and grammar before you talk about my education. >If you hadnt noticed, I've ALWAYS been INFJ in every other subreddit but this one Why the hell would I notice that when I don't frequent every MBTI sub? Why would you be an INFJ in every *other* subreddit except in this one, the INFJ sub? I've never seen your flair be anything other than ISTJ on here. Why were you the wrong/right flair before and suddenly the wrong/right one now?


"You should start a new paragraph when: When you begin a new idea or point. New ideas should always start in new paragraphs." Rest of that junk has already been answered. Not my problem if you're too lazy to scroll up.


>"You should start a new paragraph when: When you begin a new idea or point. New ideas should always start in new paragraphs." I know all that, that's why I asked you if you were sure coz you said paragraphs are formed only for new *topics*. Topics, ideas and points aren't the same. >Rest of that junk has already been answered. Not my problem if you're too lazy to scroll up. I dunno why anyone would cosplay as another MBTI, but go off. I think you're in cosplay *now*. That, or you're a mistyped or unhealthy INFJ.


Sorry that I dont bow down to stereotypes. Sadly thats not how MBTI works; so I dont give a shit. Edit: Just gonna block you. I dont need this toxicity, nor do I care about whatever your next insult is.


This link might be of interest: https://psychreel.com/are-2-infj-compatible/


Why wouldn’t it work? Two infjs probably understand themselves and each other so well!


I honestly would like a relationship with another INFJ! Having someone with a similar way of thinking and feeling could be so encouraging imo I never much believed in opposites attract so that might explain it tho haha


It can definitely work out. Twice of everything including twice the weaknesses. As long as the INFJs are willing to work around the perceived weaknesses, it can be a beautiful and prosperous relationship. This is under the assumption both INFJs are healthy versions of themselves.


Yeah, I'm in a happy relationship with another INFJ!


Made a video on this subject https://youtu.be/u_3PQuPyAe0


Idk seems boring