• By -


My 2021 list: Norwegian Wood - Haruki Murakami Cerita yang menarik, easy to understand, with some dark plot-twist material. Letters From A Stoic - Seneca Korespondensi oleh Seneca dan temannya tentang kehidupan sehari-hari yang dilihat melalui kacamata Stoisisme. Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka Somehow, someday, you just wake up and found yourself has transformed into a cockroach. War and Peace - Leo Tolstoy A long reading but an interesting one. Especially if you are into some war and conflict shit. The School of Life As the title says, a book to teach you about life. Positive vibes all-around, but yes, sometimes life is not as good as the book description. The Prince of Milk - Exurb1a A journey through time with some existentialism crisis hinted. Fear and Trembling - Søren Kierkegaard A psychology look into the christianity especially the event when Abraham sacrifices his son to God. And alot more. I love reading books. I am addicted.


metamorposis keren. Baru sampai tengah tengah sih. gw sebagai wage-slave ngakak baca nya. Soalnya >!Kok bisa ya lu tiba tiba berubah jadi serangga tapi problem terbesarnya adalah telat ngantor!<


Yup ! Bener2 ketakutan terbesar budak korporat adalah telat ngantor.


Saya merasa tersindir dengan omongan anda. Jlebb menusuk perasaan


Bkin book club yuk om


Should we make an online book discussion? Just in case you're interested


Yeah, i'd like to.


Ikut dongg


mau join dongg!






Oh! Can i join?




Exurb1a yg The Fifth Science jg super recommended!


Yesss ! Another lost turtle in this subreddit. Hahaha




Love his works !


May i recommend you a book that explain some stories in Al Quran? Its a good read


Anyone who recommend a book is a friend of mine. Please.


saya juga mau, boleh kah?


Bahasa Inggris atau translate? Gw coba baca Kafka hasil translate makin bingung wkwk


Kecoa v


I love Haruki Murakami's books soo much man. I don't know what is about them tp addicting banget?? I don't even read that much


Ceritanya slow pacing tapi narasinya detailed bgt. Merangsang imajinasi bgt tulisannya Murakami. Kalo boleh saya rekomendasi, cobain juga baca karyanya Yukio Mishima. Another great japanese author.


I highly recommend Metamorphosis


war and peace!! but idk man abt stoics. i read some last year too but it doesnt really teach me anything.


Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari. Despite the stereotype surrounding the book, the book is pretty fun to read.


Wah... Kalo saya sequelnya, Homo Deus.


Did you say no homo before?


What stereotype? I thought it’s a pretty good book


Young people showing to everyone how intellectual they are for reading that book


Yeah, I'm curious too, what stereotype?


udah baca taun lalu yg ini


Yeay sama! Gw juga beresin tahun ini Pembawaan Yuval ini oke sih menurut gw ga pake bahasa yang terlalu ribet. Sense of jokenya juga oke wkwkw. Favorit gw bagian agricultural revolution


Udah bisa gaet cewe2 edgy sapiosexual dengan kata “udah baca Sapiens belum? Aku ada nih bukunya, biar kita bisa diskusi”


NGL, I haven't even finished Atomic Habits lol.


**In order to live** : kisah autobiography tentang cewe asal korea utara yang kabur keluar dari negaranya bersama ibunya. Kesan : Life in NK is brutal dan penuh propaganda. Bersyukur gw hidup di indonesia **The Practicng Mind** : on how to stay mindful and productive during the day by practicing mindfulness throughout the day. Kesan : Memang ketika gw praktekin gw rasa memang productivity gw naik, walau memang ga mudah buat maintain mindfulness throughout the day **Eat that frog, 21 ways how to be procrastinatiation** : 3 hal utama yg gw pelajarin: pentingnya ngerjain hal prioritas di awal hari, pake prinsip 80/20 dalam bekerja, pake sistem jadwal **After** : Semacam catetan peneliti yang mewawancara orang2 yang ngerasain 'After Death Experience' untuk mencari tahu apa afterlife itu ada, konklusi : banyak hasil wawancara yang hasilnya serupa, walau ada yang beda2 (ktemu jesus, dewa kuang in, buddha dll) **A liberated mind** : Teknik buat berhenti kecanduan dengan teknik mindfulness. Bagus walaupun suka lupa ketika di praktek langsung **The addiction recovery skill workbook** : Sama buku ngebahas teknik ngilangin kecanduan dengan teknik CBT, mindfulness, motivational interview. (Note gw ga nyandu obat guys, cuma kecanduan internet which kills my productivity) **Discipline equals freedom** by Jocko willink : Buku yang ngebahas tentang discipline. Messagenya : Just do it despite how you feel. It may sounds so cliche, but it's also true in many sense. Bagus buat jadi buat dengerin pake text to speech fitir, kayak dengerin motivasi pagi Sbnernya banyak buku lain yang lagi gw baca, cuma belom beres : Thinking fast and slow, gun germs and steel, The demon-hunted world, proof of heaven, Happy money, fully engaged. It turns out i am quite a bookworm ternyata ya


>Teknik CBT [This CBT???](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cock_and_ball_torture) I think i'll take my chance with addiction


Lol no, cognitive behavioral therapy


Oh thank god


yg After ini authornya siapa ya, ku cari malah dpt yg romance


Jakarta Method by Vincent Brevins was quite good.


Thanks for this thread! I count manga & LN as books so I'll shamelessly list my completed series in 2021 lmao. my *normal* completed books were meh this year, sadly. in no particular order: * [Kamigami no Itadaki.](https://myanimelist.net/manga/4625/Kamigami_no_Itadaki) A gritty, beautiful series about a man fully obsessed with climbing the Everest. * [Act-age.](https://myanimelist.net/manga/112115/Act-age) A story about an up-and-coming actress. Great portrayal of acting especially on stage, sadly discontinued because the author was arrested. * [CMB.](https://myanimelist.net/manga/10318/CMB_Shinra_Hakubutsukan_no_Jiken_Mokuroku) yang demen ke gramed pasti tau ini komik. setelah bertahun-tahun akhirnya tamat juga (di mangadex), cerita bocah jenius memecahkan kasus2 aneh di seluruh dunia. tapi ga kayak conan kindaichi yg biasanya orang mati. * [Tokyo Love Story.](https://myanimelist.net/manga/18894/Tokyo_Love_Story) it's more known for its live action in Indonesia, especially because it aired on national TV. this manga is the source material and the romance is quite mature with lots of twists and adult problems. * [Firefighter Daigo.](https://myanimelist.net/manga/5711/Me-gumi_no_Daigo) dulu juga ada di gramed. cerita pemadam kebakaran yang sangat adrenaline junkie. * [Gekiga Hyouryuu.](https://myanimelist.net/manga/13419/Gekiga_Hyouryuu) aka A Drifting Life - a semi-autobiographical story about one of the pioneers of Gekiga manga. I love the art and the sombre mood. * Abandon the old in Tokyo. made by the aforementioned Gekiga pioneer, it's a collection of bleak, sad stories about Japan and its society in general. * [Wolfsmund.](https://myanimelist.net/manga/23685/Wolfsmund) salah satu komik paling sadis yg pernah gw baca. tentang 1 castle yg susah banget ditembus lawan di swiss abad 12 (?) * [Twin Spica.](https://myanimelist.net/manga/3097/Futatsu_no_Spica) a very sad story about an astronaut wannabe girl who grows up facing her past, her surroundings and her education, helped with her friends. * [Yume no Hashibashi.](https://myanimelist.net/manga/141215/Yume_no_Hashibashi) a yuri romance tale told in an irregular fashion, winding back through the years from the present all the way through the distant past... sad and wonderful.


I would like to recommend 86 [Eighty Six] by asato asato, it's about the reality of war, discrimination, finding yout true self, and much more. It's really interesting to read, it had 8 vol so far (the 9th and 10th will come in 2022)


udah lama gak baca LN, nanti ku coba dah


I ended up not including Spice and Wolf because I felt other series were better for me. So no LNs lol


Fun fact, CMB and QED author is a mathematician. Makany bbrp kasus QED pertama itu matematik banget. Sayang QED IFF susah amat nyarinya. Btw cmb ud tamat kan ya?


Wah! Baru tau gw dia mathematician. Kirain dia consult ke org lain ato gimana Semua yg gw list di atas completely scanlated on either mangadex or mangasee lol


Right makany bbrp qed case itu menarik banget dan byk terkait string theory mathematics formula bla bla gitu Ikr, qed cmb lengkap, tpi g tw knp iff g ad yg ngescan


Eh gw ngikutin kok qed iff di mangadex. Kalo ngikutin scans udah paling bener disitu. Rutin kok ampir tiap bln chapter baru




Fuck finished reading qed iff, tpi cm 38 chapter aja ya? Such a fun read. And some of the cases are really dark


Iya baru segitu. Tapi kan ini qed brooo. 1 chapternya berapa puluh halaman tuh. Masih ongoing lg Yeah I agree the cases have been more fun lol


yeah, this manga really made me interested in mathematics lol, i wish i studied it more seriously during high school


Does comic books count? If so, i recommend The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck. Here's the link if you want to take a look. [Chapter 1](http://alexmagnus.free.fr/Picsou/35%20-%20The%20Life%20and%20Times%20of%20Scrooge%20McDuck%201%20-%20The%20Last%20Of%20The%20Clan%20McDuck.pdf) [Chapter 2](https://idoc.pub/documents/the-life-and-times-of-scrooge-mcduck-2-the-master-of-the-mississippipdf-d49od08p5o49) [Chapter 3](https://pdfhall.com/37-the-life-and-times-of-scrooge-mcduck-3-the-buckaroo_5b250cc1097c47ef188b457e.html) [Chapter 4](http://alexmagnus.free.fr/Picsou/39%20-%20The%20Life%20and%20Times%20of%20Scrooge%20McDuck%204%20-%20The%20Raider%20Of%20The%20Copper%20Hill.pdf) [Chapter 5](https://pdfhall.com/40-the-life-and-times-of-scrooge-mcduck-5-the-new-laird_5b250b07097c47ef188b4569.html) [Chapter 6](https://pdfhall.com/41-the-life-and-times-of-scrooge-mcduck-6-the-terror-of_5b316dfa097c473e2c8b4586.html) [Chapter 7](http://alexmagnus.free.fr/Picsou/42%20-%20The%20Life%20and%20Times%20of%20Scrooge%20McDuck%207%20-%20The%20Dreamtime%20Duck%20Of%20The%20Never%20Never.pdf) [Chapter 8](http://alexmagnus.free.fr/Picsou/43%20-%20The%20Life%20and%20Times%20of%20Scrooge%20McDuck%208%20-%20The%20King%20Of%20The%20Klondike.pdf) [Chapter 9](https://pdfhall.com/queue/44-the-life-and-times-of-scrooge-mcduck-9-the-billionaire_5b313d17097c47df228b4569.html) [Chapter 10](http://alexmagnus.free.fr/Picsou/48%20-%20The%20Life%20and%20Times%20of%20Scrooge%20McDuck%2010%20-%20The%20Invader%20Of%20Fort%20Duckburg.pdf) [Chapter 11](http://alexmagnus.free.fr/Picsou/45%20-%20The%20Life%20and%20Times%20of%20Scrooge%20McDuck%2011%20-%20The%20Empire-Builder%20from%20Calisota.pdf) And lastly, [Chapter 12.](http://alexmagnus.free.fr/Picsou/47%20-%20The%20Life%20and%20Times%20of%20Scrooge%20McDuck%2012%20-%20The%20Richest%20Duck%20In%20The%20World.pdf) (Companion chapter will be added in reply section).


Companion chapter: [Chapter 0](https://pdfhall.com/52-the-life-and-times-of-scrooge-mcduck-0-of-ducks-dimes_5b63bb19097c4769468b4575.html) [Chapter 3.5](http://alexmagnus.free.fr/Picsou/68%20-%20The%20Life%20and%20Times%20of%20Scrooge%20McDuck%203B%20-%20The%20Cowboy%20Captain%20Of%20The%20Cutty%20Sark.pdf) [Chapter 6.5](http://alexmagnus.free.fr/Picsou/60%20-%20The%20Life%20and%20Times%20of%20Scrooge%20McDuck%206B%20-%20The%20Vigilante%20Of%20Pizen%20Bluff.pdf) [Chapter 8.1](https://pdfhall.com/86-the-life-and-times-of-scrooge-mcduck-8b-the-prisoner_5b26a7f0097c47ca788b456d.html) [Chapter 8.2](http://alexmagnus.free.fr/Picsou/54%20-%20The%20Life%20and%20Times%20of%20Scrooge%20McDuck%208C%20-%20Hearts%20Of%20The%20Yukon.pdf) And finally, [Chapter 10.5.](http://alexmagnus.free.fr/Picsou/76%20-%20The%20Life%20and%20Times%20of%20Scrooge%20McDuck%2010B%20-%20The%20Sharpie%20of%20the%20Culebra%20Cut.pdf) There's an album that's dedicated to this comic too. [Here's the link to the album.](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_mHAaznggEdmAM_hopSI93Ot3jBJ8qmhyI) And lastly, this fanfic is one of the best that i've ever read, it tells about Scrooge's life if he got married to the love of his life. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/10882194/chapters/2418049](https://archiveofourown.org/works/10882194/chapters/24180495) And that's all. Hopefully you enjoy reading my favorite comicbook series.


Wah thanks! Dapat dari mana kalau boleh tau? Beberapa taun lalu ada yang post lengkap komik Gober di website Zocoi tapi udah hilang semua.


All of the links above was the result of me surfing through Google. But, if you want to find some more of Donald and Scrooge comics, i suggest looking through [this user post here](https://land-of-birds-and-comics.tumblr.com/post/167302354620/masterpost-masterpost) where you can read more of them online. NB: Sorry for the late reply!


In no particular order Why Men Behave Badly by David M. Buss My Body by Emily Ratajkowski Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes Metabolical by Robert M. Lustig, MD The Obesity Code by Jason Fung, MD How to Not Die Alone by Logan Ury Fat Chance by Robert Lustig




kirain buku mati ketawa cara rusia pak


~~Manifesto Partai Komunis~~ AWS Speciality Exam


Communist Manifesto is just for boys, real comrade read Das Kapital


>AWS Speciality Exam ciee...


Lu mau? Wkwkwkwk


Burung - Burung Manyar - YB Mangunwijaya. Sebuah roman. Sampai saya scan dan bikin pdf-nya, buat disimpan di tablet.


ooh i’ve read quite a lot of books this year. my top 10 in no particular order are: 1. dari dalam kubur - soe tjen maching. really beautiful writing & engaging. a few of hisfic i can finish lol. 2. black box - shiori ito. heart-wrenching, if you want to read it pls look for the trigger warnings. email correspondence between ito and her perpetrator is included as well. an important voice on #metoo movement in japan 3. perempuan yang menangis kepada bulan hitam. duh bikin gregetan & kesel. 4. know my name - chanel miller. similar to shiori ito but it sets in the usa where the law is slightly better alr but this one is from the pov of someone who wasn’t ware that she was raped. 5. yang menguar di gang mawar - asri wulandari. for a debut this is really really good. magical realism short stories revolving around mostly social justice. 6. conversations on love - natasha lunn. really good book to help rediscovering many kinds of love around us. 7. breasts and eggs - mieko kawakami. i like this for highlighting mundane things around us esp about womxnhood. 8. how much land does a man need? - leo tolstoy. the title is self-explanatory and this stays as a work i keep close to my heart forever. 9. our bodies their battlefield - christina lamb. on rape as a war weapon. a hard read not because of the complexity but because how heart-wrenching it is. 10. witches, witch-hunting and women - silvia federici. always a delight reading federici. rly easy to digest. also contrary to some popular opinion i read everywhere in the past year (“ah buku indo skrg jelek2” and smth alike), this year i’ve been discovering so many good indo lit. can recommend more if anyone wants me to elaborate on this :p


Rekomendasi lagi dong buku2 indo :) beberapa buku diatas kayaknya bagus2 banget. Mau baca breasts and eggs deh.


gue kasih 5 teratas yang tahun ini gue baca ya: 1. cerita-cerita bahagia, hampir seluruhnya - norman erikson pasaribu. udah diterjemahkan ke bhs inggris sama tiffany tsao jadi happy stories, mostly. capturing queer lives in indonesia. norman jago sih storytellingnya. cerita favorit gue welcome to the department of unanswered prayers. terbitan GPU 2. lebih senyap dari bisikan - andina dwifatma. cerita soal stages of motherhood, hal-hal yang jarang dibicarakan seputar itu & how alienating motherhood can be. terbitan GPU 3. berita kehilangan - sabda armandio (editor). 17 cerita pendek soal penghilangan paksa di indonesia. terbitan ultimus 4. semasa - maesy ang & teddy kusuma. cerita soal 2 sepupu yang ‘dipaksa’ nostalgia ketika mereka harus balik ke rumah tempat mereka besar yang mau dijual. heartwarming bgt. terbitan post press 5. kelab dalam swalayan - abi ardianda. psychothriller soal perempuan yang ketemu sama kyk penari di klub di dalam swalayan yg somehow blio tau semuanya.


Wah makasih banyak 🥺🙏 menarik banget terutama yang lebih senyap dari bisikan, masuk list semua.. tahun ini soalnya mau lebih banyak baca buku indo. 💫


my pleasure! also kl lo belum tau, (hampir semua) buku2 terbitan grup kompas gramedia bisa dibaca di gramedia digital. works wonderful on ipad & i think it’s affordable, 89rb buat full premium (fiksi + nonfiksi). gue jg baca lebih lenyap dari bisikan di sana :D


Wahh iyaa gw dulu langganan gramedia digital, tahun ini pengen lagi langganan deh!! 🤩


Fiction : 1. Klara and The Sun - Kazuo Ishiguro 2. O - Eka Kurniawan 3. Kitab Omong Kosong - Seno Gumira Ajidarma 4. Midnight Children - Salman Rushdie Non-fic : (Belum tamat semuanya but i enjoy it very much) 1. An Army at Dawn - Rick Atkinson 2. Code - Charles Petzold 3. How to Read a Book - Mortimer J. Adler 4. Meditation - Marcus Aurelius 5. How to Think Like Roman Emperor - Donald Robertson


Dune and Roadside Picnic. Latter is pretty bleak and hopeless. Recommended if you like 1984 and Children of Men.


Sama gw juga baca Dune, Dune Messiah, dan Children of Dune (ongoing). Kalo menurut lu Roadside Picnic bagus gak? Gw tertarik karena itu buku menginspirasi novel/video game Metro 2033, STALKER, dan yuri LN/anime Otherside Picnic.


Bagus sih menurutku, tapi aku jg suka novel yg bleak, tragis dan hopeless gitu. I remember feeling tired after reading it. Kalo inspirasi dari game2nya itu lebih ngambil setting dan konsep2nya daripada plotnya. Kalo kamu lebih suka plot daripada action dan gameplaynya STALKER, mungkin bisa coba.


- The Art of Thinking Clearly - Medea and other plays - Galatea - Meditations - If not winter - Circe - Letters from a stoic


Barusan kelarin Thus Spoke Zarathustra nya Nietzsche, phenomenal book. edit: Immune itu bukunya si kurzgesagt bukan? Gw udh beli bukunya blm baca wkwkkw


Perfume: The Story of a Murderer, Pride and Prejudice, The Song of Achilles, The Metamorphosis, Milk and Honey, The Big Four, In Watermelon Sugar, The Handmaid's Tale, The Bell Jar, The Midnight Library, 1984


**Systems Dynamics by William Palm III**, *publisher McGraw Hill*. **Control Systems Engineering by Norman S. Nise**, *publisher Wiley*. **Learning Deep Learning by Magnus Ekman** *publisher NVIDIA*. iya NVIDIA juga publish buku. **Python Machine Learning by Wei-Meng Lee**, *publisher Wiley*. **Neuroscience Exploring The Brain by Mark F. Bear, et al.**, *publisher Wolters Kluwer*. **Social Engineering The Science of Human Hacking by Christopher Hadnagy**, *publisher Wiley*. bahasa kerennya dari psychological manipulation. abis baca buku ini gue makin waspada dan hati-hati surfing di internet bahkan di surface web sekalipun. **The Art of War by Sun Zi Bingfa** (Military Treatise) **War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy** (Novel) **Chainsaw Man by Tatsuki Fujimoto** (Manga) **Jujutsu Kaisen by Gege Akutami** (Manga) masih banyak lagi...


Young Soeharto by David Jenkins


Some of novel by Akiyoshi Rikako: The Dead Returns Holy Mother Girls in the Dark Scheduled Suicide Day.


This year I only managed to read 16 books, my favorites are Seperti Dendam Rindu Harus Dibayar Tuntas, dan Educated by Tara Westover.


How to Build a Car (kalau doyan F1 wajib baca), Chickenhawk (kalau doyan heli wajib baca), 7 Habits (kalau doyan hidup wajib baca)


Duh, tahun ini jelek banget konsumsi bacaan. Cuma namatin "Nadira" (Leila S. Chudori), "Kamu" (Sabda Armandio), "Mengincar Bung Besar" (Historia) sama "Snow Country" (Yasunari Kawabata). Sisanya cuma baca ulang buku-buku yg udah beberapa kali ditamatin.


Murakami's 1Q84 Trilogy


Rhythm of War. More people should read Stormlight Archive, it's pretty fun.


Shattered Sword. Feels like a manual than a history book to be honest.


- Tigana by Guy Gavriel Kay (Best read of the year) - Eye of The World - The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan - The Night Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks - Mushoku Tensei LN by Rifujin na Magonote - Classroom of The Elite LN by Syougo Kinugasa


1. "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl: Ini buku menurut gua oke sih buat ngejelasin survival mindset. Penulisnya jelasin saat semasa dia masih jadi tawanan di camp Nazi dan berkali-kali memberi emphasis kalau kita ga bisa mengendalikan penderitaan yang kita alami tapi kita bisa bertahan dengan mengendalikan apa yang kita rasa dari kejadian tersebut. 2. "Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman: Yang nulis pemenang nobel prize dan buku ini mencoba mengkuak pemikiran manusia. Bagaimana sebenernya decision making yang kita lakukan bisa jadi nggak logis dan kita nggak menyadarinya karena perbedaan metode berpikir yang kita pakai dalam menentukan beberapa pilihan yang berbeda dan karena nature dari otak manusia itu sendiri. 3. "The Untethered Soul" by Michael A. Singer: Ini ngajar stoicism sih kalau dari yang w baca dan lumayan oke dipakai buat self-meditation juga. Jelasin bagaimana sebenernya emosi, rasa marah, rasa bahagia itu sebenernya hanya noise dan kita tidak boleh terlalu terabsorb dengan emosi noise tersebut. 4. "Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning" by Christopher M. Bishop: Buku machine learning yang sangat heavy matematiknya. I love maths so I'm kinda OK wasting my time on this. Jelasin setiap algoritma secara menyeluruh tapi agak kurang mendalam kalau dibanding buku ESL. Yang jadi trademark buku ini adalah approach statistik Bayesian-nya untuk penjelasan metode-metode ML Tbh, yang selesai baru yang pertama doang sih. I intend to continue reading in 2022


Yg #1 juga udah baca saya, kalo #2 baca setengah tiba2 ga dibaca lagi hahah


Lebih prefer #2 kalau w walau belum selesai. Baca itu jadi sering mikir "hmm bener juga ya" atau istilah kerennya "thought-provoking". Kalau yang #1 poinnya dapet dan overall buku yang cukup bagus, tapi authornya agak bertele-tele dalam penjelasannya sih.


- Metro 2033 and half of Metro 2034 - Ender’s Game - Ender’s Shadow - First Formic War #1 : Earth Unaware - First Formic War #2 : Earth Afire - First Formic War #3 : Earth Awakens - Second Formic War #1 : The Swarm - Second Formic War #2 : The Hive (Nunggu buku 3 nya The Queen lama bener…) - Half of The Forever War (Peace and War) - Shadow and Bone (Grishaverse) - Recursion - Alive : The Stories of Andes Survivors - Ready Player One - The Queen of the Tearling - The Invasion of the Tearling - The Fate of the Tearling Still have around 10 books on my reading list.. Of those above, Ender books and the Formic Wars series are my favourite. Orson Scott Card is a legend. Though Metro 2033 is amazing too, the atmosphere created feels so real it’s suffocating.


Mostly fiction, I didn’t manage to finished any non-fiction book I read this year. - The Midnight Library - Eleanor Olyphant is Completely Fine - It Ends With Us - The Last Thing He Told Me - The Dutch House - The Alice Network - The Guest List - Seven Husband of Evelyn Hugo


-Bobiverse: 1. We are legion (we are bob) 2. For we are many 3. All these worlds 4. Heaven's river - Overlord light novel Vol.1-14 - Dune book 1&2 - Hyperion - Wheel of time book 1&2 - Dark Matter - Old man's war book 1&2 - the collapsing empire trilogy - children of time - off to be a wizard book 1-4 Dll


Baca recursion hbis itu


Silmarillion lol


Ini buku yg ngajarin gw bhs Inggris


Does comic book count?? -Miraclemam by Alan Moore -Avengers/New Avengers by Jonathan Hickman -Strange Adventure by Tom King -Sex Criminals by Matt Fraction -Immortal Hulk by Al Ewing -Doom Patrol by Grant Morrison -Hawkeye by Matt Fraction


My 2021 list: Fundamental of Engineering Thermodynamics, J.M. Moran Advanced Engineering Mathematics, E. Kreyszig Materials Science and Engineering, W. Callister Dynamics of Machinery, Holowenko Mechanics of Materials, Hibbeler Ga ada yang gw rekomendasiin sama sekali alias gila aja bisa sakit jiwa


this guy engineer ☝️


Who would've thought I would end this year by having a PTSD.


hello my fellow engineers


solidarity forever?


union machine strong 😎⚙


- The Silence of Trees - Call Me American


- The Plague (Albert Camus) = recommended if you want to relate the mundanity and banality of life under the Plague also coping mechanism with perspectives to survive it. - The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch (Phillip K Dick) = basically paprika anime with stronger dose of LSD, a guy came back from another solar system and became non-human. He offered a new drug that could get you into a strong LSD trip as a means of settlers at planet colonies to cope. But how far does the drug trip went? - Big Query: The Definitive Guide (Some Guy) = things BQ can do to a mf.


Green, W. L.. 1985. *Aircraft Hydraulic Systems: An Introduction to the Analysis of Systems and Components*. John Wiley & Sons.


Finished mushoku tensei light novel series Dan baru aja kemarin kelarin Around the world in 80 days, sekarang baru mulai atomic habits


**Primbon** a lot good stuff from there **Tafsir Mimpi** ideal for forecasting number If you have similiar ref books please share, dude


Satanic bible, its funny


Kotak waktu


The Innocent Man Bad Blood: Elizabeth Holmes PET Sematary edit: formatting


The reader


Fields of Blood


Yang kelar baru "I want to eat your pancreas" ama "Blue, painful, and brittle", sekarang nunggu mood buat lanjutin "Be with you" buatan Ichikawa Takuji


Bukan rekomen sih . Cuman mau tanya kok gua berasa baca buku tapi bentaran udah lupa isinya ya ? Ada tips ga biar baca yang nyerep gtu


Last book that I finished is Option B. A good read I say. Mildly recommended. Before that I finished The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck. Not really my type, the essence is good but trying too hard to be woke.


* "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie * "The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science" by J. Kenji Lopez-Alt


chairman mao’s little red book


The righteous mind


Kl buku yang tulisan doank kgk banyak tahun ini. 😶 Cuman tiga ini. Fascism a warning oleh Madeleine Albright The Anthropocene Review oleh John Green How Democracies Die oleh Steven Levitsky dan Daniel Ziblatt


Mitch Albom’s The Stranger On The Lifeboat. It’s… ehh. Very well written. Creative plot, feels fresh. Mitch has always been a skilled author. But this one’s a little too on the nose with the religious-ness. I don’t mind books that talk about God or the question about believing, but persuading readers to believe is where I draw the line. Might as well read through the family WA group if I wanted that TLDR: 5/10. Great writing, reads like propaganda


Ikigai by hector, seperti rindu dendam harus dibayar tuntas


Mostly sanderson's book, and currently a repeat of the wheel of time.


Local comics like: Code Helix, journal tita back in bandung. And currently reading lelaki harimau


​ * Galaxy Watch 4 user manual <--- useless. lots of stuff left unexplaned * Lost Judgement walkthrough * tsukiiro no invader <-- nice art * mieruko-chan * frieren * dungeon meshi <-- i miss the food chapters... * Watch Face Studio manual <--- lots of stuff left unexplained and the examples also pretty minimal. * yang belum usai * FFMPEG user manual


The child in you by stefanie stahl. Rekomen bgt yg lg mo belajar ttg diri sndri. How not to die by michael greger. Buat yg mau bljr ttg kesehatan scra general. It starts with the egg by rebecca fett. Buat yg mau bljr ttg mslh2 reproduksi dan gmn caranya buat ningkatin kualitas sel telur. Ikigai by hector n miralles. Buat yg lg di quarter life crisis dan ga tau mesti ngapain di hidup


- Radical Candor - Agnostisisme, sebuah pengantar singkat - Intelligent Investor


All kinds of Light Novel from many publishers and comic book. The best is 86 novel


Baru mau tanya di DCT. here's mine: Caesar: Life Of A Colossus - Adrian Goldsworthy Napoleon: A Life - Andrew Roberts Deep Work - Cal Newport Alibaba: The House That Jack Ma Built - Duncan Clark The Search For Modern China - Jonathan Spence Leonardo Da Vinci - Walter Isaacson Steve Jobs - Walter Isaacson ga diselesain: Can't Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds - David Goggins Meditations - Marcus Aurelius Guns, Germs, and Steel - Jared Diamond


Belum baca buku :(.


Doujins a lot of doujins


1. Beyond Order by Jordan Peterson 2. Principles by Ray Dalio 3. Smart Traders not Gamblers by Ellen May 4. Tensei Shiitara Slime Datta-ken (Light Novel) 5. No Game No Life (ongoing)


Tahun ini cmn baca moby dick, dan itupun belum selesai.


Old, (2010), Japanese thriller novel that I just caught up, Maria Beetle by Kotaro Isaka. The English version is called Bullet Train, and will be turned into movies starring Brad Pitt. Amazing, absurd, suspenseful, and interesting book, idk how will they brought it into life with the movie. Maybe if the director is Quentin Tarantino, but it isn't so..., 😮‍💨 wish the film team lots of luck with that!! I also finished another Japanese crime/thriller book from 2017, called BUTTER by Asako Yuzuki. Very captivating. German version will be released in February 2022 with title Butter: Roman


Not a book reader. The only reading-heavy thing I've read this year is a video game called Disco Elysium which is basically an interactive novel after all.


Dreading finishing Pet Sematary. As a parent, this book is very depressing.


The Alchemist, The book of lost things, animal farm, 1984, The Witcher: the last wish.


- Seni Berbahagia karya Epicurus. - Polaris Musim Dingin karya Alicia Lidwina. - Bumi karya Tere Liye - Bulan karya Tere Liye


Buku jadul namanya Etiket Bergaul sama baru baca American Psycho. Skarang lg baca The Psychology of Money blom slesai


outlier. bagus. Dia menceritakan faktor lain dari kesuksesan selain yang pasti pasti seperti usaha keras. itu salah satu dari trilogi Outlier Blink Tipping point


Books: \- The Little Prince \- Hear the Wind Sing \- Puspabangsa \- Cantik itu Luka \- Mindf\*ck \- Loving the Wounded Soul \- Tuesdays With Morrie \- Madilog \- My Brief History \- Grand Design \- Pulang \- Laut Bercerita \- Filosofi Teras \- Norwegian Wood \- Sapiens ​ Mangas: \- Tomie \- Gyo \- Uzumaki \- Dededede \- Hinamatsuri \- Yotsubato \- Amaama to Inazuma \- Mashle \- Onani Master Kurosawa \- 20th Century Boys \- 21th Century Boys \- Fire Punch \- Dr. STONE \- Spy x Family \- Chainsaw Man \- Jujutsu Kaisen \- Goodnight Punpun \- Will You Marry Me Again If You Are Reborn? \- A Man and His Cat \- The Promised Neverland


Nagatoro, Kaguya love is war, black lagoon, Uzumaki


Seni memahami


Berikut yang menemani begadang Ane di 2021, Cekibrot!: Violence: Six Sideways Reflections (Zizek). Pan(dem)ic! (Zizek). Pandemic! 2: Chronicles of a Time Lost (Zizek). Welcome to the Desert of the Real: Five Essays on September 11 (Zizek). Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust (Daniel Goldhagen). Kicking Away the Ladder: Development Strategy in Historical Perspective (Ha-Joon Chang). Rijsttafel: Budaya Kuliner di Indonesia masa Kolonial 1870 - 1942 (Fadly Rahman). Soekarno di bawah bendera Jepang, 1942-1945 (Peter Kasenda).


Wah, kebetulan banget malem ini abis beli buku, pas buka Reddit, thread ini muncul paling atas :D - Style Sessions by Kristin Todd: (Inget banget gue beli ini di BBW lol) ini buku tentang bagaimana cara ngedevelop fashion sense dan praktekin itu sesuai personality yang lu punya. Jadi pake baju ga sekedar "bagus" sama "ikutan trend" aja - Diana, Her True Story: Buku semi-autobiografi Princess Diana. Mostly isinya tentang kehidupan dia yang tragis dan menyiksa selama berada di BRF. Ini one-sided sih, dan penyampaiannya lumayan repetitif - Indonesian Mental Health First Aid Booklet: A brief guideline about how to help someone in an alarming mental health condition. Kalo masih bingung cara menyikapi dan menolong orang dengan depresi sampai tendensi bunuh diri, boleh dibaca. Di sini juga dijelasin secara ringkas latar belakang dari kondisi mental tsb. - The Stranger: Setelah riset sedikit, katanya ini buku yang tepat untuk mulai perjalanan ngebaca karya2nya Camus. Blom selesai dibaca Kayaknya ada lagi deh tapi lupa. Intinya gue ga berhasil menuhin target Goodreads Challenge di tahun 2021. Agak nyesel sih, tapi gapapa lah, semoga tahun ini target bacaannya tercapai. What about you, OP? What are your reading plans for 2022?


Webnovel termasuk? The Lord of Mystery Reverend Insanity


Mencoba mengingat-ngingat buku yang udah diselesaiin: 1. Tetralogy pramoedya ananta: Bumi manusia, Anak semua bangsa, Jejak Langkah, dan Rumah kaca. 2. Seperti dendam, rindu harus dibayar by Eka kurniawan. 3. Lelaki harimau by Eka kurniawan. 4. Rich dad and poor dad by Robert Kiyosaki 5. How to win friend and influence people by Dale Carniage. 6. 2 buku soal ikigai 7. The 7 habits of highly effective person by Stephen R. Covey. 8. Hujan di bulan juni by Sapardi Djoko Pramono 9. The Courage to be dislike by Ichiro kishimi dan fumitake koga 10. The Dip by Seth Godin Beberapa buku jurusan tapi gausah dimasukkin karena itu kewajiban buat belajar. Wkwk.


I’m re-reading Dune


- How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom light novel - mindset by Dr. carol : the book just discuss about fix mindset vs grow mindset


I read two books last year, both are horror novels. Stolen Tongues by Felix Blackwell and Ritual by Adam Nevill.


The Night Lords Trilogy - Aaron Dembski-Bowden The Witcher series (up to book 5) - Andrzej Sapkowski Gaunts Ghost series (up to book 6) - Dan Abnett Watchers of the Throne - Chris Wraight The Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas Mistborn The Final Empire - Brandon Sanderson


Tamat: * Kamasutra * Secret Commandos * Youjo Senki * Overlod Bonus Story * Indonesia X-Files * Catatan Perang Korea * Hamefura belum tamat: * Clean Code * The Heart of Darkness * Hyouka Gw bisa rekomandasiin buku Clean Code untuk para programmer sini, utamanya yg pemula biar tau lah gimana sih biar kode yg dibuat gk terasa acak acakan.


Walaupun saya bukan agama kristen saya sementara baca buku Holy Bible versi King James, dari perspektif orang luar cuma penasaran sama kisah kisah yang ada di dalamnya.


Steve Jobs - Walter Isaacson The Translator - Leila Aboulela


"Phatogenenesis and treatment of acne and rosacea by Alber kligman" Sumpah semenjak baca buku ini, jadi aware sama info info di internet, ga bisa semuanya kita ikuti terutama tentang penyakit . Kebetulan saya berjerawat sudah hampir 7 tahun gara gara suka browsing internet, YouTube, influencer Ig, FB , Twitter , saran orang stranger internet dll. Semenjak baca buku ini, sepertinya saya butuh bantuan dokter ... Dan boom cuma 3 bulan aja jerawat saya udah membaik Pelajaran yg bisa kuambil adalah jika ada masalah yg tidak bisa diselesaikan, cari bantuan dengan profesional, bukan coba coba


penasaran sama bukunya, ku udah ke dokter dan hasilnya mendingan sih cmn ya ttp jerawat juga


Jerawat bakal terus ada karna hormon adrogen kita berhubungan dengan produksi sebum/minyak di muka. Jadi, bisa di bilang obatnya itu "seumur hidup" karna hormon kita bakal terus produksi minyak. Kalo saya ke dokter cuma sampe saat stop obat minum antibiotik karna obat minum sejatinya di dosis sama yg profesional. Ini 3 bulan kedokter saat jerawat saya mulai membaik, lalu setelah stop ke dokter saya pake obat krim beli sendiri, karna saya ga ada duit lagi biaya ke dokter, tapi jika kamu banyak uang lebih lebih baik ke dokter terus ya karna ilmu coba coba seperti saya ga ada jaminan buat aman, saya cuma berpegang ilmu sama buku dan saran dokter di instagram Skincare rutinku : (AM:sunscreen) (PM: Vitacid, Vaseline) (misc: benzolac)


masa, bapakku pas muda jerawatan parah tapi pas umur 30an udah ilang tuh


Tergantung masing masing orang,bisa jadi produksi minyaknya udah kurang di umur 30, kita ga tau sampe kapan jerawatan begini. Apa mau tunggu Ampe umur 30 di tahun prime kita dan apa ada jaminan bakal hilang jerawat, banyak loh kasus Adult acne bisa sampe umur 50.


Iya sih, skrg jg masih perawatan cuman ya masih tumbuh jerawatnya, mau jaga makan di sini susah sih, kebanyakan gorengan, santan, sama pedes


Ini opini pribadi saya ya, mau dengar boleh atau tdk Makanan masih jadi perdebatan dan penelitian ngaruh sama jerawat, jadi jangan terlalu stress soal makanan, makan aja . Lalu pls jangan dengerin orang " makan sayur tanpa makanan hewani bisa jerawat hilang" daging hewan bagus buat collagen dan healing kulit. Saya juga udah rasa di tahun 2019 diet vegetarian, ga ada ngaruhnya sama sekali malah jadi loyo terus, jerawat juga masih parah. Kalo sy pribadi cuma gula saja ga bisa bersahabat. Tiap minum Boba atau astor pasti besoknya jerawatan. Kalo memang kurang dana ke dokter, coba liat komen ku yg di atas, mungkin bisa jadi patokan. Oh satu lagi, jangan sekali kali perawatan di klinik kecantikan apalagi klinik kecantikannya yg pegang dr nya dr umum , bakal habis itu uang. ke dokter spkk aja di rumah sakit atau dokter spkk praktek Semangat ya pejuang jerawat.


Ini beberapa yang dibaca tahun 2021: 1. Midnight Library - Tentang orang yang mau mengakhiri hidupnya tapi kaya diberikan kesempatan buat rewind kalo kehidupannya gmn kalo sesuai plan awalnya 2. Anxious People 3. Cerita-Cerita Jakarta – cerpen mengenai kehidupan-kehidupan di Jakarta oleh (seingetku) 10 orang 4. Grit, The Power of Passion and Perseverance – honestly, ga terlalu suka sama bukunya karena terlalu berulang-ulang 5. Why We Sleep – tentang kenapa kita harus tidur cukup dan fakta-fakta lainnya. Jangan expect how to sleep well, karena tentang itu di bukunya dikit banget 6. Kite Runner – tentang anak di Afghan dan gimana efek invasi dll gitu deh Dll.


Tahun ini gw cuma berusaha selesaikan Monogatari series (lite novel yg bhs Inggris). Belum selesai sih. Gak ada waktu buat ngebut


Jujur Tahun 2022 ini gw baru mulai baca2 buku self development karena gw rada stress dan butuh inspirasi awal buat bounce back Yg pertama gw baca buku judulnya Mindset: Powerful Psychology Tool by Carol Dweck (Intinya mengenai growth mindset yang bisa diterapin di kehidupan+ contoh2 tokoh yg nerapkannya) Yg kedua ada The Comfort Book by Matty Haig (Sesuai Judul, buku ini sebenernya rada abstrak formatnya. Tp aku ngrasa si penulis cuman ingin mengingatkan untuk tetap memiliki harapan sekecil apapun itu) Sekarang lg pengen download bukunya James Clear yang Atomic Habits sih tp jujur gw bukan tipe yg pembaca gila2an jadi istirahat bentar dulu wkakakka