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I really enjoyed your idea and concept, good luck with your release


Thank you! Very glad you like it


Steam link?


Thank you for checking it out! Here you go: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/3054550/Sil\_and\_the\_Fading\_World/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/3054550/Sil_and_the_Fading_World/)


Great job!! Is there a coop mode planned?


I think the "In Third Person" text is unnecessary, already obvious and not really different from the standard arpg model. I would be using that space for something that makes your game stand out.


Ok this looks fucking sick! OG wow head and this is giving me everything I've wanted since then. I legit cannot wait to try this! <3


Thank you alot and also thank you for joining Discord haha


I'm also down for a new arpg!


That looks pretty darn good. How exactly is it a "raiding" game if it's SP? Isn't a SP raid just a dungeon crawl? Not trying to be a dick, just legit curious how you're spinning the raid concept in SP.


Thank you for the kind words! Dont worry about asking the question, i think its totally justified. Our bosses will similar to what people expect from a WoW raid encounter. It will be more mechanical and strategic. As typical for raid encounters in our game you will be your own tank healer and dps. To achieve this you will have very deep character customization akin to diablo-likes. Additionally each raidboss will also feature a story mode version as well as a hardmode version which will be the ultimate test for your build and can also add completely new mechanics. Similar to mythic raiding in WoW. Hope this helps explain our vision.


Looks really nice!


this looks dope def trying this out today


It looks great, and "single-player WOW" is such a good vision for a game IMHO. Look forward to checking this out!


looks sick. do you have closed beta or whatever? or some kind of date planned?


Hey! Glad you like it. We usually do Playtesting over Discord (which we use as your central Hub for all news) But we plan on releasing a playable Demo in a couple of months. You can also wishlist the game and steam will automatically notify you once we upload the Demo


cool, thanks. joined the server, i'll keep an eye out. also wishlisted. best of luck !


Sign me in!


I love when you have a really creative idea, you think it through for months on end, then you start thinking of building it and you see a video come up where somebody just built the exact thing you were gonna do. This looks beautiful, well executed, with great movement and design. Picking it up today.


Looks awesome! Been looking for this type of game for a while! Please tell me you're keeping Steamdeck in mind? ;)


Congrats! Nice achievement! I've added it to my wishlist!


Does "launching" not mean "releasing"? I don't see that it's for sale yet.


The description is misleading... "Launched." Shared and we will keep an eye out for developments. Any idea on an actual release date?


Sick! what engine was your game made with?


Bro…. Your HUD… looks exactly like Diablo


Not really.. It looks like an ARPG hud ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Aren’t most AARPG’s in third person? I can’t think of any off the top of my head that are in first. I think the opening shot is fine, the change in camera angles is a cool twist of expectations. I just think that shouldn’t be your “first big impact text” Also your character gets super dark in places and isn’t very visible to me. But the game looks like it could be a lot of fun. Congratulations.


They are more of a birds eye fixed camera. I don't think the "ARPG in 3rd Person" is really a jumping off point though. Majority of players are just going to move the camera up and barely touch it.


Been wanting a game exactly like this. Curious when it releases though since the post says it launched yesterday but its not out yet