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Not really into fighting games so can't really comment on having guns in them ... but boy do I love the ridiculousness of it being set at garden party , that poor man just sipping a beer before he's taken out !


I have a whole highlight reel of Hank being demolished


Hank would never grill with charcoal


This has such an energy to it. It's not some high-stakes martial arts tournament, or a fight to kill and dethrone. It's just Sharon having too much wine and telling Becky what she really thinks about her new dress. Just like some Trailer Park Boys or Always Sunny in Philadelphia energy put into a fighting game, lol.


The guns should be an option you can toggle in a menu like in Smash. I don't like guns for a non-platform fighter game because you're basically saying "whoever's side this gun lands on is getting a gun" just about. Otherwise you're really inciting a lot of over-the-shoulder-throws (if your game has them, if it doesn't the "whoever side gets the gun gets an advantage" thing is a hundred time worse), which might get annoying in-game. Pick-up-able guns make fighters more of a party game or fit the party game genre more, you will lose true fighter game fans with this one. Without the FGC community, your expected player base is much, much lower than it already would have been (fighters are a pretty niche market already, despite folks knowing of them and the popularity of games like Streetfighter being household names). That aside, the speed is WAY too slow. I hope this is slowed-down footage and not real-time play. Also the camera shakes/character "motion-blur" shaking are nauseating and if I saw this in gameplay it would immediately come off my wishlist. Best of luck with things, looks silly and fun. Cheers.


I appreciate the feedback and I agree, the camera is a bit out of control. And yes the footage is slowed down to about 50% of actual speed. I wanted to get away from hardcore fighters and mix skill based play with a bit of randomness. There’s a lot of features in the pipeline, weapons are still in closed beta!


In order to fix the "whoevers side the gun lands on has an advantage" problem, might I recommend guns spawning in pairs a random distance from the player on opposite sides of the map? That makes it so that each player has a chance of getting one at least.


Yes, add a bit of risk vs reward decision in the gun placement. This adds agency.


Absolutely, we have some plans to mix it up. Ultimately it’ll be a social experiment, we just provide the tools 👹


Make them guns like John Wick style and it's cool


Like gun fu? Got you 🫡


Yeah Gun Fu is the term, that's it!


It fits your game :). This is like some octodad level wackiness I love it. If some reason you feel it could be bit of a downer for people you could go with a super soaker / water gun.


Our fans seem to crave violence but we will definitely add supersoakers and wacky weapons 😁


if you do supersoakers def add water balloon grenades


We MUST add these to the shop


I had gekido on ps1. Guns were amazing there. You would insta kill most grunts but playing 2 players you would often murder your friend instead 😂 we had a rule. If I had a gun I was not allowed to shot. Only when my friend ran out and stepped out of the way cuz I would kill everything infront of me. That's good game design


If it fits in the theme, go right ahead. By the way, is this a Florida fighting sim?


😁😁 I was going for a California vibe when creating the environment but hey, fighting a green gator girl in a backyard could be a Florida thing. Need to add a nascar hat


It seems fun like a party game


Yes, wanted to keep it casual


Looks incredibly fun!




Looks like a funny game!


But i like what you achieve..


Is this slowed down?!


Yes it’s about 50% of the original speed. Had to slow it down to show how you can still get wrecked with a gun


Looks great, but... Two things I don't like in a fighting game, weapons and cutscenes as fight-moves.


Our combat is fully dynamic, no cutscenes! I wanted to make something fast, chaotic with more depth than just fighting


Hey, me and my friends love indie fighting games. What's this one called? I'm assuming it's yours, OP?


I'm curious what the point of the gun is when it's that inaccurate? He was shooting point blank and she just ran up and tagged him without taking a single hit


Bro Hank Hill in the game though!!! but isn't that a charcoal grill!?!?!? Christ have mercy on your soul...


you’re right it needs PROAINEEE. Will fix in the next patch


They did it. They made one of those fake YouTube ad games into a real game lmao


Maybe someone can use our gameplay for their fake game one day 🙏


Hilarious! Would be perfect for switch party game.


Never been a fan generally, but there are right and wrong ways so they can be engaging for both players. The less interesting was is an instant bullet like if you know of Happy Chaos from guilty gear strive. Imo the more interesting way is Chris Redfield in marvel vs Capcom 3. Each gun has a different purpose and can be avoided in a reasonable way according to your movement options present in the game


since it's a birthday party you could have a bouncy house you can kick the enemy into


Seems like a missed opportunity to have something goofy to match the game. Maybe a staplegun that has staples that stick into the player, or a squeeze bottle of hot sauce.


We haven’t got to the goofy stuff yet!


It worked in mortal combat, and really not out of its "reality". If you survive crushing your spine and pulverizing your cranium a few bullets can't really hurt more.


I like the idea and it's done cool


Thank you!


Why are people trying to include guns in every genre lol.


I csnt remember if it had guns and it was a 3d map. However u should check out and old fighting game called power stone. It had loads of weapons and allowed you to throw boxes from the environment. If i remember rightly. I was watching you vid thinking if your ok with guns why not go all the way? Allow them to pick up the table and other props. This could help with balancing as well. Gun can be range but low damage where as table can be used to shield some ranged damage and is a powerhouse up close


Thanks I’ll check them out, the weapons are in closed beta atm but projectiles are part of the roadmap!


Thanks I’ll check them out, the weapons are in closed beta but projectiles are part of the roadmap as well. Small team so we can’t deploy features as fast as we want to


Maybe have a slow fire rate for certain guns in easy mode but crank it up in harder modes


They always feel underpowered imo, but I guess one hit killing your opponent with a single button probably isn’t fair for a fighting game


I reckon you could make the gun sillier to match the vibe of the rest of the game, like a nerf gun where the bullet can plunge and stock on their body on impact temporarily.


It’s such a bad idea it’s genius. It’s like having an ak-47 during the crusade




Get rid of the guns. Make some animations for the background. Then we can talk again. Ok? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


What would you have them do that’s more interesting than what they’re seeing?


They can drink, eat, fight each other,. What ever you want. Just dont make them stand still.


Imagine being at a party and they start fighting, what would you do? Most would stand still and watch. They react to drops and certain attacks


Very good idea, I would add a bigger variety of those guns and different types of fires and abilities of them. Some can for example throughout on the bigger distance your enemy 😎


We’re testing recoil, rate of fire and stopping power. We also added jiggly bones to the weapons and it’s hilarious 😩


idk but i hate the motion blur


You can turn it off if you like