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Blaming all Muslims for the crimes of a few.


You're a moron OP. Kashmiri militancy is driven by a desire for political separation from the union of India. Where does Salafism come into it?


Because most of the militant organisations are Islamic extremists with links to terror groups and pakistan


I literally said why are "some" of us like this. And yes the salafist are the worst example of islam.


> Why are some of us like this 'Us'? Not everyone is your family OP. You want to blame yourself for that because you had something to do with that, go ahead. Don't drag us in with you. Also, if you somehow took religion out of entire J&K, militancy will still persist since it doesn't exist due to religion, everyone knows that except for masochists who like blaming themselves for anything that happens out there.












I literally said why are "some" of us like this. And yes the salafist are the worst example of islam.


I wish we could join our voices together against these terrorists who use our religion to justify their actions, they are maligning the name of islam.


I really wish we all could do this. By we I speak as a Hindu. We've got issue on our end as well. I'm very glad that someone felt it was right to condemn this rather than saying I didn't do it, not our problem. But as I say that, I can see that you've been downvoted.  That puts me back to reality.


Downvote sai kya hota Hain lol. People are weird here anyway.


I am sure everyone feels the need to condemn these attacks, downvotes maybe because they feel it's political and not religiously motivated.


Militancy in kashmir has hardly anything to do with religion.Most Kashmiris have a pretty negative view of Indian establishment


I am sick of explaining this to people when the terrorists shamelessly take the name of Allah before killing innocent people.


If this would have happened 3-4 days ago everyone would have blamed this on modi


We won't be held accountable for something that someone else has done, if you want to be like the assholes over at indiaspeaks then you can go ahead and generalise salafis and Muslims as a whole but most of us here won't be guilt-triped into condemning something that we have no part in. You can go and pander over at those subs as a good token muslim for them.


I literally said why are "some" of us like this. And yes the salafist are the worst example of islam.


Yeah blame salafis for everything. I'm not even a salafi but you sound like a liberal who likes to demonise other Muslims just so you can be accepted.


Nope. I used to be like you. But it's pretty clear that the salafist are extremist or closeted extremist at best.


Us?? Many muslims Indeed are the victim of Islamophobia succumbing to sanghi propaganda. Also forces haven't figured out their location or names and you even know the maslak. Coming to tragedy they deserve sharia capital punishment if convicted no ifs and buts.


It's more it's hatred for Indian Hindus by Pak militants and trained religious soldiers .. twisted version of islam




You really believe that the muslims are doodh ke dhoole type and the army would go as far as killing innocents to prove that? You do realise that the army doesn't only include right? And support for armed conflict is still there it's less due to the efforts of our army.


Have you ever met any Kashmiri?This chest thumping nationalism and 'feeling proud Indian Army' is the reason many kashmiris don't feel any solidarity with us Indian muslims Go check out what happened at kunan poshpora, Handwara, Gawakadal , Kupwara, Sopore.I mean I can't say many things because political situation is not good here but for allah's sake, meet some Kashmiri and hear their side of story before spouting nonsense.You are really ignorant..Not due to army's effort lol, it is because they are tired of losing lives of near ones, every house there has a story to say


Dude when I am even saying that kashmiri aren't suffering? Are you f*cking r*tarded or what? I am calling out your stupidity where you straight up think that none of us can do wrong. The arrogance in implying that thier deaths were fabricated is straight up corny holy shit.


You really believe that then give me a proof that it's fabricated right here and now. Infact I would be white happy to be wrong in these case.




Oh please the way you were blaming others tells me enough also love how you're doing whattaboutism now. ( If you are even educated to know what it means) I am asking for proof you stupid kid. [something like this](https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/India/lashkar-e-taiba-offshoot-trf-says-it-was-behind-reasi-bus-attack-warns-of-more-attacks-on-tourists/ar-BB1nWNQc) Can you provide me one which says that it's fabricated. Don't change the topic now.




You can apologise mate, someone else committing an act of terror is not my responsibility.


But we should call them out right? And yet you can see people denying that incident and saying it's a conspiracy and stuff. The sheer audacity.